The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, March 25, 1825, Image 3

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CONSTITUTIttNALIST. t ■- -- ---■ - , t 4UQ(JSTA‘. i FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1825. j Although we liave delayed our paper for | that purpose, we are unable to give our ( readers to-day an account of the reception r of THE GREAT AND GOOD LaFAYETTK ill 1 thiscitv. He arrived on Wednesday after- 1 y % , y noon, at four o’clock, and left us this morn- f ing. We will endeavour in our nest to c present a correct account of this interesting « visit. We are happy to say that the cere- ' monies of yesterday were conducted with out accident and appeared to give a general j satisfaction. At the Rail last evening, the I decorations were superb, and the city is on- | dor the greatest obligations to the ladies ( who prepared them. ' General Lafayette and his family were | attended by his Excellency, Gov. Troup, \ and his suite, with General Harden and his < staff. He was met at tnis place by a Dep- 1 u tat ion from Alabama, consisting of Gen. ' Farrow, W. Barton, and A? Labuzan, | Esquires. In consequence of the busy and joyous scenes of yesterday, our editorial column is poorly filled. It was impossib’ sit down and write—while music, i id cannon were ringing in our cai ur thoughts and hearts were with Li.. cte in the crowd. Hugh Montqomery, Esq. of Jackson county, has been appointed, we understand, Agent for Indian Affairs in the Cherokee Nation. £ Milledgeville Recorder. Washington, March It. Appointments by the President, by end with the advice, and consent of the Senate. Thomas Ludwell Lee Brent, of Virginia, to be Charge de Affaires at Lisbon. John M. Forbes, of Massachusetts, to be Charge de Affaires at Buenos Ayres. William C. Somerville, of Virginia, to be Charge de Affaires at Sweden. Condy Raguet, of Pennsylvania, to be Charge de Affaires to Brazil. William Miller,of North Carolina, to be Charge de Affaires to the Central Republic ,of America, Guatemala. Jeremy Robinson, of Virginia, to be Con sul at Rio de Janeiro. Leonard Corning, of New York, to be Consul of the United States at Mirauheim, ,in place of Jose des Santos Monteiro, re inoyecL-. ' MlssuuPf, to be Consul of the United States at Chihuahua, in New Mexico. Augustus Storrg, of Missouri, to be Con sul of the United States, at Santa Fe, New Mexico. James W. M'Goffin, to be Consul of the United Stab s at Staltillo, in Mexico, Joseph VV. Patterson; .to be a Director of the Bank of the United States, in the place of Win. Patterson. Russel Freeman, of Massachusetts, to be Collector of the Revenue for the Port of New Bedford, in the place of John Haws; deceased. Lieut. Cot. Roger Jones, to be Adjutant General of the Ar nv. Win’. P. Duval, of FI or'ula, to be Govern or of the Territory of Florida, from the 17th day of April next, when his present com mission expires. George Izard, of Philadelphia, to be Gtiv -1 ernor of the Territory .of Arkansas, in place of James Miller, appointed Collector at Sa lem, Massachusetts. Joseph M. Hernandez, Edward R. Gib son, Abram Bellemy, John L. Daggett, Jo seph B. Lancaster, John de la Rua, Joseph Norriago, Richard J. Compton, John M. Tone, Jacob Robinson, James Bright, James Dill, and Alexander Douglass to be Mc-m --bers of the Legislative Council of Florida. William Henry Allen, of Maryland, to be Commissioner for ascertaining claims and.titles to land in Florida. William Reynolds, of St. Augustine, to he Keeper of the Public Archives in East Florida. Joseph E. Cam, of Pensacola, to be Keep er of the Public Archives in West Florida. John Vawter, of Indiana, to be Marshal of the United States for the District of In diana. Hugh Montgomery, to be Agent for the Cherokee Indians. William M'Lellan, to be Agent for the Choctaws. Singular coincidence of circumstance in the history of La Fayette and Bolivar. South-Carolina was the first place in the United States on which they both landed, and at no very distant spots—the one near Georgetown ami the other at Charleston — La Fayette a-Frenchman, came by the way of i Spain —and Bolivar a Spatiiard, by tin; way of France. Both have most materially contributed to the independence of the New World—tin* one in North, and the other in South-America ; and what is most singular, at the very period in which the one is re ceiving the homage of national gratitude in the former—the other has succeeded in his efforts ler the cause of freedom in the latter place. ' [,C7ia«. City Gaz. |C7* That talent which lias usually shed the roost lasting and beneficial lustre over the face of human society, lias been general ly associated with indigence, ami doomed to struggle with the difficulties resulting from insipient penury. Mental energy is by no means an appendage of opulence, nor are the most efficient instruments in accomplishing the happiest purposes of man, to be found a tnong those who have never felt the incite ments of want. In a free country, where merit confers the only distinction, and where! yirtumis gifts will command the more hon- i orable and distinguished functions, both in < civil and religious life, the cultivation of tal- 1 ents and piety should form a leading object ■ I with the friends of religion and humanity. No application of genius is so rich in useful results as that which lies within the scope of j the Christian ministry; and yet it is (amenta- i bly evident that in tins high and eventful de partment the laborers arc few. This has be come an occasion of deep regret to nianyj pious individuals within the State of Geor gia, and also in other places, and if is now about two years since a society was organized upon the. most liberal principles, to aid pi ous and destitute youpg men in obtaining the benefits of learning for the moie exten sive and successful exercise of their minis try. It is intended that the supporters, and beneficiaries of this society, should belong to the various denominations of Christians! within the State, arid its funds are pledged for the most impartial administration in this respect. The subscribers, who are perfectly well acquainted with the designs of the so- 1 piety, and who feel a deep anxiety for its prosperity, take this method of recommend ing it to the attention and liberal patronage of their friends anil fellovy citizens, as an in-i wholly domestic,free from sectarian views, and promising a rich requital to the) benevolent hand which shall foster it. Its , Agent, the Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, is nowin Augusta, and will be employed during the week in making calls on the friends of re ligion to obtain donations and subscriptions , for effecting the objects of the society. He is therefore most cordially recommended to the good will and liberality of the members ' of this community. THOS. GUMMING, W. T. BRANTLY, . WM. MODERWEL, Examining Committee for Augusta. : POUR LE CONSTITUTIONALIST. Les Francais d*Augusta au General LA : FAYETTE. • Ce nest point au Querrier qu* honore 1’ Arncriqne ; Ce nest point a nelui dont les brillans succcs, . letant un aoblo eclat sur lu nom de Francais, Aiderent a briser dc la cjur Rritannique Pont les Flats—unis souffrir cut les eices ; » C** nest point a celui qui, ne dans noire France, r Eut du grand Washington I’entiere confiance : Ce nest point a celui qui du me ill cur des Rais, 1 Contre des forcenes protegea I’exislence ; Ce nest point au Francais que Ton vit, a la fois, Fuyanl dea Jacobins les deci’cts execrabjes, Souffrir che.z les Germains dcstourinens incroyable* ; Ce n’est point a celui qui, vrai Legislateur, / Parla dans tons les temps cornmc dicta son coeur; Mais cost ace inortel, sage panni les sages, j Q.llO rien ne fit changer, qui jamais ne ccssa De potirsnivpe le plan que jeune il se traca ; Qui semblable au rooher au milieu des orages, r Resistant aux efforts etdes vents et drs mers, ; Eut grand dan?Ja grandeur, el plus grand dans ies fers; A celui dont le nom pasuera dage en age, ( A LA FAVETTF enfin, quest offert notre hommago COMMUNICATED. Quels soot dope ce* eclats etces cris d’ Alegressol Quels snbl imes accens font retentir les cieux ? X.e bronze avec grand bruit signale notre ivresse; Eld* un common accord, uu peupls genereux De vive voix repete; “ Welcome Lafayette, “ The companion of \Vashinglon!” Enfants del* Amerique, a cet illuslre nom, Kedouhlons les honneurs qu’on cst prel a lui rcadre! De notre pere, il vient de reverer la cendxe. March 23, 1825 A gentleman who was present in Cam den at the ceremony of removing and re iutering the remains of Baron De Kalb, and laying the corner stone of the monument i by General Lafayette, informs us while the procession was forming, and just before the General appeared on the ground, a child i discovered and pointed out a star, which i was clearly visible to the naked eye, about the time the sun in great brightness passed • the meredian. Not less than 2,000 per t sons saw it distinctly, few of whom had ever witnessed a similar phenomenon, and •it produced a very pleasing sensation through the whole line The ceremony of laying the corner stone, we are informed, • was very imposing ami does great credit to the inhabitants of Camden. ; Columbia Telescope . **• Captain Morrison, from Maracaibo, states ♦hat on the 4th ultimo, he landed at Fort St. Carlos, and was informed by the Coin -1 mandant, that the Captain of a Dutch schr. from Curracoa, had reported that 2 davs before sailing, Feb* 1, a suspicious looking schooner, in company with a brig had been' seen passing the harbor, and that on the next day, 14 dead bodies, with their heads cut off, were picked up on the beach. The Commandant had no doubt the schr, was a pirate. The moral Sublime. —Bonaparte addres sing the army of Egypt on the plain of the Pyramids, desired them to “ remember, tint from the summits of these Pyramids, forty centuries were looking down upon them.” I’he author nf so sublime a senti ment, may die in peace, secure of an imper ishable claim to immortality. Alexander Pope and General Taylor,l Register and Receiver of the Land Office at' Oahawba. are denounced by the Huntsville Democrat , as swindlers, both of private and •! public monies. The disclosure is made in ' a communication which is corroborated by • ■ n the Editor. Commerce of New-York. —During the 48 i, hours ending at 12 o’clock, on Friday night, ii when the Ncw-York Gazette went to press, no less than 82 vessels arrived at that port I from sea—many of them ships of the largest “ class, and all with valuable cargoes. The constant influx of property to that market, J! excites the astonishment of even those who |have been most extravagant in their calcu lations as to the rapid growth and prosperity of New York. —aQO— j Louisville, Ky.. Feb. 16.— Dr. Buchanan succeeded, yesteiday in propelling a wagon \ some three or four miles, with a very small t capillary steam engine. The experiment, t jwe are informed, succeeded beyond the Inost 1 'sanguine anticipations of its ingenious in- | yentoi;. ( Presbyterian Church in the U. States. — From the synodical and presbyterial re- ‘ ports presented to the General Assembly at the last session, it appears that there arch under the care of the assembly, 13 synod , 7.7 presbyteries, 1979 congregations, 1027 ministers. The number of vacant congre gations is 769 ; licenciatees 178; candidates 195. The number of commutrcants added j during the past year is 16,431,’ and (he a |whole number of communicants 114,955. s The number of adult baptisms during the j year has been 2,120, and of infant baptisms ( 14,952. The amount of collections for mis- , sions 86,995 ; for commissioners fund ■ ! 52.692; for the theological seminary 81,465; : for presbyterial fund 8370, and foreduca i tion fund, 87,938. As the reports are made ! only once in four years, we shall have no i further returns till the year 1828. 11 V IQ/V i Breach of The case of Catha . line Staley against Charles Burkhart, fora , breach of promise of marriage, came on in j the Court of Fredrick county, Maryland, on Wednesday last. This is the only trial of this character that has taken place in (his county for many years—some say the first that has ever occurred. The light in which such offence is viewed by a Fredrick county jury is exhibited in their verdict—lt was 83,000 for the plaintiff.— Citizen. I&arricfc, On Tliuriday evening the 17th inst. br the Rev. J*me» Hol combe, Mi. JOHN Wooding, to Miss bets y drank. ail of Columbia county. mu. srirffiE&sraUiiii,' HK.VTIST, BY (lie request of several Families, will remain in Augusta for a few days.wnere he wi)l as usual attend to the different brandies of his pro f. ssion. Persons wishing to avail themselves of trie pres ent opportunity,'will please to make immediate application. Ladies can he waited on at tln-ir respective dwellings, or at his room a' the Mansion House. M -rch 95 7 __ EYVkVUVU SCUWii. subscriber will open of Tuition, 4. at his School Room, via . On Monday evening, 28t!i instant, French ; on Fuesduy evening, 29 h, Spa iiish—and alternate ly three tunes a week for each branch. A few Scholars being already engaged, the School will positively b* opened do those days. A few more Scholars will be admitted until the j opening of the new courses. The subscriber will continue ,to attend private Classes in families, for Young (.a lien, during day time. J. H. Lafitte. March 25 3t 78 DALIT 10 N~ ALL neraons are cautioned against trading for a N :te of 8350, given by the subscriber to ' one Joseph lienleram, dated about ihe 29ih A ( ■ pril 1824, and due Ist Jonuaiy 1895. The con . tract on which the note was founded having i (ailed on the part of said 1L ndersoii, lie ;s deter- . mined not to pay it. I Wilson Bird. Shon's of Oqreehe, VI ircb 25, 1825 3* 178 Notice. f VLL those ind 'bled to he Estate «f William Mose y, late of Columbia County, deceased, jare Caj d in to make payment, and those having lemands ate requested t<> bring them in regular- t ly attested acc rding to (• w. v Thomas JBuwdre, adm'r. H Warch 25 U' .78 LOriT. ON Wednesday tin* 2id mat in this City, a ltd Morrocco POCKK I' HOOK, containing 1 a small amount in money aod sundry papers, a m ug were the following notes ot hand, viz :-*-one on John Whin It-ad for one hundred dollar i, one on Jtimes Anderson for 3b dollars and a number ol “mailer amount on Several indi i viduals not recollected. Any person delivering i the same with its contents to Mr. Welcome Al ert, ahull receive the amount o( money contain • ed in it. The papers are of" no use to any but the subscriber as payment is stopm d. W. 1). Har risen. ! i March 25 '2 78 LosT j, ON the 23 I inst. a POCK P BOOK, contain j" ing sundry papers and a sum of money, “at 130 dollars, viz: 8 l(J b bill, lia.k <d Darien M ' (ieotgln, No. 4 29, dated May 4tli IHlmarked j' 11 letter /V. among the rest of ifie Hank (fills wo dollar bi'l, of tin Bank of Sou h Carolina, oid lw i ten <1 dlar Hills, on what Hank not re collected. —A suitable reward will be given for i its recovery. Any person (hiding the same will _ .Ware leav it with Mr. Daniel Dll or Mr. Ben jarnm Culliff, other .-, i e to the subsenber. Win, L. Walker, i of Lincoln County " March 2> 3t 78 '■ | A "Horae. Host. SCAPED from the subscriber on (h£ morn A ing of 23d inst. a BAY HOKSfj;, with a long tail, slender make 15 hands turn inches high, and had mi a new saddle with yellow girts ami a double rein B'idle and Martingale.—Nn particular marks recol? -cted—the Horse is about four years old. Any person who will deliver him to me nr give information so that I can get him shall be liberailv compensated, E. A. Holt. March 25. (825 2t 78 £y a Wm W. Holt, Esq is res pectfully recommended as a suitable p. rson, to (ill the office of Mayor of the City —at the an uai Flection in April—and will be supported by MANY VO I FRS. March 15 75 £>* JB- Li. Hopkins paving deter mined to reside permanently on the Sand-Hids, wishes to dispose ot his house in Augusta- The terms will be reasonable, and accommodating as to payments. As that part of the city is i kely to become the scene of extensive bu»iness, the house is very lavourably situated for that purpose. The bu filing is well calculated lor both a store and dwelling; the buyer story being entirely separa ted from those above. Slmul I the property not be sold by the 2ith of April ii will j,e Rented. I'jssesaiun can be had ■it the first of May. V rel. 18 76 ______ « Carriage •Maker. HAS received a nart of his Spring Supply o CARRIAGES and GIGS, which mattes his assortment of Gigs complete—consisting of first, second and third rate Leadier and Suntop digs, one Coacltee and one Ohariotee. Being regular ly supßlied with an extensive assortment, direct Irnm the various manufactories fit Newark and its vicinity, he is disposed to sell on as good terms as the articles can bs obtained in Augusta. (XJ*Orders for any kind of Carriages will be tr.rwuided and executed in the best manner, at the manufacturing prices. Digs and Carriager built to ordeL Repairing in all brunches, at short notice, on the most reasonable terms. M -cb 22 it 77, OLD ¥O&T DEMIJOHNS of old Korix Port. Vin take hi 1820 Certified by the Rival Oumpant ff Oporto. 25 Dozen bottles ditto, Vintage of ISI6, Foil SSLS B ¥ A. 1. & G. W. Huntington. March 22 J7 I*oYisVavaY -AeeV WaVsVbeUs, livaceVttls, &c. KTpHE subsc. il) r Ins tins day received per ship JL Doris from Liverpool, an elegant assortment ol'Polished Steel Waistbelts, Bracelets, buckles and Clasps, of the newest fashion. —also — Yard Neck Chains, Necklaces, Negligies, Best London Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes, Perfumed Soaps, &c. kc George Oates. March 18 76 Landing 71 bags Prime Green C (tie, 20 ‘barrels New England Ruin, 40 do. N Gin, 100 do. Whiskey, 20 hh.ds, do- For sale by Egon & McLaughlin. March 18 3> 76 SULPHATE QUININE. •* i A LARGE supply Ol the above valuable Medi cine prepared by one of the first Chemists in France, foe sale at a reduced price hy R. B. & D. G. Havilancl. February 18 68 AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. At his old stand tit Savannah, near the Fort, and is prepared to make suitable advances upon a|! produce placed in his ha-els I,ir sale. John Kveringham, jr, February 22 10l* 69 ilavTittge, & Viorsiis tor laaVr, And House at the Sand-Hills TO RENT. fjTXHE Subscriber oflera his Carriage and Hor i ses for Sale, and immediate possession giv i h of them, it desired. The residence of the subscriber at the Sami Hills is also offered for Rent until the first of N vember next —there be ng on the premises a good Garden, having in addition to an abundance u| Vege'ables, a great variety also ot Fruit, such as (.rapes, Peaches, Figs, five. stc. E. F. Campbell. Ma ch‘.'2 ’ 2t -f 77 Tor feaVfc or Uive, A Negro Woman, a good Cook, Washer an'' L Iroiier. For parti i n'■-s apply to William Mackie. Febniarv 22 if 6 l ) GFOUt.I A, Columbia County. \\t HERE AS Job - G. Roberts, has app'ied for TT letters of Administratioii on the Ei.tate ol James George, d-ceased, late ot sa d county. These are therefore to cite and admonish a'J and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my office, with , t , t|,e time prescribed hy law, to file iln-ir ob lections (if any they have) to shew cause why said letters of Administration should not he gram ed. Given under my hand at office, in Columbia. tins 20th day o( March, 1825. ~8 S. Crawford, Clerk. QT kUST *U) ON Tuesday last, a Punch of KEYS, tied with Red Tape. —The finder on leaving Kern »v this Office, shall be rewarded. In the Inferior Court of Richmond County, ting at a Court of Ordinary, , Monday, February 7th, 1825 i Danforth & Savage, T i . . iRULE MSI. , Vilm rs. of Ralph Thomas, j IT appearing to the Court, that the petitioners are ponaeased of a Uond.given by Ralph Thom- I las m hia hie time, together with others, condition tl tor making titles to part of Lot No. 22, in the City ot Augusta, comaining a front of thirty nine leet on Broad street and in depth two hundred »nd seven feet, and bounded on the south by said street, on the East by a lot usually called Polly Keatings and or. the other sides by a lot late John Willson s, and that the said Ralph Thomas has de parted this hie without making titles to said lot and that letters of administration on his estate and effects have been granted to Abiel Carnfield of said County. Whereupon and on Motion of petitioners attor ney. It is ordered by the court, that the Heirs and . Representatives of said Ralph Thomas, be cited to 5 spnear before this Court on the first Monday in s April to show cause, if any they have or can why o the said Administrator of Ralph Tliomak should e not be ordered to execute titles to the said lot to f the petitioners according to the prayer of the pe i tition ; and that a copy of this order be published ■ in opt o{ the Gazettes of this City for two Months. Taken from the Minutes. j Isaac Herbert, Clerk oj the Court of Ordinary. February 11 lot r 66 GEORGIA, Burke County, WSfHEREAS Ezekiel Lester, applies for let TT ters of Administration on the Estate of Keubin Tipton, deceased. Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the , ***** deceaiedi to file their objections in my office , Os any they have) within the time prescribed by . law, or otherwise letters of Administration will t be granted to him. 4 Given under my bund at office in Wnynesbo s rough, this 7th day of March. 1825 78 Samuel Sturges, CVk. it GEORGIA, Burke County. ■t HI'.KF.AS Laban Odum, applies for letters V” of Administration de bonis non, on the Es tate of Lucretia Nobles, deceased. - „ No, y therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections in my office, (if any they have) within the time prescribed by >• aw, or otherwise letters of Administration will it lx granted to him. Given under my band at office in Waynesbo rough, this 11th day of March, 1825 78 Hamuel Sturges, Cl’k. GEORGIA Richmond County, - Hy the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of said County. To ALL WHOM JT MAY pOHCEII*. WHEREAS £-ucy M. Yarnold, formerly Lucy M. Pearson, administratrix, John II Maun, administrator, on the Estate of George Pearson, deceased, have applied to said Court ' for Letters Dismissory. * j lle ‘ e « r e therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors, of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in ifie Office of the Clerk of the said Court of Ordinary, on or before the first Monday in June next, otherwise Letters Dismissory will i be granted to them. Witness, the Honorable Samuel Hale, one of f ile Justices of said Court, this sth day of No vember, 1824. - fi* 3 ® Isaac Herbert, CVk. Os the Court of Ordinary. GEORGIA Richmond (. aunty. By the Honorable the Court *of Ordinary of the County of liicfmoud . TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEUJf. WHEREAS John Pltihizy, admin strator of I hennas A. Bones, deceased, has applied to said Court for Letters Dismissory. ‘ Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have> in the office of the Clerk of said Court of , Ordinary, on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise letters of Dismissory will be granted to him. Witness the Honorable Valentine Walweb, one of the Justices of said Court, this 31st day ' of August, 1824. 6m Isaac Herbert, CVk. Os the Court of Ordinary, GEORGIA, Richmond County, j By the Court of Ordinary for said County, I TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COHrEllir. WHEREAS It John Meigs arid Robert Di. mon Administrators, de bonis non, on the estate of Jense Dimon, deceased, late of said County, have applied to this Court for letters Dismissory, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of said Court on or be fore the first Monday in June next, otherwise let ters Dismissory will be granted to them. Witness the Honorable Samuel Hale, one of the Judges of said Court, this 26th day of No vember, 1824. 6m Isaac Herliert, clerk , Os the Court of Ordinary, GEORGIA, Scnvcn County. WHEREAS Georg Pollock, Administrator with the will annexed, of the Estate of William B.athe, deceased, and also administrator of the Estate .of Mary Boothe, deceased. And W Ilium H. Wade, admirtistator i{e bonis non of 1 tlie Estate of George M. Henderson, deceased, each applies for letters Dismissory. These art* therefore to cue and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased’s, to file their objections in this of - fice, on or before the first M nday in August next, ensuing, to '■hew cause (if any they have) i why letu is Dismissory should not be granted to I the applicants. Given under mv hand at office in Jacksottbo ; this 28lh day of January, 1825. 6m Seaborn Good all, cl’k. GEORGIA, Frau kiin County. CfWHERBAS Samuel Power Adm’r. and Han nuh l ate Adni’rx. applies for Letters of Dismissory or. the eatuU of Tale, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kiifdred and Creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections in my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (it any they have) why said letters of Dismissory dtuuld not be granted to them. Given limb r my hand at office in Franklin,this 7'h day es March, 1825. 6m ‘ Frederick Beall, Cl’k.