Newspaper Page Text
■ - - --- - ... v- — :
•• Maay of the political evils, under which every Country in the world labours, are not owing to any want of love forour Cbuntry, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” PRIESTLY
~ ' - ■ - 1 1 .!■ " —-—■■■ I .1,.1 .1 ■— . . .- ■ .■ ■- ■ -—— ■ I I . I. . . S. gM T- - ■ , . . . - ■ II i ■ ■ - - V
■ NEW 5ER1E5....... Toll 11. * AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1525. No. 70.
C|je Coivstitutionaftet ]
t 1 Prize ot £30,000 is 830,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
I* 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
■ 5000 Prizes of IQ |s 50,000
51T5 Prizes, \ 180,000
, ]i2825 Blanks. 5
Cess than two aAd an half Bluitks to a prize.
All the Prizes to he Floating from the commencement ,
except the following, which will be deposited in the
wheel at definite periods viz :
• On the lat Drawing 1 prize of §IO,OOO AI of §3OO
1 Gn the 2d “ 1 prize of 5,000 A1 of 1,000 Alof § 600
On the 3d •• 1 prize of 10,000 A1 of 300
i Onthedlh “ 1 prize of 5,000 A1 of 1,000 A1 of 500
! Ou the sth “ I prize of 10,000 A1 of 300
I On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5,000 AI of I.OtHI A1 of 500
I On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,000 A1 of 5,000 A1 of 300
On the Bth “ 1 prize of 20,000 Ai of TOGO A2 of SUO
On the 9th 1 prize of 30,000 A1 of 1,000 A1 of 500
Tlie whole Lottery to be completed in
•Viue WraNvuiga Vh\\y.
IL?” , ’l'e drawing to comlneiioe as ao-ilj, as a
sufficient number of Tickets are soldi., The
while of tlie Prizes ptyablc in thirty’ dijjs.Cafler
the compl lion of the-'Drawing, subject to ade
duotion oi f.itecn per cent. All Prizes -Kot ap
plied for in twelve months, to he considered as a
donation to me funds of »• te Masonic Half.
,V Present Vvkc of Tickets,
a® aiDiaiii'iiSo
For sale in a great variety'of number*,’ at the
OFFICE in iii oud street,
Secretary to the Hoard of Cemnusfio'nen, |
(p* Orders (or rickets from any part oi the 1
Slates, Post paid and enclosing the Cash, 1
J addressed lo the Secretary, will meet immediate
« attention,
• Hales and regulations adopted at a Meeting d|
the Hoard of Commissioners of the MASONIC
HALL LOTTERY, January BlhAte2s,
Ist. The Cpnui’tssiotters shall assemble on the
Saturday ut other week.
-;d. A majority ot the Commissioners shall c m- ;
ftitute a quorum for the transaction ot business,
ami a majority ot those present at any meeting,
almll govern m ill cases, except those hereinafter
3 I, It shall he the duly ol the Chairman to pre
serve order, to appoint Committees to supervise
the Books and conduct of the Secretary, and he
shall have the privilege of voting upon all subjects!
and also ofexpressing his opinion.
4th. A Secretary shill he appointed with a sal
ary of eight hundred dollars per annum, and siisilj
give bond and security tor the faithful perlot mance j
ol Ins duties. He shad keep lair minutes of the
proceedings o( the Board of Commissioners—shall I
nc.ty.s an agent tor the sale of tickets—keep a res]
gutar account ot Ins sales, and deposite all moniefi
received by him, (he soon as received,) in one ol
the Banks ol litis city. He moreover, Irani
fact all business relating to the. Lottery, to which!
he shul! be required to attend, by the Commis
3ili, No ticket sli.rll be sold on a credit, unless
by an order ol the Board of Commls'-ionei'S; and
not then, without such security as shall be satisfac
tory to * committee appointed I6r the purpose oft
receiving the same,
’ 6th, The tickets shall be signed by the Com
missioners, in equal proportions ; and not more
| ‘ban one Commissioner shall sign any ticket.
rlh. The Secretary shall not lie entrusted afanv]
y ©Retime, with more than five hundred Tickets,j
ji and shall exhibit at every meeting ol the Commis-j
j' ‘ sidners, his Bank Bonk, and an account plainly,
shewing the amount of tickets sold, and the num j
■ ter in hand.
. The tickets, after they are numbered and
sig'.ced, shall be deposited at Hank, and only drawn
thence by a committee, of which the Chairman
ahad be one.
,Snh. No money shall be drawn from Bank, but,
i»y a check, signed by a majority of the Commis 1
sioners, and fop no other purpose, but the pay-'
I ment of pr'utes, or necessary expenses.
afpHß subscribers have connected themselvea;
■44 m the practice of the LAW— they will utu ]
j formly attend all the counties of the Northern
i Circuit, and the county of Franklin, cf the w’e-.J
tern Circuit, one of theta will be generally Rhindl
at their office in Elberton, where they v/ill lak- j
pleasure in transacting the business of those win j
may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the I
John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard.
January 1, 1825 57
Cl ENTEEL Residents, or Sojourners, may In
I accommodated with Board and Lodging nex'
door above Ur. Turpin’s, Broad s'reet.
J. B. Lalitta.
Nosember 30 45
' r' • . ; ’■ • I
this method of informing his friends
A and the public generally, that he has just re
ceived, and is now receiving a very large and
well assorted slock of
uul il they wml lavor him with their custom, they
will find him “ at home,” attending to his own
business, ready and willing to supply them with
any ot the following articles, on the most reason
able terms, for task or prime city acceptances ;
Hit) TONS well assorted Sweede & Russia Iron
T2U hhds. prime S. Croix and N. Orleans Sugar
IUU bags prime Green Coffee
30 hhds. prime Jamaica Coffee
50 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging
50 do best Tow Bagging, very cheap
50 do best Twill’d Sacking
50 coils //ale Rape i
200 hbls. best Northern Gin, best brands
200 do best Philadelphia Whiskey
100 do Northern Rum
25 hhds. do do
20 do prime retailing Molasses
4 do superior old Jamaica ..urn
15 pipes do Holland Gin
sdo do Cognac Z/randy
X pipe do old Port Wine
6h 13 and 1-4 casks Malaga and Sherry Wine
35 I 8, 1-4 and 1 2 pipes Sicily and Pico Ma
deira Wines
20 hbls. best Cider Vinegar
200 do Irish Potatoes j
50 do //sets'
2000 bunches Onions
luO bbls, prime Northern Flour 1
•* 25 half barrels do do 1
,i 50 bo s. and boxes Loaf and Lump Sugar
50 ton cattie boxes fresh //> son Inca ’
) 25 bags Pepper
j 20 doSpice Ginger
j 25 boxes Hatsms
) 30 kegs No. 1 Richmond Tobacco
- 3d boxes Georgia Candles
3d do Spermaceti Candles
250 whole and half boxes No, 1 Soap
50 kegs best Duponts Powder
200 bags Shot, assorted
i 2500 lbs, /Hr Lead
2000 lbs. hoop and band Iron
3000 do German and blistered Steel
§ooo do Share Moulds
8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt
1 2100 do i/lown
1000 lbs superior Virginia /Jams
10.000 ll>» Logwood
30.000 Russia Qu.lls
300 dozen Tumblers
100 casks patent Cut Nails, assorted
25 patent Ploughs and Paints
, 10 dozen Carolina fl les
, 25 boxes Homes’ and White's and Whitte
more’S Cards
100 boxes prune Cheese
j 20 casks do do
j 50 reams Wrapping Paper
' j 20 casks Lime
300 nests Dry Measures
200 nests boxes »
•20 hbls Shad v
50 half barrels Shad
200 bids. No. 3 Mackerel
■ lOU’ do. No. 1 do
i ’ half barrels No. 1 do
I 150 bbls No. 2 do
i 75 half barrels No 2do
50 five gallon Uemajohns
39 boxes White Sngsr
10 do do brown do
250 halt, quarter and tenth boxco superior
Spanish Cigars, Bos Amigos and Flint’s
November S 33
\-WsA VviaU Potatoes,
i Just per If team Boat Hamburg .
i FEW Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, which
| l il. will be sold in lots to suit families, by apply
ng immediately at
Jacob Moise’s.
J\VKenzie tjf Jiennach's How, i
?8 53 ,
Libs, piiiue iiacoiiy
On Consignment, hy
' B. Pjcquet.
Noyember SO 45
\\ fcigUi Vriukfc
.1 Arei.l to
Roiiert D. Ware, !
1 Decembers 45 ‘
1— 1
, I ,
■ O UPPOSEI) to be taken by mistake from the
i O Wharf, about the 11th or 12ili of November,
j» Box of Shoes landed from Boat No, 14,—Mark
jed Ab. E. Wood,or E Wood St Co. Any person
(having it in his po-zession will confer a favor by I
{informing the subscribers at their residence, oi |
j through this office.
E. Wood (Sf (•(>. !
Dccemher 24 52 i
j—■ !
A \argfc urtAO ’tuuvnt of Fres\\
! V small quantity of Fresh HOPS, growth of 1824 i
FOR sall BT
R. B. A 1). (r. Haviland.
Jannarv 11 57 '
Vui* *sa\e, -• i
4 l IKELY NEGRO WOMAN, a good Cook
nL Washer an i Ironer—for further particular
iqutre at 'he Office of the Constitutionalist,
Bec«iaber2l 51
ALSO, t - '
On Boston, Baltimore,
Providence, Washington City,!
New-York, Petersburg, Va.
Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C.
And Savannah,
For Sale by
Beers, Bunnell & St. John.
Broad,' corner of M'Jntosh street.
Gold and Silver coin and all kinds of Hank
Notkb, Bought a 11$ Sold,
November 12 4(j
Cohen’s Office.
Baltimore, January 6, .835,
<Orau& 3>tate Uottcm,
No. 3. ■ %
NOW drawing every week, under the super
intendence o( the Commissioners appointed
bjr'the Governor and Council.
Eig\kl\k VivwvvUi;;
•11S7 15701 Brizes ol - .
*1440.3 a prize of-- 500
11527 do 100
1*19094 *19362 14888 0115 5850 3426 50
All marked thus* sold at CO HE. V’S OFFICE.
This Lottery is now raoidily progressing to
wards a close - -no time should be lost in securing*
tickets. There are still undrawn, the Capitals ol
Ks forty rnousA vn collars.
(FT iWßjrrr thousajvh dollars
HjT te v thou'saxo insr.i ms
(FT 11VE 7 7/0 US.LV/J J) t / ■ L. dt S '
Whole Tickets g!2 i Quarter . 3 00
Hu/vet . .6 I Eighths . 150
lo be had, warranted undrawn, at
Where both the great Capitals of 20.000 «nd
110.000 DOLL MIS, drawn in the MONUMINT
Ltt"| I EK\, on the 28tb utt, were sold, and
where were sold, the Capital Prizes of 100,000
Collars, half ami one quarter to citizens oj Gear
Sia\ 20,0005, 10,0005,. 5000 s, in the last (it*nd
lottery, and w ukuv, m*>«£ capital VfuzE.s
Orders left with I. K. St, JOHN, Broad street.
AUGUSTA, Georgia, -will he promptly attended to,
January 21 60
Renews the tender of his services in the
HIS WARE HOUSE at the upper end, south
side Broad-street, is now ready for the re
:option of LO TI ON and ntlier PRODUCE, upon
which lioerai advances will be made, when re
Any business with which he may be favoured,
shall be punctually attended to,
October 1 S 3
TVifc Suhacdcibeip,
HA vJNG engaged Waiixhcpses add Storks, in
the upper part of this city,oilers hisservices as
a general COMMISSION MEUCH AN T— Persons!
who may place merchandise or produce under hie,
cure, may safely rely on every possible exertion
being used, to give general satisfaction.
Bania M‘Kinne.
•September 28 27
The Subscriber
RKSPKC ITUILY informs hm friends and the
public that he lias sold out his DKf GOODS
Establishment, corner of Broad street and Bridge
. w * to his brother G. Dillon, and solicits for
him a continuation of tliat patronage so liberally
conferred on himself—he is also authorized to
act as my legal Vttorney. in every capacity as re
lates to the collection of all accounts due me, and
in lue management of my real estate
AH persons to whom 1 am indebted, are re-!
to present their accounts without delay. I
Hubert Dillon.
Augusta, 7th February. 1825. 6t 65
INTENDING to reside in New V.irk, with a
view for the transaction of Commission Uus-
Iness, in all its branches, will feel grateful for any
consignments or orders, with which he may be
favored, assuring his friends that his nrirenntted
attention will be exe, ted to promote their inter
est. Me will be prepared on the receipt of any
consignments, or ol the invoices with bills of la
ding and orders for insurance, to make the cus
tomary advances if required.
Any references that is desired, can be obtained
of Messrs, Mackenzie He Ponce, Augusta, or Hen*
jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah.
Ralph Ketchura.
October 26 35
Wauled to VttTe\\ase,
rpwo Negroes of the following trade. Black
A smith and Wheel maker, of good character.
Apply to
B. Picquet.
February 8 65
Z. ¥LOVU\.\CE,
.It Bachehler if Codwise’s, Broad-Street, Augusta
R nearly opposite die J’lanter's Hotel.
ESPEC TFUI.I.Y informs the Public, that he
has returned again to this City, and respect
fully solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and
• Gentlemen who may require his services in the
1 several Branches of his Profession.—Persons
wish ng his service in private Families can call and
see Ins work Manufactured on a new principle ,
which he warrants.
Tee,t\\ and tiuittSf
1 he diseases of the Teeth and Gums are chief
ly owing to our own neglect; the parts of tlu
aliments which lodge about them after mastica
, tion, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are
thereby first affected, as bcihg the most tender
parts, alter these corruptions are produced, com
mouly called the 'Tartar of the Teeth, which
destroying both their texture and whiteness not
only deprives the mouth pf its principal orna- -
dents, but brings on violent tooth aches, and ren- -
mers the Gums livid and putrid, and olfensive to
ourselves and others. —But though people in ■
general may prevent those inconveniences, bv *
care and attention at first, yet, if they arc once I
sutiered to take place, it is no longer ip the pow '
rl °* ,lle sufferer to remove them, this being pro- *
pvrly the province of the experienced Dentist,
- who has made the maladies of the Teeth and
1 Gums, with their attendant evils, the principal
object and end of his studies.
Mt. Vlorance, Dentist,
1 By long practice, a dose application to busi
hness, and a thorough knowledge of the iJtruolure
I*. ’* ,e . "-'Oeth snd Gums, has made all the opera
I tiona in those parts quite familiar to him, mso
much that wnat some Dentists have judged irn
practicable, he hath performed with ease and.
ri safety, I
He places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak '
mg the latter with pure enamel) from a single
one to an entire set so accurately, that ibey shall
answer every purpose ct the natural. Thus the!
greatest deficiencies ane supplied with ornaments,
winch have the recommendation of utility, *
I hose Teeth that have fallen out their sock- 1
ets, whichi frequently happens, though m a per
* S(lU nd slate, he, by a method peculiar lo him- !
sell, replaces st firm as ever, without the leasi I
• pain or uneasiness to the patient. <
He clears the Teeth, if ever so discnlured, of;
ail their foulness and tartar, without pain, and
I renders them white and as fairao ever in half an
■ hour.
I eeth ami Stumos extracted in the easiest man- i
, ner, if ever so difficult.
IJe assisis young ladies and gentlemen in the j
I first and second dentition, and removes the Milk
, Teeth at proper seasons, lest tllCy should inCOin
mode the regular growth ot the succeeding onces
and if a deformity of this kind has taken place!
through the want of a Deslist, Mr. Florance un-i
dertakes to correct it ; provided the subject is l
not more than twenty years old, and restores the
leetli to their natural, regular and beautiful or-, 1
dcr. II
N. B. A Tincture mid Dentrifice Paste, prepar- *
ml by him only, which preserves the Teeth and '
changes them to a beautiful white, cures the. gums *
of the Scurvey and makes breath at all limes sweel 1
and agreeable, and cures the Tooth Ache imme
diately, with proper directions how lo use it.
October 12 3 j
Meson wlcatleiu^.
1r is witli pleasure and confidence dial the
I rustees ol (Ins Institution, present its claims
on this occasion, for the support end patronage of
-11 enlightened public. Although endowed more
liberally perhaps than any other county school in
the slate, yet its funds having been unproductive
(or several years past being mostly vested in slate
bank stock, the academy ims been much clogged
in its operation. The board have no| been able tp
1 fler an adequate inducement to engage Ihe sarvi.
ces of a Hector, who combined qua .fications mud
character, that wduld insure succesa lo the semiu
-1 ary. • This bar we are happy to slate is removed
• j and we congratulate the [community in having
V procured for the ensuing year, the Rev. Thomas
' Colliding, formerly of Liberty county, a gende- j
> man whose scholarship and general character «;:t M
too notorious to require the feeble tribute of our
praise. Mr. Moulding will superintend both schools
-•his personal services and attention however
. will be principally bestowed on the female de
partment. Jn the male academy he will be assis
ted by Mr. Lsthrop— a northern graduate who
has some experience in teaching—and who is re
commended as unexceptionable in talents and
; morals. To these considerations we have to add,!',
local inducements, such as heslih, cheapness ofj (
board, &c. and perhaps it wouill not he thought l ,
supetfliious to suggest, that inasmuch as most o',
the important elections are transferred directly toL
the people, it would become doubly necessary to I j
enlighten their minds, for untruth stands on afir-q
Inter basis than this, that it proportion as we give,,
[to the people power, we should also give them
j knowledge.' On the practical adoption of this
principle depends the preservation ol our repub
lican institutions.
Joseph Henry Lumpkin,,
OT} ' 'The Editors of the Constitutionalist, Augusta
and Republican, Savannah, will publish the above,
and forward t/ieir accounts to Lexington for pay-\
ment. ~ J, II L. !
January 18 59.
Notice. j
ALL persons havingdemands' upon the estate)-
of Nicholas Ware, deceased, sre requested toil
rbake them known to the subscribers. Those who|(
are indebted ';o the said estate, will please to make
. immediate payment.
Busan B. Ware, Kx’trx.
IV , VV. Holt, AVr.
i December 24 52
JS'oUcfc, j
'IMIE co-partnership of Julian & Thompson b!
•- dissolved. The subscriber has resumed bis (
office near the market,
N. B. Julian.
Feb. 1.8 6« 1
& Piuaamr 8
RESI’EC I'FULLYinformsthe Ladies and Gen
tlemen of Augusta and its vicinity, ttaut he
will be in the city about the first of March.
January 28 rtM 62
Copy of a Certificate from James Monroe, Pres’t.
The testimonials presented to me bv Mr. Farm
ly, of lug great talent; as a DENlfSt', are of
high character—in addition to which 1 state with
great pleasure, that his operations in my family,
have afforded a practical and very satisfactory
evidence of his merit,
Washington, Dec 9'h. 1822
DU. HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully
informs the public, that he has established
The very high repute these Baths have acquired
in Europe, where (although a late discovery)
they are to be found in every hospital, and Hie
great cures they have performed in Boston, Phi.
Ldetphia and Ghhrleuion,. cun leave no, doubt of
their efficacy. The. most, gentle as well as the
most powerful medicines are administered by that
means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the
i patient.
They arc a never fading remedy in nil cutane
ous affections; from Psora, Ring worms, Sic. to
Scaldhead and Leprosy. They also have never
(ailed of success in either acute or chronic rheu
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarenue
s wellings, incipient fjropsyi in all dis( uses ot the
joints, gouty affections, dispersion cf tumors, ill
, cured syphilis, spaMiutyic or nervous affections (
I" 1 a!l bilious digord ms, dyspepsia, hypoQomlriaws,
epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser
viceable, and have often succeeded even in here
jdiiary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin*
dstermg almost every remedy belonging to the
i healing art, may |>e rendered applicable to almost
every case, and (it is repealed) without any pain,
trouble, or dlsgost to the patient.
As these baths are not yet generally known.
Dr. Houei. will he happy to give the inns res
pectable references to persons who hove been
cured by taking them
The fttotm # *Me,AicaY Gaih
Establishment, *
Is in Rllis-Streei, Opposite M . 1 1. Healing's
Brick House, a d has an entrance to Broad street
brinkdiately opposite the city A r ,tei
January 11 ’ $r
Bandage -Maker.
HAVING taken me Shops reunify occupied
by Mr. Janies l.yites, intends carrying on
the business in all its various branches. From
[hi long experience at the North, he fl-iters
[himself, that he wnj be able to give general -a
,tislaction to such, as wit. favour him with a cal) in
the Repairing I.ine. .Ail favours wid be thank
fully .received and punctually execut'd.
He expects soon to receive front the Northern
Manufactories, a complete assortment of Carnages.
(Ij* GILS and CARRIAGES built to order.
Tot; &aW.
"8 Gigs, ••’V-’J j:
3 Sul keys, {
S Carriages. *
November 5 • ■ 38
Coach-Maker ,
Wild, keep constantly on baud, andfor Sale,
at Mr LirMjsTiinEf’s Livt ry St ble.
ffj* Orders for GIGS or CARRIAGES from the
North, will be promptly attended to and work
N. H.—Repairing done at the shortest notice.
November 30 4?
ilk". Ouet Tenement in the Long
.Yellow Kang • of Buddi ,gs, next door above tbe
vrgn of the “ Lenitive, ’’in “Colton Range,”
continued,—Also, several Tenements ot one story
[each, with two rooms, recently,in the possession of
j .Vlr. Ansley, and a convenient Warehouse in the
rear, wind, has been recently repaired and the
lot enclosed with a good fence. For terms, apply
[to Mr, James Harper, during the absence of the
i subscriber.
E. F. Campbell.
.lammim 7 ■ 56
From the first October next.
Three Stores and a Dwelling
a I House, upper end south side Broad
-1 Street, adjoining Egan & MT.augh.
I •■liflHfc Itn’s, viz :—The Store occupied by
jI). Henry & Co, the Store occupied by fill- 5t
jAMen —and the two story Frame House and Store
[adjoining the same—the house is well calculated
:or a private family nr boarding House—having an
excellent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are all most
desirably situated for the Grocery Business,
App rjb l»
William H. Egan.
B eofemher 17 94
ON the 12th insf. (with a . small sum of money)
F. Walker’s Clu ck for S3O, on the Bank of
I Viigusta, dated the tlth in i. payable to bearer. —
I’he I’nblic is cautioned not to trade for the
Check. 'He finder by leaving it with the sob
scribers, will bn suitably reward'd.
U. B. Duncau & Co,
January 14. 58