The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 15, 1825, Image 1
NEW SERIES Vol. 11. ATOTJSXA,-TjJESD VY MORNING M VRCH 15. 1825. N 0 7 5 a s CaivaftitutiouaUtft I IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FIUDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. THIS DAV OPENED ~ AT THE AUGUSTA ©lot^fna NF.AKLY OPPOSITE THE CITY-HOTEL, And for Sale by ■si& ovsi a aa&saias A FHESH SUPPLY OF I A DIES’ and Gentlemen's CLOAKS, A Blue and Black DRESS COATS, FROCK COAT S of the most fashionable co lour;, COATEES, A Luge assortment PANTALOONS, -Nsw Style VfcS I S, LINEN S MKT'S, CRAVATS, DRAWERS and SUSPENDERS, All unu-ually cheap for ready Cash. February 15 6t 67 LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber h opening in Broad street, one door below Air. AI ten's Hut Store, a 1.4110 E AVn OrNRR.VL ASSORTMENT OP AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Dress coats, ' Frock Coats Drab box Coats Dnuh'to k single mill’d Cassime. . Pantaloons Broad Cloth', Satined and Corduroy do Toilioetl; Valentis, Swausdown & blscic silk Vests Blu" and black Cloth and Cassimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, friired and plain Sft.rts 'ln i ed, Cotton, Worsted and i.ambswoo Shins and Dr awers i Flannel clt» do Tar an and Cambist Cloaks Ladies do Boy’s Dresses y nth’s cose body Coats Gentlemen's superfine Hats, some very wide brims Imputation beaver do La Fayet e, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washing,on lackson and l.a Fayette Elocks Silk Umbrellas II i fiery Cloves, ike. —ALIiO**" Negro Jackets and I’rowsers H iuse servtnis Coaie's and Pantaloons F arnmtght r at C<a s G ternrey f rocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and i eck do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, ansi many oilier articles ' in his line. The above GUUDS are New-York made, ami will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New- T’oik prices. .1. I*. Seize, j 'De'vmVr o 46 I IleaV Vvioh VoVatoea, IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Boat, Hamburg, A FE -V Hampers real (iellast Potatoes, which .tk. d b■a dd ill lots to suit families, by apply ytg iinmediau ly it Jacob Moise’s. JW Knxzit Jjf Heunoch'f* /tow. Tianr*nN - 99 5 s,v)viV) ■:ji tniutt BACON, i O/i SALE. XPPLY TO Robert I). Ware. SULPHATE QUININE. A LARGE supp yoft ie 'tb .v valuable Medi cine pie ur-i by ■■ i> i fie fi i* Chemists in France, for sT- n t »ve in ,! "r cr by ji 15 &, I). G llavilfind. F-brn rv Id 6d "SCoViELD, PHELPS & Co. DKAPE.It S' AjVJJ Fit LOUS U\VlN'r fi nc I a connect! ,n with dr. Kenr II wn r d, late of Ballon ire, avt; remov heir F. tarnish ne d to An, 88, Broadway, corner ■ Wj.p >i’’l'et, w , ”■« 11 ‘r I, • ess will in fiitur, b con lucit-d m.dt ’be firm of SCOFI... i , W EEPS & HIWAJVI. Veva York .In >e 7 HOT* .viISSING. Q Ul>PO ~ tub ‘ak nh) is ik bom tin t l, , a.» . ■ , I i a or 1 2 I Nav> mb i a . .ol Shi. ... Jed bom ’}*>• No. 14 M. l eu A St E. VV'o' •',» E Woo' Si Co. Air pevsoi B ■> j.* B p< -2ss'.!i copfrr a favor by i nnir * m s hscribcrs n-ir residence, Oi 1 i.Oltg dll CO. E. vV’ood Co. L r. ... Cl- 4,4 52 ENCOURAGE DOMESTIC ENTERPRIZES! j 8 30,000 for 810, May be procured by a prompt application at the Office of th c AUGUSTA ftyall ■ AUTHORIZED BY THE GEN. AS&EMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA SUiyiljEL llJiljEy "y f JJ7 J T rw n Hyt frr JTf'iT r P ROBERT R. REID. ( ) V/ri THOMAS I. WRAY, > commissioners. ■> JO//\ W.Ti/LDE, AUGUSTIN SLAUGHTER,) LK lUUMPbUJY. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 8 30,000 is 8 30,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 • 10 Prizes of 5,00 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 ! 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, 1 180,000 12825 Blanks. 5 . j IS,ODD TV KrVTS at \HvLL,UVS. Le.»s than two and an half Blanks to a Prize. —Qd’SO— The prizes only to be drawn, and to be ..II floating from the commencement except the following, which will be deposited in the wheel at definite periods, viz : On the Ist Drawing 1 prize us gIO.OOO, and 1 of gSOO On the 2d “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof 8500 On the 3d “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 4th “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1000 and lof 500 On the sth “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 6th “ I prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof 500 On the, 7th “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 5,060 and 1 of 500 On the Bth “ 1 prize of 20,000 and lof 1 000 and 2of 500 On the 9th ,f 1 prize of 30,000 and Tof 1,000 and 1 >f 500 The Sell, me m p eudid, n l for tc i ieas and sufety us inVi-Etment, oilers equal if not mi peri if i iduce nen '>-> n’ f D N ■-I i ru S.nt tivrics. The whole Lottery to he completed in Nine, Drawings anhf. Prizes mv cite in i’uirty IJa a as er die cuuipletion of the Drawing, if sp|ihed fur within twelve months. Friz j ITckets wdl be received in payment for any Tickets that may remain unsold in the c)ur>e of the Drawi >sr. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS, Whole Tickets git), I Quarters, s' gJ 50 Hdves, 5 | Eighths, 1 25 Fir Sale in a great variety of numbers at the Commissioners’ Office in Broad Street, a few door- below toe Banks. lO’ Orders /or Tickets and Shares from any part of the United States, POST PAID, anil | enclosing the Cash, addressed to the Secretary will meet prompt aiti ,n. i. S. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. March 11 74 \V V.AA.UVL IV. Vi A* AN, 1 Ilenevis the tender nf his services in the COMMISSION AND STOIU (i B B USINESS, TO HIS FRIENIIS AMI THE PUBLIC. HIS WARE IIOUSF. at the upper end, soutl side Broad-street, is now ready for the r, teption of COTTON and o'lier PRODUCE, upu. 1 vliich liberal advances will be made, when r. |uired. Any business with which he may be favoured, shall be punctually attended to, October I 2H COMMISSION BUSINESS7 The S^ViscYibfcr, j I I kVjWG engaged Waheii iuses and Stores, ii i I I the upper part of this ritv.-dl'ers his services a Ugeneral COMMISSION MEKCHAN I Fersnr, jvt lio may place merchandise or produce under hi care, may safely reiy on every possible exertio icing used, to give general satisfaction. Barua M‘Kinne. Tbe ftubscTibeiie INTENDING to reside in New York, with a view tor the transaction of Commissi n Bus mays, i" all its branches, will feel grate’ul top any ■o-i»ignments or orders, with widen he may lx ■ vired, assuring his triends that Ids unremitiei' ■ tion will be exerted to promote tii-ir ini i ■ . Hr will be prepared on the receipt of a ■ aitsignmenlo, or <d the invoices witiv bills oi h hug and orders for insurance, to make the cu i nntry advances if required, j Anv references tiiai is desired, can b' oblainet j Messrs. Mackenzie & Fonce, AisgusU, br Ik-n i min Burroughs, Esq. c !avaneah. Jtali*h K'Achnm. 'te(„h r 26 85 iNotice. t I.L persons having demands upon the estaty . a <u N’.cholss Ware, deceased, are requested - i • -ve them known to the subscribers. T hose why. end nied to the said estate, will please to mak immeuiste p-ivment. Susa-i B. VV r are. Ex’trx. W . VV. Holt. Ex’r. • December 24 i 2 li) 61 Wo T . ■J. HE subscriber having resumed the practice LAW, lenders his services to Ihe public. He viil attend moat ot ihe Courts in the Western hrcuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and tcrmilg, e, and the counties of La wrens, Twiggs •ind Putastci, in the Southern Circuits. Thomas W. Harris. ily* Letters addressed to him Monroe, Wal «n county, will be attended to. February 8 3rn 65 »\ otic®. iTpHE sub'cribers have connected theins elve wA m tile practice of die LAW—they will uni ormly a'tend all tie conndea of the northern Circuit, aocl the county of Fro kbit, of ihe Wes ern Circuit, one of them will be generally found 'heir office in Elberton, where they will take Measure in transacting the business of those who | nay be unfortunate enough to be involved in the j Law. John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. Jsnnsrv I, 1825 57 LvkA, ON ihe 12lh inst, (wi»ft a small sum of money) F. Wa k r s Check for Sid, on the [tank of , Vugus'a, dated the 11th m-t payable to bearer. — I lie Public is cautioned not to trade for the Check Ihe finder hv leaving it wiih the sub ciibers, wii h, suitably rewaided. li. B. Duncan & Co. Inniiprv 14 srt LOST! ! LOST! T 4 NOTE drawn by Messr.-,', A. VC c e!I & S. S CUrke, payabh sixty days after dai J.iiiua .'V 21si 1825, to our order, for five hundred and iglit) four dollars 43 cents, and endorsed by us. The public is caution d against tra-'ing for the '•me, ai d the drawers of said note against pav. • meat to any ot'ens than ill- subscribers. J. VV . L. Simmons h Co. Feb 25, ■ ro Wauled to P u\*e\u\3fe, 'JIWO.Ni groes of the following trade, Rlack «- smith and Wheel maker, of goad character \pply to B. Picquct. | February 8 65 THOMAS G, HALL, Lav v luge .Wubcv. HWING tuken the Shops recently occupied by Mr. James Ly c , intends carrying on the business in nil its various brunches.' bon In Jong experience t the North, he flatters himself, tha he will be able to give general s«. , islaction to such, ns will favour him with a rail in nc Repairing Line. All favours will be tbank t'lliy received and punctually executed. lie expects soon to receive from the Northern' Manufactories, a complete assortment of Carriages. (D” GIGS and built to order. Tor SaYa. 8 Gigs, 3 Siilkeys, 2 Carriages. November 5 33 AliOXZtt IIAH, Coach-Maker , WILT, keep constantly on band, and fur Sale, at Mr. laums-mKET’s L.ivrrv Stable. .W ASSORTMENT OF ®a®So ■ j KT Orders fur GIGs or OAKIUAGBS from the 1 North, will be promptly attended to .ami work 1 warranted, ! N. B.—Repairing done at the shortest notice. | November SO 45 T\\c Savannah Line of STACKS. H AVING discontinued running on the South. Carolina side, will leave this pdacc every 1 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4, o’clock, A. M ; on the Georgia side, by the way of ditto'd’ Mmhaven and Pearce’s. For seats, applv at theCilv Hotel. .losc[>h I. Thompson, , , Proprietor. February 22.1825. A9 QUAKER SPRINGS, SEVEN MILES FllO'M JIUQUSTJI. H E-übsenber having lately purchased the ’ ibove establishment, is „ow furnishing it and thoroughly r. pairing the buildings. He wi I spare no pains to accommodate p.Hiese* gentlemen uml truVdlier.H, and keep always on hand a supply of the best Liquors that the Augtia ta. Charleston and Savannah markets will afford i and bis table will run he inferior to the best pub ic 5 house in Augusts, and upon as reasonable terms. Jajnos Lyrics. N. B, James Lynes, takes Ibis method of re 'if'dng Ins thunks to Ins numerous friends and ac qu iintances, for the liberal support afforded him m in the Coach-Making business, and flatters himself hy industry and attention, to merit their contiu 1 tied favours in toe profession which he has re cently adopted. Fehru.ryS fit DYING AND SCOURING. Subscriber returns his thanks to the pub he generally, for the encouragement tha he has received since his commencement in tin Dying Business, in this place, and hopes, hy ? s " > cl attention to ids business, to have a continu t ance of their custom ; lie still continues at he boid stand, on the north sitie of Reynold street, linear the intersection of Bridge How—where he ,n,tends to carry on the DYING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, on Cotton, Silk and Woollen , also. Straw Leghorn and Crape. Gentlemen can have their Coats, Pantaloons and ' Vests soured, grease, paint and stai nes extracted at the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms by Wra. Taliaferro & Son. November 2 37 JS otice. PERSONS being daily in the habit of trespass ing nn the Hickory ridge tract of land, owned by the Bank of Georgia, and cutting the wood and , "ud< rgrowth therefrom ; Notice is hereby given, that the utmost vigilance will be used in detecting and prosecuting the offenders. The said I.and is bounded on the west by I nrknnet'a Spring, and tail of the village of Summerville, on the East by the lands of A. Martin, F- H. Carnes and ■ithers, it may be more parliculaily known by the MilledgevJle road, passing tl,rnugh it. By order of the Board 1. Henry, | February 1, 1825. ts 63 , r “ ' ■ ' ( City of Augusta, Council U\uuubvv, March 1 at. 1825. On motion of Mr. John Moore ; li’solved— tina'iimoudy, that a Public Invitation be ex ended to all Soldiers or tip Revolution, survii ing in our own State, or in mm- sis'er States,| uid 'bat they be requmtedto assist in welcoming 1 !La Fa iettk to this city ’ji A true Copy fr< m the Minutes. j, George M. Walker, Clerk of the Council j In obedience to the foregoing Resolution of i Council, I hereby nuke it known that General . a Fatbttf. will probably arrive in this city on the w inly second of the present month, and I re tpeclfully invite all Soliiikbs of the Revolution .0 whom this notice shall com*, to bo present a " the time of his arrival, and to assist in offering a warm welcome to the Veteran General. IV Vv. VWn\, Mayor of tht City of Jlurutta. 1 March 2, 1825. 5t 72 Meson II is with pleasure and confidence that the 1 rusted ol tins liutlintion, pre ent its claims * on .’his occasion, for the support amt patronage of •an enlightened public. Although endowed more liberall> perhaps than any other county school in ! the slate, yet its funds having been unproductive ■ (or several years past being mostly vested in state 1 bank stock, the academy baa beeo much clogged in its operation. Ibe board have not been able to (offer an adequate inducement to engage the servi -1 ces of a Hector, who combined qua ifications and character, that would insure succt ss to the seinm nrv. This bar we are happy to slate is removed 'and we congratulate the community in having 1 procured Tor the ensuing year, the Rev. Thomas doubling, formerly of Liberty county, a gentle* man whose scholarship and general character are too notorious to require the feeble tribute of our praise. Mr. troubling will superintend both schools —his personal services and attention however will be principally bestowed on the female de partment. In the male academy lie will be assis ted by Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate who lias some experience in leaching—and who is re commended as unexceptionable in talents and morals. I’o these considerations we have to add, ,ocal inducements, such as health, cheapness of board, &c. and perhaps it would not be thought superfluous to suggest, that inasmuch as most ol the important elections are transferred directly to the people, jt would become doubly necessary to enlighten their minds, tor no truth stands on a fir mer basis than this, that in proportion as we give to the people power, we should also give them knowledge. On the practical adoption of this principle depends ibe preservation of our repub lican institutions. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, n> r- Hecretary. OCj Ihe Editor, of Ihe Constitution, dim, August a, and Uepublican, .Savanna/,, -will publish the. above , and forward their account, to Lexinuton for pat,- welit - ‘ J. 11. L.‘ January 18 59 AMi STEAM B ATHS. Dlt. HOUbL, a French Physician, respectfully informs (he public, (bat be Ins established SILAS., aid- JtIKUIGAL I!,V Ills in Augusta, I he very high repute these Hatha have acquired in Kutupc, where 'although a late discovery) they are to be found in every hospital, and the gfeal cures (hey have performed in Boston, Phi ladelphia and Charleston, c.m leave no doubt of their efficacy. (lie most gentle a, wellas the most powerful medicines are administered by ibat means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the patient. I hey are a never failing remedy in ail etttane ■ ''Us aft ctKins j from Psora, Ringworms, &c. to HcaMheiui un<) Leprosy. I hey nlso have onver I of success in either acute or chronic rheti matiiwif 1. • In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous swellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases oft he ' joints, gouty affections, di persion of tumors, id qured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections; in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, bypocondriusis, pdepsy these baths have been found most ser . vtceable, and have often succeeded even in here ditary complaints. In fine, this manner ~f „d, in , ;«ter,iig almost every remedy belonging to the ■tealing art, may be tendered applicable to almost every case, and (it is repealed) without any pain, 'rouble, or disgust to the patient. As these baths are not yet generally known, Dr. l ion el will he liappy to the most res peclah e references to persons who have been cur d by taking them. The Steam Sf .Metrical hvUU kistabVvslvvivp, nt, H-m Kllis-Streot. opposite Mr. II Westing's Unck House, a d has an eui ranee in Broad street immediately opposite the cilv //oicl. January I] ’ yy THE MJR STRIKER, CONTIM'ES IHE VUMBfcK FACTOBUBE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, At his old stand in Savannah, near the J- n, and is prepared to make su,table advances upon all • produce placi d in his haw's (or sa e. John Evcringham, ir. February 23 10t* D fit/ TOJiLVIT train the fir at Octokr.r next, a Three Stores arid a Dwelling llouse, upper end south side BroarU Street, adjoining Kgan k M‘l augh hn s, viz : I'hc Store occupied by I). H -my & Co, the Store occupied h> Mils i Aiden-and the two story Frame House ami Store adjoining the same—the house is well calc,bated fora private family or hoarding House—having „n excellent Brick Kitchen. Ti e Stores are all most destrablv situated for the Grocery Business Appj*> to William H. Egan. Seotemher 17 24 ~ torent; -iEifl One Tenement in the Lon^ Yellow Range Os Biiildings, o, xt door above the sign ot the “ Asiatic Eudlivef’in “Cotton Range," continued. Also, several I enements o( one story each,with two rooms, recently in the possession of Mr. Anslcy, and a convenient Warehouse in the rear, which has been recently repared and -fig I.t enclosed with ugo id tence, K r terms apply I 1 Mr. James Harper, during the absence ot the subscriber. E. K. Campbell. Jannarv 7 5g kor ttaVr or Wive, ANtgn. Woman, » good Go. k, Washer and Ironer. For par' m a -.'y t„ William Aiackie. February 32 If