The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 08, 1825, Image 4

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. In Hie Inferior Conn oj Hichmond Comity, til ting an u Court of Ordinary, Mosnu, Ftbruary 7ill, 1825 Danforth & Savage, J vo. iItULBJVISJ. A 'mV* of Ral <h Thomas. 3 I' appearing to tlie Court, that the petitioners are possessed of a llon.lgiven by Ralnu Thom a< pi bia lile time, together with others, condition* al tor making titles to par! of Lot No. 22, 111 the City of Angie la, containing a front of Uiirty nine ( feel on Uroa 1 sifeel ami in depth two hundred and ' seven sees, and bounded on the south l>y said ! street, ntheßiStby a1 it ■finally called P'l!' I Keatings and on the other sides by a lot late John 1 W (Ison’s and that the said Ralph Thomas has tie 1 parted Ins life wi’hout making titles to said lot, 1 and 'ha letters of administration on his estate and eff cts have been granted to Abiel Camfield ol * sat 1 County. Whereupon and on Motion of petitioners attor- ' ncy. It it ordered by the court , that the Heirs and ( Representatives of said Ralph Thomas, he cited o ' appear before this Court on the first Monday in ! A >nl to show cause, if any they have or can, why I the said Administrator of Ralph Thomas shotil 1 1 nut be ordered to execute titles to the said lot l" 1 the petitioners according to the prayer of the pe tition ; and diat a copy of this order he published 1 in one of the Caz>U"3 of this City for two Months. 1 Taken from tl» -Minute* Isaac Herbert, Clerk 0] the Conn of Ordinary- February 11 10 r 66 Administrator’g ►'tale. IV pursuance ot an order-of the inferior Conn if Richmond Coun'y, sitting for Ordinary pur ios -«, there vv 1 be sold at the Market House, in the Ciiy of Augusta, on the first 'Tuesday in June nex‘ : One undivided third part of the Lot in ih» City ot Augusta, ai present occupied by Messrs. IS <d)ey S*. Doherty, having a front on Bread and Elis streets of about twenty tee l which Lot is die scvenfii mart of Lot No. 25 in the plan of said city This sale is ordered for the beneli' of the IT irs and Creditors of Samuel Bowers, jltn. deceased. Win. C. Dillon, Adm’r. Ani-H 1 I t p 80 Administrator’s .“tale. ON alur la> the 9tll da. ol April next, in the Town ol Wrigliisborough. Columbia coun ty, between the usual hours'd sal-. Wi\\ SoVA, the whole of the pers-mal p opeity belonging t< (he estate ot William Moseley, deceased, consist ing o' Horses, Carpenters Tools, &c Sic. Terms made known on Hie flay of si'e. Thomas Bowdre, adm’r. Feh'mar l '7. It! '5 <ls 69 Administrator's bale, wif be sold 0. in first I ues lay in vlay next,*' the Court House in Franklin County, at the iisu I Ilnurs, agreeable to an <mT'r of the in f rior Court of -aid County, while sitting for O’shnarv oinnem s ; One negro, aiwucd Randal, of the es'aie .o' iVm. i-l iwa is, iceesa <l, s Id in on ■ to make a div,sin,l among the Heirs ol said de ceased. Terms made known on the dav of sale. CJeorge Htovall, adm'r. eh 11, IHI. 7< r 77 \ otice. At •RKEAIILR to a 1 order of the llonorahl the Justices of the Inferior Court, when sii. ling 'or O iiimiry purposes, will b - said at (he Court Hons 1 in the Town of Wayneshorough, on tl< first Tuesdsv in Mav next. Two negroes, viz: Tom and Ins *''• 'l\ I, Old 1 r the b nefi of Ur Richard Roger*. Minor heir of Ricliard Rogers, dec. Terms at s:d» Jno. Rogers, Guardian . M-irr-b 8. IS4 7 } T 7.5 LOST!! IOSTJ / A VO li ilimw Ol Me,.rs. A. ditch. II &. S. l\ Clark. , lay able six'v days afterdate, Janna 17 -I" 1 1825, to our order, for five hundred and eighty I mr dollars, 4.) '•ents, and endorsed by us 1 lie public is cautioned against trading lor tin same, and the drawers of said note against pav. .luent to any othi rs than the sn !■»*■«' t*i I, • tg. J. W. L. Simmon# & Co. F-h "5 to ViOSl, **'•-12'li inst. (wiMi 1 * nail sum of money) I- .V j k'T s Ch ck tor gjJ, on the Bank of, l.ited the llih mi payable to bearer.— 1 Ihe I’ublio is cautioned not to trade for the Check, f e finder by leaving it with the sub scrlbers, ivd b suitably rewarded. li. li. Duncan & Cu. .Tnnuarv 14 58 . .Vvgcoes tor oaV©. FIV IE -up .- i K-r otfers tor sale I WEN TV like A !;- Negr os, consisting of Men, Women, Girl: 1 a d It >\ s. 1 hey will be sold low, on application tom at the Ivigle Tavern, where the Negroes . may be seen. John D. Walker, 1 ■ls.. ■■ "> •AgTUVAj \\ T|l| WINtl constituted KS TIIO.UPSON ill Jr. Jug. my \gent I earn , ly aohci' tiio*« p. i- ons indeh . d to me for the Hamburg aed all oihe sin tiecuniary arrears 10 mike pay. meiit to linn immediately, F. VV'. Pleasants. dj'A Subscription Paper is open a, his Office, in Mashnigion-siroet, where those wishing to >e- ' come subscribers, have an oppoituiiily ainirded the n F. W. P. M veil 11 , y.y AOTUK. f|sllE Public are cautioned against trespassingt A on tin- Houses and Lots ■>( the subscribe' Ui per end of town—especially against hauling sand or earth from the river bank or contigu. u ] thereto. Each and every person olfending shah; have the law rigorously enforced against him I ! them. Hugh Ne.sliit. .I'lmurv 91 yf, *\ uVice. T* IG co-pipfi Tslnp ot Jiiuu j & Thompson is dissolved lin übacriber iius resumed hi office near Uie marked N. B. Julian, Feb, IS $3 ; TO THE PUBLIC, TIIEIIL is perhaps no medical observation bet ter established, none more generally by the experience of the best physicians of all agei and countries and none of more importance to the practitioner,than the fact,that many of the most diffi cult and incurable complaints originate in ntgleck ed coldt. in a climate as variable as ours,where tin changes of the weather are frequently sudden ai d unexpected, it requires more care and attention, guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy ~( ife, than most people imagine, or are able an willing to bestow. Hence the vast number of pal cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthmas consumptions, and other affections, and hence tin 'arrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried U| by the learned and i 'serale, 'The many cases c the kind, fell under hservation ; the preposi emus compositin' ''lug drugs, winch ,re in oguc ; the ' experienced it practice from regh>, ’nded , aim my own nlaims were strong whether a compound consisting apfi substances could not be invented, mo. iron the well founded objections of practitioio /8, and oetter calculated to avert the threatening di struction of the lungs. PULMONIC of YogotaLAoa, For c .uglis, colds, asthmas and c ; umptiom This remedy is superior to any medicine which lias been offered to the public, as it is prepare fiom the most valuable herbs of our v.getabl kingdom, and its qualities are r.uch that every do pendence may be placed in its virtues fur tin aire nf the above diseases. From the knovvledg >be proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of tin syrup, lie has no hesitation in recommending is 10 those who labour under those distressing com laints as a side and efficacious remedy, and hav mg administered it to thousands in New-Vork and Fhiladelphia, lie feels no liesHa'iou in offering li to the public, and after trial, those persons win niirchase the genuine syrup, will have their mo ney refunded by returning the bottle, if they dt not feel satisfied ifiat they have reaped benefi from the use of it. /Hrecticins for Use, Take a tea spoon lull three times a day, say morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re ' lieved. fiji* Each bottle will have the signature of thi proprietor. 37* I’repnred only and sold Ivy E- Audler, sigi f the Holden Eagle, Augusta. rir'ob"i- 1, l 31 iNew ami Ihvaluable PATEXTBF.II B¥ TU.K UNITtII STATES OF AMKIIICA AUDLER’S Asiatic LcnltWc foi* Pain. I’itis Medi- cineisanev cr 1 failing •euttuly fni •piHS remedy is good against the touth-aclie n A pain 111 the_ teeth and jaws when duly applied end employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy i. lelievmg swellings of the gums, face and a Ijacc osrts, arising from or connected with tooth-achi It relieves fiead-uclie or pains in the head r the most easy and agreeable manner; (or this fn quent and distressing complaint, this, Ins e» medicine, is a charming prescription, for i re stores both the organs of sense and the nerves m heir healthy condition at a quick and adtnirabh ate. This new and useful preparation produces, In nild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operatic i ■P°i> ‘be spirits—it quickens the sensations, < mrpens the perceptimis, and invigorates the c t'liiclions of tlie mind, by dissipating gloom anti vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephalic < medicine ol the first order. Nor is its effect Jess beneficial when considered t i relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the icad and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upoi > he sight and immediate organs of digc-siion ass a carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing i orpnr, correcting acidity, aiul creating a most comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention and improve 'lent is quite as favorable to diseases ol the ear, uore especially it acts to great advantage in dm j mss and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi nt deafness, restoring Hu- (ailing organ to tin t exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear t Certificate from Dr. Samuel L, Mitchell. \ Ur. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York I ibis day submitted to me his letters patent Iron, i he United State*, for compounding and vending » remedy which he cells the Asiatic J.enilive, and , isked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, at- c ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi a cation, 1 (inil it contains a mixture of such annual- t c, anodyne, and anti-acid articles, as are well cal- i culated to produce a composing effect on the hm ( man body. , Samuel L. Mitchell. 1 .Vcic. York. .S'ovrmhn- 2</. ISI 8. I •MUk of Roses. * N elegant cosmetic for whitening, sofeuiiu Ck. and beautifying the skin, and removing pino pies, freckles and chops from the face, neck, &C the Milk ot Roses possesses many qualifies, for is ( I only serves for the above purposes, but it pul e bloom of youth an age, whicu valuable properl' I 'ery lady is fond ot enjoying. This beautiful ros't has a delightful fragrance, ami is an article j\i li t b can be used with safely-, as it contains noth ) ng that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa j '.e article to every lady, and should be found oi, their toilets. 1 Ui met-rums.—After being washed and drie' ' j then lake a sinaii quantity on a piece of white flan ( ! "duel then wash face neck, hands, kc. Each bpi i ; tie will be signed by the proprietor. Price gl. 1 Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign of’lh I (iolden tingle, sugnsta, i July 4 r. I - - * - 4. V\ m U . Holt, Estj is res-1 peclfiilly recommended as a smtab t person, t. |hll the office of Mayor ot the City—at the an ( 1 ' ual Klec,,o:l 11 Apn!—and will he supported b» : „ , ~ MAW VOIEHS, "J 1 Much 15 -j ( i £. AUDLER, t SURGEON liENTIST, RESPEIJ'I FULLY informs the Ladies and Get llemen of Augusta, ttiat he will be ready t serve them at al! times, at his or their houses, ii he line of Ida profession, and hopes he wjll met share ol the public patronage, as he will extrac teeth and stumps, and in the easiest manner if eve of difficult, and all its other branches. Pasta vvli Carbon, A superior denti'nce to any ever offered foi cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth an naking the breath sweet and greeabic. SCORBUTIC ESSENCE. Os Roses, Which removes all scorbutic humour in thi urns and teeth, and makes them firm at tin me time. Prepared and sold by E. Audler, At his Drug and Medicine Store, at tin Cotto Uange. Sign of the Golden Eagle. Augusta. - I ' l ' 4 2 k liAKD. Z. ¥IAUUL>VC£, SUKuEON DENTIST, .It Bachelder £/ Vodttnse’a, Broad St eet, Augusts nearly opposite .he J'tamer’s Betel. I b ESPKC I FULLY informs the Public, that hi •. has returned again to this City, and respeci oily solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and tt-nilem- who may require his services in th several ({ranches of Ins Profession.—Person u tailing his service in private F milies can call and see his work Manufactured on a new principle which he w arrant*. T«etV\ send bums. The diseases ol die 1 eeui and numi are chief ly owing vo our own neglect; the part* of th, dinn-nts which lodge about them after mastici. don, growing acrid aiflf corrosive, the gums an . thereby fir t affected, as being the most tendc nans, atter these corruptions are produced, coni nonly called tlje Tartar of the Teeth, whici cstroying both their texture and whiteness no i only dtp. ves the mouth of its piincipal orna dents,,but bn igs on violent tooth aches, ai d ren m< rs ihe Gums livid and putrid, and offensive to ourselves and odors,— Hut though people i> general may prevent those inconveniences, bv care and attention al first, yet. it they arc onci suffered to lake place, it is no longer in the pow er of the sufferer to remove them, mis being pro perly the province of the experienced IF nti-t who has made the maladies of the Teeth and Gums, with their alien iant evils, the pr ncipa’ bject and e u of his studies. Mt. V\ora»ce, ’Dentist, By long practice, a close application i usi ness, and a tlim mg’- knowledge of the .vruciur ■it the I eeth Gums, has made all the opera lions pa, is quite familiar to him, inso much tha' whai some Dentists have judged im practicable, he hath performed with ease pm safety. He places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak og the latter with pun enamel) trom a singl me loan entire set so accurateh, dial they sha ovswer every purpos- of the natural. thus th. H« fietencies are map. lied wuh ornament, which have the recommendation ot utility, 1 1|0 S" I eeth that hsVt fallen out their suck ets, which frequently happens, though in a per met sound stale, he, by a method peculiar to Inn. 1 eh, replaces as firm as ever, without the lea.- ain or uneasiness 10 the patient. He clears the Teeth, it ever so discolured, ol all their foulness and ariar, without pain, and renders them white and as fairas ever in half*, hour. I eeth and Sfutnns extracted in tbs easiest mam 1 •er, if ever so dtffi'nit. He assists young ladies and genth-men in the first and second den'ilion, and removes 'ho Milk • eeth at proper seasons, lest they should incom mode the regular growth ot the succeeding once •od if a deformity o( this kind lias taken placi it rough the want of a Desiist, Mr. Tlorance un , dertakes to correct it j provided the subject is ■ not more than twenty years old, and restores lh< t i eeth to their natural, regular and beautiful or r der. N. U. A 1 inclure and Dentrifice Paste, prepar eel by him only, which preserves the Teeth ami changes them oa b autiful white, curesthe gum l ’ of the Scurvev and makes breath at ail umes swe at! I agreeable, and cures the Tooth Ache i.nnn diaudy, wi Ii proper directions how to use it. Oi" h I i 5! (1 •Viesou •Academy. i' IT is with pleasure and confioeuce that thi Trustees ot this Institution, present its claims ■n this occasion, for the support and pa-railage ot an enlightened public. Although endowed more iberally perhaps than any other county school ii. * the s ate, yet its funds having hem unproductive I r several years past being mostly vested in stall bark stock, the academy h.s been much clogged . in its operation. The board have not been abit t t tfer an ad. quate inducement to engage the servi s res of a Hector, who combined qua ificalions and <, character, that would insure succ ss u. the si mm r ary. This bar we are happy to state is reni, vee and we congratulate the community in having procured (or the ensuing year, the Kev. Thoma (iouldnig, toimerly ot Liberty county, a gentle man whose scholarship and general character ar i m notorious to require the feeble tribute of on praise. Mr. doubling will superintend b thsciuiob - —bis personal services and attention howevei 4 will he principally be-stoved on tlie female de * partment, lii the male academy lie will be assis * ted by Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate wh I nas some experience in teaching— and who is r. commended as unexceptionable in talents am morals. To these considerations we have in add local inducements, Mich as health, cheapness ol hoard, &c. and perhaps it would not be though •uperfluous to luggest, that inasmuch as most ot t ie imp. riant elections are transferred directly I the people, it vould become doubly necessary ti enlighten their minds, for no truth stands on a fir into basis than this, that in proportion as we givt In the people power, we should also give then' j , knowledge. On the practical adoption of thi. | rinciple depends the preservation of our repub | ican institutions. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, ! t _ .Secretary CO I’be Editors if the Constitutionalist, Augusta j and Republican, Savannah mil publish the above land forward their accounts to Lexington for pay. j«<- “ J. 11. L. 1 ' n;i >rv 18 59 k»ou\v a\u\ Job I’viuUwg Xtally Executed al this < (flee. AM Ii STEAM living. DU. HOUEL, a French Physician, respectful! informs the public, that he has establisht I LAM and I»DICAL BATHS in Aflgusu. he very high refute these Baths have acquire! i Euiope, where (although a late discovery hey are to be found in every hospital, and tin ..real cures they have performed in Boston, Fhi 1 Sdelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt o <- their efficacy, 'The most gentle as well as tin : T,ost powerful medicines are administered by tha neans, without any pain, trouble or disgust to thi •atient. I bey are a never failing remedy in all entane us aft etions; from Psora, Ringworms, &c. ii ■o'aldhtad and Leprosy. They also have nevei iled of success in either scute or chronic rheti .natism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcou wallings, incipient dropsy; in sit diseases of tin , iomts, gouty affections dispersion of tumors, it ured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections, u all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypucondriasis nilepsy tliese baths have been lound most sei tenable, and have often succeeded even in hen it»ry complaints. In fine, this manner of adn.ii. atern g almost every remedy belonging to th* sealing art, may be tendered applicable to almosi ■very case, and (it is repea ed) without any pain rouble, or disgust to the patient. A-. ihnse batiis are not yet generally known i)r. II- uel will be happy to give the most res leciabl. refer- ices to persons who have beet cured by taki .g them, L'Rfc Steam 4* Medical Batik E stalk lisl\ me at, Is in Ellis-Street, opposite Mr. If. Mealingb trick House, a d has an entrance in Broad-street nmediate y opposite the city //old. I .--arv If 57 S. tsluuu’a IfautiCea. THE subscrber having discovered l ie compo sition of SWAIM’S celebrated Panacea, h s now a suppjly on hand for sale j lie has redtt -•"d the price trom g 3 50 to g 2 50, or by th. dozen g 24 All ciiar table institutions in the United States and the poor wid be supplied gratis. I the citizens of the principal cities and towns w if appoint an agent to order and distribute th, Medicine to the poor, it wdl be supplied. This medicine is celebrated for the cure of thi following diseases, “scrofula or king’s evil, ulcer u, d or putrid sore throat, long standing rbu naiic affections, cutaneous diseases, white swell i’ g, and disease ol the bones, and all cases gen a ly ol .lie ulcerous character, and chronic Ui-- Bs ‘ s , generally arising in debilitated constitu • ons, bu' more exp-.dally from syphilis, or after. ' -'-s arising therefrom; uners in tne layrns >des, &c And that dreadful .disease occasione-i'. y a lung and excessive use ot mercury, tec. Jt u Iso useful in d sea-e of the Liver.” CER IFICATES. I have wi'hin the last two years had an nppor unity of seeing several cases of very mvetera'e ulcera which having resisted previously the regn. lar modes of treatment, were liealed by the usi of Mr Swaim’s Panacea, and I do believe, from wliat I have seen that it w.U prove an imporian remedy in scrofulous, venerial and mercurial dis N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes a d Piactice of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania. 1 have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim it I'tmerous instances, within the last three years, •nd have always found it extremely efficacious -specially in secondary syphilis, and mercurial diseases. I have no hestitation in pronouncing ii a medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBBON, M. D, Provetsor of Surgery in the University of Penn sylvania. JOHN SHINN, r ben,ist, N. B. For sale at Smith and. Pearsall’s, N. E. corner of Third and Market-ntreets. Philadelphia. Fehrna’-v 17 ! '2‘> f?7 ~ 8 AU i lolv AI.L persons ire cautioned against trading fo> a Note of s>3so, given by the subscriber to me Joseph Henderson, dated about the 29th A nril 1824, and due Ist January 1825 The con •ract on which the note was founded having tailed on the part of said Hi ndersun, he is deter mined not to pay it. Wilson Bird. Shoals of Ooeerhe, M-cv-h 25 1825 3* 78 iN otice. 4 LI, persons havingdemands upon the estate -*V ofNichoUs Ware, deceased, sre requested tc make them known to the subscribers. Those wh. .re indebted to the said estate, will please to mak immediate payment. Susan B Ware, Ex’trx. W. VV. Holt, ExW. 24, 52 otice. LL persons to whom the estate of John M Aa f-AuniN deceased, is indebted, are requests to present their accounts within the time [in scribed by law, and those who are indebted tc »aid estate, are requested to make immediate pay ment to Peter Bennoch, Jldm’r. .Tnlv 23 T 8 i - otice ALL persons having demands against the es -de of William Junks, deceased, late ot Columbia County, are requested to hand them in agreeable to l*w and receive payment —all ihnse indebted to said estate, will please call and make payment to Lucy Jones. Ex’trx. Nelson M. Benton, ExW. March 22 81 77 N otice. VLL those indebted to Hie Esia'e of Will ism Mosely, late of Columbia County, deceased, are Called on to make payment, and those having demands are requested to bring them in regulai ly attested acc r -mg I, w Thomas Bowilre, adm’r. March 25 14 7$ N otice. 'xSfilhiE months after o:,\e, application will be <N made to the honorable Inferior Court , UichtTiond County, lor leave to sell the undividei bail of Tenement No 7, Bridge B iw—also, two niimproved lots Corner of Elbert and Reynold j it reels, for the benefit ot Margaret P. Bones, a 1 Minor. John Bones, Guardian, October 25,1824 lm9m ) The feayannaVv Line of “ STAGES. 0 [T AVING discontinued running on the South -14 H Carolina side> will leave this place every 11 Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A. 14 M. on the Georgia side, by the way of Cmto’s Millhaven and Pearce’s. ; For seals, anply at 'he City Hotel. Joseph I 'Thompson and 1 James Kirkpatrick, Proprietors. 1 March 15. 1825. 6 75 ■ s T . Jl. KE subscriber having- resumed the practice >♦ LAW, tenders his services to the public. He will attend most of the Courts in the Western Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and Ocmulg'ee, and the counties of* La wrens, Twiggy 1 and Puiuslti, in the Southern Circuits. • Thomas W. liar 's. i (E? betters addressed to ium Monro V*M , ton county, will be a'tended to. February 8 3m 1 JC otice. lij'jAHE subscribers have connected tin , wl in the practice of the LAW—they • I lormly attend all ti e counties of the N.,. , Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the V* s >ern Circuit, one ol them will be generally i n . -it their office in Etberton. whr 'icy v.-'ii > pleasure in transacting the ouahn. ■■ it ho nay be unfortunate enoug ■ o 1 i.roivi d , u. . Law« • John A it a- . Thomas j xieurd January 1, 1825 JS otioe. PERSONS being daily in the habit i f trespass ing on the Hickory ridge tract oflan i. o ■ red by the Bank of Georgia, and cutting the wood undergrowth therefrom : Notice is hereby given, that the utmost vigilance will be used in detecting • and prosecuting the offenders. The said Land is hounded on the west by Turkanet’s Spring, and oart ot the village of Summerville, on the East ■ hy the lands of A. Martin, p. H. Carnes and - others, it may be more particularly known by the • Milledgeville road, passing (hr nigh it. My order <fj the Board I. Henry February 1 1825, 63 TO RE Vr. From the first October next, A n& Three Stores and a Dwelling SlflfiL Hollse ’ "I P ir e“d south Side Broad- Street, adjoining Egan Ik M’Lattgh lin’s, viz :—The Store occupied by B. Hemy ik Co. the Store occupied by Hll- & and the two stpry |’r*me House and Store the same—tins is well calculated ‘Ol a private family or boarding House—having tin excellent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are <JI most lesimbly situated for the Grocery Business. Apply to William 11. Egan. September 17 24 FOIL BALE. k LOT OF LAND, three miles from Atmu-iTA, » containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of which is cleared and under good fence, the balance Hood l and There is on the premises, a c intertable Dwelling House, which lias lately undergone a thorough repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, an elegant Brick Pantry, Crib, Stables, Fodder and Carriage House, Sic. all complete—a large yard well shaded ; a handsome Orchard of Apple, Peach, Pear and Plum frets, a never falling spring of excellent wafer, within 80 yards of the Iwelling, and as healthy a situation as any in Rich mond County, The above will be sold a bargain, if early ap plication is made to Jno. C. Holcombe. January 18 59 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 4 IJHE .unexpired le-se and improvements on JL the’Lot known as the Littleman’s Garden, itnaied on Ellis-Street. near 'he corner of Ceti .re-Street —having ail the conveniences for ear ning on Confectionary upon a large scale, be ndes an Oven, Hryhouse, Jkc. There is also an Ice House in good ord?r, where 15 or 18 tons of Ice can be secured for sumtm r use. 1 lie whole “ill be shewn by application on the premises.— • For terms apply to 11. Bouycr. Anpri-t 1 13 A SAlualum Wauled, \ YOUNG wo:nan lately from England would be glad to obtain a -ituation in some pious and respectable family. She has been ti t i every sort of work usual in families, and would herself very useful either with the Needle, cr in any of the deportments of house- . keeping. Satisfactory references con be made. * Enquire at thU Office. F b r,! v 18 68 tN tlliCfc. ,4 LL persons to whom the late Francis Bouycr, ol the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt ed, are requested to present their demands with in the time prescribed by law ; and those indebt d, are requested to make immediate payment. B. Boujer, ? Paul liossignol,^ Hmeceber 21 51 Take wVvAVee. r»HE City Road and Well Fax >or 1825 is now E. dne, and the Collector and Treasurer may be > and at the store occupied by N. L. S'urge.,, Jun’r. on the corner of Washington and Broad street, every day (Sunday excepted) until the first day of May next, to receive pat incut for,the same. Public notice is hereby given tiiat execu tions wii! he issued against all defaulters imme -1 diately niter the, time specified. Nathaniel L, Sturges, Collector and Treasure, March 1, 1825. lot r 71 INDISTINCT PRINT