The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 08, 1825, Image 3
The Weather, —For a day or two pastthe Weather has bvn most inclement. On the eight of Tliursd ty aod'morningofyesterday, the rain descended in torrents.—-The tide f rose at the same time higher than on any occasion since the September gale of last year. Nearly the whole of Hutchison’s Island opposite the city, was overflowed and a great portion o( the lower end of it, yet remains under water. The banks of the island, which have been repaired since the September gale, have been considerably in- Wjured, and the sugar cane planted by Mr. has also suffered. Fig Island bc f low the city, was completely overflowed, but as the tide recended, left partly dry. There is reason to fear that much damage has been done on the banks of the river, of which we are vet to hear—in which case the rice . crop will be backward, i About eight o’clock last evening, the k weather cleared up with a fine N. W. wind. [A’au. Georgian. Dewitt Clinton. —lt is said, says the Richmond Whig, that Mr. Jidams has offer-' I ed this gentleman a carle blanche, to be of War, or Envoy to Great Bri-j ■Lai; Some think that it will be most prudent him to stay at home, and watch the ever * /ariable politics of the New-Yorkers. --cfl* l,ll evolutionary Pensioners, —By an official u, paper lai(f 'afore Congress, it appears that L the whole number of Revolutionary Pen- 1 r sinners now on the rolls of the different I States, is 13,034, the amount annually paid I them is 1,337,316 dollars ;41 died in 1824,1 p and 675 were added to the list. Os this I number 1,705 belong to Massachusetts, 830 I v to New-Hampshire, 1,188 to Maine, 237 to | Rhode-Island 850 to Connecticut, 1,089 to I Vermont 2,955 to New-York and 6 to 1 Ohio. Not one of those who died in 1824. j belonged to Massachusetts, 30 belonged to N. Hampshire, 4o to Maine, 17 to Rhode- Island, 36 to Connecticut, 2 to Vermont, | and 83 to New-York. Os those added to the list, 49 are of Massachusetts, 36 of New- Hampshiro, 46 of Maine, 7 of Rhode Island, 51 of Connecticut, 70 of Vermont and' 116 | of New-York, 14 belonging to Indiana, 4to L Mississppi, 3to Missouri, and 4to Alabama, * have also been added during the last year, from which States there were none before. On Monday night the 14th ult. a carica ture representation of the political death, and funeral procession of the Hon. Henry Clay, was consumed in Carlisle, Penn. Large Bonfires were kindled on the occa sion, the reflection of which were distinctly 'seen a distance of fourteen mites across the h mountain. Common Schools. —The average number of children taught in the common schorls of 1 the state of New-York, during nine months I of the year 1824, was 402,940. There are r ..-ia the state 7,642 school digtrictn-aiyi .flic [ same number of common schools ; 311 new f school districts have been formed, during V file year 1821---25,906 more children have r been instructed in he year 182-1, in com mon schools, than in the preceding year— and, the sum of 8182,741 6l cents, has been paid to teachers of common schools, during the year 1824, out of the monies drawn from the state treasury, from the local school fund, and from the amount raised by tax. Curiosities of the Market. —Yesterday morning a man appeared at our Market witli [ a sack bag filled with Robbins ! He stated that on Saturday evening last, immense flocks of these birds appeared at the mouth of Appomattox river, and as night approach ed, alighting on the trees in the vicinity, > people were enabled with the aid of torch ’ lights,'to kill some thousands of them. The person above mentioned, himself, after as ( cending one tree, took more than seven hun dred with his own hands. [Petersburg (Va.) Republican. -- St Indian Longevity. —Within these last eight years (says the Canada Spectator,) there have died in the village of Cogana waga, ten Indians, each of them past an hundred years of age ; some days ago, the curate buried a woman aged 166. There is now living a squaw, who has her descen dants to the fifth generation ; in other words the child has now living, her mother, graml mother, grand mother’s mother, and grand mother’s grand mother. > Camden, (S. C.) February 25. Murder !—The following statement of a most diabolical deed, is furnished us by a very respectable gentleman, residing near the spot where the act was committed ; On the night of the 17th inst. a Mrs, Stuckey of Sumter District, was inhuman ly murdered by the servant maid. Mrs. S. had for several days and nights been at tending her grandmother who was extreme ly ill ; on the evening of the 17th, she re turned to her residence to regulate her do mestic affairs and enjoy some relaxation. At the proper hour, she retired to repose, having two infants with her, leaving two children who were in the kitchen, with the servant. The servant in a short time left the kitchen, entered the mansion of her mis tress, and there perpetrated the deed by striking Mrs. S. two or three blows on the head, and, it is said, cut her throat, which caused her immediate death. Mr. S. the husband, was at the Grandmother’s of the deceased. When the servant returned to the kitchen, the children saw her throw an aprtu behind the door, to which they paid no attention, suspecting nothing. When the children entered the house, they heard one of the infants strangling, they* rushed into the room, called their mother, ami hear ng no reply, put their hands upon her to awake her to relieve the child; but lamen table to tell, they found the bed clothes wet ; a fire was immediately kindled and they beheld their beloved mother and one infant bathed in the blood of the deceased object of their affection and regard. They im mediately alarmed the nearest neighbors who repaired to the dreaded spot, and to I their regret and astonishment, witnessed the reality of the doleful tale. On an in vestigation of i he matter, the children re lated the circumstance of the apron, which was immediately examined and found to be covered with blood, Tne servant was ap prehended, tried and convicted, and was to be executed yesterday. —aO©-- Horrid Murder. —-VVe are informed that a widow woman, named Plait, living bv Ihersell, about two miles from Ph aroe’s in Scriven County, was murdered on the 16th ult. in a most shocking manner. She was discovered by a Mr. Reedy, who calling at her house found the door shut, and in the yard, the hogs eating from the ground what appeared to he bl »od—the bonnet and one 'of the shoes of Mrs. Platt were also f »«nd in a hogshead. Upon looking in at (he bark 'jdoor, the unfortunate woman was discover ed lifeless upon the floor, with two wounds, one on the back, the other on the front of the iheacl, apparently inflicted with a club, which ! was also found. VVe are further informed,- that suspicion attach to a man named I Rushing, who had stolen from her a fifty * <dollar note, which she identified and recov * ered, when he uttered some threats against 1 her life. Rushing was immediately sought ’ ,for, and discovered under his bed. He was * jarrested and is now in Jacksonboruugh Jail, ’ iand will probably be tried in April. Mrs. * I Platt, is stated tube from the north and has a * daughter living in N. York. Such is the ' relation given tons.— Sav. Georgian. 5 -miila*- j On Saturday, John Reid, convicted of at , tempting to poison the family of Mr. Car , I roll, was sentenced to the Penitentiary for . jthree years, and to pay a fine of- 500. We understand that Reid possesses a property of .40 to 850,000 —and that he has hitherto ( sustained a very respectable character. f * Seth Elliot has been executed at Castine for the Murder of his child. His body was ' drawn to Knox, 50 miles, Jjy two of his fa -8 vorite hordes, where it was decently interred. He was one of the most thrifty farmers in the county, before he became intemperate. I Curiosity, —VVe are told bv a gentleman * residing in the parish of East Feliciana, that ? the river Comite has recently been so filled e with fish, that the inhabitants could walk in v to where the water was three or four feet * deep, and take with their hands what nuan e fity they pleased. The waters were Siter ’ ally alive with these inhabitants. What ' adds to this curiosity, is, that the species of 1 fish that has been so numerous, is the Sar ’ din, hitherto Unknown in the Comite riv j ex,—Lou, Jour. Cultivation of Cotton.—The Editor of the f Baltimore American Farmer states, that the , culture of Cotton is fast extending in Virgin- I ia; and that even not far from Richmond some planters are turning their attention to 1 it, and cultivate from twenty to one hundred . acres per year, thus regarding it as one of their chief staples. a IBarneO, In Bibb countv,on the *23d till, by K. McCall, Esq. Mr WIL MA M ( ARR,io Miss VIRGINIA HAWKINS, daughter of - the late Col. Benjamin Hawkins. —-, On the 17th ult. by James Flewellin, Esq. ROBERT PATTON, sen. to Mrs. MARTHA PACE. ORME, Esq. one of the Edilorsof the Southern Recorder, to Miss JANE M PAYNE. t \ 3Diet>, At Lexington. (A/ass.) on the 16th ult. J\tv. JOSIAH WIL -1 LING-TON, Father of the editor of the Charleston Courier, aged g 80 vears. j Port of 3luoum- I , Steam Boat Henry Shultz, Capt. Lubbock, four nnd a half itnys from Charleston, full cut-go to Jacob Monte, (try. IV. Brunt- P ly, Gaithers, Swilscr, Simes, Williams, Heard S' (,'oult, John S Holt, Barber, Blair, H. Lang, Amos Siblev, Robert M‘Donald, JobnK. IU Donald, W. Smith, jr. Rogers d- Latimer, Frederick i, P, Kenedy, Fraser £ Bowdre, R. U Duncan, Kerrs S Graham, F. S' G. Parrot, VV. S' \V. Homes, and others. Passengers—Thomas Gumming and Indy, .Mr. Reid, Fami , ly and Servants, Mr. Moise, Family and Servants, Mr. Jame» M‘l. aw,, Gardner, Albers, Hall, Danforlh, Gaithers and Mackic. ' For Savannah & ChvwWalcn. The Strain Boat HENRF SMUL’IZ, Capt-iin Lubhick, will leave this for the above place- TOMORROW MORNING at 7 o'clock. For 5 f-'eight or passage having excellent accommoda l lions, apply to the Oaptain on board, or to 5 Jacob Moise. ) Landing from the above. ‘ 56 Bags prime green COFFEE. i March 8 J.t 73 GEOS ES /! YOU ure hereby ordered to appear at yum Parade Gron id, in front of the City. Hal , in WEDNESDAY the 9'h Inst, at half past 2 o’, c-lock, t’. M. armed and equipped as Hie byf 'avys i f the Co, no any direct. By order of C i/it. VV. W. Holt. John EUworth, O. S. VI irr'' 8 V 7 ?' ATTENTION. Fayette Riflemen ! ! AM F, E 11N (i o! the C mpuiy wd he held «t the Room, ( tv-llall, THIS EVENING, ai 7 o'clock, P. m Members will be punctual ii neip nit stulaiice. By o Irr f.f Pant, OoLHWELt R. F. Hush, Sec pro. fern. March a It 7:i Hamilton Riflemen ! ! A PEE It Parade in trout of the City.flail' a WEDNESDAY next, at 3 o’clock. P M. srmed and equipped according to the byelaws i of the Loin nany prepared for inspection, • h' 1 Equi-m nts ct the Cores have been re ceived.'tod wdl be di*’i'ihn'ej THIS I>AV at Id o’clock, A M at Giuhtning’s Buildings, No, 3, on I e second floor. 1 Ify order of Capt. CcMJtrvo, (•rant, o. s. M - rrh 8 ii , < At the Annual Meeting of the t tngns'a Auxiliary Ihbl Society on lot 21 n - th ■ following persons were elected Officers ami Manag rs C r die pr sent year viz : , Mr. I horn is Cummins;. President, i A inlet-son Watkins, V Pres (jr. Vi . vt artier Cor. Ser’ry. V' ra I’os'vvit k flee. Sea’ry. Joel L’atlin 'treasurer. managers, Mr. Wm. J Hobby, Mr. C. ('.Mayton, I'. Edwards. Hmry Gardner, (V. H. Tmpin, John Beach, E. B Crane, W. T. Gould, E.Camofidd, John nrry, J. M‘Do wall, R, A. Held. The ;.b v n ,m.-d gentlemen are r-'qu a-ed In , attend a m-ed.,-of Hv> Hoard, at the L.-ciun ■ Room, 77//V „• 7 o'clock. 1 \S in. Hostvvick, Sec’ry, March 8 It 73 The. subscribers or either of them, will receive Proposals for furnishing' h tween five and six hundred TREES, of differ . ent kinds, to be delivered at the Academy Lot in . Vugusta, within as short a time practicable. R. R Reid, 1 W. W. Montgomery, • H. H. Cu turning. Committee, i ,T arch 8 73 Masonic Caution. £\ f a regular meeting of Social Lodge, No. wSw 5, of Augusta, Ga. on the 4th inst. (March) r a communication from Allred Lodge, Mount Zion, was receive ), respeciing a person calling himseil by the nam • ot James Wilson, who is believed t" , be an irnpos or among Masons—which toge'her . with previous Know ledge of the said Wilson con sumates the cm. cut-recce of this Lodge in the In • |; Les that he has long been in the practice ot spurn r ing upon the established chanty of the fra tm ty throughout the tuuniry, hy means of false p«. . pers, aid a gentl manly address. Wherefore it t i order, d by the unanimous voice of this Lodge hat add Wil son be pnhl shed as an impostot j among Masons, in the public papers of this city, with a r. quest to all editors throughout the Uni ted 9'ates, triend yto the fraternity, to re pub li’ fi 1 bet ah ve, as a caunoii to our brethren at a distance, and particularly in the interior. By order ot the Worshipful Ma-I er. W. J{. Davis, Sec’ry. March 8 It 73 COTILLION PARTY. ' COLMESNEL'S Parly will take place ITJ. on THURSDAY the 10 It inst. at Ins As i semb y Room, on Green-street. , MaichS It 73 ► DuucVug »\sJSViVUVI\.Aj ■\TWll.L'ak place this eve nog, a; Mr. Theo h# 1 # B Hoorn, lower tenement Hricjgi liai k, under the direction of managers. March 8, It 73 Portrait y.X La JUST r c ivecl a tew copies ol the Po id . I Uen. L-fayelte, engraved by M. J. Damorll , from the 'Ttgn.a Painting executed by t;. Ingham n Sep . last during the General** visit in New Vork.sadf be a most conect likeites-—lob md at Hie Bookstore ot R. I). Treadwel. where übsci ibers will ptease for their copies. March 8 2t 73 I fcu Firkins V*viuui LosUeii BUTTER, Just received from N York, a.>d for sal" hy I John Beach &. Co. * March 6 73 City of Augusta, Council Liuuubci*, March 1 si. 1825. On motion of Mr. John Moore : /rfcawW.l—tman.m. u-dy, that a Public Invitation be extended to an. tM.r.nrsns or tub Rr.votimo.y. surviving in our own Stale, or in our sister Stales and that they be requested 10 assist in welcoming La Eavstt'k to this city A true Copy from the Minutes, George M. Walker, Clerk of the Council In obedience t> the foregoing Resolution of Council, I hereby make it known that Gkmciial a I a 1 t.TTE will probably arrive in this city on the weniy second of the present month, and*l re S-lecliu d> 1 ,Vite ALL S'.LDIi.HS Os THE I.KVOLCTIOS . to wh. in this notice shal ’com’*, to be present a' the t nieol his arrival, and so asuiat in offering a wan. welcome to tits Vbi khan Glnkiial. IV. VV, IVcVA, Mayor of the Ciiu of .‘tur nsfa M .-el, 2. 182 j. *sl 72 DENTIST. RESPRC I FULLY informs the Ladies and Gen ■I men of Augusta and its vicinity, that he w H be m the city about the first of March. January 28 rtM 63 Copy of a Crrlifr ite from Junes Jllouroe, Pres’t, The testimoin Is presented to me hy Mr. Fami ly, of his great talents as a DF.NTIST, are of ingh character—in addition to which I state with great pleasure, that Ins op. rations in my family, have afford, J a practical and very satisfacton evidence of his merit. JAMES MONROE. ‘ Wnsh'iinrio'i, /hr 9th I S'J.i n’S i\i cUEA. WM If. TURPIN, dJjicnf for Dr. Swaim, HAS JUST RECEIVED Dez-n Bottles ol this in wa d valuable ► ’ MEDICINE—Price reduced to S 3 30 pet I* » t'le. ALSU I. Ji fresh and Gr*»nstve supfiL / of 8 .. Paints, Oil, Window Glass, Pu. ty, Lamp Oil, &c. .t , I cbrnai vll St* v 66 WHISKEY^ A»oat vuuV IVVce " IIIIHS. Whiskey 20 llarrOs F-oaf Sugar | AffP*77 ili 10 Tierces H.ce F'llt SALE BY Thomas M^trai). March 4 2t 72 BUSHELS I. verpool Ground EDI} SALE AT THE STEAM /WAT WHARI IB Y A II Gordon. February 4 ’ (it 61 MU PA UK Ell’S p icons of DANAE, is nnv ready for exhibition, in one of riie fioie, roo ns, in the second story of the City Hall, An -Vista, F bi nary 18 68 f Vvac\lee, o£ .'fVuVwitevy. f I All E Htibscribf r, lately fioin the Glasgow scl n nlj JL respectfully tenders her services to the La n dies of Augusta, in the practice of Midwifery. In ad litioß to cotisifi‘fable experience in pr vate practice, and in the ii.firinacy, she has en" joyed the opportunity of a lull course of lecturet on Midwifery, in the G asgow Institution and has the honor of holding a regular license from the fa culty nf the same. By tlie recommendation of respectable acqnain - tances in Charleston, she has located herselt in this place, and hopes to merit liberal patronage. She may be f und at Mrs. Garvin's. ‘ Mary Tschmly. i, We, the undersigned, take pleasure in slating I dial vve have seen Mrs, Tschudy’s license from the Iscolty of Glasgow, and are of opinion that n r is genuine and satisfactory. A. W’ATKINS- M. ANTONY. . March, 1 71 A Situation Wanted, »l • A YOUNG woman lately from England would be glad to obtain a situation in some pious md respectable family, bbe has been accustom ed to every sort of work usual in families, mid would make herself very useful either with the , Needle, or in any of the departments of house keeping. Satisfactory references can be made. Enquire at this Office. F h”» .fv to *8 IVuuawa^, the subscriber a Ncg n Woman named Nance, formerly belonging to Mr. M. Ard s, of Beach Island. She is about thirty years of age, middle stature, and of dark complexion, and i« " supposed to be lurking in Hie city, nr neighbour hood (XjTA Reward of five dollars will he paid foi ier apprehension. Robert F. Poe. 1 'tare 1 ’ 4. ,1.7 ’ i — 1 ■ ~ “ ■■■■ JVegvoes £uv »alw. 'ITIIK snbsciioer oilers for sale TH ENTY like ly Negmes, consisting of Men, Women, Girb ind Boys. They will be sold low. on application, ) ii me at the Eagle Tavern, where the Negroes' , may be seen. n John I). Walker. .T«iminrv .^9 N(JTJCK -IAH.E Public are cautioned sgaii st trespassing 9 on the Houses and I. j's of the siibscnhei upper end of town—especially against hauling i -and nr earth from the river bank or configuou i.hereto. Each and every person offending shad oave the law rigurously enforced against him 01 them. Hugh Nsshit. JanaarySl f# Last night but five of MU. HUNTER’S ENGAGEMENT. This Evening March 8, 1825. Performance every Evening, saiUo pfisffaiaa For the first time will perlorm the astonishing feat of leaping a Garter, the More- a' the same time leaping over Bars going at full speed. TO COMMENCE WITH A GRAND EXTREFi. HORSEMANSHIP By Master WHITTAKER. running”faulting, By the TVhole Troop. MRS. WILLIAMS, ("The Intrepid Equestrian, J will go through her Elegant Ar.fs of Eqi st Nanism, and conclude with die Six Divisions of the Broad-Sword— the Horae in full speed, STILL VAULTING, By the whole Troop, viz : Messrs. Blyth, As'■n..H,i , nt, Hughes, Wbitta itrr, Sessford, MTonn —Chatter-Box Gabble Joke, (the Clown) WILLIAMS. 'T”B nee, «i\A rota^at^ TO OONOLTBE WITH THE RUINS OF TUOV ; OR, BY THE WHOLE TROOP. GRAND TRAMPOLINE, Over Horses, through Hoops, &c. &c. Hy Air. Williams. The beautiful iVlare Fanny, Will go through hop astonishing perlorm mce». 3VJ.cs. WUUnms W'll go thi ugh her eLg. t perf r mine** on the SLACK WHIG, WITU IIOOI'S OIUNOKs, &C. &C. 1\ or Be\v\vu\?\u\> Py Mr. Who, fur E egnnce >nd prri'.n Balance, standi classed one ~1 the firs H* iserrien in ihe w rid s wll rifle without Saddle or Hr die i! the Dor,a going lit lull speed. Me will go through a vime iy ol feyls nevey before witneased in the coun try, and conclude with the wonderful Hurl of the DRUNKEN HUSSAR. f he even!* cr’s per!?*' mxncc conclude with the HUNTED TAILOR, on, Mr. Button’s Journey to Brentford. Uilla putiun, * Mr, MLYIIL Clown Mr. WILLIAMS. arcs* aiilf m Ninth appearance oi, *. KDNEsJJ vY EVENING. Persons visiting the Circus, are respectfully re. commended to purchase rickets if Admission du. ring the day; to avoid CONFUSION and DE LAV ai tilC doors in the Reeling. 03* Admittance to the Boxes One Dollar, PIT Fif'y Cents. *«* Children under ten years of age, admitted to the Hi-xe- and Pit at half price. fjf Doors open at half past s x, and Perform ance to commence at a quarter past seven o’clock. ftt Tickets may lie procured at the Circus ami at the Globe-Tavern during the day. -A", smoking allowed •within the Doors of the Circus. March 8 73 cm LOTS FOR SALE. ON I uesday the 15Hi of March next, at 12 o’, lock, will he offered for sale, before the I’ost-Office, several vacant Lois on Bn ad-street, .1 the. upper part of the city of Augusta—also, , >evrral Lots cn the river, and on Hcynohl-atreet. TEliAl'i —Due half cash, the ba auce payable in the Ist day of .lamiary, 1820, lor which notes hearing interest from the day ol sale, at 7 per cem. per annum, anil mortgage outlie properly will berequired. A plan of the LOTS and other terms, will be ' exhibited on the day of sale. E. F. Campbell. 03* The Charleston Courier, Savinnali Repub lican, and Mdleilgeville Journal, it is requested may publish the above, weekly, ’till the ti ne of he proposed sale, and lurward tiiei; accounts to tins Office tor payment. February 8 6t r 65 ESCAPE iJ, ~ ffaj. Frotn the Lot of John W, Bird in Augusta, on the night < f the 27th a Driffht sorrel HOUSE, vXsttiJL rather under the common size, naik I wiiite hind legs, and a blaze in his I ice. Other distinguishing sign* not recollected. Any person who should find, and deliver the ibove described Horse to ,). W. Bird in Augusta’ .rto the subscriber, shall be reasonably compen' sated. Fitzgerald Bird. Sparta, March 1, 1825 3t 72 amV lob W'wtmg, J Siaily Bxicuted at thin THjiw.