The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, June 28, 1825, Image 1

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    1 “ Mgny 6f lli»i political evils, under which every Country in the world labours, arc not owing to any want oflove for our Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.”-- —pIIIKSTLY
' ' —' : j
Ctje Caustttuttonaltst
iambss & atAiaaiU
No. 164 Broad Street,
j 11 twb this VUecelveA
j summer clo thins,
which will be disposed of low, tor cash.
May 20 ■ 94
YLOCtt. and LIAIE7
r. ARTIELS Fresh North
•K’lWStßsh 250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of J
a superior quality just received and for sale at
No. 308, Broad Street, by
Thomas S. Metcalf.
' May 2 7 9t>
At the new Confectionary, No. 157—3 d door be
low the City Hotel,
r 4 SODA water Fountain is in full operation
*»- at the above establishment, where it will be
L constantly kent during the season.
h| Will be ready every evening at 4 o’clock.
■ June 21 4t 103
«N* olice.
Jk d"VN f' ie rst Saturday in July next, the City
» \Jr Council wl.l proceed to the Election of a
Merry SURVEYOR,—Persons wishing this ?.p
--■Stoointmenl, will hand their applications to the
TOplerk, on nr befoi e 10 o’clock of that day.
Mi By order of Council,
g Geo. M. Walker, Cl’k.
fjm June 21 4,. 103
'R "tp 11 HER tog her or separately, four Lots and
I J-i improvements, on Broad-Street at present
I occur .1 by Messrs. John Cam ibell, Ichn Beach,
I A. I. &G, tv. Huntington and B Pyne, all well
p adapted ami eligibly situated for business. If not
' sold before the 10th luly next, diey will be rent
ed tor the year, commencing the first October
Augustus Moore,
June 21 103
Fil'uiy pair 0 f ip„ n Screws, for compressing
.9 Cotton ; together with the Frame, which
I will be sold very low. Aprdy to
Wra. J. Wood,
Treasurer Steam-Boat Com finny.
June 21 9t 103
i t—
" Henry L. Sims, has removed
his office to the room ab"ve store No. 331. up
per c rncr leading to the Planter’s Hotel.
June v 3, 103
€?* Mr. William Bkux. will act
as my attorney during my absen n ‘rom this state
A Gardelle.
June 21 3 103
V? vlr. Latiier Cummiug, will
jf act us my Attorney during my absence from t he
-g J. M. Hand
May 13 U 92
Yraclicft ot Ale,AveVue.
f|VIR s bsc'ib"TS have formed a c -in -' in in
a. the Pnc ,ce of Medicine. Their Office is on
Centre-Street, next door to Gencr.d F onrnoy’s-
M. Antony,
1 P. Garvin.
June 21 103
| )kA W
THE undersigned r spectfully tenders his ser
vices to his friends and the public as an At
torney at Law . Any busini ss which may be en
trusted to him, will be faithfully attended to. He
will be found at the office of William Jackson,
Esq. t ity Hall, between the hours of 8 and 1, A.
M. and 3 and 7, P. M.
x Andrew J. Miller.
* June 24 r*t 104
JV oUce.
STpIIE subscribers have connected themselves
~ in the practice of the LAW—they will uni
formly alien,l all the counties of the Northern
. Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the V/es
tern Circuit, one of them will be generally found
at their office in Elberton, where they will take
pleasure in transacting the business of those who
may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the
John A. H card,
Thomas J. Heard.
January 1, 182.5 5y
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John Ca
xSI ucthehs, deceased, are requested to mak
immediate, payment to the subscriber, a J those
having claims aga ,st he said estate, are required
to present hem duly attested in he form and
within the ti r--c ibed to law.
Richard H. W il*!e, Adm’r.
June 17 i
Vio k ou»V J mV) Ptiuiing,
A tally Lx tented at this ( ffice.
III IK Board of Commissioners have the pleasure
* aim tU'ictng to the public, fltal from the
large sales ofticke's up to this time, and the in
jereasiug demand for them, they are enabled de
, finitively to fix a day for the commencement of the
i Lottery—anti to give the most positive assurances
of its being carried fully iiuoefT'ct. The first
drawing will POSI IVELV take place on the
15t\\ ot August uuxl,
Persons wislilng to adventure are advised to pur
chase without delay as an advance in the price of
tickets is highly probable. Dealers in Lottery
tickets in this and other Stales will be -supplied
on advantageous terms by making application to
the Board of Commissioners through their Sec
J. S. Beers,
Secretary to the Hoard of Commissioners,
June 17 it)2
To Ini)} >jouv Tickets in the
Masonic Hall Lottery.
The first, drawing of this highly approved
will positively lake place on the
AT which time will commence the distribution of the
following valuable presents :
1 Prize, of 30,000 Dolls.
1 Prize of 20,000 Dolls.
4 Prizes of 10,000 Dolls.
4 Prizes of 5,000 Dolls.
5 Prizes of 1,000 Dolls.
10 Prizes of 500 D lls.
.1 50 Prizes of 100 Dolls.
5000 Prizes of 10 Dolls.
• | _
For sale in tl»e greatest possible variety of num
bers at. the Commissioners office.
Xo. ?*voaA Stofeet.
- Where orders 1»r 1 lIKETS post paid enclosing
the cash will be promptly attended to, if’addre-sed
*j J. S. Peers,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
N. B. Darien Hills will be received at par fur
June 17 102
The Subscriber
t fs opening in Broad street, one door below Mr. Ai
; ten's Hat Store,
Consisting of
Frock Coats
Drab box Coats
Double & single mill’d Cassimere Pantalooi
Broad Cloth, Satmett and Corduroy do
11 foilinett, Valentia, Swansdown & black sill
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do
Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plaii
, Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswoo
Sluris and Drawers
Flannel do do
. Tartan and Cambiet Cloaks
Ladies do
Boy’s Dresses
J youth’s close body Coats
/ Gentlemen's superfine Huts, gome very widt
Inundation beaver do
La Fayeue, boys and mens seal skin Caps
Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks
Silk Umbrellas
~ Hosiery
Gloves, Etc.
8 —also—
i- Negro Jackets and Trowsers
n House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
Fearnought great Coats
J Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
e Striped and Check do
a ; Common Linen do
Woollen Gloves, and many other articles
in his line.
| The above GOODS are New-York made, end
Aiili be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New
j fork prices.
J J. P. Hetze.
December 3 46
JS* otice,.
c I HAVE lost or mislaid a Due Bill which 1 gave
J A to Mr. John H. Mann, for P'ilteen Hundred
] - U Jars, some time in April last, which was short
[ly afterwards taken up by me—the public are
therefore cautioned against fading for it.
A. Mmomiet.
- i t Xf The Due Bill above referred to, was taken
(up by Mr. Simonnet, as slated.
John H. Mann.
( June 17, 1825 ,; t 102
1 ieat®atAS ®* l£IAIt»3>»:
' Cavrwvgft .NV'.itov.
HAS received a nan ot his' Spring Supply of)
CARRIAGES am) GIGS, which mates hi* I
, assortment of Gigs complete—consisting of first,!
second and third rate heather and Suntop Gigs.:
. one Coachee and one Chariotee. Being regular-'
* ly supplied with an extensive asset Intent, direct
s from the various manufactories of Newark and its
( vicinity, lie is disposed to sell on as good terms as
, the articles can bo obtained in Augusta .
dj’Orders for any kind of Carriages will be
'forwaided and executed in the best manner, at
. I the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages
• built to order. Repairing in all branches, at short
, notice, on the most reasonable terms.
I March 22 ts 77
'> Ts ESPECTFIfLLY informs the Ladies and Ccn
i in tlemen of ‘ugusta, that he will be ready {to
[serve them at ni> times, at his or their houses, in
| the line of hiaprofession, and hopes he will met:
Ishare ttf thy* public patronage, as he will exu-nv
teeth and stf os, and in the easiest manner if eve>
■j of difficult, . j all its other braneltcs.
Tatffca iiaxbim,
A superior dentifrice to any ever offered foi
cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth am 1
making the breath sweet and greeabic.
Os Hoses,
Which removes all scorbutic humour in thi!
Sums and teeth, and makes them linn at tfie
same time.
Prepared and sold by
E. Audler.
At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cottoi
Range. Sign oj the Golden Eagle, Augusta. j
•fob- ■* 2 j
>ew Mini Invaluable 1
Asiatic licnUVvc for Tain.
t-This Medi- cineisanev*
er failing jjfT) ftfP’ remedy for
jthe Toothj Ache, Head-!
rjliUS remedy is good against the tooth-ache of
A pain in the teeth and jaws when duly applied
and employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy in
,r delieving swellings of the gums, face and adjacent
parts, arising from «;• connected with tooth-ache.
It relieves head-ache or pains in the head in
tin. most easy and agreeable manner ; for (his fre j
■juent and distressing complaint, this, his new j
ii"diciue, is a charming prescription, for it re
tores both the organs of sense and the nerves or
heir healthy condition at a quick and admirable
This new and useful preparation produces, by
jl. mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation
ipon the spirits—it quickens the sensations,
sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates the
I functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and
| vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephalic
medicine of the first order.
Nor is its effect less beneficial when considered
in relation to the stomach, than to the mouth, the
nead and the spirits, by its qualities it acta upon
the sight and immediate organs of digestion as a;
icarminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing!
[torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most*
comfortable warmth.
| fbe operation of this invention and improve i
‘unent is quite as favorable to diseases of the far,
more especially it acts to great advantage in dul
ness and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi
ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to the
• |( exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear
' lrK
, Certificate from Ur, Samuel L. Mitchell.
u " Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of Ke w-York,
Ibis day submitted to me his letters patent from
the United States, for compounding and vending
a remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, and
! asked my opinion upon die same, whereupon, af
i ter examining the receipt contained in the specifi
[ e l cation, I find it contains a mixture of such aromat
ic, anodyne, and anti acid articles, as are well cal
culated to produce a composing eflect on the hut
j man body.
i I Samuel L. Mitchell.
I New-York, November 2 d, 18J8,
Audler’s Aliik ot Rosts.
AN elegant cosmetic for whitening, sofiening
a'd beautifying the skin, and removing pint!
Ties, freckles and chops from the face, neck, &c
nhe Milk ol Roses possesses many qualities, for is
tot only serves for the above purposes, but it put
ehe bloom of youth on age, which valuable property
every lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose
;s wosjmetic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article
inh ch can be uyid with s,afety, as it contains noth
d|blg that wili injure the skin, and it is an indispensa
'-[the article to every lady, and should be found on
their toilets.
Directions.—After being washed and <1
then take a small quantity on a piece of white flan
_ anduel then wadi face, neck, hands, Each but
tie will be signed by the proprietor. I'rlce sl.
j Prepared only and sold by E. Audler. sign oj the
•; Golden Eagle, Augusta.
u | July 4 2
Sui*\ e>for U oiu\msses.
ri ; A supply of very superior five and si r inch At out
us Companies and for sale hy
Horace Ely.
' June !7 Ct 102
Mn To m-r-
fflyilEßE is perhaps no medical observation bet
J. ter established, none more generally confirmei
by the experience of the best physicians of alt :ges
and countries and none of more importance ti tin
practitioner,than the fact,that many of the most diffi
cult amt incurable con;plainu originate in neglect
ed colds. In a climate as variable as ours.whqt e tht
changes of the weather are frequently sudden ano
unexpected, it requires more care and attention
guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy of!
life, than must people imagine, or are able am
willing to besfw. Hence the vast number of pat
cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma
j consumptions, and other affections, and hence tin
j farrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried iq
|by the learned and illiserute. The many cases ol
the kind, fell under my observation j the prepost
jerous compositions of inflaming drugs, wind
ijare in vogue ; the disappointment ( experienced ii 1
((practice from remedies highly recommended; amir
, my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints. 1
were strong inducements for me to consider 1
wh.ther a compound consisting of niild vegetabh I
substances could not he invented, more free from 1
the well founded objections of practitioners, anil *
I better calculated to avert the threatening d<
letfuction of the lungs.
1 _
oY Yvigftialrles,
j For coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions
, I his remedy is superior to any medicine which
(lias been offered to the public, as it is prepared
prom the most valuable herbs of our vegetable
(kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de
jpendence may be placed in its virtues for the
.cure of the above diseases. From the knowledge
(the proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of tlu
iSyrupj he has no hesitation in recommending Is
Jto those who labour under those distressing com-
I Lints as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav
,;ing administered it to thousands in New-Vork and
(Philadelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering it
,to the public, and after trial, those persons win 1
purchase the genuine syrup, will have their fno
|ney refunded by returning the bottle, if they do
(not feel satisfied that they have reaped bencfl 1
II rom the use of it. 1
Directions for Use. 1
Take a tea spoon full three times a day, saj ,
morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re
lieved. |
ffj’ Each bottle will have the signature of the 1 •
proprietor- t
\ (TT Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sign ,
of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. ,
October 21 33
1 mSimiL ;
DR. HOUSE, a French Physician, respectfully |
informs the public, that he has established 1
',BI’EAM and MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta. u
j The very high repute these Baths have acquired -
in Europe, where (although a late discovery)
(they are to be found in every hospital, and the -
r |great cures they have performed in Boston, Phi I
: I ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt of I
I their efficacy. The most gentle as well as tin. ’
' .most powerful medicines are administered by Jiai
' means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to tlu 1
■ 'patient.
They are a never failing remedy in all cutane 1
t ous affections j from Psora, Ringworms, sic. to
Scaliihead and Leprosy. They also have nevei a
failed of saccess in either acute or chronic rheu
1 m.itism. | )'
‘ In glarulular obstructions, chlorosis, anassrcom "
1 tweliings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases' of the I
1 (joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill! ‘
1 (cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections, “
■I in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypoeoudriusis rl
[epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser 11
jvjceable,and have often succeeded even in here a
ditary coiiiplaiuls. In fine, this manner of admin- e .
■ istenng almost every remedy belonging to the 11
• healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost
'• every case, and (it is repeated) without any pain "
trouble, or disgust to the patient.
As these baths are not yet generally known, a
Dr. Hookl will be happy to give the most res
, pcctahle references to persons who have been
1 cured by taking them.
i T\\e Tsteawv fy .M luVical Bath 1
LstabUslwueiit, j v
Is in Ellis-Street, opposite Mr. H. Meallng’s r
■ Brick (louse, and has au entrance in Broad-street 1 1
1 (immediately opposite the city 7/oiel.
January II 57
TjjMfE Public are cautioned against trespassing (
1 JL on the Houses and Lots of the subscriber \
•upper end of town—especially against hauling (
’ .sand nr earth from the river bank nr contiguous
( 'thereto. Each and every person offending shah j
ha l e the law rigorously enforced against him of
’ them.
j Nesbit.
January 21
e * '
i- iS’oticfc.
1 I.L persons to whom tin. late Francis Bouye (
r oJbX of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt
eii, are requested to present (heir demands with- ,
in the time prescribed by law ; an-1 'hose indebt
■ ed, are requested to make immediate payment
B. litmyer, I .. .
Paul itossignol, iS
J December 21 51
JS otice.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Cotton
Merritt, deceased, arc requested to render
jtiieir aec unts in properly attested, within the
(time prescribed by Jaw, and those indebted to
|said estate will make immediate payment to
f’omfort Merritt, Jldmv’x.
Burke County, May 3, 1825 13t t 91
At Bachelder HI Vodwise’s, Broad Street, Augusta
nearly opposite the Planter's Hotel.
RES PEC I FULLY informs the Public, that he
has returned again to this City, and respect
fully solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and
Gentlemen who may require his services in the
several Branches of his Profession.—Persons
wishing his service in private Families can call and
see his work Manufactured on a new principle,
which lit warrants.
Teeth an A tiunvs.
The diseases of ihe, leelh and t,uin.-> are chief
ly owing to our own neglect; the pails of the
aliments which lodge aboui them after maslica
j tion, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are
thereby first affected, as being the most tender
tarts, after these corruptions are produced, com
monly called the Tartar of the I’ceth, which
destroying both their texture and whiteness not
only deprives the mouth of us principal orna
ment*, but brings ou violent lo.ith aches, an i ren
mera the Gums livid and putrid, and offensive to
ourselves and others.—But though people in
general may prevent f(tose inconVett'enccs, by
( care and attention at first, yet. if they are once
suffered to take place, it is no longer m the pow
er of the sufferer to remove them, this being pro
perly the province of Ihe experienced Demist,
who |tas made the maladies of the Teeih and
Gums, with their attendant evils, the principal
object and end of his studies.
Ylovaucfc, IKmvUsV,
By long practice, a close application ■ ousi
nes», and a thorough knowledge of the t. mature
of the Teeth and Gums, has made, all the opera
tions in those parts quite familiar to him, inso
much that what some Dentists hav-,- judged im
practicable, lie Haiti performed with ease and
He places Teeth both real and artificial, (m ak
ing the latter with pure enamel) from a single
one loan entire set so accurately, ifiai they shall
answer every purpose of the natural. t hus ihe
greatest deficiencies are supplied with ornaments
which have (lie recommendation of null v.
Those Teeth that have (alien out their ,tick
ets, which frequently happens, though m a per
fect sound stale, lie, by a’mdhod peculiar to hurt
self, replaces as firm as ever, wiihoiP Ute least
pain or uneasiness to the patient.
He dears the Teeth, d ever so disc lured, of
all their foulness and tartar, without pant, and
renders them white and as fairus ever in half eh
I eeth and Stumps eilnctcd in the easiest man
ner, if ever so diffictilt.'
He assists young ladies ami gentlemen in the
first and second dentition, and removes ihe Mitjc
Teeth at proper seasons, lest they should .i.coin
jmode the regular growth ol ilie succeeding unties
| and it a deformity of this kind has taken place
through the want of a Demist, Mr. Floranci un
jdertukes to correct it; provided the subject is
not more than twenty years old, and re-tores the
Teeth to their natural, regular and beautiful or
N. B. A Tincture and Dentrifice Paste, prepar
ed by him only, which preserves the Teeth and
changes them to u beautiful wl ite, cures h gums
of the Scurvey and makes breath at a'l limes sweet
ami agreeabh-, and cures the Tooth Ao n. i
cuately, wi ll nr iper direction* how to in >■ -l
Oct h • 12 3j
J. ahiuuV i'aniictia.
fjlill'- subscrbor n.v ig discuv - j tne coinpo
-*- wiiicii of SVV AIM’S celebiated Panacea
baa now.a supptly on hard for sale ; lie has redu
ced tin* price from go 50 to g2'£o, or by tne
dozen g 24 7
All clianlable institutions in the Unlltvt States
and tlie poor will be supjdied gratis.
li the citizens of the principal cities and (owns,
will appoint sn agent to order and ■•■-•tribute this
medicine to the poor, it will he supplied,
'lbis medicine is celebrated lor the cure if the
following diseases, “scrofula or king’- evil, ulcer
ated »r putrid sore throat, long siaii'ding rlui
rnalic affections, cutaneous diseases, while"swell
ing, and disease of the bones, and a’l cases gen
erally of the ulcerous cliaiacter, and chronic dis
eases, generally arising in debilitated constitu
tions, but more ■ xptcially from syphilis, ,p affec
tions arising therefr -m ; nicer*’ n the la)rnx,
nodes, &c. And Uiat dreadful disease occasioned
by a long and excessive use of mercury, It in
also useful in disease of the Liver.” TIFtCATES.
I have within the lust two years had an oppor
tunity of seeing several cases of very ilivew rale
ulcera which having resisted previously he ugu
lar modes of treatment, wen rivaled by tb use
ot Mr. Swaim’s Panacea, and I de In, from
what I have seen that it will proyt m. important
remedy in scrofulous, venenul and mercurial dis
eases N. CHAPMAN, M. D.
Pfofessor of the Institutes a,d Practice' f
Physic, in the University i I Pennsylvania.
1 have employed the Panacea of Mr. Sw;, . in
immerouii instances, within the hist three y ra,
and have always found it extremely effic us,
especially in secondary syphilis, and meicunal
diseases. 1 have no liestilatum in pronouncing it
a medicine of inestimable value.
Professor of Surgery in the University nt Penn
JOHN SHINN,' hemist.
N. B, For sale at Smith and Pearsall’s, N. E.
corner of Third and Market-afreets,
Dh tadelpfda, Ephrua vl7 1 ;23. Iml2rn 87
E|NI IE subscribe ou Tliursd vorF; ' /
■ in Augur i or n the road leading to W
borough, dropp -i fi r.m (os p cket a promissory
note drawn by ; homas Ha c o.r and Josiati H.
ita'cher, payable o Ji iah M-.iiiew- or b,;ner,
and endorse, l by Fieidu.g Fryer, tor the sum of
gIOO, Due is' January 1324.
1 he public ure liereby cauiioned from receiving
lie same in trade or ode rwise, and the u, der
-igned will be ihanktu) and u 1 r w ard the fin
|er upon returning it to him s' u h require' it.
v\ m. I.igon.
Haynes borough, lime 6 3t t 01
A Large Vhsortmem of
fir sale at this Office.