The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 11, 1825, Image 1

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* “ Vlanv of iho political evils, urulcr which every Country in the world labours, are not owing; to any want oflove for our Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” PRIESTLY NEW 5ER1E5....... Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1825. ' No. 74 ~ €\}t Jrauoftitutia«aliot 1 IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY VV. J. BUNCH, AUGUSTA, GA. esc u atvas o jFjpi Ba ÜB7XTS9 Sffi3^Jߣ AND POST EIOTBS, ALSO, SHAFTS On Boston, Baltimore, Providence, Washington City, ' Ne vv- V ork, Petersburg. Va. Philadelphia, Charleston, 8. C. And Savannah, For Sale by Beers, Bunnell k St. John. ■ Hroad, corner o/M’/ntosh street. Gnr.n and Silvkk coin and all kinds of Hank Notfs, Bought and Sold. November 12 40 ~AIJGU*TA MASONIC HALL LO TTKR V, AUTHORIZED RY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. I Prize of 830,000 is *30,000 I Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, ? 180,000 12825 Blanks. 5 1 „ \ 18000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS. Less Ilian two ami an half Blanks to a prize. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BF, DRAWN. All the Frizes tube Floating from the commencement, 1 ex cep the following, which will be deposited in the wheel at definite pexioils viz : ' On the Ist Drawing 1 prize of .jtO.OWI & lof 500 On the 2d " I prize of 5,001) &1 of 1,000 &lof g 500 1 ' On llic 3cl “ 1 prize of 10,000 &. lof 600 w I On the 4th •• 1 prize of 5,000 &1 of 1,000 &1 of 500 i On toe sth " I prize of 10,000 Sl lof 600 On the 6th “ I prize of 5,00(1 &1 „f ),000 &I of 500 On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,000 &1 of 5,000 &1 „f 500 On the Bth “ I prize of 20,000 &1 of 1’00» &2 of 500 On the 9th “ 1 prize of 30,000 &1 of 1,000 &1 of 500 •The whitte Lottery to be completed in -Vine Drawings Duly. lx Tlip. driving to commence as soon as a sufficient number of Tick u are Fold. The whole of the Prizes payable in thirty days after the coinpl tion of the Drawing, subject to adc 1 dilution of til teen percent All Prizes no! ap-I plied for in twelve months, to be considered as ah donation I > the funds of "ie Masonic Hail. Ii Vixsfcttt Wice of Tickets, a® a>Mi.&uiS o For sate in a great variety oi numbers, at the ■ COM MISSIOXEU’S OFFICE in Hroad street, Augusta, a tew doors below the Hank J. 8. Beers, Secretary to the Foard of Commissioners. Op* Orders tor Pickets from any part oi the ! United States, Post paid a; d enclosing the Cash, [s addressed to tlie Secretary, will meet immediate.« attention. e ' Kules and regulations adopted a* a meeting ot I' the Hoard of Commissioners of the MASONIC f HALL LOTTERY, January Bth, 1525. I Ist. The Commissioners shall assemble on the V Saturday of every oilier week. s 2d. A majority of the Commissioners shall con stitute a quorum for tlie transaction of business, and a maj Tity of those present at any meeting! khall govern in all cases, except those hereinafter " specified, 3:1. U shall be the duty of the Chairman to pre. serve older, to apo tint Commitu es to supervise the U >oks and conduct of the Secretary, ami he shall have the privilege of Volinguponail subjects! and also ofexpreasing Ids opinion. 4‘ ii. A Sec "e ary sli ill be appointed with a s;d-l ary of e g U hundred d dlars per annum, and shall 1 give bond m I security for tne faittiful pertornaance, ot his dot es. He shad keep lair minutes ot them proceedings o( the Hoard of Commissioners-shall 1 act as an agent for die ale of Pickets—keep a res ([M'-liir account of bal.*s» and deposit e all .nonief received tty him, (as scon as received,) in one ot the Hanks of this city. lie shall, moreover, (ran fact all business relating to the Lottery, to which he shall be required to attend, by the Commi- ■ Stoners. sth. No ticket shall be sold on a credit, unless by an order of the Hoard of Commissioners; and not then, without such security as shall he satisfac tory to a c invnutee appointed fur the purpose oi receiving tlie same. > , 6th. Hie tickets shall be signed by the Com missioners, in equal proportions; and not more ; than one C imiTvssioner shall sign any ticket. 7tb. I lie Secretary shall not oe entrusted at any one tunc, with more than five hundred Tickets, and shall exhibit H every meeting of the Commis sioners, his Bank Hook, and an account plainly .shewing the amount of tickets sold, and the nura her in hand. Bth- The tickets, after they are numbered and signed, shall be deposited at Hank, an I only drawn 1 thence by a committee, of winch the Chairman 1 shall be one. 1 9th. No money shall be drawn from Bank, but •by a check, signed by a majority of the Commi. sioners, and for no other ruirnose, but the pay.' ZTent of, or necessary expenses. January 28 fj | LA FAYETTE HAT AND *• CLOTHING WARE HOUSE The Subscriber r s opening in Hroad s » eei, one door below Ah . J2l Zen's Hat Stove, A JXIlGfi AVI* GENERAL ASSORT .ATEN P OI AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Dress coats, Frock Coats Drab box Coats Double k single mill’d Cussimere Pantaloons *• Hroid Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do Toilinett, Valentin, Swansdovvn i* black silk . Vests Blue and black Cloth and Cavsimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain Shirts Knifed, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswoo Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Camhlet Cloaks Ladles do Hoy’s Dresses Youth’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s supo4'4sne Hals, some very wide brims Immitation heaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, &c. ALSO— Negro Jackets and browsers House servants Coalers and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coats Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in his line. The above GOODS are New-York made, and will he disposed of wholesale and retail, at New- York prices. J. P. Betze. December 3 40 ikam T.. “ HR subscriber having resumed the practice ot LAW, tenders his services to the public lie • will attend most ot the Courts in the Western Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flan and Ocmolgee, and the counties of Lawrens, 1 wiggs and Pulaski, in the Southern Circuits. Thomas VV. Harris. tXj Letters addressed to him Monroe, Wal ton county, will he attended to. February R 3 m 65 is" olice. -iFplIFi subscribers have connected thems elvt m the practice of die LAW—they will uni fornily attend all ti e counties of the Northern Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the Wes. |tern Circuit, one nl them will b; generally found [.it their office in Klberton, where they will take (pleasure in transacting the business of those who mv be unfortunate enough to be involved in th Law John V. Heard, Thomas J Heard. January 1. 1825 ,57 TQ REN * .. ...1 7 JSim. One Tenemeiit in the Long Yellow Kang- d Bn.hit igs, next door above tne sign oi the “ Asiatic lenitive," in “Cotton Range,” continued.— Also, several fencments of one storv each,with two rooms, recently in the possession of Mr. Ansley, and a convenient Warehouse in tlie rear, wnich has been recently reps red and th ■ I>t enclosed with a good fence. For terms, apply to Mr, James Harper, during the absence ot the subscriber. E, F. Campbell. Jatoiav' 7 56 lo REST. From the first October next, A Three Stores ami a Dwelling House, upper end south side Hr- .ii Street, adjoining Kgan k MM.aug ■ tin’s, viz :—Tlie Stun occupied ir D. H -• Iry Sc Co, the Store occupied by fill. St Aiden—and 'he tw 1 story Frame House and Sion adjoining the same—the house is well calculated for a private family or boarding II m>e —having ai excellent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are „ll musi desirably situated for the Grocery Business. to William H. Kgan. September 17 24 BOX MISSING. SUPPOSED to be tak n by mistake from th. • 7 -Viarf. about the litn or 12’n of Nov mb.'i 1 Box of Shoes landed from Boat No. 14 --M.ok ed \ 8c R. Wood, or E. Wood Sc Co. Anv perm 1 having it in his po-session wid confers favor b informing the subscriber at their residence, o ‘hroiigh this office. E. W ood Co, December 24 52 N otice. 4LL pe •sons indebted o til; t-übscr her prim 2JL to the Ist of January 1824 aie r, quested (1 enrae forward and make immedia'e pay n.ent, as 5 longer indulgence cannot be given. Persons in d< bted to Ihe la e firm of B. I). Sc I. I h mpsoii, areals, r quested to make immeiliue se'ilement, wltii th'- si;. rnber. who is alone authorised It: close ’.lie ancon: ts of that coor< r . B. 1). Thompson. Augusts, March V 3t 71 CONTINUED SUCCESS zVT 1 j Cohen's Office. Hvlitmore, January 6, 1825. I'. <srauiJ s>ratc iatterp, No. 3. VTOW drawing every ■ e k, under the super i.s| intendence of the C inmisisionera appointed by the Governor and U 11 .. il j EigVvVlk DrawVi\g: !‘1197 157 bl Priz.isof - - JgIOOO !*14403 a prize of-- 500 j 11527 do - . . 100 ,♦19094 *19862 148S8 9115 5850 3426 50 j All marked thus* sold at COHEX’S OFFICE. j rids Lottery is 11. w ra ■ tidy progressing to s' wards a close—no time should lie lost in securing tickets. rhere are still undrawn, the Capitals ot c off Four r ruousA.vo doe la us a jr rivExrr tuousajxd holla us fT TE V TffOUSA V/) DOEEAUS , fj FIVE THOUSAXD DOt.LAUS 17 of O VP. Trio US IX > doleaus , I 14 Os FIVE UUXDRFA) DOLEAUS. IVhole Tickets g!2 Quarter - 300 I'fves . .6 | E hths \SO i'o be had, warranted updrawn, at ‘ Where both the great Capitals of 20.000 and 10,000 DOLL.AKJ, drawn in the MONUMENT 1 10 t fERY, on ihe JBth ult. were sold, and jwht re w-re son), ihe Capital P.ize* of 100,000 ■ Dollars, ha f and one qua ter to citizens us Gear ft a ; 20,0005, 10,000 s 5000 s, in tlie last Grand State Lottery, and whkuk mokb capital frizes HAVE BEEN DBTAIMAD THAN AT ANT OTHER OFFICEi IN AMERICA. i Orders left with I. K. St. JOHN, Hroad street j AUGUST A, Georgia, will be promptly attended to ! PURE OK POSTAGE. ] Jaiuiary 21 60 J VVutvV lvis\i Voiatoes, I IN HAMPERS. |i Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, j A FEW Hampers real Hedas: Potatoes, which 1 la will be sold in lots lo suit families, by apply ng immediately at Jacob Moise’s. M’Krnzie llennoc/t's Umo. Deremher 28 5 ; r S.DV3D WvigAvV 1■( Vi uiA*! BACON ~ foe sale, I VVCT TO Robert I). Ware. j December 3 J 45 SULPHATE QUINtNE. AL.VKGK supp y O', tne ab. v v«m j,. t Medi cine prepared by me of the first Cht m,s,s in t France, for? ' at u redne <1 pr ce ' ■ 1 R B & 1). G Havilaud, " Febrnirt 18 gg I 1 SCOFIELD, PHELBsITCor f) DUAHEUS A VD FA! LO US 11 tVING form 1 a connection with Mr, Henry ft S Howard, Ist,* o; Uallimnre, have remove, heit Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, comerot Wall Street, where their ifusiness will in future be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS h II OWAIfD, Xew-York , Jn e 1823 7 \VA\,LV.;\.W H. Lti-A.V, h Heiuius the U nde l ' of his services in thf j CO A3 M i S ,S I uN y f AND ST OH.Ilot: BUSINESS, TO HlB FKIKMIB AND CUE PUBLIC. L HOUSE at the upper end, south «-I side. Broad-street, is now ready for the re ception of CO I t ON and other PRODUCE, upon •vhicli liberal advances will be made, when re * juired. Any business with wliich tie may be favoured, shad be punctually attended 10. Oe! ber 1 28 g | 1 com oissia v nus 1 vess. Tlie, B\\\»scv\V»ei*, * |-f A.VING engaged Wambii usis -d Storks, in ‘ O. the upper part of 1 liL city,.iff rs lusservices as (l * general COMMISSION MEUCHAN I.— Persons '• who mav place merchandise or produce under hit 1,1 care, may safely rely on every possible exertion being used, to give genera! satisfaction Barua i\l‘Kiane. September 28 27 “ | Tl\te »u\)iscribfcr INTENDING to re ie m New York, w ; *,h a view tortile transaction of Uom ossion Hus r, ness, in all its branches; will lee] grateful for any i- 3011-ignments or orders, with wliich he may bt n favored, assuring his .fiends that his nnreniiiie.i )y iHention will be exerted to promote their inter ■.n est, (i ■ will be prepared on the receipt of any r m. ig men s ,r of the invoices with bills of la ii g and orders for insurance, to make the cus tom ary advances if required. __ Any reference* that is desired, can bn obtainei (of Messrs. Mackenzie & Ponce, Augusta, or Hen jjamin Burroughs, Esrj Savantiah. Jl i litil|)b Ketchura October 26 ,55 Wanted to V uycluvsp, I’ rmohegrors of the following rade, Black n M smith ami Wheel maker, of good cbaractei \pply to B. Bicquet. February 8 .V\e,stm tlcademy. If is wuh pleasure an cunfimuce that tin 1 rusteea of tins Institution, pre'cnl its claim? on this occasion, for the support and patronage 01 an enlightened public. Although endowed mote liberally p i haps Ulan any othei county school n jibe iaic. y.'t us funds Having been unproducliV. ■lor .several years past Ini g mostly vested in slate , stock, 1 hi; aca«ic .} it ?s been much clunkyH in hh opcrution. \ lu* liave not been able u j°“ er a, ‘ Uv ‘ 4 uate HB.ucemcnUo the servi c’,fi who combined qua ificslions and j character, that would Insure succt ss lo the seijnn jary. I Ins bar we are happy to slate is removed Jam! we congra nlate (he community in having I procured for the ensuing year, the liev. Thomas .J iioulding, formerly ol Liberty county, u gentle jonan whose scholarship and general character art loo notorious to require the feeble tribute of oui praise. Mr. Doubling will superintend both school* ' , P ers ‘>i'i*l services and attention howevei ' 1 will be principally besioved on the female de partment. In ih e male academy he will be assis red br Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate who has some experience in leaching—and who is re commended as uiiexcepti niable in talents and morals. 1o 1 best considerations wc have to add, local n.dncemei ts. such as health, cheapness cl (hoard, &c. and perhaps it would not bo though) 1 -upeill ions |. ( suggest, that inasmuch as most ol ii the important elections are transferred directly to f the people, it. wi.nld become doubly necessary to enlighten their minds, for m.'truth stands on a fir mer basts than this, that in proportion as we give lo the people power, we should also give then i‘ . knowledge. On the practical adoption ot this! iniictple di pemls the preservation of our re pub j | ncan uistitutii ns. | Joseph Henry Lumpkin, ' /r —, ~,, T , . , Secretary. I ’ ol the i'onsiitntionnlirt, »liUfU9Ui I Ufpnhdcau Savannah will publish ihe abort A \andforward their accounts to Lexington for bat, A , a ' J- D. U 1 January 18 59 I i— i' AN Ii S iEA.VI ttA I'US. 1 I fill IIUUEL, a Fr Physician, respectful]} * ' 'itnrms the public, that he has established M LAM a d MEDICAL BA HIS in Augusta i Ihi very high repute these Halits have acquired in Europe, where (although a late discovery) they are to be found in every hospital, and the great cure? they have perl* rmed in Boston, l-’hi l idelplna and Charleston, can leave no li mbi ol their efficacy I’he most gentle as well as the . power;ul tin i.icines are administered by hat means, withunt any pain, trouble or disgust to tUr patient. } I hey are a never failing remedy in all rut aim ons affections; from I’sorn, ltd gworm-. &c. to 8 aid near! and Leprosy. Iby also have never fa I dot khcc-ss n either acute or chronic rheu m itism. In glandular •■bstmctioi'S, chlorosis, anasarcous f _ t welling*, in' pienl dropsy; in all diseases ot the'v joints, gon y .(V ctintiS, di persion of tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections; in all bilious dis rd-is, dyspepsia, by pooundiiasis, - 4 epilepsy—iliese baths have been found most ser viceabie, and have often succeeded even in here ’dary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin h r eg almost every remedy belonging to the - •“-‘sli g at' 1 , ni: y be tendered applicable to almost , ■ very oa ■, aid (ii is rep-.a ed) without any pain rouble, -r disgust to the patient. * As iliese bubs are not yet generally known, , !, f. Houel will be happy to give the most res j leclaiile references to jiet’snns who have beer ,1 ’o’ dbv ’■)lei• g them. e I TRe 8U w .vm -M fa\\F‘a\ Wa\V\ i Vt s\ ab VV s\\ uvfuV, Is in Ribs.St i i , gijiosile M., 11. Mealing’s | trick House, a d ha? an entrance m Bmad-slreet , mini diatcly opposite the city //on 1, J.l i’.i'o-v ll 57 : MKS. TIIEDG. FAVOI,LK, Has the honor to. inform her friends and the public of An gilala, that her intention is to teach the I’laine Forte and Sp nish Guitar—also, the art of Sing ; ng m the newest style. Mrs. F will attend at I Ii pfvate he'ises, or give lessons at her own rest -1 j .ideiice. For terms and further particulars apply; i, at lower lencmi nt Bridge Bank. , ;. ebrnarv 8 65 , I. A LARI) | Il* I US. OKU (I ■ Mis; Hooper from London,)| Ivfi and Mi - 011ß, nlonn tiie public that 1 11 y| ■.re engaged in the Millinery business, including iDress and Cor-et making. I hey occupy a lion (on Henston.fctreet. at the lower end of J ndg Kkid’s lot, m d not far from the Hospital, 11 N. B. Straw—Gbip and Leghorn Bonnets pres ; ,s sed, altered, dyed and cleaned at the shortest no-i I s [lice and on the most reasonable terms, K. bi nary 8 65 •V otVcfc. A LI, persons to whom the late Francis Bottyer,! ot the city' of Augusta, deceased, is indebt J ~ ml, are requested to present their demands wiih , m tin; time prescribed h_v law ; and those indeht-l !( ed, arc requested to make immediate payment. B. Router, ? . • , I Paul Rossignol,s j Dmeceber 21 .5) !y j otice, a- y,A LL persons to whom the estate of John M s- J&mE I AtmiN. deceased, is indebted, are requests o present their accounts within the tin e pre i scribed by law, and those win, are indebted to t ’aid estate, are requested lo make immediate pay.' orient to | Peter Hcnnocli, Jilin’v. Jnlv 23. ,• J; : j I'llK c'l-partiiers iip "t .Inhan 8c Tltompson isj I dissolved Ihe subscriber lias resumed luv, ifhce near the market. j N. B. Julian. : Feb. 58 gg T TVu*, Ba\aima\\ \Ane of STAGEB. I ff V\INI. discontinued running on the South iß* Carolina side, will leave this place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A. 1 M. on tlie Georgia side, by the way of Cutto’s Mlilhawen and I’carce’s. For seats, apply at the City Hotel. Joseph 1. Thompson, Proprietor. February 22.1825. 69 THJfi SUBSCRIBER, CONTINUES TIIE LTMBEVV FACTOaAOEi , AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, At liin old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and is prepared to make suitable advances upon all produce placed in iu t a hands For safe. .JohmEveringham, ir. February 22 * JOt* f,9 THOMAS G, HALL, i Eavriuge Maker. IT WING taken die -Shops recently occupied i h >: Ml - ••ynca, intends on ht business in all its various branches. From | m XI T r ' en ?. al " ,e Nor,h - he flatters Inmstll. that he will be able to give general sa tisfaction to such, as Will favour him with a call in the Repairing I-in,-. All favours will be thank fully received and punctually executed He i specs soon to receive from the Northern of Gan Lures I O U,< ’S and CAfJIiIAt.E.S built to order* For Salr. 8 Gigs, 3 Sul keys, 3 Carriages. Nev, mb , 5 gg Coach-Maker , WILL keep constantly on hand, and for Sale, at Mr. Loun riintn’s Livery Stable AX AS SO Ii TMEXT OF UHilgo O’ Onlers for GIGS or CARRIAGES from the North, W1 I be pi oir.),tS V mu-mlcl m>t & warranted. N. It - Repairing done at the shortest notice. Nnvemb r 30 45 QUAKER SPRINGS, SEVEN MILES FROM AUGUSTA. p E -übH.,nber (laying lately purchased the above establishment, is now furnishing it and thoroughly repairing the hniiding*. He will spare no pains to accommodate parties of gentlemen and travellers, and keep always on hand a supply of the best Liquors that the Augus ts. Charleston and Savannah markets will afford ; i n.d is table v 11 not lx- inferior to the best public house in Augusta, and upon as reasonable terms James Lynes. N. H. James Lynes, takes 1)1 s method of re lur nog his thanks lo Ins numerous Inends and ac quaintances. tor Ihe liberal support allbrded him m the Coach-Making business, and flutters himself by industry and attention, to merit their contin ned favours in toe profession which lie bus re cemly adopted. February 8 6t 65 DYING AND SCO URING. 7|Ml 1 Subscriber returns his thanks to the pub. I lie gem rally, for the encouragement that i|„- I as received since his commencement in the [Dying Business, in this place, and hopes, by a Is net attention to Ins business, to have a contiuu jance of 1 heir custom; he still continues at his 'ild stand, on the north side of Reynold street, near the intersection of Bridge Row—wher- ha [intends to carry on the DYING BUSINESS, in Ml its various branches, on Colton, Silk and 1 Woollen , also, Straw Leghorn and. Grape. G ntlemen con have their Coats, Pantaloons and I Vests scoured,, paint and stai nrs extrac’ ed at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms, Wm. Taliaferro & Son. | November 2 37 IS otice. I ( JLiiSONS being daily in the habit of trespass j I ig on the Hickory ridge tract of land, owned iliy the H uik es Georgia, and cutting the worn! and jnndergr 'Wtlt therefrom t Notice in hereby given, Jiliat 'ln utmost vigilance will be u->cd in detecting (and prosecuting the offenders. The said Land is [bounded on Hie west by Turkanet's Spring, and (part nl the village of Summerville, outlie East [bv 'he lands nt A. Martin, P- H. Carnes and jnthers, it 11 ay be more particularly known by tlie ■ Milledgeville road, passing through it. lly order oj the Foard 1. Henry Pebmorv 1. 1825. (f 63 Ttikfe iSTotiCft. City Road and Well Tax lor 1825 is now | S. due, and the Collector and Treasurer may be jt nod at the store occupied by N. L. Sturge* .Inn’r. on the corner of Washington and firoa j 1 feet, every day (Sunday excepted) until lit'st day ot May next, to receive, payment for I ante. Public notice is hereby given that exe i ions will be issued against a!! defaulters imrn© ,'diately after the time specified. Nathaniel la. Sturges, Collector and 7V ensure X* 189a. 7i.