The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, May 13, 1825, Image 4

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TO THE PUBLIC. THERE is perhaps no medical observation bet ter established. none more generally confirmed by the experience of the best physicians of alt ges and countries and none of more importance to the practitioner,than the- fact.tlmt many of the most diffi cult and incurable complaints originate in neglect ed cohlt. In a climate as '/arable as ours,where the change* of the weather are frequently sudden ana unexpected, it requires more care and attention, guard against tins subtle and dangerous enemy of ife, than most people imagine, or are able and willing to bestow. Hence the vast number of pat cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthmas consumptions, and other affections, and hence the farrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried up by the learned and illberaie. The many cases ol the kind, fell under rny observation j the propose erous compositions of inflaming drugs, which are in vogue ; the disappointment 1 experienced in practice from remedies highly recommended j and my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints were strong inducements for me to consider whether a compound consisting of mild vegetable substances could not be invented, more free frnn the well founded objections of practitioners, ant better calculated to avert the threatening d< struction of the lungs. PULMONIC S’jjTMvp oli Vegetables, For coughs, colds, astbnus and consumptions This remedy is superior to any medicine which has been offered to the public, as it is prepared from the most valuable herbs of our vegetable kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de pendcnce may be placed in its virtues for llu cure of the above diseases. From the knowledge the proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of tin syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending u to those who labour under these, distressing com laints as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav ing administered it to thousands in Ncw-York and I’hda'Wflphia, he feels no hesitation in offering it to the public, and after trial, those persons win puronijlse the genuine syiup, will have (heir mo ney refunded by returning the bottle, if they do not tr-l satisfied that they have reaped beuefi from the use of it. Directions for Use. Take a tea spoon full three times a day, saj morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re lieved, (O’ Gscli bottle will have the signature of tin proprietor. OC T Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sigi of the Golden Eagle, Augusta, October ?! 33 New ami Invaluable PATKNriLJ) BT TUB UK ITKII STATES OF AMERICA AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive lor Pain. This Medi- cine is a nev er failing remedy foi, the Tooth- Ache, Head- Ache, and SlrjjNt other dis eases. ” JL pain m the teeth mid jaws when duly applied nml employed, it possesses sovereign efficacv n, delieving swellings of the gums, lace and adjacent parts, from or connected with tooth ache It relieves head-ache or pains in the head in thi must easy and agreeable manner, lor this fre qnent and distressing complaint, diis, his new medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re stores both the organa of sense and the nerves or their healthy condition at a quick and admirable rate. This new anil useful preparation produces, by mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation noon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates th functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom nut: vapours it nets truly like a nervous and cephalic medicine, ol the first order. Nor is its effect less beneficial when considered in relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the head and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upon the sight and immediate organs of digestion as a carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention and improve ment is quite as favorable to diseases ol the ear, more especially it acts to great advantage in dul ness and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to the exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear «"g- Certificate from Dr. Samuel L, Mitchell, Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York. Ihisxlay submitted to me his letters patent from the United States, for compounding and vending a r-'medy which he call* the Asiatic lenitive, and ask d my opinion upon the same, whereupon, al ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi ration, 1 find it contains a mixture of such aroma, ic, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal culated to produce a composing effect on the hit’ man body. Samuel L. Mitchell. Ji'e-.u. Vo’ k. 2 il, 181 S. AvuUeir’s AUlk ot Roses, AN eh gam cosmetic for whitening, softening a.... beautifying the skin, and removing pin pi ireckles and chops from the faee, neck, Sir 'lhe Milk ol (loses possesses many qualities, for i not only serves for the above purposes, but it pm tlu bhuin of youth on age, wltieh valuable proper'' every lady is fund H enjoy ing. This beautiful ro« cos nu tic tin* a defiglnfu fragi ance, and is on articlr wh cm can be used with safety, as it contains noth ing niit will i jure, anil il is an indispensa lil article to every lady, and should, be lound their toilets. l)tim'Tiims.—Afer being washed and drip, then take a small quantity tin a piece of white fiai then wash lace, neck, ha.nU, Sic. Each hm tlr will be signed by the proprietor, Price 81. Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign of the God E'ig'v, ’.ngusta. J ■: •? . Vv> tt rALL. \P klliofw ll broke carriage horses in gnoo nrdt '.. a»d a light travelling Carriage. Eu ■i l rat this Office. •V* .8 89 Monthly Advertisements. N otice. IkJOINE months after date, application will b made to the Court of Ordinary ol Frankh. County, for leave to se ll one hundred Acres . Land, in said County , as the property ol Adan Linn, deceased, for the bent fit ol the Heirs am' Creditors of said deceased John E. Carson, adm’r. January 18, 1825 1 tnfi ■ 63 N otice. C'OINE monilia after date application will bt ii\| made to the Honorable Inferior Court o. Columbia County, when setting as a Court of Or. dinary for leave to sell 202 1-2 acres of Land ly ■ng in the 2d District of Monroe Gunity, Lot No 208, It being the real estate of William Smalley, deceased, ami to be sold for the benefit of tlu heirs and creditors of said deceased. James Smalley, Adm’r. January 4, 1825 lm9m 57 N otice. iT'OINE months after date, application will b. sln| made to the Honorable the Inferior Com i of Richmond County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell one half of tour am three quarters acres of Land, in said County adjoining lands of Ware and Coleman, for thi benefit of Seaborn Skinner, minor. Livingston Skinner, Guai dian. tnvh 11, 1824. lm9m 23 N otice. NINE months after dau, application will b made to the Honorable the Justices of tin Inferior Court, setting lor ordinary purposes, toi he county of Burke, lor leave to sell all the real ■state of Stephen Chance, late ol Burke county, deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased. Mary Chance, Adtn’x . Joseph Chance, Adm’r. courtfu -t. 6 1824 I -9m .IN otice. I IaOINE months as er dale, application will bt i JM made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary •it Column* County, lor leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the orphans of Samuel ■ Sullivan, ih ceased, and also, an undivided tract i ri Land, lying in Columbia County, belonging o said orphans, and to Melinda Jones, a Minor, John Cartlidge, i Guardian of said Orphans. Polly Jones, Omar (lain of JVlclivda Jones. May 25 Notice. ijkOINB months after dale, application will be . made to the honorable Inferior Court o! Richmond County, for leave to sell the undivided half of Tenement No 7, Bridge Row—also, two unimproved lots Corner of Elbert and Reynold itreets, for the benefit of Margaret P. Bones, a Minor, John Bones, Guardian. October 25, ’8 M lm9m Notice. tfWINE months after dale, application win hi JM made to the Honorable itie Justices ot tne interior Court of said county, when sitting fu Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole o< the real Estate of Irvin Bovet. deceased, late A "id county, for the benefit of the heirs and ere lilors of said deceased, James Lambert, ) nJ , F.dward Boyet. Srrivrr, <-■ 1094 j -,q, r NOTICE. NINE months after date, application will bt made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary ol Columbia county, for leave to sell two tracts of Land in said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek, ■me containing 318 acres joining Pollard, Puffin ami others, the other containing 172 acres joining Luke and others, it being a part of the real rstat of Thomas Jones, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs of said d -reused. William Booker, Adm’r. In right of his -wife January 95. 1895. Irr9m" 61 N otice. iNJINE months after date, application will be et made to the Inferior Court of Columbia County, when sitting (or Ordinary purposes, for rove to sell 235 acres of Land, (in said County) belonging to the estate of William K, Crabb, de ceased. John Kennon, adm’r. November 6, 1824 lin l ) -n AO " N otice. iTJWINE months after date, application will b- JM made to the Honorable the Court of Ordm ary of Burke county, for leave to sell the real Es tate of Enoch Fa-mep. deceased. John Farmer, adm’r. Surkr County. K. h. 1 1H25 1 .')r>. 65 N otice. tjjMJINE months after date, application will be •SM made to the Honorable tile Inferior Court of Coluntb'a county, for leave to sell a tract of Land in said county of 105 1 2 acres, joining Murray, Kay and otb-rs, it being part of the real estate of William 'L io?., deceased. Peggy, Binion, adm’r.v. March 15. 1825 lm9*m 75 iS otice. VTINE months after dme, application will be tv made to the Honorable the Inferior Court >f Richmond county, wbi'e sitting for Ordinary urposea, for leave to sell a Lot in the City o ■ •'u gusts, bounded by Eli..a and Houston streets • belonging i., the estate of Michael Silvert. de r c. ased. for the beuefiit of t*e heirs and creditor. 1 ot said estate. Andrew J. Dill, adm’r. Nathan Leeds, adm’r. in right o' his wife. Mary Leeds, adm’rx. Augusta, K'b r- I). I--. 5 1 9 n N otice. ‘ijkJitflNE months after dale, application will he JM made to the Honorable the Interior Court oi he county of Franklin, while sitting for ordinal-' l-uiposea for leave > sell ihe real estate of Thom as I). Jordan, la e of -an! county, deceased Robert Pulliam, Adm’r. j November 18, 1823. lui9m 41 Notice. VOINE months after date, application wiH be (ti de to the Honorable ihe Justices of the • ■icn i Court of Scnven County, when sitiing lor Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a certain tract or parcel of I.and tonluining two hundred iwo and a. half acres, situated lying and being tin- thirteenth District of Henry County, G» • d known and distinguished in the plan ot said ih-tnci by the num'icr eighty, (80) the whole of I,e rt '“l Estate of Sarah Callaway, deceased, lau ot said County, for the benefit of the Heirs arm creditors of sa.H deceved. Samuel Doughty, adm’r, Scriven County, Feb. 25, 16-5 Imym 72 otice. months after a application will be Lx made to the Honorab e the Interior Court >1 Burke County, when sitting tor Ordinary i ur poses, lop leave to sell the real estate ot Wriley Hanberr , (Minor.) deceased, for the benefit ol ‘he heirs and creditors of Haiti d- cense.!, Jona. Lewis, admdr. Burke county, March 7 1825 )- J S7 , JS otice. months alter dale, application wiilh made to the Honorable the Ink nor Court, n: Burke County, when sitting tor Ordinary purpo es, lor leave to sell the undivided part of Up real Kstate ol Lewis Emanuel, dec <sed, for th• benefit of the heirs and creditors of -aid dtceas d. Jonu. Lewis, Surviving Jldunnis.raior th: bourn nun. Bu ke county, March 7 182 i no - 5 N mice. 1 months after dale, application w ill b I mad- o the ;.'om ruble the Court O'tl i rv ot Columbia Connty, i.-r --ive to sell 22 crea of I.and, Iv g n Colu nbia County. . • waters t the big Kok'-e -reek, sdj. i,mg |,„ p. ol Hamilton, tirn 1 and nl.ers. t • b' sold h.r benefit of the r. f i r,,,. s y,,j Martin, ad in' 1 r. Nnv-mb. r 8 1., J ■ otice NINE -innitis usu-r apijocai on will bi mad > to he H. nor,Lie he I ices oi th, Interior Cour ol Frank' n G-uuy when siltiin or O dm-oy purpos’ sIT hav to M ■: the no, ; Kslai ot John G-ttin r , lot. ,f raid con tv, ,|. ’ CBll '<*d, for the heirs and erect. 1- of-■ id .1. ceased. John Gettb'ga ad *n' n April 13, 18 >; , aSollte. NINE months after as , apph t.on i made to the Justices ol the liif-ri r C or Franklin County, worn mg I- Oi ! purpose--, for leave u sell th real rotate vid Clark, deceased, for the h irs and c ot said deceased. Th- s Vifiys e r - April 12, ]8 1 J ip. . . . , j\ ot-ice. |WT INB month, a ter •( o, api.l w ; ; i.N made to the Justice, of tl 1- -t Frunki n County, when sin, - j urp ses, for have 10 ill die ten , • , hlig P" ( , C James II Haley ii„ J Apr* 1 6i15 9 » Gl ORlil \ fit chin HU.I \ <h,lj j By the Court of Orilinuiy f.: sniu . ■- v 1 T > ALL WHOM IT MAV C JSIU.II.,' VIT’IIEIvEAS It J tin Mei and 1 h : !i vv inon Administrator,-, de bonis no !i estate of Jesse Dim -n, d, au ..... C onty, have applied to this Court ( f-n-.r Hi missory, These are therefore to ciie and achm ■., and singular the kindred and pretlifoi ■ pi , ■ . deceases! to file their objeciions (it ■■■ v t .-y in the office of he Clerk of-.a-d ('- mt-t or. r ore (he firs Monday in June . \t, uii. 1 ■ ,3, ters Di-nissopy will be granted . .In m. Witness the Honorable S mu i Ha , ooe Judges of saul Com , tin., 26 h div ■ * vember, 1824. Isaac Herbert. c'l'rk OfthrCaw /. I - , GEORGIA, Richmond Conn y By the Honorable the Court of Odiiaty 0 I County of Hic/imonil To all whom it may concern \TWi!EREAS Nathan H- Beal, admin • . wJT de hunts non, on the estate of H- 7. ' •leal, decea-ed late t.f said county, has an S to this Court for Letters Uismis,oiy j These are there fore to cite and admonish -1 and singular tne kindred and creditors or ,lr -aid deceas’d, '■» file then- obj-cti ns (>f a-y di y ■‘Sve) in the , ffir.r of 'he Cl- 'k * said C -nrt 01 •r before tho first Mondav n N -vember nex . therwise Letters Dismissory will be granted in him. Witness the Honorable Samue 1 Hale, one 01 tl»e Judges of said Court, th-s 12 it day o 1 April, 1825. fini Isaac Herbert, C/’k. Os the Conn of O Hoary GEOU IA, Hicnven County. WHEREAS Georg Follock, Administratm with the will annexed, of he Estate ol William Boothe, deceased, and al-o admims'ratnr of the Estate of Mary Boothe, dec-r.sed Am William H. Wade, administrator de bonis non oi l . the Estate of George M. Henderson, deceased each a,: plies for letters Dismissory, Theft are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the 1 sai : deceased’s, to file their objections in this ot lice, on or before the first Monday in August next, ensuing, to shew cause (if any they have) why letters Dismissory should not be granted t< ■ the applicants. Given under my hand at office in Jacksonbu this 2dth day of January, 1825, 6 m Seaborn Good all, cl’Jc. GEORGIA. Franklin County. kIJHKREAS James H. Little and Samuel Shan v ▼ mg, applies for Letters Dismissory on the esta'-e of William M Cracking, deceased. are therefore to cite and admonish al and singular the kindred and creditors of the e sdd deceased, to file their objections in my of f (ice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew - ctuse (if any Hiey have) why said letters Dis misMiiy should not be granted to them. Give 1 r.nder my hand at office ill Franklin this 7th day of Mar- 1825. 6m Frederick, Beall, CVk, Georgia, Burke County. ' Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1825. , f'kRDEKEU, That all applications hereafter to ’ vJ be made for Letters of Guardianship, ol I Minors under the of fourteen years, shall be , notified to the Clerk at least twenty days before the term of the Court at which such application j is to be acted on by the Court. And that the »p --j plicant or applicants shall obtain from the Clerk a notice in writing, which shall be posted al the Court Housr door, at least twenty days before the 'erm at which the application is to be acted on, i rnifyihg his or their intention to make such ap /Itcation.— Ordkbkd, That in case the right ot Guardianship occur within twenty days before 'he meeting of the Court as above expressed ihe Court will exercise its discretion as to the t course to be pursued. ■i true extract from the Minutes. Attest, > Samuel Sturges, C’lk. 1 Ar >ril 12 i,„4m 8.1 GEORGIA, Franklin County, HERE AS John Evans, applies for Letter . , Dismissory, on the estate of William Isham, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ol the s-ud deceased, to file their objections in my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (if an? they have) why said Letters Dis m-ssory should not be granted to him. Given under my hand at office in Franklin, this Bth day ol D,.0-ir>b«r, 1824, 6m Frederick Beall, Clerk. IsKOUitiil, isOimubi u County, lIfUEREAS llennet Cralion, has applied for »▼ letters of Dismissory on the estate ot Tge U, Tankersley, deceased, late of said Thes' are therefore to cite and admonish all v|l fTular the kindred and creditors ot tbe - - " c ased, to be and appear at mv office, 1 •'I hin t‘.e lime proscribed by law. to fie their 1 1 c'ions (if any they have) to shew cause why 1 1-1 I'-llers of Dismissory should not be granted U. -n 11 nd r my hand at office, in Columbia 'h,s Ist dny of April, 1825. ( j ,n G. Jones, T). CVk. ‘ HA Scriven County. '(k®* * •■-, EaS I lios. W. Oliver, Administratnr -iS# "< he estate and effects, and Jaroea uii- i " ■ t|r ' c I«‘e of said County, applies for , -t'-s ismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish al -d singular :lie kindred and creditors of tlu ~:d deceased, to file their objections sis any they ' v ) in the office of the Clerk of said Court, on . r 1 elore the first Monday in November next •'herwise letters Dismissory will be granted ti j t -iven under my hard at office in Jackso'nbo- 1 j rough, this 25'h day of April, 1825. ■n Seaborn Goodall, CVk. E tGIA, Franklin County. 'if IKREAS Samuel Power Adm’r. and Han 1 M nah I'ute idm’rx. applies for Letters of ■m '7 on tlir ( state of William Tate, dec. ! a Are therefore to cue a-d admonish al 1 •n I gii-a- the kindred ai d creditors us the ; ; lec ' 8 fi'e Hieir objections in my office '" nl llie tim,J Psi scribed bv law, to shew cause ny they h ve) -.'by u.d letters pf Dismissory t ■; v.-iifd not be granted to them. j <■ v-n ,1 d r m ha-d at ffiue in Franklin, this (5 11 Fredm’ck Beall, CVk,. . j ■ IA 'Scttven County. \\W ERE AS Ja- i.b M'Gnwin,'applies f«r let 'JNr ers f-i Admi i-trati in de bonis non, on the a-d -fleets of John M’Uowin, late of said : . v. d>. c* used. These an tip refore to cite and admonish all d singular, the kindred and creditors of tht Hi dt cea-ed, to fi-e their objections in Ihe office lie Clerk of th. Court of Ordinary of said untv within the nine prescribed by law. to 1 new rause i if any they have) why said letters , uld not he granted. 9 Gi ,-n 11 ,(ler my hand at office in Jacksonbo- * rough, t‘i‘-97*h tl .y of Aurd, 1825. ' bn abnrn Gonrlall (Tk. - —' l ' ■' 1 ■■ i ‘ LV, Burke County, th. Hon. the Court of Ordinary of mid County. T ' ALL WHOM IT MAX CONCEHK, S \T HERE -• Abraham Danforth in right o’ ’ » •'!« wile, and Augustus H. Anderson, a<|. ; 1 .-istraon the (s ate of Elisha Anderson, n ceased iiav anp.iecl to said Court for letters S n New ih> 1)■ tliese are to cite and admnn 1 an a l l -i ainv -tr th- kioured and creditors ol ■ sa d deceas * to file their objections (if am ■, y h i ) it- 'he - (Ti e ol the clerk of this Court, y\ or before the fi st Mnmiay in January next, •Ip rwise fett' rs dismissory will be granied. ' r Witnea the M .tiiorable James Torrancone '• of th.” fit -i -c-a of said Court, this 7ih day •' of Ma ch, 1825. In Hainuel Sturges, Clerk of ■ne Conn oj Ordinary. In the Inferior Court oj Richmond County, sit ' ting as a Coa l of wdiutiry Mondat, Ft bruary 7th, 1525 Danforth & Savage, . vs. > liUJ.B JVISI. . Adm’rs of Ralph Thomas, j IT appearing to the Court, that the peiitionei 1 a-e pos-essed of a Bond given by Ralph thorn 1 as i - hit- Me time, together with others, condition c al I-r making titles to par-ot Lot No. 22, in the City of Augu-ta, con’amiitg a front of thirty nim teel on Broad sireet ami in depth two hundred and seven feet, and bounded >ll the south hy said street, on the East by slot usually called P li> Keatings and on the other sides by a lot late. Jolp Willson’s, and that the said Ralph Thomas has de parted ihis life without making titles to said lot ' 1 and that letters of administration op his estate am 1 1 fleets have been granted to Abiel Camfield ol ‘ 9 ud County. Whereupon and on Motion of petitioners attor I ney. his ordered by the court, that the Heirs and ' Representatives of said Ralph Thomas, be cited t. s appear before th.- Court on the first Monday ir 1 - April to sb »v cause, it any ihey have or can, why -lie said Administrator "I Ralph Vhumaa shoul not be oniered to execute titles to the said lot p . r the petitioners according to the prayer of 1 lie pe tition : and that a copy of this order be published n otic of the Oaz-'-es of (his City for tw-o Months. ■ Taken fro- the Minutes 1 Is aac Herbert, Clerk I of the Couit of Ordinary. February 11 lOt r 66 Wouk aut\ Job VrhiUng, A> atk; Executed at this Offitt. -1 FOR SALE. A LOT OF LAND containing’ five Acres, handsomely situated near the new Miiledge ville Koad, and about two and three fourths miles from the southern boundary of Augusta. On the premises are a comfortable Dwelling and out buildings suitable for a small family—a few choice fruit trees and an excellent garden. Thia Lot with some additional improvements would make an excellent stand for a House of Enters '.ainment, and persons engaged in the purchasing, ol Cotton would find it a convenient place slop at for that purpose. I am authorized to state that forty or fifty Acres of Land can be ob. tained adjoining, which together would render the situation desirable for a person wishing to engage in a public line. tor particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises. Peter T. Pugg. April 59 4t t 88 ~ SHERIFF'S SALK. T Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Julv next, at the Market House, in the city of Augusta, ba tween the usual hours of sale. Six Negroes, viz: Charles Gil* bert, Nancy, Gabriel, William, Jinney, and Biddy, levied on as the properly of A. Khodes, to satis •y a fi fa. on foreclosure of a mortgage, Ander son Waikins vs. said A. Hhodes I erms Cash, Bankable money—purchasers paw fop Titles. v f Peter F. Boisclair, Sh'ff. r. c . Mav 6 p 90 Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, at the Mar. ket House in the City of Augusta, at the usual hours, will be sold : The Lot and improvements on Broad Street, fronting the Planters* Hotel. The properly of the late M. C. Leavensworth, and sold by order of the Honorable Hie Inferior Court of the county of Richmond, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Samuel Hale, Adm’r. 4 j, 9e Administrator’s »ale. IN pursuance of an order of the Inferior Court of Richmond County, sitting for Ordinary purposes, there will be sold at the Market House in the City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in June next:— • , One undivided third part of the Lot in the City of Augusta, at present occupied by Messrs. Bradley A Doherty, having a front on Broad and Lilts streets of about twenty feet which Lot is the seventh part of Lot No 26 in the plan of said city, t his sale is ordered ’for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of Samuel Bowers, jun. deceased. Wm. C. Dillon, Mm’r. April 1, 1825 llt f 80 Administrator’s ■ Hale. ** Will be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, at the Court-House in Burke County, at th. u' sual hours, agreeable loan order of the Hon orable the Justices of the Interior Court for said County, when .sitting fur Ordinary purpo- Three negroes, namad liauua.ll, Sackv and Moses, belonging to the Estate of lieu ben Moore, deceased, sold in order to make adi. VlSt u ainoiv t*'® lleiru of Terms u"vle known on day of sale. Elizabeth Moore, admr’x, March 28, 1625 lot T 81 Administrator’s Hale. Will be sold on Saturday the 2lst day of May next, at the late residence of Mary Platt, de ceased, or at my House in Semen County, be low Pearce’s, between the hours of ten and four o’clock : All the perishable property be longing to the Estate of the said deceased, con sisting of Cattle, Hogs, one Stove, Household and Kitchen Furniture, together with a number of other articles too tedious to enumerate. Terms of sale mad.- known on the dav, Ephraim Hunter, Mm’r, Scrivev county, April 4 1825 8t t 83 '* * " Administrator's bale. Will be sold at the late residence of John B, Morrison, la e of Bui ke County, deceased, on the 16ih day ol June next, A stock of Horses, Cattle and Sheep, ami sundry other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. * Rosina Morrison. Admr’x. {£/* All persons indebted to tit?said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands, are requested to present them legally attested. m R. M. Admr’x. May 2, 1825 7t t 91 Administrator’s Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the Court-House, in Wayneshorough, by or der of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary Seven Negroes, viz: Monday, Ben, farad, Pegg, Henry, Jim and Arch £». I. ng ingtothe estate of Colten Merritt, deceased, mil to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Comfort Merritt, Adm’rx. hn*kr Cnvnty M.y 3 I 8 ’5 13t t 91 N otice. A GREEABLR to an order of the Honorable iV Inferior Cour. of Jefferson County, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Market House, in the town of Louisville, on the first M tndav in July next, A Tract of Land, containing one hundred twenty me and a bait acres, lying on ili» water of Black Jack Creek, in said county, adjoining lands of Eason and Kennedy, sold for 'he benefit n f Josiah S Patterson, a minor. Mary Clements, fiuardian, April 9. !<25 I2t f »4 X otice. £\ LL persons to whom the late Francis Bouyer* XJa of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt nl. are requested to present their demands with in tne time prescribed by law ; and those indebt ed, are requested to make immediate payment. B. Bouyer, ) ~ , Paul rg ‘ I December 21