The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 08, 1825, Image 3

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Cumberland Road in Continuation. —On the question for engrossing this bill, a de bate, on its general principles, took place, in which Mr. McDuffie, Mr. Webster, Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Cambreling chiefly enga ged. About three o’clock the roll was cal led over, when there appeared For the bill, Yeas 94 Against the bill Nays 82 so the bill was ordered to be engrossed fora third reading to-morrow. oo®— irom the Boston Medical Intelligencer. SEPULTURE. At Saulieu, Burgundy, a mild catarrhal fever was epidemic. A very corpulent body was buried in the Church of St. Saturnin. Twenty three days after, a pit was opened by the side of that in which was the empu lent body, to bury a woman, who died in childbed, under this fever. A most fetid odour immediately tilled the church and af fected all who entered. In putting the wo man’s coffin into the pit, some sanies issued —its odour strongly affected the assistants. Os one hundred and seventy people who en tered the church, from the opening of the pit till the burial, one hundred and forty nine were attacked with a putrid malignant fever, somewhat resembling the epidemic. Its na ture and intencity left no doubt it owed its malignity to the infection of the church— Mem. su Vusage d , enterrer dans les eglises etles villas: pur Marat, cclcbre med, Dijon 1773. *. A malignant epidemic fevor caused by re moval ot the earth ot the cemetery of St. Peters Church also shows the danger of buri als in churches and populous places. At Auvergne an old cemetery was dug over to embellish the town ; soon after, an epi demic appeared which carried oft' a great many people, particularly the poor, and in the neighborhood ol the cemetery. Six years before a like cause produced an epidemic in Ambert, in Auvergne.— Dissert, de. M. Huguenot, ProJ, cn Med, dunsl’ univers, de Mt'pcllier. In this Missert, and M, Mar el's Mem. are discribed the terrible consequences of infection in the Cathedral of Ml’pellier from burials.. J’lie bod y a very fat person was buried un der a toot ot earth and eijht inches of stone;' the abundant vapours from it made it neces sary to dig it up.—Three diggers undertook it—two ol them Were attacked with a violent vomiting, ancl left the work; Hie third de termined to finish it, and died in ten days after— M. Berrard in Obs. de Fhusiaue van M. I. Abbe Rozeir. I. I he Curate of Arnay-le Due, Normandy, after having breathed the infected air from the he was burying, had a putrid dis ease which reduced him to the last extremi ty. Journ. Eacyclop. 1773. _f he lord ot a village, two leagues from ■Nautz, died. To place his coffin according to Ids friends’ wishes, it was necessary to remove several coffins among which was that of his relation. A most fetid odour spread itself in the church. Fifteen of the visitants died shortly after? the four per sons who removed the coffins died first: six curates, present at the ceremony, hardly escaped death— Gazette de Satne, February 1774. J 1 he water of the wells below' the ceinetry of St. Louis, at Versailles, could not be used on account of its fetidness— Recuiel de pieces concernunt les ci me tie res de Versail les, 1774. At Lectoure, 169 miles S, W. from Paris the opening of a body was followed by an epidemic. lu digging vaults in the church of St. Eus tace, Paris, it was necessary to move some i bodies, and to put others in a vault winch . iMil been a time shut. Children who went to catechism in the church, and many adults, were seized with difficulty of respi ration, irregularities of pulse, some of them with convulsion s ol the limbs— Rapport dt M. Ferret, docte ur regent de lu Faculte de Paris. hrom 1, 76, burials in towns and churches, is forbidden in France. In 1810, an Arch bishop of Aix, in vain solicited of the govern ment the favor to be buried m Ids cathedral. . lie last burial ground established by the city of Boston, is in a remote part of its sub mits; it presents great neatness and secu rity. IBarricO, . Oil the 3a Inst, bv the Rev. K. S.veeov, Mr. JOHN RILEY to M»s CAR.OLINE G IRL.IMO SNEED, both of this piece, C3* Phe subscriber returns his warmest thanks to those ot tos lellow dozens, vvno bv their serve exertions rescued his property fr >m the flames on the 4th lost, flu- trie thy interest evinced by every one for Ms situation on that occasion, will ever be held bv him in grateful remembrance, Edward Byrd. February, 8 It 65 Dancing Assembly. Te, FA VO I IK’S l!a"ciig Assemble take. • place (IDS EVENING bit. inst. atLewer ’I. nent Bridge Hank, February 8 snuTsl MBS. I HM)U. FAV'II.LE, has the honor ti inform her friends a d the public of An gtrra, that her intention is to teach die P,an . F>r e and Spanish Guitar—ah i, the art of S ; g i gin the newest style. Mrs. F nlll attend at psivale hoiis»s, or giv lessons a* her c.w n rest deuce. F.r terms md forth-r particulars apply at lower tenrrntnt bridge Dank. February 8 AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL LOTTERY. §SS) 9 <D®© FOR Whole Tickets - - SIO Halves ... 5 Quarters - - - 2 50 Eighths - - - 125 Tickets and Shares for sale at the Com missioners Office, a few doors below the Bank. ... •[ J. S. Beers, SePryT to the Commissioners. February 8 It 65 NOTICE. The Subscriber RESPEO I FULLY n,form-. Ins friends and the | public that he has sold out his OKt GOODS , Estabh.-.liment, comer of broad street and bridge ( Bow, to his brother G. Dillon, and solicits tor nim a c mtinuation of that patronage so liberally conferred on himself—he is also authorized to act as n.y Icg.d Attorney, in every capacity as re- ( lates to tile colled inn of all accoums due me, and In (he management of my real estate. g AH persons to whom I am indebted, are re- s quested to present their accounts without delay. Hubert Billon. Augusta, 7tb February, 1825. 6t 65 • ' a uiua ‘ MRS. OKU (late Miss Cooper from London,) old M ss OKU, inform the public that they 1 are . imaged in the Millinery business, including Dress and Cor el making. They occupy a hous, . tripMrm'slbii;street, at the lower end of Judge : lip,in’s lut,*-tmd not far from the Hospital. N. 11. Straw-Chip and Leghorn Bonnets pres ■ acd, altered, dyed and cleaned at the shortest no- 1 ■ lice and on the must reasonable terms, t February 8 65 ; ik Ma ‘ i t 'ip I 1 B. HE subscriber having resumed the practice 1 s os LA IV, tenders his services to the public. He* 1 "dll attend most of die Courts in the Western Circuits, ihe adjoining counties in the Flint and Ocmnlgee, and the counties of Lawj-ens, Twiggs 6 and Pulaski, in the Southern Circuits. Thomas W. 11 arris. 1 • (CT Letters addressed to him Monrue, VVal f ton county, will be attended to. 1 February 8 3m 65 fy* Left at the subscribers Store, „ ( s ''me time since) a pair of Ladies Bootees, and r a pair o\ Gentlemen’s Boots.— The owner'on pay. - mg for this advertisement, and applying to the I subscribers, shad receive -h same. t • J. L. Anderson & Co. February 8 3 65 3 ' ~~vsr i Wanted to Buvcitiaso, 'ir.VO Negroes nt the following trade, Black X smith and W heel maker, of good character. ’ Apply to B. Picquet. February 8 Wanted to tVive, r i SMAIII’, active Negro Buy, ab it 14 or 15 s £% year* of age. For one that can b ■ well re ) o immended for Honesty and Sobriety, a liberal j .rice will be paid. r Jlpi'ly ot this Office, , February 8 3- r. ■, A dozen guile >1 mew 1 cun be accommodated witi) BO \ KDING, by ap f plyi tg over Mr. G. Cleland’s 11 it .Store. / February 8 3' 65 QUAKER SPRINGS, / SE VEX MILES FROM AUGUSTA. ij FI IE -übsenber having lac ly purchased the » an we establishment, is now furnishing t 3 and thoroughly repairing the buildings. He k wnl spare no t.ains to accommodate parties ot gentlemen and ■ rav I n-s. aid kalways m hand a supply of the best Liquors that the Angus - ta. Charleston an I Savannah markets will afford , e d Ills table wil no, beinbiiir to tlie he .t public fi house in Augusta, anil upon s res mahie lenns. u James Hynes. y N. B James Lvnes, takes t of re turning hit than ks to his numerous trie ids and nr, qnaintances, tor the liberal support afforded him | la the Coach Making business, and Ha-ters htmseil C >y industry and attention, to it their coiltin e tied favours in lue profession which be has re cently adopted, j Fcbi’ti try 8 6t 65 ■ miSHEI.S Live-pool Ground 13 - FOR SALE AT THE STEAM BOAT WHARF, A. R Gordon. February 4 6t 64 ;■ <IL®©D O 'PHE Subscriber will give 12 cents per lb. for 3 ... • HOUSAND FOUNDS best quality ~ ALLOW, to be delivered by Ihe last day of ; February, at Ins Manufactory, five doors below he Market. r B. Payne. r Augusta .lanuspr 28 1825 s*i * 62 K. b. & tt. B. UavUttuA. Have Just Received an Assortment of SUSPENDING, And Maud Brass LAMPS, r '•} 11 i h addvcl to their former stork, makes * thei assortment ot Lamps as complete and ex 1 tens V'. «s any to be found in the southern sta-es. ’ For the acc'-ramoda'i- n of those who use Lump Oil, they .we on ha id a number of Fin Cannis > ter., containing from 1 to 5 gallons, which they • Ifei gra uitnusiy to their customers for the pur pneof containing the Gd. I’hey have aLo just t , IV "1 a gtvm variety of Lant|j Glasses and t " ck to sti.t any kind of Lamps. February 4 64 , ty X handsome Hussar Uniform, ■ n, ~r|y i.e,- ay be bad cheap uy immediate al, , l o.ii o ihi. Office, 1 ( February 1 NEW AstYouomicaV TuecAwYes. EZRA A. STEVENS, IJ ESPECTFULLY invites the Ladies am! lli Gentlemen of Augusta, (the Ladies hi par ncular,) to alieml grauitous lectures on Astro tunny, at tlie Richmond Academy, on 'l'iiesda\ u.d Wednesday evenings, I'ebruaiy 81 It and 9tli. ,0 commence til J o’clock. in the course of his introductory Lecture, Mr Stevens will by a method entirely new, illu traU motions Seasons—Eclipses— Changes and I’liases of tjie Moon—Cause ol the Ebbing and Flowing of the Tides, &c. &c. The whole rendered plain by means ol apparatus, in tnose who may hat'e paid no previous attention to the subject—No children admitted exetp with parents.* On Friday evening the 12th, Mr. Stevens wil. commence a regular series of six Astronomical I ectures, to be given three times a week, on <uch evenings as shall best accommodate the Ciass. ■ The principles of this sublime science, will be illustrated in such a manner a» shall render them perfectly familiar to those whti may'hot have made it their study. Jj* Tickets (or the Course, to admit one per son at g 3, or a whole family at Jglu, may he had at the Book Stores. RECOMMENDATIONS, From Col. Richard ML Johnson, Senator in Congress from Kentucky, who was one of a nu merous Class at Washington. SENATE CHAMBER, City of Washington, Feb. 26 ih, 1823. To all whom ii may concern, 1 have attended a course ol Lectures delivered by Mr. Ezra A. Stevens, on Astronomy—l consider Mr. Stevens a complete master of his subject, and his Lec tures are well calculated to atnuae and instruct 'he learned and the unlearned. This nianitel* is interesting, his language chaste and appropriate, lus Astronomical knowledge appears to be pro found, and bis illustrations are extremely happy, and calculated to give the most distinct idc&s and dear conceptions of the various laws and com plicated revolutions and motions of the whole heavenly bodies ; and 1 do recommend him in is 1 earnestly to all who are patrons of learning and science. RICHARD M. JOHNSON. From the Rev. Dr. Woods, professor of Theolo gy, at Andover. Theological Seminary, Andover, Nov. 22, 1823. ILvi' g attended the Astronomical Lectures which Mr. E. A. Stevens h;,s recently delivered before a majority ol the students of this seminary and many inhabitants of Andover, I take great pleasure in testifying the entire, and J believe uni versal satisfaction, which he has given. The hap py taViu winch he possesses of illustrating, by a simile apparatus the most important principles of astronomy, renders them invlligibJe, mid highly inlei eating 'o nil his hearers, whether more or less icqnuuited with the science ; and what adds much ' ° tlle of his iecures, he takes frequent oc casi'ins to show the tihserviency of this sconce to no priiicipi sos religion* Hy bis unassuming and unable manners and nis unexceptionable conduct, while resident h re, Mr. Stevens has endeared inui-elt to ail who have bad any intercourse wi.b m I joinl most cordially, with many others, ie i/e, m . .ending him to the .pail linage of the pub nek, wherever he may go. LEONARD WOODS. Mr. S. has similar ' recommendations from ,!u .ge Berrien of Sevann*b*Vh eie “ verv nuttier ns Class of Ladies IrtcTgentlemen recently «t. "■'"l'd From Gov. Pleasants, Bishop Moore, ml John Adams, B-'q». who were committee of« Cbtss at Richmond—and from most of the primp pal men throughout the United States. Mr. Stevens has taken Lodgings at the Man ion House, where he will be happyto see hi ■■ | ''n>ls eve ry day from 12 until 2 o’clock. February 8 -m.-uiox luvuvii^ W'l-L be let at the p st office in Macon, to f ▼ the lowest bidder, at public outcry, on Friday the 15th of April next, the building of a ■ RIDGE across the Dcmulgee river at the tool of the Street leading to the public square in Ma coo. Ihe river at the intended site lias, it is be eved,a very firm bottom, the most of which is known to be of rock. Its width at common wa ter is estimated at 250 feet : the h-ight of the icers at 38 'eel, the wh 1« length of the bridg. a: 400 i and the Contemplated width 32 feet, stone and timber may be very conveniently obtained and had gratis on the adjoining public Lands’ Ihe piers and abutments to b- of stone—the up ner works of approv d limber, and to be shing led, weather boarded and paiimd. The under taker will be required to give bond with three approved securities m 'he sum of g-’O.UOO for the faithful performance of his contract. The names of the persons offered as securities must be submitted to the commissioners by the Bth ol April: Letters lor this purpose may be directed o the commissioners to the cue of’ Mortimer R Wallis, Esq. post master, Macon. 20 per cent on the amount of the contract w ill be advanced and further advances will be made at the discrc non of the commissioners as toe work progresses. A model of the intended bridge and the form ■f the con'rarl will be open to inspection at the room over G llespie & Birdsong’s store in Macon on amt after the twenty-first of March, until the time ol letting. Architects are invited to prepare and furnish m dels in wood on a scale of an inch to the foot, with accompanying explanations in writing— which w.ll be received at the room above men (toned until Tuesday the 15th of March, inclti sive. A premium of gIOO will be paid lor that model which shall bo adopted as best uniting tin properties of cheapness, strength, durability and convenience in repairing. Luke J. Morgan, ~) Charles Bulloch, Mortimer R. Wallis, >fW™. Hamuel Gillespie, 1 William Bivins, J (XT The editors of the Constitutionalist, the Columbia Telescope, and the Raleigh Register, ire requested to insert the above until the 15t ’ if March, and forward their accounts to M, R. VAallis K.sq. M icon, Ga Macon I’-b 11 ary 1, 1825. USM 65 *** 11. H WILDE, utodhig to be absent a short time from Augusta, requests those who may have professional business with him to call upon Messrs, llot-r ft Heib, or Messrs ChaWFOIIO ft CUMMIJSO. SaMUKI HaLE, Esq. will act as his agent in r Utton to his private affairs ind with respect to the estate of John Caruthers, leceaied, being duly authorized to receive all ac counts and give receipts. January 25, 1825. 6t r 62 MAN, Win* wavy BV\\. M ill be sold, before ray Store. I’he remaining rwrish ole vp„n ot the liti Mr. FRANCIS BOUYER, ( CONSISTING OF I Kitchen Furniture, and instruments for ennfec tinners and d sdlleis, with a line copper Still. Terms at sale. By order of the executors. B. Picquet. February 8 It 65 “ Seize the Lucky moments, as they Fly” TUOSP, who intend to adventure in the An yutlu JMasomc Hall Lottery, are advised o come forward without delay, and make an early investment as hy a quick sa'e of the Tickets a 'one, can a speedy commencement of the draw mg he promised. The scheme is on all hands allowed to offer every possible inducement—and ■II that is necessary for the making a fortune, tv to call without delay, at what is confidently ex pected to prove, the FORTUNATE OFFICE op J. S. Beers. Secretary to the Board of Commissioners. February 4, ‘ 64 New, ijY\ea\k, Cask Vi toceiry AND FRUIT STORE , ONE 1)0011 BELOW THE HNIIIGK KINK, . r l3llE Subset Iber is weekly and sometimes dui- L ly reCetvii g the articles in bis line of bust ness, and can supply families with the best of Li quors and fruits of the season, upon the mos I moderate terms. —Buying for cash and selling ho ash, he can afford his l ea, Coffee, Sugar, Cheese Cordials, Almonds, Raisins, Canal Flour, Ora g ■ Apples, and Liquors unadulterated at a very small profit upon the wholesale prices. , —ALSO— VERY SUP Ed I Oli NORTHERN ALE, 1 BY THE HARR EL. , -lust received a small stock of I 111 ELL'S superior Macobov, Rappee &. Scotch BNVJFF. ( Genuine (lie. Out, Chewing and Smoking, Cavendish, Fig Tail, sm dl twist TOBACCO Which he will sell at wholesale lower than it has ordinarily been sold here ; but in justice ti wholesale purchasers, he cannot reduce the read, prices of Riell's Manufacture. J. S. Simmons. Jannarv 28 3, (./, LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE HOUSE, The Subscriber Is opening in Broad street, one door below Mr. Al - ten’s Hat Store, A LARGE AVI’ OENKItAL ASSORTMENT OF ‘ AND CLOTHING, # 1 Consisting of Dress coats, Frock Coats Drab box Coats Double St single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloons Broad Cloth, Satinet! anil Corduroy do Toilinetl, Valentin, Swansdown St black silk Vests Blue and block Cloth and Cassimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, trilled and plain Stuns Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and i.ambswu- Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do I Tartan and Camblet Cloaks Ladies do I Boy’# Dresses Youth’s close body Coals Gentlemen's superfine flats, some very wid> brims linmitation beaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, Btc. —ALSO— -1 Negro Jackets browsers , House servants Coatees and Pantaloons , Fearnought great Cos's Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in bis line. The above GOODS are New-V’ irk made, ane , will be disposed of wholesale and retail, al Nett- * Vork prices. t J. P. Seize. December 3 46 NOTRE. r |3llE Public are cautioned against trespassing L on the I louses and Lots of the sub cribet upper end of town—especially against hauling -and or earth (rom the rivi-r b oik or contiguon 'hereto. Each ami every person offending shad have the law rigorously enforced against him ip hem. .Nesbit. 1 .,(j | OaUTULV. J3HK subscriber is delenniued not to pay any I debts contractetl by any persmi belonging ti ns family, except hy hitn-ell and Mrs. Gobl-mnl, who is authorised to a<t as my Attorney during ” ny absence from this thiy. Samuel Goldsmith. February 1 3t W * Performance every livening, THIS EVENING, Tuesday? February 7th, i 825. TO COMMENCE WITH A MRS. WILLIAMS, 1 he intrep d I'.qu'Stnan, widgonr u r h her ele gant ads of Hqim-t i iaoisin—mid conclude WdU the »i\ divisions nt die Broad Sword, the horfce in full '■peed, STILL VAULTING, Hi) the whole Troop, viz : Messrs. Uiyih, .Vilen, IlnnUi fJiU'ims, Whitta. ker. Sosst.rd, M'Gono —Ohrtfer-u,, x babble Joke, (the Clown) HI 1 t iamS. PEASANTS FROLIC Jiy Mr. BLYIH, During >■ he w.|! i t |, e Ladies FftsVums in Paris, Fur the fin* ' t- TAeautiful MARE FANNY Will g i through i- r as'in i ng\f eiformances, GRAND TRAMPOLINE, Oiei Ino -es i r ngt, ho .m, & c . iic.« Ry Master Runt. Mvs. WUViawva Will go through In s omshi gP r> tma'-einn the SLACK WIRE With II ps. D-miges &c. MR. MAXCV, Wl, l f erform 11 Mai oti on the newly invented I rum pel as cm os d by himseli in honor of Gen. lh roycltc s arrival in America. HORSEMANSHIP, lly Master HU.V /', wn/wui Saddle i,r Hr idle Du mg wind, he wil perform a vsnety ebling tea is, leaping through Hoops, over Gar lers, &c. the horse going at lull speed. Tim Fi" nine's r s t ■ - , THE HUNTED TAYLOR, Or, Mr. Butlou’e Journey to Bretillonl Htl/y JluUen. Mr. Co a l i.,s M a v e..runee in Augusta Chwn Mr, H i/ turns. JMrs. WlWVam’a Vienefit On Wednesday. (Tj" Xdmittance to Hie Duxes One D dlar PIT Fifty Gents. V 9J ,il(,re,) u,,<ler >en years of age, admitted n dip Boxes at half price. tit Doors open at half past six, and Pci form aruv to commence at a quarter past seven o’clock O* Tickets may he procured at the G-rcus and • t th«* (»I bp-T«vern (loriog* *hV dav. ~H§ sVo smoking allowed miltfn the Uoors of the Circus. * Ft bruarv 8 , . <55 BXCIIA VSB VNXTSDSTATES AND POST NOTES, ALSO, DRAFTS On Roston, Raltunore, Providence, Washington City, New-York, Petersburg, Va. Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C. ■Ami 'Savannah, For Sale, by Recrs, Hnnnell & St. John. Jirond, corner of .1/’ fnlos/i street. Goto and Sii.vkii coin and all kinds ot Bank N- tks, Hontrht and Sold, November 12 40 67 TV Lu lS Vo i< SiL K. ON I uesday the 15lh of March next, at 12 h i ck, will he offered for sale, before the !>( ’ sl (, lli -e. several vacant Lots on Broad street, " the upper part ot (he cy of Augusta—also, siy ral Lots on the tiv r nod on P. ynohUtreef. 'IF. It MS One half cash, the ha ance payable 01 tin; Ist 1 lav „i January, 18J6, (or which notes O' armg interest fr in the day ot sale, at 7 per cent, per annum, and mortgage on the properly wilt be requited. Adan ot the LOIS and other terns, be exhibited on the day of s ale. K. F. Campbell. February 8 6t T 6i JNotice. »her dale, applica'ion will be “ ■ made to the Honorable (he Court of O'-din ai-y ol Bo ke county, tor leave to sell the r. at La tale ol Enoch Farrn«r, deceased. John Farmer! adm’r. Unrke County, Feb. 1 IHJj i :M -j ~ 65 Administrator’s A ill he sold on die h \ ,nl „ e xL an he Conn House door. m Waynesborough. Borkc County, agreeable an ord r o f the Mononble the lot. rior Court of said Goo ty while anting for Or tinary pu> ooaes. Two hundred ami iifty Acres of Land, lying in tin fi st I strict .11 w i on t<u tv. known as Lot Mo. 105, in the plan ot -.iff nj' tnct, si 1-1 as the property ot the estate of S-l 0 1,10,1 Daniel, deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs iiicl creditors. Simeon Hampton, adm’r. January 24 M '.J 10 r 6J A t urge AHst not nt of JUVE.VJLK Jiu MiS, lor bale at thU (Met.