The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, July 05, 1825, Image 3

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Appointment. —The Post Muster General has appointed Mr. Georse Schley Post Master of Savannah, vice Mr. John Scud- i ber. VVe understand Mr, Schley, will en- ; ter upon the duties ot his office to-morrow, i ~ao©— i In many ol the newspapers we see the ! murdered MHnmffi stigmatized with the!, epithet of 7 'raitor, tar having agreed tou|‘ sale ot lands, contrary to a law of lusJjLt-j', tion made at Pole-Cat Springs, and*ro-i k posed by himselt. Phis is altogether er- r roneous. al'lntosh we believe had nothing!’ to do with the m-ethgs at Tuckaubatcheej' and Pole-Cai Springs—too Agent, Colonel j i Crowell, in justifying himself to the U. S ates’ Commissioners, for not informing the j G vernmenl ot those meetings, declared 1 they were not binding on the Nation, being J the acts ol only a part of it and not worth j noticing. Others, however, speak indetin-) itely ot a law ot the Nation against selling ' their lands, made soon after the I’teaty of Fort Jackson, as s mie sMttfid according to 1 others, in 1817. This w^iinagini l . is merely J a pretence. Why do they not point out the j* time and place of enacting this law ? Bull 1 it sucli a one ever existed, it was abrogated 1 by the cession of lands at the Mineral Springs in 1821. [Mil. Recorder. dodge Peters.—On ids entrance into Phi ladelphia, General L ifayette was accompa nied in toe b irouche by the venerable Judge Peters, L'ne dust was soiqewhat (rouble some, and from bis advanced age, See. the ; General toll and expressed some solicitude lest his companion should experience in convenience trout it. I'o which he replied ; 1 General, you do not recollect that I am a ' Judge —l do not regar I die dust, lam ac 'V customed to it. I'oe lawyers throw dust in my eyes almost every day, in the court house. -*eioe»- It'is worthy of none , that among the pre sons introduced to General Lafayette, at Elizabethtown, was Mr, Bollman, brother ot the celebrated Dr. B.dlmao, who, in coin-1 pany with Col. II dues, of tiiis city, risked ids liljpia the attempt to rescue the General from the Castle of Olmutz. Instructions have been received at Pen sacola, by the Commandant of Fort San Carlos de Birraicis, to deliver up that post, as may be diivi'ted by the Secretary of . the Navy. G •nerd Bernard has arrived at New Orleans on his way to Pensacola, to select a spot within the Bay of Pensacola for the location of a Nav d Depot. p e have received frmii our correspon-; dent in France the two first numbers of the ; “ Voyage du General Lafayette, aux Etats (PAmurique eu 1824.”, They contain the I particulars ol his reception in this country,) from ids arrival in New-York until he left Washington, copied from the American Journals, ami are to be continued, to em- i brace the remainder of Ids travels here. It is well known that the French government! for some time took every measure to pre-j vent the newspapers from mentioning Ids name, and even now that the severity of the censorship has been rein ived, the subject has hardly been mentioned by their jour-j nalists ; out pamphlets, we understand, arej not subject to tin; censors, and thereforei much m tie latitude is allowed them, and the French will have an opportunity to know what has been the reception ot their distinguished countryman, in the United Stales. fdV. Y. Daily Adv, j ~9oi'oC9~ The Directors of the Provincial Bank ofl Irelunl, we understand, have contracted with Messrs. Perkins and Heath for their Bank Notes, who have engaged to forfeit the! wtiole cost of the Notes in circulation,' amounting in value, probably to some thou-j sand pounds, if a passable forgery of it is at anytime made. This Establishment is al so, we It arn, proceeding io its other arrange ments with every possible expedition, and ever) prospect of success. It purposes to; begin with Cork, and, after forming a branch j there, to proceed to the other principal' towns in succession. Foreign pap. It is a fact creditable to the County of Chatham, that there are at the present mo ment but two prisoners in the County Jail for criminal offences—one of whom is Smith, committed a few days since for altering al- ( tered Bank notes—the other a United Statesj soldier for assault and battery. [Aau. Georgian. I A regular rigged steam sloop of war is now titling out .it Him kvvall. Her destiny is to cruize against the Vlahratta pirates! who infest tlie coast, ol Batavgi. This ex traordinary whip, the first of the kind made in Eur >pe, unites the powers of sailing or steaming, separate or connected, at pleasure.! The paddles fold up like a lady’s fan, and' wuh great facility. O y [Liverpool paper. Fire I —ln Cumberland, on the night' of the sth ult. the cotton m chine fac tory owned and occupied by E. & J. Mm i calf, muk fire and was entirely consumed,!' with all its contents, the lire havnm ta-i ken complete possession of (he building before it was discovered. We regie to | add the loss sustained by these ent rpris , ing gentlemen amounted to four thousand dollars, and no insurance. [Act/, Gazette, j; . New-York, June 22. / i ial for Murder Yesterday afternoon tlie following poisons were sworn to trv the seven prisoners, who had been indicted for the Murder of David 11. Lambert, viz : j David C. Mundy, Hubert Blake, Thomas Brown, (Jeweller,) John MHntire, Peter Martin, John Hanks, Charles Gregory, T.i Brown, (Inspector,) Edwin Halil win, I’hoin as Foote, Wilson Taylor, Kenlock Stewart. Most of the witnesses on the part of the State, were examined previous to 9 o’clock, at which time the Court adjourned until this morning.—/V, Y. Com. Adv. 22 d hut. The trial lor murder, of the assailants of the late Mr. Lambert, will probably close this evening. i’he Court adjourned last night at 9 o’clock; commuting the jury to the custody, for the night, of four officers, sworn not to permit them to separate, nor to hold conversation with any body, nor to con verse with them themselves. The Court ordered the necessary refresh ments, and bedding to be furnished to the! jurors, who passed the night, we are inform ed, in tlie Sessions’ room. Our paper, to jmorrow, will contain the detailed report of the trial.— American. The city Inspector of New-York reports the death of 105 persons during the week ending on Saturday last. Seven died bv in-j temperance and two by drinking cold water. [lbid. Counterfeiters. —A gang of counterfeiters among whom is a female, were detected on ! Saturday last at Elizabethtown Point, by Mr James Delamater, one of our police officers, and brought to this city. Counterfeit bills were found on the Central Bank of, Cherry Valley, Washington and Warren,' Farmers and Mechanics Hank, Albany, Phenix Bank, Hartford, and Franklin Bank, New Y irk. Washington and Warren one dollar bills, altered to live dollars, are now in circulation in this city, and it is not im probable have been issued by some person connected witli the above gang. The alter ied bills arc coarsely executed and may be easily detected. Fast, -006- From France. —By the packet ship Ed ward Bonnaffe. from Havre, arrived at New York, on the 20th ilist, files of French pa pers have been received to the 14th from Paris, and iGth from Havre. Their con tents are not interesting and no London dates as late as by the James Cropper.—The Duke of Northumberland was presented in state to the King of France, and made his speech as special envoy to attend the Coro-j nation. No important Continental news. The prices of cotton at Havre continued high. There were to have been large sales lof that article at auction on the 17th. Alexandria, June 22. The experiment of getting good water here by boring, in which such a great in terest is felt, and which we have before no ticed in detail, is still prosecuted by Mr. (Disbrow, with every prospect of success, having penetrated to the extraordinary depth of 238 feet, without aiming with any material accident until yesterday, when his iron rods, owing to their enormous weight, i separated at a distance of 60 feet below tlie ;surface; and, as this occurrence may be discouraging to those who arc not aware of its frequency in ail cases of ihe kind, it will remove every doubt in stating that Mr. D. contemplates having the remaining rods j up to-day. [Herald. | - ■| We have various, out not positive ac counts of a piratical vessel being off the coast ofNortli-l arolina In addition to the ' tour headless bodies mentioned in our last |as having floated ashore, 17 others in the j same situation have since been picked |up, and it is certain that a suspicious to ik ing vessel, with a great number of men on board, lias been seen. Though an alarm ing fact, if true, it is not at all to be won dered at; for, so little do we ask or receive from the General Government, that we do not believe there is a national vessel in j waters of the Stale capable of repelling the !attack of a dozen buccaneers with a six • pounder, and these wretches have too many sources of information not to be aware of the tact. We shall piobably be able to fur nish particulars in our next. Fayetteville Observer, 23 d inst. i At the passage of the Beresina hv the | French, on their return from llussia, one of | their batteries was commanded bv a brave officer with a wooden leg named Brechiel ; | a ball carried it off during (lie action and knocked him down '■ Look,” lie said to one ot his gunners, “ for another leg, in wagon No. 5.” He fitted it on, and continued his! firing. —— Prince Mural. —( apt. Tunis, of (lie brig! j Day, arrived at N< w-York, fiom Gibraltar, [whence she sailed the 13th May, states, that Pri nee Murat, (son ol the brother-in L■ w of j Napoleon, formerly King of Naples, and who was shot by order of a court martial,) sailed from Gibraltar in the Brig Hesper, on I the 28th of April for New-York. A pert young lady was walking one mor ning on the Siyne,'at Brighton, when she encountered the celebrated Wilkes. “ You! se‘ ibserved iin- Idy■* I c one out forj a little sun and air ” “ Y.m hail better Madam, gel a little husband first.” FOR THE CONSTITUTION AH ST. \ A P/iJI YER. ! GOD ! to thee 1 bring my Heart ' ... J a Blacken'd with unholy fir«*s ; Scorch’d an part i By intemperate desires. h How can I—poor feeble thing— e Chase the blots of sin and shame— J’ How make pure my offering, .j As when first from thee it came ? ii Father ! take it as it is— Father ! use it as thou wilt— And my only prayer be this, JJI J ' q Let THY MERCY cleanse its guilt { 1' A SINNER. FROM THE NASHVILLE WHIG. Political Liberality. At a dinner recent ly given to the Hon. Wm. H. Crawford by 'some of his fellow citizens, on his return to Georgia, he gave as a toast— “ Tli»*. present Administration: Let it be judged by ilsmeu sures.” j This is such a sentiment as might have been expected from such a man. It dues not come within the range of Ins intellect to yield to that corroding envy which can see jno merits in a rival who has been more suc cessful than himself; nor does he deem it consistent with good sense or sound judg ment, to condemn by anticipation the mea sures of an administration which are yet to he tested by experience, and are as yet un-i known to those who would thus decide upon| - them. That man who raises his voice and puts forth his exertions, he they great or sin dl, in opposition to tlMMWjQQgsures of our , own Government, merely because it is not by those whom he would , choose, presents his claims to the title of patriot in an extremely doubtfiil shape. He may he a friend to his country, but would, by indifferent observers, be < onsidered as more i selfish than patriotic in his views. ■406 ■ Arnold —By the death of General Phillips, who commanded the British in Virginia, the traitor Arnold was left in command there for some time. General Lafayette cummand ,ed the Amereican forces opposed to him. It became necessary for Arnold to write to j Lafayette on some subject connected with [their operations, and a Hug and several {soldiers was sent with his letter. On learn ing that the letter was from Arnold, Lafay ette refused to open it, saying to ihe soldiers |i who brought it, that he was willing to cor respond with any honorable man of the j whole British army, from a General to a I private soldier, but with Arnold, who was, I a traitor and a dishonorable man, lie could have nothing to do. This informal! n car ried back, created much conversation a mong the British troops, to the disadvantage , nf Arnold, their commander. I'he com mon soldiers remarked, that he must be a had man, when (he American General j would prefer corresponding with one of , them, even a private soldier, to him who was a General of an Army. A German Liter ary Lady. —Never shall , I forget the first appearance, to me, nf \la .jd.ime De B. She was sitting, oi rather re ; dining, i;i the most unaffected posture, with ; her legs crossed, and her hands clasped be pj hi ml her head, on a large sofa—an old one : indeed, and crazy, but doubtlessly eodear , ed to her by some association, perhaps with i the days of her childhood ; for, from its color and dilapidations, and fashions, it could scarcely be more modern. Behind her and on each side extended a floor, or ra , ther an ocean of books, rising in volumes, - like wave upon wave, tossing and tumbling, . and some, as it were, foaming upon and re .;vealing their white margins. In the midst ot these, like an island, stood a large old fashioned mahogany table, covered with va rious articles, which I might forbear to en umerate, it it were not interesting to the sensible mind to learn even the most tri- k : fling attributes of genius. Such persons i will forgive me that. 1 mention a large black [teapot, teacup of antique China, and ink ,[stand, with the owner’s cipher, apparent ly scratched on the metal ; a pair of saucers, of divers patterns ; a large vial labelled ‘ laudanum;’ a tortoise-shell watch-case, a small plate of bread-crusts, and a long hair 1 comb; a tall wine-glass half filled with sugar ol the brown description, a snuffbox, ' a pair ol snutfers, a small minature, a few twisted fragments of brown and blue paper, pl two slender candles, some small pieces of [copper coin, and a single stocking, marked 1). R. A. B. London Female Fashions Jor May. Evening Dress.— A dress ot crape over white satin : the body is low, and brought in j folds from the shoulders to the front of the [bust, which ts confined by a loop of blue [satin: the sleeves are short and lull, sur mounted oh the shoulder by satin, brought in points, and confined to a band round ibe . arm, of the same colour. The is fanci fully ornamented with pipings of blue satjn on the right side, and carried round the lower part of the dress : the hem is finished by a broad hem of satin, surmounted by pul' tings of gauze confined by satin, brought in points similar to the sleeve. i fVulking Dress. —A pelisse of mazarine blue silk, made tight to the form, and triin- I nied round the shoulders and back with rai ■>- Jed welts, confined, at separate distances, by knots ol the same, down tiie (rout of the skirt, [gradually inclining towards the bottom. which is finished by a puffing of silk. The hat is ot black velvet, surmounted by a rich plume ot uncurled feathers. Limerick gloves and black kid shoes. Acad Dress. —The present style of wear ing (be hair is to divide it on the left side, bringing the fullness in front: the curls not so large as last month. The long hair is elegantly drest in bows, mingled with roses, nr various flowers. Ringlets are more worn this month than they have been this season. The head dies is not drest high, but spread ing very much over t ie head. [Ladies’ Monthly Museum. t ißamcD, J lulr »J“T •''■nun- I .as, hv Hie Rev. Mr. Moderwet, r - ' ll “ l - T - Ks q- of Moliilo. to Miss ELIZA HE I'll F.. HU H KE, of this city. itaring my absence from the State, .lon it W Hu Isolds, jj q will act as n-y It muey. A. Pemberton. Hu'-ke. Comity, June 24, 1825. 4i ;> •’uni for Sale. Prom 1000 to 3000 Bushels Prime SDJii’Jj Fur Sale.hy th“ Subscribe'nl JVo .'541, lIItUAD-SniEKl-, AI’OOSTA John Dillon. July S. PVUV. SALL. Fj' I t IIRB together orseparated, a second hand J CAltltl AGE, and pair* of hand lime HAY HOUSES. R. 11. Wilde. July fit XotAce.. • sale of the property of the Estate of M. a C. LavenfcWGfth, situated on lloynold-sireet out g* the Planters’ Hotel, will positively lake placa THIS DAY, at 12 o’clock, al the Mirket- OUbC, Samuel Hale, Jldin’r. J dv 5 (f 3 X otiee. AFt Rlt the 14tli i si. the S earn-Boat Company . will discontinue to pay any drsyages on Got on, from the Ware-Houses in Auguita, or Ham burg, and wish their friends and customers to un lersland, dial they have n i other (dace lo receive i-roduce and merchandize, but at the wharf. By order 1 dv> Board of It r c'or William hay lord, JLs.ent. '< V 5 41 i Ten DoVVava IVerwavd. K'N W\ V horn the subscriber on Hie la h Ma\ last.aN-gro Woman named II ABIE r, .) o ’4 years old, common size, her voice ra ther course; bright noils' to, she will liq' to pass i-a ire - pop*no — and I presume she has a tree -a, written hy a negro, who ran write in the neigltb >rh md. Any person who will deliver to m said N-gro, ■ r lodge her in s -me j a ,| so tine ( gel her, w.ll receive the ah v reward. James Story. ICanewon, (Ha.) Inly 1 ,v 3 ’l' . % I o iveui, From th first of October ne.rt, M IHE two fire-proof STORES, lUlflL ; eV :,b "V« 'll- , and. (Ve liiilfiß up in the be t minner, for a , ■<6BHer«& Dr- (I --id bu-iuess, with cellars aiul b ck ..m ■at ached. I ie Store with the cedar under it, next to the I’osi.Office, now occunied bv Eraser K B-iwdre as a- Aucdou room— it is rend -red verv convei ■ o' fn i- at business by the covered wa' from, t :.e two apartments with cellars, nexi south, in e sam-range, and one or two l.,uv. dlis, on be u. co d H or. Also, a c mveiiient Dwelling on f ya .Id -tree!, now rented to Coi. M’Kinnie.—. \ plv in die absence of die subscriber lo Ins at i mules, A. Moore, W. Gumming and II M. Guru -ling, or eiliier of them. Thus. Cummins;. I duly 1 4t f 2 lo Rent. a FROM the first of October, rnxt, thnl c iiniiooii-iis two-sloi) D\v KM,IM(i HOUSE, on Ellis-slreei nil'll.-<jiMl.-ly in the rear of die brick store, occupied by Messrs. Wilson fc Guclirane 'or further rarticnlars, enquire ol Mr. Hubert E. Poe, or to the subset iber. M. A. B. White. July» 2 aoticeT VbE persons having demands against the estau . t It inert Fang, deceased, are hereby tn.tifi -d in make their reutrn agreeable lo law , those"m -I bli-d to haul estate, are notified to make ilium diale payment. Wm. Brux, Ex'r. ■l'l V 1 fit t 2 St ) Lio (i. 4 EE Persons indebted to l ie eat ate of Joins Ca *. mi i-.IEUs, deceased, are requMsied lo m k ■ inriedia-e (juyinent lo the snbsCl-iner. and lliosi • avi g ci-iims against the sod e-taui, are required lo present hem duly nlte.ted m the form and vilhin the time pn-sci-iber] hy 1 jw. Riclmrd 11. Wilde, Adm’r. June I,” iv t 102 irF Cufsnns iiaciiim business witii 'h ■ sub.cnii IS .un g i.-en‘'absence iron ,» c j tor toe Mjininer, will (.lease cot on Mr. E. vv > II EG JU Y Beers, Bun.tell & St. Jnbn. Augusta l-l e 18, M i I ( - io,j A Card, DU. II ILL, oil rs hi. pr ifcssional attendanci j io the juiblic, to -mg -iy, tne obsitirick arli I ci i i .ue oriuPoe -if PnysicK. Kpplica'ion ii-lc a: die U. S. Arjenal, ueai' Aug ic.a, li.M. will i ceive ins alien i ,11. A i" 1 6 r ’<7 Book and JuD ivaiUi^, A 1 tally Executed at this (fire. I; FRESH SHOES, The subscribers are now receiving an exten sive and well selected assortment of m-mva & aat oag* OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, It hick 7/ i, njf'r low, for ( h or tu-cep’anee*. Vsi', im Consignment, 2 barrel prime Smoaked il„el, - d■. do, (In. ('oiigucs. An a'.ii iinm nt of PICKLKH, in jars, consisting of English Gefk ns, Mi lion Mungoes, Cabbage, I’cccuhdy, &.C. JiC. Luke l{eeil & Co. .Inlv i li |> 2 o,J" VV M. I). A EKNETIIY, IS till iy Hot orizPil id irnmaci h i mess lor me during ■ny absence from tins place. Afina llowe. I*. S. —The subscriber bas on band a general assortment o( 'Cas DRY GOODS, And will be ocohs on .lly receiving nesb sup plies through the summer. Adna Kowe. .(line 28 fit 1 ®D BOXES Window Glass, 8 by 10 & 10 by 12 u.t l.omlui Mustard, 2 do Grass Cut Tobacco, 10 Da Its Superior Lo id > Porter, 5 d i London pale Ale, 15 Darrels Green Cofl'je, 0 Cases Tumblers, 4 llbds. Philadelphia Itye Whiskey, six tears old, 1 Bale Oznidturgs 4 K g- 1’ ail Barley, 7000 Heal Cabana ‘•eg irs, 10 Bids. 4tli proof Philadelphia Bye Whis key, 20 do 3 1 proof do do JI(U arrived to William 11. Eg an. •lime 28 ,!• 1 -V VaNV .V,\ it V,\i V iUt V Ei) - ©ana, i The Subscriber HAVING b ill appm, grill for AMES 1.1 I 1 LE Sc SONS \1 iitiilii c iirei's of C until Gin.-, will atiend lo ord-r- (or h l 'sain ■of a y di i oiensions w 'lt, as-ures the 1‘ alt ers bat tit. same shall be ex. cu ed in the best ■'.vie "t Workmanship on the nealy unproved principle. I lie Gins will be d fver-d at bis Ware House . for the/nlcca ckirtrcl at hr I fanifficlo >/ W illiiun il. fjpjwv Jmrf , n.i h side Jii uud-sirect, —A)n 11-AiuV— -1 Gl V of ■ h i"y - v 8 i , ■>, June 28 4’ T ULA AE V. BOXK- first quality CHATEAU MAll- GAUX CLAUK , For Sale by Lillot & LcHariiit'.r. Al Mr J. n. L.ih’ll'TK’S. Wood Street. Join 27 4t 1 '>\\\U‘A , \OV Uj 14 Ait ll»M firn; quality llovv ■ U Street ELOUIt, war a U ./■ .1 Ground. JUS’ - RECEIVE! i I.IV William il. Egan. June 28 2t i TAKE.V IjJItOVI i lie back pan of me bouse belonging' (o . James Kriser, Kq. in Ellis. street, a Liquor t is , wiili Bottles—i be ease had been jus' painted mahogany coior, and being put out lo dry was ta ken .11. Whoever wi I re urn II to me place troin whence il was taki n, or leave il at the Au gusta Books! re, or give information of it, so that ihe owner gets it, shall rccciv ■ a reward if re quired, together with the owner’s thanks. June 24 104 A .KAiiX). 'Rlilß subscriber, admitted to practice in (be I several Coti (s of Law and Kqniiy in this State, offt rs to the public bis professional ser j vices in the Courts of Si til/, I lfenry, I lours, 1 Criwfortl, Monroe, j Jaspti, | I'wurt’s. | l‘ike. Washington Poe. Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.) j June 28. 1825 5 1 Shi* Sale. Will !)/ auM on 11» #r* lirst I’aeaday in August ru;xt, at t!ie Court 11 use door, in Wavnesboiongli, Burke county, within sab- hours One (ii iy Horse, levied on as the property of A x n ler I*. Lewi., to satisfy an Execution in favour of Pa'rclc Sesßoin*». A LSD 2T5 Acres of Land, adjoining I ( Hinls of James Wines and (tillers, levied on us j’he properly of Charles Kimball, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Samuel Wilson, AI.RO— Two Negroes, viz : a negro wo ‘nun I'Mii (1 Ly no, h •cl her child Jerry, levied on s the propetiv nf Michael deceased, *'» satisfy Miudry fi fas from ♦ Justices Court, in av »ur of Ariieir He! , tjs. tfie administrators of M.cueal VVi y-% i d. John T. Forth, s, u. c. .h\<u* 3). 18 2 S 5l T 3 O'.(if \ t Columbia County . \\Vf I-1 iK \ S 11. rv. y Ball, has applied for let \J-J ler- of Idniinisirstion on (he Estate of El j b Coe, j H.r. deceased, late of said county. I h"se are titer, fire lo cile and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the | .id deceased, to be and appear at mv office, with n 'I. Time prescribed by law, to fi'e their oh lections (if any th( y have) to shew cau-e why I 'od letteis of Administration bhonld not he grant ed. Given under my lia ui at office, in Columbia, this 3CMh day of June. 1826. 3 fi. Jones, D. Clerk,