The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 01, 1825, Image 3

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The Chaplaincy, and Professorship of ti Ethics, which is vested in the same person ii at the West Point Academy, are vacant. — r The duties of the two-fold office are, to act h as Chaplain on Sundays, and to give instruc tion in the classical course daily during the week to the first class of Cadets. The pay is equal to about fitceen hundred dollars per ' annum, besides fuel, and the use of a con- a venient dwelling house and garden. It is 11 expected that the sallary will be increased about two hundred dollars by the present I 1 Congress. There are several circumstances 1 which combine to render this situation par- l J ticularly desirable for a learned and do- * quent divine. All enquiries addressed to 1 any officer ot the institution, will, no doubt, * be promptly answered.— Nat. Gaz. ' [ Raleigh (N. C.) January 23 ; 1 Winter has come upon us, like “ a thidp in the night.” Friday last was a fine c. jit, day. OnF riday night, it commenced sir... i‘ mg and continued at it until Sunday morn- .' ng, when it was about 12 inches deep. Tru# it is, that we, might have reasonably ! expicted this change, for some weeks past, yet ctwj? now it has taken us by surprise, as i if we srWtld infer, because the weather was J soft as sfrijuj, and nature yet retained in i spots her'Wa»int garment, that winter would not come at mL ... Spring was ihll fragrance and beauty ; Summer, all glory and fertility; Autumn, O *> if t* * all plenty and maglftficence ; and Winter ; hitherto, has “lingered in the lap of May.” It has now come with its attendants, and the feeble, helpless families of the poor, must suffer, if the hand of kindness is clos- i ed to their necessities. If those who arc blessed with the comforts of life, feel the sudden change for which they were not pre-, pared, what must it be to those who have no food, little raiment, and without fuel ?[ One view of the huts of cheerless poverty---! one meal of their meagre fare-»-one day! spent without lire, would awaken us to a sense of their situation. May those who have the power contribute to those who want, and may the blessing of .tliose who are ready to perish, rest upon them ! • r ßegister. * * The Huston Centiuel contains a list of the manufactories in the State of Massachusetts together with the amount of capital of each. It appears from this statement, that there are one hundred and sixty one, with an ag gregate capital ol 21,465,000 dollars. . , titles- Charleston, January 23.' VERY LATE FROM PERU. By the schr. Endeavour, from Chagres, we learn that at the time of her sailing, the latest accounts received at Panama stated, that Bolivar was in possession of Lima. On Commodore*-Hull had decßkred the pin t of Callao to be in a state ot blockade, lie was induced to do this in consequence of the Royal General Lodell New-York. The late news from all quarters of the soutlTcompbpely refute the disastrous ac counts fabricated at the north, and disper sed over the country of the misfortunes of Bolivar. On the contrary that General is victorious-—has met with no reverses, and is liberating Peru from the banditti which infest it. Norfolk, Jan. 19. Late and interesting from the. Pacific. — The bfig Canada, in 77 clays from Valparai so,Jtfmnd to Baltimore, came into the Capes on Thursday last and proceeded up the Bay. Lieutenant Ramsay, who went out first in the United States Ship Peacock, came pas senger in this vessel, from which he was put onboard th a North-Carolina, 74, and went up the Bay in her. By this arrival we learn < that Captain Carter, who sailed from (his port in command of the Peacock, is on his return home, having taken passage in a British frigate from Valparaiso to Rio Janei ro, and as the frigate sailed before the Cana da, the arrival of capt. C. may momently be looked fori Lieutenant Beverley Ives nun, had succeeded Captain C. in the command of the Peacock. The frigate United States, Com. Hull, and Peacock, Lieutenant Commandant Een non, were at Callao on the 10th September, the latter had lost a few of her men by small pox, but its depreciations had been checked and the crew were all in good health at the above date. Patriot Victory. —A letter received by the Canada, from Valparaiso, states that a battle had been fought on the 3d September, between Bolivar and Canterac— the two armies amounting to about 17,000. The slaughter was prodigious, 3 to 5000 men be ing left dead on the field, two thirds of whom were of the Royal Army-—Victory decided in favor of Bolivar. --««•«- An accident occurred on Tuesday morn ing last, to the Western Stage, on its trip down, being the first we believe which has ever happened otc that line. We arc pleas ed to state, that no injury secured to the passengers, though it resulted in the loss of a valuable horse, to the enterprising propri etor, Mr. M orning. The horses took flight from one of the wheels running against a suppling in descending a hill and started to run, but went but a lew yards before the stage striking against a tree, the tongue of the carriage gave way, and the horses were consequently at liberty. They set oft’ at full speed, with the tongue attached to them, but in short time two of the horses extrica I If ted themselves from the harness, the remain ing one continued to run, keeping in the - road, for five miles when from complete ex haustion, he fell dead. [Jialeigh Peg, WE stop the press to announce with deep heartfelt regret, the death of Maj. Gen. Robert Goodloe Harper. Much associ ation with him, lately, as the most active member of our Agricultural Society had ser ved to make us better acquainted with his personal qualities ; thus uniting to groat respect for bis talents anil integrity as a public man, the sincere personal regard in spired by his courtesy, generosity,'and good feelings of a gentleman. It was but yester day that, in the Circuit Court, ho displayed the unimpaired powers of a vigorous mind, rich in the stores of learning, acquired by the|jbest education and the best industry; thus passing to the gates of death, as it were, in the footsteps of an illustrious compeer. He now lies a spiritless corpse in the house which was but yesterday the seat ot elegant - hospitality, and domestic happiness—a 1 mournful illustration of the uncertainty of h#fnan happiness. Kale wings with ev’ry wish the afflictive dart. Each gift of nature, and each grave of art ; With fatal heat, impetuous coinage glows ; ( With fatal sweetness, elocution flows ; ( Impeachment stops the speaker’s powerful breath < And restless flic precipitates on death.’’ ( [Balt. American Farmer, 14th inst. ( Hhirricfc, On Thursday evening last, hv the Kev. Mr. Moderwell, Mr ' .JOSEPH C. EVE,to Miss JANE M. RINGLAN D, both of this city. _____ — ______. Dancing Assembly Postponed. rp R. FAYOLLE’S Dancing Assembly is una- JL • vuldably postponed until TUESDAY next, after which lime there will be a BALL even Tuesday during the season. Febpinrv 1 63 — i Just Received •* AT THE Augusta VloUmvg Stove, ; by ' Another Case ot BLUE DU ESS COA IS, Blue and Fancy colored PANTALOONS, New stile VESTS, &,c. Which they offer for sate cheap Jor ready Cash. ( February I 63 5 NEW PUBLICATIONS. “ . Hainan Heart—a new Novel jiL Buchanan's Sketches of the North American Indians, „ - Theodoric and other Poems, by Thos. Camp bell, E»q. Tales for Mothers —by J, N. Bouilly, Memoirs of the life and character of the right Hon. Edmund Burke, with specimens >. of his Poetry and Letters —and an es'i e mate of his Genius and Talents, compan d ) with those of his great cotemporaries— ! with autographs, by James Prior, E-q. . Missionary Journal, and memoirs of the Hev. Joseph Wolf; missionary to the Jews, e The Album [1 Memoirs of Goethe, I M.j or Long’s second expedition, in 2 Vols e with plates and maps Pdey’s Works—complete in 5 Vols. Byrne's works—new edition, with numerous C piat.-s, complete in 8 Vols. Minor and Fully on fevers just uucEJVRi) nr f I;has. S. Baker. 9 February 1 It 63 * C>" English Rille and Sporting Powder, Pigoo, Andrew’s and Wdlc’s Darslord Powder, in pound Cannisters JUST UKfEIVKI) BY Chas. S. Baker. - F-hruary 1 If 6, s (SfT «id,verliseu\eut. * 4 N Individual under the absolute necessity of H 1%. “ Raising the Wind,’’ idlers lor sate lire fol . low mg valuable collection of articles, which will j, be disposed ot on accommodating terms in tots to , suit purchaser* viz • Ab nil one dozen open accounts, due from him n to sundry individuals amounting to from twenty S tonne hundred dollars each—Sundry mortgages y of real and person d estate — and seventeen Jmlg a merits—w Inch, together with the r;cent arrivals of eight Wiiis of fieri Facias and four of Capias l * ad Satisfaciendum, renders in- assorune it more ■■ compie.e, and hold-, out tlie high st possible de e gree of encouragement, to such speculators or note f shaves, us have cash stored away tor the purpose ( j l embarki ig in such alluring and profitable spec | tlati ins— Flic whole of the above described val uable properly is -warranted not paid. Ihe ownei ~ reluctantly makes this sacrifice, ami assures the ■- Public that nothing hut the confined state of his . ntfurs, has compelled hiei to it. As tits stock is jj d uly iuci easing, he can boast of as great . as any that can be produced on record—and ttao ' ters himselt to be able to suit customers in all ca 0 ses. Conditions, at the time of sale. Purcnas ers to pay for Fitles and Advertising. v P, S. Unless previously disposed of at privatt " sale, the above will be offered at public auction a in the ca ly part of next month. A line addres > sed to C. P. and left at this UlHce, Will be attend 0 ed to. u February 1 3t 63 ,i Notice. 1 V virtue of a fifa to me directed, ‘will be sold II on the first i uesrlay in April next, at tile uaiket H mse, in Hie City of Augusta, between lie usual hours of sale. Due Lot with the ini. - pr .vements 1 icreon, m the city ot Augusta, bouu j tied on the north by Jacob 1). north’s Lot, Soutn j by Keynote' si reet, west by Ralph Kelchuni’s L < and east by Ca I’s alley, levied on as the property, of dn. Loza a. M Laroche to salisly her uoad * i id well (ax lor 18<!3 anti 1824, amounting to f gzß 50. John W. Bead C. M, l February 1 tds 63 I caution. . S'UIE subscriber is determined not to pay any ■ ti. tlebis contracted by any person belonging to ms family, except by himself ami Mrs. Goldsmith, : vlio is authorised to act as my Attorney during t my absence from this (City. . Samuel Goldsmith, February 1 3t 63 AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL LOTTERY, AUTHORIZED HY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. JbfijifWir* ~ 1 Prize of g 30,000 is 830,000 \ I 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes *>f , 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, £ 180,000 12825 Blanks. 18000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS. Less than two and an half Blanks to a prize. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the Prizes to be Floating from the commencement, except the following, winch will he deposited in i/i wheel at definite periods, viz : f)n the Ist Drawing I prize of SIO,OOO & l of SSOO On the Jil “ 1 prise of s,o(HyfcA<°k-4iiUVO Sl iof SSOO OtithoJd “ 1 prize of On the 4th •» 1 prize of 5,000 &4W (j/i-bjU >OO On tiie 6tli “ 1 prize of iSc lof On the Cth “ 1 prize of 5,000 it iof On the 7tli “ 1 prize of 10,000 Ac lof lof 500 On the Bill “ 1 prize of 20,000 of i’(M> of 500 On the 9th " 1 prize of 30,000 Ac lof 1,000 &. lof 600 The whole Lutterjr to be completed in Nine Duly. Jj(“ I lie drawing to commence as soon as a sufficient number of Tickets are sold. Ihe whole of the Prizes payable in thirty days after the com|T lion of the Drawing, subject to ade (iuction oi tiileen per cent. All Prizes not ap i led lor in twelve months, to he considered as a donation to the funds of (he Masonic Hall. Vvrsput VtUl of Tickets, 11® SM)3iiIL.AISItSL ■ For sale in agr-at variety of numbers, at the COMMISSIONS?S OFFICE in liroad street, Augusta, a lew doors below the Hank J. Bi. Beers, Secretary to the Fount of Commissioners, off Orders for Tickets from any part of the Cubed States, Post (mid and enclosing the Cash, addressed to the Secretary, will meet immediate •ittention. Rules and regulations adopted a* *a- meeting ol i he Hoard of Commissionet s of the MASONIC HALT. LOTTERY, January Blh, 1825. Ist. The Commissioners shall assemble on the Saturday ol every other week. 2d. A majority of the Commissioners shall con stitute a quorum for the transaction of business, i and a majority of those present at any meeting shall govern in ail cases, except those hereinafter I specified. 3J. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to pre serve order, to appoint Committees to supervise; ■ the Hooks and conduct of the Secretary, and he shall have the privilege of voting upon all subjects; and also of expressing his opinion. 4lb. A Secretary slndl be appointed with a sal ary of eight hundred dollars per annum, and shall give bund and security, performance if his duties. He shall .kWqTtair minutes of tlu ■ proceedings of the Hoard id Commissioners—shall act as an agent for the sale nltickeis—keep a re gular account of ilia sale-, and deposite all mould received by him, (as soon as received,) in one ol •he Hanks ol (his ciiy. He shah, moreover, tran fact all business Relating to Hie. Lottery, to winch he shall be required to at end, by the Commit y sioners. ’ sth No ticket shall be sold on a credit, unless by an order ol the Hoard of Commissioners; ami not then, without such security as shall he satisfac tory to a committee appointed for the purpose of receiving the same. 6-,h. 'The tickets shall he signed by the Com missioners, in equal proportions ; and not inert than one Commissioner shall sign any ticket. 7th. The Secretary shall not be entruste'J at any ‘ onetime, with more than five hundred Tickets, and shall exhibit at every meeting if the Cnmmis sioners, his Hank Hock, and an account plainly shewing the amount ol tickets scid, and the num ber in hand. Blh- The tickets, after they are numbered and 1 signed, shall be; deposited at Hank, and only drawn s thence by a committee, of which the Chairman shad be one. s 9di. No money shall bo drawn from Hank, but s by a check, signed by a major.ty of the Cnmmis sioners, and for no other purpose, but the pay ment of prizes, or necessary expenses. * January 28 61 EXCHAW6I: OFFICE UNITED SVATZSS L ’ AND s POST W®TBS, /. ALSO, DRAFTS On Boston, Baltimore, e Providence, Washington City, IS ew- York, Petersburg, Va. i Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C. And Savannah, - For Sale by Beers, Bunnell & St. John. j liroad, corner of M'lnlosh street. i Gout and Shark coin and ail kinds of Hunk ii Notch, Hougbl and Sold. . Novfmbi r 12 40 i rriNNisitoxE.a -MM) GALLONS Pure Irish WHISKEY just received from Heha-t. and for sain bv Jas. P. Maguire. January 28 ,3l 62 , | iS olice. tjNflNB months alter date, application will he J J made to the Court of Ordinary <d Franklin County, for leave to sell one hundred Acres of Land, in said County, as the properly ol Adam Linn, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased John E. Carson, udiu’r. I January 18, 1825 Irnfim 63 CIRCUS. THIS EVENING, * Tuesday February Ist, 1825. TO COMMENCE WITH A tl m&sia) jsHtfatisat ;i AND CONCLUDE WITH THE BEAUTIFUL VUItt.SE XED, ' Dancing to the tune of Paddy Carey. HORSEMANSHIP By Mr. BLYTH, 1 Onrinjr w ir i i n 1 tNc Ladies' Fashions in Paris, 3J time tii season. vaulting * liy the whole Troop. Ground and Lofty Tumbling, r Jty the a hob. Troop. MRS. WILLIAMS, c The intrepid Equestrian, wi lgo through hevele- ' gant acts of Equestrianism—and conclude with ( the six divisions of the Broad Sword, the horse in full speed. i _____ _ ■“* 111 HORSEMANSHIP , by Master Whittaker. stillTaulting, By the whole Troop, viz : Messrs. Hlylh, Asten, Hunt, Hughes, Whitta ker, Sessf’ord, M‘Conn—Chatter-Uox Gabble Joke, (the Clown) WILL IAMS. StvcAtAkvuee, vuuV UmuVmV, From lire Pantomime of Kanko. SLACKWIRE VVy JVVy. Wuglifcs,. Slack Hope, By Master WHITTAKER. , My. .MANA N wi\V vtvUivm tm Ike, P atent Kent LugVe. HORSEMANSHIP, Hy Mastei 1/U.\'l\ without Saddle or liridle, During which he will perform a variety of inter i. eating feats, leaping through Hoops, over (far ters, &.C. the horse go ng at full speed. . After vvh Ii m! he Deformed THE HUNTED TAYLOR, ’ Or, Mr. Button’s Journey to Brentford. Killy Hutton, Mr. Hlylh. Clown, Mr. ITu iums. 1 (FT" Admittance to the Boxes One Dollar, PIT, Fifty Cents. 1 %* Children under ten years of age, admitted ■ to the Unites at half price. t |j-| Doors open at half past six, and Perform -1 me to commence at a quarter past seven o’clock. fff Tickets may he procured at the Circus and i at the cl be-Tavern during the day. ■ §§§ .Vo smoking allowed •within the Doors of the Circus. , F< bruarv 1 6,3 £s* A handsome Hussar Uniform, I' nearly new, niay be had cheap by inmiediutc ap plication at this office. Feb u»ay 1,3 t 63 Aw o\AtAvu\g imr Euler \>viz.e. ©DD VALUABLE LOTS, Situated on the principal streets in Lower Ham burg, (~ improved anil unimproved, J . lI[IU, be s.d Ito the highest bidder, on Tims-; If dav the lUlli January next, in the Town nt 1 Hamburg. South-Carolina. One hall of the pur 1 chase money, cash, the other half, to bear an in terest ol seven percent, per annum—the inter -1 est to be paid annually, My individual Notes, and the Notes of the following Banks, viz. The Hank of Hamburg, Hunk of the United Slates, the sever.d Hanks of this Slate, and the Hank ol Augusta, will be taken in payment. The pur chasers of unimproved lots will be required to improve thereon. The sale will continue from day to day until the whole is disposed of; when the terms of sale are complied with, indisputable t itles will be made. Henry Shultz. Hamburg, Nov. 24 Sale Continued. The sale of the above Lots lias been postponed until Tuesday the 22d of February next, on > which day the sale will recommence. The Charleston Mercury, the Charleston Con |tier, Southern Patriot, City Gazette, Columbia t elescope, boulli-Cardioa Republican, Pendle ton Mcs-engir, Augusta Chronicle, the Const Ilu uonalisl, S .VHiilodi Republican and Georgian, will publish the above once a week for three weeks, and forward their accounts to me lor pay ment . « Henry Shultz. February 1 •> r 5.i Notice. PERSONS being daily in the habit of trespass ing on the Hickory lidge tract of land, owner by the Hank of Georgia, and cutting the wood and undergrowth therefrom : Notice o, hereby given, .hat the utmost vigilance will be u-ed in delecting and prosecuting the offenders. Jbe said Land is bounded on the west by I urkanet’s Spring, and part of the village of Summerville, on the East I iiy the lands ol A. Martin, !’■ H. Carnes and jolliers, it may lie more particularly known-by the , Vlilledgeville road, passing tlir >ugh it. , Jiu order of the Hoard 1. Henry ( February 1, 1825, if 6,i f | VUmk wiuV J«k VvinUng, 1 Neatly Bxecuted at this (,‘lJicG. Othello Jackson r r - JL ENDERS his respectful Com pliments to the EubHc for the generous pa tronage extended to him, since his arrival in tins city, »ind has the happiness to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta and its V icinity, for their further accommoda tion, of the re-cngagement of aiito uiino^Ds 9 FOR THIS WKKK. ONLY. IC" Exhibition mill hike place, this and To -morrow Evenings, Tuesday jlvjj a euaesday, February Ist & 2d. F -br-iarv I g<j New, Cheap, Cash Grocery AND Fit LIT STORE , t)NK noon uklow Till-: iiuinru: sink, r V'\ v -. ■"' '"■'■dH-r is we- Kly and sometimes d*i * U n e-ivinjy the articles in his line of busi ness, and ran simply la.nilies with the best of Li qnom .nd I’.ints of the season, upon the most nu.dn-,-e irrms.-ltnying for cash and selling fop rash 1,0 can allot tl Ins Tea. Coffee, Sugar, Cheese. Cordials, Almonds, Ua.sins, Canal Flour, Granges Applffi, ami Liquors unadulterated at a very small prolu upon iiie wholesale prices. ALSO— VJCHV SUPER 1011 JVORTIfEHjy ALE, nr THE HARR EL. •hist received a small stock of HI ELL’S superior Macoboy, Happee St, Scotch Genuine fine, Out, Chewing * .and Smoking, Cavendish, I’lg Tail, small twist IOH ACCu, Wind, he will sell at wholesale. lower than it has ordinarily been sold here ; hut in justice to ■wholesale purchasers, he cannot reduce the retail prices ol Uieil’s MaimfacUire. J. If. Simmons, Jannnrv 38 , 3, gj Eifty UoWars he ward. W I GLEN out of the stable of the subscriber C7 ai fvollev’s Gowpe.m, Walton county, on the night of the 7th instant, A Way G tiding, about 16 hands high, shod a!l r. turn, H years old, his two hind (eel white ahoul hall way to the hock Joint, and white snip on his nose and part of bis face, trots and paces, handsomely nicked, and is a (me looking horse, works very finely m har ness, and has some marks of them—he Was raised by'Malliew Carswell, of Wilkinson county. I wi,l give a reasonable reward (or the horse, or information so ( can get linn, and the above re ward for the conviction of (lie thief. r l liomas W. Harris. IX j The Augusta Constitution dist and (he newspaper at Macon, will give the above one or two insertions, mid forward their accounts to Monroe, Walton county. January 19 2t 63 Guard fan’s Hale, Will lie sold on (tic (ms? Tuesday in April next, at the Court Mouse in Jacksoiihoro*. Mcriven coun ty, between the hours of ten and four o’clock, pursuant In an orders of the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior Court of said county, when sining for ordinary purposes ; All that tract or parcel of Band, containing four hundred «*i ml ninety acres (more >r situate lying and being- in the fourteenth district of Irwin county, Georgia, and known and distinguished in the plan of said district, by the number twenty-three*(23,) so4d for tin* benefit of Sarah life, orphan, of John !Vf. Gee, deceased.— Terms made known on day of sale. Peter I ted dick, Guardian. Scrivrn county, January 23 lUt t 63 r-sr iN otice. I'' months alter date, application will be A-J made to the llonOl-ahle the Justices of the Inferior Court of sdd county, when sitting fur Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole of die real Estate of Irvin Ih.yet, decease I, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and ere jditorsof suit, deceased. J ames ham her t, ) , Boyet, $ ™: Serivn County. Jaa. 33 18.(5 t-nfim O i GEGIP .1 Screven County, WUKI.’K V,S George Pollock, administrator with the will annexed, of the Estate of William Hoot lie, tic ceased, und also administrator of (he Estate of Mary Hoollie, deceased. Am) William If. Wade, a Imiimlrntor fie bonis non of the Estate of (.eorge M. Henderson, deceased, each applies (or fellers Dismiss u-y. These are thepelore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credit irs of the said deceased’s, to file their objections in Ibis of fice, on or I -fore the fust Monday in August next, ensuing, to shew Cause (it any they have) why letters Dismissory should not be granted to the applicants. Given under my hand at office in Jacksonboro’ •his 28th day of January, 1825. Om Seaborn Goodall, cVlc, GEORGIA, Scviven Counter. WHEKEAS Augu-tus S. Jones, applies for I-t --ters of Administration on the estrte -nd effects of James M. Clcland, deceasjd said county. These are therefore to cii- and admonish all md singular, the kindred and creditors of the s:m deceased, to be and appear at mv office, within the time prescribed by law, and file tlieir objections (, any they have) to shew cause why said letters should not be granted J Given under my hand at office’ in Jacksonbo rough, this 28th day of January, 18 >5. 1 63 Haabern Gwedall. CL'k. GEOHGI 5, Erunklin County. Job,, Gettirs, junr. applies for i i* a * '' ° A ', m "" s ' ra,lol ‘ 011 the estate of John Gettirs, senr. deceased. These are therefore to cltj and admonish ali and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to (i.e their objections i» rny office, wilbin the time prescribed by law, to .shew cause y ' nms 'a “i Frederick Beall, Clerk.