The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 21, 1825, Image 4

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I, It I ■ ttt ...aJJW.'M—iM ’ I W,a\ Va slate V'ov 6u\t. v fin UK. !! i’i- Hint 1...i on Kips. Street, »t presci. JL >cc>i|»le»l by M ■ .(.ms S. Coomb-.--The H" 11 and Lot on Broad-* occupied by Mr« M« BKCC \ CopKK —T‘ " UiiOg. and Lot on Telfidr.fc occupied by M. n. I' M Pcut’is. rI.C Mouse ands. n l‘.»- ie-rt, formerly occunied bv J. H. Kjmbkll. U * pres. nt b Mr. Laruiior. A LSD — The Coml fl mse Square in.d Dwelling of tin Sub criber Fur, term*, the present rents, amt poMCssior.- - Apply io ’ . Samuel Ha**. D-cember 17 Idi ft’S.ea* aVtuH. / mife. ON' Wediu ‘-iuy, the 26'h »w*t. at ten o’clock, A. M. wid be soul in a' 'he hull ut the late <h>l Nicii' Wana h paid of 'ln p. rmmal proper*i', b .ongi -g to his estate. Tl ■ terms to purr iusers, will he bberal, anil m si ol the articles offered of the best quality. Aniouo other things to be hen sold, sue iKalving Uoinu Furniture, Bro»se!l« Carpets 1 eantifnl s is Ten and I* it t in... 11 has \V m , some plan o' fine and tie In nabU- ’vorkirvnghip, and sonic j • cho re old W mo. A I.ibr.iry of l.iw Hook- j vdl mlm hi t? red for sale, Susan Hi Vtofyifctfx&JttrUy W. \V. IfiiU. K.vecU*d»*'i ; ,T nuxn 14 4* AH ViX,ei* tin the first t'u s.I ,y in VI .ri h nex ,at Vi o’clock Will be » dd at the Ms ket-Hou e. One Lot L\N B, S3O Vi res, No 1 I'l9, lentli 1) ir cl Mary Comoy, belonging to the Estate of .lull- VVn,t« '\ deceased. Hi/ D' lh i vs the Executor*. , s ■•—jnii.nohV-^go ifl t) -r -- 1 vTI " ?■ ,54 *VvVm\ d’v* U* mUu* ’6 cn\W. f’ nuticf. , A DRF.E MILK to «n r.l r obtained from ill. liuir-CH if die Inuriur Court of Count), when s-Mi-i' •rOi di r.ry pnrpor -i j mu UK sou j, at (tie Coot ! Mni < lour, in tin flirt’ll of Waynes '| borough, beiweeii tie iinul sale hours, on tit firs* r.i s< l },• in A [it il 11 x’ All tliai. Lot nr Tract of Laiftl, lvi j; and t> ■ og n le ‘ mnly ol (lei. v.conuie ing trt’u liuodred two one lid ' acres in Land f in lie’ fifdi Dirliic*, number siroi. Sold fn the bench' of the hens mu 1 , c editors of On. tisdltce, jni’f. I«*• if Hi ekt (;..ui iy, deceased. I John Skinner, *idm’r. Jl'niii’l t/'orr.’ fsui• i" i lß2i Lit .8 s 'Mffill's Sait 1 . Will Wo sold on the li st lue .day m Februan next, at the ! tourt llin-e, in the (own of \t ay ties borough, Hurke comity, within Sid ■ Itniis : , 3ft Veres of Lanti.atV; 011112, Land* of Will i K.i am otlu r->, lev'i.-i on a die pin' petty ot fliclntrd Brack, to satisfy two f> fas v favour of Will .u U c ..I'll. The ninth part of hye N ('tildes,! v 't* Aggy, Chur oe, Aqui. a .ml an., it . ] . lulled on as Ibepropri t ot P I nnn i \\ Use to satisfy C. ih iiison, . Jmmis, at. r u ( J.'lm At I kinson. s- *i.»n— One Negro woman named, Ur sey .»• tl In r clnni, (>e ig , !util un as till* pro pot ty of Edmund y, ci.,sc c ,■ , satisfy n ex rn htn n, tav’ ir ol bu m 1 H returned by i constable, . * . • ALSO — Tin ■ee . Negroes, * vf'. Hampton,: * ** ■' ' otd Veiny, levied tm as tin f>r ll , vl'ylfe. b. -pile U . Utoiiiil, io satlr.iv an ex •cution in fit t ir David Fay lor, against A 1), aiurg ■*, Su jili .m W. Hloum, Sa.nn i and N. 1.. Bturgos. —Also — f 1(H) Acres, of pine. Land, adjoin ‘ 'H',' I-sods ,n' Utnja .m W'hi.ou i r ,1 l( le Ml.-n beiii)'; pkrt a u ~f *'.<(» ac.Wa, gran 11 1,1 .1 ou# hornet, I t. on a- ; th ,j |,t-,,p n**\ 1 '(**' *■ L’ \ to AUtisty oneX( vpion ill it. j v,,,1r , 0( ami lllonnt, , , „r v pointed ou ‘ by 111 min, returned bv i ctMable. ■, t i,so-- I Acres ol Land, adjoiniugj/ t ■■ uls (Oiesa llmuk a d JolA Cates, ; *,-:.„teil to .0.-h.i Sonti, levied on a . it ■ p-'i ert- of Alfred h a. farvia, to satisfy two exec I■ ms o', ( t t , UI , i’bilip Light!no l oui xniif. • Lewis. -- vM i One Negro man, named Isaac, u 'c'dc.l or, a » tin- p.u ■ s opurn M .>w to satisfy sundry J /b.v i sued fa. rn a Jnstir,- * Andrew I). S'urge* ami Sfob' \\ li .mo, •lohn !\ Forth, s. n. c, TWrrrb -r 27 5' . 54 * AdministriitoFs nalc. i I,' Agreeable (It ail order • u,e H.morah e the Pi.u ci I'th'rim nrt of Hie.iuvuul t umf ti "hoc sating for ordinary pm msoN, W uf be ml m at the Mark t-House, io the city of Augusta, n >' »,i«* Icrst. 1 ne.'ilay March next, at puh'tt. outer. All the M£(*UOtfs, bel.neing to (he h«*»le of Uersham Setlerk, <l, cense,!, i. wit. —l’e>. r. I.ncv, I hornluti, It, u, bam, Pel.y. Henry » Mary Ann II At be «*me lime at ,i ~| one Track of 1 and 1 a..nate and being mi;,.'.dlh district ,n ; ~r | y couti . tv, known us Tot N >. 27»> ■f —’ALSO \n umhvjded par 4 t r... I „f I »,.d in th oonntv of Creene, si u«'e on h south » si .. of the Ocone. 11 v f.,r the be.tefi of Ui creihlora of he said f s'ale. li? ferro made known on the, day of <■. i Luke Ft id, , t •' ' l'l iftriu-.r ll- ~ . ,f' y ... .(•i "nan 4 " Nittice. j 1 £\ 1 r ' 'ums-ois h»v deni in Is against Ithe K 1 ' «"lbrn„: in tlieir a ”;H; . (y aUrs'e>»Uliln the lime I) mill „i' ' (■'•t-’e indebted, wdl please make im tncilmte payment v , & Audler, ,idt»'r, November 5 r 38 Administrator’s Bale. Will be sold on the iirsi Tneaday io March next, at the Crurt llouse in Jacksonborough, Scr - vr-i. * ;,rtii.’ y. I'tween 'lie hours of ten aid foil o’clock, agreeable to an order ot the Honor h e the jus "s of the Inferior Court of sail County, wh 1 ■ dtting h r Ordinary purposes One negro man elave. named P«- ii*f, hi ‘xiginp, o in , :.i- of-Windsor Dickso. -ccivcd, Hold for tlic purpose ol risking a div ■on among th- He s oi the ■: d decca-w i'crnis mad. known ou tin, day ol s de. 24th da ■t I). < cinuet 152 i. ,f.» ■© James I’ickson, Adm’r. Adruinistratoi’,b Sale, (Postpurn-d.) [ i.V i ; he sold on Hit? first l uesduy in K< brt}ary n >*, at to.; Court If .use, in the town of Woyues bur. o h llnrke t nnty, agtijeable to an orde of iti It norabl- life Inferior Court of Sail coo i v, wliih- i-it'iog •ndi."< y wir)m«e‘ • Fight ninths of live Negroes, vi/ \gg-y. < tin lotte, Aqu l- i, Vl'-rrit ~,d I'd sol as the p> , t> . ity of W illiam Wall ce, eci ased, u .si' sfv tin ia irs-'itnd M edito 's of said deci-asi d. let ids on llu 1 v of 'ah- William Wallace, Jdm’r. V I (24. 9t ,54 A OUCIi, | ' sfMJKAIM.K to - n or l ;r of the Honorable th Inferior C nrt . t Un ko County, when si ting for Ot dinary pnruose , will he Hold on th first-I iu :nay ui E. iruary next, it the Coon nunc iu Wsynesborough, between the utrr lours of asle ! , Two negroes, a boy and girU l^e nging •„ tlie k-aUle of Peter J. ConUhugjsfk isi d, s Id for th benefit *d’ 'be heir* liturj of said Ks's'- C indinons ch-li ,r ; ,i- Ahsoltirn Kinsey, adm'i N< vi-mhe' 24 ! 4 I N.-.p Y ; |V •' ,v : '■ |L|fnVi>rmg in the ti i £ nm> '■ \;ou a H -i.5.,, (vi.,i.) .1.,. .o ;■ . ij' a t /: jf-'ll.i Agi ’’ton 1 h'cpff 4# n . ;■ Mrs Kli/.a liu)liss ) Is'ilsd Vr, ■ lHiii-n ilariivtt ’ \ umes MV»v a., H- sue Daniel M amj-ule > (.’ } \ndie- Murray Jidin Cart-ledge ) lacnb M yer * Kdwer'i Cater | N UGCI gliorn j Ur IU-icr Newsom I'hos. Cobb senr. 1 vlrs Nafiier (ieo. W Ui a vlnrd ! O I) | Mrs Ann B Ouknian .Ill'll ft.IVS \ t* -uac Downs i Mr* Maw t. I’eiure B‘innei Iu sou 1 Wilder I’liiilios, 2 . r t lios. Dyer | Wd y Earkman K v Pear,m UeUet Hrzekiah K Elgin d PitliTian EIU Collirr foster 1 I oho Heaves V bur Foster I itichari or ,1 is Heynold vlrs Mary I-’os'er | S llei.janim tv Few j Henry Slaughter Vrchibald Fuller ; tliilington M Sanders G 1 'lts Cyntha Satulere 1 diaries G 11 11 1 i I..ratio Cu red J Mrs E la .kersley It \ W " Min t J Vug !! Wr ght lamia I'amilton 1 Ttionia Milk. i 1 keopii In, I! jl ' 'I r_v Aon VVh.te vitas Ann A llafawajr j Noma. Wats.m 1 j I’eter \t atson, 2 Franklin 8 1 ihnson J .Into- " ilkntson Willifim F ilkins, p. m Lki>»i »ry 11 1 > i* ' , JN olice. -! I GUFF. MICE to o . rder oi tin- Ihmonbi «. the Ini I'mr C niPi ot Hi. 1 ,1(1 County, WI li -" sold on 11 iv liiai Tuesday in vj mm. du market house in the city of Augusta, b two*" h. usual h ■c s of s. 1 Four llmnlred and sixteen (Moth sc es ■ J.nid, lying - i VIHle.-iu, one filth |an o broe lumdred and fifty ,icr*.s lying on .S un Creek , rhreo nrgrf »; Nifdcy, Billy and 1’ ■'«' ■ . tin whole > real .'sta'e ol I,ewi,- f Cel:-’ s, deremi J, .'• ne ft >eftl of tl, heir ■ el -ml dec eased, IcfuTS mad* ki.cvn ou the day of sale. ; r Beninwin Uowhuul, ? ~ , tii.lH-1-i .11 Dec. inln r 7 T " .L BViiuu’a I'aiwwnna. 11DK subscribet h v ng ti snion of iVV.VIM’ , celebrated Fan-mea. 1 1,, now a supply • •<« ha t I fur sale . he has redo • I Ui" price from « ; t go 50, or by ti- 1 ! - m g 24. ' n Ad charitable institutions in (lie United titate m l the poor will l> -upplied gratis, '* It Ihe citizen* of Hu: pnne'pal cities and towns vdl ippoint an agent to order and di tribute thi nedicine to the poor, it will lie supplied. i» niedioin it cell brad tne sur - ofthe oil i a-mg diseases, “sci ofnl inr ki ig’s . vil, ulcer V ite-1 or puind sort- hr, at, lon,- standing r t.u 1 na'tc allections, cutaneous di»ea-;;s, white s,vail ng, and disease ol the bon s. an I all cases g, n ti t ly ol the ulcerous character, and chronic di taies. generally >u ,g in ,i<-‘ dita-ed cotistitu . io - bit more . xpecially f r in syphilis, ur ass,, ' in. a.ising Uictvtr n j nk--3 i i the laynix lodes, &c. And that dreadful disease occamom ' '* ) « long and excessive u>c ol nten iry. fcvo, Jt p, ' i l»o useful in disease of the Liver. ” s CEtf rn- ic.M es. * l have within the last two years bad an upper " ' »«eing it «eral cases ..I v« ry nv eterati ." *- ■ winch having resisted previously the regn 1 " ' s«f tri- t iicnl, wen healed bv the n- ! if Mr, S -vaim’s Panacea, and I do b< lieVe. fu,n vital I have seen bat if will pr-ve an imp-. ■ ' ■e-'.ctiv in scrofulous, veneriai and mercurial dia * " N, CH APM AN, ,M. j) ' ; ! Profess, rof the Ihs'limes and P'.,v , Cc „>• Physic, in the I . ivrrsily ( nusvlvania I I have employed ihe Panacea ot Mr, Swaim mvr-us instances. vv,ihm the las i w ' »'■»• aiw'-y- 'di ,-x'" . t’i • , i (lectally m Jocondary syphihs, aid nercur ; meases. 1 h.o n imstiiatiun in proiuiunciui' i - .. rin dieme ot iueiitimable value VV . M. |) j Professor of Surgtrvin the Universi'v e r . ayhs-na ! JOHN SHINN.' n,. nr . j v . B. For sal at Smith and Pe„rs.||-'s y; t COi -of t'-nrd and Man.ot-mre*-is ,, ' V ' -A-'- , '•,■'> », ■ 17 I , 1 V\Mi»k uvuV Am la Fv' uuu: A’ eat ly Ejctcuttd at this (.//, # saniamiL A.\U SI IvVVI » iTHS. DU HOUHL, a French Physician, respectful!) infirm flit public, that he has establish! I HAM aid MtdMpAL BATHS in August ; lie very high i these Hallo have acquit* t ti Kuiope, where ra hough a late d.scovr hey are to be'found in every hospital, and Bn r ial cure-i they h. ve performed in Boston (’hi (lelj hi a and Ch ' i'. Stnii, Can leave no d■ ■ • ii»* o heir efficacy. The in si gentle a- well as ilu n ,t powerful in* dicin' s are administered by'lm nestis, wiihout a* pam, trouble or disgust to th a'it nl. ’ v They arc • ncvfcijfailhig remedy in all cudine •ns a flections i from Psora, Ringworms, &.C. I oiddliead and •nay. they also have neve I 11 led o( aw- i;j $ fn either yv chronic rlien ilatis'li ‘ ~ . In glamluV .hisßiTtlloiis ,%ii^sarcmi# weihngs, incipicordii.p*) • ill all diseases of th I‘iinls, gyu’v* di-pcision of turnon, i 1 cored sypli 1 ..pAa* dir or nervous affections* ii all bilious d s Fm>.% dyspepsia, hypocondriusii - ’ pilepsy- --h-... hjlhs have been found moat sei * vic- ahle,and huvyMfteo succeeded even in fit r* itary complaiuts-Sn fine, this manner of ad uij, ■ k nhiiunt . v«y retju; !v he longing to ilf ■ iNiJi g an, may wFn nde rd applicable to alnt'ip very case, a d ' iSs ed) without a iy pun el >(nq 1 - patient. tV'-ii -s • !>,■ : * in. l u-t yet gen l rally known »r. b4»lu ; *pv to give the mos r. i ota >[ T‘e7fd m A persons who have bee* .•■irjjWiy taki g them V Vvi 'rAv' vuv y M pvUea\ UaUi hat fbV\s\vuu‘u\, Is in Kills bt opp oie M . u. Mealing’ ’rick il mi a < ha* an enir iuce in Broad street ■urn dia eiv on • -ue he env IL> cl, ... .litiu *rv II a* 57 tol ltl| V* .AUVAXEE* SUHblvdN U KN 1 1 r> t,- f i.uii'Unt.’t, hrouitSu AugutU, ipl"isite Jig I'lwmer'e hotel. •r c i.L - ' inibrms the Public, that hi i a « iu i .ui. i d again to this Lfiy, amt reaped ] a., i' is the P,> r iorge of the Ladies anti .it lulemcii wl<i> in *y require his services in tin c everai Brandies of h a Piolesaion. — Purs n < wistiing in *• rice in pi v . , Families can call ai d ■e in. w< rk Maoutaciui'cd ill a new principle . winch he vi .it..mis. 9 Vtt-Uv avid Oums. i'll'* <l:*eu»fi u* tno It ii and art chief l/Win< io nu c .ii neg.'ect» in, pails o I lit i» iivnis wliicn lodge ah,mi them after nustica ■ . growing a' nu a 1 corrosive, the gums art . 'l<f*.Tby first ufleci ml, as being die most tender • irl u ter 1 e>f c irruptions are pr niuccd, Com ''"iy, calied tin: Ur'ar ■ th. teeth, who ’ i stroyiiig both their it-snure and whiteness no oßy deprives the ooutn of iu. principal orna ■lent*, not bring -on vinir ,i until achen. and ren rs me tiutri, li. . i ami pul. id, ami offi.n.iive t onrs -lves and o,- -But i hough people n ueral M O. those 'll nieriC 1 s, h c e and utieiiUl.n at lir.t, yet, i triey art on itl-Ted to lake pi wee, h .no longer in the pow rof die -uff.u'er io, i ein .ve them this being pr. icily the province of the expercucecK Dentin' u-o.i has made the maladies of the Teeth ant. , mios, vita their atu- ’.til evii. die principal ■ jeet w d tvd of h. sin Mr. f loxtuvne, lVnu\ A, fly Ini g ' !*!■• *e, H.c| appuca i. • to us. nsp and a 1 .miJtji fc' ,wd ■ lg,; ~} dm oTUCttir* .1 111- f! c ’ii has ni, it id. the opera ;n[|li in th familiar '■> him, dm ~ .nc!i tliat wf»t t'2 .-•’a h. vo judged iu. I practicable, witti case ami Ue places 1 ’e!n .'t iflcial, (m ig the bitter witfi ;\\ - n.irn d) lr< in a, eI-:U i 11 tire -, (s i tutor* 1 . I\. ih it l, c y Ii iitswer ever, nnroose us (he n dural. I hus'in greatest deficiencies aresuppln 1 with oi namt which have lie recomm .Jado* of '.iidby, I hose I Hi that Ii ve fallen out their sock , is, which I.- .quemi) happen'*, tlt ugh in ap. r ic ' SQtlbd ■ ite, Ii , by a method pec i mr to Lm f. repbc.s as fir i. is ever, witnoui the Icasi pam or uc usiness *o tfits patient. )fe clear t the i’ceth, il ever so discolored, ! ■H the.r I uines« and tariar, without pam, an re • •» them white and as fair as ever in halt a Inu I'eeth am! Stumcs extracted in the easiest man i f i ever so difficult. assist* young ladies and gentlemen in the h. ... and second dentition, and removes the Miik t I'Ptli at propel seasons, lest they should inCom mod. - the r< gul.u gr v, 111 d the succce beg mu-. lil ‘ deformity if this kind has taken place hn ugh the Wins oft» Uestist, Mr I loranceun iei takes tr correct it j provided the subject i ml more ;iuiu twen', 5. ,iii. and res' -11 • I'n'li to their natural, regular and bejmuful io'- ler. <i * •V B. A I'inct ll l- ■ ■ ! M - I * rific • Baste, prepm hi only, vtl. p s. rv , 'he I ■-I- an , bange ih ontnah *ul white, cures the it»m» I f'bi w vcy and l ink. ;icatl da t times svvt ble, and Ache i.rugc I Male y, v h pAper lirections how to use iL Or h-r 12 :>t I DYING AND SCOURING, -Cl ... . 1. pub I I lie generally, fin «!>* encouragemt 11 (Ju. j . has received since hi , coinmriice;m. win tin Dying Business, in ibis p,*ce, ami o ■>, by . net attent on to . h ■ ■ of their custo 11 he still old stand, m the north side of Reynold street '•car the iu.ers. siion f Bridge Row—win m i idato carry on the pviNG BUSINESS, di its various branches, on Cottoi , Bilk < *<*o. Straw Leghorn and Crape Gel lemon jan have their Coats, Pantaloons and '• ; mred, grease, p£nt ami staint »t sra ted the shortest police and on reasonable terms, by H i, ! ali!' atu & S*on. bora , Xoivce. . ' b, ci 1 ;; P' • " ■ LAW— they wi , ni . J ■ d 1 ''ln, of t lie W e . g terallj »« "r b « unfortunaie enough 1 .be nvolv din th '.aw. Jdlhi s Heard, v . Thomas J. Heard. .ry 1, 5 - PHANTEiIIj' HOTEL/ Georgia. ISup -n and under the superinleffilajice of Mr. COS UFA' DICA'IJVSOJV' and J. t* D LA , TJE Y, late ut Savannah. Hie Umise has undergone Repairs ; the Rooms #nu are refurnished Persons can be accommodated with tingle Booms, and cimpyeftfrlioii is ill ie made to render them comfortable, f ; Samuel Hale, Ijoprietor . OC7* ! he Georgia .Journal, at Milledgcville, the Washington News, , «v»ni&K Uepuoiican. and i . r 1 i- ston Ui'y fi.zetie, will publish the above six t n-s, and forward thejybills to this Office. N 'voinber 26 * Smilin' 44 to rnj&ijgLic^ ■ r PDKBE .s [lerhaps ntf medical nose.- vaitori be a. xerestablisiied none more gc eoufirm by to., xi ermiice of the best, physicians AifaU »g( ■ id iu in * and none of more importance tot., ,» aclilioiiep.tban the lad,that m.n yof the most ddf cult a'ni incurable complaints noginate in neglect i od cohk, I" a 1 1 male us variable us ours,where 11■ ttiiang.-» o) die weatliei me frequently sudden a • a-expected, it require . more care and attenliu r nard against this subtle and dangerous enemy ife. than mist people imagine, or ate able '.n willing to b■■ i w. He vast number i.i p -en Is, afflicted with, cougns, catarrhs, asthm consumptions, ami other alfi-cdons, and hence th iirrago of rati- nal and »b*»u .i remedies, cried u ),V the learned aud illiseriite. Hi r.unj cum. nc k"id, fell under my ob ervation } the prepor i nis compositions .of inffa uing . drugs, wlm. '-o vogu ■ j the disappointment I experienced jractice I; <im remedies higltty recommended, n , o'.. . preUkipo.. uni to pu monic complain ■ n; strong inducenien'ts fir me to consider i !'■, a.. impound co.isis'n.g of mild Vegetaß ii -stances could not be invented, mort- free ti . w ill tounded objections of practitioners, at. ctu r cabuil.ued to aVerl the threatening d - ruction oi ilu In gs. PULMONIC S,fvvt\f VttgkAuiHles, For coughs, cold*., aslbm .s and con umplinni. bis rdm. 'ly is superior to any medicine wide i”. : een offered t ■ tile public, as ii is > repar. om ilu. most valuable h übs ot ottr vegetabi iiig loin, and its qualities arc such, thru every d emlence may b. placed in its virv>. • for tin '. ,re oftbe above diseases. From the knowledg* it- pro 'ictor has of the pulmonic virtu - < f il J V''■ ~■• his i>" hesilalii.n in recommend!i g 0 those who labour under th >se distressing con 1 m f s a’ a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav g art minml.- re.l it In t i uisainn in' Ni w -Voik au i’li fi lelphia, lie feels no hesitadon in offenug i > tlie public, and after trial, those person* wh purchase the genuine syrup, will h ive liieir tn »ey refunded by returning the bottle, if they I mt feel satisfied that the) have reaped benefi rom the use of it. jt JJirectitfm for Use. Take a tea spoon luli' three times a uny, saj norn'ng, noon arid night, and continue L until r never!. fTj* Each bottle will have the signature irf tin proprietor* ST I’repared only and sold by K Atidler, sig I ■f the Golden Laglf, Augusta. October ‘2l 33 E. AUDLEH, SUIIGKON DENTIST, J 1 ERl’B*' ’ I IT Id.',"inform- «| c Ladies and Cet.- J-ij tlenenpf . that he will be ready i j Serve the,. . alt imos, at his or their houses, (• t 't fine ot his profession, and hopes he will uc■ J t’bare oi the pub: ■■ patronage, «•> he wi'i extrac I teeth and stumpj»and in the easie * mant er if ever dtlHcult. a n l . :;Ii its other hi anehes. Vivritft of Carbon, A superior dentifrice to any ei r ofiere'd ft" I ■ -leaning|. d ng and whitening ttie teeth an- ; | making (he bfe. H» sweet and pi r i ahlc. SC ORB LJ TIG YSSENCE. Os Hoses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in tin r... and eeih, .nd cukes taem ti m tt tin arae time. Prepared and sold by S. riudler. At his Drag and Medicine Store, at the Coltri Ti". Sign . t the V Earia, An .lnly 4 , 3 Xttiiee. V ! ‘ ’f. ■ ■ v-hom ‘he tale 1 ; , Bonycf D■- * i '• t*;' de; i.ui, s ind*-t '■ .■ qtu-. ,‘d to present the, demands with m> ne ..mi! prew b iby law .id ... nu. u>. c ate requested to make immediate payment. B. Houjer. V,, . T«ul Hot*>i:!;To!, y lc L 2\ j TOWED, \ \. r 'LL *•« .'tiered for hir ,t the Markel-Huu i S'ATI.UDAY rnoriu ;r , several id'.. NKtiBUKS, f r the present ve * January 7 58 *>cw ,p ni invaluable. HV r,MTKDTKE tJVIftl) STtThS OP **>.«! - AUD LEU’S . •ilsiiitic LtuVUve, tor Fuuv, f _ Medif cino is a ■ i >“ I liling remedy i\> I the Tooth- Ache, li a<l \che, and oth.. tlis- AS remedy is good against the tooth ache of M. pai m the teeth and jaw- when dim applied " njdnyed, it posser.ahs’hov ;t i- n .'tVwacj m -1 luting - welling ->f the sftims. t ce ami a.H umnt :>ins, t idug IViiiu i.r copoecie r ,’li ttK’n ach--. i 1 rdie -s bead-acliVAir ; . :n tls-- i .. the easy and agree abj&n ■ ! ,-i- 1. . 1 • •'■ml chair. ' i.adicinc, is a chamirng psiacrioiion for i .. • :).o)res •>,•;(h tho arcana of seine and the. Hen - . pa h vdiv conditio . iu a qul, k and udm, , t ; .« ! f is now and useful prepa.Viyn prod tires, ho ”d a i.J gciillc itiiui latino, a r.r ping operation • l )ml ! 'he spirits—it on „k ns ■1 y sensations. •tut port tut, and invig.nates the : s of l ie rrtind, by dissipating gloom and api ui it acts truly like a nervous And cephalic ■I-.lit.■ a ol th ■ firm order. f;o. is its effect less beneficial when considered i 1 relation'! • the stomach, than to the mouth, the J ctd’a id t*-. spir.ts, hy its qualities it acts upon n v sight and immediate organs pi dig . : m as ' . v ilnaiive and cordial, e*ple)lji#gAvind, i d i ■j ot ir, correcting acidity, and ei - atiii ;•» r.;. n i, 1 .■ oioi t dile-warmth, •'perntion. of this invention 'and in pc ve mem is cpii’.i as fav ruble to diseases oi the ear. "lire sue,:,»|Jv if acts to gr-ai a.ivunfagf nr fin ■ and hardness of hearing, and iiwn in in.- pi, ; ent doafneßs. ibstuiing tho 'oiii< <l>a ii \ x ■•xereire of iifr true and healthy fui.ctiiMis t„ i. sr tr -0.-tifimtfftm Dr. Sum. •< h. Mile/,ell. !>'■ Ezekiel A tidier, of the city of Kew-Ynrk, isd .y -• nmitti d to me ms ...rVrs patent from an United States, for compounding and vending ■ try which he calls the' Miatie' Lenitive, and iskrd my nurn tlpor iiie same, whereupon, • I r examining the receipt contained in ti t speed)* 1 Cation, ! find it contain- a mixti ay f-uch aromat ic, an oily ne, apd anti-acid articles, as arc well cal, cnlated to priiduce a composing effect on the (uit nan hotly. Samuel L. JVlicchell. s^’’■(*-? orh, . V*,? % r t iSLS. * iimUer’s ~u|ik of liusiis, ji & ; fitmi cosmetic for whitening, .. mm . i 'ft. d f.-.auufyiug the skin, and r moving prm ,f •, freeze s -4»i:i chops fi ■; li., . , r,\ , riy, ~ rto \fiik o U possesses mant ;• i■*f- l ic■ not only- rves for the above purposes, but it !<■ f„ r.m of on age, whicit valuable l ,n, |, ;r t y I ■ 4 nd of enjoyirig. This beautiful rose CtiSjTii tic (USa delightful fragrance, , tdie anart ;■ h can be used with safety, as r contains mi j . ing that wllj injure the akin, and it i, an indispensa bit article to every lady, and should be found on their toilets, Dinet'Tiovs.—After being washed and dried then takfc a sir.all quantity or, a piece i.f « hue fim snduel hen wash face, neck, hands, he. Each hot Me w" h ! signed by the propru yr. £,l | Prepared only and sold by E. Svdler, <gn ufthe lUnidc Kagle, Augusta, I J'dy 4 2 i .\avues’a li i FALLS. 3"> k ' - PKPSI A, mid its attendant symptoms, hah; f ual costiveness, cholic, diarrewa, choit L’ rbua, loosenea;:, irregularity of the bowels t»,vi odes, sick headaches, yellowness of the eyes and Vi'.pre.Vrm of stomach after meals, cucta • ■ ‘ ' 1 bn a, feet id breath, ft;;, are some of tli • I • •• • . t consequences of a deranged and w .akeimc ~i of the organs of digestion. ilu AMi-Dr- ,:xtic Piuts, invigorate the sin veil . ' ;ov is, by. u simple and almost imp. Plibh. p p:; A'ioii, and prov r .sate, easy, a . ff.caclouj, retried• so- the above symptoms, and r■v. ?y modification degree of Oy.pu • t • mi its commencement to its most obstinate »nd r>jti6hned stale, , , •U. t I), (i. I! iviland ■; .t / Georp '• j IVccmber 17 1 jq JAMES~BALLr ■ <?| KSI rr I FULUV i, rnrms the f:-iienr/An. j * » ■■ lls ’ a the Public gen rally , that he ha* ncn .'d an •. VSTER and UKLf .ISd HOUSE, ua •; he ..11 rof Green and MUniosh Streets, from'. . 1 • ■' ‘ v ‘ 1 Mouse, where Gentlemen .-an tv . j'ccciri AU’d with Breakfasts, Dinners and Sup , ■ ier b • hour, and he hopes from (he due at tends paying to establishment, to ■• >I, ■ i■ o! Public Patronage, October 19 b