Newspaper Page Text
i s Xr,.
I / ■ ...
•• Many of the political evils, under which every Country in the world lahohrs. are not owintf to any wan! of love for our Country, but to an ignorant uof iU real cot alitulion »nd iutereats.” pIUKSTLY
'’MDBaaeSa-laxx. V . -IU .or :tr-: SZS .ZTST.. 1 i-T-rnimil 1~1l .11 —-TMWUMmrmtf'M T
. —a— II ■ M ■■
C{?e Cantftitutioaalitft \
Renews the tended oj his services in the
sto ha at: n uslvess,
HIS WAREHOUSE ut the upper end, south
side Broad street, is now ready tor the re.
-e|.;ion of roi’l’OVaml other PRODUCf!, upon
«'hir|) liberal advances will be ntttde, when re
q uiretl.
Anv business with which he may be favoured,
shad be punctually attended to.
October I 28 j
T\ve fev\\isci*VAfcr,
HA Vi NO engaged VVuitti uses ;,nd Stores, ii,|
■he upper part of this oilv, ■ tl* rs hisservices as,
0 general COM MISSION MERCHAN I.— Persons!
who may place merchandise nr produce under Ins
care, miy safely rely on every possible exertion
being used, to give general satisfaction.
* , v Barua M‘Kinne.
September 28 27 j
'VA\o Subscriber
INTENDING to reside in New York, with a
view tor the transaction of Commission Bus
iitess, in all its branches, will feel for any
coir iguments or orders, with which he maybe
favored, assuring Inc friends his unreimued
attention will be exerted to promote their inter
est. Tie will be prepared nu the t ceipt of any
consignmeo s or of the inv tiers with bids of la
ding and orders for Insurance, to make the cus
tomary advances if required.
Anv references-that is desired, cut) be obtained
of Messrs Mackenzie & 1* nice, Augus'a, or Ben
jamin Burroughs, Esq. '■fuvannah.
‘ RalpU Ketchum.
October 26 35
Kj at i*Vagib A\vikei*.
H’ WING taken the Shops r ten ly occupied
. by Vfr. James l.y e , intends carrying on
the business in all its v .ri >ua branches. Fo n
hit. long experience '-t the North, lie flatters
himself, tha he will he able to give general s.vl
tisluctii'n to such, as will favour him with a call to
:he Repairing Tine. All f..vmu;s wi I he thank
fully received and punctually execut'd.
He expects soon to receive from the Kor'hcrn|
Manufactories, a complete assort no 1 nt of Carriages.
(O’GIGS and CARRIAGES built to order, i
j. i
Toi* Sale.
8 Uiirs,
8 Sul keys,
S 3 Carriages.
November .5 38
a\Tvuv/7v~dT\ } ”
Coach-Maker ,
ITT, keep constant y on band, and for Sale,
i T Kl Mr. Tonr’s I.i\. t \ S hie.
®2£9o '
OCj’ Order* for or CAfUiIAGES from tb.e
N nil, will be promptly atteiidid to and work
IN. A.—Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Novemb r 30 45
VV uAg\\V :Vt V*L*ii\»e
ton SALE.
Robert I). Ware.
December 3 46
AT VRGE supply oi tie above valuable Medi
ci ie prepared by ooe of the fi -t Unemists it;
France, for siT* at a reduced one.- hv
11. B. k 1). G. Havilaml.
February J 8 68
f 1 ! AVlNtf formed a connection with Mr Henri
v. Howard, late of Baltimore, have remove'
heir Establishment to No, 88, Broadway, corner oi
Wall Street, where their Business will in future Ik
conducted u I r tin fi' u. of
New-York. Juoe, 1823 g
quake 1 1 srmngsT"
IE viibscPiiJci 1 »».(ifr lui« ly )ij <. .*i«ircl e
vjk above esta li.ilnnem, is now *mr;;<slii?.i»' i
and thoroughly in pa ring the bui di g b M,
wi I spare no pains to acconimodale , ties o,
■ g nth men and tear I ra. and keo tiwiyaoi
haml a supply of the best Liquor- that the Aligns
la, Charleston and .savannah market a (f >rd
and nis table v. ill not be inferior to ute best pub n
. house in Augusta, and upon s , ,i,»SI« , rms.
James ! yncs.
N. H. James Lynn, tab s this rm l„o. „f ~e
tit" >og his thanks to hisnumeiotr lr!c ,ds ami v r
quai ttancea, for the liberal support a(I ,rded h n
in the Coi r.h-nlakii'g btisin s,, a.i t ([,, <ers hitiisi t
by industry and attention, to merit liieu- contm
ueb favours in the profession wh en he has r.-
cently adopted.
February «
IT- — TM-TI - fiwa ~T -t -T— —MlWHntllTi MumMiniwrafjriWV.. —I I.- ..-•■■II ....
S 30,000 for 810,
i *
May be procured by a prompt application at the Office of the
fjty'ail Muttirr3?y
laobfjit w 1 wii de l T>
THOMAS I. WRAY, > commissioners. JJOHNJI.JfJLnL,
AUG US TIN SLA UGHTER, ) C' D ' 1110 MF S 0N >
1 Prize of S 30,000 is »30,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
J ‘ 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 5,00 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
5000 of 10 is 50,000
5175 Prizes, ? 180,000
12825 Blanks. 5
Less than two and an half Blanks to a Pii/.c.
r l'he only to be drawn, and tube, all flouting from the commencement except
tbc following, which will be deposited in the wheel at definite periods, viz :
On the Ist Drawing I prize of 810,000, and 1 of SSOO
On the 2d “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof 8 ; >00
On the 3d “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500
On the 4th " 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1000 and lof 500
On the sth “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500
On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5,000 and 1 of 1,000 and lof 500
On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,000 ami lof 5,000 and lof 500
On the Bth “ 1 piize of 20,000 and 1 t.f 1,000 and 2of 500
On the 9th “ I prize of 30,000 and lof 1,000 and 1 of 500
j The Sciivine is splendid, tool h>r R.chnc.’s artl s;tf, ty of investment, oilers equal if nol sn
iper. t i-«Uicuit>eui n>«i" ;if the Nnrtu.-rn T.nli'i-ies. _■ 1
The whole Lottenj to he completed l in Nina Drawings only.
Pi'iziw [livable in I'nirly Ua.« after Uie cumpletiun of the Drawing, it applied for within
Twelve months.
i Prize tickets will be received in payment for any Tickets that may remain unsold hi the
c >urse of the Drawing.
V\ pole t ickets | Q iarters, Jjy.2 .5 )
Halves, 5 | Eighths, 1 25
For Sale in s great variety of numbers at tiie Commissioners’ Office in Broad Street, a few
doors bel nv the Banks.
(UT O dels for rickets and Shares from any part of the United States, POST PAID, and
enclosing the Gash, addressed to the Secretary will meet prompt atle "ion,
J. S. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
March 11 74
Ihl W*
iJI MR subscriber having resumed the pr.actic
■ i CA '.V, tt uderg his services to tire public.
1 j will attend ol the (h urts in (he Westei
iCircuils, the adjoining counties in (he Flint an
■Ocn.uljjec, and the counties of fm wrens, Twig;
'and Fuiaslti, iit the Southern Circuits.
Thomas W. Harris.
dCT Letters addressed to him Monroe, Will
ton county, wdl be attended to.
February 8 3m 6.5
\‘A ¥IMFi subscribers have connected (Items cb
! dJL m the practice of the LAW' —they will in
- lonn'y alien 1 all the coun'ies of the Norther.
Circui', and tlie county ol Franklin, of the We
tern Circuit, one of them will )v generally (mine
at their office in Klbefton, where they will tal"
i! pleasure in transacting the business ol those wh.
mav he unfortunate enough to be involved in th-
John A. Hoard,
Thomas .) Heard.
January 1, 1825 57
r \aOhV,
' J A''* ’' |fJ 2ll» Inst, (with i small sum of money ,
M F. Wa.k r’s Clerk for J§sh. on tlie Hank o'
c’ \ngusta, dated the lliii in t |, aa b 1 e to bearer,*
I lie; Public is can'ioned not to trade for tie
Check. Ihe Under by leaving it with the snl
scribers, wd be suitably rewarded.
Jl. H. Duncan & Co.
| tn-inar> 14 5S
i NO i'K drawn bj Messrs. Mitchell & S.
» Clink'-, payable sixty days after date, Janna
i ry 21st 1825, to our order, (or five hundred am
-ig( l lv four dollars, 43 cents, and i udorsed by u.
The public is cautioned against trading for th
■me, si d the diawersof said (Cute against pav
r me in to any mli is than the subscribers,
J. W. L. Simmons & Co. j
y b 9J, 70 !
Wvvuled it) Vui*c\vasfc,
i| r «if tlie following trade, Black!
i®- s ’ l ' 11 ti and Wheel maker, <.l good characiei I
•apply 10
B, Picquet. j
I February C <55 |
-f-» rra T*rs mTUnm TIT)
Guy ok Augusta,
Council Chamber*
March Ist, 1825,
On motion of Mr, John Moore:
ft so.veil -him, tint a Public Invitation
( x'ended to au Soldiers or tuk Rkvolutton,
irviving in our own Stale, or in our sister Stales,
d that they b ■ requ -sted to assist in welcoming
■ a Faykttk to this city
A true Copy (r n. die Minulea,
George M. Walker,
Clerk lif the Council.
In obedience to the foregoing Resolution of
hinncil, I berebi rniko it known that Gknkhai
a Faykttk will probab y at nve in this city on the
tveniy second of the present month, and I re
1 lectl’u ly invite all S liiikhs of tub Ukvoluiios
0 whom this notici shsl. com . to be present al
ne time of his aniva l am! to assist in idle ring a
arm welcome to the Vbteiian Gpnkkal.
\l \V. \Ve\t\,
May or of the City of Augusta
March 2. 1825 5t ' ' ' 72
JS otice.
PERSONS being dui.y in the habit of trespass
ing on the Hickory lidge tract of land, o//ne<
ty the Bank ox Georgia, and cutting the wood am
tnd-rgrowth therefrom : Notice is hereby given
■ tut the utmost vigilance will be used in detecting
<1 prosecuting the offenders. The said Land h
minded on the west by Turkanet’s Spring, am
art nt (lie village of Summerville, on the lias
>v the lands of A. Martin, I’- IT Carnes ant
dit-rt, it may be nmre particularly known by tin
idledgevide road, passing tlir Ugh it.
Jiy order of the Board
1. Henry,
Febrnsrv 1 1825. if 03
JS otice.
1 LL pprsons having lemands upon the estate
. V o( Nicholas W ire, deceased, are rt quested U them known to the subscribers. 1 lioae win
e indebted to the said estate, will please to mak<
mmediate pavment.
Busan li. Ware, FxHrcc.
W. W. Holt, ExW.
i IW-rembm-'M yo
i X DlteG.
I I'HE co-partnership of Julian Sc Thompson is
| *• dissolved. The subscriber lias resumed bis
j dfice near the market.
N. B, Julian,
j Feb. 18 68
To take place in the city of Baltimore, during
the present month, March.
Contains the following brilliant capitals still un
drawn, viz.
MoWs. 110,000 WAVs.
£O,OOO OoVVs. j 5,000 DbWa.
• Besides 12 of lOtib, 6of 500, 81c. the whole pay
'hie in cash, which as usual ~t COHEN'S OFFICE
can be had the moment they are drawn.
iiA 15 drawings of this splendid scheme, are
already over. The remaining FIVE will take
place under the sttpf rintendunce of the Com
missioners appointed by die Governor an 4 Coun
cil on the following days, viz :
16 h drawing on Thursday, 31 of March
i 17th drawing on Thursday, 10th of March
\ 13th drawing on Thursday, I7th of March
J 19lh drawing on Wednesday, 30 hos March
j 20th amt last on Thursday, 31st "f March
Unless the great capital of §40,000 should be
lundrawn alter the lOih is over, in which case thei
20th drawing will be d ‘(erred to the 12lit April,,
when the scheme must be completed.
M’/iole Tickets §l2 j Qndrters - 300
Halves - -6 | Eiifh hs - 150
To be had, warranted undrawn, at
Where both the great 'Capitals of 20 000 and
10,000 DOLL MIS, drawn in the MONUMENT
LOTTERY, on the 28th ult. wore sold, and
where were sold, the Capital Prizes of 100,000
Dollars, half and one qua-ler to citizens of Geor
gia; 20,0005, 10,000 s, 5000 s, in the last Grand
Slate Lottery, a,id win: 111; k ire capital' i’dizes
Orders left with T R. Sr. JOHN, Broad street,
AUGUSTA. Georgia, -will he fromfity utteiidesl In,
March 11 74
The Subscriber
h opening in Broad street, one door belorj Mr. Al
ten’s Hal Store,
lit i* tin
Consisting of
j E'rock Coals
Drab box Coats
; Double 81 single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloons
Broad Cloth, Salinett anti Corduroy do
/I Tollmen, Valentia, Swanstlown & black silk
1 Blue and black Cloth ami Cassimere do
j Superfine Linen and Cotton, hilled and plain
j Shirts
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted &;,J Lambswoo
Shirts and Drawers
Flannel do do
» Tartar, and Camblet Cloaks
Laities do
Hoy's Dresses
Youth’s close body Coats
Gentlemen's superfine lla'.s, some very wide
Immitation beaver do
l-a Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Cups
Washing l on, Jackson and La Fayette Siockc
Silk Umbrellas
1 Hi fiery k
Gloves, kc.
A L Ct O*" -
t Negro Jackets and Trowsers
House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
'* f arnought gr l at Coats
1 Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
e Striped and Check { b
Common Linen do
Woollen Gloves, and many other article!
u in bis line.
8 T’lye above GOODS are New-Ynrk made, anil
will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New
York prices.
1 J. P. Seize,
December 3 46
IVtaV VvLih VuUviues,
|| Just'received per Steam Rout. Hamburg,
g A FK -V Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, wbicl
is th. will be sold in lots to suit families, by apply
nl og immediately at
•" Jacob Moise’s.
J\VKunziti Os Jieunuch's Hum,
* e Ijpcpmhur 53
SUPPOSED to be taken by mistake from tin
Wharf, about the Dth nr 12:P of Novi mb-1
| t Box of Sbiies landed from Boat No. 14.—Mark
f . led A i>. E. Wood.or E.WOOII & Co. Anv persoi
(l having it in his possession will colder a favor Ik
|o ji!if'orniing the s'lbscribers at their residence, o
'through this office.
E. Wood <B,* Co.
I December 24 52
i’ovtTuit uV \iii VwjvUl.
JUST reel ived a few copies of the Portrait ol
Gen. Ta'ayette, engraved by M. J. Danfortb
Ifrom the original Painting executed by C. h.glian
s im Sept, las'during the General’, visit In New
h jVork, said to be a most correct dienes- —to b<
li'ul at the Book store of R. i) Treadwell, when
‘subscrib rs will plea-e call for their copies.
March 8 2t 73
•j dL IPA m
HEN i la 1 .
RES PEC I'FUTTY 11 lor ,Ino I . '.di-s and Gen-
Tmen ol Angnsia and its vie. ii y that he
w.II bo in tiie city about the first of March.
January 28 P » >1 62
mmmmm •
Copy of a Certificate from James .Monroe, Pres't.
The lesiiminn .1< pr-sr.,teil 10 me bv Mr. Farm
- ly, of his great talents as a DEMIS f, are of
high character—in addition to widen I state wit ti
great pDasuiv, that his operations in my family,
have all irJ d a practical and very satisfactory
, evidence of his merit.
, H r •sh'n'rtov, Dee 0
J wNiesoii »icaaem^.
II is with p eaaure ao>. confi u that the
I rustees of tins Instnuiion, |ne eh‘ its
on this occasion, for the support a , pa r mage of
an enlightened public. Although endowed more
liberally pfthaps than any other county’ school 111
the state, yet its funds having been unpru luctive
lor several years past being mostly vested in state
hank stock, the acade ■ v Ins been much clogged
in its operation. Ihe board have not been ub ■■ to
offer an ad quate inducement to engage the'servi
ce* °1 a Reel >r, who combined qua ficauons and
cbaracter, that would insure succ as 10 tbe sennn
jary. Tbjs bar we are buppy to state is removed
and we congratulate the community In having
' procured for the ensuing year, the Rev. Thomas
‘ Gouldmg, formerly of Liberty c unity, a g in|e
men whose scnolar; hip and general character are
too notorious to require the feeble tribute of our
praise. Mr. Goiildiug will superintend 1) ihsutemls
j his personal services and attention however
. will be principally besto ved on the female de-
I partment. In the male academy he will be assis
, b'd by Mr. Lathrop—a norlliern graduate wbo
has some experience in leaching—and who is re-
I commended as unexcepfi nah.e ii i.d. nfs and
s morals. To these considerations we hav. n, add,
| local inducements, such as qe.d ti, cheapness of
board, ike. and perhaps it would not be ilnmglu
.'superfluous to suggest, that inasmuch as urns of
’ the Important elections are Tansferretl direc ‘V to
’|lhe people, it wmilil become doub 3 necessary to
[enlighten their minds, tor n un: b stands on a fir
mer basis than this, that in proportion a- we givd
to tbe people power, we should also givi them
knowledge. On the practical adoption i 1 ihia
principle depends the preservation nl our repub
lican institutions.
Josej}li Henry Lumpkin,
(O’ The Editors of the C oiislilntiun.ini, Augusta,
and Republican Savannah wit l publish the above
and forward their aecoiuiis to Le.iinglun g.i pay
ment, 1 J. I! L.
January 18 59
~ M -uJUJiLAii
AN li Hi EA vi H i uH.
DU HOUKL, a K'is iich I’hyse an, is CifullV
informs the pnhoc, that tie has esta ji.dn-S
8 1 LAM a d MEDICAL It 1I MS in Align
I'he very high repute Uiese Hadis have acquit' d
in Euiope, where (although a late diacov, ry)
they arc to be found m every hospital, and t ie
8 great cure* they have performed nt Dost on, Flu
|.nli)lphia and (Jharleston, cm leave no duo l )' of
' their efficacy. The in si gentle as well as the
most powerful medicines are administered by hat
"eans, without any pain, trouble or disgust to 'he
' patient.
They are a never failing remedy in all eutune
-1 "its all ctiiins j fi’om Fsora, Ri gworins, *kc. 10
Scaldhead and Leprosy. I’liey also have never
t-nl' ii of success in either acute or chronic rln iu
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, a asarcous
• writings, incipient drbpsyj 11. all discases •>: me
joints, gouty afii cti 'M« di pm-si ,n ot lu n-s, ill
e cured syphilis, spa-anodic ormrvou- all cimosj
in all bilious dis nl s, dyspepsi- hv pocondriahis,
epilepsy—these baths have men lonod m .si er
viceabte, and have offen succeeded even m hr re
ditsry coinplni'its In line, this nm m. <* fad in
ist. ring almost i-very remedy hel mgi g t Me
healing an, may be lend- . »p icabie ‘n almost
every case, and (.1. is repo, cd) witliotn a i> pain,
trouble, or disgust to lie patient.
As these bulbs are not vet g n known,
Ur. Koukl will be happy to (l vo the in .s r a
peclable re.len ure- to persons vxin. I. y, ,e-n
cun d I'V 1 'kl g them
'ViDi feifeam ty \faVv'Mv\ Waiu
l 6 Va slab V\» V\ UD?D i ?
Is in Rlbs Strei- op ~s vi . -lealiu/’s
il Brick House, ail has a . .ra 0 nßr ~(] tree!
i.;iinnn-dia'ely opposite the env //, . f
January 11 57
i() L E n T
From the first October next,
AywjL J'ltree Stttrcs ami u Dwelling
House, ))*•: Get sun.l< shc Broad-
Street, adjoint. 'g Egan & Ml.vngb.
bn’s, viz : Ihe Stor occupit d by
n l>. Hmy ik Go. ’lie S'.ir<‘ occupied b> 111 ik
) A den—ami the two storv Frame House and S'orc
adjoining tbe same—the house is well calculated
lot a private family or boarding Home—having an
exc" lent Hfrk Kitchen. The Stores are ~li most
desirablv situated for the Grocery Business.
__l Jlppdy to
j William H. Egan.
j September 17 24
< 1
,n PjlllE Subscriber returns bis lliank- to ifie j,ub.
,j B lie generally. Cm the encouragement ilmt
~ he lias received since bis commencement in ttic
Dying Business, in 1 Ins place, ami hopes, ya
strict attention to Ins busine-s, to h-v.- a coilr u
jance of I heir custom; I.e still continues at Ins
(old stand, on the north side of Reynold street
’’[near the intersection of Bridge Row —wh re n»
intends to carry mi th' 1 DYING Bl'MlvKss ~,
,1 all its varlom- hraarhes. on Omtoi , folk aid
, Woollen , also, straw Leghorn a ail Grape,
, Gentlemen can have their Coats, pantalo , s . d
V ests So ttrml, grease, paint anil stames exlrac d
I " tbc shortest notice, and on reasonable terms,
Wm. I'aliafuno & Sou.
November 2 37