The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, May 31, 1825, Image 3

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to have seized individuals of almost every c*&ss of society, all hoping to become suddenly rich by successful speculation!! in cotton- Prices have in consequence of Inis speculative demand rapidly advance I within the 1 is: live days, and there is, m iho opinion of the speculators, every promise of a still further advance. The stile of ihe winds has no hlile influence on prices; for whilst a puff from the eastward is enough to raise cotton a halfpenny per pound, a breeze from the westward would it is probable, sina it a penny. So precarious is speculation ! Not than 84,000 bays of Cotton have, it is ascertained, changed h inds since Thursday last. It would be curious to describe the process by which 100 bags, by frequently changing hands, are swelled, as it were, into 1,000. The following is an extract of a letter to a respectable mer cantile house in this city, dated Liverpool, April 23. Gentlemen—The events that have UKcn place in our Cotton market this week, are so extraordinary that 1 avail myself of an indirect, though probably a quick conveyance to address you. The demand for Colton during the whole week has never been equal led, the total sales to lust night amount to 101,000 bags. sipe- u lalurs have been extensively engaged, and their operations com bined with the demand from the trade, have occasioned a gene ral advance on Uplands, Orleans and Mobile of id per lb. and Egyptians of 3d per lb. lust weeks prices. The highest) point was on Wednesday 1 -si, when Uplands sold readily at 19<l Tor good qualities, the in <rkci then paused, but near 40,000 bags have been sold since then,' and prices have been pretty steady The quantity sold, nearly equals the whole slock in port, out many lots have changed hands repeatedly and large sales have been made, to arrive.—About 85,000 bags of all descriptions have been i taken by speculators. Prices are very high, aqd may fluctuate, but the capital embarked in Colton is so immense, that they must continue so during the remainder of this year. The sales have been of Uplands 37,290, at 14 1-2 to 19 1-2; Or leans 8749, at iti 1-2 to 21 ; Alabama 4200, 15 to 18 3-4 ; BraziL 10,280, 19 1-2 to 23 3-1 ; Egyptians 19,771. 18 to 2J 3-4. 1 uni Gentlemen, your servant, THOS. WRIGHT WATSON. A Liverpool Price Current of the 2Jd April, corrected a few hours before the Amethyst sailed, quotes Cotton as follows: Sea Island, 3sb a 359 ; Uplands, Rowed, Is 1 als4als7; New- Orleans, ls 4 a IslO. Postscript. —April 23d—Of the immense sales this week,37290 hales were Uplands, from 14 12a 19 1-2; 8719 Orleans, lb 12a 21d; 4525 Alabama, 15 a 13J-4d 19771 Egyptian, 18 a 233-4. London quotation of Stocks—3 per cent. 80 ; 4 1-2, 98 ; 6 per cents of 1813, 93 ; of 1314, 95, 1815, 98 1 2 ; New York Canal 5 per cents of 1837, 102; of 1845, 104. Rank U. S. Lil 4 17s 6d. The following is from a letter received in this city, giving the particulars of the opera tions of the weekending the 23d of April : Liverpool, April 23, 1825. “The demand for Cotton since our lust, and the extent of busi ness dune, is beyond all precedent; the total sales ' amount to 101,000 p ickagcs, at an advance of 2 l-2d a 3d peril), on Egypt ian and Brazils, 1 1-23 a2d on American, Id, on Bergals, and 2<l, a 2 l-2d on Surats; anti notwithstanding this rapid improve ment, there is still great confidence in the article. The particu lars of sales are as follows ; 355 Sea Islands, 2s 8d a 3s bd. viz. 50 a 2s Bd, 35 a 2s 9d, 15 u 2s 10a, 100 aisHi, 8) a 3s, 10 a3s id, 21 a 3s 2d, 14 a3s 3d, 21 at 3s Id, and ID at 3s bd, 25 Stained Sea Island 18d a 23d viz. 10 at 18 1, and 50 a23d. 37,350 Uoweds 14 l-.’d al9 l-2d, viz. b 4 a 14 1 2d, 52 a 15d 40 i 15 183, 1698 a 15 l-4d. iSO a J 5 J-Bd, 1078 a 15 1-23, 127 « 15 5 8. 1683 a 15 3-4, 2247 a jHd, 2uo a lo I 8 I, 2446 lb J-4d,36 a 16 3-Bd, 3060 a 6 l-2d, 194 al6 5 Bd, 1987 a 1- 3 4d, 84,a 16 7-8 d 7622 a 1 7J, 3504 a 17 I-Id, 4083 a 17 l-2d, 2372 a l7 3-4 d, 1557 a 16.1, 463 u 18 l-4d, 1211 a 18 i-2d, 156 a 13 3-Id, 1211 a 19d, 10 a 19 -Id, and 20 a 19 I 2d. 8 /19 Jrleans, 16 12 a 21d, viz. 74 a 16 1-2. 87 a 16 3 4d, 714 ? 17d, 223 a 17 l-4d, 576 a 17 I-2d, 31 a 17 3 4d. 987, a 183,258 a H 1-4, 1573 a 18 1.2 d, 378 a 18 3- Id. 1893 a l9d, 15 a I'J 1 43, 750 « 19 1- 2d, 82 a 19 3-Id, 636 a 20d,b0a 20 l-4d, 30 a2O 3 Bd, 24 a2t |-2d, 40 •. 2U 3-4, and 280 a 21d. The business dune in Rice only consists of 160 tcs. Carolina viz. or linary, 17 a 17s 9d, and middling, to good 19 a 20s 3d besides winch 15 bags Bengal sold at 19s. The following extract of a letter from New Yoi k gives the effect of the above news on the New -York market: New-Youk, May 19. “ Yesterday Uplands were selling here at 23 a27 cents, and to-day over 1-2 a I cent advance cannot be obtained, although many ask 2a 3 cents on account of the news. Letters had been received in Engiand from Gibraltar, staling that the ports in Andalusia were open to the admission of foreign grain, pulse, flom 47,GU1) fenegas of wheat were bought up in Gibraltar to ship there. The accounts are dated Ist. April. M’.ncy is source and operations very much impeded, ilice remains at former quotations, and very dull.” -130©— THE KENTUCKY LADIES. The author of a series of letters “ on the .condition of Kentucky,” in publication in the Richmond Enquirer, says : “ The ladies in Kentucky are in general larger in stature than in your state. Spring ing as it were, from a richer soil, their per sons indicate a regular, well portioned, and a more healthful growth, they are large enough to be stalely, without being awk ward ; their symmetry is more the gift of nature lhan of art or fashion ; their features are in general regular and handsome with out being beautitul, and are well adapted to convey the impressions of an improved mind. Their deportments are in general dignified, evincing exalted virtues, yet gracefully condescending, easy, candid, and unaffected, though in some few instances, rudely careless of what they say or do, and regardless of the respect due toothers. Ac customed to social intercourse and the fre quent introduction to strangers, they are at once affable, receive a gentleman as a friend, and a stranger an acquaintance.— Tiie generous hospitality of their hearts is displayed in the kindness of their manners. Their style of dress is neat, easy, and fash ionable, though sometimes too ornamental. > In general, their minds are stored with substantial and useful knowledge, and in many instances emWllished with the fash ionable accomplishments. Cheerful in dis position, their conversation is seasonably lively and interesting; the f4lies and foi bles of the sex, and tiie beauties of a beau, or the fashions of a dress yield to more ra tional and edifying subjects of conversations The ladies of Kentucky possess all that is useful and belonging to their sex in any state, but they are destitute of that engaging softness of die southern, and attractive beauty of the northern ladies. 1 met, how ever, with a few individuals of the sex whe possessed every thing tnal was necessary tt please the eye, to interest the heart and de light the mind.” Extract of a letter from Mount Sterling Ky. to a gentleman at Lexington, dated M.iy 2d, 1825. “ Out- citizens have been somewhat exci ted lately by the news of a party of coun terfeiters, carrying on their business about thirty mib a from this place. A company of about titieen left here on last Thursday, and came on their camp in a very remote f.*vj muuntaaeous part of the country. — Jh j ■; a l a small paper mill to go by water, i • had made about gGUOO, principally on th hanks of Tennessee, South Carolina, r > New-Orleans. 'Two of the party were taK and three made their escape ; the two ringleaders, .Sturdevaiit and Allen, made then escape, but it is expected they wid be taken, i have seen the money, aim d< ht hesitate to say, that 1 should" havi ce .-ul-.ed it genuine. 'The information cams from a young man who had acted a - clerk for some years, in filling up. St!;,” CONSTI rUTIONALiIST. < AUGUSTA: ' TUESDAY. MAY 31, 1825. Ir would seem that the Greeks, after de- ) voting themselves to liberty with an ardor , and success worthy of their ancestors, have ' yet other conquests to make. The cupidi- . ty of Russia and the fears of the crowned * heads of the continent are conspiring to i darken the fairest prospect that ever nation t had ol its enfranchisement. Greece can- ' not become a Republic because such an ex- t , ample might awaken the subjects of neigh ! burn ing despots to a sense of tlieir wrongs and an inquiry after their rights, and be i cause the Czar—for why should he not ■ have the title of Ids barbarian predecessors ] , —will not leave unemployed a lucky occa- , I isiou to increase Ids strength both in Europe j and of Asia. i ' The French papers assert that Alexan- i r der has issued a memorial decisive in its ex pressions of the future fate of Greece. , 1 The Morca is to receive 4 Constitution and a Prince from Russia, and the other revolt ed provinces ate to return as principalities 'j to the kind protection of the Sultan. As l a might have been expected, this proposition :• is rejected with disdain bv the young Re j- » ' ■ v O publick, and she turns to England, as to the a W only country o( the eastern hemisphere that ■ can sympathize in her cause. The an » swer of Mr. Canning to (he appeal of the j, Secretary of the provisional Government a of the Morea, Mr. Rodios, is said to be cold! a and diplomatic. He affects to doubt theau-i '! thenticify of the Russian Manifesto and :u talks of (he virtues of Alexander—the neu i*| trality of England and of her fidelity to her ancient ally the Ottoman Porte. Un u der their Rigid declarations it may perhaps be, (hat there are lurking kind intentions towards Greece, and we are informed that 'll the mission of Mr. Stratford Canning to ini St. Petersburg)!, has chiefly in view the in ,o terests ot this suffering and struggling peo !e pic- Indeed, after the recognition of the Spanish American states, England would be inconsistent with herself were she to fa e vo *' die destruction of Greece, and faithless 1 to her best interests, did she not impede by j every means in her power the ambitious _ and presuming career of Russia. While liberty is fainting and without a 1 helper in one quarter of the world, she is e j receiving encouragement and assistance in 'janother. Colombia and Mexico have con gitemplated the delivery of Cuba from (he Syokeof Spain, and are no doubt willing to J add this fair Island to their Territories. J Happy as Cuba would certainly be in a state t of independence, it is not believed that her j prosperity can be greatly advanced by unit i, ing herself with either us the Spanish Ame rican Republicks. The planters of Cuba have 'jrights which would not be properly recognis ed under any of these Governments, The a most natural incorporation would be with j - our own States and there are perhaps ar s gu,meats which would go far to convince of " the propriety of such an union. Let her 1 however be independent, and then guided h by tier own will and judgment, she will not n fail to pursue the course best adapted tc her 1 " safety and happiness. ! 'j •«;#«*• y\ Our readers will derive pleasure from the perusal of the Governor’s Message. Although we do not feel the same degree! 5. of warmth as is displayed in the conclud is ing paragraphs, nor yet think with his Ex-| y cellency upon the subject of the Lotteryi plan ; the message is an able document andj -. will add to the well deserved popularity of 0 our distinguished chief magistrate. 0 -*9o§ihi*- If we may believe the reports in the news papers, Mr. Scott of Missouri, will not a gain represent that State—he is therefore , j on the hands of the President and the Se cretary of State, and it is presumed they will provide for him. \ t The latest Liverpool accounts to 23d * April, received by yesterday’s mail, via. B ’ Charleston. Extracts will be found in our . columns. Upland Cotton 14 1-2 al9 1-2 ! , cents pei lb. and sales of previous week 1 are stated at 100,000 bags —the eftect of ’ this news on the price of cotton with us, . will be favorable, and may advance prime , cotton to 30 cents ; we have heard of no ' sales at an advance on last week’s prices, ' vhich were 24 a 2G cents. —Our stuck of cotton is diminishing slowly. We hear from various parts of this state, , -hat the prospect and appearance of the ■growing cotton crop is unpromising. General W. AV. Montgomery, has been elected a Major General in place of Gene ral Walker, resigned. -eQ® — Milledgeville, May 14. Extra Session of the Legislature. —ln *' compliance with the Governor’s Proclama tion, the members composing the General Assembly met at the State-house yesterday, when both Houses proceeded to business, A The Senate were occupied while in session in reading the Governor’s'Communication ( ] and the Documents that accompanied it. After the Communication had been read in the House, the reading of the Documents was deferred, on the suggestion of Mr. Murray, until to-morrow, when the follow ing resolutions were proposed by Mr. Mur- r ray and adopted ; Resolved, That that part of the Gover nor’s Communication relative to the dispo sition of the late acquired Territory be re ferred to a joint committee. [The Speaker 1 appointed Messrs. Murray, Adams, Meri wether, Featherstone, Hardin, Kolb and - Lumpkin on the part of the House, to join such committee as mav be appointed by Senate,] r Resolved, That so much of the Governor’s Communication as relates to running the dividing line between this State and Alaba ma be referred to the committee on the State 1 of the Republic, On motion of Dr, Fort, 500 copies of the Governor’s Communication, with the Docu ments, were ordered to be printed. The ( Message is given to-day, and some of the Documents (which are numerous and vo luminous) we may hereafter publish. Shipwreck. —We are sorry to learn that the British brig Diana, Captain M'Lean, which sailed from (his port for Liverpool on the 6th of March, with a full cargo of Cot don, was abandoned at Sea, op the 23d of the same month, full of water. The Cap tain and crew were taken off the wreck by the ship Indian Chief, from Baltimore, which i arrived at Waterford on the 11th of April, [ Sav , Georgian. --•••#•—- We have seen a Five Dollar Bill of the j Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank, altered to a Ten. The execution is such as to deceive —and as more may be in circulation, per sons will be imposed upon, unless taking particular notice of the vignette. \_Chas. City Guz. . The President of the United States has recognized as Vice Consuls of the Republic of Mexico, Ventura Orregon, for the port of New-York; Charles Tierman, for the port of Baltimore ; and Henry B. Chew, fur the port of Philadelphia. A letter from Trenton to a gentleman in Philadelphia, says ;—“ I called at the State Bank at Trenton, and find it has stopped payment.” The Cheraw Intelligencer says, that in G consequence of the rise in Cotton, the Planters have, in many instances, ploughed .. up their Corn, and planted Cotton—the ef fect of which has been to advance Corn f from 50 cents to 100 per bushel ; and Cot- 11 ton Seed was selling in some places at g 5 per bushel. —BftO- Boat Race. —The promised great for a purse of 2000 dollars, between the Boat owned by the Richmond (Staten Island) I Boat Club, and a Boat called the Whitehall, | took place yesterday morning agreeably to lappoin'ment. The Boats started at 10 (o’clock, from Bobbin’s Reef, to a stake boat near Castle Garden, a distance said to ra- 7 tjier exceed five miles. As near as can be ascertained, it was performed jn a few se- ( conds less than twenty-five minutes. It p was a handsome and well contested race— ti the Staten Island Boat was ahead nearly the si whole of the first mile, when the White- 9< hall Boat took the lead, and came out from 40 to 50 yards ahead. After the race the victors’ boat was car ried to Castle Garden, amidst the shouts of the multitude. The day was extremely fine, and the water smooth. It was ealeu dated that from 30 to 40 thousand persons witnessed the race.—The bay was literally icovced with Steam-Beats, sail-boats, and row-boats. [.V, V. Met. Jldv. c —- f* Receiver's Notice. IWILi. attend at the Office of the Clerk ol the Mayor’s Court in the Oily Wall, every - Monday commencing on the 6th day of dune next, until the first day of August, to receive the returns of the taxable property of such per I mr;3 as have not had an opportunity make ■ heretofore. And all persons who do not make P iheir return previous to the first of August wih d he suhj- ct to taxation as a defaulter. " M. F. Boisclair, r. t. r. k. c. li May 31 97 20,000 Lbs. prime Bacon, ALL FLITCHES, For side in lots to suit purchase's. Jacob Moise. May 31 3t 9? Art assortment of L II (javriagfc, Rig aud teadd\e HORDES, Fur sale by the Subscriber. John Dillon, ‘ No. 311, BaOAInSTUKET, Opposite the third Engine House, I May 31 ts 97 This Morning; at 10 o’clock. hv h. rn qcKT, 1 At Jlackie’s corner, will be sold an c entire stock of Newly imported DRY GOODS. \s this sale is to be made without the least re serve, great bargains may be txpected. All s ims to and under §2OO Cush, above §2ou our months lor approved notes, with approved tudorrers. May 31 u 97 Qn Wednesday June Ist at 10 o’- clock without tire Least reserve, % a FicquFT, Will be sold, at the AU.nLI I' V MAT S CORK, the remaining stock of HATS of Edmund Liger. Conditions Cush. Mav 31 It 97 FRESH Mvp TV\e Subscribers » HATH JUST RECEIVED A VERT C »MPLETE ASSORT MKNT » P StapYe & Fancy Dry Roods, AMONG THEM IS— One case Leghorn Bonnets, Thread Laces and Footings, Barrege Scarfs and Handkerchiefs, India (inured silk Scarfs, a very handsome ar ticle. Black and colored Gros de Naple Silks, do. Italian Lutestring, Gi e«»> do. Gauze, for Pavillions, Figured. Swiss and Mull Muslins, a variety of patterns, Book Muslin Ruffs, White and colore.l tribes, Dimities of all kinds, Fine Irish Linens and Sheetings, A variety of striped Drillings, Nankinnetts &c. for gent lerneufs wear. Rail & Hardin. Mav 31 4. 97 €£?*?*?<**» \IALL 4 KE now receiving t large and vert complete fl. assortment of GROCERIES, which they wil <ed low tor Cash, or on liberal credits fur appro ■ yed Town paper. There is among the articles— Heal Canal Flour ' ’ 1 Heat London Porter Do. Northern Ale Do. Claret and Fort Wine Do. Sallad Oil Do. Sp. rm Candles Do. Spanish Sugars A lew very superior Cheese's, —also— fit) Pieqes Twilled Sacking Oznaburghs, 81c &.C. May 31 4t 97 Dissolution. Copartner hip existing under the firm ol’ Ha,niili Sc Kane, is this day dissolved by mn oal consent. All persona having demand- again:-* tant firm,will present them for payment, and thus, ndebted will please nuke pay n (-ft to Michael Kane,who alo ie is authorised to set ie die business, 1 of said concern. s Joseph Handly. Michael Kane. *'#* The business will be carried on in future by 1 lie Undersigned, at the Coffee House, near the Post Office, M. Kane. Augusta Muy, 28th 1825 3t 97 Dissolution- < 3TJUE Copartnership hereto).>re existing undo 41 the firm of, Cahpiikll 6c Callan, is tliis day iss.dved by mutual consent, idl persons having demands against said firm, wi J hand them in t. B. Campbell for payment, and all persons to whon, the firm is indebted will please make payment to raid B. Campbell, who is alone duly authorised to settle the same. R. Campbell. Thomas Callan. , Ha reff The Coopering business will be still con.' tinned by B. Campbell ft Co. who will always - have on hand all kinds of Cooper work, on as low terms as any in the city, U. CAMPBELL 8c Co.t : 13. Campbell, returns his sin (J cere thanks to his customers for their liberal r encouragement, and hopes for a continuance ol p the same favors. n 13. Campbell, v May 2,1 3f 97 ' ailiiSL ©WlKßaaißAttrsi"' UKSP.ECTFULLY informs the inhabitants o. Augusta and its vicinity, that she intends o pening tin’the first of June, a SEMINARY, for the instruction ol young Ladies and little Masters in all the eatenilal branches of .Education usual.y ’ taught in other schools. From her loi g experience in teaching th “ Young Itlea," she Hitlers herielf to beanie give satisfaction, and hopes to share the patron- tl age ol a generotia public. ferma may be know , by application to Mrs. Guerineau, at Mrs. (lands. 1 May 527 96 IBii.U' iaJS . «SU Uve. DVanlei’s’ VVutuY. \HK in order to accomodate persons who may . appi) at any hour, from sun rise to 9 o’clock, j in the evenii g. OCT Tickets furnished at the Bar. May 27 4t 95 £>* Mr. Luther Campling, will f, ct as my Attorney during my absence from the m dace. J. M. Hand. I May 13 U 92 w \ AUCTION. By Bugs & ava S e - ON (he fust Tuis iay in lime, at 11 o’clock, will be sol lat the Market House, in this 3ity. One prime Negro MAN, Oie chi. do. WOMAN, a good cook. Terms at Sale, May 27 96 METCALF & v OLLINS, ~ I hoe Jor hale, AT No. 3IU, BROAD STREET. 4J®®® UUSHELS S ALT, ':uUu Jj Prime Virginia Corn, 25 lons Swcclts Iron assorted, 40 Bundles Hoop d . 4000 Pounds German & blistered Steel 6000 Pound- Pmugh Moulds, 30,000 Assort' d Castings, 100 Kegs cut Nails assorted, 40 llhcls. prime Si, Croix & Muscovado Sugar 50 Uhls, second quality do. 50 do. Loaf and Lump nugir, 50 Hags a d barrels prime Coffee, 40 llnxes Hyson, Gunpowder & Imperial Tea 2o llhds. prime Molasses, 5 Pipes Cognac Brandy, 4 do. Holland Gin, 5 Minis. Jamaica and W. I. Hum, 20 Quarter casks Pic, Sicily, Madeira St Ten neriffe Wine, 3Q dp, do, Mai'ga and Dyes Currant do, 100 Itbls. Whiskey, 150 do. N. Gm, 60 do. Cider Brandy, 50 do. N. Hum, 20 do. Cider and Beer, 50 d Presh Richmond Flour, 100 do. No. 3 Mackerel, 100 Whole and h ilt bids, of Nos, 1 and 2, 20UO Prime Bacon H ms. lOu Pieces prime 42 inch Hemp Bagging, 100 do t willed Backing, 30 do. Hessians, 20 do. Oznahurt's, 6uo Pounds I wine, 50 N"gs No. 1 and 2 I’obacco, 130 Reams wnpping Paper, 5 Boxes Win tie mo r< No. 10 Cotton Cards, 20 Bags K< pper and Spice, Writing and Le l ter Paper, Spanish and American Sugars, Powder and Shot, Balls, Saji Petre and Allnm. J-J 4 For CASH or on a liberal credit for City Accept ces only. May 2,5 6t 96 FViOVUV and LlAlfc. nil©® BARRELS Fresh North -250 Cashs Fresh Stone Tnme, of a iiij.r. r quality just received ami (or sale at No, 308, Broad-Sir e by Thomas Metcalf. Mav 2 7 op hFIiriVVV, 75 do. do Gin, 100 Reams Wrapping Paper,' Super .fine FI nr (II ward Si. Brand,) For sale by Hachelder & Codwise. Mav 27 2t 96 COEFKE, tfe. ” S© BAGS Havana Green C> ffVe, (prime) 1 cane Imperial T -a (in 2 ib. caddies) 15 boxes Sperm Candles So pieces Oznaburgs 1.5 do Sacking Port Wuie. of a superior quality, For salt An Hachelder & Codwise. May 27 2 96 ~VHWVKe7^ SVS utUtT^c. a®© HAGS prime Coffee 15 Hilda, do. St. Croix Sugar 100 Pieces do Hemp Bagging 40 Do. Tow do. 147 lll'ds. Philadelphia Whiskey 400 Uhls. do. do. 80 Bhis Northern Gin 3000 Bushel' I.iverpool Ground Salt 1.5 Tons Swedes Iron assorted s z s. Wi'li a general assortment of GROCERIES, fur lale on reasonable lerm by Win. Hostwick. Mav 24 it T 95 JVoliee, Yi> CY-avmauls. 4 1.1. per* 1 s having de agains! the an am i\ Moat lien’y Shultz are ••■■ r* oy rail upon lo present their icnotinis for payment within ren days, and ail those who have claims agaiicl the cargo ol said boat for preper > I st, are n q lest ed lo present their invoices, wi'h amounts pro perly established, as speedily as possible, as u is very desirable to bring the business to a close. All ihose who have received propery from the subscriber, are requested in leave with him statements ofllie amount of such prop rty. Jacob Moiae. May 20 94 Administrator’s hale. Will be sol I on the first ■ in day in August next, at the Court House In Fran bn county, at the u-nal hours . One Segro, named Randal, of ' he E.late of Wi i m Edwards, deceased, sold in order to mak" a division among the heirs rs said leceased.— Terms made known on the day of ■ale. (ieorge Stovall, Mw?r. May 24 183,5 fit t 97 (iP-UtOlA, Franklin County IKRitAB Samuel .lolmston, applies f,r ww letters of Administration on the estate of loiui jolinstnn, deceased. These are therefore'to cite and admonish ail rod singular the kindred aid creditors of (he ■ ,iid deceased, to file their objections in my office, Anthiii die t.tnc prescribed by law, to shew cause if any 'bey have) why said letters should not >e granted to him. Given under my hand at office at Carnesville, this 25th May, 1825. V7 F. Beall, Clerk.