The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 15, 1825, Image 3

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__ . Charleston, Feb. 10. UREA I AND DECISIVE VIC I’ORY In tue Liberating Jinny, over tue Spanish •Urmy in I‘eru. B y the scbr. Col. Gen. Jlrmisttad, arrived last evening, in 13 days from K-ingstun, (Jam.) we have received tiles of the papers ol that city to the 26th ull inclusive. H. B Ai. schr. Swallow, Lieut, Baluock, arrived at that port on the 19ih, in 4 irom Carthagena, with the highly important intelligence of the complete DEFEAT and DES I RUCTION of the SPAN IS 11 AR MY IN PERU—the particulars of which will be found below. , Lima, Dec. 18, 1824. Great and Decisive Victory. The Liberating Army, under the com mand of Gen, Sucre, has completely destroy ed the Spanish army on the 9th inst. in the field of Guainangudla. The General La Serna, commander, has been wounded, and taken prisoner, with the Generals Canterac, A aides, Caratala, and all the Officers com prising the Spanish army ; the baggage and ammunition have also fallen into our bands, s be liea ; '. Medina, Adjutant of his !'•' berator, who conducted • id pan. oi action, was untortu hacelv Hssassinated by the rebels of Guando. * ’ 1 ci ; ... th.s neighbouring place have noticed ti*e . J tidal triumph of our arms. Gen. Canterac took the command after La Serna had been wounded, and capitula ted to Gen. Sucre. Callao was to be de livered to the Liberating Army. 1 he 9th December completed the triumph of Junin. A year ago the Spaniards flatter ed themselves they would reconquer the Americans with the army not now in exis tence. The victory of Guamanguilla has terminated the war, and sealed the indepen dence of the Continent of Colon. Here has been decided the question which divides Europe, which more immediately interests America, and which is transcendental to the whole human race, and whose influence will, without doubt, extend to thousands of thou sands of succeeding generations. This question is whether the world should be governed by the absolute power of those who term themselves legitimates, or wheth er the epoch has arrived in which the people shall enjoy their rights, fn fine the Libera ting Army has solved the problem and has erected the last monument which was wan ting to its glory. Gratitude will inscribe thereon the names of the conquerors of Gua manguilla, and of flie illustrious genius, who has conducted the war which has saved Peru, and who, since the events of February, has encountered nothing but new ro,ids to glory. His lame will endure to the end of the world, and this is the presentiment which now animates every heart that aspires to li berty, ‘ * CarihagenCirat night. .Tan. 12, 1825. Great rejoicings took place at Carthagena, in consequence of the defeat of the Royal ists, and the capture of Lima by the Libera ting Army*under Gen. Sucre : Gen. Bolivar being absent on account of extreme indispo sition. Several valuable Spanisli merchant men that were at Calad, fell into the pos session of the Patriots. The Venezuelan frigate, Com. .Chitty, was fitting out at Carthagena to take dis patched to England (rum the Colombian Government, aim mneing the total annihila tion of the Spanish forces in the South Sea. A doubloon bounty was paid to able-bodied seamen who enlisted on board the Venezu ela. A fine large Spanish schooner, fitted out at St. Jago de Cuba for the Coast of Africa, wvascaptured oft'Cape Maize by a Colom bian cruizer, and carried into Carthagena on the 12th inst. ' Upwards of one million eight hundred thousand dollars were coined during the last year at the Mint of the U ifed Stales, at Philadelphia, principally in Silver. New dies arc about to be cut, wim a tigure of Li berty, by means of which the appearance of tbe coin is expected to be much improved. It is calculated that two millions will be coined during the pre ent year. JfcjT* A SUBSCRIBER in our n p it. jßarncD, On Thursday evening last, by the. Rev. Mr. MntWweil, ADA M HUTCHINSON, Esq. Merchant to Miss SUSAN DAVIES NY E, both of this city. Toe .C\vav\esUm, The fast sailing Steam Beat AUGUSTA, Cap*. aiiF.F.NR, is expected here on 1 hursday m xt. anc! will have immediate dispatch. For freight oi passage (having excellent accommodations) ap ply, to Egan & McLaughlin. Tebnury 15 ll 67 ATTENTION!! Ha fapette Riflemen. Attend a Meeting of jour i.ips, tiii- EVENING, at the Company’a Boom, City Hall, at 7 o’clock I’. VI. The punctual attend ance of every itv-moer will b- - expec ed, as very important business will be laid before the Com pany. By order of Capt. Cmnwiu, N. B. Jnhm. Secretin y p o I'tm, ■February IS It 67 {£?" A meeting of the Board of Man ner-of the AUGUSTA .iUXjJ.LiUi'UI /* HLE SOCIETY. will b c held at the Lecture Boom, TillS EVENING at 7 n’d ck. d Wm. Bostwick, Sec'ry. i, February 15 It 67 (Q 3 * T\ve Dramatic Yeutvil ;, nquisi respectfully informs the public that lit s will dedver a i *Colloquial Divertisement , 1 at the Flan erd Hotel, ou vV eduesduy Eveillng . 16th February 1825. tl On which occasion Mr. TAYLOB will exercise the most extraordinary Inflections of the Human Voice. The company will be occupied lor nenr two hours on Colhquial subjects, so as to cpmbtm - Singing, Speaking, Stc. wherein the voice will seem among six or seven persons, as servants, men, women, and children; down stairs, up slairs, ii, L * he chimney, list, trunks, Sec. Final y, the Ven i triloqu s' will present himselfamong the Company 1 so that being' so near, they may discover the dil IV-rence 0 ‘ a sudden transition of voice to that be ’ ing convey, d by the power of Gastril .qulsm. ' (L/" Tickets to be h«d at Mr. Hobby’s Bonk -tore—the Cl lie -Tavern—the City Hotel—and . it the Planters' Hotel. j February 15 g- I DANCING JiSSEMBL V ‘ ► r |HfIF,OD. ft. FAYOLI.K’S Dancing 1 Assembh . i&kes plucs IT lib EVENING at lower ’Tene ment Bridge °ank. February 15 67 TOST DTFIAjD, Augusta, 14th Feb. 1825. THE Savannah and Charleston Mails are due and will be c'lo-ed as fol ows : SAV ANNAH M AIL. ; Via Jacksonborotigh and Wavnpsborough, due _ every Tuesday, ’lliursdav and Saturday, by 6 P M .—closed every Tuesday apd Thursday at 9, P * M. and Sunday at 7, P. M. Vi* Lower 3 Huns, S. C due every Sunday. S Wednesday and Friday, by 7, P. M. cftW every g Mon 'av at 7, P. M. and Wednesdays and Fridays , at 10, P. M. 3 s CHARLESTON MAIL, ; Via Lower 3 Runs and P< cattdigo, S, 0. due ev , ery Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, by 7, P. M . —closed every Monday, at 7. P. M. and Wednes day and Friday, at 10, P. M. ■ \ia Barnwell Court House, due every Thurs day by 6, P. M . closed t very I hursdav, at 9, P. ® 'b (L/ Die Office will he open for delivery, on - Wednesday and Friday Evenings from half past j seven to half pas 1 eight o’c ock. James Fraser, P. M. 3 February 15 fiy * THIS DAT OPENED AT TH E AUGUSTA ! Cioffjmfl Slort, ’ NEARLY OPPO«ITF, THE CITY HOTEL, * Jhid for Sale by ! IDUHTOIg, & a fhesh subtly or I AIMES’ and Geniieonu’s Cl.u vKS, A Blue and Blank DRESS CO A I S, FRO. K I.OAIS ot the must fashionable co lours, COATEES, r A large assortment PANTALOONS, New Style VESIS, , J.IN’EN SIIIBTS, CB WATS, DRAWERS and SUSPENDERS, , Al! "'"i utt'fv cheap for ready Cash, i . '5 fit 67 ' WlfiJ j’ Tv mu .Vo, 3 $ l-$ ? Bobbineit Lace Vfiis, AND L 3. f <ase Sappy Canton Crapp », > JU'iT UK' KIV.K • .IT if ; FANCY DRY GOODS STORE. F. liupout F-briitry 15 3t 67 I—- s IN THE SHELL. ■ t FRESH supply .it Hie above .-rticle is Jn«t i rereiv-daud for sale at the EAGLE TAV , KUN T , at 50 per busline ‘ 1 f ‘ v>rnMr 1 * 1‘ f7 AND dutdeviy. I f, |SHE auhirnbcr ho, o • ntd hisiemaining stoca ’ "♦ goods, |„ the store of J Carmichael, on . Mi "ad Street, and invites his old rust outers to call He will sell at low uncos, ii,| the 22d thi m thth when the wliole will t, ■oi l at Vuction lieuht ii Leggeit. February 11, 3, 66 "nktiub. ~~ The Subscriber RES PTC I f Ul.l. Y iulorni ■ ms In “nils an I sh - public that he has sohl out Ins I) Iff GOOD E t iblishment, corner ut Broad 'e -a 1 ' , Bow, to his brother G. Dillon, aid s lint 1 ,im « cnntmuatiou of that p.tronage so lib- rult conferred on himself— U also sutboriz <1 u act as my leg-1 Utorney. in every c«p.ic n as r lates In the r. 1 c ion of ;i j( aoc' iints due me, ami 1 in the managern nt of my r ml estate. All persons to whom I am indebted, are r • quested to present Rteir see •• -s wu!> .'clay. Ho'iprt Lillnn Augusii 7'h P Hrua-v. 1825 6 ' 65 A I six (J, V OUR (la Mis. Cooper from London, **l oul M s OKU, ■ orm the public h gaged in Hie Mdlmerj hii,me*s. me u in Dress an ILI et niakiojr. 1 u t .y ..,,. Y N p H«»uMo i-st eel. a' tl.<* 1 »« . ijq Bkiii’s lot, a In: farfoirf'i p{t ß t. s, 11. S raw Cid 1 and Eg' r•t> cm I , d altered, <iy. <i and ee« la the shorten •ev a d -ni the most reasooauie terms, February 8 05 WiWbe, so\d, t\us Adorning, ii\ Front of v\vs store, TDK F.LLOWINO AUTI('i.KS, VIZ: 2 Wagons, with houses thrcon 1 horse Catriige, With harness 8 sella of horse Geuts 1 sheetiroir Stove with' pipe, shovel, tongs, &c. t 2 horse Buckets 3 hair Vlai-rasHS I featherTSfed and M listers 1 Shot Citin Kitchen Furniture &H’ Also, a number of ar ides 100 tedious to mention <£T l hree prime Horses will likewise be offered, if not disposed of at private sale. ’ ALSO An Elegant Gig ami -laddie llorsc warranted gentle. * ALSO A good gig and Horse, Two one horse waggons. —also— -20 Bags coffee 8 Barrels sugar Bedsteads chairs. Cheese, Bullet, &c. he.. Terna at Sale. ALSO 2 N-gro Men, go nl field hands-on a credit of nine months 'or apiiroved paper. B. Picquet, Auction eer. Februarv If i 67 EXCHANIG orncxi UNITED STATES AND* POST NOTES, i » ' ALSO, DRAFTS Oa Boston, Baltimore, Providence, Washington City, New-York, Petersburg. V r a. Philadelphia, Charlestoq, S. C. And Savannah, For Sale by Beers, Bunnell k St. John. Broad, corner of J\F Intosh street. Gold and Silveii coin and all kinds of Bank Notls, Hought and Sold. N iven her 12 40 “ Seize the Lucky moments as they Fly.” r who inieiul to advenmre in ihe An M. quota Masonic Hall. Lottery, are advised to come forward without delay, and make an early ■Vestm. nt as hy a quick aa’e of the Tickets a ni- cun a spemly c unmencement of the draw ing be pronti- d. The scheme is on all hands ''owed to offer every possd)'# isducenn>-nt—and !• that is necessary lortlie’fh king, a fortune, is '** call without delay, *nt what s coofideetlv e\- ’> to prove, tile FO/l i IT.YA I'E OFF! Cl. u *jv 'OP ; J. S Peers. St'cretdfy to the Hoard o f ComnLssiunrri! Febr nar 4, (>4 LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber 1 3 opening in lit undo t - one t.oor below J\fr, Jll ten's Hat Store, A LUKIB AN 11 OKNKIIAL ASSORTMENT CE AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Ore.SS CO VTS, FrOck Coats ' 1 trah box Coats Double k single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloons HroadCloth, balinelt aiul Corduroy do Toilinett, Valentia, Swansdowii U black silk Veals Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do Superfine'Linen and Cottony frilled and'plaiu Shirts Knitted, .Cotton, Worsted and Lambsvvuo Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Camblet Cloaks Ladies do Boy’* Dresses A Vouth’s close body Coals Gentlemen's superfine Hats, some very wide brims Immilaiion beaver do l.a Fayetie, boys and mens seal skin Caps " ashmglon, Jackson and LaTayetle mocks Silk Umurelias Hosiery Cloves, he. ■—-ALSO— Negrn Jackets and l rowsers House servants Coatees ami Pantaloons Fearnought great Coys ; Guernsey Frocks, red Daniel Shirts Striped and Check do Common . do Woollen Gloves, and many other article' in his I’ne, The ahove GOODS are Nrw-York made, and wi;J be disposed of wholesale and retail, ai New- I folk prices. J. P. Setze. December r< " 01. DD BUSHELS Liverpool Ground I OJi SALE AT THE STEAM MOAT , WHARF, MY A. K. Gordon. Pi hnif'.rv 4 6t 84 A dozen genteel men ac. ni l odai 1.1 BOaRDLW., by an I ’y ’S nv «‘ Mr. G. Cleland's liwt Store. 1 February U 3 t 65 I 1 ' j JlliiilL , \fUH-L bi sold on the 19th iust. at the late T* residence of Mr. John Carrulhers’ dec. all ihe Stuck in trade remaining on hand, to gether with Household Furniture, CONSISTING OF: Sugar and C-ttee Castings, Whiskey, Mackerel and , Earthen Ware • —ALSO — Mahogany Tables, and Chairs Side Board 1 Bed Steads, Blankets, Sheets and Matrasses A small Library of Books 1 Excellent Saddle Horse AND Some very handsome Paintings Hy order the Adm’r. Fraser & Howdre, Auctioneers. February 11 3, 66 1 THOMAS S. METCALF, r |V,KES this method of informing his friends a. and 1 lie public generally, that he has just rc ceiyed, and is now receiving a very large and well assorted stock of ©rinirtrlfsUw and it llicy will iavur mm with their custom, they will find him “ at home,” unending to his own ousititss, ready and willing to supply them witlJ airy oi the following articles, on the most reason sole terms, for cash or prime city acceptances : 100 I ONS well assorted Sweede k Russia Iron TJO hints, prime S. Croix and N. Orleans Sugar 100 bags prime Green Coffee , 3u hhds. prime Jamaica Coffee 50 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging 5U do best low Bagging, very cheap So do best Twill’d S.,eking SO coils 7/ale Rope JOO bhls. best Northern Gin, best brands 2uo do best Philadelphia Whiskey 100 do Northern Hum ■25 hhds. do do . 20 do prime retailing Molasses 4 do superior old Jamaica uurn 15 pipes do 7/ollaiid Gm sdo do Cognac Brandy 1 pipe do old Port W hie 6t> 1 8 and 1.4 casks Malaga and Sherry Wine 35 I 8, 1-4 mid 12 pipes Sicily and Pico Mu dura Wines 20 bbls, best Cider Vinegar 2uo do Irish Potatoes 50 do ifeels 2000 buncoes Onions 100 bids, prime N irlhern Flour . 25 hall barrels do do 50 bbls, and b xes Lngf and Lump Sugar 50 tun cattie boxes fresh Hyson lea 25 bugs Pepper 20 do Spice Ginger 1 25 boxes ILisins 30 kegs No. 1 Richmond Tobacco 3o boxes Georgia Candles 3o do Spermaceti Candles 250 whole anu half boxes No, 1 Soap 50 kegs best Duponts Powder 200 bags Shot, assorted • 2500 Ins. 4|fr Lead 3000 Ih.s. hoop and band Iron 30t/0 do German and blistered Steel 2000 do Share Moulds 8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 2100 do Mir/iia 1000 lbs superior Virginia//ams 10.000 ,bs Logwood >O,OOO Russia tfiiilis 300 dozen Tumblers 100 disks patent Cut Nail >, assorted 25 patent Ploughs and Paints 10 dozen Carolina Hies 25 boxes Humes’ and White’s and V/hllle more’s Cards 100 boxes prime Cheese 20 casks do do 50 reams Wrapping Paper 20 casks Lime 300 nests Dry Measures 200 nests boxes 30 bbls Shad 50 half barrels Shad 300 bbls. Nu. 3 Mackerel 100 do. No. 1 do ' 100 half barrel# No. 1 do 150 bid- Nu. 2 do 75 hail barrels No 2 do 50 five gallon Demajuhns 39 boxes ifuvana White Sugar 10 do do brown do 250 ball, quarter and tenth boxes superior Spanish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint’s brands. November 6 33 Yi. \\. & Y>. ii. UvvvUaiuL Have Just Received nn Assortment of SUSPENDING, And Stand Grass LAMPS, Which added to their former stock, makes 1 heii assortment of Lamps as complete amt 1 x . tensive as any to be found in the southern states. Fur the accmnmndaii it of those who use Lamp 1 Oil, they have on ha la number of fin Caiiuis- 1 tern, containing Irom 1 to 5 gallons, which they , Her gratuitously to their customers for the pur- I P° e t,f containing the Oil, I'hey have also j sst 1 received a great varietv of Lamp Glasses and to suit any kind 01 Lamps. 1 Februarv 4 64 tUsO-ODo 'lMfh Subscriber vv.ll , ,ve J 2 cents per II). fi r , HVK IHDUSAM) PUL MIS best quality I ALLOW, to be delivered by the last day oi , jl\bruar>, at his Mauulactoiy, five doora below , ue Market. B. Payne. Augusta January 28, 1625 S\* 62 & Left at Ujf suliSciiLei’S More,; («■ me time si c ) a pair oi Lml.ea bootees, and 1 I . pair oi Gentlemen’s Boot*,—THe owner on piu - , im for this adverti -••inent, nod applying to tin 1 subaoiibers, shall ivceive-h same. J. Is. An lerson k Co. ' Fehrufo y 8 0 65 •> ON Tuesday last, a Bunch ut KEYS, tie. wiih li I Tape.—The finder on leaving | them at this Office, amdi be rewarded. Performance every Evening. THIS EVENING-, Tuesday, February 15th, 1825. TO COMMENCE WITH A BfTNNINcT VAULTING By the If hole Troop. HORSEMANSHIP, lly Masier HUNT, withmt Saihlle or /iridic During which Ik* will perform a variety of inter esl,n K teats, leaping through Hoops, over Gar ters, &c, Btc. Ground and Lofty Tumbling, By the. If hole Troop. »P Metamorphose of the Sack, OR, ,» 1 he Clown deceived by a Woman, On two Hones by Master IHJN I', n- will also introduce, the* Dance, with Mr. WIL LIAMS, Clown, alias Chatter liox Gabble joke. MRS. WILLIAMS. CTh' Fa,, , Llegaul Act* ot K([ logtrlanism. PEASAnVTphouc. B? Mr. KIAtH, On two beautiful Horses. 3SL&®lTwa;a!s a . lly Mrs. WILLIAMS. f'" STILL VAULTING, * By the whole Troop , viz : Messrs, Blyth, Asten, Hunt, Hughes. Whitt*. ■ iT* S /T f "s v *‘Cuo;i —Chatter-Dux Gabble Joke, (the Clowii) W IM.IAMS, SUaASSSi .Mr. W ILLI.)LU.% Who will go through the following Tricks, viz first, Hangs Down—Second, Flying Mercury Third, B<-d of Air—Fourth, Work) Upside Mown—!• ,lih, Egy| tain Summerset— S xth, If y of the Jack, and conclude wild the Itoau ">g Fig, or, 110-w to iv,-a „ Spit. MR. MAXCY, mil perform on the Patent Kent Euqle. The F,veiling’s FeHorina .c-s to coiic l ud» with THE HUNTED TAYLOR. 5 Or, Mr. Journey to Brentford, Utlhj Jitition.M *. Jtlyih, (Ihm Mr.' IViUwnt. “i!„ (iL.HIL* M aster J WIN TTA K KR’fc Dent fit, To-Morrow F.vening, Wedne-day. OCy Admittance to'the Boxes One Dollar, FIT Fifty Cents. * • V f;l " l,,ren ten years of age, admitted ’o the Boxes at hair^-icc. I+l Doors one# at tmlf past Six, and Peiform ance to rommencAat a juarier.past seven o’clock. Hf Tickets may he procured an the Circus and at the GI ibe-Tavern during the day. W No smoking allowed within the Doors of the Circus. Fr brunrv 15 f,y Vilty HoWava IWward. RAN a WAY from the subscriber about th© 25th ult. a ncgio man jiamed HAMILTON, abmil thirty five years of age, six feel high, very dark skin and large thick lips. Had on when he went away, a blue short Jacket, with bine mix'd saltinet trowsen. He is well acquainted m Bry an, Liberty and M’lotosh Counties, If louver will return him to the subscriber, shad receive me above reward and all reasonable charges. Levi Hills, Per Attorney, H.H. Hathaway. Tj' 'FIi- Patriot, Mtitudgevitle, ami Gazette, Ha. ricn, will give the above two insertions ; and the. Constitutionalist, Jhigvst i, three inserts- t , and forward their accounts to this office for payment. February 11 3t 'V QUAKE iT SPRINGS^ SEVEN MILES FltOM AUGUSTS. JMIIF, subscriber having l a u*ly purc i, afcet j t h e “ above e.staidiahmeiil, is now furnishing it and thoroughly repairing the buildings. He will spare no pains to accommodate parties of gentlemen and in v. Hers, and keep alwnvs on liana a supply of die best Liquors Hint the Angus ta, Charleston and Savannah markets will afford • and his table will not he inferior to the best public house in Augusta, and upon as reasonable terms. •lames Lyaes. N. B. Lynes, takes tills method of re turning Ins thanks to his numerous friends and ac quaintances, lor l lie liberal support afforded him in the Coach-Making business, and flatters himself 'V industry and attention, to merit their conlm ued favours in tne profession which he has re cently adopted. Vtv ikre 8 fit fi - W HIT VI&S PRUPOBALS.~ VV 11 L bt ‘ rec ' ivp<l by any of the undersigned 7 / i n the 20 I. insi. for furnishing and pl an .' in gen Broad Street, in this city, swamp willow oak ami ch.'.a trees, alternately according to the !> ’ ■ visions of an ordinance of the City Council pas. ed on the «‘h «f last month. The proposals may ether embrace the whol“ street or so much of it js passess through any particu'ar ward, N. Hclaigle, H- H. Warren, James Harper, Comm ' '-c. Feb. U At