The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 19, 1825, Image 1

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W$M &mmtfsntfamiU»t, - "«’ l "'- wl »' '■ every Country in the world labour., are not owing to any want of love for our Country, but to an ignorance of itsfeal constitution and intemta.”- - pRIESTI T ~ “ ”n NEW ser IES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1825. No. 85. Ci>e Coiijttitutionalitft 1* PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. BSCHA!»G£ OmCB Vi KXT£D STAfSS AND POST NOTES, ALSO, DRAFTS On Boston, Baltimore, Providence, Washington City, New'. York, Petersburg, Va. Philadelphia, Charleston, 8. C. And Savannah, For Sale by Boers, Bunnell & St. John. Broad, corner of j\V Tntoshstreet, Gdlu and SiLVKii coin mid all kinds ot Rank Not es, Bought and Sold, N ivornber 12 40 JbPLEXiUM V) iIriXYUVUS PRIZES ALL FLOATING, GRAND ' STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, Contains the following brilliant capitals still un diawn, viz. 40.000 ttoUs. 110,000 DuWs. 510.000 OoUs. | 5,000 BoWs. B -sides 12 of loud, 6 ut 50.) Stn. Hie wig le p iy able in cash, which as usual at COHEN’S OFFICE dan be had the moment they are drawn. 19th drawing on Wednesday, jOih of March 20th and lust on Thursday, 310 of March Unless the great capital of g 10,000 should b< jndvawn after the 19th is over, in which case th - 20ih drawing will be deferred to toe Udi April, N when the scheme must be completed Whole 'Tickets gl2 j Quarters - 300 Halves • - 6 j Eighths • 1 30 To be had, warranted undrawn, at . Where both the gr.-at Capitals of 20 000 and JO 000 DOLLARS, drawn in the MONUMENT 'LOTTERY, on the 2Htb u!t. were add and wherQ were sold, the Capital JPr of 100 000 ,!) 1 lars, half and one quarter to citizens of Geor gia-, 20,0005, 10,000 s, 5000 s, In the last Grand LntUry, and wazim Mans capital mugs! 3AVK.UUi.?L OUX4ISJB.»ILA.IL»aX»A»Y-<n'rt , j;il OFFteSj K AM K ItICA. ” Orders/eft with I, R. St. JOHN, Broad street. ! AUGUSTA, Georgia, will he promptly attended to,; FREE OF POSTAGE. 1 April 1 80 SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co7 DU JIB EUS AjVO TAILORS HAVING formed a connection with Mr. Henry , Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed heir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, corner of > Wall Street, where their Business will in future be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & /TOWARD. •AV/v- Vnrk, .In-nr, 1823 7 5,00 k) Weight o£ Yvui.v, BACON BOH SALE, it'.J.V TO t Robert D. Ware. Decembers 46 box missing! j! to be taken by mistake from the M Wharf, about the 11th or I2.'i of November, ! a llo't i f Shoes landed from Boat No. 14 M i li ed A &E. Wood, or E. Wood & Co, Am person having it ; n bis possession will confer r favtu by iilbrming the subscribers at their residence, or, through this office. e. Wood «r Co. j 9A Wiai ivish VoUaloes, IN HAMPERS. j Just received per Steam Runt Hamburg, i A FEW Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, which : .fa, will be sold in lots to suit families, L»y apply -sig iraraediattly at Jacob Mcisc’s. jyPKenz'u £jf Hemlock's Mow, Decpmh**r 58 5 5 FRE sirLIME.’ CASKS fresh Stone Lime, of a superiorl quality, just received and for S aic bv T. 8. Metcalf. |! March 29 70 jl A FRESH SUFPIV OF 1 ftoda & SeiAVitz PoNYdeva, ‘ FOR sale by the Smal or large quantity.— Those wh purchase to retail wdl be suppli. • ed at a reduced price. Jplm Beach, & Co. April 1 80 i' I 11 fT4HB subscriber will g * 12 cents per ! b. f„ r «, <JL five thousand pounds lo st qn ihiy i a T Li • to be delivered by the last day of.; Iv hi. „ ai i. ufaotory, five doors ke;»w the marker. ,j B. P ?yie. Aprils 3’t 81 ENCOURAGE DOMESTIC ENTERPRIZES! 8 30,00(Tfor SlO, May be procured by a prompt application at the Office of the AUGUSTA plaasmlr ai-ottrov* AUTHORIZED BY THE GEN. ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA SAMUEL HALE . -a r ROBERT R. REID, 1 (WILLIAM W. HOLT, THOMAS I WRAY > commissioners. J.IOHN W. WILDE, AUGUSTIN SLAUGHTER,} [B. D. THOMPSON, SCHEME. 1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of J 0,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 5,00 is 5,000 t 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 i* 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, } 180,000 12825 Blanks. 5 18,V)00 TICKETS at TEX MOlAailllS. Less than two ami an half Blanks to a Prize. The prizes only to be drawn, and tube all floating from the commencement except the following, which will be deposited in the wheel at definite periods, viz ; On the Ist Drawing I prize of g 10,000, and 1 of gSOO On the 2d “ 1 ptize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof gSOO On the 3d “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 4th “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1000 and lof 500 On the sth “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof 500 On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10.0 t 0 and lof 5,000 and lof 500 On the Bth “ I ptize of 20,000 and lof 1,000 and 2of 500 On the 9th “ 1 prize of 30,000 and lof 1,000 and sos 500 I lie Scheme is splendid, and lor ies» and sa'ety of investment, oilers -r. ttTY-rm» •».. i permr i ducement* io am of t!io N mum i. u. ries. The whole Lottery to be completed in Nine Drawings only. 1 Prizes payable m Imrty Days after the cj npletioii ol me Drawing, it applied lor within twelve months. i .Fii/e Tickets will be received in payment for any Tickets.that may remain unsold in the course of the Drawing. PRESENT PH ICE OF TICK PITS, Whole Tickets gio Quarters, g 2 50 Halves, 5 | Ligllths, 1 25 For Sale in a great variety of numbers at tne Commissioners’ Office in Hroad Street, a few doors bid iw the Banks. I ttj* Orders lor Tickets and Shares from any part of the United States, LOST PAID, and '.enclosing the Cush, addressed te the Secretary will meet prompt atir n»n. J. S. Beer*, Secretary to the Commissioners. March 11 il Li uS. uii j&'j Uaiciage. -Maker. HAS r-rp-v -d j . >a io. his Spi ,g Su iply CA/tfilAOES suit GIGS, wine!) max - * b i-soi'toent of Gigs complete-—consisiing’of fi second and third rate Lea her and Su -top <.'jj lone G -achee and one Gharioiee. Iteing regul jIV supplied with an extens ve aa-otlm nt, dim IV on the various manulacl tries ol Newark tnd i | vicinity, he is disposed ‘o set I on a good terms n the sitir'es oho b • oh ai-ied in Auguta . i.O’O '"rs top any kill of Carriage* wII b i'oiwaide-l and - x cuied in the best mann- r . die manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carnage built to order. Repairing -n ai) branches, at shor .notice, tin • In- most reasonable terms. VI -('t, o? 11 77 A\M> Z V U.A\, i Coarh-JJaker, WILL keep coin- a-it y i a-ui, and for Salt at Mr.’iikkt’- Lnv- iy Stable. AjY ASSOHI’AfEA T Os ©a oss o (O’ Orders f<r t.iG- nC in IMAGES from tli N-.rth, will be promptly auendtd to ami w< ta warranted. N. B.—Repa-ring done at the shortest nonce November 'll l 45 Ji. ii. lioi'KiNd having (Jeter mined to reside perni -n n ly on the Sand-Hill -wishes to dispose ol li s liouse in Augusta- Th j'crrns will be reasonable, anti acconirru-dating a. It<) payments. As that part ■l' the toy s ,1-kc ly Ibecnme 'he scene of extt-nsiv. business, the hour h very (avourably situat' dI -r that purpose. Th building is Well calcinated inr both a s-ore ant dwelling ; die 1-w-r story being entirely -e ar -ed troin those ah -ve. Shout I the property not he sold by the Jsth o- Aprd u wi l be Rer.Wii, I'ossest.ion can be hi •i) die fir t o( May. Mn-ch 1« 76 ~NOTUK. I ARE f’ubllc are cauuoned against trespassing tin the Houses and Lots ol the sub-cribe J n; per end ol town—especially against hanli -•anti or earl!) from the river bank or rotitiguou - rein. Each and every person offending shsl 11 - v he law rigorously enforced against him • :l hem. Hugh Nealiit. Jan*sry SI v\ 11. Vitit/i.JV’ j Renews the tender of Ids services in the C O M M I SSI OX AND STOIiJIGE HUSLVESS, TO HIS FRIENDS **» THB rUBUC. ; JIS WABE HOUSE st the upper end, south • 1 side Bread-street, is now ready lor the re ••■'r"ion of (JO 1 I ON ami other PUODUCE, upon ' ‘nch liberal advances will be made, when re el 1 red. Any business with which be may be favoured, i m ) be punctually attended to. Oct l her ! 23 I'/JJJ \{ I SSI ( > v- H USLY ESS. Th» j ¥ A VINO engaged W .ueh uskh and Stores, in li the upper part of •hh city,offers Ins services as general COMMISSION MEKCII \N I’. Persons ' no may place merchandise or produce under bis re. may safely rely on every possible exertion eing used, to give genenl satisfaction. Rarua M‘Kinne. Sopternher 28 27 ’iU« frubscribtr [NrENOINu to reside in Vork, with a view lor the transaction ot Commission Bus ‘ esß > >" *d its bi anches, will feel grateful f"i any or orders, with which he may be ivored, assuring big friends that his unremitted emion wii be exerted to promote their inter st. He will be prepared on the receipt of any null ignmenia, or nt the invoices with bids of la- 1 lug and orders for insurance, do make the cus ■miry advances if required, l< Any references that is desired, can be obtained ■ ‘ Messrs Mackenzie 8c Bonce, Augusta, or Ben nrnin Burroughs, Esq. Savant ah. Ralph Ketchum, October 26 35 .N otjcc. J A 1.1. persona having demands agamst the es-|. iM. tale of William Jones, deceased, loc o' oiumbia County, are requ-Mt d to hand them in 1 --cable to law, and receive p>y incot— *ll those iioi.bti <1 to said estate, will please call and make ~ ■'.lyment to liiicy Jones. Ex’tfx. j M clboa M. Ueulon, Ex'r. ' March 32 g t 77 ' ' LA PAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE HOUSE The Subscriber r,! openiiig in Jiruail street, one dour below Mr. Al leu’s Hat Utore, t. LiHOK AJfl> OKVKIIAI. ASSOHTJtKNT C7 AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Hress COATS, Frock Coats Ural) box C«aU Double k single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon broad Cloth, Satmeit and Corduroy do Toilinetf, Valentis, Swanadown Ik black ailk | Vests Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do , Superfine Linen and Colton, frilled and plain , Shirts Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool d Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Cambist Cloaks Ladies do Boy’s Dresses Youth’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide brims [inmitation beaver do , La Payette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, kc. —■ALSO — Negro Jackets and Truwsera House servints Coatees and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coals Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in his line. The above GOODS are New-York made, and will be disposed o( wholesale and retail, at New- York prices. J. F. Seize. ' December 3 40 dT Darien Money will be taken for t,ie following Goods it ialccoi from the Wltarl winch will he received this week, J J r. Steam lioett .Vo. 6 and IS. ©s TONS Sweeds Iron assorted ! 200 barrels be t llultlmura Wlbulcay JPr, Heat ltab Roy. 234 Kcgg patent cut nails assorted 20.000 do Castings assorted 2.000 do Sad Irons 4,0U1l do Mi stered S'eel 194 Kegs White Lead ground in Oil 30 bbls Loaf Sugar IS Hhd. Superior N. Orleans Sugar 21 bbls. Muscovado do 109 Coils Bale Hope 58 Pieces Bagging 20 Hhd. White’s Gist 7 Tierces prime Rice 78 Boxes fresh Rosins 72 Kegs Pickled Salmon cheap 4 boxes Cast S;eel axes. Thomas 8. Metcalf. March 29 70 i&'S) DEMIJOHNS of old Ilorix Port, Vin tage o( 1820.—Certified by the It iyal Company f Otiorto. ' 35 Dozen bottles ditto, Vintage of 1816. foil SALE HT * A. I. &G. W. Huntington. March 22 77 Fu\isVirA bleel WaislbeUa, Bracelets, &c. STD IE subscriber lias this day received per ship Doris from Liverp >ol, an elegant assortment °f •* fished Steel Waistbelts, Uraeelcu, Buckle. 1 and -Jaaps, ol the newest fashion. — also — Yard Neck Chains, 1 Neck’ii cec, Wtgligies, b -si London Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes, Perfumed Soaps, L c. &c. George Date*. i March IS 7fi j aioLASSEsTScI 1 m IIHDS. Molasses, new crop 13 Tierces do do 20 MhHs New Oi leans Sugar 30 Bags Green Ceffee Just received and for snle by Thomas 8. Metcalf. March 29 yy X) GALLONS prime, new Honey, at om dollar a eal on. Jus! received and Jor sale by Thos. 8. Metcalf. March 29 79 W suited to litre. | 3pir r. thefiiai of Janu-ry nex', lour young " A NEGROES, accustomed to w >rk'. fr m tin 11 ige ot 18 to 25 M B. Ficquet. r .laruarv 21 ~!• Fur bate, 4 LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN, a good Conk,' 1 ■*- Washer and Ironer—for further particuia- ( iquire at 'he Oifiu «f the Constitutionalist. 4)«««mb«r 31 £| | DIMOCR & MARSH, •Merchant-'Tailors , OPPOSITE THE CITY HOTEL) Have received per the Inst Steam Boat, a new and additional supply of 3SPuJM4* tsina-ifiMii’fa, Winch with their oth r slock on ha r,. will make their assortment complete, persons in want are * respectfully invited to call ami judge for them. Si |v.-S. 1 * 81 to ttii sT. From the first October next, M Three Stores ami a Dwelling House, upper eml soil'll sale Broad* Street, adjoining Egan & M'Laugh* tin's, viz The Store occupied by I). Heiiry & Co, the Store occupied by HKs Sc Uden-*fend the two story Frame House'and Store adjoining the same—Hie house is well calculated tor a private family or boarding House—having an excellent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are all most desirably situated for the Grocery Business. ripply is ' William H. Kgan. September 17 24 T If OR SALK. r A LO P OF I. AND, three miles from Auoo ta, » coutaihing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of which is cleared and under good fence, the balance Hood C.and. t here is on the premises a c mtortable Dwelling House, which has lately undergone a thorough repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, an elegant prick Pantry, Crib, Stables Fodder and Carriage House, «tc. all complete—a large yard well shaded ; a handsome Orchard ol Ap Ip, Peach, Pear and Plum trees, a never hull g Hiring ol excellent water, within 80 yards of tls dwelling, and si healthy a situation as any in Rich mond County. Ihe above will be sold a bargain, if early ap plication is made to Jno C. Holcombe. January 18 ' 59” FOR isALti OH, TO ttiv\ I*. AMH K unexpired le«sc and improvements on i* the Lot known as the Littieman'a Garden, situated on Ellia-Street, near the corner of Ceil 're-Siyeet—having all the conveniences lor car rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be sides an Oven, Drybouse, file, 1 here is also au Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 lons if Ice can be secured for summer tise. Ihe whole will be shewn by application on the premise*.*— For terms apply to B. BoiiVFr August i • * IbAWo The subscriber having resumed the nrac oe of LAW, tender# his services to the iillbl c He will attend most ol the Courts in the W estern Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Fun and Ocmulgee, and toe couniies of I.awiens, I wiggs and Pulaski, in the S'minern Cheung. Thomas W. Harris. 0O“ Letter* addres-e I to him Monroe. WaJ ton county, will be attended to. February 8 To 65 Jv otice. \4 MHE subscribers hate cimnected themselves m the practice of die LAW-diey wi I uni for inly attend ah tie coun ies of pie Nnrdiern Circuit, and (be county of Franklin,’of ih. Wee. tern < licuit, one ol them will be genera Iv found si their oilier in Elberton, where they will t*i,e pleasure, in_transacting the business ol it.. -,e «ho ni»v be unfortunate enough to be involy d in H c LfcWa ( 7 John A. Heard, Thomas J heanl. January 1, 1825 5/ • otice. ALL persons having t niands upon the estate n( NichoLa VVare, deem ed. ire r. q>. at< d o make them known to the subscribers t tinge wht» re indebted to the said estate,'will j.lea-e to inane mmeduue payment. Susan IJ. Ware, Kx’irx. tV . W . Hull, t.x'r December 24 »' 5^ IS otice. VLL those indebted lie E-ta e •(’ wd! „m Mnseiy, latent Colombia County, dec< as-d, are Culled on to make baymeni, a i<S. the ii .v-if demands ere requested to bring* them In reffuiw ly attested HccdHiiig to i Wt Thomas Bowtlre. adin'r. Va’cb 25 i 7h ' •iS OtICC. 4 LI J to whu.o tl. i e F « els Bouver. ' ot thp* city of Augusta, d. r-wil, is ind bt it, -ire requested ft present ', heir demands with, n Itir time prescribed by Ja« , and those ndebl ed, are icquested to make immediate paym-nt, B. Boujer, ? .. , Paul RoiisignolA ■ rßm Draeceher 21 J is otice. PERSONS b-ing oa y .o' the habit of trespa,#. inp on the Hirkorv ridge tract of land, o vhe ] >y the Hank of Georgia, and cutting th • wr d and undergrowth therefrom : Notice i« hereto given hat tlo uimost vigilance will be used in cl- i"et ng 'i-oaecufng the offenders. 1 ), e said La. <) i» rounded on ihe west by lurkanefs Son o-. vd art <>i i he village of Sdmmerville, m *heE;st o O.e lands ol A. Martin, p. H. Carnes and ithers It n ay be more particularly known by the dilledgevi le road passing through it. Jty enter tj the Hoard . 1. Henry. February 1, 182*, ' f T