The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 05, 1825, Image 4

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TO THE fIYUEUE is perhaps no medical oh.-ervslion bei JL ter established none, more generally confinnet by the experience of the best physicians ot all agio and countries and none of more importance 10110 practitioner,than the fact,that many of the most ililli cell ana incurable complaints originate in ueglecii ed coldt, In a climate as variable as ours,where tin changes o( the weather are frequently sudden am' unexpected, it requires more care and altentioi guard against tins siihtle and dangerous enemy o* ife. titan most people imagine, or are able urn willing to bestow. Hence the vast number «i pa' cents, afflicted with cougns, catarrhs, asthms consumptions, and other affections, and hence tin farrago of rational and absurd remedied, cried ii; by the learned and illi-erate. Ihe many cases ol the kind, fell under my observation; the prepost emus compositions of Inflaming drugs, wind are in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced h practice from remedies highly recommended , am my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints were strong inducements for me to consider whether a compound consisti’ g of mild vegetable substances could not be invented, more free from the stoll founded objections of practitioners, and hotter calculated to avert the threatening dr struction of the lungs. PULMONIC ot Vegetables, For Coughs, colds, asthmas ami Consumptions This remedy is superior to any medicine which has been offered to the public, as it is preparer from the most valuable herbs of our vtgelabb kingdom, and its qualities are such that every th pendenCe may be placed in it's virtues for th> cure of Hie above diseases. From the knowledg' the proo.iotor lus of the pulmonic virtues of tin syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending i to those who labour under those distressing coni flints a- a safe and efficacious I'eioedy, am) hsv ini;- admiiii-li i ,'] it to thousands in New-York and Phdadelpb a, hr feels no iiesitaiion in offering a to Tie public, ami after trial, itvse persons wlv purchase the genuine syrup, wiil have their mo iipv r"l i.ided !>v returning the bottle, if they di n t (e.d .ntis icd mat they haw reaped benel rum ilie use of a. /Hi rcliuns for line. j, Take « tea spoon full three lime* a clay, aa; , room ng, iiuu i ami night, and rimtu.iif if imiil re lievud. (Jjf* Each buttle, will have the signature of the proprietm. OT7* Prcpnred only ami sold by B - Audler, sigi of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. i October ‘3l 3.1 ISew .inti lavaiumiiu PAfIBITHKD B* TUK UNITKII STATUS OF AMJiaiCA t AUDLER’S J Asiatic Lenitive tov Vain. Tins M»mU- .. V, »* is t n«v rr ,uilin S f'-'lneily tui tin* Tooth- Ache, Htiatl Ache, ami °thcr tlis cases. * " fllillS remedy is good aealnst the tooth ache «t X pain m ike teeth and jaws when duly applied and employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy n delieving swellings of tlieguma, lace and adjacent purls, arising from or connected with tooth ac.ln It relieves head-ache or pains in the head ii the moat easy and agreeable manner ; for this fr< quent and distressing complaint, this, Ilia nev medicine, is a charming prescription, for it r< stores both the organs of sense and the nerves > their healthy condition at a quick and admiraho rate. This new mid useful preparation produces, by mild ami gentle stimulation, a cheering operatioi upon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates tin functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom ami vapours it acts truly like a nervous and ccphaln medicine of the first order. Nor is its elfect less beneficial when conslderei in relation to the stomach, than to (ho mouth, tin head and the spirits, by its qualities it acts up. i the sight and immediate organs of digestion as >. carminative and cordial, expelling « ind, removiii). torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention and improve ment is quite as favorable to diseases ot the ear, more especially it acts to great advantage in dul ness ami Hardness of hearing, an 1 even in incipi ent deafness, restoring the tailing organ to tin exercise of its (rue and healthy functions ofheto tig. ’ Certificate from Dr, Samuel 1., Mitchell. Dr. Ex.-kiel Audler, of the city of New-Vork, this day submitted to me his letters patent from 1 the United State*, for compounding and vending a remedy which he calls the Asiatic henitive, and asked my opinion upon the same, w hereupon, at ' ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi cation, I find it contains » mixture of such ar .mal ic, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal culated to produce a composing effect on the luo man body. Samuel L. Mitchell. AVw-FbrA*, November id, IMI 8 AvuUfer’ft «>VUk o£ Hoses. AN elegant cosmetic lor whitening, sofening and beautifying the skin, and removing piiiu pies, freckles and chops f rom the face, neck, fkr The Milk ot Hose possesses many qualities, for h not only serves tor the above purposes, but it put the bloom oj youth on age, which valuable proper)' every lady is fond of enjoying. This ht auiifnl cost cos metic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article wh*ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth ing that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa ble article to every lady, and should be found cu their toilets. Dtutxrioss. —After being washed and drip, then take a small quantity on a piece of white flan amluel then wash face, neck, hands, &c. Each hot tie will be signed by the proprietor. Price gl. Prepared only and sold by K. Audler, sign ofth Golden Engle, Augusta. .Inly 4 5 &> VVm. \V. Holt, Esq. is res pectfully recommended as a suitable person, t fin lie office of Mayor ol the City— at the an ual Election in April—and will hr supported by MANY VOIEUS. Match 15 75 E. AUDLEK, t HURUGOJS DENTIST, RESTED 1 FULLY inform- (be Ladies and Gen tlemen of Augusta, that he will he ready t ,erve tliyrn at all limes, at his or their houses, i be line of his profession, and hopes he will me. -hare of the public patronage, as he wiil extrac •eih and slumps, and in the easiest manner if eve if difficult, and all its other branches. Taste ot Carbon, A superior dentifrice to any ever offered fm leaning beautifying and whitening the teeth sir nuking the breath sweet and greeabic. SCO liIS UTIC ESSENCE. OF Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in thi urns and teeth, and makes them firm at th one time. Prepared and sold by E. Aurller. At his I >rwg end Medicine Sj -e. »t the Cotto Mange. Sign of the Golden JS'ilnT Augusta, July 4 2 A. OAlili. L. T\AUULVCE, SUItGEON DEN I IS P, At Bachelder if (Jothmse’s, Mroad Sl-eet, Aui'usi nearly opposite he Planter's Hotel. R ESP EG I FULLY informs the Public, that h< lu- returned again to ihis City, .and respect ■ally solicits the P.a ronsge of the Ladies am tientlemen win may require his s-rvices in iht several branches of Ins Profession.—Person " ishing his s< rvice in private Families can call ai t see his woi k Manufactured on a new principle which he w arrant-, TaatVi and Rums. The disease, ol ilie I e> in and -mii.s are chiei ty owing to our own neglect ; tne pans of tin di cents wideb lodge abou them atier ma-'ic m i growing acrid and corrosive, the gums an ‘hereby first affected, as being the most ttn lei unis alter these corruptions are produced, cum nioidy called the Tartar of llie Teeth, wh cl b droyiug bmh their texture and whiteness no o"i> deprives the mouth of its principal on.a dents, but brings on violent tooth ache- and ren cuts the Gums livid and putrid, ami off nsive t< ourselves ami others.— Uut iliougb people ii general insy prevent those inconveniences, b' are and attention at lirot, yet, if they are one -offered to lake place, it ia no longer in tin pow •r of the sufferer to remove them, lids being pro perly die prov nee of the experienced Dtiilisi who has made the maladies of the Teeth am Gums, with (heir alien !ant evils, the principa bject and end of hi- studies. •Mr. ¥\weauce, Dentist, Ifv long practice, a close application to ousi ies«, and a thorough knowledge ol the struclur' of the leeth amt Gums, ua- ma le all the opera turns in those parts quite familiar to him, inso natch that what some Dentists have judged irr practicable, he hath performed with ease am s ifpiy. He places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak 'ug the latter with pure enamel) from a singl me to an entire set so accurst eli, that they sha nn-wt-r every tiurtmae of Hie natural. I hue Hit greatest deficiencies are supplied with ornament which have die reeomnneudaiion of utility. Tin>s»’ Teeth that h .vr fallen out their sock ets, which frequently happens, though m s pet tect sound stale, he, by a method peculiar to bin self, replaces as firm as ever, wmiout the leu min or uneasiness to the patient, lie clears tlie Teeth, it ever so discolored, ol 'll their fullness ami ailar, walnut pain, am renders them white and as fairas ever in half a hour, I eeih and Stumos extracted in the easiest man ner, if ever so difficult. lie assisls young ladies and gentlemen in tin first and second dentition, and removes the Mi l I i-eMi at proper seasons, lest they should incom mode the regular growth ot the succeeding once old if,i deformity of this kind tins taken plac hrough the want of a Destist, Mr. Florance un dertakes to correct it ; provided the subject u not more tiiau twenty years old, and restores ibt leeth to their natural, regular and beautiful > r tier. N, 11, A Tincture and Deutrifice Paste, prenat i d by Inin only, w Inch preserves the Teeth an changes them to a b ■auldul white, cures the guru of the Scurvey and makes hrealli at all titn-s swe< and agreeabl , and cures Hie Tooth Ache home balely, wi Ii nroper directions how to use it. On b ,• 12 ;3j Aesou atcaneiu^. II is with pleasure sun Conti,e u.e that tlu 1 rustees of tins Institution, pn cn its clauri n tins occasion, fm the support and p.; r nage o u> enlightened puldic. Although endowed mon iberally pel haps than any other county scliool u the s ate, yet its funds having been unproductive lor several years past bei g mostly vested in st«u oank stuck, the academy ti ,s been iiiuch clogged in i ,s operation, Ihe board have not been aim u tter an adequate in aueinent loengage the servi ces t'f a Hector, who combined qua .ficauuns ant character, that would insure success to the seinm ary. I his bar we are happy to si ate is removed and we cungraudate the community in having , procured tor the ensuing year, the Kev Thoma- Gould ng, formerly of Liberty c inity, a gemK man whose scliotarsbip and genera! ciiaracter ar mo notorious to require the feeble tribute ol ou praise. Mr. Goulding w ill -uperiiilend b ah school! —lns personal services and attention Imwevti wul lie principally bestowed on the teinale rit partmeiil. In the male academy lie will be assi eil b» Mr. Lalbrop—a northern graduate win i some experience in leaching—ami who is rt • commended as unexcepti cable i i talents am . morals. To these considerations we have to add i local inducements, such us health, cheapness o y boihd, &c. and perhaps it would not be though , upeifl unis to suggest, lhat inasmuch as most < , toe imp ■ riant elections are tram,fern d directly i i “ie people, it would become doub y necessary * enlighten their minds, tor n urudi stands on a(i i ner ba-is than ibis, that in proportion a- we giv o the people power, we should also give lb , knowledge. On the practical adoption ol >hi , nnciple depends Hie preservation ol our fepu , ican institutions. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, , , AVe entry iXj" The Editors o.l'the CousHinlionaha. Augusta aid Republican, Savannah ml publish h aboi mdftn ward their accounts to Lexington /or pa unit, j ( Ja iuary 18 -,o i - - —■■ —— ■■■— tin W umv Lid Acuity hiuutcd at Inis ove*. armia&aa AND STEAM B.yTrfS. ___ | kR HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfnii mJ informs ihe public, that lie his establish STEAM aid MEDICAL BA lUS in August; Ibe very high repute rueue Baths havt acquit* >n Europe, vs here (although i late discovi r they are to be found in every hospital, and r Treat cnies they have performed in Boston, L J h, idolphia and Charleston, can leave no double heir efficacy. The m ist gentle as well as II: nost powciiul medicines are administered by h.. neans, without any pain, trout),e or disgint to ih ■atient. • hey are a never fining remedy in all cutane 'Us aft. ctions; from Psora, Ringworms, ik-. !■ sealtlhead aid Leprosy . 1 hey also have nev< ’ailed of success in either acute or chronic rliei mutism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcmu weilings, incipient dropsy; m all diseases of th j tints, gouty affections, dispersi in o( tumors,, med syphilis, spasmodic or nervou- afiV-ctions o all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, pilejisy—these baths have been found most sei viceable, and have often succeeded even in Inn ‘itary complaints. In tine, this manner of adinli ■luring almost every remedy belong!'g to th healing art, may be tendered applicable to ulmos very cjae, a 1 d (it is repea ed) without any pair ' disgust lo the patient. As these baths are not yet generally know Hr. Mount will be happy to give the mos: r * Deniable references to persons who have bee cured by lali. g them. V\ift Stftmu Sf .MvAicaV BaVb LatubUfAi luftut, lain Ellis. Street, opposite Via it stealing’ trek House, a d has an entrance in Broad true immediately ot>oosiie the city /fool. .1 ■ ev n 57 Lust t . J LN the 23d hist, "pock T HOOK, contain A" ng sundry papers and a *urn ol mmni sav 1,30 dollars, viz: glOu bill, Ha k .>1 Dire n eorg n, No. 42b dated May 4th 1819. n ark. ci letter A among the rest of he IL k II I w. s two dollar bi I, .( the Bank of South Oar* lina ■ml two tend liar Hills, on what Bank not re collected. A suitable reward will he given hi s rec'Very. Any person finding the gam" will leave with Mr. Daniel Dll, -r Mr. lie. Jamil) (Juti IT, otherwise o the sub-c- b r Wm. L. Walker, of Lincoln County Msrrli 2$ 3, LOiT!! LOST! ! \NO I K drawn by tt< ssrs. A. Much* 11 & 8. Clarke, payable six■ y .’ays niter d* o, J in.,, y 21,t Uizs, t. < r order, for live hundred an uglily fi ur, 43 .tents and endorseti by u ‘ he public is cun, ned aga* ist trading lor ti me, ai d the dm.we sos s-.irl it te gainst p v incut to any olh r than th- sub nib -s. J. W. L. Simmons & Co. F h 25 _ "*»■' 11 ' “ ' - _ iiOSt, ON the I2lh Inst. ( viih a mall sum of money F. Walker’s Clo ck tor gib, «., the Bank o t ignstn, dated the 1 lilt in-l. p ,y übi.- to bearer.- file Public is cautioned not to trade tor th '.heck, Ti «• finder by it with the. sub oi ibers, w:l* be uo.iUlv reward 1. 11. ii. Duncan & Co. January 14 .yg Xcgcoes lo\* rtaVft. 'p'lK suhsciib. r offers fi r .ale i u E.NTY lit. I l\ Negr ps, ennais mj; of Men \V m n, Gir aiul B as. fiber will he sold Iw. on anplioa in tome it the Eagle Tavern, where the Negro, may be seen. John I). Wnlker. Toniuirv *;Q KOii. nALIb, s\ Beautiful Hay Mare: iLH m y he liau cheap on immediate aj j I” (i i'is office. . h 22 77 «Vgftue>j \\ O (VINO con-tnuied -Ki. H I'IS THO.IfPSOX II Jl Jr, Esq. ray Vgent. I earn ’ly sol-.cit those T'tini indch’ed to me fir tin Hamburg Gazelles ami all otlmis in pecuniary arr art, to make pay ment to him immediately, K. W. Pleasants, llj”A Subscription Taper is open al his Office i Wa-liing'on v treet, "here 'hose wishing to bt come subscribers, have an opportunity a.lorded hem F. W. P. M rch 11 74 iNUTUE. 'BMIE Public are camioned ag.inst trespassing I on 'he Houses and Lots of the sub-crihei it iper end of town —especially against hauling ■nid or earth from the river bulk r contiguous lepeto. Each and every p' rson off -uding shal ave the law rigorously entorced against him of them. Hut'll > pt-hit. f«ni»‘Tv 21 a AU i 1u.%. AI.L persons I re catriou d agamst tradii g Cot a N ite ot § >sb, given b the subscriber 'o ne Joseph Hen uTs'in, d<•d ah m h» 29 h A iril 1824, and due fit Journey 1825 Ihe con -act on which the note was fninded having I railed on the part of said 11. nderson, he is deter -1 mined not to pay it. Wilson I’ird. Shn Is of Oijeecfe, March 25. 1825 B*l 78 A otice. i LL persons having iernands upon the estatt % ,1 Nicholas VV ife, deceased, are requested in o.aae them known to the subscribers. Those why e indebted to the said estate, will please to makt immediate p* nr nt. Susan LI. Ware, Ex’trx. \V. W. Holt, Kx'r. n rerr*. r 4 Si .«otice. » LL persons to wr 0111 Hit esta.e 01 John J IT A Aunts deceased, is uuleb ed, iri r* quest. , se it their acco’ints wulun me time :n> lihed by lav l , and Uiose Win are indeblei ■ les.ale, are requested c nnke immediate p.i j en lo Peter liemiocli, July 23. r 0 T\\e teu\auua\\ Line ol STAGES. aAVING discontinued running on the South Carolina side, will leave this place even unday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A M. on the Georgia side, by the way of Cutlo’c -I ill have n and Pearce’s. For seats apply at 'he City Hotel. . Joseph I Thompson and James Kirkpatrick, Proprietors. March 15 1825, 6t 65 " IhAWo IT HR subscriber having resumed the practice 1 DA vV, tenders his services to the public. He will attend most of the Courts 111 the Western Circuits, the adjoining counties iu the Flint am' Ocmulgee, and me counties of if wrens, Twiggs alj<l Pulaski, in tlip Clircuits, Thomas VV. Harris. (TT Letters sddres.el to him Monroe, Wal Oil county, will he- a'tend<*d 10. ’'“b ■"■( 8 3.r> 65 otice. yp'lK ‘•ubscrib *rs tia e c mnected themselve j in the practice of 'he LAW they will uni irnly attp-i 1 all t e counties of the Nortlieri ircuit, and the county of Franklin, of the VI c. ern Circuit, one o) them will be generally found it i licit .Hr in Elberton, where they will lak •lea'tire in 'ransacu ig the business ol those win nm be unfortunate enough to be involved in tin Laws John LJeard, Thomas J Heard. lannarv I, 182.5 57 i\ once. PRHSONS being dai y m the habit of trespass 1 ig on the Hn korv ridge tract of land, name hy the Dnik of Georgia, and cutting the wood and md- rgiowtD therefrom : Nonce is hereby given hat tile utmost y gilanct- will be used in detecting ■ol prosecuting the offend-rs the said Land n munded on ttie west bv urkanet's Spring, and > . t of the village of Summerville, on the Eas (V the lands of A. Martin P H. Carnes anti chert, it tnav lie more particularly known by th. vlidedgeviile road, passing 'hr ugh it. iiy urilev of the Board I. Henry T’rhnisrv I 1825, rt.l ‘ u.vvi«gfc & ilurstis I’uv And House ai the Sand-Hills TO RENT. f p r *L Subscriber ffers ms Can-,age and Hor JL ses fop Ba!<-, a. d im mdiate poi ession giv -0 of mem, it desired. I he residence ol the subscriber *f 'he Sind ! .U is ale) ofle-ed lor He t until the first of It v mher in x*—here be ng on the p'.-nns od < arden, iiuvi j.'in I item to an ahiAa 1* ' ■ Vege'aht -s, a g- ?• <-,r,Viv also 0 ; is Grapes, Peaches, Figs & - Stc . E. F. Campbell, March 22 2 r 77 ~i'o i ENT. From the first October next, Three Stores and a Dwelling jffpa. House, uj p. rem outti side Bros jiiiW Street, adj lining Egan ft M'Latigl ■ Ini’s, viz :—The Store occupied b -.11 .nykCo. iln; Siore occupied by HiU tr den—mid the tw story Fiame House and Stci j doing the i ime—Abe house is well calcula.t < ■r a private family nr loading Hou>e— having a. sc dent Brick Kuc/ieA, The S'ores are all tp.or. lesirahlv situated for ttie Grocery Business, Apply 10 William H. E^an. September 17 24 FOR SALE. A LO T OF I, AND, three miles from Atgosta, L containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of which is ■ .ar *d and under good fence, the balance Mood :md There is on the prom ses. a c -mfi.mble )w. lling House, yvhicli has lately undergone a borough repair. A new Kitchen, moat House, m h'gwnt Brick: Pantry, Crib, Stables, Fodder and Tannage House, &c. all complete—a large yar veil shaded ; a handsome Orchard of Apple, Peach, Pear and Plum trees, a never failing pringof excellent water within 80 yards of the 'welling, and as healthy a situation as any in Hid) ■nond County. The above will be sold a bargain, if early up plication is made to Jno. C. Holcombe. tanoarv 18 59 FOR SALE OR iO LiPaN i. ek'IHE unexpired lease and improvements 01 ■J. the Lot known as the Littieman’s Garden itnaied on Ellis-Street, near the corner of Cen re-Street having nil the conveniences for car rying on Confectionary upon a targe scale, br ides an Oven, Dryhouse, &0. There is alsi a > Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 tons Ice can he secured for summer use. 'I he wholt (vtii be sheyvn by application on the premises.— , For terms apply to B. Bouyer. August 1 13 A Situation WvuvUhV, 4VOUNG woman la ely from England would , be glad to obtain a situation in some pious 0 soil respectable family. She has been accustom 0 ed to every sort of work usual in families, aim , would make herself very useful either with the Needle, or in any of the departments of house keeping. Satisfactory references can be made. Enquire at this Office. February 18 68 Notic . A LI, persons tc whom ‘he late Franfcis Bouyei ■’ ot the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt ed, are requested to present their demands with n the time prescribed by law ; and those tndeb< d. are requested to make immediate payment. H. Houyer, .. . Paul Uosßiguol,s lt /A D,uccebcr2l 51 Monthly Advertisements. jS otice. months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ot Fianlitiu ;ounty, for leave to sell one hundred Acres ot Land, in said County, as the property ol Adam Linn, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased. Jthii E. Carson, adm’r, January 18, 1825 lm6m 63 IS otice. OOINE months after date application will be TI made to the Honorable Inferior Court of 'olunibia County, when selling as a Court of Or dinary for leave to sell 202 1 2 acres of Land ly ing in the 2d District of Monroe County, Lot No. 208, it being the real estate of William Smalley; deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. James Smalley, Adm’r. Januorv 4. 1825 Ini9m ‘57 N otice. NINE months after date, application v : P he made to the Honorable the Inferior Lou. of Richmond County, when sitting for Oi tin : ~ mrposes, tor leave to sell one half of foot an ; three quarters acres of Land, in said ( ■ , (joining lands of Ware and Coleman, I benefit of Seaborn Skinner, minor. Livingston Skiune Gun i' Sept. 11, 1824. ln,9'n 5 IN otice. 'dSfINE mouths after date, application T'-l made to the Honorable the Justices the Inferior Court of said cou ty, when s : : fop Ordinary purposes, for leat eto sell the v • > the rea 1 Estate of Irvin B'-yef, decease , said county, for die benefit of the heir i .... ert rltlors of said deceased. ‘James Lambert, ) q . , Fdward Boyet, y Srriven Coinin' .!*•. 58 1835 lm9m ’ 63 a N otice. ' \ %JINE months after dan, application will be is made to the Honorable the Justice* of the Inferior Court, setting for ordinary purposes, for die county of Burke, for leave to sell all the real state of S'ephen Chance, 'ate of Burke county, leceaued, lor the benefit of the heir* and credt ors of said deceased. Mary Clin nee, Jldn’x, Joseph Chance, Adtn’r. Burke county Sep'. 6 1524 1 9m 23 IS otice. INK months after -lute, application will be i” made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary it Columbia County, for leave tn sell all the eat estate belonging to the orphans of Samuel Lilf'ivan, deceased, and aim. an undivided tract of Land, lyh g in Columbia County, belonging •o said orphans, and to Vlelp da Jones, a Minor. John Cartl'ulge, .Guardian of said Orphans. Polly Jones, (iuurdnin of Melinda Jones. Mav 95 V»hm 95 t ■■ - n i _ mmrn V_ —A mice. ’ 'iu INB months aft. r da'e, application will be' 1 "' i* made to ttie Honorable court o' Ordinary of dumb a County, tor leave to sell two hundred wo and a half acres of land, Lot No. 18, l/l li District (.ingmally Baldwin, now.lasper) granted to Benjamin Smithson, to be sd 1 fur t lie benefit of the heirs of Benjamin Smithson, deceased. Pborna- C. Bolton, i Jidministra'or de bonis non. Jump Ist 1 .‘-24, le.9m 98 t\ otice. fNtINE months after date, application will be JNI made to the Honorable he Court of Ordin ry of Burke county, tor leave to sell the real Es tate of Enucti Fanner d *c-vned. John Farmer, adm’r. Burke'County K I f H.:5 I-oQni 65 iS OTIC ii. VTINE months after date, application will b* lN made tn the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, tor leave to sell two tracts of Laud in said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek, one containing 318 acres joining Hobart), Pullin and others, the o'her containing 172 acres joinin'* Luke and others, it being a part of the real estaUjJ if I homas Jones, deceased, sold (or the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. William Booker, Adm’r. In riyht of his -wife. January 25, 1825. Im9 n 61 In otice. * .I*l INF. months after dale, application will be ia'J made to the honorable Inferior Court of Richmond County, for leave to sell the undivided halt ol tenement No. 7, Bridge Row—also, two immproved lots Corner of Elbert and Reynold streets, for the benefit of Margaret P. Unties, a M.nor. John Bones, Guardian. October 25, 1824 lm9m JM otice. ’ ttjflNE months after date, application will be J/J innde to the Inferior Court of Columbus County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, tor cave to soil 235 acres of Land, (in said C unity) belonging to the estate of William R. C.-.1)1), de ceased. John Kennon, adm’r. _ November 6, 1824 lintlm 40 is otice. d SkTINE month? after da'e, application will be msde to the Honorable the Interior Court of 1 Burke County, when sitting for ordinary purpose* li tor leave to sell ail ‘he reat estate ol Joseph Mad* c ray, late of Burke county, deceased 'or the bene fu of the 1 :ir« and creditors of-al.' deceased. Benjamin Madray, Adm’r, | June 1, 1824, Jm9tn 97 ]n otice. UjOINE months alter date, application will be :r . Tit inadr to the Hot ruble me Court ul Ordni l! jry ot Columbia County, tor leave to sell 222 a *>• cres of Lam , lying in Colu nDia County, on Hie d- waters of the big Ktokee Creek adj initig Lauda o i aoult. a, Graves and o't.i rs, to be sold lor the oenetil ol the Lei rs t ■ s M'lritu, deeva- d. • Robert .Tallin, adm’r, November 8, lt>-4 LuVm