The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 22, 1825, Image 1

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—i 1 ill !■———»—l ■■! —l— - ~~ ir IM ■■■■!!— ■ x.tfw hswim - Bin Tjti-.niwinßK.aii. mm im— iki ■« m,, ' ■■- ■■ rii *—■ ■ —-f T r— — *—rr * • - C “ *l. ’ n ol the ,'olr I • vih # ,\ tiici. «• .i ry Country in the \. orUl labours, are not owint? to any want love for our Country, hut to an ignorance of its rcnl constitution and interests.*’—* —pRUhSTLV NEW SERIES Vol. 11. " ""“'""ICtTBSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, !525. No. 69. Clje Ca:vcftitutioaauot 3S PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. J. BUNCE. AUGUSTA, GA. THOxVIAS S. xVIETCALF, fp \KES this of Hilo: iiing ins A.i. ■> A mid the public generally, ihat Re has just re cetved, and is now receiving a very large and well as«o -ied slock of €sri*iorrrto* and if they will favor imn with theit cu» . tiu-y Will find him “ at h une,” attending to /tie own business, ready and willing- to supply them w th any ot the following articles, o tie most tea-o terms, for cash or prime city acceptances : 100 I ON3 »e.i assorted bweede ik Russia Lro 120 prime S. Croix and N. Oneans Sng.n .100 bugs prime Green Coif e ?0 hhds. prime Jamaica Coffee 50 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging 50 do best fnw Bugging, vety cheap 50 do bust I’vvill’d hacking 50 coil, It .pe 200 bbU. best N .i-incrn Gin, best brandy 2/0 do bus I’lnijd-iphm Wniskey 100 do Northern Bum 25 hhds, do do .20 da prime retailing Molasses < 4 do superior old Ja uaica inn ( 15 pipes do //ulland odo do Cog nuc U. andy, ( 1 pipe do ind Port Wine < 60 I 8 and 1-4 ca-ks Malaga and Sherry Wine ( .'•3 1 8. 1 4 and 1 2 pipes bicily and Pico .Via i (Lira Wines y2O bb!s. best der Vinegar 200 do Irish Potatoes 50 do ifeets SOou bunches Onions luJ hbi . prime Not them Flour 25 halt barrels do do .50 bb s. and b Yes Goaf and Lump Sugar 50 Von c-atie fresh //yson Pea 23 "bags Pepper j N 20 do Spice Ginger 25 boxes Raisins 30 kegs No. i Richmond Tobacco 3o boxes Georgia Candles 3d do Spermac. ii Candles 230 whole anu half box- s No. I Boap 50 kegs best Duponts Powder 2(-0 hugs Shot, assorted 2.5/jO 1 /a. H • Li ad 2000 lbs. lot and bind Iren 3000 do iV man aod I) is ered Steel 20*j0 do Share Moulds 8000 .b.!>vU Liverpo. 1 Ground Salt / 2100 Ob /J own 1000 lbs superior Virginia /2ams 10 OuO bs Log* ll ml V30.U00 Itiiss a <lu 1-s '"’3J!> dozen Tumblers 100 c-i ks pa, i;nt Cut Nails, assorted 2i parent Ploughs and Paints. 10 dozen Cai'diiia H 25 boxes II mi / and. White’s and Wliitte more's Cunts J 100 box-'s pi one Che°»e ; 20 casks do -Alb f 5-1 reams ‘.Vm ipirvg Pappr 20 casks Lime dioo nests Cry Measures ,[ 200 nests boxes 20 obis Bnad id half barrels flha 1 20J bid). N-i. 3 Mackerel 100 do. No. J do 100 bn'f barrels No. 1 do * 150 h i N-). 2 do ' 75 hud barrels No 2 do 4 ) fit p.llon U< - ~ij ,hns SO xos //aval a White Sugar 10 do bmwn do ?5U liai' quart/ r a -.d tenth boxca superior 8. ,inish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint’s brands. N ivernbei 5 38 i ~>7e y flourl )C? bbls. (i sf quality Family Flour will be land 1 *•3 ed i. -<! <y from SU-am-Boat, Mult] of (»■■ 1 ran,, wlnsh will be sold low if token from tin Wharf. APPLY TO Bngg & Savage. N - 'Veniber 16 i] V .VitftfEVi. JO B AGS PitlME CO”FKE (on consign. ment,) will be disposed of on acconnno terms by If. F icq net. November 44 \> v di IviufU Vn t vvUje,,6, f A i! \ vl i-',j i.S. Jaf nxe.uedp-'r '-ilecun Limit Hamburg A : t i■■ i io.. is Potatoes, which v U soli j .j d ait id .at 1 kt* t by apjily a ; I i; liately at J vcob Moise’s. *4 ,fP ■ is fietviuch'b How, IV'- mW 9‘ 2, 1 - Jsl - • »« h;u>.ii, 1 il SALE, On 6V nsigninent, by t». ridquet. N.ivemher 30 45 OjVivH) AVtbV'hV t * Vviu.e, i UAroN FC.i tiALh. ippr.'r t j Robert R. Ware.' | It i-eniber3 46 [ A. 1 !’■ *d ( J A A.i, a good Cook! -» ** Irone r I nnher pai .iculatj i-i r ’■ flee of the Constitutions "»t. Dceembci di 51 | Alt* fJ hi r A MASONIC HALL LOTTERY, AUTHORIZED UY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. & r|) rwiv 1 Prize of hSo.UUU is »30,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Pr.zes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 P zes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50, < 00 51*5 Prizes, 1 180,000 12825 Blanks. 3 18000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS. Less than two and an half Blanks to a prize. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the P i- ahi be h'lnu-.’ntf .from he excep l the following , inliich tvillbc deposited in th• wheel -o dfi'u periods, viz; On tLi* Ist Drawing 1 prira of {IO,OOO tc 1 of SVOO O.i the 3d “ t prize of 0,000 &1 of 1,000 &tof $ 500 On the Od “ 1 prize ol 10,000 Vo lof 500 fin the 4lh “ 1 prize of 5,000 &, lof 1,000 -to lof 500 On the oih “ I prize of 10,000 &1 of 500 Ou the sth “ 1 prize of 5,000 &I of 1,000 &1 of 500 On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,00 y&1 of 5,000 it lof jPh On the Bih " ! prize of 00,000 5c lot I’OOO 5c iof sj"' On toe Oih “ 1 prize of 30,000 5c lof 1,000 5c lof 500 Vhe whole Lottery to be completed in JCT J'he drawing to C'.mmjnce as n as a -nrticient number of ! mk-'l- arc sold. The • hue id th Prizes payable i i thirty days after -e cnmyl tion of the Uiawing subject lo ade me'mu d' fifteen per cent. All Prizes not ap plied fur in iwejye muhtbs, to be considered as a .niiiiui to ilicStsmls "< die Maso'iic flail. ■ ? v “Tn Present VrlStie of Tickets, For sa.c. in great variety ol numbers, at the CO.iLUISSJONJZIVS OFFICE in Broad-street, Augusta, a ie v doors below tlje Bank. J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Hoard of Commissioners. Op* Orders for Tickets ti’"in any part ol the U i ed States, Post paid and enclosing the Cash, * 'dressed to the Secretary, will mret immediate attention; B des and regulations adopted at a meeting of the Heard ol Cmumissionera of die MASONIC UAL LO I’TKRY, January Bb, 1825. Ist- The Commissioners shall assemble on the sa’Lfday ot every other week. 2d A -majority of the Commissioners shall con lilnte a quorum tor Uie tra .sacii m ot business. ■;nd a major ly of these present at any meeting - isli govern m ail cases, except those hereinafte ispecified. ' 31. Il shall be the duty of the Chairman lo pre iserve order, to appoint ComraiUecs to supervis*. idle IJ )nks ; nd n....duct of t ie S 'cu .ary, and li j -half i ave die privilege of voting uponail subjects; .and .also of expressing his opinion. 4 A Secretary snail be appointed with a sal •V <d e ght hn nlred dollars per annum, and sjiall g've bond and security for the faithful performanc >r Ina duties. He shad keep lair minutes of th pi’oc- .-dings ol the Board of Com-nssioners—shad ct an agent fir the sale ol ticke a—keep are •ular account ot Ins Sales, and depouhe all noniel received by nim, ( s soon as received,) m ot.e id he Banks ol th.- cl y. He shall, m ireover, Iran act all buaiaesS re.a i ig to the Lo'tery, to which up stiail be required to attend, by the Commu isionsrs, I 5d \ ticket siiati be sold on a credit, unless 'by » -dm ol the Board of Coirmiisdui ers; and ■net then, without such security as shall be satisfac (lory to a commiUee appointed lor the purpose ol cceiviiig the s me. 6ih. 1 lie ucxels shall be signed by the Com nisi oners, in equal proportions ; and not more ban one Commisssuner shall sign any ticket. 7th. The becre'ary shall not be entrusted at any onetime, with more than five hundred Tickets .i id slia I exhibit at every meeting ot life Commis sioners, his Bank 110 k. ai d an account plaimy tiicwmg t ie amount o. t.eketssuld, and the num bs rin h <nd. 3th. The tickets, after they are numbered and -ignrd, snail he dejn s.led ai Bank, and only drawn ■ ence by a committee, of winch the Chairman ■Jii" I be one. 9th. No m-mey shall be drawn from Bank, bu by check, signed by a nn.j inty of the Commis \ (loners, and lor no other purpose, but the pay uent ot prizes, or necessary expenses. Jmn .ry 28 61 •S vilice. f kl'rlE sub eribers have connected themselves a in flit practice ol In LAVV. —they will inu rm'y i-ieii all the counties of the Nontiern ircin , and the c.-U Ry of Franklin, of ilie We - >ern Circuit, one of 1 1, in will be generally found »t their i.lh ; in K be ton, where tney will take Ttasurc in ransacimg ill husin ss ol those who .y ne unfortunate enoiigii to be invoiv. d in the i atv. John \. Heard, Thomas J H card. lanuarv 1 1825 57 Notice. BV : rtue of sfifato me directed, will be sold on Ihe hr-- 1 uesuay in Apr 1 11 x;. at tie Market House, in the City of Augusta, between die usual hours of sale. One Lot with the im j r Yemenis thereon, in the city of Augnda, boun I led on the no; th by Jacob .Oanforth’s Lot, S Aid I hy Beynyid street, west by Ralph K.'chum’s L j nd e..s’ by Cad’s alley, levied on as the propert* d'Vies, Hhza 8. M Laroche -atisly her ooai and well lax for 1823 and 1824, amount! g . (S2B 50. John W. Read C. M . 1 February 1 rWs p] " . -w, CONTINUED SUCCESS AT ’ Cohen’s Office. Baltimore, .Taniimy 6, 1825. £>tat£ Hotter?, No. 3> N'OW drawing’ every week, under the super inteudence of the Commissioners appointed >y the Governor and Council- Eighth Da>f’s Drawing; *119? 15701 Prizes of * - bIQOO *14403 a prize of-- 500 11527 do ... 100 ♦19094 *19862 14888 9115 5850 3426 50 All marked thus* sold at COHEN'S OFFICE, This Lottery is now ramdiiy progressing to wauls a close—no time should he lost in securing ckust) Thera are still undrawn, the Capitals of Ojf FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. dj" TWENTY 7 'HOUSAND DOLLARS ,jJT TEY THOUSAND DOLLARS YJT PIYE THOUSAND DOLLARS 17 of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS 14 of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. H hoi. Tickets £>l2 | Q’Mfter . 300 Halves - .6 J Eqfmhs - 150 To be hail, warranted undrawn, at > Where both tb» great Capitals of 20,000 and 10,000 l)OLL\K4,jyiwn in the MONUMJSNI | 1,0 I I EKV, <m ult. were sol 1, am 1 ; vhew. were Prizes of 100,000 ) Dollars, half mjwfcme Jfila'ter'to citizens of Gear ffiu ; 20,0005, 10,t)00s, 5000 s, in the last Grand State Lottery, and wuere capital puizks HAVE BEEN OBTAINED THAW AT AN V OTHEII OFFICE IN AMKIiICA. i Orders left with I, K. St, ISHN, Broad street AUGUSTA, Georgia, will betyomjil/y attended to. • FREE OF POSTAGE, , January 21 60 LA FAYETTE HAT . AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber Is opening’ in Broad street, one dsor beloni Mr. Al ten's Hal Store, | A LAKOE ANII MKNKItAI. ASSORTMENT OF AND C LOTTING, Consisting, of. OIIF.SS COATS, Frock Coats Drat) b x Coats V, Double k single mill’d Casslmere Pantaloons Broad Cloth, Sspinelt amJXjoF'luruy do Toilinett, Vaicmia, Swailsdown k black silk Vests Blue and black Clotli and Cassimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain Shirts Knitted, Cotton, Wonted and Lambswoo Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do ; Tartan and Camblet Cloaks Ladies do Boy’s Dresses I Y-.uth’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Mats, some very wide brims ImmilaUon beaver do l.a Fayette, boys ai d mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La l ayette Stocks Sdk Umoreilus Jdosiery ' i Gloves, &c. f. “-ALSO — Negro Jackets and I ruwscrs ’ House servants Coatees and Pantcloont I •’Fearnought great Coats Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in his line. 1 The above GOODS arc New-York made, and will be disposed ot wholesale and retail, at New- York prices. J. P. Seize. December 3 46 1 BOX missingT ” I: > SUPPOSED to be taken by mistake from the Wharf, about the lith or l2ih of November, i a Box of Shoes (aided from Boat No. 14. Mirk- Jed A &E. Wood.or E.Wood k Co. Any person - having it <n I-is possession will confer a favor by informing the subscribers at their residence, Mr ‘ through this office. E. Wood # Co. December 24 52 i ’ ” ‘ 1 ’ _ A Varga assso iiUftui ot b vesh JUST RECEIVED FROM THE SHARERS. ALSO V small quantity of Fieso HOPS, growth of 1824 ion sale bi R. 11. & 1). G. Ilavilaud. January 11 $7 Notice, PERSONS being dai y in the habit of trespass-) me on the Hickory lidge tract of laid, o’vnedl by the Bai k of Georgia, and culling the woi-d and t iiidergrnwtn therefrom : Nonce is hereby given, dial the unnosl vigilance will be Use ! in detecting and prosecuting the offenders. I lie said Land is lounded on,the west by I urkauet’s Spring, and nart ol tlie village ot Summerville, on the East • i I he lands ot A. Martin, P M. Carnes andj others, it may be more particularly known by the; Milledgeviile road, passing ihr ugh it. By order of the Hoard 1. Henry. February 1, 1825, ts S 3 .WILLIAM. 11. EGAX, Renews the tender of his services In the COM MI S 8-10 N AND STORAGE HUSINESS, TO KIS FIUKMIS AND TliilS mil.lC. 11 IS W ARE HOUSE at the upper end, south side Upniid-sfreet, is now ready for the re option of COTTON and other PRODUCE, upon vhich liberal advances will be made, when re piired. Any business with which he may be favoured, tltall be punctually attended to. October 1 28 C OMuISSI ox B USLYESS T)\e Subscriber, HAV ING engaged Warehouses and Stores, in the upper part of this city,offers hisservicesas a general COMMISSION MERCHANT Persons who may place merchandise or produce under his care, may safely rely on every possible exertion being used, to give general satisfaction. Barna M‘Kinne. September 28 27 NOTlv E. The Subscriber RESPECTFULLY informs Ins friends and the public that he has sold out Ins DRY GOODS Establishment, corner of Brand street and Bridge Row, to his brother G. Dillon, and solicits for him a continuation of that patronage so libi rally conferred on himself—he is also authorized to act as my legal Attorney, in every capacity as re fates to the c flection of all accounts due me, and m the management of my rial estate. All persons to whom I am indebted, are re quested to present their accounts without delay. Robert Dillon. Augusta, 7’h February, 1825. 6 65 THOMAS G. IIALIJ i Carriage Aiukci*. : HAVING taken the Shops recently occupied by Mr. James Lyneo, intends carrying on the business in all its various branches. From -hit- long experience at the North, he fl itters K limself, that he will be able to give general sa tisfaction to such, as will favour him with a call in v the Repairing Line. All favours will be thank- fully received and punctually executed. j He expects soon to receive from the Northern'. Manufactories, u complete assortment of Carriages 1 OjT GIGS and CARRIAGES built to order" j Tor Sale. * 8 .Gigs, j 3 Sulkeys, t 2 Carriages. [ November 5 3R ALVLVZV) DAN, i Coach-Maker , WILL keep constantly on band, and for Sale, at Mr Lonosthkkt’s Livery S'ahle. AN ASSORTMENT OF (BUJSo « QO” Orders for GIGS or tin a North, will be promptly attended to and work y warranted, . N. B.—Repairing done at the shortest notice. November 30 45 s BUSHELS Liverpool Ground O&!MPc> FOR SALE AT THE STEAM BOAT WHARF, A. R Gordon. ' February 4 6t 64’ c Tbe > INTENDING to leside in New York, with a 1 view lor'he transaction of Commission Bus litesß, in all its blanches, will ieel grateful for any * consignments or orders, with which he may In * favored, assuring his friends that his unremillei. lattention will be exerted to promote their intei jest. He will be prepared on the fn-ceipt of any consignment, or of the invoices with bills of la ding and orders for insurance, to n, the cus tomary advances if required. Any references that is desired, can be obtained of Messrs. Mackenzie & Ponce, Augusta, or Ben jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Ketclium. October 26 ;)5 I SW iLil’S I\l \.H tnL. WM H. TURPIN, ' fluent fur Dr. Siruim, HAS JUST REUKIVKU SIX f) zei Buttles ot this in w and valuable MEDICINE—Price reduced to §3 50 per Bottle. — also A fresh ami extensive supply es AVeAVvAue, Paints, Oil, Window Glass, Pu. ly, Lamp 01, kr kc. kr, | Kebnuu’v 11 v 66 I iii.Aiy a rr _ JL HE subscriber havnig resumed the praclic i ini L.A *V, i. i.deis his service:, to Hie public. In I will attend ui' M o> the Courts in the M esl. r I .Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint in Oc'i.nlgee, an t the c unties of La wrens, 1 wg. and Pulaski, in the S r , Cucui s. Tlioiiias VV. i I arris. J ilj’ T.etters ml nes-e t to him Monroe, V\’»l ton county, wdi be attended 10. c February 8 3tc 65 NEW Astronomical liCetnrea. EZRA A. STEVENS, jfJE li PiiU I FULLY invites Hie Ladn.B and f-i> Gentlemen ot Augusta, (the Ladies in par ticular,} to :iiteinl gramiious Lectures on Astro iioiny, at the Richmond Academy, on luesnay Hini Wednesday evenings, Fcbruaiy Bth ana 9th, I, to commence mi 7 o’clock. In the « 'nine of his i itrodnclopy Lecture, Mr. , Stevens will by h met had enlirtly new, dhi irate the Planetary motions-—■Reasons—Eclipse— Changes and Phases of the Moon—Cause of the Ebbing ahd Flowi-g of the Tides, Ike. ike. The whole reijdered plain by inean« ol apparatus, to thpse wlio may'hat e paid no previous attention to the subject.—No children admitted except witli parents. On Friday evening the 12th, Mr. Stevens will commence a • regular senes of six Astronomical Lectures, to be given three times a week, on such, evenings as shall best accommodate the Class. l ite principles of this sublime science, will b« illustrated in such a manner as shall render them perfectly familiar to those who may not have made it them study. (O’ Tickets tor the Course, to admit one per son at go. or a whole family at gld. may be had at the UoujcStorea* - - ME CQMMEJVDATIOJVS, from Col, Richard M. Johnson, Senator in Congress from Kentucky, who was one of a nu merous Class at Wusningion, SENA IE CHAMBER. Cdy o'/ Washington Eeb 26th, 1823. To all whom it may concern, i have a tended a course ot Lectures delivered by Mr,.Ezra A. Stevens, on Asti'oiv.tiy—l consider Mr. Stevena a complete noisier tis his subject, and Ins L. c tutes are Well calculated Jo lymise and instruct the learned apt! the unlearned. This manner is *' interesting, his language chaste and appropriate, his Astrononi cai knowledge appears to be prij* found, and his illustrations are exircmelt happy, and calculated to give the most distinct ideas and clear conceptions of the Various laws cm plicated revolutions and, motions of the win (e heavenly bodies ; and I do recommend him m st earnestly to all who are patrons ot leanm g and science. * RICHARD M. JOHNSON. J rom (he Rev, Ur. Wcons, professor of fhrolo gy, at Andover. Theological Sc-ninurs. Andover. jVnv 22, 1823. Having attended die Astronomical Lectures, which Mr. B. Sievcn* lias recently delivered be lore a majority of ibe students ot iilis we nmurtt and many inhabitants of Andover, I take great pleasure!.i testifying the entire, and I believe uni versal sa'ith.ctinn, which he lias given, i lie liap py fnicnl wliicli lie possesses ol illustrating, by a simple spparatu , the most important principles of astronomy, renders them intelligible, ami Ingh.y interesting to all Ids hearers, whether jiiero or less acquainted with the »cieuc% y and what adds modi to the Value ol Ids lectures, he lakes frequent i o oasions to show the ftibserviency of this sc.i nc io the principles ul religion. Ily hi- Unas mining and amiable manners and Ids iinexeepijfuiiditle conduct, while resident h re, Mr. tiieveii- has endeared Imm sell to all wlio have had amy intercoiirre with min. cordially, with* many other*, in r;c> mm end i glum to flu# patronage of (he pub tick, wherever he may go. •* ' -!> WOODS. Mr. S. has similar reconiofendations from Judge Uerrien of Suvaiingl), where a very muinr oos Class of Ladies and genilemen recently at tend. d. From Gov,* Pleasants, Bishop Moore, amt John Adams, E qs. who were .comontti e of a Class at Richmond—and from most of the princi pal men throughout the United States. Mr. Stevens lias taken Lodgings at tile Man. slop House, where he will be happy to see Ilia friends ever) clay from 12 until 2 o’clock. February 8 fly TO RENT' iliil-. One Tenement in the Long Yellow Range of Hu i u ig.s, n x .l oir above ii,« sign of the "Asiatic Ltnilive,” in “Cotton Range,” c iitimied.— Also, several ■ .Dements of one story each,with two rooms, rec iwly in the possession of Mr. Ans ey, and a ciuivenient Warehouse in the .ear, winch lias been recently repa're.l and the lit enclosed with a good' etice. Fur terns, apply to Mr. James Harper, during the absence ol the subscriber, E. F. Campbell. January 7 56 TO It ENT. From the first October next, JbmA Three Stores ami a Dwelling illllfL House * "PP f '' end son li sine fir iu " Street, adjoining Egan Ik M I..ugh. tin’s, Viz : —The Store occupod by I). Henry ft Co. the Store occupied by fill-fe Ud< n—and the two story Frame and Siora •djoining the same—the house is well calcnlat< d lor a piivale family or boarding H,u.-e—having ah ■ seeded Brick Kitchen. The stores arc ~1l must desindl- situated for the Grocery Uu iness. dipt tO William H. Egan. Sc"t»mber 17 ' 24 IN olice. \M. persons having icmands upon the estate <>fNicholas Ware, dec a .ed, ■ re requested to make them known to the subscribers, ’I nose who are indebted to the said estate, will please to n aae mmediate payment. Susan It. Ware, Kx’lrx. W. W. Holt, t.x’r. **■* H VvlL»)»4, inientlidg n be absent a short lime from Augitna, r q'n is bose wI o may have professional business -Mill inn to cidl ii'inn Messrs IT lt 8c Rain, or Vs s rs. IRAWP Hill & CVMMISO S.AMUt.L Halh KIJ W'll id as hi* agent in relation to his private H iirs ltd vi'li respec io the estate of John c.i he s, eceased, being duly authorized to receive 1 az counts ard n ■ve veeinfa. January 25,1825. #t v (2