The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, February 25, 1825, Image 4

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.Monthly Advprtisemenls, N otice. NINE months after date application will made to the Honorable Inferior Court Columbia County, when setting as a Court of' dinary tor leave to 5e11202 1-2 acres of La id j,ig in ihe 2d District o( Monroe (' iiuty, Lot N it being; the real estate of William -m il deceased, a d tit be. sold tor the bent lit of t hetfa and creditors of »'<id deceased James Smalley, Adm’r. ,hnin> >v 4 M*s 1 n9 r n 57 N otice. months after ds'e, application wi'f b JN made to the Honorable the Just c a of ti Inferior Court seeing lor ordinary puruoses, li the county of Burke, for leave to sett all the re: | estate of S'ephen Chance, late of Hurke county , deceased, 'Ol the benefit of the heirs and crad tors of said declared. Mary Chance. Ad n’v. Joseph Chance, Adm'r. 1 Hn’ ke county Sent. 6 18'4 1 lit 22 Notice. | m milts afar. Id - , aptd cation wdl be ( 1m made to'he flonortble Conyi .of (l>liiipn , *of Columbia County, (oi I av-- to set! all t‘ i , real esla'e belonging to the orph ns ot Samuel . Sullivan, deceased, and al-o, an undivid d Ira' , of I.a d, lying m Colombia County, 1) longing , to said orphans, and t. Mi 'i• ’ fl u In es, a Minor. ( Jolm Carli.dge, t (in n'hnn uft aid Orphan* • Polly Junes, Ownduin uj Ahlrmlu -loves, Miv as i q m y > i\ otice. NINE months after dale., application will b made to the Honorable court o Ordinary ol Columbia County, fur 1 averh aril twohuidied two and a halt acres ot land, T.ot No. 18 17 h District (urgin' ly Baldwin, now Is p> rj granted to Benjamin Smitusou, liujj' - sold lor h* - benifi of the heirs of Benjamin 'Smithson, d. <•< used. Tlnimad C. Holton, liatralnr dr bouts < on June Is' 1824. 1 9m 9 q IS otice. \NJINE mon'hs after date, application wdl !)• <ll I uia to to tun Honorable the Court ol Ord u a.y of Burke euuiity, tor leave to-eh die real Es tale of Enoch Farm r .I • i. -<l John Filrlne , .•, adm'r. Utrhe Cull "V. 1 1.8 35 I • • 65 Mi TIC I-.. NINE mouths alietdaU', miplicntion wdl h made to the lliinoro de (ft urt of Ord ry Columbia county, for h ave to sell two uhcinoi La id in said countv, lying on Gi eenbi'ier Crec I. cum containing ol t acres joining I’O mid, I’ullin and othe rs, the oilier c nuiiniug 172 acres joining Luke and others, it being a part ut the rest *slv of Thomas .loiies, deci usi d. sold tor the beiteli of the heirs ol said d cease.'. William Hooker, Adm’r. in , i irht of ins vrifv .limiini'V 95. 1 IJS 1 T>9ni Notice. VtuflNE monlbs after date, nppbcation will In ii I undo to the honorable 1 .finer Court o Richmond County, for leave <u sell die nndividei hah hi t enement No. 7, Bridge Mow—also, tw i ilium, roved I its Corner ol Elurrl and K ynold ■ ireels, for the bem fit ot Margaret I’. Bones, a Minor, Joint Hunt's, Guardian. O-l hep 25 8. t nPlin >5 i\ otice. r«INE months alii i date, application wdl be 4*l made to die In fen r 40.i1. I of Columbia C mniy, when sitting for (Jrdmiuy pur to s. foi leave to s, II 255 acres od sa d C ‘iinty b* longing to tfie cslojje oi*tW i li nn It. Ciahb, di cease d. , John Kpiiikmi. adm’r. N ■VP'n'vT fi. IHJI* * I t; it) N otice. INK months after date, application wdl In 1 w made to the Hon .ruble the Interim Co irt oi Burke Con ty, when sitting for ordinary pnrp l se for leave to sell all he real esla'e of .Joseph Ma rsy. late of Bui kt county, deceased for the bint fit of the heirs md .•.redilors of ««i i deceased. Henja min Mad ray, Adm’r. June 1, lff>4. ‘ lm9m 97 N otice. VNjf NE montlts after dite, application will bi 4 made to the Honorable the Court of Ordn ary ol Columbia County, ( r leave to sell 222 a ores of l and, lying n Coin nbia C.may, on lit >ra.. rs i f ill - big K nitre Creek, adj ming Land.' ol Ihin Ifoo, Graves and nil . rs, to be sold tor lip of Hie heirs f s \lnriln, rec « .d. Hoht'rt Martin, adm'r. JSJ - pL, v 9 1.1 I I Notice. TIVj IN'E months after date, application will b. In made to the Honorable tin* Inferior foil of Kicnmond County, when sitting (nr Oi dinar pnrp. s s, for leave to sell one hall of four am thr e q arters acres of Land, in said County adj uni lands of Ware and Coleman, for tin benefit of Seaborn Skinner, minor. Livingston Skinner, Guiivilmii. Sept. 11. 18?4. iN otice. JNfINE months after date, application wdl b v- I made to the Court of Ordinary ol i'lankl ■ C noty, tor leave to sell one hundred Acres c Li .d, in said C. unty. as the property ot Adan Loin, d ceased, fir the benefit of the Heirs am Creditors ot said lee -as. I John K Carson, adm’r. *’*ivrn’ Ift fii *tf> r;{ N otice. V<i|iNK months after tine, app'icailon will 0 11, made lo die Honorable the Inferior Conn the county ot Frank!.n, w hile silting tor nrdiunr.. purpose. g.r leave to sell the rea' estate of flioin as l) Jordan, la e of s*jd county, deceas'd Hobart Pulliam. Adm'r. lj«uk vuuV Jot) VviUViiig, Neatly Executed at this o<}i(x. Notice, j ,S IVE months alter da'e, application will b» I made to the [Honorable the Justices of tin 'enor Court of said c only, when sitting fc iioary pii> pints, for leave to sell the whole < r a Estate of Irvin B.iyel, deceased, laie (, I c unity, fir the benefit of the heirs and ere or* of said deceased. Jarnos Lambert, ) M , Mward Boyet. 5 M ' U Striven Cotm-n. I» • 2H 1 Im9"* 6' (iKO.itil », / JU'fcaiua c .isi a, ; ici n. Hurke ''utility.) 1824. ■ ’■ikskist, The Honorable vValwkii, Judge Jl'ON the petition of Henry F Junes, statu „ that he is in possession of a Certain tract ml, ront’iinii* two hn dred and sis v acres, b d-ed of c niveyance from J b Perkins, seuati ying and being m tlie couoiy of Burke, adj h» Al gator Pond and lands, when surveyed,!), hinging to Isaac Wimberly, and which said trar f (ami was originally granted to Philip Belcher d by.N'e uaid Pin in Belcher, to Job Perkins ,nd by the said Job P ik ns, to the said Henry 1* In es. which said deed of conveyance is lust e lislaid, a copy of w.nch as near ly as can be re I ected is on file in the office ol the Clerk et Hie Superior Court of th>* county of Burke, t getl.ei wiih an affidavit of the loss thereof, am pr ying also, that Slid copy deed may be establish ml in lien ot the origins] so l ist, or mislaid : On motion of counsel tor plaintiff, it is ordered ' hat tl e .ii ' copy deed be established in I n ot the op ginal deed, unless cause be shewn to the contrary on . r before the fi st day of the next term of til court, and it is further ordered. That a copy r, tins rule he puhl shed in one or more of the pub lie Gazettes ot this stale, uni.l the time for i.itu ing cause thereon. Extract ft am the Minutes. John Carpenter, Cl’k. July B'h. 1824 I coin 5 HikUlt .1 A, Jl ih i.'itid C uuiili/ Hi/ the Court of Ordinury Jo’ said County, To ai.i. wn m rr M,-,r c mckhn. i|fIIKUKAB It John Meigs and Hob rt !>' f » mon Administrators, de bo*da non, on lv estate of J- sse l> mon, deci as d, mie o' --a C nimy, have applied to this Court lor leUtr- Itisnnssory, The go are therefore to cite and admnnph "11 and singular the kindred and creditors of the sale deceased, to file their Jyjecimos (it any they have) .n the office of ilm Clerk of said Court on or b fore the firs' Monday in June next, otherwise le l lers Dismissory will be gra .led to them. Witness ihe It .mnahl Samtlt I Hale, one nfllu J ll Ires of sai'l Court, in 26 h day ot N. venober, 1824. 6m Isiutc llp.rbort, clerk , Os tit a Cot ' of Ordinary t .ED C>l \ /so 'iiiiuiiil County, tty the Uutioriihle the Court of Ordinary of lh Vonn.y of ft• cbmoud, TO tU Wll M IT MAV C iXCSIIN. tITIIKHEtS John Phiiiizv, administrator oi fv I homas A Bones, deceased, has appiiei i I . said Court li.r l.etteis Hismissnry. Now i bereft re, these are to cite and admonisl ill and singnlir tlie kindred amj creditors of tin aid di ceast d, to .file t!>< ir objections (il any the .ave'in the office the C-lerlc of said Court < ’ Ordinn - ', on ir before the first Monday in Marc next, otherwise leliera ol Dismissory will b. gr.inte I to hi n. Witness the Honorable Valksitivk Wackku me ot the* Jm).ceu of said Court, this slst day f August, 1824. (liu Isaac Herbert, Cl’k. O'" tlie Court of Ordinary '.I - .') \ Itic (.onnty. ' Hy the Hon. th C art of OmUna-y oj siid Courtly TO AI L WHOM IT MAH CONCKIIN. \l\T ItKUEAS l.ucv M. Yarnold, furmer'y I u 1 " ill M. I, otiimni'-tia'rix, and John It. Maim, hdniimstia'or, on the Eslale ol Georgi . Pearson, deceased, have applied to said CJutir for Letters Dismissory. I liese are theiemre, to cite ami admonish i,li sml singular, the kindred and creditors, ot tin * .aid deceased, in ti e their ohj ctiuns, (d any liey have) in the Office ol Hie Ch - . k of the ssn Court of Ordinal - ', on or before the fi st Moods m June next, nth. rwise Let ers Dismissory will he granted to them. Wdn. ss, the li morable Samuel Male, one ol the Justices nt said Court, this sth day t.fN vembiT, 1824. (ini Isaac Herbert, Cl’k. (If the Court of O dinary i Ghu U.IA, t'ranknn Cuun.y. U r I! f . ItEAS J »ii l l Evans, applies for Letter l)i»niis»ory ,ou the cs'nic of William Ishani, dvci ssed. t hese are therefore to cite and admonish all id singular the kindred and creditors ol th siid deci - ased, to file their objeenms in my nt fice, within the time prescrib. d hy 1. w, to shev cause (if any they iiav ■) why sa - d filters Ui.» inssorv sin it d not tn grant'd to him. Given under mv hand »' office m Franklin, lh 8 h day of Decemh r, 1824 6m -Frederick Beall. Clerk. GF.db'.i Scuven tunny. WHF.KKAS G rg Floi k, Administratm » ill) tlie wd annexed, of the F.vlaie o Will am B lothe, die aaed. ami al.o admin.siratot ’ .| tne Es ale of Mary Boothe, deceased Ann t ill in H. Wade administrator de bonis non oi ne Estate ot George M ll.Mulerson, UeCcased ■ach aiiphes f.r letters Distn ss iry. riie>.e are ther. t"re to cue aid admonish al ml singular the kindred and c"editors of the said deceased's, in file th; t obj ctions in this ot •ice, on or b“fore the first M mday in August iext, ensui >g. to shew cause (it any they have) Uiy lelteis DismiMory should not he granted to he applicants. Given under my hand at office in Jacksrni . ' i« 38:h day ot .lanusry, 1825. 6m Swalmrn H'»od;»ll, cl'k. N «)Uce. LL pe'sona to whom the estate of John Mi Iki I .al hin .1. ceased, is indebted, arej-eq icste i present their accounts wiiiiin the tin e ~i cribed by law, and those who are ind. hted t , d estate, are req teslid to make immediate pay nenl to Peter Hennoch. Adm'r. Inly 2d. v 8 N uVxce. VLL persons to wlm m, la e Francis Bouyei ol in r,ty ot Augusta, decrased, is mil d, are requested to present .iieir demands wrh ■i the line prescrib'd by lax , aid hose indcn,. ! d, are request, d In rnaKe immediate payment H. Houj er, ) . . Paul iiussi£uul ; 3 December 21 *■' |ln the Inferior Court of Richmond County, tit ling at a Cow l of (Ji ilinary, Monjjav, February 7th, 1825 Oanfortli k Savage, , vt. iIiULEJWSJ. 1 • dm’rs. o( Ralph Thomas, j I I'appearing to the Court, that the petitioners * are possessed of a Bond given by Ralph I horn ‘ - in his life time, together with other , condition. | I tor making titlestopart ol Lot No. 22, in the 1 ity ot Augusta, con'aining a front of thirty nim •ft on Uroad s'reet and in depth two hundred ar d ven feet, and bounded on the south by said ' rest, op the East by a lot usually called Poll Keatings and on the other aides by a lot late Job. vVdlaon’s, and that the said Ralph Thomas has de .rted this life without making titles to said lot j d that letters of administration on his es'ate anri 1 tfecis have be n .granted to Abiel Camfield ol aid County. Wher- upon anil on Motion of petitioners attor y. It it ordered hy th■■ court, that the lieirsand tepresenlatives ot said Ralph Thomas, be cited t< pear before this Court on the first Monday ii ini to show cans*, if any Hiey have or can, why lie said Administrator of Ralph Thomas shoul ol be ordered to execute titles to the said lot li be petitioners according to the prayer of the pe 1 lion ; and that a copy of litis order be published * n one of the Gaz ties of tins City for two Mom Its Taken from th- .Mum let. Isaac Herbert, Clerk oj the Conn of Urdeua'y- ( arv 11 10* f f 6 hheiiiTs hale, ; Will be sold on be hrsl Tuesday in March next, , at the Court It ns in the Town of Waynes . bonugli, Burke C within sal.- hmie S | j 150 Acres of Fine Land, adjoin ing I.owls o) .hicob Kva a d lOd acres v\ .ere in Ar mins P w d now lives, adjoining Lands nt 1 P lev.ed mi as the prnpe. yof Arti m ■ P well, to sa'is'y hree executions in tavoui • 1 S. L Royal, Executor, lor the use of Wdiian -f d. Alc— n-63 Acres of I,and, adjoining I’hmiiaV U .sti tk and others lev ml on as he pro pi riy of Cot ton Mem, deceased, to sat sly a execution in favour of Mm. Givin, deceased, for the use of WilhJin Barron. —ALB - . 135 Acres of Land, adjoining Lands oi S. i.. R yal and others, levn d on as ti e Ipi oper'y nl Hetijamin Guest, to satisfy an execu j ion in favour ot a. L. R >yal, tor the use of Wil liam Red, —also— One Gray Horse, levied on a* the property if Abner H liulay. to satisfy an exei.u lion in lav.u- ol "Thomas Ward. als— o-3 Negroes viz: Lucy, Susa, and .Uizaheth. levied on as (he property oi Lewi dyne, to satisfy sundry fi, fas. issued from aju , ices Court, in favour of Litllebi rry Marsh, s —also — The Dili part of three Negroes, viz: Charmtte, Equdla anti .vternt, levied on as •he property of Adam VV dlace, to satisfy three executions in favour of William Reynolds, point d out by Win. Mai.ace. —also— -5 Negroes, viz ; Mary and her 4 children, i 0111, Clarissa, Hetty and C'uylcr, 1. vied on ns the property of Abner 11 ol iday, to satisfy m execution in favour ol tlie administrators ot Haft Junes, deceas d, pointed out by said a-i.u’.s —also— -one negro boy named Jerry, lovi .l oi as tlie . r iperty of John Brigham, Guardi in ol Free B ib. to satisfy two ti. fas. in favour oi Elisha llaysmin Jno. Ti Forth, s. u, c. Janu i r v 27 1 °2V «■ 62 to her ill’s bale. Will b“ sold on Monday die 2lsi instant, at the Vendue Store of B. Picquet, between the u 1 end h it's of snip. Sundry articles of Merchandize, vtached as ihe pr iperty of Lester Humphreys, at the ms'ance of Jerome Case- Hy Order of -Court, A. Ficqnet, Sheriff, C. A I ll 4t 66 &a\c. On the first I u stlay in March next, at 12 o’clock Wit| (, e sold at the Market-House, One Lot LAND, 250 Acres. No. 7 \ 199 tenth Du ret Early County, belonging t lie Estate ot John Willson, deceased. Hu order of the f'xecutorf, i Fraser, Jiowdre & Heukell, Auctioneer s. jo v 54 AAwUMisVrtvVwK’d feaVa. NOTICE. \GRF.E ABLE to an rder obtained from the Justices of the Interior Court of Barks County, when setting for Ordinary purposes, will in: solh. it the Court House door, in the Town ol Waynes-j jorough, between the usual sale hours, on the I first Tuesdav in April next. AH that laid ur Tract of Land, lying and Being in 'lie County ot Henry, contain ■ig two hundr d two and one hall" acres of Land, i the fillh Distric*, number sixteen. Sold for he betufit of the heirs and creditors of Cary Godbee, junr. iate of Hnrke County, deces-ed. •John Skinner, Adm’r. Aduiluistrator’s toale. ■ Will be sold nn the first Tuesday in March next.j I at the Court-House in Jacksonbprough, Seri ; I ven County, between the hours of ten and foui j o’el k, agreeable to an order of the Honora ble Hie justices of the Inferior Court of said County, « li L sitting (nr Ordinary purposes ; One r.egrc man slave, named Pe te', belonging o th* estate of Windsor Dickson, d ceased, sold for the pyrpose of making a divt | ion among the Heirs of the said doc. ased i I erms made kn tvu on the day of sale. 24th daj ! I I lecember, 1 +2l. 1 53 .lanv-'S Dickson. AAmW. Torui I 1 All E Pub he are cautio ud against trespassing , n the Houses and Lots of the subscnbei upper end of town —esp. cially agaitist Itauling and or earth Irony the nv r bank r contiguou nereto. E-ch ami every person offending she! ia\e the law rigorously enforced against him ut hem. Hugh Nesbit. JanuarySl 69 aucox BUUMiE. WILL be let at the post office in Macon, to the lowest bidder, at public outcry, oi. Friday the 15th of April next, the building of a BRIDGE across the Ucmulgee river at the 100 of the street leading to the public square in Ma con. The river at the intended site has, it is be oeved, a very firm bottom, the most of which is known to be ol ruck. Its width at common wa er is estimated at 250 feet : the height of the neers at 38 feet, the whole length of-ilie -bridge * at 400; and the contemplated width 22 feet, stone • ind timber may be very conveniently obtained h and had gratis on the adjoining public Lands 1 The piers and abutments to be of stone—the up- P per works of approved timber, and to be siting c led, weather boarded and painted. The under- e aker will be required to give bond with three <- approved securities in the sum of §20,000 for i be faithful periormance of his contract The g ■allies of the persons offered* "a/ sehuritiet-must < >e submitted to the commissioners by the Blh ol v April: Letters for tins purpose'vnay be directed o o the commissioners to the care of Mortimer R c vValiis, Esq. poet master, Macon. 20 per cent ' on the amount of the contract will be advanced, h and further advances will be made at the discre tion of the commissioners as the work progresses - A model of the intended bridge and the form t if the contract will be open to inspection at tin r room over Gillespie k Birdsong’s store in Macon, ti no and after the twenty-first ol March, until the v time of letting. v Architects are invited to prepare and furnish s models in wood on a scale of an inch to the toot, t wi'li accompanying explanations in writing— a which wdl be rec ived at the room above men s Honed until l ues'ay the Jsth of March, inclu sive. A premium ot §IOO will be paid tor that nodel which shall be adopted as best uniting the properties of cheapness, strength, durability and convenience in repairing. Luke J. Morgan, 1,1 Charles Bulloch, j Mortimer 11. Wallis, 'fCom’rs. 1 .Samuel Gillespie, I William Bivins, J * C7y* The editors of the Constitutionalist, the Columbia Telescope, and the Raleigh Register, j re requested to insert the above until the 15tli ■ f March, and forward their accounts to M. R. j M allii, Esq. Macon, Ga. JVlneon. F h uaryl. 1825. tISM 65 QUAKER SPRINGS, SE VEN MILE S FUOM A UGUSTA. 1 Oj¥)HE übsenher having lately purchased Hu <Li above establishment, is now furnishing i' and thoroughly repairing the buildings. He wid spare no pains to accommodate parlies oi -enileinen and travellers, aid keep always or. land a supply of the best Liquors that the Angus a. Charleston and Savannah maikets will afford , >nd bis table will not be inferior to the best publn house in Augusta, ami upon as reasonable terms. James Lynes. N. B. James Lynes, takes tins method of re luntiug his thanks to his numerous friends and ar quaintunces, for the liberal support afforded hin in the Coach-Making business, and flatters Itimsell by industry and attention, to merit their contin usd favours in tne protession which he has rt cently adopted. February 8 6t 65 KOH SALE. A I O T OF LAND, three mites from Anors-rA. containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of which i cleared and under good fence, the balance H'oo: Land. There is osi tiie premises, a c mtoriabU Dwelling House, which has lately undergone » horougii repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, si legani Unck Pantry, Crib, Stables, Fodder am tJsrriage House, kc. all complete—a large yar. well shaded j a handsome Orchard ot Apple, - Peach, Pear and Piun/ trees, a never fading spring of excellent water, within 80 yards of tlu (welling, and as healthy a situation as any in Rich mond County. The above will be sold a bargain, if early ap plication is made to Jno. C. Holcombe. January 18 59 “for sale or to~rkn tT 4||HE unexpired lease and Improvements ot< J. the Lot known as the Littleman’s Garden, situated on Ellis-Street, near tile comer of Cen tre-Street—having all the conveniences for car. rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be sides an Oven, Dryhonse, !<.c. There ic also a Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 tons o' toe can be secured for summer use. The wholt will be shewn by application on the premises.— For terms apply to B. Bquyer. ’"August 10 ,13 Fifty MoVViirs VWwavA. RWAWAY from the subscriber about tlie 25(h uit. a negro mao named H AMIL TON, about thirty five years of age, six feet high, very dark skin and large thick lips. Had on when ht went away, a blue short Jacket, with blue mixed aattinet trowsers. Ke is well acquainted in Bry an, Liberty and MTntosli Counties, ff’hoevei will return him to the subscriber, shall receive the tabove reward and ail reasonable charges. Levi Hills, Per Attorney, H. B. Hathaway Tj* The Patriot, Mtlledgeville, and Gazette, JJu. rien, mil give the above lino insertion» ; and the Constitutionalist, Jluguttu, three insertions, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. February 11 3t SLR a V LI) OR STOLEN, iTJROM the subscriber <m the night of the 7th . inst. s sorrel HORSE, switch tail, whit lureakin the forehead, one hind leg white, one Uncle a little larger than the other. When he went away he ha 1 a short piece of rope on lie neck. Any one giving information or returnin', him to the subscriber, shall meet with a handg some reward, in Gumming’s Building, Broad street, Augusta. Ora Howard. FpKimisi-v 11 3*l 66 Notice. PERSONS being daily in the habit of trespass mg on the Hickory ridge tract ot land, owned by the Bank of Georgia, and cutting the wood and - indergrowth therefrom : Notice is hereby given, t.hat the utmost vigilance wdl be used in delecting ■ and prosecuting the offenders. The said Land is oounded on the west by Turkanel’s Spring, and uart ot the village of Summerville, on the Eas by tlie lands ot A. Martin, P- H. Carnet and 1 ithers, it may be more particularly known by the Mtlledgeville road, passing tbr mgb it. jby order of the .Uoiird 1. Henry. February 1, 1325, U 63, TO THE PUBLIC. THERE is perhaps no medical observation bet ter established, none more generally confirmed by the experience of the best physicians of ail aged and countries and none of more importance to the practilioner.than the fact,that many ol the most ditti-' cult and incurable complaints originate in neglecttf «d coliie. In a climate as variable as ours,where the changes of the weather are frequently sudden and inexpected, it requires more care and attention, guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy of ffe, than most people imagine, or are able and willing to bestow. Hence the vast number of pat cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthman consumptions, and other affections, and hence the arragn of rational and absurd remedies, cried up by the learned and illiserate. Ihe many cases of ne kind, fell under rr.y ob-ervation ; the prepose •rous compositions of inflaining drugs, which ire in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced in practice Irom remedies highly recommended ; and my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints, were strong inducement* for me to consider, whether a compound consisting of mild vegetable substances coujd not be invented, more free from the well founded objections of practitioners, and better calculated to avert the threatening de struction of the lungs. PULMONIC Vegetables, For coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions, fins remedy is superior to any medicine which has been oflered to the public, as it is prepared irom the most valuable herbs of our vegetable kiiqoiom, and its qualities are such that every de pendence may be placed ir. its virtues (or the '.urc of the above diseases. From the knowledge the proprietor has of the pulmonic Virtues of the syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending is 10 those who labour under those distressing cum -1 onts as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav mg administered it to thousands in New-York and Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering it to the public, and after trial, those persons who the genuine syrup, will have their mo ney refunded by returning (lie bottle, if they di, not feel satisfied that they have reaped bench iron* the use of it. Directions for Use. Take a tea spoon full three times a day, say morn ng. noon and night, and continue it until re sieved. (Ej* Each bottle will have the signature of the proprietor- CT Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sign >1 the Golden Eagle, Augusta. October 21 23 New atul invaluable atoaMsaaißg BTEIfTEDTUE UNITED STATES Os AMERICA. AUDLER’S Asiatic Leuitiye loe Pain. TWb Medi- cltie is anev- Ache, and other’ dis* remedy is good against the tooth ache of . pain in ike teeth and jaws when duly applied oul emplojed, it possesses sovereign efficacy in swellings of the gums, face arid adjacent part4 k -arising from or connected with tooth-ache ‘■lt relieves head-ache or pains in the head, in thf'mdsl easy and agreeable manner; for this fre"- qhent and distressing complaint, this, his new medicine, is a charming prescription, fur it re stores both the organs of sense and the nerves or ■heir healthy condition at a quick and admirable rate. This new and useful preparation produces, by mild and gentle stimulation, a operation ipon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, sharpens the perceptions,' and invigorates the functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephalic medicine of the first order Nor is its effect less beneficial when considered in relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the Head and die spirits, by its qualities it act* upon the sighi and immediate organs of digestion as a carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing torpor, correcting acidity, .and creating a most' • comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention and improve ment is quite as favorable to diseases of the ear, more especially it acts to great advantage in dul ness and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to the exercise of its true and hetydiy functions of hear ts- Certiorate from Dr. Samuel L, Mitchell. Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the'city 6f New-Ycrk, this day submitted to irte bin letters patent from he United States, for compounding and vending a remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, and asked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, af ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi cation, I find it contains a mixture of such aromat ■ ic, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal culated to produce a composing effect on the hut man body. Samuel L. Mitchell. J\"e-w.York, J\'ovemher 2(1, 1818. AuAiev’a JMUk ot Rosea. A N elegant cosmetic for whitening, softening is. and beautifying the skin, and removing pimt ,des, freckles and chops from the face, neck, &c. The Milk of Hoses possesses many qualities, for is not only serves for the above purposes, but it put t lie bloom of youth on age, which valuable property every lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose cosmetic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article ■ wli ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth ing that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa ble article to every lady, and should be found on i heir toilets. Uik&ctioks. — After being washed and dried then take a small quantity on a piece of white flan anduel then wash face, neck, hands, &c. Each bot tle will be signed by the proprietor. Price gl. Prepared Only and sold by E. Audler , sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. July 4 2 (0* LtiiaT ON Tuesday last, a Bunch of KEYS, tied wi'h Red Tape.—The finder on leaving them at this uffics, shall be rewarded. * f'