Newspaper Page Text
Will be sol i (i„ u lifii I u ■-day in July next, at
the M irk I Him ' in the city of be
tween the u-ual o hirs of sale.
Six Negroes, viz: Charles Gil
beit, N.i icy, Gahr - I Wi Imm, .limit y, and Biddy
lev.ed o i as the property of A. Rhodes, to sad
fy u fi fa. on foreclosure of a mortgage, Airier
son Wilkins vs s*id A. Rhodes
Term. C isli Bankable money—purchasers pa
for lilies.
PeterF. Boisclair, Shift. Rc.
Mav fi F 9' l
Will (, • ,|1 mHi • -6. i i > .1 i y nex ,at Hi
laic resi 1-nce > li in r i Hti. d c awd
All the perishable property of
said deceased, Co of Horses, Carle. Hog
House hold and Kiicheo Furniture, the crop t
Corn a"d Cotton, now growing on -aid Tipton’,
plantation, together with sundry other articles
too numerous to mention—sold as the property
of Reuben Tipton, d ceased, for the benefit of
the lieirs tnd creditors of said deceased.
Terms made know •. the day of ale.
Kzckiel Lester, Ad n’r.
Time 7. DDS 8 r 101
Administrator's “Sale.
Will he sold on the fii i i nesd.ay m August next,
ai the Court-House, In Waynedtorough, by or
der of the Honorable the Coitr of Ordinary :
Seven. Negroes, viz: Monday,
Hen, larad, Pegg, l nry, Jim and Arch belo g
ing to the estate of Gotten Merritt, deceased,
and to he add for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said 'crease 1
Comfort Merritt, AdmWx.
Hu -kt C ■> 1 (S - ■ lit T 91
Administrator’s Sale.
Will he sol 1 nn the fir -I I’ue - lay in August next.
a( 'h • 0 mrl House in Franklin county, at the
ttsn 1 hours :
One Negro, named Randal, of
the Kt'ate of William Edwards, deceased, sold in
order to make a division among the heirs of said
deceased. —• I’erois made known on the day of
George Stovall, Adm’r.
May 24, 182? lot r 97
Administrator’!-) Hale.
Will he Slid on he first I’uevday in July next, a
the Cup t-Hoiii>, in the town of Waynesbor
out'll, Rnrke County, within sale hours, agree
aid- loan order obtain-d frc m thtir Honors
the Justices of the Inferior Court, while sit
ting f -r Ordinary pu'pose-
Four Negroes, viz : David and
Saber his wife —Mill, and hi- wife Jude j sold »
the properly of William Royal, deceased, for sh,
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said T.s
Benjamin Guest, Adm’r.
Mav 4. 1825 ’ 7t r 95
Administrator’s Sale.
On die fir-a I uosday in JtTy next, at the Ma
k< I House in the City of Augusta, at the usual
hours, will he sold ;
The Lot and improvements on
Hroa-I street, n mting the Planers’ Hotel. Tin
properly of the late M. C I.davensworth, and
anld by order of (he Honorable the Inferior Cour
of (he c-m-ity of Richmond, for the bem fit of tin
heirs and creditors
Samuel Hale, Adin’r.
Mav 4 r 90
Sheriff s Sale
Will be sold on tin first I'uesd.iy in July next,
at the Cour.-House, in the town of Wayneiibi -
rough, Bti-ke county, within sale hours—viz : 1
Three Negro Girls, viz. Susan, i
I,tine and El-zabe li, levied on as r.e property nt
I.cwis Ityne, to smi- y sundry small ffts, issued
from a Magistrate*.'- Court, in favor L. 15. Marsh. .
Ex-cuh-r of Jane Mennett, deceased, vs. Lewis
llyne and others.
John T. Forth, s. n c.
May 30 p 98
Sin riff’s Sale.
Will be sold ii" it ti-si I'ucndiy in July next at
the Court-HoMse, in the town of ’ Wayitesbo. '
roug l , llurke County, within sale hours viz;- a
Two hundred and thirty across of \
pine 1..0,1, nn' same .mii-e or k-ss, adjoining I
Lauda d William fhompson anil others, levied \
on as the property of Joseph Daniel, to satisfy
nn execution in favor of Charles Kimball, return
ed to me by a constable.
At so—
One Negro Man named Dave,
levied on as the property of Stephen V\. Blount, i
satisfy sundry small executions in favor <d Janie -
Anderson, vs. S. W. Blount, and I). B. Brodnax, <
returned to me by a constable. <
Nine Negroes, viz. Mat, Cherry, ]
Alfa, diaries, .Inn. Willie, l.ucrtlia, Prince a- d
Sophia, levied on as die properly ot John Har
rail, to satisfy two Executions in favor ot the Ad
mini«tr*tors ot Mutt J mes, deceased, vs. John
Harrall and the Administrator of William Gwimi,
John T. Forth, s. n. c.
Mat 28 5t r 98
N otice.
AGKRKABLK to an order of the Honorable
I ii'erinr lour: <>t Jelferson County, while
aim.ig .or U dinary purposes, will be sold nt th
Market linn- , in the town of Louisville, on th ■
first M today i" July n< x ,
A Tract of Land, containing one
hniidr>-d wen y nine anil a had acres, It ig rn
the water- n Black Jack Creek, in said county,
adjoining lan,is of Eas - t and K nnedy, mili! f.-i
the benefit of ,1 isish -S Patterson, a minor
Vlary (’lements. t’Uardian.
A pV»I 9 .» !■’ I >4
c\ 1,1. persons to whom at. late Francis Jlouye
of the city of Augusta, dec, ased, is indebt
C il i-e requested to present their demand.- will
in th ume prescribed oy law j and those mleb
cd, are requested l<> make immediate paym nt
B. Bonyer, } .. ,
Paul Rossiguol, J) " l 1 s
December 21 51
An Ordinance
Regulating the. Mooring of Hauls at the What vet
Sec. 1. He it o> Joined by the City Council r.
Augusta, that from and after the publishing
ins Ordinance, no empty boat having less tha
.me able and competent men on board at a
lines, shall be permitted to fasten to, or and',
at, any place opposite the city above Hie Bridg.
•r more Ilian four days unless when securely fas
med with a si,niig chain or cable at least fift
eet in length to a growing tree, not lets tlu
welve inches in diameter, and that in the even
1 a considerable rise in the River, such era;-*-
host, not lasiened as aforesaid, shall be immedi
lely removed below the Bridge.
2 Each boat engaged in lading or unlading
.-inng a high river, shall have at least four aid
nen constantly on board, and shall be secure 1
astened or anchored, in such a manner as to pro
nt her swinging or drifting on the Whs if,
3. the City Marshal, or any other officer oi
Council shall have, and they are hereby xc. >lei
wiih power, and are required, to remove or cam i
1 -> be removed, at the risk and expense of tin
owner, to some place below the Bridge, any boa
or boats, which may he neglected by the owne,
or agent , find for each boat so removed the olfi
cer shall be entitled to ten dollars, to be receiv
ed from the boat owner, in the same rammer a:
nlner expenses incurred in the removal.
4. I'ne owner or owners of any and every bon 1
shall be liable to a fine, at the discretion of Coin
ed, not exceeding two hundred dollars, for earl
and every violation of this Ordinance, and shall
moreover repair all damages done to the Wbarve
or Bridge in consequence of such violation.
Hone in Council, the sth January, 1825,
R R. Reid,
Mayor of the city oj Augusta
Uy the Mayor
Cko M, Walker, Clerk.
A .ri 22 86
Seventy Second Section General
IP shall be the duly ot all and every person o;
- persons occupying a Lot or part of a Lot it,
■us City, to remove from his, her nr ilteit Premi
•es, at the times herein prescribed, all decaye
md decaying vegetable and animal substances
and in general every Hi; g lending to corrupt
the air, a id place the same in the -tree! oppo
site to his, t>er or their Lot, twenty leet be
y -nd its b«u- dary line. The above mentioned
duty to be performed before Nine o’clock in (In
Morning ;
District No. 1, on Mondays and Thursdays.
District No. 2, on Tuesdays and Fridays,
District No. 3, on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
It is particularly requested that filth shall not
be thrown out ui any other time
Hy older of the Street Committee.
May 20 94
F |IIIE loiiowiug arc Die Stationary Committee
I. of Conner tor the year ending the secon
Monday in April, 1826;
On City Hall.- Messrs. Thomas, Warren, Hale
On Police. Hale, Dillon, Pliomas.
On Hospital —J Moore, Mol inshead, Bowdre.
On Hoads. —Bowdre, Oi Mon. Hale.
On Accounts. —Hate, A. Moore, J. Moore.
On Hirer Hank anti IVharf —A. Moore, J.
Moore, Daiifnrili, Bowdre.
On Streets Bowdre, Dillon, Warren.
On tail. -Warren, Danforth, Thomas.
On /trains. Danforth, Hale, J. Moore.
On Humps —Warr- n, |)anf -rill, A, Moore.
On Magazine. Dillon, Holfinshead,
Published hy order of Council
Geo. M. Walker, Cl’k.
May 20 94
Receiver’s Notice.
IWILI. the Office of the Clerk of]
the Mayor’s Court in (he City Hall, ever-
Monday commencing on the 6th day ol Ju-.r
next, until the first day of August, to receiv
ihi- returns of the taxable property of such pet
sons as have not had an opportunity to mak
heretofore- And all persons who do not mak
tln ir return previous to the first of August wii
he subject 10 taxation as a deh-uher.
M. F. Boisclair, r. t. r. u. c.
'lay 31 97
Vhft DoWavs IWwartV.
0 RAN A WAY from the sub-
X&y -Ciiber, on Hie 27-,- May lasi, a lie-
KrT gro man by Hie -u-me of
sIL to m,
well k. w ■ as Tom l.amar, about six feel big 1
stout made, very dark round (he eyes and di et
in the head, rather down look ; he is well know,
in this place and Savannah, lie has been a boat
hand for a number of years.—Any information
will be thankfully receiv d
John S. Coombs.
June 10 v 1<)0
Fifty Dollars Reward,
Wu.i. be given lor the apprehension and con
finemen of the following Negroes, so 1
can get then), who left my plantation in Greene
County, on the 10111 ult. DICK, a large h!«ck
fellow, he is upwards of six feet and very stun 1
he has a piece cot off one of Ins -ars—l slnml-l
suppose him to be about twenty five years old.
ISAAC, a mulatto lellow, about twenty, has a
scar on his unde- lip, ah -in five feet, eight inch
es high, and S PEP MEN, an Vfrican fellow, ah in
3(J .ears old, and about the size of the above b-o
Any person who will apprehend and ennfim
the above mentioned Negroes in any Jail shah
he paid the abovt reward, or in proportion for
|my one of them. 1 calculate they are ahou
\ugusla or Savannah, or they may he in Han
cock, as Hick has a broth, r - Mr Hugh Tax lor*-'
M illiani G. Grimes.
iO" Tbe Savannah Geo-gin,l. is reqm ste I to
inser the ab -v - lour times, ami forward the ac
coin-l ,0 Ho- tfice.
' I' ’5 6' 99
GEORGIA, Scriven County
JOHN RAW I.S ot Capt James I*. Povthress'
District, Fulls before me a sorrel Ki-ly, three
ars old, no -rand or mark perceivable, apprai- I
d by X'ilhain t.ross ami Willi* Taylor, at fittec I
iohars. this 23d April, 1825.
R. D. M-KINNPY, j. v.
extract from the Estray Hook thi 77l' 1 May, 1825
Seaborn (iomlall. 1 I'k.
vuv Sa\e or Hive,
» Ncgr- Woman, a go.-I Cook, - Washer am
*■». Irouer. For particu -■ »•>txly t--
William Mackic.
February 22 ts 69
Monthly Advertisements.
N otice.
NflNB months after date, application will b*.
jM made to the Court of Ordinary of Franklin
•iinty, for leave to sell one hundred Acres o(
■-a id, in said County, as the property ot Adam
’-'■in, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs and
creditors of said deceased
John E. Carson, adm’r.
N otice.
jsJWINE months after date application will be
made to the Honorable Inferior Court oh
'oltimbia County, when setting as a Court of Or
unary for leave to sell 202 1-2 acres of Land ly
£ in the 2d District of Monme County, Lot No
-08, it being the real estate of William Smalley,
i leceaaeil, and to be sold for the benefit of the
neira and creditors of said deceased.
James Smalley, Adm’r.
January 4. 1825 lm9m 57
IS otice.
jkSfINF- months after date, application will be
An! made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
if Richmond County, when sitting for Ordinar
tnrposes, for leave to sell one half of four and
'hree quarters acres of Land, in said County
'(joining lands of Ware and Coleman, fur the
I benefit of Seaborn Skinner, minor.
Livingston Skinner,
Sept. 11, 1824, 1 m9m 23
N otice.
months after date, application will bf
1 si made to the Honorable the Justices of (h
_ nferior Court getting for ordinary purposes, for
he county of Burke, for leave to sell all the real
es'ate of Stephen Chance, late of Burke county,
deceased, (nr the benefit of the heirs and credi
tors of said deceased.
Mnry Chance, Adm’x,
Joseph Chance, Adm’r.
Hurke county 8n 6 1824 fm9in 22
N otice.
IrSjflNK months afer date, application will b<
i A'J made to the Honorable Court of Ordinal'}
• Columbia (bounty, for leave to sell all tin
real estate belonging to the orphans of Sarmu
Sullivan, deceased, and also, an undivided trai i
at Land, lying in Columbia County, belonging
to said orphans, and to M- linda Jones, a Minor.
1 John Cartlidge,
Gum dt ini of said Orphans
Polly Jones,
Guardum o/ M hnda Jones.
May 25 I 9m 95
JN otice.
OfjjMNK months after date, application will be
JM made, to the honorable Inferior Court o!
Richmond County, for leave to si II the undivided
I "*h of Tenement No 7, Bridge Bow—also, tw<
mimproved lots Corner of Elbert and Reynold
streets, lor the benefit of Margaret P. Bones, a
John Bones, Guardian.
Octrbor n i IS 1 Im9 '
N otice.
AIhVK months aftor rlufe. applinalion ivilt h
« -I made to the Honorable the Justices ol tin.
mlerior Court of said cm ,ty, when silting f.
Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the whole ot
•c real Estate of Irvin Boyet, deceased, la>e ol
aid county, for the benefit of the heirs and cn ■
htors of said deceased.
James Lambert, ) ,
Kdward Boyet. 5 rs '
Scriven r oinv ■*. > * 2 : > 1225 lm9m 62
jW’INK months afterdate, application will b *
L v made to the Honora tie Court of Ordinary ui
Columbia county, for leave to sell two tracts o i
Land in said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek
one containing 318 acres joining Pollard, Pullin
md others, the other containing 172 acres joimitj <
I .uke and others, it being a part of the real eslat
d Thomas Jones, dec ased, sold (dr the benefi
if the heirs ol said dt c ased.
William Booker, Adm’r.
In i iffhl of his wife,
Jammrv 25, 1825. Im9m 61
JN otice.
months after date, application will hi
IN made to the Honorable the Inferior Cour
>f IBcli nond county, while silting for Ordinar. 1
'imposes. for leave to sell a Lot in the City J
Utgusta, bounded by Elhs and Houston streets,
belonging roHbe estate of Michael Silver! de
ceased, for the beneliit of the heirs and creditor?
>1 said estate. r j
Andrew J, Dill, adm’r. i
JNathan Leeds, adm’r.
in right of his wife, I
Mary Leeds, adm’rx. t
Augusta, Prb-uar. 11,1825 1m9.;, a
— , a
j s otice.
.yt INK months utter dote, application will b<
nmile to the Honorable the Court of Ordio
ft <•( Columbia County, tor leave to sell 222 a
r s of Land, lying in Coin nbta County, on tin
waters of tin- big Kiokee Creek, adjoining Lamb "
" Hamilt Graves and others, to be sold for the
’eitefii of the heirs '>f James Martin, deceased. j
Robert Martin, adm’r.
November 8. 1824 lir.9tn 40 s
:N Otice.
NINE months after date, application will be s
made to the Honorable the Justices of the -
i -tenor Court ol Franklin County, when sitting
or Ordinary (im poses, tor leave to sell the real ,
“,'tate ot J thn Gettings, late of said county, de- j
a-ed, tor the heirs and creditors of said de- !
John Settings, adm’r.
Aorll 12. 18.'5 lm9m 87
JN otice. ,(
•kNfINK months alter dale, application will be
made to the Honorable tile Interior Court, of '
Burke County, when fining lor Ordinary purpo
. >c‘, for leave to sell the undivided part of the
real ! state ot Lewis Emanuel, deceased, for the .
lenefitof Hie iicirs and creditors of said deceas t
ed, s
Jona. Lewis,
Surviving Administrator de bonis non.
Darke county, March 7, 1825 lm9.n 75
' Notice.
_ ITNIINE months after date, application will bi
made to the Inferior Court of Columbii
i County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, so
i, eave to sell 235 acres of Land, (in said County
,( belonging to the estate of William R. Crabb, de
r , ceased.
John Kennon, adm’r.
N-vember 6, 1824 lm9m 40
N otice.
- months after dale, application will be
AM made to the Honorable the Inferior Cour
, if Columbia county, for leave to sell a tract ol
j Land in said county of 105 1 2 acres, joining
Murray, Ray and others, it being part of the real
estate of William Binion, deceased.
Peggy, Binion, adm’rx.
March 1«, 1825 1 .9*m 75
N otice,
■jNIINE months after date, application will be
AM made to ilia Honorable the inferior Court ol
the county of Franklin, while sitting for ordinary
purposes for leave to sell the real estate of I hum
* s D- Jordan, late of said county, deceased.
Robert Pulliam, Adm’r.
December 18 18 1 ],, g 4)
JN otice.
WjflNß months after date, application will be
nude to the Honorable the Justices of the
Interior Court of Scriven County, when sitting
fur Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a certain
tract or parcel of Land tontaining two hundred
two and an half acres, situated lying and being
in the thirteenth District of Henry County, Ga
and known and distinguished in the plan of said
District by the number eighty, (80) the whole of
the real Estate of Sarah Callaway, deceased, late
I said County, for the benefit of the Heirs and
) creditors of said deceased.
Samuel Doughty, adm’r.
Scriven County h. 25 Ih.o ludhit 72
N otice.
NINE months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the interior Court
. id Burke County, when sitting for Ordinary pul
i' >ses, tor leave to sell the real estate ol Wriley
'laiiberry, (Minor,) deceased, for the benefit o)
the heirs and credi ors of said deceased.
Jona. Lewis, adm’r.
Hurke county, Main. 7 1825 lm9 1, 57
\JdNL months after date, application will be
i." made to the Justices ot the Inferior Cour
d franklin County, when sitting fur Ordinary
u poses, for leave to sell the real Estate of Da.
d Clark, deceased, fur the heirs and creditors
t ‘aid deceased.
Thos. Mays, ex’r.
y ■’ ’’ I»3S 1 , Or. 87
N otice.
NINE months alter dale, application will be
ade to the Justices of the Interior Court
n Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary
ttrp >ses, for leave to sell the real estate of Star
ing Pri’Cfor, n Minor.
James R. Raley, Guardian.
April ' ' 18 ! 5 ! 9 m gy
J'\ otice.
NfINE months after da, c application will bi
* 1 maue to tne notiora.-i-ai,«' uourt or ,j P( jir
ry of Btn ke county, for leave to sell the real Es
'ate of Enoch Farmer, d-'ceaed.
John Farmer , adm’r.
flu ke County, FO. 1 1825 Lu9m 65
\, Burke County,
liy the Honorable the Court oj Ordinary of Burks
To all whom it may concern.
WHEREAS William Sapp and Phenicy Sapp,
?T administrator and administratrix, on the
estate of Philip Sapp, late of said county, de
-eased, have applied to this Court for letters Ui
The?e are therefore to cite and admonish ah
md singular the kindred and crednors ol the said
deceased, to file their objections (it any Jhei
mve) in the office of the Clerk of said C urt, on
• r before the first Monday in January hext, other
wise letters Dirmissory will be granted to their,.
Witness the H u.vrable Aft- n Pemberton, one
°^^ us 1 ices 0< saici Court, tins 7 1 li March,
T J Samuel Sturges. Cl’k.
Os the Coirt of 0> lit‘^ry
GKOIUtIA, Burke County.
Hi the Hon. the Court of Ordinary oj said County.
WHEREAS Abraham Danforlh in right o)
» » his wife, and Augustus H. Anderson, ad
ministrators on the estate of Elisha Anderson,
deceased, have applied to said Court for letters
Now therefore, these arc to cite and admon
ah all and singular the kindred and creditors of
the said deceased to file their objections (if anj
they have) in the office of the clerk of this Court’,
on or before the fi Ist Monday in January next,
otherwise letters dismissory will be granted.
Witness the Honorable James Tot ranee, one
of the Justices of said Court, this 7tb da\
of March, 1825.
tN Samuel Sturges, Clerk
of tne Court oj (hrlinavy,
GEORGIA, Burke County.
lly the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of said County.
'TFWHEREAS James Anderson, Executor of the 1
VaK# Estate of Elisha Anderson, deceased, ar
us Testamentary Guardian of Virginia C. A ode
son, has applied lu said Court for letters Uismis 1
Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish '
all and singular the kindred and creditors of the
said deceased, to file their objections (if any the\
have) in the office of the clerk of this Court, oi 1
or before the first Monday in January next, other
wise letters dismissory wi 11 be granted.
Witness the Honorable James Torrance, one of [
the Justices of said Court, this 2d Mav lfc’2s
6m Samuel Marges, Clerk
of the Court of 0 dtnaryt
JN otice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Cotton
Merritt, deceased, are requested to render
their accounts in properly attested, within the 1 1
time prescribed by law, and those indebted to •
said estate will make immediate payment to
Comfort Merritt, Admr’x.
Burke County, May 3, 1825 I3t r 91
Georgia, liurJce County.
)t Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1825
> a r|KI)GItBU, That all applicaiions hereafter to
ji VF be made for Letters of Guardianship, o
0 Minors under the age of fourteen years, shall be
e- notified to the Clerk at least twenty days before
the term of the Court at which such application
is to be acted on by the Court. And that tlje ap
nlicant or applicants shall obtain from the Cl»rk
-a notice in writing, which shall be posted at the
Court Housy door, at least twenty days before the
term at which the application is to be acted on
ie signifying his or their intention to make such ap!
r' plication.—Obdebed, That in case the right of
0 Guardianship occur within twenty days before
g the meeting of the Court as above expressed
*1 the Court will exercise its discretion as to the
course to be pursued.
A true extract from the Minuter,
Samuel Sturges, Cl’/c.
April 12 lm4m 81
e ~ ——
ii GEORGIA, Scriven County,
y W HE B E^ S Geor S' Pollock, Administrator
1 w-n ’! le ll “nnexed, of tlie Estate of
'Villiam Boothe, deceased, and also administrator
.( the Esiute of Mary Boothe, deceased. And
William H. Wade, administrator de bonis non of i
the Estate of George M. Henderson, deceased,
each applies for letters Dismissbry.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
; and singular the kindred and creditors of the i
said deceased's, to file their objections in this of. 1
r hce, on or before the first M mday in August
, next, ensuing, to shew cause (if any they have!
1 why letters Dismissory should not be granted to
r the applicants.
Given under my hand at office in Jacksonbo.
1 this 28th day of January, 1825.
r 6 m Seaborn Goodall, cl’k.
I GEORGIA, Richmond County.
By the Honorable the Cowl of Ordinary of the
county of Richmond
To all whom it may concern.
SjTW.IEKEAS Nathan H, Beal, administrator,
VS# de boms non, on the estate of Hezekiah
' l |f ceas ed, late of said county, has applied
to tins Court for Letters Dismissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of the
deceased, to file their objections (if any thev
have) m the office of the Clerk of said Court on
or before the first Monday in November next
him WISC etters Dismiss o‘'y will be granted to
Witness the Honorable Samuel Hale, one of
the Judges of said Court, this 12th day of
April, 1825. y
fi ,n Isaac Herbert, Cl’k.
GEORIiIA, Richmond County.
Ry the Court of Ordinary for said County,
VST'IIEHEAS It. John Meigs and Robert Di.
T " inon, Administrators, de bonis non, on the
estate of Jesse Dimon, deceased, late of said
County, have applied to this Court for letters
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of the said
deceased, tn file their objections (il any they have)
in the office of the Clerk of said Court on or be
fore the first Monday in June next, otherwise let
ters Dismissory will he granted to them.
Witness the Honorable Samuel Hale, one of the
Judges of s«.d Court, this 26ih day of No
vember, 1824.
olu Isaac Herbert, cienc,
Q/ the Can' t of Ordinary
GEORGIA, franklin County.
VV r *• Pl'hxVS John Evans, applies for Letter
T ▼ Dismissory, on the estate ot William Cham,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors ot the
said deceased, to file their objections in my of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they have) why saul Letters Dis
m ssory should not be granted to him.
Given under my hand at office in Franklin, this
Bth day of Dec' inber, 1824.
6m Frederick Beall, Clerk.
GEORGIA, Set iven County.
\FWtIEUEAS Ihos. W. Oliver, Administrator
s#er of the estate ami effects, and James uli.
ver, deceased, late of said County, applies for
letters Dismissory.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of the^
said deceased to file their ob jections (if any they y
have) in the office of the Clerk of said Court, on 7
r before the first Monday in November next,
nherwise letters Dismissory will be granted to
Given under my hand at office in Jacksonbo
rough, this 25'b day of Aon]. 1825
6m .Seaborn Goodall, CVk.
GEORGIA, I'i'uukltli County.
WHEREAS Samuel lb wer Adm’r. am) Han
nah Tate Adm’rx. allies for Letters of
D smissory on the estate of William Tate, dec
Ihese are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of the
■aid deceased, to file their objections m my < ftke
within the time prescribed by law, to she w cause
(it any they have) why said letters of Dismissory
should i t of be granted to them. J
G yen under my hand at office in Franklin, this
<th day o( March, 1825
6m Frederick Beall, CVk. i.
Ki Ro I A, Hctivni County.
WiEREAS Jacob M'Gowin, applies for let
lers of Administration de bonis non, on the
L .ne and effects of John M’Gowin, late of said
C un y, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of the
said deceased, to file their objections in the office
of the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of said
County, within the time prescribed by law to
'hew cause tis any they have) why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office in Jacksonbc
rough, this 27'h day of April, 1825.
6m Seaborn Goodall, CVk.
rpilE subscriber on Thursday or Friday last
JL in Augusta or on the road leading to \V ynes
borough, dropped from Ins pocket apioimssory
note drawn by Thomas Hatcher and Jonah H.
Hotelier, payable n Jnsiah Mathew or bearer'
land endorsed by Fielding Fryer, for the sum oi
§IOO, Dae Ist January 1824
| Tlie public are heteby caoHoned from receiving
' 'fie same m trade or nth rwise. and the under
signed will be thankful smi will reward the fin
der upon returning it to him should he require it.
W in. Ligou.
Waynesborovgh, June 6 3t T