The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 15, 1825, Image 1

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1.4 _ ■ - Many ol thu which every Country in the world labuun, are nut owing to any wanmf love for our i ounlry, bin to hd ignorum-e of il> real .•..inlitul.on »r,.: interau..- pHIKSTLy NEW SERIES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA. FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1825. No- s 4. Cfje jronatitunonalist I* PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, , AUGUSTA, GA. LA FAYETTE HAT AND I CLOTHING WAREHOUSE The Subscriber h opening in Broad s'reel. one door below J\lr. Al ten's Hat Store, A Linos Airn nevEiiiL assortment or fonts AND CLOTHINQ, * Consisting of DrESS COATS, J Frock Goats Drab box coats Doub'e fc single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon Broad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do Toilinett, Valentia, Swansdowm & black silk Vests ‘ Bite and black Cloth and Cassimere do Snpei fine Linen and Cotton, trilled and plain Shirts Knitted, Cotton, Worsted end Lambawoul 1 Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do | Tartan and Cambist Cloaks i :| ' Ladies do C J Boy’t Dresses ' Youth’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide i I brims c Immitation beaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks I Silk Umbrellas 0 Hosiery 2 Gloves, tec. v ALSO— Negro Jackets and browsers House servants Coatees and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coats Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check d 0 Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles * in his line. * The above GOODS are N -w-York made, and W*U b £ disposed of wholesale and retail, at New- York prices. J. P. Hetze. I December 3 46 i (&* Darien Money will be taken for ine following G tods it onit-ii rr »m tiie Wourt t which will be received this week, Pr. Steam Boat JVe, 6 and PONS Sweeds Iron assorted di/O Barrels best Baltimore Whiskey , Pr. Boat Boh Hey. 234 Kegs patent cot nails assorted t 20.000 do Casings assorted 2.000 do Sail Irons * 4.000 do lil sf-red Steel 194 Kegs Whit' Lead ground in Oil 30 obis. Loaf Sugar 18 'IhJ. Snperi ir N. Orleans Sugar 21 bbU. Muscovado do 109 Coils Bale It ipe 58 Pieces Bagging 20 Hhd. Whit' ’s Baltimore Gin 7 Tierces p iine Hice 78 Roses 'res’i Ri sins 72 Kegs Pickled Salmon cheap 4 Boxes Cast S e< l axes. Thomas S. Metcalf. March 29 79 DLD POvVT WLVE. ! ,J&D DEMIJOHNS „f old Rorix Port, yin e tape ,t 1820 —Cei; tied by the Royal Companj i 1 of Oporto. 1 25 Dozen bottler ditto, Vintage of 1816. * for sale ar A. 1. & G. W. Huntington. March 22 77 1 -i - TuUsUeA atfcfcV WaislbeUs, BiractVels, &c. JfP'IR subscriber has this day received per ship 44 Doris from Liverp >ol, an elegant assorhr.en 1 ' «f Polished Steel Waistbelis, Bracelets, Buckle 11 and Clasps, ol the newest fashion, —ALSO — Yard Neck Chains, Necklaces, Negligiea, Best London Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes, Perfumed Soaps, See. &o. ( > George Oates. March 18 ' ~p, r MOLASSES, &c. Da IIHDS. Molasses, new crop ■ 13 Tieices do do 20 Hhds. New Orleans Sugar 30 Bags Green C' ff e Just received and tor sale by Thomas S. Metcalf. March 29 ~ j aaDsystfo i fl®D GALLONS prime new Honey, at onr I . dollar a gal'on. 4 Just received and Jar sale tty Thos. 8. Metcalf. | March 29 79 Wauled to l\vi*e, L ■rp'lL the fit3i of ,l»nu ry next, lour young' 41 NEGROES, accustomed to work, from the : age ot 18 to 25 B. Picquet. 1 ; January 5l 60 EXCHANGE OFFICES VNXTED STATES AND POST NOTES, ALSO, DRAFTS On Boston, Baltimore, Providence, Washington City. New-York, Petersburg, Va. Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C> And Savannah, For Sale by Beers, Bunnell & St. John. Broad, corner of M’ fntosh street. Gold snd Silver coin and all kinds of Bank Notes, Bought and Sold. IN wen her 12 40 SPLENDID DIWAVINDs. PHIZES ALL FLOATING, GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, Contains the brilliant capitals still un drawn, viz. 40.000 DoWa. 110,000 DoUs. 20.000 Dolls.) &,000 OoUd. Besides 12 of lUUO 6 ot 509 &C. toe whole oaj - ible in cash, which as usual at COHEN’S OFFICE can be had tire moment they are drawn 19 h drawing on Wednesday, 30dr - f March 20th and last on Thursday, 31st of' March Unless the great capital of §40,000 ah mid be undrawn after the 19th is over in -which case Ihr 20th drawing will he deferred to the 12th April, when th' 1 scheme must be completed Whole Tickets §l2 I Quarters • 3 00 Halves • -6 | Eighths - 150 To be had, warranted undrawn, at Where botn toe gr< ai Capital of 20,000 am' 10 000 DOLLARS, drawn in the MONUMENt LO I’ l EHY, on the 28ih ult. were sold, an. where were sold, the Capital Pr'aes of 100,009 Dollars, half and one quarter to citizens of Gear gio; 20,0005, 10,000 s, 5000 s, in the last Grand Stale Lottery, and wheue more capital prize. HAVE BEEN OBTAINED THAN AT ANT OTHER OFFICE (N AMERICA, Orders left with I. R. St JOHN B’ond street lUGUSTA. Georgia, will be promptly attended to FREE OF POSTAGE. April I P 0 , SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co. DRAPERS AM-I) TAILORS |"¥ SVING formed a connection with Mr. Henrj <1 Howard, late of Baltimore, have remove ieir Esti.bbshment to No. 88, Broadway, corner o. tVall-Street, where their Business will in fuure h> •onducUd under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & //OWARD. Yew-York. Jure. 1823 7 S,DDD \\ eAghl >1 I'ruu B VUON FOR SALE. APPLY TO Robert I). Ware. Uec'mbera 46 liOX MISSING. SUPPOSED to be taken bj mistake from the Wharf, about the Itth or I2ih of November, 1 i Box of Shoes larded from Boat No. 14. Mark ed A &E. Wood, or E Wood & Co. Anv person 1 'laving it in Ins possession will confer a favor by ' i .forming the subscribers at their residence, or 1 through this office. E. Wood % Co. TKr»r ibtsai At asV\ Polalot-s, I IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, k FEW Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, which f». will be sold in lots to suit families, by apply ng immediately at Jacob Moise’s. •W* Kenzis & Beunuch’s Row, December 28 53 FHEsU lime. CASKS frcsli Stone Lime, of a superior rjii.»llry, just received and (or sale bv T. 8. Metcalf. March 79 79 A FRESH .SUPPLY OK ~ SoAa & fteAAVvtz. PowAfcrs, sale by the Smal. or large quantity.— I'nos who purchase to retail will ue supjjli d at a reduced prim*. John Beach, & Co. Apr! 1 «o >TF!E subscriber will give 12 cents per lb. fop ' —a live th- usand pounds best qna'ily TALLOM , "< be delivered by the last day 01 July, al his Man’ ' factory, five doors below the market. B. Payne. *mil 5 3*t 81 Yor nvxiti, \ LIKELY NEGRO WOaiAN, a good Cool ». Washer anil Ironer—tor further particular iquire at the Office »f the Cor.stiUitionanst. December 21 5^ ENCOURAGE DOMESTIC ENTERPRIZES! BSO.OOOfor 810, May be procured by a prompt application al the Office of the AUGUSTA „ pKUiilHiWlip fonti AUTHORIZED BY THE GEN. ASSEMBLY OF THE S TATE OF GEORGIA fa, I imupu w mir. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 8 30,000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 rizes of 5,00 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Priz«s of 50 is 5,000 5000 Priles of 10 is 60,000 5175 Prizes, 7 180,000 12825 Blanks. 3 18,1)00 I'UKETS ftt TEN DOLIa.SUV=>. Less than two and an half Blanks to a Prize. - OOP — The prizes only to be drawn, and to be all floating from the commencement except the following, which will be deposited in the wheel at definite periods, viz : On the Ist Drawing I prize of §IO,OOO, and 1 of §SOO On the 2d “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof §SOO 1 On the Stl “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 4tli “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1000 and lof 500 i On the sth “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 < On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5.000 and lof 1,000 and lof 500 * On the 7tli “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 5,000 and Jof 500 1 On the. Bth “ 1 pti/.e of 20,0ut) and 1 .if 1,000 and 2of 500 On the 9th “ 1 prize of 30,000 and iof 1,000 and lof 500 The Sell, me i» splendid, ;ind lor it cine a and aatety ut i .Vestment, oilers equal ir Hoe su peri or ioduni-uvins O anv of th*i N rll» ru l.ittenes The whole Lottery to be completed in Nine Drawings only. Prizes paya'jie in finny Days alier the completion ot the UraWing, it applied for within twelve mii'iltis. Prize tickets will be received in payment for any Tickets that may remain unsold in tin o urse of the Drawing. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS, Whole Tickets §lO . Qiaricrs, §2 50 Halves, 5 j Eighths, 1 25 For Sa'e in » great variety of numbers at the Commissioner;.’ Office in Broad Street, a fev d tors bel iw lue Banks. 1 Jj* Orders (nr t ickets and Shares from any part of the United States, POST PAID, am no.using the Cash, addressed to the Secretary will meet prompt aite nm. J. S, Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. March 11 74 IL*ii'Diki : .\i£ ssi* ci Jjj Cordage «MakeY. HAS r<’c«MV <| i n'l o It .Spring suoply o' CJI/i/tMfiGSw I GIGS, which manes hi assortment of G gs complet l '-•consisting of fi second and third rate Lea Iter and Su t ip Gig one Coachee and one Chano'ee. Being regular ■ ly supplied wi'h an extensive assortment, direc from the various mauutac! iries ot Newark and i vicinity, he is disposed o sed on a good terms a the articles can b ; obtained in Augu 'a . Jj*Order» (or any kind of C-uri'iges wdl b orwarded and ex noted in the best manner, a' the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carnage. 1 built to order. Repairing in all branches, at shor notice, on the moat reasonable li rms March 22 H iUi\ Coach-Maker , WILL keep coiiManl y on nand, and for Sah at Mr. Lonostubbt’s Livt ry S'able. JIX JSSOHTJIEAT OF (Ey* Orders for GIG S oi CARRIAGES from tb Vorth, will be promptly attended to and woif warranted N. U.— Repairing done at (be shortest notice. November 80 45 £/* JU. B. UoPKINS llitviug licit 1 mined to reside pennant-ndy on tlie ,ia ul-tl I vishes to dispose of his house in Augusta Tb, t-rms will be reasonable, and accommodating o payments. As that part of the city ,s likely i become the scene of extensive business, the hour ■’ very favourably situated for that purpose, lit nuildmg is well calcinated tor both » s'ore a (welling; the jower story being entirely se. ar ted from those above. Sboul 1 the property not be sold by the 25 It ■ April it will be Rented, Possession can be ha •m the first of May. March 18 7ft xNUTIiR l 'jlHE Public are cautioned against trespass n I on the Houses and Lots ot the subscribe nnper end of town—especially against hanin and or earth from the river bmk ■ r contigu* n hereto. Each and every person ofl'.-i.ding *| ti , v, ve the law rigorously enforced against him i r them. Hugh Ncsliit. January 3T 60 V\IIaLIA.)VI 11, filiyl.V, Renew* the tender of hi* tervice* in the COMMISSION AND STORAGE BUSINESS, TO HIS EIUENDS AND THE PI'HUC. HIS WARE HOUSE at the upper end, sontl side Broad-street, is now ready for I lit r< teption of COTTON and other PRODUCE, upoi hich liberal advances will be made, when re luired. Any business with which he may be favoured, thull be punctually attended to. Oct her 1 28 VOM uISSIU.V BUSINESS Tbe Subscdbe?., Jl WING engaged VVameh .uses and Stores, ii 1J the upper part ->f this city,o<]‘ rs hi-services as general COMMISSION MERC 11 AN I. Persons ■ho tray place merchandise or produce under his • re, may safely rely on every possible exertion -mg used, togive general satisfaction. JBania M'Kirme. 'tenternber 28 27 TVus feubsedbesr INTENDING to re.ide in New York, with » vie w tor ihe transaction of Commission llus .ess, in all its blanches, will lieel grateful lor ti.v mnsignments or orders, with which he may b’t «vorcd, assuring hi* friends that bis unremitled let.lion wd be exerted to promote their inter st. He wul be prepared on the receipt of aoj in-ignii eo s, or o( the invoices with bills of la ling and orders for insurance, to make the cu, unary advances it required Any references tliai is desired, can be obtained Messrs Mackenzie & Ponce, Augusta, or Ben imin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah Jialph Ketchurn Octi.ber 26 3,5 is otice. A LL persons having demands against the e «- Em. isie of William .1 -Nes, deceased, late o 1 " undiia Conn ), are requested lo hand them ii a greeahls to 1 w and receive payment—dl 1 hose " dehted to sa d estate, w,ll please call and makr payment to I ttcy Jones, Ex’trx. Nelson ill. Usnton, /i’.rV. March 22 g t 77 1 ‘ TO RE\T. From the first October next, JhgA Three Stores and a Dwelling House, upper end south side Broad* MuH Street, adjoining Rgan & M'Lmigh. v '* t—The Store occupied by Henry & Co, the Store occupied by Hit- & £> “” d tlle ,Wa ““m- Frame House and Store adjoining the same—the house is well calculated toi a private family or boarding House—having an excellent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are. all must desirably situated for the Grocery Business. •Apply t» William H. Egan. September 17 24 for sale. A LOT OF LAND, three miles from Aubot*, ■ containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of winch is Cleared and under good fence, the balance Hood Land, There is on the premises, a c intertable Dwelling House, which has lately undergone a thorough repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, an elegant Brick Pantry, Crib, Stabl< a, Fodder and Carriage House, &c. all complete—a large yard well shaded ; a hands! me Orchard of Api-le, Peach. I’ear and Plum trees, a never failh g spring of excellent water, within 80 yard* of the lw- llj.ig, and as healthy a situation as any in Uich nvmd County. The above wi’l be sold a bargain, if early sa il I icat ion is made to r Jno C. Holcombe. Tanuarv 18 w FOii »ALiv OR TO ttlfi.N i\ unexpired le *e and improvements on Hie Lot known as the LitHeman’s Garden, situated on Rllis-Street, near the corner of < en tre-Street having all the coiiveniences for car rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, he. sides an Oven, Dryhonae, «ic. There is also an Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 tons of Ice can be secured for summer use. The w hole will be shewn by application on the premises. For terms apply to B. Bouyer. August 1 M. HR subscriber having i vaunted the prar*’ce 'i LAW, tenders his services to the public. He will attend must of the Courts in the Western Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and Ocrruilgee, and the routines of Lawiens, I wiggs and Pu aski, in the S nt'iern Ciiciiits. Tliouias W. Mania. OCT’ I.etters addressed to him Monroe, Wal ,'oii.cpunty. will be •• n m. h finis-v A 7ii, ny '"r ll * ■■ uviee. A All IK subscribers have connected themselves wA m the practice of llie LAW —they wid uni lormiy attend all He counties of the Nonhirn Circui», and the county of Franklin, of the W es >-in Circuit, one of them wil) bt- generally sou- d t iheir office in Elberion, where they will late leasure in transacting the business ol those,who •«V be unfortunate enough to be involvi d in the Law* John A. Heard, Thtimas J Heard. .fsnusrv 1, 1825 57 Notice. VLL persons liuving t-uiands upon the estate ol Nichol s W ire, dec i-ed r<-cj sted to make them known to the subscriber* lin se who e indebted to the said estate, will please to make immediate payment. Susan B. Ware, Kx?lrx, W. W. Holt, KxW. Decernlx-v 24 59 JS otice. I LL those imj, bled •«, the Rs'ale «f William V Most- y, late of Columbia C unty, deceased, are Culled on to make payment and those loving teinandsare requested to bring them in Icgubu ly attested according to Uw. Thomas Bowdre, udm'r. Wn-ch 25 H 7-t «\ iiVvct. A LL persons to whon. ili i; j ,i e Fra -cis Ilouver, tv ol the cdy of Augusta, dec- a-n-d, is imh ht ' d, are requested to present iheir demands « it It. in the time prescribed t>y law , and those indebt ed, are tequested to make immediate payment, B, Bonver, } . Paul Uost)ignol,s X ,S ' Dmeeeber 21 5) N otice. PKUSONS being r'ai'y In the habit trespass me on the Ilickorv ridge true ol land, o v.ed by the Hank of Georgia, aorl cuttii g the wood and undergrowth therefrom : Notice is hereby given, 'bat the u nio i v gilance will be u-ed in detecting md prosecuting the offenders. The s-dd Land is bounded on th- west bv lurkanet’a Spring, and -art ol the v-llage of Summerville, on the Fast by the lands of A. Martin, I* H. Carnes and others, it n oy .be m-me particularly known by the Miiledgevide road, passing ihr ugb It. Jty order of the Board JE. Henry. February 1 ’ \ •Agency U Having constituted j.lhk. y thompsoy, Jr. Agent. I earnestly sol,ci' t/m-e pel- DOS indeh'rd to me for the Jlambnn / Gnxeriee and all other* in pecuniary arrear-. 10 mane pay. inent to lorn immediately, F. W. Pleasants. OCT A Subscription Paper is open at his Office, . Wa-luogion-street; -»here those wishing to ne. one subscribers, have an opportunity afforded! >m p. W. P, i March 11 74