The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 22, 1825, Image 4

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Au oveuuiA tor frituer\»r\z.v. VALUABLE LOTS, ~ , , iiifii . • <«•«» »" h‘>i»tr Ham Sit.i oti ih- • . i«r uv ' a ' ,U untm P‘ " ve ' l J Ur,, | i, a Id • be »••«»><»»■ bidder. on I u l.v lie 13m I* iwry “ v < "• tlle ~nvn h I.MT booth Carolina. «>i e half of Die pn r „n y, ,-ash, die other has, l<> b-r inn , ~ v-i (>cr cent, tier annum—the mtei IT'H i tot h’ihu illy Mi nlividoal N lies, »'• ~e s of til - In lowog Batiks, viz H. },, f -Umli,..-', link of the United ! *'•»» : c v-r.I «ink. of S ate, and llie Btnk o will b t.k -n in paym-oi. Hie pur c il ans no n-.r v-l M, w-H be r-qu-red -■ P„ r ,v iherem,. The id- wil ceil-mile fj”" Ha to dis' u mil ilie whole is (hsrinsed Hi whe the lermi of s».- sie complied Willi, mdiaputabl TiHch will be nude. II envy Shultz. Hamburg, N iv. 21 Conti nurd. * The sale of me above Inti ha, b -en postponed un ,i Vnesday the i!-l of February n«tl, o« which .1 .v the wle w II recommence. n„. Charleston iM riin-v. the Charleston Coil r l»r, Southern I'atiih Oi y Oa*«;t'e, Oolumbn r y, icsfojir, SmidMlar'di'ia Ui publican, Pnicl „,,, Vtesseng r, Augusta Chronicle, the Consutu f itnli-t. (Si.v.onah Ih publican and Georgian, „,,il oddish llio above once a week for On-.-- weeks, an 1 forward their accounts to me for pay mcnt * Henry Shultz. ! V i.-,ir'- 1 ’ T !) CLi't L>t l‘S t\/U (s iL ON lue «lay the 15 i i f March next, a' 12 oit, will he oflered tor sale, bclorr tin ji , offi e, Hcvefal vacant Lota on Broad strec. in In un per pa I of the cny of Augusta-Ms.. b V lid I. os ml die ilv. r a d fin tt-y uld-airee Tf'fi i/.V—One hal 1 cash, the balance psyabl on toe Ist dai of Ja na.y, 1826, tor which Mtt I), „r, g inter, (.1 <r mthe day ot aale, at . P' • ct , ”er annum, sud mortgage on the proper!) wi! be required, ~ . A p auol tin 1.0 V 9 and oilier terns. Will In e* iibited nil Ihe day >d vale K. h. Campbell. nr> r|j.. Oh irl stou Count . v*n '" i >l ,mb lien ."I M 1 Journal, it it, r-qiiesie m V nuh -,h I e iib w. werll-. hill the nine o prop sel sal-, -i-.-i lorwaul their ace.-uni* u th a U he. forpnym-uL I .r -V M T * 1 I’ t/ It bA » iii. A lOI' OF I. tNl>, ihrei miles Irom uutu-ra J\ containing 70 nr HO Acres, dirty • I which i C ar d ami under good fence, tne balance oo Linl I here is on the premises, a c intortalin jj, ] n,g lion*., which has lately undergone i tli u-nu - repair. A new Kitchen, meat Hmi-e, a e-. U ‘ Bliek Haiurv, Onb, Stables, Fodder am c •■ House, lie. ah eomi'leti ■ large ya< v; i Aia lecl ; h ii»i n<lv nits (J'vhui'd ol Appl |» h, Pur and Fhim trees, s never faih spi gol exd 'lent w a cr. Within 80 yards id H d w. l|> ,g, a ol us hfiiUhy s aituaiinn as aoy in Kid m o\d Connly. ■ie above tv,}l he sold a bargain, if esrly ap pocation is made to Jno C. Ilolconine. I , il • 'H •uUuitiV»Vv\vl**v l i4 xuTIEE. £\ (iItKK tBI.F. to an rib r obtained from ih « A ,)u.hoc i~f the |.t ermr Cnurt ol Hut; Coo ily, when •01-tg Hr Ordinary p,mioses, WILL UU SULIL f at the Coin H,.usedour, in Cite bfiwn ol b rough, he weenie u*ii»l sale hours, on ih Urst •'■■■ -I n -i * nfil mk' J* All lliai lats tV Tract of Isanti. It iog i-ul oog in ilit* Clienty (»i i|.- oi y, com *i log tvo I ill ilpetl wm a <1 "ie hal 1 acres ot Cano M-li fi' li His ric*, ,■number si*,-en. Sold I ■ tK ben, fi of .he b'*irs a I credo irs ol Ct. tiodbee, j mr. Is-r of «o k C >n,iiy. deceased. J«lin Skinner, . Id n'r. rrnmeihoro' - VI-’' 1)• '8 AtiiuHiintr .tor's rtaic. nil he old , ,'i'- li s I'tiestlay -n M .rch at x u, i t;. oil H tis- in ilucksouborongb, See v , i' niniy, between the hours of ten a tl fun o’ I k. ugie aide in an inler ol • lie Ihninr-i h e-i, jnicH • f the Interior Court of sai- C w I .itlbc' for O din .fv purnos «t Out; neg;ro nmit slave, named Be te ■ , g, g .nth, t W n -,,, Divksoi d •. id for the purpose ot making a div, am am mg tlin H n-s o* - the said deci ase T mn-insd k w-iooili- tlayofstie. 24ihda i> icee-nuei 1 'lf l ft? .1 ain os t'ickson, ,fldm'v Athnim Uhiiur’s .nale. Ag re a It- 1,, a. met ...f 11-moral) e tilt Jn i I ecs f me Ici-ri n-C tut ot Kiciimond Coun i while s f lug lor oulmarv, \ti 1 be sto a no Mok House, in ihc Cy ol Augusta oi th- firs- Ijiosdaym 'hocb next, at public nu'ny All the N Klillt)KS, no.longing to I e F.« aie of li Se leek, d, ceased, i, wi -P r, l.uc , t horuton, Uob, Sam, Pol j Henry a d M iry Ann —,SLsO Vi -hr same time sml place, one Track of Land sit i .ih a id being in the ->6lb district ot Karl) coun ty, known as f.oi No. 2“ i. —-ALSO A i u nltvided mr c track of Land in tin couolt nf tfreene. a, ua'e on tne noth bank ot be Oconee Kiv ,r.—snl-1 for ilv bem til of lli cr dimrs ol the s.mi Ps ave. t'eroi, made kn ,w ion in,* ,lav ol ,ie. Luke Jtet-d, • ,trtin* A i linintrator Huale of (1. Sfiuch .'t’ I 55 .<. laiHlell'tilor s me. V ll be s. Id m, ne m-s 1 , ,i tv i. A vnl ties, a ,e Cntiri Hnnst d nr, in tVavnesbornUg i, llnrke County, sgre-- b e to an ord t ot tn I, ito ruble Hit I , rior C -nr 1 of said Cuum v •* suling f>r -It- nary pn sis. Two huiulrod and fifty Acres of L-c: i, ,yi. v, i -i« tost I strin o b«,iun C-t ( vtiiitwn as Col No lUS, m the plan nf said Ln the . st 11 as tne property of the estate of So|. nt Oi I-,, d ceased, tor the hen (it of tl e licit mi c -du-"-* Simeon Hampton, ndm’r . January 24, 1825 lUt t 62 M ACON WII.L be lei at (he post office in Macon, to tlie lowest bidder, st public ouicry, on , ,-idiiy the 15tli of Apr'l next, the building ol a ,lillKiE icrnss the Uctnulgee river at the loot I the street leading to the public square in Ma m. The river al the intended site has, it is he eved, a very firm bull,,in, the nn st of winch is mown to be ol rock. Its width at common wa er is estimated at 250 feet : the height ot lb icers at 38 feet, the while length of the brtdg, 400; ami Ih ; contemplated width 32 Icet, stone ••cl timber mav be very conveniently obtained ~,,) nail gratis on the adjoining public l.ands ' he piers ami abutments to be of stone —'he up i.-r wm ks ol unproved timber, and to be shing 1 ,1 weather boarded and painted. Hie under ,ker will be i- (ppred to give bond willi ihrei pproved securities in the sum of $20,000 for ne faithlul performance of his compact ilk .ames of the persons offered as securities must ie submitted to the commissioners by the Bth oi Vpril : Letters fortius purpose may be directed i tlie commissioners to the care ot Mortimer It lal is, E ((. pi 'St- master, Macon. 20 per cei t , the amount of the contract wil 1 be advanced, and further advances will b made at the discre ion nf the c immissioners as the work progrestes A model f the intended bridge and the torn. ,f the contract will be open in inspection at tin ■ unni over (• ll -spit & Birdsong's s ore In Macon M, and slier In* twenty-first ot March, until tin time of letting. Architects arc invited to prepare and furnish nndels in wood on a scale of an inch to the foot, with accompanying explanations in tti-oing which will be received at the rm in above men lontd until Tin sday the 15th ot March, inC'M sive. A premium ot SIOO will be paid tor tha ,< del which sits I be adopted as best uniting th nropertii-s of cheapness, strength, durability amt convenience in repairing. Luke J. Morgan, 'j Charles Bulloch, | Mortimer It. W allis, Samuel Gillespie, I William Bivins, J qQ* llie ed ors ot die Constitutionalist, thr Columbia Tel scope, and the Kaleigh II gst r, ire re<j ies'i dto insert the 'b ve until the Ist’ • f Marc >, and forward their accounts to M, U. vt allis, Esij. M iC m, C;i. Muv’nt, F bruai'V I, 1325. HSM 65 Administrator's bale. Agreeab’e loan order of the Honorable Court ol Or,tin ry "f Warren County, will b • sold oi, un. fi.s- Tuesday in Apiil next, at the Court House in Warren County. One Lot of Land in the 4lh l)is -rci ol II listen County, belonging to the es-a n Uieliard Hny, deceased, and known by tie mmber 215, r ntai'img 202 1-2 Acres. It,llls ol vale made known *,n the dnv. Amos Wright, Jldm’r. Lucy Bray, udm'rx. January S, 1825. t 75 Go an i an"s ba e. Will he sold on the li si I ut-sday ,n Aprl next, ai the Court House in .lackionboro', Scrivt e com ty, between (he hours of ten am) tour o’clock pursuant to an orders n( the Honorable the Jus nces-ol His Interior Court o! said tonnir, win siiin'H for ordiuai-v pm-poses : . All that tract or parcel of Land, ■mlaioing our liu i lied joJ nineiy acres (mor ,r less) situate Img a.xl ii * : ng in the fourteent i.trici ot Irwin County, Georgia, a r| known a> t sli guished in the plan of sa,d Jisttict, by tl, umber twe- ty dime (23 ) sold fop the bemfi ol nrah.L- , rphau, ot J»,lin M Lee, deceased— Vi ms ma ’ k mwii on Hie ’av •( sale. Peter Ueddick, Guardian. Srf*iv *i roini’i/ . • »I •■ a 38 lli t bhenlf s bale. i ill be'old in Monday Hie 21 si instant, at th, Vendue Store ol 11. Picq let, between the u en I h-virs ol s»n*. Sundry articles of Merchandize, jtla hed as die properly of Le.tcr Uunipliity tt the instance of Jerome Case- Hy Order nf Court, A. Picqiiet, Sheriff, C. ,1 February 11 + ( 6 iv once. VGKKE \BLF. to anonur of the Honorab the luten -r C-iort of Uichmond County, wil e sold on tne first l uesday in March next, i, ie market house in the ctv of Augusta, hi tween die usual hours of sale -. Four lluudml and sixteen li I0ti» icrcs > Land, lying • i Vl’Uean, mu li th part ,■ hree bundled and fifty acres, lyi g on Spin Creek. 'l'hree negroes : Nancy, Billy and Frank. Hu wit **c mi r al of Letut L'llinn, tl ceaaeti, i >r th-* benefit of tne h #, ir* 1 • uid, dece »Bt‘d. I'enns made known on the da} >1 . BtM'j.mln UowtaiKl, ) Um , r> holurt si! n. 3 Df'cembei 7 t 47 \kA\vws Wfcwavd. U\,\ vvt.vV II ■oil lliv sUi'CliOer ll ~|. t -25i i u l '. an. gro man named HAMILTON. 11 it thir-v fi-- years ol ,ge, six feet high, v i lark -kio aod - i'ge th rk bps. Ha-1 on wh nh, w- m away, a hlu shot Juek, t with hue mixed .alunei tnnv-er . H• is well cq uned ,n Bry an, Liberty and M’lntnsh Cou ,lies. IFhotve, wntre'imi Inn to tile subsrr b r, shall receive the ihove reward and all reason Id ci,a,>res. Levi Ilillß, Per Attorney, 11. It. ilainaway. TT V A I’mrrtji .1/ anti Gazette % im ne fi, toil! pi ve *he übrv ■ r,ro insertions ; and in ' on* ruuonu hl, *'-, e inseitims and l o' tonvd iheir acrotm.s io this ojfive or ;» im >t, I b h 11 1 >' I H v‘l »,.U 0,1 b I'U; Isa IJIIIuM tnesqoscih , ~ tn, n.ght ,r ih 7d lost, a sorpe HOUSE, switch iad uli.i , reak in Hie torehe ,al ,n hind eg win t. o, ancle a bttle larger -ban the "tit. f \\ lien h w- nt awav he ha a slinr' p ece ol r->pe on h, rk. V ny- one giving np rmation or r, urnin ' hm to die snbscnb r, hall meet wlh a handg •me reward, in Cuimning’s Bu 'd,;ig, broau -treet, Augusta. Ora Howard. r 11 • 68 iiOv-kv UIViV S\ th v v uiiug, A (ally Executed tit this O'uce. » SroJ^ TO THE PUBLIC . /INHERE is perhaps no medical observation bet A ter established, none more genei ally continue' j> the experience ot the best physician, of all ag<t >"'• countries and none of more importance to tin practitioner,than tbe fact,that many ot the most diffi cult u.iu incurable con/plamts originate in neglect*, ■d colds, In a ctiniate as variable as ours,where lh changes of Lie weather are frequently sudden am. .ncxpected, it requires more care and attention, shatd against this subtle and dangerous enemy m de, than m >:,t people imagine, or are able an' willing to bestow.# flence the vast number of pa . cents, afflicted ffith congiis, catarrhs, asthma consumptions, andSther affections, and hence th iarrago of rational gnd absurd remedies, cried up >y the learned and illiserate, Ihe many cases 01 he kind, fell under my observation ; the preposi :rms compositions of inflaming drugs, wind are in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced i, iract ice from remedies highly recon,mended , amt ny own predisposition to pulmonic complaints cere strong inducements for me to consider whether a compound consisting of mild vegetabl ■ubstances could not be invented, more free from i he wdl founded objections of practitioners, ant .letter calculated to avert the threatening d struction of lh" lungs. PULMONIC Syrw\» of "Vegetables, For roughs, cold , asthmas anil consumptions This remedy ; s superior to any medicine which has been offered to the public, as it is prepared r< m the most valuable herbs of our vegetabh singdorn, and ils qualities are such fiat every de lendence may be placed in its virtues tor lh* ore of tbe above diseases. From the knowledgt the proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of tin yrup, he has po hesitation in recommending e ■ 'o those who labour under those distressing c<m , laint.s as a safe ansi efficacious remedy, and hav ing administered it to thousands in New-York a n , I'hdadelplna, he feels no hesitation in offering ■ to the public, and after trial, those persons win nit chase the genuine syrup, will have their mo - ney refunded by returning the botile, if they tie mt feel satisfi d that they have reaped benefi I from the use of it. Directions for Use. Take a tea spoon‘full three limes a day, *s> morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re ueved. CC7* Each bottle will have the signature of tl.e proprietor. tO* Frepared only and sold by E- Audler, sig >1 the Golden Eagle, Augusta. October 21 11 New an 1 invaluable BTERTEDTHE UNITED STATUS OF AMERICA. AUDLER’S Asiatic Leuifrve lor l?a\u. This Metli- cine is a nev er failing remedy foi the Tooth- AphdaWjWßK Ache, Head Ache, and other dk eases. r|l IS remedy is good against the tooth ache « JL pain in the teeth and jaws when duly applie. .ml employed, it possesses sovereign < fficacy u it lievmg swedings ol the gums, lace, and adjacei 1 arts, arming fr*on or connected with tooth-achi It relieves head-ache or pains in the head, n "te most easy and agreeable manner j for tins IV pient and distressing complaint, tliip, Ins nev nediciue, is a charming prescription, for h r< lores both the organs of sense and the nerves o heir heaiiby condition at a quick and admirabu ate. This new and useful preparation produces,' b_\ nild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operate pon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, ■aarpens the perceptions, and invigorates U motions of the mind, by dissipating gloom am . ipours it acts truly like a nervous and cephali. •ted.cine of the first order. > Nop i.> its effect less beneficial when considere. relation to the stomscb, than to the mouth, tin ead and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upm be sigln and immediate organs of digestion a i larminative and cordial, expelling wind, removin., orpop, correcting acidity, and creating a inos ■nmfortable warmth. she operation of this invention and improve i nenl is quite as favorable to diseases ol the eai note especially it acts to great auvantage in dn mss and hardness of hearing, and even ip incipi ■ill deafness, restoring the (ailing organ to th exercise of its true and heshhy functions ofheai ig. Certificate from Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell. Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city ot New-York, ins day submitted to me Ins letters patent Iron he United Slates, for compounding and vending ' i remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, ane ask' dmy opinion upon the same, » hereupon, a* t< r examining the receipt contained in the specili "atom, I find it contains a mixture of such aroma • c, anodyne, and anti-acid articles, us are well ca culaled to produce a composing effect on the lm 1 man body. Samuel L. Mitchell. Ynrfc, V<)l> n l'> ’ IHI 8. AutUer’s «M\ik ot Roses. A N elegant cosmetic i r whitening, »of emng and beautifying the skin, and removing pine des, treckles and chops,from the face, neck, &c Che Milk ot Doses possesses many qualities, for it , nit only -»epve* for the above purposes, but it pm lie bloom oj youth uu age, which valuable property very lady is fond ot enjoying. This beautiful ro-t -,c s me tie hasadi- ighlfu! fragrance, and is an artief j It'cli can be used with safety, us it contains noth j ng that will i jure the skin, and it is an indispensa I 'in article to every lady, and should be found oi heir toilets, l)i bkctioss, — Afer being washed and drie-. ’lien lake a small quantity on a piece of white fl:u mdnel then wash tare, neck, hands, &c. Each but le wilt he signed by the proprietor. Price gl. Preps-ed only and sold by E. Audler, sign ofth •nlde" Eagle, Augusta, p.'v /t ? (u° lost xd OS Tuesday last, a Bunch of KEYS, tied wi'h Bed Taoe.—The finder on leaving them at this office, shall fce rewarded. E. AUDLER, JC* SURGEON DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY informs ftre Ladies and Gen tlemeu ol AMppUsls, that he will be ready i ' ive them at all dines, at his or their h uses, t ne line of his profession, and hopes he-will me share of the public patronage, as he will extrac . elli a ,J stumps,and in the easiest manner it eve .f difficult, and all its other branebes. , i*aste at CaTbon, A superior denturice to any ever offered fc cleaning beautifying and whitehin'gthe teeth an* ' making the breath sweet and greeabic. . SCORBUTIC ESSENCE. Os Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in th* urns and teeth, and makes them firm at th* •me time. Prepared and sold by E. Audler. At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cottoi Kange. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. Jidv 4 2 ~ - - - - •Niesou .leaoemy. rr is with pleasure and confiueuce that the Tru tees ol ill s lii-li'ution, present ils cla ms m his occasion, foi the support and pair-mage oi an enfghtened publ c. Although endowed inon tberahy perhaps than any other county school in >ie state, yet its funds haying been unproductive , I ir several years past being mostly vested In slati ; >ank slock, die academy li,.s been much clogged in its operaiion. The board have not been able ti offer an ad quale inducement to engage the servi e» of a Rector, who combined qua. Scat ions and character, that would insure success to the scrum iry. This bar we are happy t>» slate is removed uid we C'ngia-nlate die community in having roenred for the ensuing year, the Rev. Thomas (louldmg,-foi merly of Liberty county, a gen.le i an whose scholarship and general character an ' o notorious to requ re the feeble tribute of ou uraise. Mr. Gouldiug will -uperinteiit} both schools his personal services and attention however wul De principally bestowed ou the female de- I partment. In the male academy he will be „ssis dby Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate who ms sme erpi nence in teaching—and who is r commended as uuexcepti nahie in talents aip.. orals. To these considerations we have to add, . ueal indnc-'inents, such as health, cheapness oi mard. &c, and perhaps it would not be though > tjpeifluous to suggest, that inasmuch' as most o' the imp- riant elections are train fei-yed directly li lie people, it woulu become r'oub y necessary n ■n'igiiien their minds, lor iiotrtnh stands on a fir ner ba-is than this, thut in proportion a. we give ■i the pei pie power, we should also give then tnowh-dge. On the practical adoption ot tlii rincii'le depends die preservation of our repuL icat! ipstitutiuns. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Seo etavy. CCj* The Editors of the Constitutionalist, Augusta nd ktpiiblicun Savannah -will the abov, an I forward their uicoums to Lexington for fiat meat, J, 11. L. I muirv 18 59 AM* S l EA.vl U ,I’aiS. nB HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully • nforms the pubhc, that tie has establisbe*' PIEAM a-d MEDICAL BATHS in Angusui ' he vtry high repute diese tiaiiis have acquirer! ii Europe, where (although a late discover' he\ are in be found in every hospital, and li real cities they have perfm m*-d in UoGton, Phi delpbia and Charo s'on, cm leave no douh o ■ imr efficacy. I tie most gen'le as V"‘ll as tn* i -st powerful medicines are administered by ths leans, without any pain, tmub e oi disgust to ii. alient. I bey are a never fad ng remedy in all eutane us ass etions; from Fsora. King worms, &■-. t< eal Ulead and Leprosy, They also have neve ded of success in either acuta or chronic rheu metism In glandti'ar obstructions, chlorosis, an&sarcou wHlings, incipient dropsy i in all diseases ol ih< mints, gouty affections dispersion of tumors, i t ined syphilis, spasmodic or nervous ass etmns, . ah bilious dis rde*s. dyspepsia, liypocondriasi* pilepsy—these baths have been tou.iil most 'enable, and bave often sncceetled even in hir< ntary comp'aints. In fine, this manner of ad niiw itcring almost every remedy I long! g to th lie di g an, may be tendered applicabie ui atmos very case, and ii l is repealed) without aly pain rouble*ur disgust to the patient. As these baths are not vet generally known lr. Hi'Ukl will be happy tog vethe inns' r•* irctable references to persons who have hee> on dby taki g them. 'W\<t Steam 4* M e EstttbUs\\ tVVAMtI, Is in E'lis-Street, oppos le V|-. H. M.<alingN trick Mouse, a d has m eivranee in Bruad-streei mnn diaiely opposite the city //0,.1, .laonorv 11 57 » DYING AND SCOURING. * |IHE Sob.-criber returns his thanks to tl.e pun 1*« iic generally, for the encouragement tha .e has received since his commencement in lot Hying Business, in this place, and hopes, by s net attention to his busmens, to have a continn » ice of their custom; he stiil continues at hi old stand, on the north side of Reynold street, ’ierr the intersection of Bridge Row—wh re he intends to carry mi the DYING BUSINESS. i l * II its various branches, on Cotton, Silk ant i Woollen , also. Straw Leghorn and Crap Gentlemen can have their Coats, Pantaloons anc * V*sts scoured, grease, paint and stai nes esli ac n - at tne shortest notice, and on reasonable terms • J Wm. Taliaferro k Son. November 2 ~ | Lost, OV the 12lh i 11st , (with a ruiall sum of money' F Wa kcr’s Ch ck for J 551), on tbe Bank \tigus*a. da'ed the 11th inst. pay ub e to biarei she P .blic is cautioned not to trade for th, t/h ek. I e finder by leaving it with the suf icrioers, tv .It be suitably rewarded. • R. D. Diiucaii k Co. Jsnuarv 14 5H & A dozen genteel young luei 3 can be accommodated with BO Al( UI >H, by a, j plying over Mr. G. Cleland's Hai Store. February 8 9t 65 A. CARD. Z. YLOyTa-NCE, SURGEON DENTIST, .it Bachehler if. Godwtte’t Broad Street, .lugusta , nearly opposite he I'laiuer’s Hotel, i > ESI'EG I FULI.IT inhums tlif Publ.c, that he 1-1. has returned again t<> this City, and i-espect iuuy solicits the - Patronage of the Ladies anti Gentlemen who may require Ins services in the -everal Branches of his Profession.—Persons vtshing lus service in private F.indies can call and , >ee his work Manufactured on a new principle, . which be warrants. Teeth and Gums. The diseases ol me tceih and Gums are chief ,, v owing'tg our pwn neglect f the (jails ol llie ,■ Undents' which-lodge about them after mastica lioo, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are heresy first affected, as being the most tenner arts, a t<T the>e corruptions are produced, com monly called the Tartar of the Teeth, winch destroying both their texture and whiteness not '* only deprives the mouth of its pi incipai ornk < tents, but brings on violent tooth aches. apd ren mers the Gums hvid and* putrid, and offensive to uii'selves and others—Hut hough- people in general may prevent those inconveniences, bv , a r e and attention at fir.t, yet, if they are once 1 suffered to lake place, it is no longer in ilie pow er of ilie sufferer to remove them this being pro _ peily the province of the experienced Dentist, who has made the maladies of the Teeth ai d Gums, with their attendant evils, the principal ( bject and eid of hi. studies, '■ Mr. FWrawse, Dentist, By long praciice, « close application to cusi- I ness, and a thorough knowledge of the s' ructuie II ol the 1 eeth and Guns, has made all the opera tions in those pa'ts quite familiar to him, inso -1 much tlmt what somt Dentists have judged im -1 ijradicable, he hatfi performed with ease and 1 safety. j Hu places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak ing the latter with pure enamel) from a single , one to an entire set so accurately, that they shall answer every purpose of the natural. ’I hus thp \ greatest deficiencies are suppli-d with ornaments, winch have the recommendation of mil. y. I hose Teeth that have fallen out their sock. - ts, which frequently happens, though in a per l(-‘ct sound slate, tie, by a method peculiar to him. ' ie, /i replaces at firm as ever, without the least pain or uneasiness to the pat'ent. lie clears the Teeth, if ever so disci lured, of . “h their foulness and lartar, w.thoul pain, and renders them white and as fair as ever in hall an hour. , I eeth and Sfumnn extracted in the easiest man ’ ner, if ever so difficult. He assists young ladies and gentlemen in the . first and second dentition and removes the Mi.k I eeth at proper sessions, lest they should incom mode the regymcjjjep wth of the succeeding onces md it a defortiTljj'of-.this kind has taken (ilace - lirough the Avanv’bf .a Demist, Mr. Florance-un dertakes l(> oorfejßt it j provided the subject is .lot more than twenty years old, and restores ths ' eetli to theiP naitjrai, regular and beautiful -r --<1 r, N, 15. A Tincture and D-ntrifipp Paste, prepar •d by him only, which preserves the Teeth and changes hi m to a beautiful wbite v )sreß the gums ■f the Scurvey and makes breath at all times sweet and agree:.hi , and cures the Tool'll Ache i.nme hatciy', wi h proper directions how to use it.-, October 1| ; 3 jr 'V liAL« REST JR tTlVli And Preservative Vegetable Cerate. I HIE important discovery ol $ vegetable sub . stance, cap,.bit-oi restoring and preserving ne hair, vva- ucculvYilly niade by an individual, 1 who has neither nor the deposition - (practice decepDbn ofirayd. I he., luliest ie -1 li ,nce may be piaCfed ogpme efficacy and pew. r ,1 tn?*Veg- iut)la-' Ceratbi ti'Sit only in < id preventing the failing off off.-the haij&’iDiit in iduei-ig the greatest lu-tre aiid liveliness of it ..naginabie i a.n) the pubt.c may rest assured that its tile.-tv will be clearly manil-s'ed in the course f a short tune by the renewal and v gorotia ;rowth of the hair, and by effectually prevent* ■ g its coming out or Dili g off. Ibe Vegetable I rate lends to re usc.lhlc and excite the ener gies of ‘.lie capillary vessels, which constitute hose organs that secret- 1 the matter forming ihe Hair ; these, like many other organs of the ani nal body, wdiich have b -en in a slate of dorman. y or disease, may be r stored to their healthy • ciion, and perforin all those functions assigned 1 n by tia'ure. * The pi-epnetor being aware of the numerous pec.lies palmed on iim public, and de-irous that lie present a tide may not suffer, rests its me ns cu the til cl it has produced on hundreds of icfsons, both male and lemale, and found to ba ne only thing in restoring and preventing the hiir from coming out of the h. ads of those who have used it, and all that is asked, as it relates to he verity of its eff el, is a fair trial. E derly people, with bald heads, must rest as ured that by applying a few boxes of the above ij rule, their hair w II he restored with ail its ~outhlul beaut! and hie. , Ihe propnciopaf the above valuable di cove ; intends appouni g agents through the United d.atcs for tne »ale of it. and also in Europe, Divec. turns. The Vegetable Cerate being perfectly inno cent, may b i I nl fully applied, night and morn ing, and nihbed hard into ihe pores ot the head wuh ihe ti gers, without apprehension of dan ger. In addition to its other value, it beautifies i die hair and whiskers. i N. U. Gentleman ’ hat are baM, after using it < for some .weeks, will find a snia 1 fibre ot hair [•rowing on die p ! ace that is bald , they will con. i u.ue it for ab nl ten days after its appearance, i- ben ihi y will shave th-ir hair cl- se off where it t, , affected, after that it will receive its natural and e vigorous growth. " And those who have the misfortune of loosing d d.e.r li- ii- by sickutss, the Gcru'e will restore m them in a very little tune a lull and b jiilifut d bead of hair, as it is beyond all doubts that it is d he oi IV thing that has ever been discovered in s, .his cuuuiny, or p- rhaps in any other. A constant s;u ply for °ale by K. 11. & L). It. Ravil and, Jtents for Georgia. ~ ,1 nuaev H 58 .) ‘ • "Wauled to Puy chase, Negroes ol the following trade, Biark - i smith and, W heel maker, of go-.d character, i. Apply to b 11. Picquet. F< hrosrv 8 63 h aulcA lo Vtiv t. - /pub the ft si of January next, tour voting It fai NEGROES, accustomed to work, froin ge of 18 to 25 R. Picq'iet, I Jancary 21