The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 28, 1825, Image 4

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Monthly Advertisement ts. Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Columbia County, when setting as a Court ot Or dinary for leave to sell 202 1 2 acres ot Land ly* ing in the 2d District of Monroe County, Lot N >. 208, it being the real estate of VViihatn Smalley, deceased, and to be sold tor the hem tit ot the heirs and creditors of sod deceased. James Smalley, Adm’r. .lanuarv 4, 1825 1 1 9m b7 Notice. NINE months after date, application will he j made to the Honorable the Justices of the infcrior Court, setting for ordinary purposes, for the county ol Burke, for leave to s* II ail the real estate of Stephen Chance, late of Ilurke county, ; deceased, fir tint benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased. Mary Chance, Adin x. Joseph Chance, Adm’r. Burke count". Sri', 6 1824 lm9m 22 N olice. <J«INE months after dale, application will he tt'J made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary 1 of Columbia County, for have to sell all the • real estate belonging to the orpin ns of Samuel I 3u. 1 1 vi ti, deceased, and alio, an undivided tract j of I,ami, lying in Columhia County, belonging I to said orphans, and to Melincl« Jones, a Minor. • John Cartlitlge, Guardian of said Orphans, Polly Jones, (ina Sian of .Melinda tones. Msv 25 Hn9m 95 N olice. NINE months alter date, application will bt 1 made to the Honorable Court o Ordinary ol Columbia county, for leave to sell 195 acres ot land, (more - »r h'.s )on the waters of the little Ki okee Creek, adjoining lands of 1 uhrnan, Wooding and others, it being part of the reel estate of Mrs. Rachel Crawford, deceased, and to he sold tor tht benefit of the heirs and creditors d said d< ceased, Himtnons Crawford, Adm’r. April 21 1824 1 *9m «£_ Nolice. Nine montlva after dale, application will bt made to the Honorable court ot Ordinary n Columbia County, for leave to sell two hundred two and a half acres ol land, Lot N >. 18, ITdl. 1) strict (orig nally ttaldwin, now Jasper) grunted to It ■ ij tinin Smithson, to be sol 1 for the benefit of the heirs of Benjamin Smithson, deceased, Thomas C. Holton, Administrator de bolt is nun. June 1824. t "9m 98 N olice. NINE months after date, application will b. m.ule to the. Honorable the Justices »l th Inferior C uirt, when (fitting for Ordinary purpo His, tor leave to sell all the undivided real estat of James Dean, late ol Iturk ■ County, deceased. Isaac Moreland, Adm’r . In right of I fife. May 12,1821 lm9m ' 94 N ttlicc. NINE months after dale, appl cation will be made to the Honorable the Interior Court t Columbia county, when sitting for Ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the whole ot the real es late of James Tinsley, deceased, for the benefit ot Charles C. and S.rah F. Tinsley, minors. Lticy Tinsley, Guardian. June 23, 1824 • i *n9 n 104 JN ttlicc. NINE months after date, application will bt made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond County,.When sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave < lp sell one Half,of tour am three quarters aerbs of Laird, in said County adjoining lands of War* and Coleman, forth, benefit of Seaborn Skinner, minor. Livingston Skinner, .■ Guardian. Sept 11 1824. Im9m 23 N once. NINE months after date, application will hi made to the Honorable the Interior Court ol llurke County, when sitting for ordinary purpose for leave to sell all ‘he real estate of Joseph Ma - ray, late of Burke county, deceased, tor the bene fit of the heirs and creditors ofsuid deceast d. Benjamin Madray, Adm’r. June 1, 1824, Im9m 9/ N olice. 'jjNjilNE months after date, application will In Jul made to the Honorable the Court of Ordin ary of Columbia County, Cor leave to sell 2“22 a cres of I and, lying in Coin nbia County, on the waters of the big Kioki-c Creek, adj .ining Lands of Hamilton, Graves and others, to he sold tortile benefit of the heirs of James Martin, deceased. Robert Martin, adm’r. November 8 1824 lm9m 40 N olice. VWINK months after dale, application will be (li\| made to the honorable Inferior Court ol Richmond County, for leave to sell the undivided hat of Tenement No 7, Bridge Row—also, two unimproved lots Corner of Elbert and Reynold streets, for the benefit of Margaret P. Uones, a Minor. John Hones, Guardian. October 25, 1824 lin9.i 35 Notice. STMiINE months after date, application will he ii'J made to the Inferior Court of Columbia County, when silting for Ordinal y purposes, for leave to sell 235 acres of Land, (in sa d County) belonging to the estate ot \\ illiam R. Crabb, de ceased. John Kennon, adm’r. November 6, 1824 lm9u, 40 N olice. «|INB months after date, application will ht made to the Honorable th • inferior Court u the coumy'of Franklin, while iltmg ior ordinal'' durpnses tor leave to sell the real estate of I'hon - as 1) Jordan, late of -a t county, deceased. Robert Pulliam, Adm’r. November Its, 1823. 1 n.9m 41 QT VAIsT ij) ON Tuesday st, a Bunch ot KEYS, ted wi'h Red Tape.—l'he finder on leaving them at this Office, shall be rewarded. GEORGIA, Richmond County, November Term Superior Court. THE following persons to wit : Edward Byrd, William C. Dillon and Thomas H. Handley, . .aving been drawn and summoned to attend as f Grand Jurors, during the present Term, and hav i g been duly called and fa led to appear, H if . Ordered, That each be fined in the Sum of Forty Dollars, unless they may each shew good am sufficient cause of excuse in the manner am ! time prescribed by law. And George Wragg, Win. Farrington, Waltei Veitch, Win. !L Jones, D. Kirkpatrick, Georg Hill Marlin GfannisH, Charles A. Crawford, C Clarke, Edward -Id. A. Rowe, Thomas J. VVall'in, John N. Philput, having been drawn an summoned to attend as Petit Jurors, during the (present Term, and having been duly called am tailed to appear, his ordered, I hat they each be I lined in the Stun of Pweniy D .liars, unless they fib* a sufficient c use of excuse in the manner and time prescribed by law. A true extras' from the Minutes, James M‘Laws, Clerk. December 14 3' 49 GEUjUiI V, / aueeujou C via clay ic m Burke t'uuut’j. y 1824. Piiksknt, The Honorable Rohkut Walker, Judge UPON the petition of Henry P. June-, sta'ii-g that he is in possession of a c rtum tract land, containing two hundred and tifiy actes, It; a deed of conveyance from Job Perkins, situate lying and being m the County of Burke, adj lining ihe Aligator Pond and lands, when surveyed, be longing to Isaac Wimberly, and which said tra< of land was originally granted to Philip Uelctiei and by the said Philip Belcher, to Job Perkin* and by the said Job Parkins, to the said Henry I Jones, which said deed of conveyance is lost ul nislaid, a copy of which as nearly as can be te collecled is on file in tlie office of the Cleik of .lie Superior Court ot the county of Burk. , to gether with an affidavit of the loss thereof, and praying also, th it said copy deed m .y beestabl. I - ed in lieu of the original so lost, or mislai I : On motion of count .1 for plonlil}', it is ordered that tin said copy deed be establis.ied in 1 u ot the or ginal deed, unless cau e be shewn to ihe contrary an or before the (i st d.-y of toe nekt term of th court, ami it is fur.her ordered THat* a copy • inis rule he published in one or mere of the pub he Gazelles of this stale, until the Time for s.icw mg cause thereon. * Extract /torn he .Minutes, Jjhn Capenter, Cl’k. Tii'v 8 h. 1824 t m s. GilOß.il A, Hi eh win d Count if, ill/ the Coivi of Ordinary for said County, T . ALL WH )M IT MU CONCERN. miT’HKREAS R Jilin Meigs and Robert l)i f» mull. Administrators, de bonis non. on th* ■slate of Jesse Himon, deceased, late of san County, have applied to this Court for letter Dismissory, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular Ihe kindred ami creditors of the mu.' deceased, to tile their objections (it any they have) m the office of the Clerk of said Court on or be fore the first Monday i i June next, otherwise lei ter- Dismissory will be granted to them. Witness the Honorable Sainn- I Hale, one of th- Judges of said Court, this 26 li day of No vember, 1824. 6m Isaac Herbert, clerk, Os the I ain't of Ordinary ViEORGI V Huboioad County, fly the Honorable the Conn of Oi dinary of tin Cuuu.y of Hwhmund, TO ALL WU„M If MaV CONCERN. WHEREAS John Phiaizy, administrator ot Thomas A. Bones, deceased, has applies .) said Court for Letters Di-missory. Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (it any they navel in the office of the Clerk of.said Court ot Ordinary, on or before the first Monday in Marc I next, otherwise letters ot Dismissory will b granted to him. Witness (lie Honorable Valentine Walker one of the Justices of said Court, this 31-t day if August, 1824. 6m Isaac Herbert, Cl’k. Os Ibp C.iii'i of Ordinary GEORGIA Hicbmond County. Hy the Hun. the C art of Ordinary oj said County TO ALL WHOM IT MAV CONCERN. WHEREAS Lucy M. Yarnold, formerly Lucy 7 » M. Pearson, administratrix, and Joint 11. Mann, administrator on the Estate of George Pea son, deceased, have applied to said Guur t'. r Letters Dismissory. These are thereiore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors, of tilt sod deceased, to fie their objections, (if any they have) in the Office ot the Clerk of the said Court ol Ordinal*'’, on or before the first Monday in June next, otherwise Letters Dismissory w.l be granted to th m. Witness, the Honorable Samuel Hale, one o) the Justices of said Court, this slh day of N" vember, 1824. 6m Isaac Herbert, Cl’k, Os 'he f our of O ‘Unary GE'l.Uii v, Erank'un Cunny. WHEREAS J mu Evans, applies for Letters Dismissory, on the estate of William I-ham, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish al and singular the kindred and creditors ot th. said deceased, to file their objections in my ot fi-e, within the time prescribed by T.vv, to shew cause (if any they have) why said Letters Dis. m ss try should not he granted to him. Given under my hand at ollice in Franklin, this Bth day of De. - -*mh r, 1824. 6m Frederick Heall, Clerk. ! N dice. months after date, application will be I made to the Honorable the justices of the Inferior Court of Scriven County, vvh le. setting tor Ordinary purposes, for leave to divide the estate ol Joseph Cougbron, deceased, late of said County, of which the heirs living out ot tin State of Georgia and County, are respectively notified of such application, this 25th day ol (Jc tuber 1824 36 wm. G. Hunter, Adm’r. With the M ’ nru'.rt (I Administrator’s --Mile. Agr'eah’e loan order ot the Honorable Court it Ordinary * f Warren County, will be sold on the fi;st Tuesday in April next, at the Court- House in Warre-< County. One Lot of Land in the 4th Dis trict nl H mslpn Conn y, belonging to Hie es ;e it Rich*'' 1 Bray, decea-erl. and known by tin . number 215. cnniauiieg 202 1-2, Acre-. 1 ernis ot vale nude know n on tie dav. Amos Wright, Adm’r. Lucy Bray, Adm’rx. January 5, 1825. t 75 Weal Estate to* Sale. THR House and Lot on Elhs-Street, at presen occupied by Mr. John's. Coombs —The Hou* .nd Lot on Broad-Street, occupied by Mrs Ut ittccA Cocke —Tlie House and Lot on Telfair-St occupied by Mr. William Burton. The House and Lot on Broad-Street, formerly •ccupied by J. H. Kimbell, &, Co. at present by Mr. Laxurop. ALSO The Court House Square and Dwelling of the Subscriber. For terms, the present rents, and possession— Vpply to Samuel Hale. December 17 lOt 50 lixecatot’s fea\e. On tiie first Tuesday in March next, at 12 o’clock Will be sold at the Market-House, One Lot LAND, 250 Acres. No. 199, tenth Dis r’ct Early County, belonging to die Estate of John Willson",-deceased. Hu order of the. Exi'cniorf^ Fraser, Bowdre & HRnkell, jluclioneet s, December .11 T 54 Arator’s feaVo. NOTICE. ~y«r.Etfd an order obtained from the setting for Ordinary purposes, BE SOLO , at the Court House door, in the Town of Waynes >,'trough, between the usual sale hours, on vhf first Tuesday in April next, All that Lot or Tract of Land, 'vlng and being in me County of Henry, contain mg two umpired wo and xne haF acres o Land, hi the fifth District, number sixteen. Sold lor he benefit of 'he heirs and creditors of Cary God bee, junr. late of Rtrke Cmi (y. deceased. .John Skinner, Jidm’r. Waynesboro’ I miur 4 1825 lOt 58 Administrator’s Sale. Agreeable to an i rder i f ihe Honorable the Jnsti ces i f the Inferior C sort of Richmond County, while s Ulng for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Mark ' House in me city o I Augusta, on the first Tuesday in March n- xt, at public outcry All the NEGROES, Belonging o the K«ate of Gerahatn Selleck,, to wit. —Beter. Lucy, Thornton, Bob, Sam, Folly, Henry and Mary Ann. —also— At the same time and rlnce, one Track of Land titimtc anil being in,the 26th district ol Early coun y, known as Lot No. 27.3. —ALSO— An undivided part ot a track of Land in the *ounty of Greene situate on he south-west bank f the Oconee U.v-ir, —sold for the benefit of the reditors of the said hsta'e. Jjf Terms made known on the day of sale. Luke Heed, Jtrtin!’ Administrator Estate of G. Selleck, dec’ll, i ii o’v 4 55 AdiuiHisiiMtor’s Hale. Vill be sohl on the first Tuesday in March next, at the Court-II use in Jacksonborough, Sen ven County, be'ween the hours of ten ai d lout o’cl ck. agreeable ffl an order of ihe Honora ble the justices of the Interior Court ol said County, wil l™ sitting lor Ordinary purposes : One negro man slave,- named Pe c, g u> the estate of Windsor Dickson, •eceased, sold f r the purpose of making a divi ion among the Heirs of tlie said d» erased. Terms made known on tin. day of sale. 24th day December. 1824 53 James Dickson, .fldm’r. Administrator’s Sale, ( Postponed.) Will be solil oi the first Tuesday in Tihrua y next, attne Court-House, in the townol Wayne-- borough. Burke county, agreeable to an order of die Mon irabl e the I iferior Court of said c miry, while -itdng for ordinary purposes : Fight ninths of live Negroes, viz. \ggy, Charlotte, \qu ha, Mf-rrl < and El /.a, sold stile properly of William Wallace, accessed, to atisfy the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the 'Ey of *nle. William Wallace, Jidm’r. December 27. 1824- 9l 54 N dice. 4 GKEEABLE to an order of the Honorable tic "V Inferior C mrt of Burke County, when s ; - i g for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on ihe first Tuesday in Febrnn y next, at the Court House in Waynesborougli, between the usual hours ol sale : Two negroes, a hoy and girl, be longing to the ' State es Felt r J. Gomdings de ceased, e .Id for tire benefit of the he' s and ere Jitors of said Es'-i' ■ Co 'diiions cash Ahsolum Kinsey, ivhn’r. Novemh- • 24 114- 1 1 r 44 Twenty Do Wavs tvvwavd. RaNAWAY from toe subscritc r about the Ist of tins ins'ant. two negroes, viz. .11VI, a man • it,tween 25 and 30 yea's of ag<, a little yehow complected, slow ot speech, and uciiveiy made : had on when li left nie a h me«p-in woolen suit <• ciotlies, and LYDIA, his wife, a tall spare math woman, quick of speech, dres td slso in homes u ■, ami took with them two children, Harriet, a mulatto girl, about four yeas sold, and Jane a suck i gcnild dark complec td. A y person who veil • liprehend and de iver aid negroes to me in Mon roe county, ten miles above Macon, on the road leading to Forsyth, shall he entitled to the aoovt reward and all reasonable expenses paid—oilier- • wise should they be apprehended, 1 would ad v s. that live fellow should be put in jail, and the womm and sliildren kept until I receive inior mi inn ot the fact, in which event ten dollar a d all reasonable expenses will b J paid Said 1 negroes were brought from Maryland la«* spring. Beiij H. Rutherford. January 11 3t t 55 JVoUce. VLL persons to whom the late Francis Bouvcr, , of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt d. are requested to present their demands with u Hie time prescribed by law ; and those indebl d, are requested to make immediate payment. R. Boujer, } v , Paul Rossignol,^ December 31 51 TO THE PUBLIC. THERE is perhaps no medical observation bet ter established, none more generally confirmed by the experience ol the best physicians of all ages and countries and none of more importance to the practitioner,than the fact,that many of the most difli cult ana incurable complaints originate in neglectd ed colde. In a climate as variable as ours,where tht changes of the weather are frequently sudden and unexpected, it requires more care and attention, guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy ife, than most people imagine, or are abb <■ , willing to bestow. Hence the vast number pat cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs,*asthn,a consumptions, and other affections, and hence the • farrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried up by the learned and illiserate, 'The many cases ot the kind, fell under my observation ; the prepose erous compositions of inflaming drugs, which are in vogue ; the disappointment 1 experienced in practice from remedies highly recommended ; anil my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints, were strong inducements for me to consider, whether a compound consisting of mild vegetable substances could not be invented, more free from the well founded objections of practitioners, and heller calculated to avert the threatening dt struction of the lungs. PULMONIC Sjfirwp of YfcgeAablea, For coughs, c dds, asthmas and consumptions, tiis remedy is superior to any medicine which has been offered to the public, as it is prepared 'mm the most valuable herbs of our vegetable Kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de pendence may be placed in its virtues Cor thi mre of the above diseases. From the knovvledg, i lie proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of tht syruiij he has no hesitation in recommending ’it o those who labour under thnse distressing com . I unis as a safe and efficacious remedy,,.and hav og administered it to thousands in New-York and Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering i> to the public, and after trial, those persons who : purchase the genuine syrup, will have their mo ney refunded by returning the bottle, if they do ’ lot feel satisfied, that they have reaped benefi rom the use of it. i Directions for Use. Take a tea spoon lull three times a day, say nonvng, noon and night, and continue it until re lieved. (T? Each bottle will have the signature of the proprietor -oO’ Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sigi of the Golden Eagle, Augusta, October 21 , 33 New and Invaluable BYEBTTEDTIIE UNITED STATES OP AMEBIC. AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive for Tain. t This Medi- cine is a nev -1 the Tooth- Ache, Head- Achc, and other dis ’ IlillS remedy is good against the tooth ache of A pain in the teeth and jaws when duly applied and employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy in drlieving swellings of the gums, face and adjacent parts, arising from or connected with tooth-achi It relieves head-ache or pains in the head, in the most easy and agreeable manner ; for this fre quent and distressing ’complaint, this, his new medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re stores both the organs of sense and the nerves oi their healthy condition at a quick and admirable • ate. This new and usefbl preparation produces, by nilcl and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation upon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, tharpens the perceptions, and invigorates the functions of the mind, by dissipating, gloom and vapours it acts truly like & nervous and cephalic medicine of the first order. ( Nor is its effect less beneficial when considered , n relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the . head and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upon | (he sighi and immediate organs of digestion as a , carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing , ■ orpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most comfortable warmth. , The operation of this invention and improve ( ment is quite as favorable to diseases ot the ear, , more especially it acts to great advantage in dui- j oess aid hardness of hearing, a id even in incipi- ( ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to the c exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear g. Certificate from Dr, Samuel L. Mitchell. Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York, tins day submitted to me his letters patent fron he United States, for compounding and vending a remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, ant l ,sked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, at- , ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi cation, I find it contains a mixture of such aromau ; :c, anodyne, and anti-acid articles, as are well cal •nlated to produce a composing effect on the hut , .nan body. , Samuel L. Mitchell. i New-York, November 2r/, 1818. — i i Audier’s .Milk ot Roses. AN elegant cosmetic for whitening, softening and beautify ing the skin, and removing pi nit oles, freckles and chops from the face, neck, &c The Milk oi Roses possesses many qualities, for is lot only serves for the above purposes, but it put ihe bloom of youth on age, which valuable properly •very lady ts fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose cos metic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article wh'ch can be used witli safely, as it contains noth ing that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa ble article to every lady, and should be found ot their toilets. Directions. —After being washed and drie hen take a small quantity on a piece of w hite flan itiduel then wash face, neck, hands, &c. Each hot tie will he signed by the proprietor, Price gl. Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign of'th. Golden Eagle, Augusta. July 4 2 Look and Job Trhiliug, Neatly .Executed at this Office. E. AUDLER. t SURGEON DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen tlemen of Augusta, that he will be ready in serve them at all times, at his or their houses, to the line of his profession, and hopes he will meet share of the public patronage, as be will extract teeth and stumps, and in the eaaie:-t manner if ever of difficult, and all its other bianehcs. Paste ot Carbon, ,#A superior dentifrice to any ever offered for leaning beautifying and whitening the teeth and •s naking the breath sweet and greeabic. SCORBUTIC ESSENCE. Os Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in the urns and teeth, and makes them firm at the ame time. Prepared and sold by E. Audler. At his Drag and%!edicine Store, at tlv# Cotton Range. Sign of the Golden Jingle, dhujns'.a, July 4 r / Jr 2 HAIH KESTiJII^Wv^ And t Preservative Ve°ji I 'HE important . stance, capable oytestorin the hair, was accidenttyTmadc who has neither the capacity ni io practice deception or fraud, liance may be placed on the efl of the Vegetable Cerate, nut t w.i i and preventing the falling off ol producing the greatest lustre ai on of it imaginable; and the public nay d tlia' its effects will be clearly manifes ;i ■ if a short time by the renew growth of the hair, and by effs ill r> , , ng its coming out or falling off. t.< ,-g , Cerate tends to resuscitate and the gies of the capillary vessels, \ those organs that secrete the mi u ■ , iiair ; these, like many other oi nal body, which have been in a .>f < o n , cy or disease, may be restored t 1 aciion, and perforin all those fu them by naitire. The proprietor being aware o tie specifics palmed on the public, si J d. be pn ■’article may not sufft . riis on the effect it has produced ; 1 persons, both male and female, d<o be o ly thing in restoring and hair from coming out of (lie he 'lave used it,- and all that is aske I he verity of its eff ct, is a fair t Elderly people, with bald hen ■mred that by applying a few b< Cerate, their hair will be resin 'youthful beauty and life, rtu: proprietor of the above ry intends appointing agents tl Slates for the sale of it, and ah Direction The Vegetable Cerate being cent, may be pi mifully applied, n ing, and rubbed hard into ihe pore.-, o. ..... ...ail with the li gers, without apprehension of dan ger. Hi addition to its other value, it beautifies he hair and whiskers. N. B. Gentlemen (hat are bald, after using it for some weeks, will find a srna.l fibre of hair growing on llie place tnat is bald , they will con timie it for about ten days after its appearance, then they will slmve their hair close off where it is affected, after tl&t it will receive its natural and vigorous growth. • And those who have the misfortune of loosing their hair by sickness, the Cerate will restore, to diem in a very little time a full and beautiful nead of hair, as it is beyond ah doubts that it is be only thing that has ever been discovered in this country, or perhaps in any other. A constant sunplv for sale by R. 15. '& D. G. Haviland, Agents for Georgia. January 14 58 daiucs’s AuVi-Dn PILLS. DYSPEPSIA, and its attendant symptoms, habi. tual costiveness, cholic, diam oca, rholera morbiis, looseness, irregularity of the bowels and piles, sick headaches, yellowness of die eyes and skin, oppression ofstomsch after meals, eructation, - heart burn, foe'id breath, &c. are some of the pro minent consequences of a deranged and weakened state of (he organs of digestion. The Anti-Dyspeptic Pills, invigorate the sto mach and bowels, by a simple and almost imper ceptible operation, and prove a sale, easy, and efficacious, remedy for the above symptoms, and for every modification ahd degree of Dy .pepsic , from its commencement to its most obstinate and confirmed state. FOU SALIi nT R. 15. & D. G. Haviland. Agents for Georgia. December 17 50 EYING AND SCOURING? f jlllE Subscriber returns his thanks to the pub- X he generally, for the encouragement that he has received since his commencement in the Dying Business, in this place, and hopes, by a s'net attention to his business, to have a continu- \ ance of their custom ; he slid continues at his old stand, on the north side of Reynold street, 'ear the intersection of Bridge-How—where he intends to carry on the DYING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, on Colton, Silk and Woollen , also, Straw Leghorn and Grape. Gentlemen can have their Coats, Pantaloons and Vests scoured, grease, paint and staines extracted at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms, by Win. Taliaferro & Son. November 2 37 ¥otc Sale, A LIKELY NEGUO WOMAN, a good Cook, uV. Washer and Ironer—for further particular, ■quire at 'he Office of the Constitutionalist, December 21 51 Xegvoes loic Sale. t'jpilK subscriuer offers for tale 'I WENTY like- Jl ly Negroes, consisting of Men, W'onten, Girls md Boys. The- w ill be sold low, on application to me at the Eagle Tavern, where the Negroes may be seen, J olm D. Walker. January 1* S 9