The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, May 24, 1825, Image 4

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A LOT 01' L\NI) containing five Acres,
hand* one iy situated near die new Milledge ij
viiie Ruud, and about two ami three fourths <■
miles tr in the -on hern boundary of Align la
On the pr.m ses are a comfortable Dive ling ai d L
out buildinjfi suitable for u small family—a few I
ch nee fruit trees and an excellent garden. Tins i;
Lot willi some additional improvements wotih
make an excellent si and for a House of Enter
tainment, and per* engaged in the purchasing
o! Colton w .old fi d it a convenient piace to
stop at fnr that ourpose I am antllorized t
state ihut forty or fifty Acres of Land can be oh ]|
taineil adjoining, which together would rendni “
the situaiion desiraole for a person wishing li '■
engage in * public line. d
F,r particulars enquire of the subscriber on 11
the premises.
Pi ter T. Bugg.
Anr I 29 4i r Bit
Will be S"1 i.i lie first I uesd iy in July next, ai ■
the Market House, in the city of Augusta, be
tween the Usual hours of sale. .
Six. Negroes, viz : Charles ?*il- \
berl, Nancy, Gabriel, W'diim, Jinney, and Biddy, ■
levied on as llie property of A. Hhodes, to sati
fy a fi fu, on fori closure of a mortgage, Ander
son W.okins vs said A. Rhodes
Terms Cash, Bankable money—purchasers pay 1
for Lilies,
Peter K. Boisclair, Sh 'ff. h. c.
Mav 6 f 90
Admimsirator’s hale.
On the first Tuesday in July next, at the Mar
ket-House in the City of Augusta, at the usual
hours, wih he sold : -
The Lot ami improvementa on
Broil Ure.d, fronting the BUnters’ Hotel. I'he
pr ipeny of the late M. C. Leavenswnrih, and
s >ld hy order of the Honorable the Inferior Hour
of the r .u iiy of Richmond, for the hem fit of th
heirs and creditors.
Hamiiel Hale, Adm’r.
May 4 r "0
All mini strator’s ©ale.
IN pursuance <d an order ot the Inferior Com
of Richmond County, silling for Ordinary
purposes, tlo re w. I he sold at the Market (101 l
in the City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday n
June next :
One, undivided third part of the
Lot in the Cili d Augusta, at present occupied
hv Messrs. Bradley A H dlerty, having a trout m
Broad and Ellis streets of about lw oily 'eel
whieti Lot is the seventh part ol Lot No. 20. i
the plan if said city This‘ale is or I red fi"-
the benefit of the Hiirs and Creditors of Smoot
Rowers, jmi. deceased.
Win. C. Dillon, Ad in’r.
Anri) 119’$ 1 It f do
Administrator's bale.
Will be sold on M e li Tuesday in June next
id 'he C tin House in Burke County, at the u
anal hours. t,gre< able to an order of the Hon
orable the. Justices of the Inferior Court for
said County, w hen siding fnr Ordinary purpo
ncs ,
Three negroes, named Hannah,
Suckv a"I Muses, belonging lo die Estate ol lieu
ben Moore, deceased, sold in order to make a di
vision among the Heirs of said deceased.
Terms made known on day of sal-*.
Elizabeth Moore, admr’x.
Ma'-rh 28 I 95 10t r 91
dmidistr.itor's .Sale,
Wil he sold on v*.unlay the 21s day of Ma
next, at the late residence of Wary I’latt, d
ceased, or at nu (louse in Scriven County, b.
low Pearce’s, between the hours of ten an
so r o’clock ;
All the perishable property be
longing to tin K taie of the said dec ased. io<
(listing of Cid Ic. Hogs, one Stove, Hons'boh'
ami Klclien Furniture, together with a numbei
ol other ariicms I o tedious to enumerate.
Terms of m" 1.• ■- I- known on the dnv.
Ephraim Hunter, Adm’r.
Scriven conn'u. Am 4 1825 8i r 88
Ad.ninistrai.or’s sSale.
Will he sol 1 a tin* «a iVHicience of John II
Morrison, late >1 limit'* County, deceuHed, 01
the 16' i il • o' I urn nr*xt,
A stock of Horses, Cattle and
Sheep, and sundry olhei articles 100 tedious to
Sale to continue fr mi day to day until all is sold
itosina Morrison, Admr’x.
QCj* Ad tiers i- s mdeb'ed to the said estate, are
rrq icsled ' make immediate payment, and thosi
hii'ing .I mauds, are requested to present then
legally a tesli d.
R. M. Admr’x.
Mai 2, 1825 7t - r 91
Administrator's Sale.
Will he soul (iii Ui>- first Tues.lay iu August next.l
at the Court-House, in Waynesborough, by op
der ' I the Honorable the Court of Ordinary :
Seven Negroes, viz: Monday,
Hen, larad, Pegg, .lenry, Jim and Arch, bi 1 ng
iug to the estate of Cotten Merrill, deceased,
ami to he sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased.
Comfort Merritt, Adm’rx.
Hit' r \mvfi/ \i >;> iS vs i t 91
N otice,
AGREEABLE to an order of the Honorable
Inferior four of Jeft'enon County, whih
sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold at th.
Market House, in the town of Louisville, on tin
first Monday i'' July next,
A Tract of Land, containing one
hundred iwemy-nine ami a half acres, l\i'g m
the waters ol Buck Jack Cieek, in said county,
adjoining lands of Eason and Kennedy, sold foi
the benefit ot Josiah S I'atterson, a minor.
Mary Clements, (Guardian.
April 9. ic2s 12t f 84
A otice.
LI. persons to wnom the late Francis House'
ORA ot the city of Augusta, deceased, is imh hi
ed, are requested to present their demands with
in the time prescribed by law ; and those imlebi
ed, are requested to make immediate payment.
H. Houyer, ) . .
Paul Uossignol, < l x rs -1
December 21 yj |
M onthly Advertisements.
JSI otice,
WINE months after date, application will be
AM made ti the Court of Ordinary of Franklin
<oUniy, for leave to sell one hundred Acres ot 1
Land, in said County, as the properly ot Adan.
Linn, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and 1
Creditors of -aid deceased. 1
John 15. Carson, adin’r. '
January 18,1825 lm6m 63 (
N otice. I
t.iWINE months after dale application will be (
iSNI made lo the Honorable Inferior Court ol t
Columbia County, when setting as a Court of Or <
■hoary tor leave to sell 202 1-2 acres of Land ly
mg in the 2d District of Monroe County, Lot No <
JOB, it being the real estate of William Smalley;
deceased, and to be sold (or the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
James Smalley, Adm’r.
January 4, IB 5 lm9m 57
Ni otice.
if'WINE months after date, application will be
sSNI made to the Honorable the Interior Court
■if Richmond County, when sitting tor Ordiiian
im poses, tor leave to sell one half of four am.
hree quarters acres of Laud, in said County
idjoining lands of Ware and Coleman, for tin
benefit ot Seaborn Ski mer, minor.
Livingston Skinner,
Sept. 11, 18‘H, Im9 n 23
N otice.
NINE months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Justices ot th
Inferior Court, setting for ordinary purposes, foi
■he county of Rurke, (or leave to sell all the real
estate of Stephen Chance, late of Rurke county,
deceased, for the bem fit of the heirs and credi
lots of said deceased.
Mary Chance, Adm’x,
Joseph Chance, Adm’r.
Jhivkn *»• ** 6 4 1” 9m 22
i|A#INE months al .r date, application wu he
made t" the Hoie ruble Court of Ordinary
I). C lu 111 >ia County, lor leav to sell ad the
, real estate belonging to the rphans ot San uel
Sullivan, decca ed, and also, an uudivid- d tract
, ■)( La'id, lyi ig i Columbia County, belonging
in said orphans, ami t" Melinda Jones, a Minor.
John Cartliilge,
Guard' n oj said Orphans,
Polly Jones,
Cum dam of JMrlinda -hues.
Mnv 25 1 '*>m 95
N mice.
tkAjilNE months alter date, application will bi
iaM made to (he honorable Inferior Court ol
Richmond County, for leave to sell the undivided
naif of Tent nieut Nn 7, llri.lgc Row—also, two
unimproved lots Corner of Elbert and Reynold
streets, for the benefit of Margaret P. Bones, a
r Minor.
John Bones, Guardian.
Oct-her 25, 1824 Itn9m
mouths alter d .tc, application will b
JM made to the Honorable the Justices ot tin
Interior Court ot said cmi ty, when sitting f i
Ordinary purposes, fop leave to sell (he whole t
the real Estate of Irvin (loyet, decease I, late . I
' said county, fnr die benefit of the heirs and ere
Mors of said deceased.
James Lambert, ) ltJ ,
I-.lvv.inl |l„y.-t,
Sr"iv*'n o 1 lun. 2N I a lit>9mt 61
u nc E.
\T INE months afier date, application will bi
Lv| m de to the Houma do Court of Ordinary ot
Columbia county, fop leave to sell two tracts ol
Land in said county, lying on G-renbrier Creek
one containing 318 acres joining Pollard, Pulhn
ami oltiera, t U>• oilier entraining 172 acres joining
Luke and others, it being a part of the real estate
>1 Phiuiias Jones, deceased, sold for the beiu-fr
>f the heirs of sai i d ceased.
William Hooker, Adm’r.
In right of his ivifi
January 25 1825. t 9o fil
N once.
VTLnE months afur due, application will b.
i-v ni .deto the Honorable the Infenor Couri
I Richmond c mnty, while sitting for Ordmarj
urposes, fur leave to sell a Lot in the City o
Vugustu, bounded by Ellis and Houston street 1 '
belonging to the estate of Michael Sdvert de
ceased, tor the benefit! of (tie heirs »ud creditor
>f smd estate.
Andrew J. Dill, adm’r.
Nathan Leeds, adm’r.
in right ol his wife
Mary Leeds, adm’rx.
Augusta F I) ar 11,1825 In 9 o
N otice.
VWNE months after late, application will be
JM made to the Honorable the Court of Oidin
ry o( Columbia County, tor leave to sell 222 a
cres of Land, lying in Columbia County, on the
waters of the big Kmkee Greek, adj lining Lands
'I Hamilton, Graves ami others, to be sold forth,
benefit of the heir- f James Marlin, decim-ed.
Bolx rt Martin, adm’r.
N ivemlv r fi 18°1 I, u).,i 40
N otice.
NINE inonths after application will b
made to the Honorable tie Jus'ices ot it
icrior Cm r ol T'anklm Ceiiuty, when sit 1 ■ .
or Hi dinary pui pears, lor leave to re I the It. I
ta' * ol Jho Gettings, late of said county, eu
-a ed, lor the heirs and cn iti r- of add d»
■ . ased.
John Hi’ttii gs. adm’r.
\ ell i-i'- 1 v .
N iitice.
'xA|INL inoi.ih' ai er m , ■ pplicalion w 18.
«1M made to Ihe Hon u able the Tilt nor Court, o:
• i.ikt ( on ij when silting for Ordinary pun.
j sc', tor leave to st h u.e undivided part of ih- i
r al f state ol Lewis Emamu 1, deceased, for th 1
j i-.nefil of the heirs and creditors of said d. cei s
led. 1
J ora, Lewis,
Surviving Administrator de horns non
I li:. ke county, March 7, 1825 lm9,n 75
An Ordinance.
BOATS of all kinds which shall contain any
damaged corn, putrid matter or substance o!
ny kind, or which shall come from any place in
rccted with malignant or contagious disease, shall
stop on the Savannah river at such place as ahal:
be directed by Council, and there remain until ex
amined by sued physician or physicians as Coun
cil may appoint (or that purpose ; and until the
said physician or physicians shall i.suc his or their 1
certificate, stating that such b at; or boats may to the city of Augusta, without endangering ■
the health of said City ; And any owner or mana <
ger ot any boat, arriving within the limits of diis I
l.ilv without first complying with the regulations 1
con'amed in this Ordinance, on conviction thereof, 1
hall forfeit a d pay a sum not exceeding five hun
d (1 dollars.
/’* conformity to the above Ordinance, I
NO TICK 1.-, h r* by given, that all Boats arri
ving from Charleston, from and after this day,
will be required to anchor in the center of the n 1
ver, below the Bridge, a-d there to remain (with- '
out any intercourse with the City) until examined
by JJect. I hornpson the physician appointed by
the City'Com cil at d receiving his certificate of
permission, and all officers of the city are hereby
commanded to enforce the ab< ve notice and ordi
R. H Warren, J
A. core, > Committee.
J. Hoiluifhead \
May 1.1 4t 92
/vii Ordinance
Regulating the Mooting of Houle at the If hat vet
Sue. 1. He it o-dained b) the City Council of
Augusta, timi from and alter the publishing of
this Ordinance, no empty boat having less than
inree able and competent men on board at at
times, shall be pei nutted to fasten to, or anchor
at. any place opposite the city above the Bridge,
(or more than four days unless when securely las
'.•■ned with a st nng chain or cable at least fifti
leet in length to a growing tree, not leas than
twelve inches in diameter, and that in the event
of a considerable rise in the Kiver, such emptj
boat, not lasleni d as aforesaid, snail be immedi
• ately removeti below the Bridge.
1, Each boat «• g-gtd in lading or unlading
luring a high river, hall have at least four able
' men conslamlv on b »rd, and shall be securely
1 fastened or anch red, in such a manner as to [ire
* vt nt her swinging nr drifting on the Wharf.
3; The Cuy Marshal, or any other officer ol
1 Council shall have, and they are hereby vested
wi h p»w< r, and are required, to remove or cause
"i be removed, at the risk aid expense of tin
owner, to some place below the Bridge, anj bom
or boat*, winch may be neglected by the ownei
or agent , and for each boat so removed the offi
cer sba'l be entitled to ten dollars, to b ■ receiv
ed from tin b >at owner, in the same manner as
■ther exp- es incurred in the removal.
4. The own, r nr owners of any and every boat
shall be liable lo a fine, mth discretion of Coun
cil, not exceeding two bund, • d dollars, for each
I and eve y violation of tli s Ordinance, and shall
1 moreover repair all d>m ,-es done to the Wnarves
> or Bridge ii conaeqnenc of such Violation,
I Hone in Council , the oth January, 182 5
* K. li. Held,
Mayor of the-city of Augusta
By the Mayor
(Mto. M \\ Ai.KKn, Clerk,
Auril 22 86
13 o Hector aiu\ itioce’iver’s
w ' * #, tend at the following times am
fv places, for the purpose of collecting tlu
"axes of the year eighteen hundred and twenty
our (1824) and receiving returns of Taxab.
Property f»r the year eighteen hundred and
twenty live (1825), v‘z. at the Cily Hot*!, oi
Monday th 2Stli if April, 9th and 23rd of Ma
next, at the Globe Tavern, n Tuesday the 26
of April, 10th and 24'h ot May next—at tin
' Planters’ Hotel, n Wednesday the 2Mi of April
and 1 lib and 25th of May next, and will re
main from ten to one o’clock, A. M. at eucl
K. Piling,
Tajc Collector, Richmond County,
M. h\ Boise lair,
Receiver Tax Returns, Richmond County.
Aoril 12 83
Qj* 'lake Nu\ ver .
PH ONS who In. e not paid their ROAP
AM) WELL TAX. for the year 1825 are
reqncs - a. to call on the Collector and Treasure!
"d settle the same before the first day of.him
ii 't. Alter that umc, executions will be issued ,
against all defaulters. ,
ISatli , l L. Sturges,
Collect or and / reusurer. (
Mav \7 4t 93
THE Mibsc .b r lias removed in, and opened 6
an office in ibe Town of Sparta, Hancock <
bounty. He will abend the courts of the Nor- 1
ihr rn Circuit, and the cointies ol Morgan, Green,
Putnam and Baldwin of the Ocmtdgee Circuit.
Ulvsses Lewis. 1
(.Sparta. Ga ) May 1 T 8 t 93
ihNM* :
Jl- HE subscriber having resumed the practice
h I.A A’, tenders his services to the public. He c
will attend most of the Courts in the Western
Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and
Ocmulgee, and the counties of Lawrens, Twiggs
md Pulaski, in ttie Southern Circuits.
Thomas W. Harris.
(O’ Letters addressed to him Monroe, Wal
om county, will be attended to.
February 8 „ 3m 65 ‘
Notice. j,
*SI IE subscribers liave connected themselves j I
i the practice of ilie LAW—they will um | e
|,,!l >’ “ ,e i'J ah tl e counties of the Northern ! c
- .rcui•, and the county of Franklin, of the Wes-i'
r " V llcu ' l > "! ,e of them will be generally found 1
at their office in Elbertoo, where they will take 1
leasure in transacting the business ot' those who 1
■ay be unfortunate enough to be involved in tlu
'.aw t
John A. Heard, , !
Thomas J. Hoard. ;
i ’“misrv 1, 1825 5y
b 1 lit'PEl)
l a Negro m atimlay the 15th inst. a sum!
money, supposed lust or stolen—Enauirel
u tlu Office, 1 |
May IT 2t 93
Til HUE is perhaps no medical observation bet
ter eTablidhed. none more generally confirmee 1
by the experience of the best physicians of all ges
and countries and none of more importance t- Hi
practitioner,than the fact,that many of the most dilfi
cult aim incurable complaints originate in negLc
ed colde. In a climate as variable as ours.where Hit
changes of the weather are frequently sudden ant
unexpected, it requires more care and attention
guard against tins subtle and dangerous enemy 1 1
He than most people imagine, or are able am
willing to bestow. Hence the vast number us pal
cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma
consumptions, and other affections, and hence tlu
farrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried uj
by the learned and illiserate, 'The many ca.cs o)
the kind, fell under my observation; the prepost
erous compositions of inflaming drugs, whicl
are in vogue ; the disappointment I experienced it
practice from remedies highly recommended ; am
my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints
were strong inducements for me to consider
whether a compound consisting of mild vegelabl.
substances could not be invented, more free Iron,
the vyell founded objections of practitioners, and
better calculated to avert the threatening di
situation of the lungs.
S>pc\vs oi Vegetables,
For coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions
I nis remedy is superior to any medicine whicl
lias been offered to the public, as it is prepare!
from the most valuable herbs of our vegelabl*
kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de
penitence may be placed in its virtues for ihi
cure of the above diseases. From the knowledge
•be proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of tin
syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending
to those who labour under those distressing com
taints as a sale and efficacious remedy, and hav
ing administered it to thousands in New-Vork and
Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering i
to the public, and after trial, those persons whi
purchase the genuine syrup, will have their nm
ney relunded by returning the bottle, if they di
not (eel satisfied that they have reaped benefi
irom the use of it.
Directions for Use.
Take a tea spoon full three times a day, sa)
morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re
03* Each bottle will have the signature of th*
03* Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sig
of the Golden Eagle, Augusta.
October 21 33
iNew and invaluable
Asiatic Lenitive £or Pain.
This Medi- cine is a nev
er tailing remedy lor
the Tooth- Ache, Head-
Ache, and other dis
-’ll IIS remedy is good against the tooth ache o
M. pain in the teeth and Jaws when duly applies
nd employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy in
lelieving swellings of the gums, face and adjace 1
parts, arising from or connected with tooth'-aclu
It relieves head-ache or pains in the head ii
die moot easy and agreeable manner; for this fre
quent and distressing complaint, this, his nev
medicine, is a charming prescription, for it rt
stores both the organs of sense and the nerves m
their healthy condition at a quick and admirabi.
Thig new and useful preparation produces, bi
mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operatioi
ipop the spirits—it quickens the sensations,
sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates tlu
j functions of the mind, by- dissipating gloom ami 1
j vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephalu
Medicine of the first order.
Nor is its effect less beneficial when consideret
m relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the
lead and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upm
the sight and immediate organs of digestion as i
carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing
"H'por, correcting acidity, and creating a mos
comfortable warmth.
The operation of this invention end improve
nent is quite as favorable to diseases ol the ear,
more especially it acis to great advantage in dll' f
leas and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi
ent deafness, restoring the tailing organ to tlu i
exercise of its true and healthy (unctions of hear c
Certificate from Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell,
Dr. Ezekiel Aiuiler, of the city of New-York 1
(bis day submitted to me his letters [latent from
he United Slates, for compounding and vending \
a remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, am) 1
asked my opinion upon the same, v. hereupon, a!
ter examining the receipt contained in die specifi 1
cation, I find it contains a mixture of such aromat
ic, anodyne, and anti-acid article-, as are well cal 1
culated to produce a composing effect on the hm ■
man body.
Samuel L. Mitchell.
Nerv-York, November 2</. 1818,
AuvUet’s *\uVk o£ Roses, i
AN elegant cosmetic l.*r whitening, sofiening
and beautifying the skin, and re moving pimt
pies, freckles and chops from the face, neck, &.c
The Milkol Roses possesses many qualities, for u
not only serves for the above purposes, but it mi
the bloom of youth on age , which valuable proper
every lady is fond ol enjoying, i Ins beautiful rn.--
cosjmetic has a delightful fragi anc*, and is an nrticl*
wh cli can be used with safety, as it contains noth ;
mg that will injure the skin, ami 1 is an indispensa
ble article to every lady, and should be lound or
their toilets.
nintcTlOds.—Afier being washed and drie
then take a small quantity on a piece of white ffui
anducl then wash face, neck, hands, - Each bo
tie will be signed fay the pro irietor. Fuc gl.
I’repared only and sold by E. Audler, sign oft 11
Golden Eagle, Augusta.
July 4 2
A Large Assor meat of
Jvv\eui\c Uuuks,
for sale at this (Jfice.
RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen
tlemen of Augusta, that ha will be ready to
serve them at all times, at his or their houses, in
(lie line of his profession, and hopes lie will mee
share of the public patronage, as he will extract
teeth and stumps, and in the easiest manner if ever
of difficult, and all its other branches,
Dasie ot Carbon,
A superior dentifrice to any ever offered for
cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth and
making the breath sweet and greeabic.
Os Roses,
Which removes all scorbutic humour in ths
urns and teeth, and makes them firm at the
ame time.
Prepared and sold by
E. Audler.
At his 1 drug and Medicine Store, tattle Cotton
Itange. Sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta.
July 4 2
A. (JAKi).
At Hachelder if L'odwiac’a, Ilroad Street, Augusta
nearly opposite .he Planter's Hotel.
RESPECTFULLY informs the Public, that he
has returned again to this City, and respect
tully solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and
Gentlemen who may require his services in the
several Branches of his Profession.—Persons
wishing his service in private Families can call and
see his work Manufactured on a new principle,
which he warrants.
'VfepAli and Emus.
The diseases of the I eeth and Cuius are chief
ly owing to cur own neglect-, the parts of the
aliments which lodge about them after rnastica
tion, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are
thereby first affected, as being the most tender
parts, at ter these corruptions are produced, com
monly called the I'artar of the Teeth, which
destroying both their texture and whiteness not
only deprives the mouth of its pi incipal urna
dents. but brings on violent tooth aches, and ren
mers the Gums livid and putrid, and offensive to
ourselves and oil ers,—Hut though people in
general may prevent those inconveniences, by
arc and attention at first, jet. if they are once
suffered to take place, it is no longer in the pow
er <d the sufierer to remove them, this being pro
perly the province of the experienced Dentist,
who lias made the maladies of the Teeth and
Gums, with their attendant evils, the principal
'bject and cud of his studies.
Mi*. £\oTance 9 Dentist,
By long practice, a close application to busi
icss, aud a thorough knowledge of the structure
d the Teeth and Gums, has made all the opera
tions in those parts quite familiar to him, inso
much that what some Dentists have judged im
practicable, te hath performed with ease and
Me places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak
ing the lalier with pure enamel) from a single
Due to an entire set so accurately, that they shall
answer every purpose of the natural. • Thus the
greatest deficiencies a,e supplied with ornaments
winch have die recommendation of utility.
1 hose Teeth that have fallen out their sock
ts, which frequently happens, though in a per
ect sound state, lie, by a method peculiar to him
■elf, replaces as firm as ever, without the least
pain or uneasiness to the patient.
Me clears die Teeth, if ever so discolored, of
all their foulness and tartar, without pain, and
renders them white and as fuiras ever in half an
i eeth and Stumos extracted in the easiest mail
er, if ever so difficult.
He assists young ladies and gentlemen in the
first and second dentition, and removes the Milk
I .-eth at proper seasons, lea' they should incom
■ iode the regular growth ol the succeeding onces
and if a deformity of this kind has taken place.
■ hrough the want of a Destisf, .Mr. Plorance un
dertakes to correct it ; provided the subject is
not more than twenty years old, and restores the
I eeth to their natural, regular and beautiful or
N. B. A Tincture and Dentrifice Paste, prepar
d by him only, which preserves the Teeth and
changes them to a b-autilul white, cure* the gums
f the Scurvey and makes breath at all times sweet
and agreeable, and cures the Tooth Ache imme
diately, with proper directions how to use it.
Or l b< c 12 3j
cAuuu’a i’auACfea.
HE subserbur o -vi g discovered the ccrapo
JL silkm ol SWAIM’S celebrated Panacea
has now a suppily on ba d for sale j he has redu
eed the price from go 50 to g 2 50, or by Hie
iozen jg‘24
All char.iable institutions in the United States
utd the poor will be supplied gratis.
II ilie citizens ot the principal cities ami towns,
will appoint an agent to order and distribute this
medicine to the poor, it will be supplied,
'Tiiis qjedicine is celebrated tor the cure of the
following diseases, “ scrofula oi king’s evil, ulcer
ated or putrid sore throat, long standing rhu
matlc affections, cutaneous diseases, whiu swell
ing, and disease of the bones, and all cases gen
ially oi the ulcerous character, and chronic dis
■a*es, generally arising in debilitated conslitu- <
dons, but more especially from syphilis, or affec
'ions u'ismg therefr in ; moers in the layrnx,
■ odes, f<c And that dreadful disease occasioned
by a long and exces-ive use of mercury, lie. it is
hso uselul in disease of the Liver.”
1 have wuhin the last two years had an oppor
unity of seeing several cases of very inveterate „
nicer, which Having resisted previously the regu
lar m ties ■.( treatment, were healed by the use
>i Mr. Swaim’s Panacea, and 1 do believe, from
what I have seen thai it will prove an important
remedy in scrofulous t eneriai and mercurial dis
leases N CHAPMAN, M, D.
Professor of the I’.solutes and P-actice of
Physic, in die University of Pennsylvania.
1 have employed th • Panacea of Mr. Swaim in
ivimerous instances, within the last three years,
and have always found it extremely efficacious,
especially in secondary syphilis, and mercurial
diseases. I have no heatltation in pronouncing it
a medicine of inestimable value.
Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn
•JOHN SHlNN,Chemist.
- v For -ale at Smith and Pearsall's, N. K
con •- t ird I-id Mat ket-otreels,
Philadelphia, February 17, 1523. Iml2m 87