Newspaper Page Text
; • r * Mfy >• #
pWU—WMi——WW——H—w MIWII if >ll,ll I I —■■'l flgflWfl MI, I IMil«|n 111 Wl ». . . ''piWtiXJl JJM—amiWMHW—MM————igi
.. Many of iho political evils, umier which every Country in the world labours, ace not owiue; to any wanl of live foronr Country, hut to an igVioranfe of Us real constitution and interests.” i>R| KSTLY
., ' ■ -- 7-- .. ..., , ■ ■■ ■ -r-r .. ■"* ' '"<rt ■' ■ " —1 ~
= s ; - -
Cfje Constitutionalist ]*
AT THE SIGN OF # T ll4i ''’fy*
Aug€sta Llotlung StaTe,
tVonld most reafiectful'y inform t/rir friends and the
community, they are now ready to attend to
for jh
1 CoateclL
Rig Cowfc
Plaid Cloaks,
Ladies’ Cum®,
Os the most fashionmle kind, w
Vests, Shirts^Cravals,
Elegant patent Suspenders,
La Fayette velvet Vesting, ,
Which thy offer fir sit; tins season, lower
(tun ever— lyin' (di-sp:-ing' the' principal of tin.
GorsidliDg) they would on'.v have it understood
that they are not to be undersold by any in their
line of business.
January 11 57
M‘KENZIE & iiENN r ()CIi7
/June removed their Conn.ilir Hoorn, to their Whole
s ite Store, inhere tlTy ’have Just nwived and
are now opettinyx ,
A GENERAL .assortment of
British,. French,“lndia & domestic
Whirh duty tidier for sale at moder-de prices,
fir Cash or Produce, or mi sucli terms as will
sui ilie convenience of the purchaser, for ap
.ovetT pat)°r. .
Not'cinbo* 5 " • 17t 3,8
.JTAVINGf forrcted a connection with Mr. Henry
IJI Howard, late of Bah imore, have removed
heir Establishment to No.Er(, Broadway, corner of
Wall St re et, w'here their 110 nlness will in future be
conducted •llud'Ml of
•/Vein- York, June, 1823 • ' 7
Renews the tender uj hie services in rh •
T1 IS WARE-HOUSE the upper end, south
S. a sde Hi-mul street, i i n -w r-ady far liter,
ception of CUT TOM and »ther PRODUCE. upon
which liberal advances will lie made, when re
Any business with which he may be favoured,
shall be punctually attended to.
1 . 28
The SiHabscriber,
n WIVCt emy-tred \W»nnr uses and St bus, in
lie tijjpei' pan ot I lii.» cil v, nfl’ers his services to
ag. in tml COMMISSION MI.RCHAN f.-Pi rsons
wiv> may merchandise or produce under his
care, in .y > lely rely on every possible exertion
boin'g use.!, to give general b itisfacthm,
* Rai da M’Kinne,
September 23 27
iWai \viah Potatoes,
Just received pef Steam Boat Hamburg,
AKE >V Hampers real He ast Potatoes,
will be sold in lota lo suit families, by apply
ing imme liatcly at
4 Jacob Moise’s,
JWKenzie & JUennoch’s Row.
December 28 55
Carriage .Maker. j
HAVING taken the Shops recently occupied 1
I by Mr. James Lyues, intends carrying on i
thfl» business in all its various branches. From,
hi. long experience at the North, he flatters
himself, that he will be able to give general sa
tisfaction to such, as will favour him with a call in
the Repairing Line. All favours will be thank
fully received and punctually executed.
lie expects soon to receive from the Northern
Manufactories, a complete assortment of Carriages.
83*0105 and CARRIAGES built to order.
Yor Sale.
8 Gigs*
3 Sulkeys, * j
S Carriages.
November 5 38
A large assovtavent of VufcsVv
A small quantity of Fresu HOPS, growth of 1824
ion SALK nr
R. B. & D. G. Kaviland.
January 11 57
WaL,.. ll Slllll
fn\Kl#’ this ini lit »d of informing his meads
*1 -and thApijbfiC generally, tliat lie has 1
jeetved, «?vJ‘ 16-Vi.uMl-eceiving a very targe mil
well w sorted stocl^w
*if tirej.u?iil favor Him w:t*» Uu ir cus; , , ihey:
find firm ” at h nie,” utienjUng to lus awn'
; liusinemJ ready and willing lo supply them with
| any of tile following articms, oi the most rea.u i--,
able temblor cash or prime city acceptances :—f
105 'MINS weh atsor'ed S.vcode & Russia Irony
j 120 imTls. prime S. .Cr ux and N. Orleans Sugar
lUO hags prime Green C. fl' e '
30 hulls, prime Jamaica CoH-e
50 pieces prim.- 42 inch Bagging
50 dobesi i .vv Bagging, very clieap
50 do b-. st Twill’d Sacking
50 coils ifile It pe
200 bbls. best N irfhern Gin, best brands
■ 200 do lies' Philadelphia Wmskey
j 100 do Northern Hum
1 25 hints, do do
20 d > prune retailing Molasses
4 do superior old J,i naica urn
15 pipes do //illaud Go)
sdo do Cognac /Tandy/?
1 pipe dp old Port Wine
•60 1 8 and T 4 ca^u -Malaga and Sherry Wine
35 18, 1-4 and I*2 pipes .Sicily and Pico Ma
deira Wines
bb»B. Vinegar
.200 *d i lri|M Potatoes
50 do U «ta
2000 b’uncbes Onions
2QO bbls. prime Northern Flour
25 hall barrels do do
50 bb s. and h x. s Lnafand Sugar
| SO ton caltie boxes fresh Ry sun lea
' 2i bags Pepper I
. 20 to Spice Ginger
25 U.xes It ißir.-,
30 kegs No. 1 Richmond Tobacco
30 box-s Georgia Candles
3.; do Spermaceti (Janules
2JO whole a.a half boxes No, 1 Soap
50 kegs best l-teubufl Powder
.■ 200 bags Shot, arewft tl
, .. 2500 1 >s. /far Lead
11 2000 lbs. hoop anil bsnd Iron
3000 do German and h istered Steel
2000 do Share Moulds
800 u bus..* Is Liverpool Ground Salt
2100 do Ji. own . • .
1000 lbs superior Virginia /Amis
10,000 bs Logwood /-
3t/;000 Russia ti id's
p 300 dozen Tunihlers
J v ipO ca ks paw id Cut N 11s, assorted
f 2’ patent Plougbs'an i Paints
i 10 dozen Carolina II ws
25 boxes Homes’ and White’s &nd IV’dilte- 1
more’s Card?
100 boxes piime Cheese
20 casks do do
50 reams Wrapping Paper
20 casks Ltme
300 nests Dry Measures
200 ne?'s boxes . I
20 bbls Sllad '
50 half barrels Sha 1
200 bids. No. 3 Mackerel ll
100 do. No 1 • do
100 half bsrrelxMi). 1 do
150 bids No. 2 do
75 Hail b.u rels No 2 do
50 five gallon Ibemajuims r
39 boxes //avana While Sugar
10 do do brown do |
250 bah, quarter and tenth boxes superior
Spanish Amigos and Flint’s ,
brands. 9
November 5 ' 38 j
"WjsßTimmT |
Have just received, an additional supply of
: BH®JB3 & !o£)®U'3s '
Which they ojl’er at reduced prices. Country
dealers are particularly invited to cull and a
amine the above stock.
ALSO . ,
15 kegs of choice Butler, for table use, and a ,
few half bin rels Prime Fulton Market Beef. s
January 7 3 r r 56
bbls. first quality Family Flour will be I
ed this day Irom Steam-Boat, Maid ol Orgl (
enus, which will be sold low if taken from the!
Wharf. . j
Ami TO
Bugg & Savage. j_
November 16 41
C?/Fv BAGS Pi(I.ME COFFEE (on consign
ment,; will be disposed of on accomtno’.
dating terms by
B. Picquet. ,
November 26 44 /
WILL keep constantly on hand, and for Sale,
at Mr. Lono=thi:et’? f.ivriv Stable.
©asso , •
Oij’ Orders for GIG • or CARRIAGES from tip ’
■North, will be promptly altendtd to and work
i warranted. *
| N. IV—Repairing done at the shortest notice. 1
November 30 45 r
Just TfccelveA auA IXnr Sale |
BY ~
JONG’S Expedition to the source of the St
_i Peters’ River
Valley ul the Shenandoah
Conversations of Lord Byron
January 11 57
And for Sale Office.
By t life • -a« #< Singly
, .*. thIS .
Gtovgla & So«|W^avttVifla
it & HI & HAGUE*
an ala
' The motion of the Sun and Muon,
I'lie trie places and a«peo»s of the 111 gat-la.
I he rising and setting of the Sun,
I’lie rising, setting atltl southing qfclAj?Ttoo'n.
The sign of the Zodiac shjf is^mW>qn,
I’he rising, setting and aonibiSft of jjhg most
conspicuous Planets ami fixed Stars,
Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, •
M nun’s Phases, >
The Feasts and Festivals observed bv
Protestant Episcopal Onurch in the Uni- ’ ,*JS
ted Status of America. <’■ ■.
j Together i with the tmfKl Entertaining .wi(*§u
November 19 ” x -
I i •
Lbs. prime Macon,
On Consignment, by ,
11 Picquot. t
November 39 45
j Weight Oi Vriw-e,
ton SALE. ♦
ArrLT to
Hubert D, Ware*-
December 3 46
The feubscTibev A
INTENDING to reiide in New York, with a
view for the transaction of Commission Kus j
iuess, in all its branches, will feel grateful for any
consignments or orders, with which he may bel
favored, assuring his friends that his itnremitlcd
attention will be exerted to promote their inter
est. ll‘‘ will be prepared on theyr.-ceipt of any
c m ign nen s, or ot the invoices with bills of la
ding and orders for insurance, to feiake the cus
tomary advances if requned.
Any references that fs desired, can he obtained
of Messrs. Mackenzie & Ponce, Augusta, or Ben
jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah.
Ralph j^etchuiu.
October 26 , # 35 ;
SUPPOSED to be taken lifr mistake from the I
Whart. about the I of November, 1
:a ll'ix of Slines laiidwtfi’onjj 14-. —Mark
|ed \ & E. Any person 1
| having it in his po'SWsfl)# a favor by 1
!i iforming the subscribers*ai Their residence, of i
through this officet siJPt 1
W. Wood # Co. ;
December 24 52 |
The Subscribers
HAVING united themselves in the practice of
Law, under the firm of Julian & Thompson,
respectfully tender their services t» their friends c
and the public, to transact any business that may
be entrusted to them, in the line of their pro- ’
fesdon, in the seven! Courts of Georgia and
Smith Carolina. Th< ir office is on the conn rof
Ellis and Washington streets, where one of the
firm may at all times be found. '
N. B. .Julian, J
J. M. 1 humpson. I
January 11 67 f
_ j
U _.l 7 I 1
{arr»|} ' t
Js|M. One Tenement in the Long
Yellow Uange of Buildings, next door above the
sign of tips “ Asiatic nil me," in “Cot ton Bange,”
£ mtlnuej —Also, several icm mi nis ot one story
teach,with two rooms, recently in the posses oon of]
Mr. AiiSley, and a convenient Warehouse in lliej J
rear, which has been recently repared and the- a
lot enclosed with a good lence. For terms, apply v
to Mr. James Harper, during the absence o( the 8
sub-criber. ,
E. F. Campbell.
January 7 56 u
From the first October neat,
■u'fttv'k Tinge Stores apt! a Dwelling
• House, upper end south side Broad-f
It’tlßl Street, adjoining Egun i-i M'Langb-
ASaSBBi tin’s, viz :—The Store occupied b\ u
D.M nry Si Co. the Store occupied by Mils & c
Alder,—and the two story Frame Mouse and Store t
adjoining the same—the bouse is well calculatt ■ ,
tor a private family or boarding Mouse —having hi i
excellent Brick Kitchen, The Stores are all must
desirably situated for llie'Gruccry Business. n
•Apply It
William H, Egan.
September 17 24
THE unexpired lease and improvements oi
the Lot known as the 1-itt I e-mail’s Garden, °
■utnaied on Ellis-Strret, near the corner of ,Cen 1
ipe-Suet-t—having nil the conveniences for car- 1
rying on,Confectionary upon a large scale, be- B
■ides an Oven, Drybouse, Sic. There is also an e
Ice Mouse in good order, where 15 or 18 tons ol f
Ice can be secured for summer use. The whole "
will be shewn by application on the premises.— * J
For terms apply to I s !
B. Bouyer. ! r |
August 10 13 |
Bowk and dub Vtinting, J ’
Neatly Executed at this Office.
■■■ ■■■-I. ■■ i .Mm nr.. Wr h i* ill i , |n »|. l i l m.iSypiff n ,
■L* AUaUSTA Georgia.
and under the superintendance of JMn** C'OA’BET DICKINSON ahdpMr. J, R
Jaic ufffSavatmali. Ihe House hat undei gone WFjialr's ; the Booms npacious
Person, can be accommodated with single H ums, and every eavrlion will
thein comfortable,
Samuel Hale, Proprietor.
I a Journal, at MdledgeviJle, the •Washington News, :-uvannan K. ,ub ica r «nd the
will publish the above six t'linrs, and forward their hills ti Miij Office.
I NovWiber 26 2m
Meson .lem\tvuy
IT is with pleasure and confidence tha|t tin
Trustees of this Institution, present its
on this occasion, for the support and patronage o
an enlightened public. Although endowed nioti
liberally perhaps than any' other county school t
the sta'c, yet its funds having been unproluctlv
lor several years' past being mostly vested in slat
bank stock, the academy has been much doggi (
in its operation. 'I he board have not been able i
i.fler an adequate inducement to engage the set s
ices of a Rector, who comlfmed qua float ions a o
character, that would insure success to the semi
|ary. 't his bar we are happy to state is remove'
and we congratulate the in haviig
{procured lor the ensuing y eat;, the Uev. Thorn
I doubling, formerly of Liberty county, a genii.
I man wlioso scholarship and general character ur
too notorious to requite the feeble tribute of on
praise. Mr. doubling will superintend b dlischoo
—bis personal services and attention howevi
will be principally bestoyed on the female (te
partment. In the male academy he will be assi
lied by Mr. Latbrop—» northern graduate wb
|bas some experience in teaching—and who is r<
Commended as unexceptionable in talents am
'morals. To these considerations we have to add
local inducements, such as health, cheapness o
{board, &c. and perhaps it would not be though
{supynAdous to suggest, that inasmuch as most o'
thtf iriiporiant elections are Iran (erred directly t<
|the people, it would become doub y necessary t<
enlighten their minds, tor no truth stands on a fir basis than this, that in proportion as we giv
to the people power, we should also give lire
knowledge. On the practical adoption of 'hi
principle depends the preservation of our repul
licuti institutions.
Joseph Henry Lumpkin,
Sea entry.
CCj - The Editors o/'the Constitutionalist, Augusta,
and Republican, ,9/tpunnuh.-mill publish the abovi.
and forte avd their at counts to Lexington fur pay
meat. " J. 11. L.
Janu r 18 59,
£/" 'I he Lancastrian h’ree School,
will again be opened on MONDAY, the 18th n «l
and tile Hoard of Managers cordially invite ti <
return of those Scholars who have heretofor
been educated at this institution, as well as ol ab
others who choose to embrace the advantages ol
instruction free ol expence.
iff Pupils w ill also be thankfully, received
from Parents who are disposed to pay at three
dodars per (Quarter.
October 1 2 31
A PEW young Ladies will be admitted to a new
course of Tuition ol the French Language •
at the residence of the subscriber, familiar con- *
versadon will be introduced which by the übmsl
-of his daughters, the subscriber flatters him
sell the acquirement of that useful Language wi -
b more *peedily and more accurately obtained.
Tuition three times a week from nine to eleven
o’clock, A. M.
J. B. Lafilte.
November 30 45
QJ* Take AoUce.
r IIHF. Olfiec of the clerk of Council, south east
JL corner of the Citysll.dl, w.ll lie open from
iiwo to five o’clock, P. M. every day (Sundays ex
cepted) during the month of January, instant, lot
the purpose of receiving the returns of the 'Tax
able properly, within the corporate limits of dt
City of Augusta, and within three miles llieyeol 1
All persons interested will take due nonce there »
Geo. M, Walker, Cl’k.
January 7 56
4' LO T OF LAND, three miles from Augusta
*■ containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of which i t
e’eared ami under good fence, tde balance IVuoi! '
Land. There is on the premises, a c mlorlable I
Dwelling House, which has lately undergone
thorough repair. A new Kitchen, meat llou-e, •••■
elegant Brick Paoiry, Crib, Stables, Fodder an
Carriage House, &c. ul complete—a large yat
well shaded; a hands, me Orchard ot Apple,
Peach, Pear and Plum trees, a never failing
spring of excellent water, within 80 yards of lb
I welling, and i:8 healthy a situation as any in liici
n md County.
The above will he sold a bargain, if early a;,
plication is made to ?i
Jno. C. Holcombe, i
January 18 59
"T"— 11 - r* 1
iiibV iitUeis,
i lemaining in ihr POST OFKIGE, Waynesbp»
rough, (Ga.) January Ist. 1825.
a i k
llien Sarah I Key Ji shua, 4
tnderson Nancy I Kersey llud
vtkmsmi Robert R | Kilkenny John Henry
Glen Rob rt > Key William T
In ant Sims » Kasseler Edward
1 .racewell U W | l.uke Thnnus
tyne Lewis | Kasseler Samuel
1 ssell William I ——
, al ard Joljp I Ke.wis John 0
lync K& II | Lane Thomas
C I Kivuigsiun Pel or E
lerk Superior Court > *" uW Edward
larswtll M dhew j Eungstreei Gilbert
J ugg Ebzabeili 1 M
.'hew J inn, 2 J 'larsh Sarah
ox Willi ,m dears David J
nlson John, 2 Moure
.opeland Ann M : 'Tulin John
1) a | M»iore It dand
;)nke ' M .xly Nathaniel
lyt Martin O
•rake Elias > Od un Ena .betl)
nckson’a Estate, Exr’s **
or lleiiH Palis II A
Dye Avery ... It
iaiby A misled Robinson Cornelius
Dickson John ■' S
P : inidtari F It 2
‘■’inny Surah ! lanp Cou cd
r* ryer j?*cariul», L , ’s*pp M G
U * . | .jirmfcer-Harriet
Grubbs Ann M s , . \ icuhniar R.cnard
'■anis Duncan, 2 ‘ * I de'wari Am,,'
||resliam Job I sanderfejr Willaiq
>• 'll t | Spivy LiftiKhin
iurs( John, 2 \ | -lewarl Anna
• lan rnoinas | »app Addisnn
iurst Henry j T
Fill Wm Sheriff’ I I’aylor Jeremial)
■ larrison Robert L i IV. I tali’ Alex’r.
daymans William ) I'homanJoseph
J \ I'rapuell
Johnson Musts, 3 | W
Jciikii s Susan J Walton Thomas
Junes Henry P | Wallace Genrge
Jourdin Richard t Wnutseii Grnidi
K Garlick, p. M.
la’iuarv 21 1825 *
0\ the 12th inst. ( iha mil su n of money)
f. Wa k r's Clm ck for gSJ on Hie Hauk of
\ngurtt», dated (lie 1 Hli in.t ,-syab e (o bearer. —
I’he Public is cautioned not to trade (or 'he
'thi ck The finder by leaving it with the sub.
scribers, wd h.* suitably r* waided,
11, B. Duncan & Co.
1 u-r-- 14 5<
17IOGN1) by a Negro Man, a sum ot MONEY
, wlncb tbe owner can have hy satisfactorily
lescribing the same, and giving the Negros* sin
able reward tor his honesty Apnlv to
Job Gresham.
Nuriev Oounly. Jan 11 1425 3l r 58
N oticc.
LI. persons to whom the estate of Johw Me
Laying, deceased, E indebted, are requested
■ present their accounts within the lime pre
‘Cribed by law, and those who are indebted to
.aid estate, are requested to make immediate pay
ment to
Peter Bennocb, Adm/r.
.liilv 23. P 8
GENTEEL Residents, or Sojourners, may b«
accommodated with Hoard and Lodging next
l„(tr ab ive Dr. Turpin’s, Ur ad street.
J. B. Lafilte.
November 30 45
J 11st Publishetl,
find for sale at the several Hook Stores.
Ist. “ On Pnrentfll Duties —And tl'9
»nd “ The Judgment of Enemies in favour
./• Jieligwf'—liy W. T. Bhanti.y. A. As
June 25 104