The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 05, 1825, Image 1

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7* V.* ~ _____ i C|je ■ • •* Many of tl»«j yoli ical cis.unl.r viu.-Ji every Country in t l*e rKI labour*, *r<’ nol owing' to any want of love forour bul to «n ranc»» of its re I comriitiilion *iul inicrc-is." pKIK.sTI-V Jf NEW SERIES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1825. No. 81. 4T|;e Constitutionalist w EVKIIY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCK, AUGUSTA, GA. DiasuVutum. IT The Co partnership of 8. C. , BRAMK & Go. was uissolved, iij mmuai consent, on the 26th lost. S. 0. Bra me, Mark Wilson. NEWLY IMPORTED ' IDIBJ M Messrs. S. C. BRA ME # CO. 1 V r K soM out to me tn r entire atoc< ot »■ Goods, which I have opened in the house formei iy occupies by M. Wi son & Cochran, a lew doce ; beliw the Mo (-Office, on Broad—(reel, and being myself an inhabitant of Philadelphia, shat take giea l pants and care to keep this Establijlt ment well supp'l.d with the most fashionable Goods, imported to this c un'ry, which will be sold at very reduced pr fits, either at WHOLE SALE or UK P iIL, and oi l be placed under the snperihtn d nee of my Agent, S. C. ‘itRAME. who is a regular bred merchant of great e.xptri cnee, and wnl no pain, to give satisfaction. Cott try Merchants, as wII as all others are re -4 sportfully solicited to cud and examine tor them ■JF solves, A LARGE SUPPLY OF TaaiYiiourtblfe BipvU\g BooAa H iv- been d e di received, an i other parcels will continue to be brought in tiy almost every ar rival this spring. I feel assured 1 liazzard no liitig in saving, Good ; will be sold uily us low at this House as can be purchased in Charleston. Mark Wilson. March 39 3*i 79 (CT Darien Money will be taken for i« wn.g l. , aKen trout the Wharf which will be recevtd diis week, J l /'. Steam Boat No. 6 and i 5. I ONS Sweed- Iron assorted ■id o Barrels best Baltimore Wlnskey Pr. Hoat Uoh Hoy. 234 K"gs patent cut nails assorted 29.000 .to Casings assorted 2.000 do Sad Irons 4 000 do Blistered S'eel 194 K“gs 'A'hit■ Lead ground in Oil 30 olds. Loaf 'higar 13 Hhd. Snperi r N. Ov.eajtb Sugar 21 hhl» Muscovado do I ie» C."L H«!u . (A Bagging. ■ . 1?0 Hhd. Whit ’s Baltimore Gin 7 I creep p ime If ice 78 Boxes irt sii Raisins 72 Kegs Pickled Salmon cheap 4 Boxes Cast S’eel axes. Thomas S. Metcalf. March 29 79 ToVishcA MeaA WttVslbeAts, l\vaceVet», &q. STSIME subsr ih r tins day received per ship ■ii Dons from Liverp I, an ■ Kgant assortmen l of Polished Steel WaistbePs. Bracelets, Buckles and ol isps, nt the newest fashion. AI.SO Yard Neck Chains, Necklaces, Nfgligies, B 'sl Loin ion Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes, Perfumed Soaps, kc. kc George Gates. March 18 76 “ &c. MHOS. Molasses, new crop 1 ! Tierces d" do 20 11 lids. New O leans Sugar 30 Mags G' een C. ff e Just received and to>- sale hy Thomas 8. Metcalf. March 29 79 a®® GALLONS prime new llouey, at one! dollar a gal'on. Jutt received and/or sale hy Thos. 8. Metcalf, March 29 79 iw Of Vhfc Rank of Rarku WILL RE RECEIVED AT PAH FOR TICKETS IN THE AUGUSTA Masonic Hall Lottery. J 8. Beers, S cretary to the Commissio tors. Ma-cb 29 79 UolUuuV Gin, &c. <0 PIPES tire Ho land Gin Ij ihos. Philadelphia W’li- k->y 26 Bbls. fresh Bee “ FiJltr 8i fay lot’s Brand” 2» do tresh '‘’ Aie” 4 Pipes Id Cognise Brandy 12 tdogsne da prime Migars JUST HECEIVKn IIT Eg in & McLaughlin. M ’p"h 29 3 79 Wanted to VUic. 3fTi ! l,L Uu- h s t .la uty ext, four yoiinj; u NEGROES, accustomed to *• rk, from lie age ot 18 to 25 B. Ficquet. January W tat ) ENCOURAGE DOMESTIC ENTER PRIZES! 8 30,000 for 8 10, May be procured by a prompt application at the Office of the AUGUSTA fK*ooi(fr |B|j>all Setter#* AUTHORIZED BY THE GEN. ASSEMBLY Ob' THE STATE OF GEORGIA. MBERT THOMAS L WRAY. commissioners. ) JOHN W . AUGUSTIN SLAUGHTER,) ( B ' D - IHO MP SON, SCHEME. I Prize of 8 30.000 is 8 30,000 I Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000.^ 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 5,00 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 " * 5175 Prizes, 7 180,000 12825 Blanks. 5 18,000 TICKETS at TEN* DO ELAVIL. Less than two ami an half Blanks to a Prize. —— The prizes only to be drawn, and to be all floating from the comraeiicement except the following, which will be deposited in the wheel at definite periods, yiz : On the Ist Drawing 1 prize of glo,ooo, and 1 of 8.300 On the 2d “ I prize of 5,000 anti luf 1,000 and lof gSOO On the 3d « 1 prize of 10.000 and lof 500 On the 4th “ 1 prize nf 5,000 and lof 1000 and lof 500 On the sth “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof 500 On the 7th “ I prize of 10,000 and lof 5,000 and lof 500 On the Bth “ 1 piizeof 20,000 and lof 1.000 and of 500 On the 9th “ I prize of 30,000 and iof 1,000 and lof 500 111" Sch-jine is splendid, and (o Uioieiess and safely of I'.vcst.n .nt oii ; s,. t >sa I i; nui an «l»«riur i ■liiofments »<> any t,{ tn ■ N .rtd -ni l.itieries. Ihe, whale Lottery to be completed in Nine Drawings only. Prizes payable in thirty Day# after the c.< npkiion oi the Uiawo.g, il applied for within twelve mo tl»8. I’ ize lickets will be received in payment for any Tickets that may remuin unsold in 110 . c lurae of the Drawing. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS, vv tioie Pickets g 0 ; Q oiners, g 2 5) Halves, 5 | Eighths, 1 25 ror Sa e in » great »anety of numbtrs at tue Commissioner,.’ niiice in Broad Sireet, a few doors below the Hanks, ( (O’ Orders for I ickets and Shares from any pan ot the United States, I OST PAID and enclosing the Cash, addressed to the Secretary will meet pr* aite ion. J. S. Deers, ~ Secretary to the Commissioners. March 11 ~ . i 4 u'ijsojjtaa M'hJjMj Carriage Makar. H\S i-pc»'V“(l i Tin o iiis Spring Su jply CARRIAGES ami G/G.V, which makes It •nortment of G gs complete—consisting of first second and third rate Lea her ind Suntop t;lg one Coaehee ami one Chariotee. Being tepid i Iv snpnlied with an extensive assotimmt, dine from tiie various manufactories of Newark and it vicinity, lie is disposed to sell on a*, good terms a the artieffs can b * obtained in- Augusta . Q3“Or.lers fnr any kind of Carriages will b forwaided and executed in tbe best manner, a the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriage' built ‘o order. Repairing in all brandies, at shot notice, mi ’he most reasonable terms. M reh 22 if 77 ~~ AIiO.VZU \\&\, Coach-Maker , WILL keep constan) y on nand, mid for Sab at Mr. ! oxrstbrxt’s f.ivt v\ Stable. XV Assott /'.viea't or oaa a§ o ’Tj" Order* for t.ltis or C vRUI AGKS from tin North, will be promptly attended to and wor! warranted. N. 11- Repairing done at tfie shortest notice. Nnvemb. f ;q 4- litial \.v\h\\ V*u values, IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Uoat Hamburg, Hampers reai Helfast Potatoes, wtnci will be sold in lots to suit families, by appl; ng immediately at Jacob Moisp.’s. •If Knizin Ucnnoch's Uniu, December 28 $ > S,IiV)D W’»igl\l ){ Vrivi u bacon ton SALE. appl* to Robert t). Ware. December 3 4fi Vur Sja\e, 4 I IKF.LY NKGRO WOMAN, b pood Coot 1 Wasfier an I Ironer— fir further particum <1 re > h ■ Office of the Constitutionalist. | Ifeoomber 31 51 NV LiLLuiL W. b U | liecnos the tender of hm services in the COMMISSION AND STO It Ass Ea USINESS, TO HIS FIiIKVIIH avn the politic. j ■ IS WARE HOUSE Jt the upper end, south i-M. side Broad-street, is now ready lor the r -option of COP! ON and mher PROOUCE, upon hioh liberal advances w ill be made, when re fuired. any business with wldcli he may be favoured, •had be punctually attended to. o"U.ber 1 28 COM 'ASSiAN HUS I NESS TV\» tsubscriheL*, i I AVINO engaged IVaiikii .ml Stuiiks, in su. t lie ii iperpurt >t 11is cite, .ff.-rs hisservicesssl ' general COWMISSION MKRCH AN P. Persons vho may place inerchamllse .ir produce under h s are, may safely rely on every posvble exertion eing ust.‘d, to give general satisfarli n Hnrna M-Kiniie. Sentember 28 27 TVie ©ubscribei! [NI'ENDINU to re.i le in New V irk, with a view lor ihe transaction of Com rnssi n llns ine-s, in all its blanches, wad leel grate'ul lor unj mnsignments or orders, with which he may hi ivryred, assuring his riemls thai his nnreirnUei attention wib be exerted to promote their inti i st. Ho will be prepared on the receipt ot an : n-igrimen s, or id the invoices with bills of In lu g and orders for insurance, to make the cn ■mary advances if required. \ y references that is desired, can he obtainei o Messrs Mackenzie & Ponce, Augusta, or Bti oiiin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Kp.tclinni. Ort' bpr 1 26 .{5 EUNIEEK YAETDUAGE~! AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, ( At hi (i sin •ij • • hll, neal t i*. K ft, on 'l' •» prppHf’t-d t g iiL'tt hinuLle fulvanos upon y] j irocluce placed n h•, Ln -y • H U ie, |j John Kveringhain, jr. February 22 ]ot« gg' ST LEX DVD DVUVWVJ'Oi*. PRIZES ACL FLU \ PING. GRAND STATE LOLTELIY OF MARYLAND, 5-a intaiiis lhe lo.low.njp br I oupifals still un draw u ] Viz. 40,0 DD DoWs. 110 000 DuVVs. 2.0 000 DoUs.j 5,000 DoUs. Besides 12 of 10U0 6 ~l 5(19 ke. C .• whul- pay shl,* in cash, wh ch as usual d CO tKAS OFFICE tan h<’ had Ihe moment ill -y are drawn 19. h drawing on Wednesday, 10 hos March 30th and hist on Thursday, :5M of March Unless the great capital of gIO.OOO sh ~'d In indrawn after the 19th is over,/ii which case il,. lOih drawing will be dd -rr-d to the 12 Ii April, i hen tiie scheme must be completed Whole Tickets gI2 I Quarter, . 300 , Halves . .6 ( Ei s h / IS . j 5 ,j lo be had, warranted undrawn, at ‘ (SJDillliaa'a 9^ Where boiii t m g. 'a' Capital, of 20 000 and < o Odd DOLLARS, drawn in the vIONUMENI I .O I i ERY, mi Mae 28th ult. were sold, and 10 re weep ad I. ■he Capital l*t z s of 100,000 I) dlars, half undone, quarter to citizens of Gear 20,0005, lO.POOs, 5000 s, in the last Grand' l.' ttory, and whkiif, m he capical phizes I\VE IIKKY OHTALNEK THAN AT’ A.XT OTHER OFFICE N AM EH 1C A. 0 drrs left-with I. R. St. .10’IN. B ond Street XlfllTST, I. Geopgia, suit! be promptly attended lo FREE OF POS TAGE. .’lin'd 1 80 2S .SC HA W<JIS or VI 7iS ~ VitfXTfijO SIA72J and POST NOTES, ALSO, SHAFTS Jn Boston, li.iltiaptre, Hrovidfiire, Washington City, New-York. Petersburii;. Va. Philadelphia, Charleston, 8. C. old Savatioali, For Sale hy Beers, Bunnell k Bt. John- B Oiiil , corner of M y fnlos/t street. G .ld *4ll il F.ilvk'* coin and ail Bank M-tkh. Hong lit and Said. N n’t* » !)♦* ■ U 2 40 l aTfayeite HAT AND CLOTHING WARE HOUSE The Subscriber '? opening in liroiul sreet, one no or below J\lr. Al ten i, Hat Store, A Ullliß AN M ft I. VF. HAL ASSORTMENT OP H>j» t& AND CLOTHING, Consisting of OIIRSS CO ITS, Fr ck Coats Drah b -x coats Dmible k single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon Briwd Cloth, Satinelt and Cnrdurtiy do Toilimilt, Valentin, Swansdown & black silk Vests I Clue and black Cloth and Cassimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, trilled and plain 1 Shins ( Knitted, Cotton, Worsded and i.ambgwoil Shirts and Drawers Flanm I do do I'artan and Camblet Cloaks Ladles do ' , Boy’s Dresses i V null's Close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide 1 !■ rims Inundation beaver do La Fayetie, buy# and mens seal skin Caps Washington. Jackson and La Fayette Slocks ( Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, Btc. ALSO Negro Jackets a id I i-nwser* House servants Coatees mid Pantaloons Fi armnighl Gnernsty Frock“ed flannel Shirts Striped and Check ,]o 1 Common Linen do M o .jlen Gioves, and many other articles I in his Ime, I'h" above GOODS are New-Yorfc made, and •dl be disposed of wholesale and retail, al New /oik prices. J. I J . Hetze. Decembur .3 4„ D YING AND SCOURING. | Mu-, SnP-crim-r returns Ins thanks to the pub 1. i c generally, (m ihe enenumgement tbs • has icceived since his commencement in the ■ tying Un-uiess, in this place, and hopes, hy i, a net attention in Ins business, to have a continn 1 cp of their custom; he slid continues at hi 1 stand, on the north side of Reynold street laear the intersection of Bridge I!-w—where In i Inti, mis to carry -m the DYING BUSINESS, in'c 11 its vanoos branches, on Cm ton, bilk and , iVoolb i\ , al»o, Straw Leghorn and Craped- G. inlemen can have their Coats, Pantalmma and | V -sts scoured, gr- ase, paint and stai nt s extract< i. at the shortest r.oticand on reasonable terms, by r ' 1 Wm. T’aliafeiro k Son. November 2 .37 SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co. niIAPKHS AND TAILOHS I vVlN’tf t I-me 1 a connection with Mr. Henry >1 IP.w-tiil, Isle of Baltimore, have removed -dr Kdahlislimeiit lo v'n. 83, Broadway, corner of >Vall-Slrect, waere their Business will in future be ondiirti d under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS k //OM'AKD. v/ vp York. li| .(*, 7 SULPHATE QUININE. A LARi.K supply of till, ab.ivi valuable Medi \i cine prepared by one us the first Chemists in France, tiv sl* as ue lnru(] hy Il R & I). G. liaviland. Fehr'inry Id gy VaVLA*V.VU feCUDOL. Jl'IE submr ber wdl open of Tuition, * *>is School Rom, vi z 0,1 Monday evening, 28, h instant, French ;on evening. 29. h, Spa nisi,-and alternate. V * o"u S * ' Veek lor ei * ch branch A ew Scholars being already engaged, the Vmml Will positively he nponed on those days. w, “ be zdmut.duniilthe opt. M t ig (he new comses. I he subscriber w.ll continue tn attend priva'e Umsesm, for Young Ladie., during day J ‘ Il()\ missing, •, U td \Si h. Wood, nr E Wood & r-„ * w k ■wing,, in his p« session will conferl 'ftvTbv theirre^r.s n-cemher 24 E ' V ' roo(, r °* •A DUtIC. A V ,l Cli i’ n 5 0 I «"»• '* tothers ofthe Ci v .itil ~l,ceon '»’* vim.i. ‘ *‘ ll at '*« following /,W TZ*l office R > Jinn "“' l Ae sup-r-iitemlence of i- J * -iv -rman and Naihan Leeds E l'i r •... or any two ..» i1,,-,,, |S> ff"' 1 " !' l '" r(e Members, a. the City,pop; f J*.. I tpriiitetnleiw-.* oi ttx . ii *wlCh«rl. :s Labuzan • ■ ‘l'Lft-A** HHV ( U'|> Mi I h(*in Pl.p pods hot p. ned at ten o’clock in the theafu-X OPC,, un ‘il‘*o o’d-ck in Sboul liibe i nnv -nient for any of the per | i named as uanagerg, to act on die ,la> of the 1 '.p » »•!! be i„ n lP i r siPad. I f-vm.-rsm each DI.Wi. the tim .o,v t "V '»«O.I.-TS of (lie douncl, will aan vole for I’, d spd'r M “ v,,r ° ni,e citr sv,it ‘" ,f '” p«i'» ire N ’ 1 ,n), 'e of the m anagers io Dis. I) strip. \’t T "ih ° r more Ae managers in . 4 w «il T( pan to file City >.nd ;;; u w '"‘ or. more of ihe managers I ' ,b(J 7 wil, add a tog",her the . -dc voe- given in each District (m vj;,y„ r . Rll(1 'be Person having the highest number, when so added. «,ey will. fy aH the Ma or .I c shrr the Managers si,mi ,| have B certained win. IS Mayor, they « ,11 ,fce a n-iurn ol the votes taker, c» the Cl, i-man of Conor I ~ , II- B. licit!, .Mayor. March 29 ~;e - 7 71 J •S. fthiuu’d Panacea. f r ,,K . s " bH ' ; f b C h ivi - g disc ivered the ernnot;- As, mS .V AIM’S celebrated Panacea; h .now a s„p . on 1,, dforsa' . he has reilu- Tozel, g 24" Ci: ,r °‘“ ® OS ° t0 % 2 5U ’ wr b y tlie All c.iar table institutions in (he United Slates and the p .nr will be supplied gratis. Ule rit,z ' Uli o( ' ts, « principal cities and towns, wdl appoint an agent to order and ,h i,- butc this medicine to the poor, ii will be supplied, T is medicine is celebrated for the cure ofthe following di eases, ” scrofula or king’s evd, ulcer, aitd or putrid sore throat, long standing rhu malic all. ctions, cutaneous disea-es, white swell. ’■ g, and disease of the bones, and all cases gen. |t rady of Hie ulcerous character, and chronic dis eases, generally ar ling in debilitated ccnafitu '"’ns - h ". l ni,) re expec'ully from syphilis, or affec uomi anting therefrom ; ulcers in the layrnx. nodes, sic. And that dreadful disease occasioned i;y a long and excessive use of mercury, Sic. It ig also useful in disease of the Liver.” CERTIFICATES. I have within the last two years had an nppnr. unity of seeing several cases of very inveterate nicer* which having resisted previously the regu- Lr modes of treatnmii;, were healed by the use ■’* -Mv. Swairn s Panacea, and 1 do believe, f,om what I itave seen ihat it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, veneris! and mercurial dis t ss l : ‘ s N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. 1 have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim in numerous instances, within the last three year*, mil have always found il extremely efficacious* .'specially in secondary syphilis, and mercurial hsenses. I have no Institution in pronouncing it j medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M. ft. I’rofesaor of Surgery in the University of Penn sylvaoia. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. N. B. For sale at S r.ilh and Pearsall’*, N. E. corner of Ptiird and Market-streets. Philadelphia , February 17. 1323. Iml2m 87 You ha\ti ov Uim, A Negro Woman, a good Conk, Washer and I A Iroucr. For partini'io s apply to William Matkio. February V!