The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, April 22, 1825, Image 1

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©iwr, Man -I i hit poll* at p> ,'s. imd >m li ev. y Country in llu*. world labours, are not owing to any want of love foruiir Country, but to an ignore non of its real constitution anil interests.” pRJ KSTLY. NEW SERIES Vol, 11. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1825. No. 86. Cfre Constitutional! at IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. Ijlviock & w vii Vii, . Merchant- Tailor's , OPPOSITE THE CITY HOTEL, Have received per the Inst Steam float, u new and additional, supply of Which with their other stock on hand w ,11 mak their assortment complete, persons in want an respectfully invited to call and Judge for the n selves. April 5 81 J* Darien Money will be taken fin the following Goods if laien from the Waarl vvhch will he received this week, J J r, Steam Boat No, 6 ami 15. TONS S weeds Iron assorted jJOU Barrels best Baltimore Whiskey Pv. Boat Bob Boy, 234 Keg* patent cut nails assorted 20.000 do Casdng* assorted 2.000 do Sad Irons 4.000 do Blistered Steel 194 Keg, White Lead ground in Oil 30 bbis. Loaf Sugar ■ 18 llhd. Superior N. Orleans Sugar ' 21 bbls. Muscovado do 109 Coils Bale Hope 58 Pieces Bagging 20 Hhd. White’s Baltimore Gm 7 Tierces (lime Uice 78 Boxes fresh Raisins 72 Kegs Pickled Salmon cheap , 4 Boxes Cast Si eel axes. ThoQias S. Metcalf. \ March 29 • . 79 j / DEU TOUT WIXE. ' DEMIJOHNS of old llorix Port, Vin 1 tage of 1820 —Certified by the Royal Company ' of Oporto. 25 Dozen bottles ditto, Vintage of 1816, run Sana at A. I. & G. W. Huntington. I March 22 77 1* ToUshtuV Wai&UieVta, I Brackets, &c, n 1 _____ b uTpilß subsc-iher has this day received ner ship I A Doris from Liverpool, an elegant assortment B of Polished Steel Walstbelts, Bracelets, Buckle. ( and Chaps, of the newest fashion. —ALSU— i Yard Neck Chains, |i Necklaces, Neghgies, Best Lomion Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes, Perfumed Soups, &c. &c. George Oates. f March 13 76 MOLASSES, &c. IHDS. Molasses, new crop 13 Tierces do do 20 Ilhds. New Orleans Sugar 30 Bugs Green Cnfire- Just r eceived and lor sale by Thomas S. Metcalf. March 29 79 l rniSm a®® GALLONS prime new Honey, at one dollar a eaPon. ’ Jilt! received and jor tale by i Thos. S. Metcalf. March 29 79 j * SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co. DRAPERS TAILORS 5 J AVING formed a connection with Mr. Henry 9 I Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed heir Establishment to No, 83, Broadway, corner ot Wall-Street, where their Business will in fu ure be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & //O'.VARi), NrwYork. June, 1823 7 FRESH LIME. a®© ( ASKS fresh Stone Lime, of a superioi quality, just received and for sale by T. S. Metcalf. Anarch 29 79 J A FRESH SUPPLY OF I Soda & SeiAUtz Fowdexs, 1710 R sale by the SmaL or large quantity . Those who purchase to retail wol Ue suppli ad at a reduced price. John Beach, & Co. April 1 80 \ \ Having constituted jambs Thompson. Jr. Esq. my Agent. I earnestly .licit in a persona indebted to me for the Hamburg Guzetet and all others in pecuniary arrears, to make pay. ment to him immediately, F. W. Pleasants. dj*A Subscription Paper is open at Ins Office in *> ashipg,on-street, where those wlshi g to n, . eome subscribers, have an opportunity a.forded 'hem, ]•'. VV. p. M •> 'I 71 'j Guuk. Jeeds of Conveyance, K Neatly Printed on Volume Paper, f For wile at this Office IMPLEX mu UVIAWVXGS. , PRIZES AM, FLOATING. GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, Contains (fie following brilliant capitals still un drawn, Viz . 4*0,000 UoWs. 110.UOO Dolls. 20,000 UoUs. j 5,000 Dolls. Beanies 12 of lUoO 6 I 30J Her. t*ie whole pay . <!• ■ in casn, w 1 11 c1 1 as usual it COHEN’S OFFICE ■■in he had ih; moment they are drawn. 19: i drawing on Wednesday, 30,h of March 2thh and hist mi Thursday, 31 .t if March Inless the great capital of §40,00 ) should be indrawn afler the 19lh is over, in which case the •! )th drawing will lye deferred to ttie 12th April, i vhen the scheme mus 1 he completed ] IVhole 'Pickets §l2 j Quarters - 3 00' Halves • -6 | Eighths . 1 50; To be had, warranted undrawn, at Where bom the great Capital, of 20 000 and 10 000 DOLL MIS, drawn in the MONUMENT; LOTTERY, on die 28lh uit. were sold, and! .vhere were sold, the Capital Frizes of 100.000; dollars, half and one quarter to citizens oj Gear-\ in -, 20,0005, 10,000 s, 5000 s, in ttie last Grand| Stale Lottery, and wunnu moke capital phizes! have hekm obtained than at any other office l« AM EIIICI. Orders left with 1. R. St. JOHN, Broad-street, AUGUST.I. Georgia, will be promptly attended to, FREE OF POSTAGE. April I 80 LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber r t opening in Broad street , one door below Mr. Jll , ten's Hat Store, A LAHOB AND OKNE IAI. ASSORTMENT OF , AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Dress coats, Frock Coats Drab box coals Double fi single mill’d Gassimere Pantaloon Broad Clo'h, Satinett sad Ct>rdtiri>y d.i Toilinett, Valentu, Swsnsdown k bUck silk Vests Bine and black Cloth and Cassimere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain! Shirts Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and LambswooJ Shins and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Carablet Cloaks Ladies do B vy*» Dresses Youth’s close body Coa's Gentlemen's supeifine Hats, some very wide! brims j Lmmitation beaver do | La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps I Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks ■ Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, &c. ALSO— Negro Jackets ami Browsers House servants Coatees am. Pantaloons i - F- armmght great Cua’s Guernsey Frocks, red lianncl Shirts Striped and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in Ins line. The above GOODS ars New-York made, and : will be disposed of waoiesale and retail, at New | fork prices. j J. F. Hetze. ,1 December 3 4t> i An Elegant Assortment of V.\XV\ O (i) © 3) a, I JUST RECEIVED AT THE ir[ Fancy \h*y VimuUs Rlorc, AMONG WHICH AUK RlCtl Barege, Silk and Gauze Haodkei chut-. Black Velvetee f,,p Drc sses, and a variety ot Striped Silks. F. Dupont. April 112 t 80 XovWitv u li In and \V hlskcy. . 4J3 BARRELS Northern GIN, I.t wls 70 Parrels Whiskey, JUST RECEIVED JiJVO FOR SALE H V Beni. Barton. ‘ April 8 Hi DU. UVWYEX, ftESPF.C I FULLY annonnee* to his friends arid Hie pnbl.c, that lie Iks removed to Co j inn bia Court House, lie niav be found at Mr. H.ll’s when not Professionally engaged. April 15 3t p 84 €? A Large Assortment of~ 3ti\ci\llpi Uoaks, Tor title at this tyicr. ENCOURAGE DOMESTIC ENTERPRIZES! (8 30.000 lor g 10, May be procured by a prompt application at the Oj/ice of the AUGUSTA j AUTHORIZED BY THE GEN. ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OK GEORGIA SAMUEL HALE, A r rrrr ROBERT R. REID, f \ WILLIAM VV. HOLT\ THOMAS I. WRAY, > commissioners. J JOHN IV. WILDE, AUGUSTIN SLAUGHTER,) ( B - *>• THOMPSON , SCHEME. 1 Prize of 830,000 is 8 30,009 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 of 5,000 is 20,000 j Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 1) f rizes of 5,00 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, 7 180,000 12825 Blanks. 3 18,000 TICKETS at TEK DOLUAUS. Less than two and an half Blanks to a Prize. the prizes only to be drawn, and to be all floating from the commencement except the following, which will be deposited in the wheel at definite periods, viz : 1 On the Ist Drawing 1 prize of §IO,OOO, and 1 of §SOO On die 2d “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof §SOO 1 On the 3d “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 4th « 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1000 and lof 500 1 On the sth w I prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof 500 i On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 5,000 and lof 500 On the Bth “ 1 prize of 20,000 and lof 1,000 and 2of 500 On the 9th “ 1 prize of 30,000 and lof 1,000 and lof 500 Ihe Scheme is splendid, and lor Richness and safety of investment, ofi'era euual ii not su pepi-»r i to any of tU-rtliom Lotteries. The whale Lottery to be completed in Nine Drawings only. P zcs payable in Thirty Uaj s after the completion of the Drawing, if applied for within twelve mouths. ] P.ize tickets will be received in payment for any Tickets that may remain unsold in the course ot the Drawing. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS , Whole Tickets glO, I Quarters, §2 50 Halves, 5 j Eighths, 1 25 For Sa'e in a great variety of numbers at the Commissioners’ Office in Broad Street, a few d io-s he! w ine Banks. ij’ Orders (nr t ickets and Shares from any part of (lie United Slates, POST PAID, and enclosing tue Cash, addressed to the Secretary will meet prompt attention, 1 J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. 1 March 11 JLjl JJIAS IslA&Srt ' CavYiage Maker. HAS rn-eiv d . -art ol his Sprit g Supply o< CA/tUJAOES and GIGS, which malic* hit assort.oent of Gigs oompl«te~-consistiug of first hi com] and third rate Lea'her and Suntop Gig one Coachee and one Chariolee. Being regular lv supplied with an extensive assoi tment, direr, i from (lie various manufactories of Newark and i vicinity, he is disposed 10 sell on as good terms a 1 the articles can b : obtained in Augusta. iXjfOrders for any kind of Carriage* will b torwarded and executed in the best manner, a< the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriage f b tilt 'o order. Repairing in all branches, at slior . 1 noiic*', on the most reasonable terms. i j M ire.h 32 ts 77 AXMS’m \)A\ Coach-Maker , \ I keep constantly on Hand, and for Sale *’ at Mr. Lonusthket’s Livery Stable. AN assortment of mm* iC? Orders for GIG - or C.AUIiIAGKS from tb i' North, will be promptly attended to and work wen-anted. ( N. B.—Repairing done at the shortest notice. Novembt r SO 4.5 & li. li. Hopkins having (Jeter _ I mined to reside permanently on the Ssod-lliiL, wishes t > dispose ol his house in Augusta Tin • terms will be reasonable, and accommodating a to payments. As that part of the city : 8 likely (■ become the scene of extensive by-mess, the lions ’ is very favourably situated for that purpose. Tli building is well calculated for both a store am dwelling j the lower story being entirely tepan utd from those above. Should the prop -rty not he sold by the 25'h o Aprd it will he United. Possession can he Inn on the fit -t of May. March lit 76 MmiTuT i'IPHE I’ublic are cautioned against trespassinj ■ j ft on the Houses and Lots of the subscribe [upper end of town—especially against hauling pand or earth from the nvtr bank or contipiioo -thereto. Bach and every person offending shai h ive the law rigorously enforced against him < i them. Uwjjjli IS. chit. ! January 2i to Ex avid '| IttlE 1 ttlE subordinate Chapters under die j■ ■ ids-j I diction of the GRAND BOY. IE AIiCH CHAPTER of the Slate of Georgia, an- hereby notified to attend, by dielr legal representatives, he annual meeting on MOND AY die 2d of Miy irxt, at die Masonic Hall in Lnuo.ville. Chap ters in arrears are requested to enmph with the (i'll section, 3d article of the Grand Constitution, as it wid be smelly enforced. Daniel Nook, Grand Secretary. 03* The Savannah Republican and Mil ledge villi; Journal, will give die above iwo inseriions and lorward their accounts to this Office for pay nent, LonisviVe, April 7 187 5. 82 Bank Malt oY iivovgva. Savannah, 3 Ist March, 1825. V'OT ICE.— An Election will he lieul 111 die L I Banking House in this riiy «>n MONDAY die (d day ot May ensuing for Nine Diiccturs on Ih act of die Stock: lohlers in tins ia 1 u ion The mil will be opened a’ Ten o’cli ck, A. M. ami iosed at 2 o'clock P. M By order of the B nrd. A. Porter, CaAi 'er. 07/* Tile F.d t rs of the A igns’s Occti 11 euial st 'iVasliingion N» ws, Georgia Journal and 'midi rn Recorder in Mdledgevill •, will please piiblisli he above until the da) of E eciion. A. P. 'larcti 31 8] *N lA’vufe. t I.L persons to whom 111 lee F a xis B uiver, V us the cdy of Augusta, dec d, is iiul b' J, are request'd to present their demands wi'h n the lime prescribed by la>i , H n ( t hose indeln d, are requested to make immediate payment. B. Homer, ? , Paul December 21 51 AMU SIE AVI 11 if, 18. DK HOUEL. <i i m iic i Physician, respectfully 'forms the pub it;, that he has established S I EAM uul MEDICAL MATHS in Augusta. The very high repute Dese Huns hav* acq snivel in Em op , uliere (although a late- discov. ry) ! hey are m be found in every hospital, and the (treat cure, 'b y have, perform. d in Uoscun. Phi ;htlelphin and Chart* »ii.n, cm leave no doubt of ! their efficacy The must penile a- well as die most powerful medicines are administered by iut I means, wuh.nit aay pain, trouble or disgust to ■ patient. They arc a never fining remedy in all rattans- • mis ufi'ctions i from I’boru, Iti .pworms, &•’. io SrnMh ad am) Leprosy. They also have never fade 1 of success in either acute or chronic rheu matism. In plaudit hr obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcou* ivv-llinps, incipient dropsy j in u'l diseases ol the joints, polity affections, dispersion of tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous all' ctions; in all bilious dis'Ll is, dyspepsia, hy pncondnusis, epiiepsy—these baths have been tnuml most ser viceable, and have often succeeded even m here ditary complaints In fine, Hus ma in r if admin- Uteri ng almost every remedy bt longing t,< die healing art, may hi; tendered applicable to ahtiotf every case, and (ii ia repea ed) widumt any pain, troutile, or disgust to the patient. As ihese bailia are not yet genenJJy known, Dr. lloußi, will he happv to gve ihe mns res pectnble references to persons who have been cuisd by taking them The SU'vuw Sf .MedicuV hath h stub Uahmt ut, Is-ill Elbs-Sl i et, up pus. *t .|, Mealing'* Brick House, and lias an ,-:n ranee in Broad street immediately opposite llie env H.v.t 1 .lanuarv II J. tebinu’rt L* at me pa. mHKsubscrberivivi g disc.i. • !,« c m o- Jfi- siliull of SWAIM’S celibated Panacea; has now a supp;ly on hard for sain ; ne has redu ced the pnee ti-nm &3 3Q to g 2 50, or by tae dozen g 24 Ail charitable institutions in the Cm led Stabs *nd the p >or will be supplied gratis. It ihe citizens ot tie- principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to order and distribute this medicine to the poor, it wdl be supplied, Tn is medicine is celebrated for Hie cure ..fine following diseases, “scrofula or king’s evi , nicer ai d or putrid sore throat, long standing rl.u malic affections, culane' us disea-es, while .swe.l iug, and dis.-.ise of llie boni s, and all cases gn. erally o! the ulcerous characier, and chrome dis eases, generally arising in debilitated constitu. tions, but more yxpecially lr"m syphilis, i ( ,fl, o. lions arising therelr m ; ulcer in the layrnx, nodes, Sic. And I lal dreadful disuui.e by a long and excessive u-e ot mercury, he, Ii is also useful in ilisea,ip of the i.iv i.” CKIt i IFiUA TK ~ I have wi'.niri die hist tv/o y ear hud an oppor tunity of seeing several cases nf v< rj mve'eiate ulcers winch having resisted pn \ n nslv die r< gu mi des of treatment, were heated by me u.e ot Mr. Swaim’a I’anacea, and I ilo believe, tioni what I have seen that it will prove an imp. r ant remedy in scrofulous, venenal and mercurial dis eases A. CM ATM iK, M. |>. Professor of the Institutes n> d Pacti.ce f Physic, in die University e( Penn,-y ivan a. I have employed the Panacea ot Mr, Swairn in numerous instances, within the las' tbrf years, and have always found it extremely elficui i ns, especially in secondary syphilis, and mercurial diseases. I have no h-sti'nlinn in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable valu>. W f.IHSON, M. 11. Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn- ' sylvania. JOHN SHINN, Chemist; N. H. For sale at Smith and Pearsall’s, N. E. corner of Third and Market-c.i reels. t‘h'liiile//ihin H’e,b naiy )7 | o'; 1 ItlisiWo (Til A. HE subscriber having nu i.ed the firs'-' ce •d L\ W, tenders Ins services to the publ.c He will attend ni si 0 l tin- Unnr's in die West- rij Circuits, the adjoining e.iiiiniies in H r f .in and |lOc.i ilge.-. ami the rimn'ies of Lawtons, 1 vv ig .-Hid Pumski, in the - ■ i ic n s. 'J liouias VV. i I arris. f 03’ Letter* addrese Ito him Monroe, Wal ton county, will h - a 1 tended to. Febfljfs ~y K ;fn C.l .r — r ; •N hup to. alTil•E subscribers have e..erect'd vhemsidvea Wl ii Ihe practice o( hel.\W they widnni f nu-y attend all tl e counties of the Nor in rn s < ircuit, ami the county ot Ft k i", of die Vie-. . tern Circuit, one ol them will b generally found jat their office in E bertpn, where tiiey will taie jpleasure in transacti g- die business ot those who -Imav be unfortunate enough to be involved in the Law. John A. Heard, Tiiomas J Heard. e January 1, 1895 57 t* __ N ulice. 11 IJRHSONS bring dai y m -fit- babn of trespasa j L mi on ihe llickorv ndge true' ot laid, owned jhy die Bank of Georg- a, and cutting the wood and iiodergrovi t' 1 I herefrom : Notice i« nereby given, dial die ii' most vigilance will be u*eil in d> t tiding I j and prosecuting die offenders Ihe Bui I /.a dit i ibounded on tin- west bv Itnkmet’- Spring, and b .art ot ihe vdlage nl Suoiin rville, on tbe East be the land- ol A. Marlin 1* li. (Janies and others, it ■ay be more pur cn n’y known by the ~ Milledgevble road passing 11, r ngli it, Jiy onltr tj ihe I I. Henry. , I rvkri{ft**v 1 1 iu* cauTToT! ~ Till H|J Ptr-on ti ia■ to<ik aLc on Slick. Knde, X Pe cil mid Lancet case, c niai iing mite 1 cels, an know i .i<*att r‘(pn siti 1 in re.uru hi in to i. is ullice, or their nam s wih beexpuaed. April 15 3t (sA