The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 25, 1825, Image 2

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C O.V allll VUUV .A \i\a'V. PHI NT K1) AND Pt’III.ISHKU II V U I ELI V vl J. itIJNCK. Conditions, vVc. yy- Kur thn nTV I'APKH, twice » weak. Five DolUn pn Bilnnin, ('avftlUe ill advance, j Yf •< (i:\riiv I’tl’Klt, lince a week, Tlirce |iollar»|<vr annum, in advance. sy\o jiajier dlacnntinnetl till directions to tbfttefTect are give,* and ft!l arrearages PAlli. tyy I'KHM', . . . hie It .liars jo*r annum payable in advance Ipr A I) V K It TISK VI K NTs .... Will be inserted at the rattt .■( * Sisly-twn and a half eenlft. per iquare, tor Hie Ural in.rilnm a J forty Hire, and in., e ipiuneri nils, till r c ■ Continuance t)y DM il!I NIC A TKI.Vs i,» Mail, mnull't /•«»<■/«» f-y Sales ,f land and n'.yrnes, by Adm niftlntlnr*. Kleentnrs ~r (inardianM. are 1 | nred, ny ia a, to tie hold on Hie lir-i 111 ,1 ,, ,0 r, 1 ,nlo, ml VI no I,e hours of ten m the fun 'ii md 111. 0 M llieafle.rnon at I lie Court-Home of the e,.,n ly m Wi. ell'll propirly isftitnaie.-Molie.e ol these .a o « mutt public gaeelte SI.XTV days previous to the day at N .I.'. of tli#* Hale of | • rminul |«ro}>«*rly rn<MH»M* given in n«‘’ rr,H, ‘ "*r, KOK J'V diiyh previous to the day <*f 1* m«* io Die debtors and crcdilorsuf an «*#Ul€ must be |*ubli mli**<• for 1' OK.T V day t. N , <••■. tlial Hiiii ii; i’iou tvill !u* r»n !- t-» th f’Hirl of Of'linftrv f r l». vi>tf4H|M nd, »n nl : ft pnHI «li•• I f*rMl ' f K V 1 »S' 1 11 s lItKLVNi). £As »ung by M' • K.c,knk, atthf W ashing'nn Tlicatif, in the cnaracter of “The Pooi Soldier.”] JJear Idi o, h i v sweetly thv green b isi.rn rises, An emerald set in the ring of the in ; I'iaeii hind'* of ill. meadows rny faithful heart prizes ; Thou qtienri of tile west, the world’s Cuslilamachrcc. Thy gates open wide to Ihe poor and the strung, i There smiles hospitality, hearty and free ; Thy fro n Iship is seen in the moment ol langer. And the wanderer is welroined to (.'ushLmaeliree, Thy sons, they are brave—hut the battle once, ovek In brotherly peace with their foes they ngr . j And tlie roseate uheehs of thy daughters, di- over Tub soul »pe .king blush that says CushUm ichree. Then floin isb forcever, my drnr native Knn, At bile sa 1 1 y I wander an nvie Irorfi thee ; And linn is thy mountains nojnjufy fearing; Aliy Heaven defend itsow i nslilania'ihrea. DROLL SI vIILIES. U nigh and ready, like a rat-catchcr’s dog. Sli ti |> work lof the eyes—:te the devil '.ml wlt ’ii a broad wheeled wagon went over his nose. Tut down u;)nn yon—an the extinguisher said to Ihe niHhlight, Turn’d soldier ;n the lobster said when he popp’d Ins head out of ihe sauce pan. M isi cal ami melancholy—as the cricket naid u» the tea-kettle. Here we are all master'd —as the roast beef Haiti to the welch rab its. Kvery one take cre ol himself—as Ihe jackass said when he was dancing aiming (he chickens. HEiv men > v. /.vr. Heal tit.— Ynoli er word lor temperance and exercise. Hero. — V wholesale man butcher. Holvdavs.—The elysium of our boyhood ; perhaps the only one of our file. 01 tins (t ilth A taxiig >ras seems to have been aware, lieiim asked by Uni p’ople >’* '"'h'i os before liis death, whether lie wished any thing to be done in commemoration ol him. •• Ves," tic replied, “ le.v tlie b ivs be allowed to play on the anniversary of my death ” Hope.— A compensation lor the realities of life, most enjoyed by those who have the least to lose, since they ate generally ren dered much happier by expectation than they would be by possession. uyi lochoitdria.—-The imaginary malady! with which those arc taxed who have no re al one. Jealousy.■g-Tormenting yourself for. fear you should be tormented by another. Learning. —Too often a knowledge ol words'amt 4>i Ignorance ol things ; a mere act of-tnemory which may be exercised with out common sense. Loan.—A means of robbing our succes sors, for the purpose ol destroying our con temporaries. L tgic.—Substituting sound f u- sense, and perverting reason by reasoning. L tver. —One wlta in Ins desire to obtain possession of another, has lost possession ol himself. Marriage.— Taking a yokefellow, who inav lighten the burden ol existence it von v “ I » pull together, or render it insupportable it y on drag different way s. Melancholy. —Ingratitude to Heaven. JVew Monthly M<ig. Two of our living poets were conversing on the actors —“ Your admiration of Mrs. Siddons is so high,” saitl Rogers, “ that 1 wonder you never made open love to her.” —“ To that magnificent and appalling creature ! I should have as soon thought of milking love to the Hrchbishop of Can terbury.” Two years ago we announced to the pub lic that the veteran Michael kelly was en gaged in writing his life, which, by s, ecial permission, is to be dedicated io the king, who has always been a kind benelactor to Kelly’. The work is still in preparation, but it will be a considerable pet toil before it can be ready lor press, George t’olinan, we. understand, has engaged to see the work through the press. \V e have heard that the veteran drama tic writer, Frederick Reynolds, is engaged in writing his life. Few men have to a greater extent been connected with the higher departments ot the drama, or enjoy ed more ol the society ol distinguished li terary men, during the last forty years, loan Mr. Reynolds. We believe he has himself written and adapted for the stage between forty and liliy pieces, many id them eminently successlul. Reynolds was the early associate and li ieml ol Sheridan, Column, Cumberland, Stephen Storaee May or T’opham, Miles Peter Andrews, Mr, Harris, John Kemble, Holm ft, Mrs. Inch" •‘tld, Mias Lee, Mrs. Cowley, and indeed in the successlul dramatic write is, actors • nil critics during Iha t period. 1 lie biblical i) oriel is at present occu pied in the inu’sfig ilimt nl a Hebrew Mull I great antiquity, found in a vessel caplur r eo by the Greeks, which roll has recently been sent to tins country. The enormous " "“I 1.250 pounds is asked for this relic; Iniif I hat a inoun i is aid to have been offer i ed lor it by an eminent Hebrew capitalist. This sacred scroll ought to be deposited a mongst (be Hebrew It.bles in the extraor ' binary collection of the Duke of Sussex. ' intkrkmlno. I Extract <f a litter from a gentleman at Phi la le/p/ua, c/ateil ,fan. -22, 1 825. “Yon nave heard ot Civiales’ operation ''Tor lent mug tlie stone from the bladder, r I which brought to America by I'rofes sor Drown, of Lexington, Kentucky, who ■ Inis exerted himself to bring ii before the medical public, Our surgical instrument 1 makers hive been all very busily engaged 1 j in preparing the instrument, which, when ■ill the parts are adapted, is called a Li thaulrifitor, or Stone.—Many attempt' have been made to improve Civiales’ ap paratijs, and t ie Jmialhanic ingenuity, s. much (toasted of at home, and laughed at abroad, has been not a little displayed in various beantitol specimens of cutlery "I lered to the profession. Every one hd, how- ver, some (ault ; it did n d catch the stone ea-ily or hold it (irmly,or w’as in d,m jger ot breaking; io short, was not the very thing, nil Mr. I,nkehs, whose wo iib rl d mechanical skill, dexterity, ami iiiveti'ton, 1 as lionmaole to r e country as is to Into an nature, undertook to give us wha ed. 1 1, mav be said of him “ nihil letigit ijnoil non ornavil .” He lias brought, the d snl ratuin to lijiht. L I no man liereaf j lei dread the stone, except sach as will not J apply till it, grows m a great size, or till the bladder becomes thickened and diseased ; lor, with this tool, we can as certainly take .i stone out o( the bladder, without a drop i of blood, or a scratch, or much pain, asi-t desirable, except it be in such cases as and I connected with he aforementioned iliseas-j ed states. This afier loon we placed u! j piece of m rlilein a subject ; die tool cut a hole through and through in four minutes.) V sos er substance was penetrated in every dlicclion, and with the greatest facility, i)<•. Physick is much gi • filled with it. In short humanity owes a large debt to Mr. I.a kens for this triumph which lie has pro -1 cured for Iter. Yours,” Hec. PU.KsTINE \M) JERUSALEM. Letter from the Men. Samuel S Cooper, Catholic Priest, of this city. Lkguokn, Oct. ti, 1824, Might Sir, — I anivvd in this , city a few daysa;o, fiini mv journey to the Holy Laud; and although t nave been ex- I posed to some hardship-, vet I have the satis faction to tin«l that my h mlth continues good. , The i iconvenieiices attend tig mis journey , were many ; Lite danger Id mu ihe wandering Arabs—the uaheallhmcss of the climate— : , and the war between the Gr- ek- and I urks.j which is carried on with so much lury and: , animosity. I cannot attempt to give yon a description of all the places I have vi-ited. because it , would occupy too much time, and would ex tend far beyond the limits of a letter. I travelled through a part of Judea, Sami , ria, and Galilee; these countries were once delightful; but they are now almost desolate, and oiler to the human mind an awful suiijeci j ol contemplation. 1 spent the Lent and Easter at Jet usalem, and had the consola tion to celebrate Mass on Mount Calvary, I and in tbe Holy Sepulchre, a id at the other principal places in and near the city, where ( inir Lmd suffered during His passion. My, I feelings on these occasions you may easily j conceit e. ( From Jerusalem i went to Hethelem ; it t- now a small \tllige; but there is a II . “ I ijAenerable Catholic cliuuh and convent standing on the place where the Divine Re-j deemer aas burn. The Greek convent is adjoining, and the Altar id the Aa iviiy be-| longs to them —they obtained ils nue teats r ago, by tbe influence ol money, from the) ’ inercenary and depraved Tuiks. IneCath j I otic alt ris eievli t! on the spot where the, . manger stood, and where magi offered their adorations and their gifts. At tins altar 1 *|had the happiness, though unworthy, to cele jbiale Mass.— 1 here are several inner altttis iin tins church, one ol which is rleilu.iied io St. Jermn, ami the room where lie Kept his school is sidl retained. I From ISethlehem i went to tlie place of the' {nativity ol St. John the baptist, uaere the Hie.ssed V ugin visileu St. Eli/, .brill, as related in the Gospel of Si. Luke, The) | church and convent nere are noble, and me i altar dedicated to St. John is neatlv arrang- J ed. Altenvards I walked to the ties, u where the Saint passed so niuvli ol his note. I likewise visited Na/.netli in Galilee. I Tlie cuich and convent here are perhaps tne most interesting of all in the llolv ninu : ii 3 * ' they stand on the place where tlie house nl the blessed Virgin was, and wheie the aoge. announced to her the incarnation o) our Lord, us related in the G i*pel ol St i,uk . Ihe ullar yvlnch is elected to coinnicin u ale Jv rhisgreat event, stands imnieniaiviy ui ru ,■ spot, and is truly beautiful ; ncii lamps are always bur.nog bet >rc it, and on t a- anile !S , maible ot tlie altar is engraved m letters m gold, “ Verbuni caro Inc factum e»t,” A ’ pus altar I uad also me happiness io ceie raie mass, in ana near Aazaiein urc litany ■ interesting places;—the remains of the house wheie ftt. Joseph worked at his trade p, —the (dace where the house ofZebedee stood --■Hie mountain where the Jews attempted - to throw our Lord down the precipice—-the / village of Naim, where lie gave life to the - widow’s son-- and not fir from thence is the p village of Cana of Galilee, where lie chang ft ed water into wine. i Alter residing a few days at Nazareth, 1 went to Mount Thabor, where the Dhiuc • Redeemer was transfigured; —this moun ■ tain is steep and high, and the view is sub • lime, and lakes in a large extent of country Iron the mountains id Lebanon on tlienoitli to the mountains of Judea on (be south ; on the east you see die mountains of Arabia, .ad outlie west lies the now desolate coun try u I Galilee, On the top of this mountain 1 and at the spot where our blessed Lord was > iralfsfigured, is erected a small alter, where 1 celebrated Mass. I’he priests of Naza • reth visit (bis place once every year, on the • Otli of August. ( From fliabor I went to the River Jor dan, and as it is tiie custom of travellers I who visit this famous stream, I drank of iis waterj from thence 1 went to the Sea of ’jG dllee an i I’ibenade ; at this place, near t» die water’s edge, is a small euurcli, bud 'ioo the place where die Divine Saviour ate fifth witii the Apostles after his resurrection, and where He gave to St. Deter the supreme [authority to govern his Church, as related by St, John in the 21st chapter of ins G •>- pel. From T iberiade I went to Caplurna u n, where our Lord preached to the incred ul ms Jews concerning the real presence in tne b.eased Sacrament, as mentioned in the [C >i -ro.ipter of St. John. Tins town now ie- in reins ; so oe of the p Hors and stones of tlie ftynagogueare still t.o be seen, and itiey aiv die largi st I ever beheld empl yed Inr build,ng. From Cappernaum 1 returned by toe Way oi the Mount ! n Beatitudes, and br the desert where the I).vine Saviour mui-i tip.led the loaves and lisiies to feed the peu-j pie who followed him. I hate not yet determined whether 1 shall return to America in die o>nr e of die next [year, or whether I shah remain in tin rope i Be pleased to present my best w ishes and (kind remembrance to all the Reverend gen tlemen of Philadelphia, and to all friends. I I rem u i respectfully, Right Rev. Sir, yme ■bedient and humble seivant. SAMUEL S. COOPER. Right Rev. Dr. Convvell, Bishop of Phil adelphia, or in his absence to the Rev, Mr. Haro.(l, -o#l7f»- A curious case has lately occurred in the Legislature ot the S ate of New-Yo; k. B> an iniidvertance of the Speaker, a bdl which had passed but two readings, and w hich was! intended to have been seriously opposed on! its Uiirtl reading, received the signature ol the Speaker ol toe House, as though it had! finally’passed dial body, was returned mi die Senate, sanctioned by the signature ofl the Lieutenant Govi rnor, and hud also re ceived she signature < I the Gov rnor, before ■the mistake was discovered. We can easilv cmceive how th■ Speaker could have com mitted the oversight ; but what was die !Clerk about? Tout both Speaker and clerk j should have missed a figure in the case, was (somewhat extraordinary. Not more ao.j .however, it appears to u-, than the decision) which seems to have been made upon the! case, vi. that the bill--Had become aim. without having gone through the constitu ! tional forms. The Governor, Lieutenant! G ivernor, and Speaker of the House of As-| jsemblv.are, ihus, in effect, decided to have iall the Legislative ami Executive power id |the Slate in their hands. The only way in which a member could get at the bill f.r the purpose of opposing it, it appears, was, bv Mitrooui ihga bill torepeal the other bill. It {would have saved trouble,if, on the princi ple id mis decision, he could have persua ded the Presiding Officers of the two Houses with t ie Governor, to sign a rescript annul ling it. A paragraph has been circulated in the newspape.s relative to the Manner in which General Lafayette has invested the sum re cently voted to him by Congress. We are not sui e that it was right to mention this sub ject at all, but as there is a w ide spread and natural anxiety that the gratitude of the na tion should be as effectual as possible, we state with pleasure what we understand to lie the sac sin the case. The beloved guest wished the the national gift to be invested iin tiie national funds, so as to connect his 1 fortunes, as they have been heretofore con 'ji ected, with the whole Union, and therefore ’.asked the opinion of the President of the Bank of the United States as to the best ! !ni.ole of accomplishing that object. The j latter gentleman, aware of the loss which 'i would attend the purchase of Stock at its advanced price, consulted the Board of Di - ; j red ms, who, immediately and unanim ous | v agreed to offer to the general, at par, die amount which he should desire of the re cent four and a half per cent, loan, and also, • to remit his dividends to France, every, ' ipiartcr, w. hunt any charge for agency.—• 1 i ie pro ...sal has been accepted by him, and; i’he result is, th.-.t lie is able to invest his] much better terms .than he could! iobuiin by any other purchase of national stocks at th •ir present rates. W observed some time since certain [criticisms on the conduct ol the secretary id i ie I i ms try m giving the lo in to the Bank.l •I ills official explanations fully prove that he ijacteil properly in so doing; and this leans ; min , shew s that if the institution has en joyc 1 any i.l vantages, its lineruliiy is com-, ’ meiisuiate. e CONSTITUTIONALIST. I j —= J AUGUSTA : e : : 1 ~ e FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1825. •• M isery loves con j any,” is an adage) often exemplified in the practice of the world 1 where the abject aa*at unfortunate are contin- K yjilly eiwfguviiring to reduce men and things . to the level of their ow n pitiable condition. We have been led to this reflection by ob- j i, serving in a Carolina print the following ■, words “ Georgia Banks—Going !” in large: ! capitals, and a notice of the Pseudo—Bank ol | Hamburg giving the impoitant information I . that Hills of the. Ranks of Darien and Geor :i gia are only to be received on special depos s ite at tliat establishment. In the same pa e |ier 1 here is a copious account of the extraor . dinary advancement of the Town of Ham- L . burg and a Piagah view of its futuie pros perity. To this Inst, although we think he picture—overcharged, there can be ooobjec lion---we would not if we could, deprive our nv ighbouring village ol her consolations, how- I ever visionary and unstable ; but when an , altemp, is made —feeble enough to be sure— i . |to depreciate the credit of the Banks on this 1 y side ol the River, and when that attempt pro- I greeds from—what shad we say ?—not a Bank ( ( for it h s neither incorporation—capital, or ) I [credit- from a mere paper tni//~ we must I ■b“ perml't’l to say t.ut its R solves and;] [no iceslike its Hills are of ui value and pro- [ i duce scarce effect enough to justify these t ! passing remarks. With respect to the j Banks of Georgia and Darien if we knew't them tube unsafe or tottering we would sav c so —but the Reports to the last Legislature ] and the investigation of an able Committee c [give us reason tobeleive that the first men ie tinned iirstitii’ion is in good condition and > ■ that with pru.le.itmanagement the last will'll surmount the difficulties arising from an is- f jsueot bills som what too extensive. Totlioseja {who manage the important concerns 'of thei s Hi nburg Bank we would ad I the Christian c caution. Take Ihe beam from vour olvn.t eye—before you attempt to take the mote ' from the eye ufanotuer.” , f The 22 1 inst. Wes celebrated with much spirit in this city .Th ■ military and the civ il authority left the Planters’ H del about 12 * o’clock and repaired in process! n to Christ v Church, where, after a prayer by the 1 ? Rev W. T. Bra i ly the farewell ad Ireis of } Washington was 'ead bv T. G Casey, Esq ! and an oration delivered by James Moore, 11 Esq. The in eii ’ig was cl >s >d with a bril-* 1 liant Hall at the Planters’ Hotel. 1 -"»^i» j We 'inser f a communication from a vain- y ed Corespondent, upon a subject of much j feeling and importance—it is one in rela- g ti>o. to v\hi h, public opinion lias in some t [j parts ol t lie union undergone a great change. L . If Mr, Adams shnu’d adopt the host mea- n Inures for the good of his country, Ids roiin» r v s ought *o support him. —ls his measures should r prove fatal to her prosperity and constitution, n [tier hand oupht to he raised against ’hem.— p [This sh.ndd he the rule of action, ’hat ought id togoid every liberal, disinterested ji | Whatever mav be oik anticipatilWlst Hiev i nviv beset at nought bv the evehts fhetn-d (selves. Whatever mav he our fears, we hold r 1 ourselves at liberty to judge Mr. \dams hv i his own acts ; if he goes tight, to enprnv» ; if,/ wrong, to eondemn Ms errors. We will at t 'least attempt to do him justice. Personal!v,[ n we have no feeling towards him —-nothing to ‘1 ask, nothing to fear. lh Those who have been the friends of Mr. !o Crawf-inl, will, it is presumed for the prr- <• sept, stand neutral. They will judge the tree |( ■by the fruits it mav produce ; without repos- ■’ ingin its shade with absolute security. a L Richmond Enquirer. " & 11 the new cabinet. i: The curiosity of the Quidnunc* is, of,, course, alive as to the appointinents in the li new ('ahinrt (as it has been called.) Much t speculation is afloat at Washington unon ties t subject. Rumour speaks of flip probability f of Mr. Clav’s being Secretary of State.— | Some of Mr, Adam’s particular friends, it t is said, give out, that Mr Crawford’s friernUbl 1 shall have no cause to be dissatisfied—a"d;v that the administration will he democratic,;? The last part of this rumour is very good a ’ news if it be true—as to the first part, we, of t course, know not how far the f iends of Mr. ji Crawford won* I wish to avail themselves of o Mr. A’sliberality. We presume however,i I 1 that few of them will accept anv princinal I ’ office until (lie tv incudes of the administra- } 1 tion have been better unfolded. ' ’ It is said, that Mr. A. has shown every r disposition to conciliate the feelings of Mr. I Crawford :—that on the very evening of the |j ’ day when he was officially notified of his ] election (Thursday) he addressed a verv ] ’ kind note, to Mr. Crawford, expressing his {wish and hope that he would remain in the [ Treasury Department. It is also said, that [Mr. Crawford immediately returned a verv! [{polite and friendly answer, stating that he i had long since come to a determination of ( {retiring from his#present situation at the \ jel ise of Mr. Monroe’s administration —and | ! j that he was therefore compelled to decline ] the invitation which was contained in Mr. ] ' A’s frank and friendly letter. ’ It. is said, that Mr. Crawford will return | home, as soon as lie can make his arrange- , ments to do so.—lt is hoped that his services t ' will not long be lost to his country.-— lbid. \ FOR THE CONSTITUTIONALIST* V GENERAL HULL. « This unfortutiate soldier of ’76, who ha suffered, as’ ths public will recollect trorajU the decision of a Court Martial convened judge of his conduct in the surrender of hiwf post at Detroit, at the commencement of late war, now appeals from that decision, to A the impartial hearing of his fellow-citizens.* He stated to the Court Martial pending his -H trial, that only a partial examination of th Mg merits of his case, could then, Jasinuch as certain documents, which he con 'By itended were, yr ought to have been in j War Department, had been withheld from - him, and he then further stated, that the ~, public should hear from him at a future day. \ if he ever could b" possessed of those c ' J ments. After many ineffectual attempts, he states, to procure those documents, du- ( j ring the periods when General Armstrong* and afterwards Doctor Enstis were at head of the Department of War, he was in\Jf din ed to make one further application in fall of 1823, to the present Secretary, Calhoun, who, with promptness, he addsjH transmitted them to him—-and it is oil these f documents, that his appeal is now predica ted. That the public, may be better enabled to examine these documents continuously, 1 General Hull has compiled them in a phlet, under ilij tide of “Gen. Wifliaw®; Hull’s Memoirs of the Campaign of tb®\ North Western Army, 1812”- -which noftK may he had at many of the Book stored®? throughout the United States. ■/ Although it may readily be admitted, that*, the General Government ought not to bdP*J charged widi remissness, for not being pre-mf pared for war at all points, when' it was de-K dared, inasmuch as the genius of our gor-J’ eminent does not aclmii of the support of*J- Standing Army in time of peace, yet it f not be urged in justification, to shield those# ’ from whom efficient means are derived. thateSc/ an officer, situation was defencelessjHL ‘ should be made the victim to appease th**' clamour of a people, alike remorseless i| j their resentments'as jealous of their honoijv# Without pr fessing to be familiar with thl|| formalities to be observed preparatory toamM| i in conducting the proceedings of a CoubLv [ Martial, the impartial reader of Gen. Hullmy # Memoirs, will no doubt be struck with cen-|k' ( tain deviations from rules, the observance Mb » which are considered inseparable with criip-f \ inn I process, in our Courts of Common Lay.|i'i The deviations to which reference is (nadpi 1 I is in the selection of Gen. Dearborn as ‘Prepjft / ident ol the Court Martial, while the Gert-’ I eral Government were fully apprised of th*' \ relative situation in which he stood to Gen-, * eral Hull, as the negotiator ot the concerning whiclythey had expressed^their y, most u:iou ditied/tlisapinobation,'and ’which 3 j it apj ears was the immediate cause of the-* surrendei of Detroit. The next irregularly®^ iv tJiL-saic O*» ernment and the Court Martial, is the lerence paid by them to the communications made by then Col. Cass, in relation to anaLy f stating bis views as to the cause of ihe seltt rendu- of Detroit, which communication wuHf not only .published in the Government PaAJ per before the official account could Be reii dered by‘ui Commander in Chief of that J * post, but was sent on and actually admitted I imevidence, on the trial of Gen. Hull, as a I document, to convict him of charges prefer-i red—and this document, as Gen. Hull’ 1 i rove's, going to establish facts derived only from hearsay testimony, us the author, Col. Cass, was absent from Detroit at the time of its surrender and did not return for several du % s thereafter. The next glaring irregu larity noticed on the trial, was the. admission v . us the evidence of witnesses in the presenceM if each other—-the subaltern after listeningSl j lo the testimony of his commander or supe-t rior officer, being called on for Ins narration is to facts. An appeal to the commoirsense... | of the most inexperienced, is the only comJfl inent necessary on these points. * y As it is believed the public are generally * ignorant of the claims of Gen. Hull, as an 1 officer of the Revolution, a few extracts areT herewith annexed from Thacher’s Journal,; I to shew the high standing lie held in the es- | timati >n of Geo. \V ashington and other Of ficer-under whom he served at that There are only three or four battles referred i to by Doctor fhacher, in which this O distinguished himself, but no doubt tbesftß j were deemed by him sufficient demons! rail tious ot his valour and military skill. VVlj are informed, however, of several other rcfl j tioiisiu which this officer was engaged dur ing the Revolutionary War—in the battle!? of Long Island, at the v\ hite Plains, a| l ienton, at Princeton, at Saratoga, Bhemisl Heights, at Monmouth, at Stoney P,,iut ainfi Morrissania. At the commencement of the Wai, lie entered the army as a Captain, and received his first promotion, as M. joi from . j Gen. Washington, immediately alter the , ! battle of Princeton. I’he extracts above aljj luded to, are now subjoined. J Extracs Ironi l iier’s Journal of th* Revolutionary War, published from tlv* » ] original manuscript, prepared at that * Ihe first particular notice recorded bi ibis historian ot the sei \ ices of the presen® jj Gen. Hull, during the Revolutionary \\ arH was in the year 1777, on the retreat ol <n I pan of our army under Gen. Scluiy ler, from! J Pori Edwaid, which he narrates in the fol-l lowing wonts: “ Our army under General Schuyler have , left dieir unimportant station at Fort Ld- j waid, and having made a stand for a lew A iiays at Saratoga, they fell back to Still wu ter, twenty-live miles above Albany, wiieie ii