The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 08, 1825, Image 4

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Sheriff's Bale. Will be sold on the firat I uesday in April nex', at the Court house door in Waynesborough, Burke County, within sale hours : 80 Acres of Land, adjoining lands of Lewis Whitfield and (idlers, anil 60 acres a>l joining lands of Will «m Tilly and others, levied Ln » r the pr iperty ot John Thompson, deceased, to satisfy two executions in favour of Ward k Bozeman and Wiliam Thompson, v>. Tabitlia Thumps in, administratrix of John I'hompson, deceased. also — * One negro man named Hardy, le vied on as me property of Benjamin Cue-', l satisfy two executions in favour of S. L. Royal, Executor of Wil mm Royal, for the use ul William Bed and Peter Lequ. ux and James Pulh.ll, Ex’rs. of P. Cotton, deceased. ALSO— One large dark chesnut sorrel Horse, levied on as the property of George M‘. Kay, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Augus tus Jones, dec. one negro Girl, named Phillis, levied on as 'he property of Basdil Warnork, dec. to satisfy an Execution in favour of Burket I) Thompson, against the Administrators of said Warnock, deceased. f . —ALSO— -375 Acres of Land, adjoining Lauds of Cui au and others, levied on as thi property of Jac b Hurst, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Jacob Uressor, junr. bearer, pointed out by defendant. —also— -200 Acres of Land, mOte or less, adjc ung Lauda of Mary G. dbey and tellers, le vi' don as the property of William Godbee, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Mary Griffin pointed out by Samuel Godbee, and returned by a constable. als— o-6/4 Acres of Lagd; adjoining Lands of Turin r U. M mre and olh rs, 1 vi u on a- the propelty of John U, Moore, to satisfy sun d y Executions issued from a Judices Court, in favour of John C. Pay threat, and now lor the u»fl of Howell 1). Burke, poiitrd out by John It M .ore, and returned by J mie* Tmdate, couata ble. —aiso— -410 Acres of Land, adjoining Lauds of Amos Wiggins and others, L vied on at th properly o( Richard Evans, to satisfy an E.x ecution in fav mr of John C, Poylbress, pomtec out by defendant. also— -2')o Acres of Land, adjoining Laud, of Hie E ute > f Carter, us. 1 and others, levied 00 us the property of I hour* Ilolliduv, to satisfy an Execution in favour Thomas Ward, returned by a Constable. ALU One negro man named Jim, levi ed .ui as lUI property of Lewi. Byne, to-atitiy sundry fi.fas. isttied fr m a Magistrates Court o Burke County, in favour of Harmon Hurs against L. Hyue and Kiel urd Byne. ALSO— One negro Girl, named Hetty, le vied mi at Hie pripeny of l/wu By 11 •, to satis fy an Execution in favour C E. A H. Byne. —ALSO— -11 Negroes, viz,: Jack and hits Wile Nuncv, u.ut hit i to chiltlv.ii, l.etvey an J»*, Winny an I her three children. Jack, Cul In ml v and F'.indv, Clue and her child Rose, a"d 1 Wuuia.i Mill' levied oh as the property of Lewi, Bene, to satisfy an Execution in favour ot Charle, Ricbardsuo, vs. L • wis ’tyne, ALS '— 283 1-3 \ cres of Land, adjoin ing 1 .uinia of James H lliyaut «,.il others 1 vi on a the property ot J.ine- Ru-'eH, to satisfy ai Execution i>i favour ot Fnyicis Ward. ALSO syd I 2 Acres of Land, adjoining Lon. U I* :.u x suit Carpent r, s g. brim»li’s I) w-r. levied on as the pr perty « Thomas Scaror mgh, to aatisly an Execution in fa four of the Sat of Georgs John T. Forth, s. b. c. February 24, 1H25 At t 71 Adminisiralur’s Sale. Agr cable to an order of tlie Honorable Court o Ordio if. ~f Warren County, will bo sold or Ihefi'si ruesday in April next, at the Court. in Warren C uniy. One Lot of Land in the 4th Dis trict nf Houston C.niu y, belonging to Ihe esta'r cl Richard Hray, deceased. aid known by tht number 215, containing 202 1-2 Acres term* ul sale made known on the dae. Amos \ y right, Jldm’r. Lucy Bray, , idm'rx . January 5, 1825. r 75 Guardian's Will be sold ui tHe first Tuesday in April next, at the Coud House in Jacksooboro*. Scriven con ■ ty, between the hours of ten and four o’clock pursu tut to an orders of the Honorable the Jus tiers of the Inferior Court ot said county, whet silling for ordo'ary purposes: All that tract or parcel of Land, cm lacing -our hu uired oid ninety aeres fin ire or 1 s-t a.tuate I mg and being in the. fourteenth district ,t li win county, Georgia, and known and distinguished in the plan of said district, by the number twenty three (.23.) old for the brnefi ot Sarah Le , orphan, of Ji lm M Lee, deceased Terms ma knownm tdsv >t s-le. Peter Reddick, Guardian. Serin* nco yla u 1 r fid j.\ once. A GHEE‘.BLE to an order of the Honurab.c .nr Infer' r Court ot Richmond County, wul b lu on tie first lur-uay in March next, a the market house in the city of Augusta, be twin > th. usual li urs of sale : Four Hundred and sixteen 6-10tii acres of Land, lying i M'dean, one tiitb pan three hundred ami fifty acres, lying on Spin Creek. I liree negroes : Nancy, Hi'ly and Frark, Ho w.ij.c being tHe tv a I estate in Lewis t illi.i., d 'cr .'ird, tor th * benefit il the heirs ul said, deceased. Terms made known on the day ul sale. Benjamin Rowland, ) ~ , Robert Vilen, 5Mm is. T)"een, ■ r 47 tor »aic, I l\fc,LV Nh ,UO WOMAN, a good Com ad,.- r -vi Irotier—tor further purlieu!? mj re at >te Office of the Constitutionalist, fjtxeinbe r Ul 51 J MAC OX WILL be let at the post office in Macon, to tlie lowest bidder, at public outcry, ou , Friday the 15th of April next, the building of a HKIHCE across the Ocrmilgee river at the foot j, of the street leading to the public square in Ma con. the river at the intended site has, it is bt iievt d, a very firm bottom, the most of which is known to be of rock. Its width at common wa ’ l er is estimated at 250 feet : the height of th. *■ i.eers at 38 feet, the whole length of the bndgi 1 “ a 400; and tlie contemplated width 32 feet, stone '• and timber may be very conveniently obtained and had gratis on the adjoining public IsaiKib j I be piers and abutments to be of stone—the up- ' ■ per works of approved timber, and to be shing ' led, weather boarded and painted. Ihe under , :, ker will be required to give bond with three i approved securities in the sum of $ ’O,OOO fm , die faithful performance of his contract The names of the persons offered as securities must be submitted to the commissioners by the Bui oi 1 April : Letters fortius purpose may be directed) to the commissioners to the care of Mortimer K Wallis, Esq. pisji master, Macon. 20 per cent on the amount of the contract will be advanced. ' and further advances will be made at the discre i‘ Hon of the commissioners as the work progresses 1 j A model of the intended bridge and the form of the contract will be open to inspection at the room over Gillespie & Birdsong’s store in Macon, •n and after 'fie twenty-first ot March, until the ) time ot letting. . * Architects are invited to prepare and farms' n models in wood on a scale of an inch to the foot, cl with accompanying explanations in writing— which wdl be received at the room above m'-n loned until Tuesday the 15th of March, mcln sive. A premium of SIOO will be pa'd tor tha model winch shall be adopted as best uniting th , properties of cheapness, strength, durability an., convenience in repairing y Luke J. iV" organ, T Charles Bulloch, | , Mortimer It. Wallis, J>ror»Vs. ® Samuel Gillespie, I • William Bivins, j 11 CCT The e iuors of the Oonstitu lonahst, (lie fl Columbia leh scope, and the Raleigh IPgister, ‘ ire reques ed to insert the above until th Ist * >t March, and forward their accou its to M, R Wallis, Esq. M *con, Ga. g Macon, Feb usry 1. 1895, tISM 65 is ————-—-—1 (- Atiminisuautr's »raie. ‘I 'iatur ay ini 910 day oi Apr.l next, in tfu I’nwn of Wnghtsh.Tough, Columbia coun iy, between the usual hours of sale. s AVU\ be »■ he whole of the personal property belonging t. ( he eslat-ot William Moseley, deceased, consist ingot Hynes, Carpenters Tunis, &c &c. Terms made known on the dnv of sale. i- Thomas Bowdre, adin'r. y Fcbruarv 17 182. V d.s (;9 i ———— — 1 • AAuvuuslmlor’s feale. NOTICE. - 'a\ GREBABLE to an order obtained from tin i JwA Justices of the Interior Court ot Burki County, when setting for Ordinary purposes, WILL BE SOLD, ® at the Court House door, in the Town of Waynes. borough, between the usual sale hours, on tin I first Tuesday in April next, All that Lot or Tract of Land, yiog and being in the County ot Henry, contain ng iwo hundred 'Wo and one half acres o Land, n the fit h Histric*, number sixteen. Sold I i I ie benefit of the heirs and creditors ot Cary Godbee, junr. lan* of Burk - Couo y, decea-ed. u ‘ John Skinner, Mm’r. IVaynethom’ la narv 4. 1825 lOt 58 g Administrator s »aie. , Will be sold >n the firs Tuesday in April nex l , »• at the Cour House door, in Waynesborougli „ Burke Cjpmy, agreeable to an order o' th. Honorable tthe Inn-rior Court of said Coui.i while sitting for Ordinary purposes. Two hundred ami lifty Acres of - Land, lying in tht fttsi Hislrict ot Walton Con ty, known as Lot No. 105, in tlie plan of said Ui lict, sold as tlie property of the estate of Solo , non Daniel, deceased, for the bem fit of the heirs I and crtdiloea. Simeon Hampton, adm’r. Januarv ?4 1825 lOt v 62 e FUJI rsALE TO OR REN I. t ||l IE unexpired lease and improvements o mL the Lot known as the Littlerrmn’s Garden, situated on Ellis-Street, near the corner of Cen Ire-Street—having all the conveniences for car rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be sides an Oven, Uryhouse, &c. There is also ai ~ Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 tons n ice can be secured for summer use. The whole .1 will be shewn by application ou the premises,— • For terms apply to B. Bouyer. '■ August 10 13 I. ■ - FOR SAi-E. 1 4 LOT OK L AND, three miles (nun Augusta, r 'w containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of which is *' cleared and under good fence, the balance Mood 3 Land. There is on the premises, a c mb ruble Dwelling House, which has lately undergone a ’* thorough repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, an “ elegant Brich Pantry, Crib, Stahl s, Fodder am Carriage House, Ike. all complete—a large \ar well shaded; a handsome Orchard of Apple. Beach, Pear and Plum trees, a never faih g “ spring of excellent water, within 80 yards of ti t Iwi Hi ng, and as healthy a situation as any in Rich e mood County. ,1 The above wnl be sold a bargain, if early ap i ideation is made to Jno. C. Holcombe. lamiavv IS 59 It •VoUce. 4 LL persons to whom the late Francis Bmtver, . A. of tlie city of Augusta, deceased, is indfh I d, are requested to present their demands with s 'ii the time prescribed by law ; and those ndebt -1 d, arc requested to make immediate payment. B. Bouyer, ... Paul liossignol, Dmecefier 21 51 \V vuvVtd to VUve. ApH L tlie fits of January nex , tour A NEGROES, aecuslcnied to work, from th. ,e ot 18 to 25 B. Picquet. ) January 21 6(3 '■ % IT llfc TO THE PUBLIC. is perhaps no medical observatiorTbe *. ler established. none more generally contirmed ■>y the experience of the best physicians of all ages *" a c,, untries and none of more importance toth. practitioner,than the facl.that many of the most difti cult ana incurable complaints originate in neglect. colde ■ ,n a climate as variable as ours,where th. changes of the weather are frequently sudden an! unexpected, it requires more care and attention uan against tins subtle and dangerous enemy ol de I ban " people imagine, or are able an Aolling to bestow. Hence the vast number „f pa, , t8 ’ a .®' cted f' 1 " coughs, catarrhs, asthma onsiimptions, and other affections, and hence tin ■arrago of rational ami absurd remedies, cried ui by the learned and illiserate, ,he many cases ot " e klnd ’ full under ">y j the prepose emits compositions of inflaming drugs, which ire in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced i .factice from remedies highly recommended , air my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints • ere strong inducements for me to consider whether a compound consist)) g of mild vegetabh -übstances could not be invented more free frmi he well founded objections of practitioners, an. letter calculated to avert the threatening d. struction of the lungs. PULMONIC Sjvvrp ol’ Vtgfclables, For Coughs, colds, asthmas an.l consumptions nos remedy s superior to any medicine whici has been offered to the public, as it is prepare ti "m the most valuable herbs of our vegetafe u gdom, and its qualities are such that every de leudei ce may placed in its virtues for thi cure of the above diseases. From the knowledge •e proprietor has o( the pulmonic virtues of th syrup, he has no In sitatn.n to recommending i to those who I ibour under those distressing cm latnis as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav og administered it t. thousands in New-York an Hhiladelphia, he feeis no hesitation in offering to tin* public, and after trial, those persons wli purchase the genuine syrup, will have their mo ‘Cy refunded by returning the bottle, if they do not feel satisfied that tiiey have reaped benefi ■ rom the use of it Directions far Use. fake a tea spoon full three times n day, say oin ng, noon and night, and continue it until re lever], (Xj bach bottle will have the signature of thi roprietor. (tj‘ Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sig. '•I the Golden Eagle, Augusta. October 21 33 •sNbw atm imalualflc sOißawsam, HTKH’fSIITIIE UNll'tl) s I ATKS OF i aHICi, AUDLERS Asiatic VicmUyc Ilot Pain. Lhis Medi- cineisanev er failing remedy for the Tooth- jpPUPteWk Ache, Head Ache, aud other dis 11.11S remedy is gob.l agdost the tou'h-ache o . uai >in th, teethand jaws wh. n duly appliee >i e oployed, it possesses sovereign efficacy h lelievi g swellings of the gums, face and adjaceol pans, arising from or connected with tootli-aclu It relieves head-ache or pains in the head, i the most easy and agreeable manner; for this fie quent and distressing complaint, this, his nev< medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re stores both the organs ol sens, and the nerves c , heir healthy condition at a quick and admirabh rate. I his new and useful preparation produces, by nild and gentle stimulation, a cheering cqreratiol pon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates th. functions of the min i, by dissipating gloom am I vapours it Rots truly like a nervous and cephaln (medicine of the first order. Nor is its effee less beneficial when consideree in relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, tin nead nod the spirits, by its qualities it acts uper the sight and immediate organs of digestion as s carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a mos comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention and improv. ment is quite as favorable to diseases o! theeai, more especially it ads to great, advantage in dul oess and oardness of hearing, and even in incipi snt deafness, restoring the failing organ to th. exercise of its true and healthy functions ufheai '£• Certificate from Dr. Samuel L. .Mitchell Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the citys of New-Yn-b is day submitted to me his letters patent fron lit United State-, for compounding and vending ,i remedy which he calls (be Asiatic Lenitive, am asked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, at ler examining the receipt contained in the specifi cation, I find it contains a mixture of-uch ar >mai •c, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal culated to produce a composing effect on the ho ■ .hi body. Samuel L. Mitchell. .Yi-w-York, .VoTem i. r 2<l, 181 K ♦lvuUcir’s aNiUk ol Roses. AN el. gaol cosmetic tor whitening, sofieninp and beautify mg the skin, and removing pinu drs, freckles and chops from the face, neck, &i t he Milk ol Hoses possesses many qualities, for i not only serves for the above purposis, but it pul he bloom of yctilh on ape, which v aluable propertv every lady is find of enjoying. This beautiful ro-'t cos metic a >l< ighiful fragrance, and is an artich I. cii can fe used with safety, as it contains noth ng that wiil in jure the skin, and it is an indispensa de article to every lady, and should be found or heir toilets. DiHK'.vrioss. — After being washed and dried 'hen take a small quantity on a piece of white flan induet then wash face, neck, hands, Sic. Eachbol Me will be signed by the proprietor. Price gl. Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. July 4 2 (JJ* LOST a C[) ON Tuesday last, a Bunch of KEYS, tied with Red Tape.—The finder on leaving; 'them at this Office, shall be rewarded. E. AUDLER, It SURGEON DENTIST, RESPEC I FULLY informs the Ladies and Gen tlemen of Augusta, that he will be ready it serve them at all limes, at his or their houses, t. he line of his profession, and hopes he will met -hare ol the public patronage, as he will t-xtrac eelh and slumps, and in the easiest manner if evei if difficult, and all ibrother branches. Taste ot Carkou, A superior dentifrice to any ever offered for cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth am making the breath sweet and greeabic. SCORBUTIC ESSENCE. Os Roues, Which removes all scorbutic humour in thi urns and teeth, and makes them firm at thi ame time. Prepared and sold by E. Audler. At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cottoi Range. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. A. (JAliO. Z. YLOHLAXCE, SURGEON DENTIST, At Rachelder if Codtoise’s. Broad-Street, Augusta nearly opposite .he Planters Hotel. RESPECTFULLY informs the Public, that he has returned again lu this City, and respect luiiy solicits ihe Patronage of the Ladies and Gentlemen who may require his services in th. everal Branches of Ins Profession Person wishing his service in private Families can call and -ee hi- work Manufactured on a new principle which he warrants. TcctY\ aud Gums. I he di-east. - ol the teeth and Gums are chief ‘yowing to our own neglect; the parts of the aliments which lodge about them alter mastics lion, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are thereby first affected, as being the most tendei parts, alter these corruptions are produced, com monly call d the Tartar of the Teeth, which . stroy ing both their texture and whiteness no mly dop, ves the mouth of its piincipal orna 1< nts, but brings on violent tooth aches, and,mi ners 'he Guns livid and putrid, and offensive t. on-selves and others,—But hough people it " neral may prevent those inconveniences, by are and attention at first, yet, if they are once siiffere.l to take place, it is no longer in the pow r i f the sufferer to remove them this being pro ,)>-'ly the province of the experienced Dentist who has made the maladies «>} the Teeth and Gums, with their attendant evils, the principal bject and end of hi-, studies. VloKauce, Dentist, By long prac t, a clo-e appucauon to bust ess, and a l.ut- High knowledge of the structun .f sh ■ leeih a .d Gums, lias made uli tae opera 'ions n. those pa ts quite familiar to him, ins. much diat whai some Dentists have judged in raclicable, tic hath performed with ease ami *afety. lie places Teeth both real and artificial, (mah g the latter with pure enamel) from a shtgh “ e to an entire set so accurately, that they shah •vswer every purpose of the natural. Thus the .’•eate-t deficiencies are supplied With ornaments, which have the recommendation of utility. 1 hose Teeth that have fallen out their sock ets, which frequently happens, though in a per ect sound state, he, hy a method peculiar to him eif, replaces us firm as ever, without the Isusi 1 ,iain or uneasiness to the patient. Me clears the f'eeth, if ever so disci.lured, ol all their foulness and tartar, without pain, and r endei a them white and as fairas ever in half at. h iur, l eelh and Stumns extracted in the easiest man er, if ever so difficult. He assists young ladies and gentlemen in the first and second dentition, and removes the Milk I eetti at proper seasons, lest they should Incom mode the regular growth of the succeeding onces ml it a deformity of this kind has taken placi hrtiugh the want of a Llestist, Mr. Florance un lertakes to correct it; provided the subject i mt more than twenty years old, and restores tin >eth to their natural, regular and beautiful or der., N. B. A Tincture «ml Dentrificc Paste, prepar d by him only, which preserves the Teeth and changes them to a b au'itul while, cures the gums <)f the Scurvey and makes breath at all times swee and agreeabl., and cures the Tooth Ache i.nme -liately, with proper directions how to use it. Oct iber 12 31 QUAKER SPRINGS,' SEVEN MILAS FROM AUGUSTA. Ji |1 E übscriber havltig lat. ly purchased he •Li. above establishment, is now furnishing it -1 thoroughly repairing the buildings. He - ill spare no pains to accommodate parlies ol . cntlemen and travellers, and k ep always on hand a supply of 'he best Liquors that the Angus la, Charleston and Savannah markets will afford , •nd tfis table -a ill not be inferior to the best pubuc bouse in Augusta, and upon .s reasonable terms. James Lynes. N. B. James Lynes, takes tins method of re vur ing his thank i to his numerous friends and ac qnaintances, tor ttie liberal support afforded him it the Coach Making business, and flatters himself >v industry and attention, to merit their contin ued favours ui tiie profession which he has re c-nlly adopted. K hen ry 8 fit sis DYING AND SCOUIIi\g7 Subscriber returns Ins thanks to the pub 1. lie generally, for the encouragement that ie has received since his commencement in the Dying Business, in this place, and hopes, by a si net attention to his business, to have a continu oce of their custom ; he still continues at his ild stand, on the north side of Reynold street, near the intersection of Hrdge H w—where he mends to carry on the DYING BUSINESS, i» 1 .11 its various branches, <i Uoiton, Silk and Woollen , also, Straw Leghorn a..d Crape. Gentlemen can have their Coats, Pantaloons and Vests scoured, grease, paint and staines extruc ed at the shorte-t notice, and on reasonable term-, by Wm. Taliaferro & Son. November 2 37 V»uok aiu\ JuV) I’riuUugj Neatly Executed at i/us O/fke. Monthly Advertisements. Notice. WfINE months alter date, application will be ■SSI made to the Court of Ordinary op Franklin County, for leave to sell one hundred; Acres of Land, in said County, as the property ‘of Adam Linn, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of -aid deceased J«hn E. Carson,* adm’r. , 18, 1825 lm6-.i 63 N otice. ;i months after date, application will be •TJ made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, when sitting f r Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole of ~ (he real Estate of Irvin Boyet, deceased, ia'e o ( said county, for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. James Lambert, > w , Edward Boyet, y * IH rg ' Scriven Comity 1a‘.28. 1835 ImQ'n 6;> i . , «... 1 N otice. NINE months after date, application will made to the Honorable the Justices of i Inferior Court, setting for ordinary purposes, , the county of Burke, for leave to sell alt the nai estate of Stephen Chance, late of Burke county . deceased, for the benefit of the heirs auj cr !: tots of said deceased. Mary Chance. Adm’/v. Joseph Chance, Adm’r Hurke county Sent. 6 1824 1 9in 22 Notice. V Wl! months after iu-, application wil e I'* made to the Honorable Court of Ordi .of Columbia County, for leave to sell all ;.*e j real estate belonging to the orphans of Sat Sullivan, deceased, and aho, an undivided !■ ol Land, lying in Columbia County, btlon u 3 o said orphans, and to Me liiuk Jones, a Mint . John Cartluige, ft nartlitm of said Orp/iui Folly Jones, Guardain of Melinda Jon* ■ t Mav 25 1 m9m 95 j — — ; Notice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable court of Ordinary of Columbia County, (or leave to sell two hundred two and a half acres ot land, Lot No. 18, I7tl» Districi (originally Baldwin, now Jasper) granted . to Benjamin Snvthson, to be sold lor he benefit of the heirs of Benjamin Smithson, d-eeased. k . Thomas C. Bolton, JidmiittlVdtor de bonis non . June Ist 1824. 98 N otice. • jgJJINB months after dat?, application will be I J.I made to the Honorable the Court of Ordin ary of liifke county, lor leave to sell the real Es tale ol Enoch, dveeased. John Farmer, adm’r. fturke Conn y Feb. 1, 1825 lm9m 65 nWrje! VTINE months aftec date, application will he J 1* made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, lor leave to sell two tracts of Land in said county, lying on Greenbrier Crook, one containing 318 acres joining Fo'iard, Fulfil 1 and others, the other containing 172 acres joining ; Luke and being a part of the real estate ,of Thomas Jones, tW-SSeclTlSni 'Utl Iffi' (MUi ol the heirs of said deceased, William Booker, Adm’r. In t ight of /us 'wife, January 25. 1875 lm9'i ’ 61 i ■ ■ , Notice. ] VTINE months after daie, application will be Ibl to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond comity, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Lot in the Guy of \ugU9ta, bounded by E11.5 an i Houston streets, . belonging to the esta e of Michael Silvm, de ceased, for the benefiit ol Uie heirs and creditors of said estate. * Andrew J. Dill, adm’r. Nathan Leeds, adm’r. in fight of his wife, Mary Deeds, adirivx. Augusta Febi-'iar. 11, 1825 lrn9ip 69 , Notice. «JIHE months after dale, application will’ 4av| made to the honorable I. knot Court of Richmond County, h r lea>'e to sell the undivided half of Tenement No. 7, Bridge Row'-also, two unimproved lots Corner ot Elbert and Reynold . streets, for the benefit of luargaret F. Bones, a Minor. John Bones, Guardian. October 25. 18J4 lm9m 55 , N otice. ;Ci(slNß months after date, application will be i JSI made to the Inferior Court of Columbia i County, when sitting lor Ordinary purposes, lor leave to s> 11 235 acres of Land, (in said County' , tielonging to the estate ol William It, Crabb, de - ceased. John Keaiiou, adm’r. NnvemViPr 6, 1824 Im9m 40 N otice. 4 1 \[INE months after dn'e, application will he 1 131 made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke County, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all ‘he real estate ol Joseph Mad ray, late of Burke county, deceased, tor the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of s. id deceased. Benjamin Madra y, Adm’r. June 1, 1824. 1 ni)m 97 ; N dice. e tjNJ'NE months after date, application will be a ii'l made to the Honorable the Comt of Ordin ary nl Columbia County, far leave to sell 222 a s res of Land, lying in Columbia County, on the , waters t-f thr big Kiokee Creek, adj imng Lands 2 of Hamilton, Graves and others, to be snM (hr the > oeneht of the heirs of James Martin, deceased. i liobert Martin, adm’r. j November 8, 1824 lm9m 40 ' N otice. : \\|INE months after date, application will be J I to tfe Honorable the infeiior Court of Hu <; iuiv.y of Franklin, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of I'hom (as U. Jordan, ia'e of said county, deceased. liobert Pulliam, Adm’r. Nuveinbev 18, 1823, lm9m 41