The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, May 24, 1825, Image 1

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-rrp l l mmmmummmammmmmKmHmam'wmttntmmwtmtm** — — mtm m mmmmmuwmni nmu mt BM | M , ~M , ,, „„ n mi——i—imi ——n Jkmnmmmmmt j
v * *•' 01 llh i nli 1 al evils. r*i • r *vhi» ii »■wi’v intr in tin T.d 1b*»o»k«. tr. no! ov ■■ 1 o mna wanl of lov*i forour ( Ouniry, but lo an iivnoi .ncn ol ils rcit 1 conMiliMion Und intercßls.” pIUESTLY
SERIFS Vol. 11. AUGUSTS TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1825. • No. 95.
die Colt.otltutlonalt.oc
TUo Jswbscribors
lISIU )US of closing their present concern,
oH:r tor sde at relucid pric s, their slock of
'Vines, fine old Liquors and Groceries, generally
assorted what Is not previously sold, will l>e dis
of at AUCTION on Hie second of Jum
next :
3 Pipes Cog isc Brandy,
6 do, Holland Gin,
20 Barrels Noriliern do.
4 Pipes Temienffc Wme, assorted brands
10 Barrels do do j
8 do. Malaga do } some very fine,
Madeira, Sherry, Lisbon, Manvesy, Port, Gin
rei, P c >, Madeira, in ball Pipes, Quarto
Casks and Ueni job ns,
40 Pieces Uamc Hemp Bagging,
5/0 Lbs. G-rman Steel,
6.1 Bugs C'.lT’ee, Green and big White,
15 Hlid«. Jamaica, Si. Croix and Mu.-cova
do Sugars
1000 Lbs. Loaf and Lump do
Mackerel. Spice and Pepper, Teas, Blown and
Basket Sail Vinegar, T liacco. Se >ar , Sac Sic.
} A. 1. Ul (x. VY. Huntington.
May 17 91
B yRBELS Mackerel,
No. 3, of a superior quaiitt
for mle, io be delivered at (nr
Wharf, on the arrival of the Steam Boat South
B. l icfjuit.
Mav 10 yi
N ovUvcro Hiu av\d WVviskey.
70 Barrels Whiskey,
sJjY.j for rale nr
Beitj. Barton.
April 8 '
DEMI,JOHNS of old Boris Port, Vin-
of 1820.—Certified by the Royal Company
of Oporlo.
25 Dozen bottles ditto, Vintage of 1816.
mu silk ut
A. t. & G, W. Huntington.
March 23 ;y
tvj %mv> la a imuto&ale
Commission Business.
At his old stand in bavannali, near tile Fort, and'
;« prepared )_ make suit.dde advances upon all
produce placed in Ins hands top sa'e.
John Everingham, ir.
April 12 K J
HAVING formed a connection with Mr llenr\
Howard, late ot Baltimore, have removed
neir Establishment to .io. 88, Broadway, corner oi
Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be
conducted under the firm of
JWw- York. .In ip. 1823 7
Wrecked Goods.
ALL persons ar iier-bv Cautioned against
im. withholding any Goods, Wares, or Mer
ahandize, being nun of the cargo of ihe Steam
Boat Henry Shuhz lately d estroved by fire—oi
any part of the rigging of said Boat, winch mat
iiave come into the r possession, ir which may he
found on either shore of the River, as the law
will be rigorously enforced against them. Per
sons having any ot toe above described proper
ty, are requested to give notice thereof to the
subscriber at this dm - m > oi as pos Me.
Jacob Moise, fisent.
April 26 r p7
The inhabitants of Augusta and vicinity, are
informed that a supply of ICE has be -o rtceived
at the now Ice House, back of the Engle tavern,
where it miy be obtained from sunrise to sunset
every day do ing the summer
'Arsons living at a distance, can have it packed
ao us to keep several davs.
Hez. Dickinson,
Ice House Keeper.
Mav 3 89
B. li. Hopkins having deter
mined to re -de. perm .iiemL on the Sund-Hill.s.
wishes to dispose of Ins house in Vugusta 'l'ht
terms will be reasonable, and accommodating as
to payments. As that part of the city is likely i
becu ne the scene of extensive business, the turns,
is very avounbly situated fir that purpose. Tin
budding is well calculated tor both a store a d
dwelling j the I’W.r story being entirely sear
ted from those ab re.
Sitoul 1 the property not be sold by the 25’h o.
April it will be Rented. Possession can be hai
on the first of May.
Mar m 18 7A
A CAttii.
DR. H\Ll.. offcrs his professional attendanc.
to the public, in Mtrgery, the obstetnek ai
Ain the pr-ctice of Physick,
g-ppheadon made at die U, S. Arsenal, nt
A'is'a Geo, will receive his attention,
pril 36 t 87
IMIIII 111 | BMli Ifnfßlf
i Ei:CilAi»3l3 OF?! JiS
UN nos TON ti vi , |’| ROUE,
For sale by
Beers, Bunnell & St. John,
Ji oml, corner of *\V InUtsh-streei,
Goui and Siusthh C in and ad kinds of Bane
Notes, bought and Sold.
N ivemb. r 12 40
S for § iOa
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery,
Samuel. Hale, 'j
Hubert R. Reid,
Thomas I, II ray, j 1
•flus; us tin Slaughter,
William If’. Holt ,
John IV. Wilde,
B. I). ’Thompson, J
teFVUi.A Vk
1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20 000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,(.00
5175 Prizes, )
■ 12825 Blanks, S 180,000
18,000 TIC KB rs at TEN DOLLARS,
Less than two and ui ka'f tiLanks to a ILtze.
The prizes only to be drawn, and to he all
floating from the commencement except the tol
*' ting, vhioh will be deposited in the wheel at
1-finite periods, viz
1 prize of lu.OJU Si 1 of 500
21. 1 jiriz -of 5 DUO k lof ’ 000 kI of 500
>l. I pi ize of 10 000 & 1 of 500
|4;li. 1 prize of 5,000 Si lof 1 OOu kI of 500
"5 h. 1 |,riZ“ of 10 00) ik lof 50j
C fill). 1 prize of 5 OuO k lof 1 000 Si lof 500
7’l). 1 prize of 10,000 ik loi 5 000 ik lot 500
Bth, 1 prize of 20 000 & 1 of 1 000 k 3 of 500
9th. 1 prize of 30,000 Si 1 of 1 000 & 1* of 500
The Scheme is rpiemlid, and for lichness a d
safety of investment, n(f rs eq id il not superior
-.inducements to any of the N >rtbern LoMeries,
T/.r whole Lottery to he combined in
Nine Drawings Only,
Prizes payable in Thirty Days after the com.
, Dle-ion of the Drawing, if applied for withi.
welve months.
| I ,
, Prize Tickets will be received in payment fn
|inv 1 ick6t.s that nny remain unsold in th.
1 nurse "f th.- Driwing.
Present Price of Tickets,
Whole Tickets glo j<4 i arte is, gj 50
Halves, 5 | Eighth-, 1 5
For sale in n tn-eat ninety of numbers at ti.r
•X‘u. 241, Broad divert.
p A few 11 oils I) K LOW TIIK HA'.K,
Ij' Orders fur Tickets ami Shares from any
ipart of 1 lie United States, FUST PAID, ami
jenclosing the Cash, add re sed to tiie S’ Cretan
jwill meet prompt attention.
J S. Beers,
,<| Secreta y to the Comnuss oners,
I N. R.— Darien Hilts :will be received at bar fur
fTICKETS. r ■’
"I A’ r. 2S . 7
i|’ j '
; V*oUsV\feA ftlerA WaisUittUs,
v BvacrAets, &c.
'A H IL subsc ill r h .sites day' rec. iv d per ship
e l s«* Dons Tom Liverpm I anting! t assiirioien'
1 81 I’ol’fhed Steel W ilsthelis, Hiacelels, Buckles
I ind Clisps, ot the newest fashion.
Yard Neck Chains,
-1 Necklaces,
( Weghgies,
| Best London Hair, Cotli and Habit Brushes,
j Perfumed Soaps, tkc.
A George Oates.
, March 18 '
N mice.
j AVvyiAeud, ,V«.
A DIVIDEND ot Six Dollars per -hare, has
» b’-*-n this day declared, 011 the prefi.sof th
S earn Huai Company, lor the last four mouths,
_ nay abb on the tir-t Monday in June n> xt, to the
1 -tuck Holders, r their authorised Aherns, at the
Steam Beat office, Savannah.
’ VV m. H. Hunter,
1 Ti euturer S it. C.
Snvannah, March 2 1825 90
N otice.
il 4 LL persons are cautioned against trading for
I a certain note ol hand, given hv the snh-cn
her to K bert Limd.y and Robert Bevill ot Seri.
| rn County, in tins Stale, fur hree hundred ami
, IP v dollars, dated on the li li dav ot J,unary,
1825, and due the Ist day of January next, as I
Jam deurmined not to pay Hie sa”l note notes
- compelled by law, as the sirwe Was < blamed lui
jurisniind property, and also t ir propeity ’o wliicli{
. I be said Lundy and Bevill had, as I have good r. a
J os to believe, no just right or title, so that 11
(consideration for the said note has ever been
. igiven.
Christopher Snell.
Emmwel County, April 18, 1025, fit" 91
OEi'Ell* 1?0«, SjU,E.
li BUSMRLS Liverpoo) Ground
o i v ”Jj Busnel prime Virginia Corn,
! 50i Pieces prime 42 inch II in ■ (lagging,
’j 200 do do Tow Bagging
160 Coils Bale B ipe, large & small ni.'nes,
I 500 pounds Bagging Twine,
P 0 sons Swedes Poo, assorted,
I 8000 lbs. Share M olds,
2000 bs. Hoop and Hand Irorjj
40 0 bs. German Steel,
: 2000 ibs. Blistered Steel, j
| 300 ids. Sw-dish Tub Steel, '
i 40 000 lbs. Casings asorted, I
• 400 Casks 21, Id, 4d. 4 I-2d, sd, 6d, 7A, Sd i
101, 12 I, 20 1, 24 I, 30 1 patriot cut Nails \
Ami 6d, 8 1 10,1, 121, 8c 20.1 Brads,
20 Bags Pepper, Spice and G: iger, t
2000 pounds Bar Lead, J
100 Hags Snot, »
K'-gs " Dupont’s” Sc “ Roger's” Powder, |
I'o K gs No. 1 Sc 2 foil icco Vorious Brands, 1
50 Dozen Papers Biel’s” Tobacco, ’
200 Hall, Q tarter and I’enth Boxes ‘‘Flints, |
‘ w “' A ntgoand “ Cahama.” O gars, J
150 Quarter and I’cntli IL.xes common Span- t
i'll an I American do
60 Hhds, prime N w Crop Molasses, 1
20 Hhds. prime and 2d quality Sugars. 1
40 Bbls Muscovado Sugars, t
2.5 Boxes Mavannati While Sugars, »
80 Bbls, L iaf Sugar, \
20 Bbls am! Box s Lump Sugar, t
100 Bags prime and good lair Gnttee, i
35 Boxes Imperial and ’lysnn I'eas, i
120 Two pou d Cadies Gunpowder and Hy j
son Teas, {
For Cash or on a liberal credit for City acceptances only.
May 3 89
it A 1.1)3
Carriage .Maker.
U\S i-'-ce-v >| i.,u ,i in spr. g Supply
CARRIAGES ami GIGS, wh c!i matrs In
lassorl uem of G:g» ciimpl (.*«■ C insisting of first
second and ibinl rale !.eat it and Suntop Gig
one Coachee and one Oh ,ri iee. Being regular
!’■ supplied with ah extensive assoi'tn nt, direc
f’r-nii Ido various ixuuufactories <*f Newark and i
vicinity, lie is disp ised to sell on a (rood terms a
(lie articles can b • obi ii icd in Augu-ia .
i i£j*OHers Tor any kiu.l of Carriages will b
forwaided and ex cured in the best manner, ..
i the manufacturing prices. Olga and Carriage
built to order It pairing in all brandies, at slior
i notice, on the m ist reasonable terms.
,j M rch 22 ts 77
AN II S I'htiVvl IIV I’US.
DU HDUEL, a French Physician, respect full
informs (lie public, that he has establish)
'TEAM and MEDICAL Hi I IIS in August
he very high repute these Hadis have acquit
i Europe, where (although e late discovi r
hey are to be found in every hospital, and u
real cures they have performed in Boston, Ph
e-delplua and Charleston, can leave no doubt o
heir efficacy, file in->st gentle as well as th
nost powerful medicines are administered by ilia
neans, without any pain, trouble or disgust to th
I hey are a never failing remedy in all cutani
ms aflfi-cljnns; from Psora, Uitgworm i, ike.
-"aldhead and Leprosy. Ih -y also have 1 nev
b-d of success in either acute or chronic rhen
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarco
v w- liings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of n.
i joints, gouty afFections dispersion of tumors, i
( cured syphii's, spasmodic ur nervous affections
in all bilious disord-os, dyspepsia, hypocondnasi
epilepsy—these baths have been found most se
vie- able, and have often succeeded even in b( r
ditary complaints. In fine, this manner nf admit
almost every remedy b> lunging to th
]healing art, may be rendert d applicable to almu
i -very ease, and (it is repea ed) without any pail
rouble. or disgust to the patient.
As ih'-se baihs are not yet generally know;
Dr. Hovel will be happy togivethe mos- n
pectable references to persons who have bee
!■ cur- d hv hiking them.
' The inltiuu $ .MpAicaV RaVh
Is in Rllis-Streel, Vlr. Ii Mealing’)
Brick House, a <1 has an entrance in Broad stret
in.medialely opposite the cilv //oil,
.1 inttary 11 57
V ivl'ov malum is Wanted,
TU|T-iKIHEK If ic ii aa a Lake, nr any ot hi.-
. 7 7 heirs are now I vmg.— Lake, lef New Jr
]sey ah- ul for'y years ago. and w nt to Nonh
| CJarolii la ; stayed there a few yiais, and then
I cam e into tiie State of Georgia. If he or any o
jb's triends wdl call on the Editor of the Sava>
h | ra| i Bepci licas, they may receive inforinadoi
h ghlv interesting to (hem.
' (O’ Editors of papers in Georgia are reques'
; eel to publish the above two or three times.
‘ pel 23 91
No Lice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Colt >r
Merritt, deceased, are requested to rend) i
■ tlic-ir accounts in properly attested, within tin
tin prescribed bv hw, and tho-e inclebt. d t
saul estate will m kn immediate pavment to
Comfort Merritt, Jldmfx.
Hurke County, May 3, 1825 Lit t 91
ALL persons having demands against (he e
tale ot Eliza A. Levett, laie of Burke Goun
|ty, deceased, are req teste to present them 1
[gaily attested, and th ise indebted, to make irnnu
jdiate payment to
JoiiathfU) Lewis, )
nml ( a,:ii
ail(l f Jldnv’x. 1 1 Morrison, ) bonis non, i
May 2, 1b25 7t t 91
1 500 Bids, prime Northern Whiskey,
J 200 do do do Gin,
S 120 do do do Bum,
} 10 Pipes prime Holland Gin,
1 7 Pipes prime Cognac Brandy,
i 3 Hilda, old Jamaica Hum,
| sdo N. Orleans and W. }. Bum,
i 1 Pipe superior old Port Wine,
} 30 1-3 1-4 ?c 1-0 Casks Pico Sc Sicily Madeira
J Wines,
| 35 14 & 1-8 Casks Malaga Sc Sherry Wines,
| 17 1 4 dusks “ Dyer’s” best cm rant Wine,
I 20 Bbls. Cider and Beer,
j 120 Boxes fresh Muscadd Sc Bloom Kaisins,
| 20 1-2 bbls. and kegs Crackers,
i 100 Gallons prime new Honey,
| 150 Boxes No. ’ and 2 Soap,
| 6b Boxes Fancy Windsor Soap,
t 250 Hbis. Ireali No. 3 Muck Tel,
> 150 do do No. 1 and 2do
1 150 Half bids No. 1 and 2do
J 50 Whole and hall bbls. shad,
j 20 Boxes Cod Fish lUO lbs. each,
I 5000 pounds odd Oven Covers,
( 3000 Ibs Bacon Hams,
I 73 Bbls Northern Flour,
I 10 Pierces prime Bice,
; 150 Nesis Dry M asures,
! 200 NeSts Boxes sin a Nest,
1 Sou Bails. Iron and Wooden Bound,
1200 Straws of Tumblers,
I 30 Thousand Russia Quills,
; 130 Pieces Omaburgs,
| 25 B ixos No. 10 Cotton Cards,
| 30 Crams '’rockery assorted in Crates,
i 170 Kegs While Lead ground in Oil,
The Subscriber
i opening in broad street, one door beloiu Mr. Jil
lon's lint Store,
Consisting of
Frock Coals
Drab box (Joats
Double fk single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon
Broad Cloth, Salinett and Corduroy do
I’oilinett, Valentla, Swansdown k black silk
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do
Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswool
Shirts and Drawers
Flannel do do
I'artan and Camblet Cloaks
Ladies do ,
Boy’s Dresses
Youth's close body Coats
Gentlemen’s superfine Hals, aome very wide
Inimitation beaver do
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Cups
Washing--m, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks
Silk Umbrellas
Gloves, &c.
—also —
Negro Jackets and Trowsers
House servants Goalees and Puntaluorta 1
Fearnought great Goa's
Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
Striped and Check (] 0
Common Linen ( )„
Woollen Gloves, and many other at tides
in Jits line. j
('ln- above GOODS are New-York made, and
ul be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New
fork prices.
J. P. Set/e.
December 3 40
k HANK HILL has been found by a servant!
'*■ ** le s uh criber, which the owner can have
•>y giving a satisfactory descrii tiou of the sann- 1
ing for this advertisement and a steal reward 1 ,
0 llie finder.
Tatiick 11. Cams.
Mav 10 1825 91
* I)HE pul lie are cautioned again t purchasing
*“ the leaie of the lot and improverm tils 01
r mil St o et in the upper part of Augusta, when
1 now reside. I’he reason ol this Camion is, Um'
Mr James P. Stuart having tail -d to dispose ol
he lease and on roveme -ts tins day, at auction,
■ cons, quince of the notice given to the hid ler.s.
alive 10 Mr. Sloan’s title may attempt a less
■ übbe mode 01 s 1 mg that which is in (act not
• s lam in pn ( ss ssioo ot (be properly and wit!
t abandon it -o quit ( the humours 01 Mr. smart
I liia property is pledged to Inin to secu -e th.
nrneiil of (rom lour to lour hundred and fifty
"liar-., which debt it shall pay as soon as it can
mrly l>) sold according to the agrm ment be
s een Mr. Smart and myself, but ! should do in |
just ice to myself and my creditors wen I iiisnff r
his property to he saenfi ed to the whim or pam[
on ol Mr, Stuart, who has no right to it beycii-’i
i hat is above stated.
A. (>. Hail’ord,
May 16 1325. 6t 9i
t’ui* ovr 'Au*w, ,
A Negro Woman, a good Cook, Washer am 1 ■
aA. Iroiter. For part mi - s apply to
William Mackie.
February 22 ts t’J
MTHIS new and elegant estab
linlliK -nl, win Ik - ii,<eo km me rec. ,i
--tiun of comp my a- usual, uexi s -a
sou. Tlie quality of the water is he.
coming mi well known, in consequence ol the
great numbers ol p rsons who used am) received
1 benefit from the lasi season, that the subscriber
uleems It scarcely necessary to enter into a detail
of their properties and effects. He will, how- >
,iii• vetr, (or the infornmti >n of those who may still
(remain nnacquainleil with them, tenia k, that
, (there are two springs—the waters of one of
! which, are strongly impregnates with sulphur
!hhi] hiagnesla—the other with iron. I lie first
, .els on some as a mild, on others, as an active ca
|thartic, ami are strongly recommended in com
jplaints ot the liver a id k il o* s, dyspepsia, and in
(all diseases arising from a disordired stomach,
i I hey at once remove indigest on. ai d the cau e
'by widen it is produced, restore lust sppetitt-, y>u
irily the blood, and exhiliarate tbespiis. Inca*
(ses of debility and weakm ss, they lure been
j found particularly efficacious. The waters of die
other spring are'slnmgly tunic, and tin tight very
proper to be used after dr uking the sulphur wa
ter. To promote the effects . f each, hot, cold
and shower baths are provided.
the building.' ul this establishment, as men
tioned in a former advertisement, are all ot brick,
and in an eminent degree unite neatness, conve
nience and coinlort. These points have been par
ticularly ane.ded in in those departments intend
ed tor (he use of ladies or families. The adja
cent mountains abounding in game, gentlemen
fond ot hunting, will have an uppot(unity of in
(hi ging in ihat pursuit. I hose preferring more
inactive amusements, will find newspapers, books,
chessmen, backgammon table-, he.
Amusements al-o for Ihe ladies nave not been
overlooked : Music ot the best kind will be pro-
Tided for dancing—-and sum as are fond of play
ing on the Forte Piano, will find in Hit; drawing
room an elegant oic pr vnied for their use.
Moderate exorcise on horseback or in carnages,
being considered very proper whilst using the
Waters, the subacnb r lakes ibis occasion to re-
J IT1 " k that ihti part of the country in which bis
-priogs are situated, are peculiarly adapted to
ibis kind of exercise—they are surrounded on
, every side by lofty mountains, with a rich and
beau'dtil valley intervening between. This v.d
ley ad rds excellent road-, and in ruling out the
pu-e air inhaled Ircsh from die mountains, actmg
io connexion wiib the water-, at once gives as
surance of returning health, even to the greatest
Gentlemen (rom Hie South, wishing to dispense
with the use of carnages md I,ols s. can c me
d.rectly to the spiot without i icurro g the > x
pense of either—they will pioceid oy water
from Savannah, Char est- n, or any other south*
ern port. 10 N-rlolk, 1 lienee in die steam-bout to
It chnond, from whence there is twice a week, a
1 mail stage lhai now passes within two nires of
tins place, and alier the 15 li of June, will come
; directly to the spot, passing 'hrotigh Hie flourish
ing town of Lynchburg. After arriving li*=*re
and remaining a- long a is agreeable, they can
1 then proceed to any of tut 1 adjacent springs lliey
may choose m a hack kepi bv die subscriber tor
I that purpose. Ihe distance to die Sweet Springs
'hiry seven iml.-s-to the White Sulphur, sis y
(iv,—lo the Sweet and Salt Sulphur, sixty —to
Hie U. d Sulphur, Severny two— and in the Hut
1 and Warm Springs, between s x'y and seventy
It is recommended to gentlemen intending to
1 visit any of die Virginia Watering Places, to
■have their letters atldr -aaed m the 110 eiourt
j Springs, li being tin lir-t watering place >h--y
(will touch at m going, and the last in r turning,
they will experience great convenimc i.i How.
ing diese three ions—because on their arrival
they may ii nl k-iteis tr an home, a d during il-eir
slay, W ii have no (ippnriunitv 01 In uring Irmh
■their friends every other day, a-* die mad Iro n
[die Si Util arrives three limes a Week I 1 fer
(remaning with die subscriber a long a- is u-
Igiveabl , lliey sli mid c.lloOse to pr'ceed in., y
iof the niegl-b ring springs, )ir promises that 111 ir *
Inters shah be carelu ly forwarded whether .so
ever they may direct
Charles .Johnson.
| Holetoiirt Springs, Apr I 4 , i >
dj' f/to .iuptntu Co mU'W'maiHt ,utU cojty the
uftovc % o>ic>‘ (i 'ioc> fc W' l /cv an,l transmit the
ticcoutt to Ihe office of the f/
v \y 4 t
V tn* iSwW,.
A Two Stores and Lots, upper
end sop:n ■ nl. i' ad ■ y
opposite If Mai no ft i.'s ' .
house ; which wid be s, !■ 1 r
leash era proved acceptance, on >i ie
j terms. Apply to
J fillies P, Mft £ll IT,
J A pC, 129
A O I'* I li
‘ * Public are cami-med against tresoassmg
JR. on the Houses and Lois of die sub -crihc-p
f upper end of lown —especially against hauling
■ -and or eaiib iron tin; river bank r oontigu us
hereto. Hidi md every pecauu off- Ing shall
have the law rigorously enforced a,, . Ist him of
Illliill Neshit.
I di|l)»rv 21
| ;
is olice.
\LL pmsons to wiium tl.c« •>t Jons M
-iTJa Lao at n , deceas- d, i- tod-died. are r- qii-*ste
I u present their acconms within die lime ore
-cribed by law, and those who are indebted to
j aid estate, are requested to m.-ke inimedute pay
[ment to
Peter lieimoeh. Jdm’r.
I K 2,1 , e
-a otipe.
|>|INK months »tUi ca , .ppiicmi'm 'll be
’*■* • made to the Mdfinrahltf Hk* (jutirt ot O <J«n
--“y couuiv, |or ituve >o oe real !£•**•
l.tie ul KiiocU Farm t (l» r< :»-.ei] t
John Farmer, ad/u'r.
iSwhe County, F cU . i, iuiifiu o 5