The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, May 17, 1825, Image 4

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An Ordinance. BOATS of all kinds which shall contain anv damaged corn, pntr d matter or substance nt any kind, or which shad come from any place in fected with malignant or contagious disease, ahali stop on the Savannah river at such place aa slml’ be directed by Council, and there remain until ex amined by such physician or physicians as Coup cilmav appoint tor that purpose ; and until tin .tnid physician or physicians shall issue bis nr their certificate, s'ating that such b at or boats may come to die city of Augusta, without endangering the health of-aid City ; And any owner or mam ger of any boat, arriving within the limits »f ih< City without first complying with the regulation con'amed in this Ordinance, on conviction (hereof shall fnrf'it a d pay a sum not exceeding five bun dred dollars. hi conformity to the above Ordinance, NOTICE is hereby given, that all U-ats arri ving tnnn t;iiarlcstnn, from and after this day. will be required 1 1 anchor in the center of the ri rer, btlow the Bridge, and there to remain (with out anv intercourse with the City) until examined by Doct. Thompson the physician appoin ed by the City Council and receiving his certificate of permission, and all officers of the city are hereby commanded to enforce the above notice and ordi nance. B. H. Warren, I A. V } oore, > Committee. J. Hollins head , S Mav 13 4t 93 -'• 1 - - - Au Ordinance Regulating the Moot ing of lioata at try: IVharves Sec. I. Jit it o’dainetf by the City Council of Augusta, that from and after the publishing pf this Ordinance, no empty boat having less than three able and competent men on board at all times, shall be permitted to fasten to, or anchor at, any place opposite the city above the Bridge, for more than four days unless when securely fas tened with a stmng chain or cable at least fifu feet in length to a growing tree, not less than twelve incites in diameter, and that in the event of a oonaidorjtble rise in the Kiver, sucb empty boat, not fastened aa aforesaid, shall be iinmcdi ately removed below the Bridge. '2 Kjc.i bout engiged in lading or unlading during a high river, shall have at least four able men constantly on hoard, and shall be securely fastened or anchored, in such a manner as ‘o p(. e . vent her swinging or drifting op the VVh i f 3. she City Mirshal, or any other officer of Council shall have, and they are hereby vestri w ih power, and are required, to remove or can „■ to b removed, at the y .k ai d expense of the own r, to some place below the Bridge, any boa. or boa n, which may he neglected by the owne or agent , and for each boat so rem -ved the t fli Ctr ihail be entitled to ten d liars, to b • receiv ed (rnm the boat owner, in the same manner as other expenses incurred in the removal. 4 The owner op owners of any and every boat shall be liable to a fioe, at the discretion of Coun cil. not exceeding two hundred dollars, lor each and every violation of this Ordinance, and shall moreover repair all damages done to the Wharves or Bridge in conseque ice of such violation. Rune in Council, the Sth January, 1825. H- R. I<e{d, Mayor of the city of Augusta By the Mayor Wan M 'Valri.ii, Clerk, A >ii g I 86 aud VWcfeivev’a notice. WE wiM attend at the following times ami places, for the purpose of coll ctmg tin Taxes -4 die year eighteen hundred a d twenty four (1824) and receiving returns of Taxab e Property for 'he year eighteen hundred a d twenti five (1825). v’z, at the City H .tel, n Monday the 25th if April, 9di and 23rd of May nr tit, at the (llobe Tavern, op rue-day tfie 26iii of Annl, 10th and 24lfi of M>y next—at tin P'jntera* Motel, on Wednesday the 27th of April and Uth and 25th ol May next, and will re ra oi from ten to one o’clock, A. M. at each place. K. Bu*g, 7'u.r Collector, Richmond County, M. F. Boise lair, Receiver Tax Returns, Richmond County. April 12 83 1 he subscriber navmg lesumed the prac*'oi oi LAW, tenders his services to the public. He Will attend nv si o! the Courts in the Western Circuits, the adjoin ng counties in the Flint and Oc-Mtlgee, and tue counties of Lawrens, I'wigg and Puiaani, in the s nti> i Circuit!. Thomas W. Harris. ffj Letters to him Monroe, Wal ton c iioty, will be a l, nded to. Fihm-u 8 3m 65 N.oUce. ALL persons are cautioned against trading for a cer'aui note of ba id, given by the subsen her to K bert Umday and Mob rt Uevill of Sen veil County, in tins Slate, I i tire*' buiulred and fi' v dollars, dated on the ildl dui ot January, ,1825, and due the In day of January next, as I am determined not to pay the said note unless compelled by lan, as tin* same was obtained for unsound nroper'v, ami ala i lor property to which the said Lundi and it.-vill had, aa I have good pea Hona to believe, no just right or title, so that n consideration tor ih- said note has ever been given. Christopher Snell. Emanuel County \ tJS S,* 91 •N uvitfc. (TjpllG sub 1 cribers have connected themselvei ii ni tin practice of die LAW—they will un; formly attend ah Hie counties of the Norther Circun. and the county of Franklin, of the We ten Circuit, one ot them will be generally found at their office in Eiberton, wncre * they will take pleasure in transacting the bu-mess ot those who may be unfortunate enough to be involved in th. Law John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January I V#2s 57 or kiu*e, A Negro Woman, a g mi Cook, Washer am Ironer. For partiru > apply to William Mackie. February 22 ts 69 TO THE PUBLIC. ‘ fpHBRE is perhaps no medical observatton bet J. established, none more generally confirmed t by the experience of the best physmians of all t ges s and countries and none of more importance to the s practitioner,than Hie fact,that many of the most diffi- 1 cult ana incurable complaints originate in neglect 1 ,j d colds , fn h climate as variable as ours,where the t change- of the weather are f equenlly sudden ano mexpected, it requires more care and attention, t guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy ol ife, than most people imagine, 01 are able and willing to bestow. Hence the vast number of pat cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, astlims ‘ consumptions, and other affections, and hence tlu larragn of rational and absurd remedies, cried ut ' by the learned and illiserate. The many cases o! the kind, fell under my observation ■, the prepost erous compositions of inflaming drugs, which are in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced ii practice from remedies highly recommended ; am- , my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints . were strung inducements for me to consider whether a compound consisting of mild vegetabh * substances could not be invented,, mure free fron the well founded objections of practitioners, and better calculated to avert the threatening di struclion of the lungs. PULMONIC ot Vegetables, c For c mghs, colds, asthmas and consumptions I nis remedy is superior to any medicine whief tias been offered to the public, as it is preparer from the most valuable herbs of our vegetable ■ kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de pendence may be placed in its virtues for th> . cure of the above diseases. From the the proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of th» j he has no hesitation in recommending is to those who labour under those distressing com lamts as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav og administered it to tliousands in Ncw-York and I biladelphia, he feels no hesitvipn in offering it to the public, and alter trial, th* se persons whe • purchase the genuine sy 1 up, wdl have their mo - ncy refunded by returning the bottle, if they dr I not feel satisfied that they have reaped benef » from the use of it. I Directions for Use . Take a tea spoon full three times a day, sa} morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re " beved. V Oj* Each bottle will have the signature of th* M proprietor- t CO* Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sig- 1 if the Golden Eagle, Augusta. October 21 33 T l . n * JNew and invaluable PATENTEED HI THB UNITED STATES OE AMEUICA AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive lor Pain. This Medi- cine i 8 a nev- j; . er failing remedy lot v the looth* Ache, Mead Ache, and other dis eases. f |l3lS remedy is good against the tooth-aclie 01 *■ PWnm the teeth and jaws when duly applied and employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy n I lelieving swellings of the gums, face and adjacent larts, arising from or connected with tooth-aclu It relieves head-ache or pains in the head it 1 ne most easy and agreeable manner; for this fre , luent and distressing complaint, this, his new medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re stores both the organs of sense and the nerves 01 * their healthy condition at a quick and admirable " ’ rate. 1 a This new and useful preparation produces, hj mild and gentje stimulation, a cheering operatior ipon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates tin functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and ■ vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephaln medicine wf the first order. Nor is its effect le*s beneficial when considerei n relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, tlu lead and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upon lie sight and immediate organs of digestion ass 'arminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing 5 , >rpor, correcting acidity, and creating a mosi r ( comfortable warmth, I The operation of this invention and improve ment is quite aa favorable to diseases of the ear, nore especially it acts to great advantage in dul ess and Hardness of hearing, and even in incipi nt deafness, restoring the failing organ to the - exercise of its true and healthy (unctions of hear | mg. Certificate from Dr. Samuel L, Mitchell. Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York this day submitted to me hia letters patent Iron r -he United States, tor compounding and vending a remedy which he calls the Astatic Lenitive, and ' i asked my opinion upon the same, whereupon, al ii ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi ’, cation, 1 find it contains a mixture of such aromat- I ic, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal ls culated to produce a composing effect on the hn' 1 t man body. II Samuel L. Mitchell. f 1 New-York, Novemhir 2 d, 1818, AimWcc’b i\UVk of Roaea. * N elegant cosmetic for whitening, sofenint t%. and beautifying the skin, and removing pinii _ oles, freckles and chops from the face, neck Su The Milk ot Boses possesses many qualities, for n mt only serves for the above purposes, but it pm s die bloom oj youth on age, which valuable proper!' i very lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful ros i cosmetic has adelighlful fragrance, and is an artich 'v it cb c»n be used with safety, as it contains noth d ng that will injure the skin, and it is an indispensa e ble article to every lady, and should be found m i heir toilets. Ui turnons. —After being washed and drie itien take a small quantity on a piece of white flan ■ niluel then wash face, neck, hands, &c. Each hot ,Ie will be signed by the proprietor. Price gl. Prepared only and sold by E. Audler, sign ofthi Holden Eagle, Augusta. - J-d 4 2 ' VVHk 6ALL. r i, A PUK ot w-, II iir-'ke carrisge horses in good i\- order, and a light travelling Carriage. En. quire at this Office. K«y 3 FOR SALE. A LOT OF LAND containing five Acre*, handsomely siiuut«*d near the new Milledge vijle Road, and about two and three fourths miles from the southern boundary of Augusta On the pri mises are a comfortable Dwelling and 'Ut buildings suitable for a small family—a few choice fruit trees and an excellent garden. This Lot with some additional improvements would niake an excellent stand for a House of Enter unment, and persons engaged in the purchasing of Cotton would fi"d it a convenient place to stop at for that purpose. I am authorized t< s'ate that forty or fifty Acres of Land can be ob tained adjoining, which together would render the situation desirable for a person wishing to engage in a public line. For particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises. Peter T. Bugs. Anril 29 4l s 88 tSHKiUKF’S SAL hi. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Julv next, at the Market House, in the city of Augusta, be tween the usual hours of sale. Six Negroes, viz : Charles Gil bert, Nancy, Gabriel, William, Jinney, and Uiddy, levied on us the property of A. Rhodes, to satis ly a fi. fa. on foreclosure of a mortgage, Ander son Waikins vs. said A. Rhodes Terms Cash, Bankable money—purchasers oav for Titles. F ; Peter F. Boisclair, Sh’ff. r. c. May 6 f 90 Administrator’s s>ale. On the first Tuesday in July next, at the Mar ket House in the City of Augusta, at the usual hours, will be sold : The Lot and improvements on Broad Street, fronting the Flamers’ Hotel. The proper'y of the late M C L avensworth, and sold by order of the H >noi ;iile ihe I (e’i >r Cour of the c 'tinly of Rich mo d. far the be fit of tin heirs and creditors. h’anmel Hale. Adm'r. May 4 f 90 Administrator's .sale. fN pursuanc • of «.o order of the 1 terior Court of Richmond C untv, sitting lor Ordinary purposss, (here win s id at the Market House, in the City of Angus'a, on the first I uesd -y in • une nexi : One undivided third part of the Lot in the City n \ug t-i » present occupied •>v Messrs H ad> y 5s L) herty, having a fronton Broad an.l Ellis streets of about twenty feet, whic.. Lot is th seventh part of Lot No. 26 in the plan of said city This raie is ordced for ;he benefit of the Heirs and Creditors ot Samuei (lowers, jun. deceased. Wnj, C. Dillon, Adm’r. April 1, 1825 1 It f 80 Administrator’s hale. Will be sold on the Tuesday in June next, at the Court-House in Burke County, at the u sual hours, agreeable to an order of the Hon orable the Justices of the Inferior Court fur said County, when sitting for Ordinary purpo ses . Three negroes, named Hannah, ducky and Moses, be.o ging to h Estate of Reu hen Moore, deceased, sold in onl r lo make adi vision among the Heirs of said dec* used. Terms made known on day of sale. Elizabeth Moore, admr’x. March 28, 1825 81 Administrator s «aie. Will be aoM on Saturday the 21s day of Mai next at the late residence of Oarv Flail, de ceased, or at my Hou.e in Scriven County, be low Pearce’s, between the hours of ten am four o’clock : All the perishable property be longing to the E tale of the said deceased, con •listing of Catile. Hogs, one Stove, Household and Kochen Furniture, together with a numbe ■f other articles too tedious to enumerate. Terms of sde made known on the d»v. Ephraim Hunter, Jldm’r Scriveu comic \pr 1 4 1825 8i t 83 Administrator’s iSala. 'Vdl he sol i a Hie la e resi leoce of John B Morrison, late of Burke County, deceased, on the 16ifi div of June next, A stock of Horses, Cattle anil Sheep, and sundry othei articles too tedious to mention. Sale lo continue from day >o dav until all is sold Rosina Morrison, Admr’x. DO* All persons indeb ed to the said estate, are r qjested to make imm< diate payment, and those laving demands, are requested to present them legally attested. R. M. Admr’x. Mav 3, 1825 71 t 91 Administrator's Sale. < Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, at the Court-House, in Waynesborough, by or der of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary : Seven Negroes, viz: Monday, den, Jarad, Fegg, Henry, Jim and Aren, belong nig to the estate of Gotten Merritt, deceased, I •nd to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Comfort Merritt, Adm’vx. Burke County. May 3, 1825 13t t 91 jS otice. A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorahh A Inferior Court of Jeff'-rson County, whih sitting foi .Ordinary purposes, will be sold at tin. Market House, in the town of Louisville, on the first Monday in July mxt, A Tract of Land, containing one hundred twen y nine and a had acres, lying on he water- of Black Jack Creek, in said county, adjoining lands of Eason and Kennedy, sold for ■he benefit of Josish S Pa'terson. a minor. Mary Clements, Guardian. April 9, 1525 12t f 84 Notice. S\ LL persons to whom the late Francis Bnuyei C&A of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebi d, are requested to present their demands with n the time prescribed by lawcj and those indebt ed, are requested to make immediate payment. B. Bouyer, ) r. , Paul Kossignol, 5 x 18 ‘ December 21 51 i Monthly Advertisements. N otice. 1 months after date, application will be sSnF made to the Court of Ordinary of Franklin 1 bounty, for leave to sell one hundred Acres oi Land, in said County, as the property ol Adam i Linn, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and I Creditors of said deceased John E. Carson, adm’r. ; J “nuary 18, 1825 ' lm6m 63 N otice. months after nate application will be i JM made lo the Honorable Inferior Court oj Columbia County, when setting as a Court of Or i dinary tor leave lo sell 202 1-2 acres of Land ly mg in Hie 2d District ot Monroe County, Lot No 208, it being the real estate of William Smalley; deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the neirs and creditors of -aid deceased. James Smalley, Adm’r. ! January 4, 1825 lm9m 57 N otice. j|M|INE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court , of Richmond County, when sitting for Ordinary - purposes, lor leave to sell one half of four and . three quarters acres of Land, in said County, adjoining lands of Ware and Colcnun, for the benefit ot Seaborn Skinner, minor. Livingston Skinner, Guardian. Sept. 11. 1324. Imln 23 i-.i - N otice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, setting tor ordinary purposes, lor the county ot Burke, for leave to sell all the real •state of Stephen Chance, late of Burke county, deceased, tm Hie benefi-. of the heirs and credi tors of said deceased. Mary Chance, Adm’x , Joseph Chance, » adm’r. Burke county. B,t. o 1824 l,n9in 22 N otice. months after date, application will hr Ja| made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary oi C< lumbia County, for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the orphaps of Samuei Tillivan, deceased, and also, an undivided tract of Land, lying in Columbia County, belonging o said orphans, and to Melinda Jones, a Minor. John Cartlidge, Guardian of said Orphans. Polly Jones, Gftardain of jMdinda Junes. May 25 1 m9m 95 N otice. jjjJOINE months after date, application will be X'l msde to the honorable Inferior Court of Richmond County, for leave to sell the undivided halt ot Tenement No. 7, Bridge Row—also, two unimproved lots (Timer of Elbert and Reynold streets, tor the benefit of Margaret P. Bones, a Minor, John Bones, Guardian. October 25. 182 t 1 m9m N otice. months after date, application will be >*'l made to the Honorable the Justices of the biferior Court of said county, when sitting f t Ordinary purpose?, for leave lo sell the whole ol the real Estate of Irvin Boyet, deceased, late ol said county, fop the benefit of the heirs and ere liters of said deceased. James Lambert, ) , Edward Boyet, 5 Mm ra - Vrdron ml ]r y ImOm 63 NOTICE. V’TNE months after date, application will be 1 ™ m de to Hie Honorable Court of Ordinary of t’olu-Tib a county, for leave to sell two tracts of Land in said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek one containing 318 acres joining Po'lard, Pnlllii d others, ihe oiher containing 172 acres joining Luke and others, it being a part of the real estio >f Thomas Jones, deceased, sold for the beiufr )f the heirs of said d ceased. William Booker, Adm’r. In right of his -wife January 95 1835. lm9m 61 N otice. jjk’WlNE months after date, application will be «3M made to the Inferior Court of Columbia County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell 235 acres of Land, (in said County) belonging to the estate of William R. Crabb, de ceased. John Renuon, adm’r. November 6, 1824 loiO-i 40 N otice. months after date, application will bo Ja-I made to the Honorable Hie Court of Ordin ary of Burke county, for leave to sell the real Bs tate of Enoch Farm -r, deceased. John Farmer, adm’r. Burke County, I I 1 8 i 5 lrn9-n 65 N otice. jT'QINE months after Hate, application will be iii'J msde to the Honorable the Interior Coup, it Colombia county, for leave to sell a tract of Land in said county of 105 1 2 acres, joining Murray, Hay and o'hers, it being part ol the real estate of William Binion, deceased. Peggy, Binion, adrn’rx. March 15, 1825 ° l >-9»m 75 N otice. N'INE months after date, application will ht made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, while silting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Lot in the City ol ■\ugusta, bounded by Ellis and Houston streets , belonging to Hie estate of Michael Silvert, de ceased, for the benefiit of Mie heirs and creditor of said estate. Andrew J. Bill, adm’r. Nathan Leeds, adm’r. in right of las wife. Mary Leeds, adm’rx. Augusta. Feb lar 11, 1825 lo«9m ' N otice. tjT’BIIJB months after date, application will bt iSNj made to the Honorable the inferior Court o 'he county of Franklin, while sitting for ordinapv •opposes for leave to sell the real estate of Thorn ns I). Jordan, late of said comity, deceas *d Robert Pulliam, Adm’r. November 18, 1823. Ini9m 41 Notice. t?OINE months after date, application will be ia'J made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Scriven County,' when sitting fop Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a certain tract or parcel of Land containing two hundred two and an half acres, situated lying and being i in the thirteenth District of Henry County, Gs. and known and distinguished in the plan of said District by the number eighty, (80) the whole of the real Estate of Sarah Callaway, deceased, late . of said County, for the benefit of the Heirs and creditors of said deceased. Samuel Doughty, adm’r. ( Screen County Keb. 25. 1825 lm9m 72 N otice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ; Burke County, when sitting for Ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the real estate of Wriley Hanberry, (Minor.) deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Jona. Lewis) adm’r. Burke county, March 7 1825 lm9m 57 i Notice. VJSfINE months after date, application will be I made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, of i Burke County, when sitting for Ordinary purpo ses, tor leave to sell the undivided part of the reaj Estate of Lewis Emanuel, deceased, for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of said decess ed. Jona, Lewis, Surviving Administrator Ue bonis non, Burke county, March 7, 1825 lrn9 n 75 N ptice. months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordin ry of Columbia County, fop leave to sell 222 a cres of Land, lying ip Columbia County, on the waters of the big Kiokee Creek, adj lining Lands ol Hamilton, Graves and others, to be sold for the benefit of the heirs of James Martin, deceased. Hebert Martin, adm’r. November 8 1824 |m9m 40 N otice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court ol Franklin County, when sitting lor Ordinary purposes, (or leave to se 1 the real Estate of John Gettings, la te of said county, de ceased, for the heirs and creditors m said de ceased. John Gettings, adm’r. Anril 12. 1825. 10,9 m 87 N otice. NINE months after dale, application will be made to the Justices of the Inferior Court oi franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real Estate of Da vid Clark, deceased, fur the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Thos. Mays, ex’r. April 12. 1825 lm9m 87 N otice. NINE months after dale, application will be made to the Justices of the Interior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Star ling Proctor, a Minor. James R. Haley, Guardian,- April 12, GEORGIA, Uichmond County. By the Court of Ordinary for said County, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COHCEUN. Vl/’IIEHEAS R. John Meigs and Robert Di v V mon Administrators, de bonis non, on the estate of Jesse Ditnon, deceased, late of said County, have applied to this Court for letters Dismissory, These are therefore to .cite and admonish all and singii ar the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (it any they have) n the office of Ihe Clerk of said Court on or be fore the firs' Monday in June nest, otherwise let 'its Di« n.saury will be granted to them. Witness the Honorable Samuel Hale, one of the Judges of said Court, this 26ih day of No vember, 1824. 6m Isaac Herbert, cleric, Os the Court of Ordinary. GEORGIA, Uichmond County. By the Honorable the Cour t of Ordinary of the County of Uichmond To all whom it may concern. WiiEREAS Nathan H- Beal, administrator, de bonis non, on the estate of Hezekiah Beat, deceased, late of .said «9irtty, has applied to Ibis Court for Letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the ■ ffice of ihe Clerk of said Couyt 011 or before the first Monday in November nest, otherwise Letters Dismissory will be-granted to him. Witness the H onorable Samuel Hale, one of the Judges of said Court, this 12ih day of Aprd, 1825 fira Isaac Herbert, Cl’k. Os the Conrt of Ordinary, GE<)R> IA, iicnven Coumy. WHEREAS Gt.irg Pollock, Administrator with ;he will annexed, of the Estate of William Boothe, deceased, and also administrator , of the Estate of Mary Boothe, deceased. And * William 11. Wade, administrator tie bonis non of tlie Estate of George M. Henderson, deceased, each applies for letters Dismissory. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ami creditors of the said deceased's, to file their objections in this of fice, on or before the first Monday in August next, ensuing, to shew cause (if any they have) why letters Dismissory should not be granted te the applicants. Given under my hand at office in Jacksonbo this 28th day 01 January, 1825 6m Seaborn Goodall, cl’Jc, GEORGIA, Franklin County. WHEREAS Janies H. Lill.e and Samuel Shan ing, apnlii s for Letters Disinissoty on ihe estate ol William M Cracking, dt ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections in my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any fbey have) why said tellers Dia missory should not be granted to them. Give 1 under my hand at office in Franklin, this 7th day of March, 1825. 6m Frederick, Beall, Cl’k.