The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 12, 1825, Image 3

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Suppose the same supplies tor the present year 186,775 jifroia other quarters France has received 100,080 n From which, deduct pro- tl portion of the crop from rv Egypt already included a in the 150,000 bales, p about 40,000 fi -- ■ ■■— 66,080 n jU is confidently believed that the S crop ot the East Indies has so d far failed this year, that instead li of receiving supplies from that c qu is thought that sup- f ( pies will be required from oth- e cr quarters for their consump tion—allow however 15,000 1.285 751 a The supply there- tore v,l be 1,235,751 bales The ons mptiou 1,133,644 “ [ igaba- -ti of 102,107 bales against i 2f.82.5-U:. st year. quantity it is supposed there will ( l»r ingland 2 1 3d or 68,000 bales. proportion of United States Cot- ( i 20 and 30,000 bales, from this >e conti leiitly inferred from the ( , . > opening in South America, the j acj;' consumption should exceed the .-t.'i v; quantity, die fair presumption is ..on Ist January 1326 there will nut , left i ingland a single bale of IT. S. Cot 1, con nod isequeutly of other descriptions a ' ' very it i ui stock. I / ’ 1 * * i.i mate no allowance is made for the cotton wine i J 1 tra.niii.i jti.i* way Ll) Charleston, and afterward I • ■•!u ’■sportsfi’uin lucnc ’ b ing liiua twice reported. L : April f lih 1825. I Vt i." .—The Legislature of Missouri v , it, a Cue 2lst oi February, alter a >out one hundred days. The St. K iuacaii says, that during hat ’ --in »ey accomplished a complete re ■ision statutes, much arc to be pub , tied m . omuie will comprehend all ii : utut* * ii force in this state. We pre -t ne teat t m laws are much improved in - ■ m 'te i ogv, and dial former omissions have been supplied by new enactments,” Judge I'nomas, who had been impeached i by the House of Representatives, “ lor sius f demeanour in office,” was adjudged guilty by the Senate, on three of the charges, unit sentenced to be removed horn ollice. ) The U. S. ship North Carolina, 74, Commodore Koooehs, got underway from ! her anchorage m il.uiiploii Roads, on Sa turday uftei noon last, at tliree o’clock aun passed Cape Henry li e ht at half past six, wi.ti a “ cracking urceze” from tile N. \V . MHer destination is lor the Mediterranean sta tion. — Nut. hit. - I Southern National Hoad. —The Board ol . Engineers, c insisting of General Bernard, Mr. Shiuvkh, and the other otficers and gentlemen attached to that service, sat out, on Tuesday last, on a tour of reconnoissance | throngo die Southern Stales, man the view " of ascertaining the most eligiffe route for ' the contemplated National Road from the !Seat ol Government to N. Orleans.— lbid. Great Prizes. —No. 6468 came up a Prize * of 820,000 in the Maryland Grand State |i Lottery, on the 30th uit. No. 11451 a Prize of£lo,ooo, and No. 18,491 of 35000 Cherbkee boundary in Arkansas. —Mr. Allen vlartin, who was appointed to run Cue boundaries of the Cherokee Nation, has completed that service. The boundaries of the nation, as now es tablished, are as follows: Beginning on the Arkansas, at the mouth of Point Remove Creek, and running up the former 150 miles 0(100 it a straight line) to a point miles above Skin Bayou, or about 12 miles above Fort Smith ; thence, a course bearing N. 53 degrees E. miles to White River, at a point 6 miles above the Little North Fora ; thence, down White River, 134 miles {75 on a straight line) to Hardin’s Bluff, about 6 miles above the town of Batesville; and thence, 71 i miles on Rector’s Line, i (which runs parallel with the Western boun- I dary) to the place of beginning on the Ar il kansas. i The purvey made by Capt. Shattuck, ] about a year since, gave the Cherokees f 3,235,711) acres of land ; Mr. Martin’s sur- Ivey gives them an additional quantity of 9r3,336 acres—making the total quantity included within their present boundaries, 4,264,096 acres. The survey made by Capt. Shattuck, gave the Cherokees a front on the Arkansas of only 36 miles by the meanders of the river; by Mr. Martin’s survey, their front on the Arkansas is increased 114 miles. The f»r mersurvey gave them a front on White Ri ver of 203 miles, and the latter reduces it to 134 mites. The first survey established a due North and South line as the Western boundary ; and the .last, establishes a line running N. 53 degrees E. (being parallel with the Eastern boundary) as the Western : boundary, which g.ves the present territory 1 of the Cherokees a diagonal shape. 1 Their boundaries, as now established, in -51 olude a large extent of some of the fioest of tne Arkansas bottoms, and a very considera tpie portion of the most va!n bh* part of mbovely’s Purchase. —Arkansas Gax, Baltimore, March 30. PIRATES CAPTURED. We had occasi n a few days ago to make mention of the exertions of Capt. .Sloat, of the U. S. Navy, in affording coijuiy to our merchantmen, and protecting tli|Pfrom (lie attacks of piratical vessels ; aim we take pleasure in stating, by information derived from Capt. Thompson, of the schooner Che ub, arrived heie yesterday morning from St. John’s, Porto Rico, that Capt. Sloat drove ashore, on the South side of the Is land, a piratical vessel, and succeeded in capturing the whole of the crew. This in : lurmation, Capt. Thom'pson received on the eve of sailing.— Fed. Gaz. New York, March, 26. A number of our most respectable victu aled of the Centre Market, made a parade, yesterday afternoon, of fat beef, mutton, and veal, attended by music. The ’Whole was preceded by a cart drawn by a pony driven , by a lad in appropriate uniform!, in which was a fine merino sheep, dressed offin hand some style, faring a banner, inscribed, If e clothe the nuked.” The next was a cart containing slaughtered mutton, with this motto, “ / Vefeed the hungry .” The whole tastefully decorated with ribbands, banners, mo tos, &c Ihe rear cart contained a side of li ie beef, declared, by motto, to be “ Op n to all parties, and influenced by none,” which is to be cut up to-day in the above market. Chehaw, April 5. Frost —Yesterday morning we were visit ml by a severe frost, we fear that all the limit is killed in our neighborhood. It is rather singular that we have to give an .ac count of a death by lightning, and death by Irost within the same week. On board the brig Charles and Ellen, ar rived at New-York from Smyrna, is a broad tailed Sheep of the Caramania breed, which was presented to Capt. Gerry by the Greek Admiral Tombuzo, As this is the animal which produces (he long wool used in mak ing camblets,he is well worthy the attention of the curious, or of those who are dispos ed to improve our breed of animals. lit has a large fleece, probably of more than twenty pounds weight, which reaches al most to the ground • he is of an uncommon size, and a remarkably fine animal, well worthy of a public exhibition.--\Ve under stand that these sheep arc highlv prized in the east, and that a single one of them com mands a very high price. It will be consi dered an interesting trait in the history of this animal, that it was taken in one of the Turkish ships captured by Admiral Tom bazo. 1 Old Roger Ascham said of Varrq-«When I think on how much Varro read, I cannot conceive how he could find any time to write ; and when I think on what Varrro wrote, I cannot fancy how he had any time I to read.” This observation might be made respecting a number of the authors of the present day, particularly the' German. — The secret of (heir case lies in the regular and daily devotion of their tim#, as much almAst a# in a particular faculty of acquiring and composing. 1 COMMUNICATED. It grieves us to state that the Honorable Rsger VV. McKrnney, Sen’r. from Scriv en county, of this state, departed this life jn Savannah, on the 2d instant. His tal ents us a statesman and his unbending in tegrity as an individual, will always be re collected with veneration by bis fellow citi zens. The best comment upon his life will be found in the w arm effusions of the grateful hearts of his friends and acquaintances. STRIVEN. /CT" The Manager* us t ie Augus ta AUXII.I ‘KV mil US* SOOIEt V, are i. qu> s dtoattenda Meeting of (he Hoard at tne Lec ture R-om THIS EVENING, at half past seven '’clock. Win. Bostwick, Sec’ry. Anril 12 It 83 & A Special Meeting of the Georgia HeUgion* Tract Society wid be held ul he Le-clure Room on FRIDAY t veiling, at hall oust seven n’tl irk. In consider Hie expediency ot becoming auxiliary 'o the American Tract Socie .y, at New York, and of altering the Coiislitulinii .ccordmg-Iy. By outer of the Hoard of .Manager*. W. T. (ionld, See’ry. Aprl 12 83 •Volicei. (11! E annual mee'ing of the Stockholders of the . Steam llnat Gun >any of Georgia, will take Race, agreeable to llie constitution, at their office, in tne city of Savannah, on the 2 1 Monday in Ma next, at which tune an election will be held for thirteen Dir-dors. Polls op- n at 10 o’ci ck, A. VI. and close at 2 o’clock, P. M. Any absent Stn k ml I r, may by power of alter tev. u :dev sea! and cert fi-ite by a notary pub ic >r jußics of the peace, author ze any otherstock oolder to vote for him o h-m. ra. P. Hunter, Treasure’' Steam- that tiomjfany, \nril 0 ul 8> AND Commission Business. At his old stand in Savannah near tne Fort, and •s prepared to mike suitable advance* upon al jroducc ptaced in ha Is t rn e, John Everingham, jr. April 12 #3 Attention \ RICHMOND HUSSARS. 4 PPEAR on vour Parade Ground in front of lh< « Mansi oi House, on THlfH’illAy, at 10 o'clock, A. M. avmt d and quipped usllle bye-laws >l the t irnpary direct Hy order of Capt Boisctun. E Pugg, Ist. Serg’t. Anril 12 It til ATTENTION! La Fayette Riflemen ! ! 4 MEETING of vour corps, will h- held at- tin -»- Company’s room, Clfy-H ill, THIS EVI 2.V INO thr 12th instant, ai 7 o’cl irk P. M, 'Mem bers are particularly requested to be punctual in ‘heir attendance, as the business to be laid before you, is o( great importance. By order of Capt. Couiwnr.r,. 11. F Rtisli, Secretary pro tem. N. U. Appear on your parade ground, on Tlmrs Uv, the 14 ii ins: nit a' 10 o’clock, A M. prepay d for inspection and review, nr huer, April 12 It 83 Hamilton Riflemen ! I A.PPEAR on parade in front of the Oily flail, on ' :iUI{"I)VY the 14'b o! April, at 1(1 n’emek A. \l. Armed and equipped according lo Ihe by-laws u the corpse, (or the purpose ot Inspection and Review. By order of Capt. Ccmihino, ; Grant, O. S. April 12 B.i Georgia Fencibles. ' •V’CU are hereby ordered lo appesr at your ' Parade Ground, in Iron' of the City llail, on • i UJRSDAY die 14 h inst. at 10 o’clock, A M. i -rmt-d and'equipped ps the bye-da v * oi (he com f jauy direct, tor review and inspecdon. * .By order of Capt, W. VV Holt. John Elsworih, (). S. Aro-il 8 2t ' 82 s n. vv. "vvau uii:v Has just received from ,A exit Yj-h, and is now ; opening an elegant usso intent of Seasonable DUY GOODS. April 12 83 CoWecior auA litcwiver’s Mu l ICE. 1 iV E w 'o attend at die fo.lowing nmes and *» places, for tiie purpose of collecting the ax s nf tin? year eighteen hundred a id twen'y air (1824) and receiving returns of Taxab t '■ Property lor the year eighteen hundred and went}' five (1825), v z. at’lhe City-Hotel, on Monday the 25ui if April, Stli and 23rd of Ma-ch next, at the Globe Tavern, n Tuesday the 26ih , <>f April. iOth and 24di of March next—at' the IManters’ Hotel, on Wednesday the 27ih of April and lllh and 25d» of March next, and will re in-in from ten to ore o’clock, A. M. at each place. E. Bugg, Tax Co'lector. Richmond County, M. F. Boisclair, H-reiver Tax Heturns, Richmond County. Anril T 2 83 ’Veil Dollars, Reward. £\ I ghl sanded roan Horse, black mane and tall, about 14 hands high, 5 years old thi apri- g, has been missing from Mr. Charles Gas chc-i, in Junes county, on (he 27th March. It is supposed lhat he has been stolen or strayed a way. '1 he above reward will he paid on die de ivery id the said Horse to Mr. Charles Gasciiet or Mr, Thomas B, Stubb, at Milledgeville. A-iril 12 8.3 fetaff Appo’mtuieuls. l irfll'E officers and soldiers comprising the Ist i I Brigade 2d Division, Georgia Militia’, under lie command of brigadier Gen. Montgomery, vd! obey and respect the following Staff Appoint.! ments. — fliomas VJcOran Brigade Inspector, ’he rank of Major. James G. Ringgoli, An beCum-ii witn the rank of'Captain. B -iijamm Greenwood,! Brigade q n-rter master wilb the rank of Captain. Hy order, Janies G. Ringgold, Aid-de - Camp, April 8 3t 82 For FIRST ra'e Meat and I’antrv conk. Washer (A and Inn er, warranted sober and industri i,us. Enquire at this ofhee. April 5 3k 81 Astronomical Lectures, Exemplied by SpU ndtd Apparatus, MB. GOOD AC RE, FKOM EJYGLAJWI, Respectfully proposes to give Eight Lecures on A-.lron .-my anil an Introducti • j, Historical f.eclure during this and the follow J -g week at the Exhibition Room, < f the Ricli '* u'Mid Acadeniy, at half past seven o’clock, eacl Evening precisely. TERMS: * To ih<- Eight Lectures, Five Dollars, to eacl Lecture One Dollar. Yrung Ladies and Gentle men under 12 years of age, to the course, Thret " Dollaiv ; to each Lecture Fifty Cents, 1 ICKETS are on sale at the Hook Stores am’, vl Ini Lecturer at the Mansion House, where he will he happy to see bis friends any day between 12 and 2 o’clock. OUTLINE OF THE liAnuAurAor} Lecture. To MU lilt mv KV.NLNT, i' IJm. 1825. I- Rise and progress id A uuy, from the ariosi reconls in» ?e;i. exhibition of.Sp cimens of the Auxihu. ' Diagrams 2 1 nporiaiiCe ot Attniiiumicaf knowledge— 1 Gm ral planolhi-se Lectures, Ex/uiition oj some principal Instrument■ Ihe admission to tlit Iniroductory Lecture wil he exclusively hy ticket. Purchasers of each set ot tickets to the eight Lectures will have two in roductory tickcs to admit two persona, and pur chasers ot a ticket l or any single night will hav | me introductory to admit one p, rson given them, ■ud persons who do not wish to extend iheir pal ( rouagej without first hearing the iniroductory. ( may purchase ticke.s lor halt price, viz ; —SO cts. , which will he given, without any deduction foi - xpensea, in the muds of “ The Augtibla Fcmali , Oriihan Asylum.” ‘ Augusta, April 12 83 11 iiTaiuV Cbapkc ul Georgia. Til.IE Mihordinau: Chador* unci-r tin j.u-i I diction of tlie GU.EVf) UOYAL AHCII CHAPTER of the State of Geoigia, art lir-reb; notified to attend, by their lega iti-present'-tive the annual meeting on MONDAY the 2d of Ma; next, at the Masonic Hall in Liuiovillt, Chap ters in arrears are r quested to contpjt with tli Gth secdim, 3d article of the Grand Constitution as it will ho striciiy enforced Daniel Hook, 1 Grand (Secretary. 'I f The Savannah Republican and Milletlg? ville Journal, will give tile ab -ve two iimerlio • and forward tlieir accounts to this Office tor pa 1 irieiit. ' Eoii’tvil'e A nr-' 7 1835 8' 1 1 IVauk uY Dvbuirgia. Savannah, 31st March, 1825. O TICE,— A Election will be neid at to- L w Banking Hous'- in this city on MONDAY th 2d day of May ensuing for JTme Directors on th part ofthe Stockholders in fliis iiisdUilion. Th noil will be opened a* Tell o’clock, A. M. and cloked ai 2 o'clock P. M • By order ofThe Board. A. Porter, Caviller. fl fp The Editors of the Augusta Conbiitipiunai mi. \\'ashingiun New-, Georgia Journal and South •rn Recorder in Milledgevill will please puhli i , 'he above until the day ot E ection. A. P. March 31 81 An Elegant Assortment of JUST RECEIVED AT THE Dry Dood’a Store, AMONG WHICH ARE UICH Barege, Silk and (ianze Handkerchiefs, Black Velveteen, for Dresses, and a variety of Striped Silka. F. Dupont. \ nrR I 80 orlUrru Diuaud Whiskey. A4IQ BARRELS Northern GIN, 70 Barrels Whiskey, A.VO FOR SALE HY Benj. Barton. April 8 82 BOX MISSING. SUPPOSED to be taken by mistake from tin Wharf, about the lllh or 12ili of November, a Cox of Shoes landed from Boat No. 14.—Murk ed A &E. Wood, or EWood & Co. Any person having it in his possession will confer a favor hy informing the subscribers at their residence, or through this office. B. Wood $ Co. . Decemhei- 9A 52 GhUhtdA, Jiichii‘o„tl i uun.y. Hy the Honorab'e the Cun I of Ordinary nf the County oj Richmond To all whom it may concern. "WfU I'EREAS Nathan D- Heal, adniimsiraior D <le bonis non, on the estate of Htatikiah I Leal, dtceased, late cf said county, has applied j io this Court, for Ivettera Dismissory •] ties'- are therefore to rite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, lo file their objections (if any they ) have) in the iffice of the Clei k of said Court on or before the first Monday in November next, * -,th erwise Letters Oismissory will be grantetl to s him. ( Witness the Honorable fiamuel Hale, one ot | the Judges of said Court, this l‘2tb day ot t April, 1825. o ra Isaac Herbert, CVk. Os the Court of Ordinary, 1 Aw ~ Tl\\s Morning B. PICQUET, Will be sold, without reserve :— tS BARRELS SUGAR 2 Rags Coffee A Negro Man thirty year* of age, a good Field Hand. also— Sundry articles of Household and Kitchen fur iture, feather beds, &c. —also— -16 Barrels pri me Newark Cider 20 Boxes Snap. Term at tale, Anri' 12 83 On Thursday the 14th inst. will be sold by B. PIA QtET, Before the store of Mr. ft. P. Verdery, the, entire Slock of GOODS, of the said I erdery, to wit:- CIAUUoBs, Muslim., Cam-incs, Shirting*, Ho. ' siery, Northern Homespun, white and co« ■ red Rombazettes, Honffiazeens, Handkerchief*, ( In'h* and Cassimeres, Bed linking, Vesting*, Hardware and Cutlery, Gnu Fl u's, Crockery Ware Raging, Sacking, ready made Raes, Sic. &c. f’OpniONS-All sums to the amount of g2OC; Gush—above g2OO 60 clays, for notes with approved endorsers.—Darien money taken at par. April 12 83 Administrator’s . w ale. Will be sold on Saturday the 2lsi day of May next, at the late residence of Mary plan, de ( eased, or at my Houae in Scriven Coun'y, be low Pea ceV between the hours often and foor o’c lot k : AH the perishable property be lung,'ng to the E tale ol (he-saicl deceased, con i li got Cal de, Hogs, one Stove, Houar hold <nd Kitchen Furniture, together with a number ’f other articles too tedious to er.umerate. Terms ol sale made known on the day. Ephraim Hunter, Mm’r. Scriver ronnn,, April 4. 1825 8t t 83 btorgia, JSarke Comity. ; Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1835. ORDERED, 1 hat all applications hereafter to be madp lor Letters of Guardianship, ol vlumts under the age of 'ourteeri years, shall be . i fit d to the Clei k at hast twenty days before lie term of the Court a- which such application sto bo acted on by the Court, And that the sp dicant or appl, cants shall obtain from die 11, ik not ce in writing, wlrfch shall he posted ai the !nur Hons, door, at least twenty days before the cm. at width the application is to he acu d on, ignitying his or their'intention to make such ap-1 . .lication.—OnnsßED, That in case the rgbt of, iitardianship occur within twenty days before be meeting of the Court as above expressed, tie Coprt w.JI exercise its discretion as to 'he ourse to be pursued. Jl true extract from the Minulet. Attest, Samuel Sturges, CVk. A '’r" 12 lm4m 8"? 81'OlfbU, Hcrivm County, WHF.IiR.AS Dorothy Thompson, applies for letters of Administration on the Estate and Ifects of Bryant Thompson, deceased, late of .aid County, The>e are therefore to cite and admonish all nid singular the kindred and creditors of'he ■aid deceased, to file their objections in my office, on or betore the jirst Monday in May in *t, to diew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in .Tacksonbo* rough, this 4' h day of April. 1825. 83 Seaborn Goodall, ( Vie. iIA, Scrivrn County. W.EREAS Isaac Waters, applies for letters of Adminotration on the Estate and effects ot Samuel (inner, deceased, late ol said County. These are therefore to cite and admonish all •nd singular Che kindred ami creditors of the laid deceased, to file 'heir objections in my office, mi or before the first Monday in May next, to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. . Given under my hand at office in .lacksonbo rougli, this 4lh day of Anril, 1825. 83 Seaborn Goodall. CVk. GE'HH.IA, .Scnven County. 'TTWUKKEAS Hezekiah Ponder, applies fop »■/ letters of Administration on the Estate and effects of James Ponder, deceased, late of said County, , '/ ■ . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the .aid decreased, to file their objections in ray office within tire time prescribed by kw, tn shew cause (tl any they have) why said letters should not be granted. v • • Given under my hand at office in Jackaonbo. rough, this 4(li day of April, 1825, 83 Heabor.n Goodall, CVk. GEORGIA, burke County, XXTHKRKAS Jonathan Lewis, ami Rosina S. f ? Morrison, applies tor letters of Adrninistra t 'on de bonis non on the Estate of Eliza A. Leavett, deceased. Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish nil and singular die kindred and creditors of the aid deceased, to file their objections in my office (if any they In.V.) within the time prescribed by law, or otherwise letters of Administration will oe granted to (hem. Given under my hand at office in Waynesbo rough, this 25di day of March. 1825. 83 Sninnel Stories, CVk. GEORGIA, burke County. WHEREAS Rosina S. Morrison, applies for letters of Administration on the Estate of John H. Morrison, deceased. • N iw therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections in my office, (it any they have) within the lime prescribed by law, or otherwise letters of Administration will be granted to her. Given under mv hand at office in Waynesbo rough, this2stU day of Marc h, 1825 88 Hamu«l fcturgee, CVk ;