The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, June 24, 1825, Image 3
Theological Seminary at Princeton .— The thirteenth annual report of the Mana gers of this Seminary has been published. The present number of students is stated to be one hundred and five. Public benefac tions for the support of necessitous students, amount the past year to 1,038 dollars. Four new scholarships have been founded since the last meeting of the General Assembly, one by the Ladies in Augusta, Georgia; another by a Lady at Charleston, S. C.; another by a gentleman at Red Hook, N. Y. find the fourth by a gentleman of Jamaica, L. I. Information is also received, that the late Benjamin Smith, Esq. deceased, late of Elizabeth-Towii, and Mr. John Keith, de ceased, late of Bucks county* Pa. have e4th bequeathed 2,500 dollars to endow scholar ships in the Seminary. The whole number of scholarships is now sixteen. The expen ditures of the institution, for the ensuing year, are estimated at &6.000 ; the regular income at 54.901; leaving a balance of 2000 dollars to be provided for by the General Assembly. Among the resolution* passed at the State Legislature is the following: On motion of Mr. Lumpkin— Resolved f That our thanks be tendered to his Excellency the Governor, and the United States Commissioners, Col. Duncan G. Campbell, and Maj. James Merriwether, for the firmness, perseverance, zeal and patriot ism which they have displayed in procuring a session of territory so favorable to the in terest of Georgia. Our thanks are also ten dered to his Excellency the Governor, for his active and patriotic efforts in expediting the settlement of said territory. Resolved further, That copies of this re solution be transmitted to Messrs. Campbell and Merriwether. The Legislature of the State of Massa chusetts have at the present session made several alterations in their rules and orders and course of business—Among these the Speaker of the House of Representatives has omitted the titles of gentlemen, as he .flamed them from the chair. The fond ness for official titles in this country has Jbeen frequently pointedly and successfully ridiculed. The Boston Gazette remarks:— 5 ‘ This habit of giving every civil and mili ,tary title to members was so inveterate, vhat we feared it would be difficult to do it away entirely, Republican as we are, and ever have been, still there was a vast fond ness for these destinations among us. These additions to names were placed on every re cord, and kept constantly in every mouth. It is recorded in the annals of an old church in the county of Essex, a century and a half ago, that this day Sergeant Jaquith hung the hell. In notes of that day, asking the pray ers of the congregation for any calamity or fNo t»tl» <>» iUo |jv* own was glVtJll*—- ir Corporal Fifidd desires your prayers for him, bound on a journey to Boston —being not quite an hundred miles. And on grave stones of the earlier days, the solemn epitaph of drummer such a one was seen.-’-’ it appears from a paragraph in a St. Lou is paper, that when the National Road, au thorised by Congress, from Washington to Missouri, and the other road, for which au thority has been obtained, from Missouri to the confines of Internal Mexico, shall be completed, there will be an unbroken road from Washington City to the city of Mexico, a distance of 3,300 miles. " Westward the Star of “ Learning “ takes its way.*.* We have received with equal pleasure and surprize, (says the Charleston Courier,) ■the scholastic exercise of the Transylvania University, in Lexington, Kentucky, on the visit of Gen. Lafayette to that recent, but •flourishing Institution.—Three Latin and -three English Odes, together with an ad dress in French, were among the salutations ottered to the Nation’s Guest by our breth ren of the, west, whose literary taste and talent we delight to acknowledge. We re ceived by the same mail, an address deliv ered at Nashville, on a similar occasion, by Win. G. Hunt, and we hail them all as creditable proofs of the existence of good folding and literary talent among the re cently founded cities of the Republic. Lafayette. —The gallant General was at Buffalo on Saturday lust, on his route to the Eastward. He was to leave on Sunday morning for the Falls, take the boat on Monday at Lockport, and after spending part of Tuesday at Rochester, endeavor to reach Rome by the canal on Thursday in the torenoon. It the necessary arrange-' mentswere made, he would proceed from Home to Steuben on the same day, to lay the corner stone of Baron Monu ment, after which he was to set out for Uti ca, wiiere he was expected in the evening. Orders had been issued at bead quarters for the uniform companies in Albany to' hold themselves in readiness, to pay milita .ry honors to the General, and other prepa ,rations were making to welcome him, on .Jus arrival in tnat city, which would proba bly be on the I lih insi. vVe are dticerely gratified to learn, says the Baltimore Morning Chronicle of toe 13Ui hist, that one d tne Trunks oeloii'f ing to General Lifayetle, which vvem flown with the Mechanic when sne sunk, na-. been reclaimed, and is now on its way to Boston, under the care of Jr. *Vaterhouse. It is to be hoped that tir.» trunk may con tain those ol the G. aeral’s papers whicn are most valuable to him. Milledgeville, June 21. A talk |a now holding with the friendly Indians at the Indian Spring. General Gaines, and we presume. Maj. Andrews, at tended it. Messrs. Seaborn Jones, War ren Jourdan, William H. Torrance, and William W. Williamson are present as commissioners on the part of this state. On Saturday next, a meeting of the hos tile party will be held at the Agency. The gentlemen aboye mentioned and the U. S. Commissioners, Messrs. Campbell and Merriwether, will attend it. Qen. Gaines is proceeding promptly in tl)e discharge of the duties of his mis ; sion. From his known prudence and firm ness we have every reason to expect that 1 the unhappy differences which have of late existed among the Indians vyill be speedily adjusted. Journal. ■ From the New-York Daily Advertiser. Latest fvom LugVanA. By the arrival of the ship Friends, Cap tain Warnock, in 30 days from Greenock, the editors of the New-York Daily Adver -1 tiser have received a file of Glasgow and Greenock papers to May 10, containing ! Liverpool dates of the 7th. London, May 7. Scarcely any transaction has taken place r this morning in either the British or Foreign ; markets. Consols for acct. 91J Paris, May 5. Rentes losf. 95c. 1 Mr. Villele is hard pressed in the Cham ber of Deputies, on the proceedings under M. Ouyrard’s contract. Letters from Trieste, Leghorn and other ! parts of Italy, state, that it is in contempla -5 tion to impose a quarantine of 40 days, on > vessels coming from England, on account of s suspected goods being admitted into Eng -3 land from Egypt and the Levant. Liverpool, May 7. 5 CoTTON.r~The advices received during f the week from the United States and Egypt - appear to have produced an unusual degree -of confidence in the opinion as to ihe limited , extent of the supply from these quarters; t the business in the market has however been 1 limited, and partial sales have been made at -a reduction of Jd. to |d. pec lb. We sup e pose speculators have taken SOOOfaags Anae - rican, and 1500 Brazils and Egyptian. . Sales 9730 bags ; imports, 27,900. i Cotton imported into Liverpool during f the first four months of 1824, 181,894 bags; e during the same time in 1825, 2J3,326 bags. ,- FRO.VI THE TIMES. r Free Trade. — The resignation - etuyemment by the Levant .Company, of r their exclusive Charter is a matter of noto y riety The particulars of the transaction 3 are less notorious, and the importance of it i but insufficiently appreciated. Tuesday, May 10th.—In the House of Commons on Friday evening, the 6th. The . discussion of the Catholic Relief Bill, in a ’ Committee of the whole House, took place, [j 0,1 the motion of Mr. Brougham, in the con tinued absence of Sir Francis Burdett. j Nothing of interest occurred, except that the j. Speaker took the opportunity to express his j known sentiments against the measure. The third reading comes on to night and Mr. ’ Peel has intimated that he would then again take the sense of the House on the question. New-York, June 11. ' Qen. Lafayette. —For a week past, the ) country from Albany to Buffalo has been in i a state of pleasing excitement and busy pre- J paration, in anticipation of the visit of Gen. t Lafayette, Every village paper contains 1 brigade and regimental orders from the of ficers of the militia, directing their different 1 corps to hold themselves jn readines to re • ceive the Nation’s Guest at a minute’s I; warning, and the village corporations are -j taking measures to pay him every civic - honor. The General arrived at Buffalo on 1 Saturday, and took lodgings with Gen. Ppr l .ter at Black Rock. He was to be in Roches l ter on Tuesday, an£ will probably reach Al - bany to- morrow, where the uniformed troops have been ordered by the Commander in Chief to receive him. He is to arrive in t Boston on the 16th, preparatory to the 3 Bunker Hill celebration, which is to take ' place oq the day following. *j \_Coin. Advertiser, I ! • —o*o© j > A bund of Indian Arabs, for so they may, i-be called, inhabit and annoy our American) •[deserts, obstruct the passage of, and plun-i i derthe caravans between the United Slates! r and Mexico. A trading company lately set’ • out from Mobile for Santa Fee, who were 1 • attacked while leaving the vicinity of the . latter place, where one man of the party, i capt, Glenn Oven, a respectable citizen was i killed, another wounded, and 170 mules taken. The only w yto check such inso lence is to go in sufficient numbers to over awe these Bedouins ol the American deserts. The Latter Day Luminary of last month, i ■ contains a table of 191 Baptist Associations I in the U S' Ues, embracing 3743 church- i es, in which there are 238,100 members, of i whom 2577 are ordained or licensed minis- ( :crs. During the past year, 13,057 persons 1 have been added to the churches by baptism, according to tin returns in the Minutes of \-sociitions received. The above is ex clusive of forty nine Associations, whose i Minutes were not received. COMMUNICATED. 1 A new Song property adapted to the sash- v ionable air of “ Hey for Bob and Joan,” * together with learned notes, and the au- 8 thors apology for not beinjj more sublime. Lads and lasses gay, You who want a fortune, Liston to my lay, It shall be no war-tune : Though the people’s mad ’Bout one thing or other, 1 Think they better had, u The dangerous fir*, smother.t CHORUS—Hey for J. S. peers, Hey for Lottery Tickets, Drive awny our cares us pi erl as Crickets. I Blood and strife I hate, Hive us peace and plenty, Then let’s try our fate, For a ten or twenty. Nay, perhaps for more, Thirty Thousand Dollars, May for half a score, Raise our heads and collars | Hey for J. S. Beers, dec. Then, egad, look out Belles and Beaux a laughing, Push the wine about, And let’s all be quaffing, Here’s u health to Bh.ERS, • fa He that sold the prizes, 'V Prove away our cares At this lucky crisis. Hey for J. S, Beerp, dec. Drive our carriage now Thirty Thousand Shiners, Make the haughty bo\T, % Shew their new filed grinders, What a noble span What a pretty lady >Vhat a pleasant man, W hat a rosy baby— Hey for J. S. Beers, What a happy pair, \V hat a stylish carriage Inmates free from care, Happy, happy marriage J jLads and Lasses then, Mind the chance that follows For a bill of Ten Thirty Thousand Dollars.— Hey for J. S. Beers* Hey for Lottery Tickets, Drive away our cares Make us piert as Crickets. APp]LOGY. Though I deal in rhym/s Never like the pathos Fishing for sublime Apt to catch the bathos— Therefore when I go a catting, Igo a catting * It has been hinted that this verse is grainatically defective, aad as I write for fame, and have the most profound veneration, for the public opinion, 1 do most cheerfully take this opportuni ty to remark, that those who object to it, on that or any other ac count, are, in my very submissive conception, a devilish deal top fastidious, and may mend it themselves. f The erect portion of a man’s bead, and the height of his shirt'collar, determines his wraith and consequent dignity, ntf. infallibly as my notes determine me to be a man of sound erudi tion, and extensive research. ♦ An Eastern poet says, “ whosoever sees money, lowers his bead, like the beam of the scales, which stoops, though it be made of iron.— Yesterday the Grand Jury found bills of indiot.r.ont ugalusc William Walker, Noah Doremus, Joseph Wade, James Buckland, Moses Parker, Cornelius Holly, Abraham Potts, and Thomas A. Rea, tor the MUR DER of Mr. David It. Lambert, on the night of the 3d of June. Walker is indict ed the principal, he being the person who is stated to have struck' the blow which caused Mr. L’s death ; the others as ac cessaries. On being arraigned, they al) pleaded “ not guHty.” The trial takes place on the 20th inst. before the' Court of Oyer and Terminer. Messrs. Emmet, Wjl kins, Anthon, Price, and Scott, have been engaged as counsel for the accused! [-V. Y. Evening Post, 1 Ith inst. The weather for the last three days, ob serves the New-York Gazette of the 11th inst, has been very warm. Yesterday i ternoonthe mercury of a thermometer pla- i ced in the shade rose to near 90 deg. The thermometer was four degrees high er at Norwich, (Conn.) on Wednesday the , Bth inst. than at any time during the whole \ summer of last year. I The Washington City Gazette havirm .stated that Com. Porter hail “demanded a Court Martial,’’has since contradicted that statement by t|ie following paragraph : i “ We were wrong, on Monday last, in saying that Com. Porter had demanded a court martial to decide on his case. A coart martial, we have good authority for stating, has been ordered, not at the re quest of the Commodore, but by the Ej.ecu tiue, who has notified him to that effect. i Masonic Munificence. —The Wilmington (Delaware) College was a tew days sineci offered for sale by the Sheriff of the county, j 1 Previous to the hour of sale, the amount ofj i the debt due, and,to satisfy which the sale 'was to have been made, was paid by a coin jmittee of the Masons of that borough. This i jone act is a most beautiful commentary up lon the philanthropic principles and liberal ( and enlightemoj views of this ancient andj worthy ajgMpßon. Mr. S'lmueJr’Douglas (brother of the house of J. and J. Douglas, of this place,) walked out early on Saturday morning, in perfect | health, and in the afternoon was found dead in an enclosed lot on the commons. His death was no doubt from a sudden visita tion of Providence.—Mr. Joshua Riddle, formerly an extensive merchant here, was J also found dead, on the same afternoon, on: the commons, about an hour after he left j his family in town. His death was proba bly owing to the same cause. {Alexandria Herald, 13lh inst. In Fourth-street, near Georges’-street, on f hu'-siiay last, a fa' hog drank freely of cold water and dropped instantly dead It was opened soon after, and the fat which was abundant on, and about the heart, was found cold and hard as cold melted mutton suit. [Phil, Press. To Correspondents. “CROAKKR." will appear in our next. j DieD, At his residence on Staten Island, N. Y. on Saturday last, af ter a lung and pajnful illness DANIF.L D. TOMPKINS. F.tq. late Vice President of the United Stales, in the 51 si. year of his uge. %* The of the several Lodges in Augusta, and the transient Members of o'her Lodges, are invited to attend a Masonic pro cession in Hamburg THIS MORNING, at 9 o’- clock. By order of the I.odge. Kobt Anderson, Sec'y. June 24 it (£j° Having understood, that an individual, claiming the privileges of Hienshtp, has, at the instigation of others, timatened the des traction of property on the Sind Hills, under my controul as Trustee, j[ take this mode of dissuading that persop from Ills purposed outrage. 1 would suggest to that individual thst he now lives in u Land of Laws, and if he, or any one else, thinks, that, by encjosing a spring upon the Hill, 1 have interfered with a public right, the law is the proper tribunal fur redress against me. Bad indeed, must that pause be, which requires the band ot violence to sustain it. It has also, been said, with a view qf intimida ting 1 presume, “that the enclosure of the spring wifi be the occasion of blood shed." 1 should re gret extremely, a controversy of any kind with any one, but, when necessary, | shall be found prompt to defend either my own, or the rights of others under my protection. Henry L. Sims. N. B. No one has, or will be denied water from the spring, provided the servants sent for it, be have they have not <1 tin- with propriety. 4iA >sr o.'’J-tijas, 11HE undersigned respnrduily lenders his ser . vices to his friends and the public as an At torney at Law. Any business winch may be en trusted to'him, will be faithfully attended to. He will be found at the office of William Jackson, E«q tlity Hull, between the hours of 8 and 1, A. M. and 3 and 7, P. M. Andrew J. Miller. June 24 ;* iu4 TAKb.V PROM the back part of the house belonging to .lames Fraser, E-.q. In Ellis-street, a Liquor ’ ase, with fiuttles—the case had been just painted mahogany color, and being put out to (by was ta ken off. Whoever will return it In the placi from whence it was taken, or leave it at the Au gusta Bookstore, or give information of it, so that the owner gets it, slipli receive a reward if re quired, together with the owner’s thanks. June 24 104 Beware ot* to’wmdVers l U ON the 29th of January last, my black woman named PBGtiY, was enticed away from me. hy Samuel Townsend, Patrick Monroe, Joseph Ojrxton and others ; was harboured and concealed by the said Samuel I ownsend, and taken into his possessipn under pretence of obtaining her free do n; and on the I7tb of March la-t, was carried off by tlte above named Joseph Orston, who goes in the capacity of a pedler. Said Peggy is now in the 17th year of her age, of middle size, about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, handsomely built, of yellow complexion, very li ely, familiar, and ve ry free spoken Site sometimes calls herself Peg. gy Hagin, and has of l»V pretended to say that she was free bow). Peggy may be known by any one who converse with Iter, by her telling who has raised her, and of her leaving her child be hind, whose name ia Eliza. It is supposed that she is sold, or concealed in some part oi the country. Any person finding where she is, ami giving information bv letter, directed to the’sub scriber, living in Barnwell District, or to Mr Isaac Frazier, in Columbia, S. C, shall receive a reward of twenty-five dollars; and if the said Orston and Peggy be found together, and appre ■tended, so that the villains can be brought to justice, any person or persons, so apprehending, them, shall receive a.reward of tiltv dollars. fts. W. Kearsey. (fj* La-ch publisher of a newspaper )n the states of North ami bnuth-Cafoliiia and Georgia, is requested to insert the above advertisement in tln ir respective papers, once a week for three w. eks, and forward their accounts either to Mr. Isaac Frazier, in Columbia, or to the subscriber in Barnwell Uisnct, S C. 3. \v. K. ■lime 17, 1825. 3t F \o^ & Wanted at this office, a youth, from 15 to 16 years of age, of industrious habits. a« an apprentice to the Printing Business. Jlnne 24 104 £>■ Mr. W illiam Uuvx, will act as my attorney during my ahse toe from tnis state A (yardedle. June 21 3t 103 £/* Henry L. Sims, has removed his office to the room above store No odl, up per corner leading to the Planter’s Hotel. June 21 3t 103 Practice ot M.evVicii\e. subscribers have formed a coni..■-•unit p IL the Practice ot Medicine. Their Office is on Cen're-Street, next door t«< General Fonrnoy’s- M. Antony, 1 P. Garvin. June 21 tu3 fcurvvt>jor*B Louvpasscs. JUfeT RECEIVED, A supply of V ry sup I iorfve and sir inch Jloiii us Compasses andfor sale hy Horace Ely. June 17 6t 102 uaarnmmtmmmammmmimmmmmyu Tuesday 2»Bth in&t WILL BE SOLD, Without Reserve, ft} ft. XXCQAIET. BARRELS GIN, TMggm 11 Hhds Whiskey, 12 Barrels do 1U Hhds. Hum, 15 do Molasses, 40 Bags and 3 Barrels Coffee, 3 Boxes Prunes, —also— -16 Bales white Shirting, 50 Pieces 42 inch Gotten Dagtjlnp [ 10 do Sacking, **' f ALS— O-1000 Bushels Corn, ALS— O-25 Boxes Sugars, 8 Cases Glass Ware, —also— -50 Barrels Flour, 1 erms liberal and declared at sale, I • l|l " p 2* 2t 104 corn; 1 BUSHELS Beach Island CORN. FOU SALE BY ' B. H. Warren. ■ Tu,lt> 2 > at un , irB3SkM)(B BARRELS Whiskey OhßmW ‘* l, ° Clicks Salt, 50 Bbls. White’s Baltimore Gin ' 20 Boxes I.oaf Sugar, SO Barrels Matanzus Sugar, i 5 Hhds. prime do. do. ’ 10 Hhds prime Matanzas Molasses, B 5 Quarter casks superior Port Wine, Xn SioTe, And/or aide by ! Win. H. Egan. ON THeTriVER, And expected per next Georgia Steam Boat. ft Beal Old .1 Bale Seine Twine, 20 Bbls. N. E Rum, Which will be sold low on the Wharf, to close a consignment, •lune 21 2t 103 «<S© BARRELS Whiskey, 100 do N. Gin, 20 Hhds. Sugar, 20 Bags Coffee, 20 Bbls. Loaf Sugar, t 2 Hhds. Jamaica Rum, 2 Pipes Cognac Brandy, 30 Bbls. Flour, 1 Bale Oznaburgs, . 20 Hhds. Molasses, Received on Consignment, and for sale by Wra. H. Egan. 1 June ?1 3f 103 At the new Confectionary, JVo. 157— 3 d door be low the City-Hotel, A SODA w,ater Fountain is in full operation - at the above establishment, where it will be constantly kept during the season. ICE CREAM Will be ready every evening at 4 o’clock. Jung 21 4t 103 <KoUce. I HA VE lost or mislaid a Due Hill which I gave to Mr. John H. Mann, for Fifteen Hundred Dollars, some time in April last, which was short ly afterwards taken up by m*—the public are therefore' cautioned against trading for it. A. Himoiinet. CCT The Due Bill above referred to, was taken up by Mr. Simonnct, as stated. John H. Mann. June 17, 1H25 3t 102 otice. ON the first Saturday in July next, the Cit* Council will proceed to the Election ot a CITY SURVEYOR.—Persons, wishing this ap pointment, ’will hand their applications to the Clerk, on or betoie 10 o’clock of that day. By ot der of Council , (ieo. M. Walker, Cl’lc . June 21 4 103 NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the est ate of John Ca rutheue, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber, and those ' having claims against the said estate, are required to present ihem (Inly attested in the form and vilbin the time prescribed by law. Richard U. Wilde, Jidm’r. June 17 12l 102 Foil sale; fjtl I I’ll EU toge her or separately, four Lots and A improvements, on Broad-Street at present -ecupied by Messrs. John Camobell, John Beach, I. (Sc G. W Huntington and B Pyne, all well idapteil and eligibly situated lor business. If not sold before the lOtb Inly next, they will be rent. :d tor the year, commencing the first October next. Augustus Moore, , _ 4 Cashier . June 21 IQ3 ’"for hale, “ pair of Iron Screws, for compressing i Cotton , together with the Frame, which will be sold very low. Apply to Wm. J. Wood. Treasurer Steam-Boat Cumoanv June 21 9t x'J3 ‘