The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, July 05, 1825, Image 4

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Tabernacle Academy, AT Mount Ariel. AN Examination ol i lns Institution took plaei r.n ihe 16111 nod I7tb ins<. And the Trus u- s lo unli '■i'.al'ngly state, that they never wit young Ladies and young Gentlemen <1 th mselve. r tln-ir Teacher more credit lliui the-ti did. There was scarcely a blunder by om of the students on either day of the Kxaminat im in tin- d ll' ri nt brunches of study winch tin.} had been pursuing. The following young Ladies mid young Gen ilemen on English Giaintnur merited inucli praise Eliz ihih J Marshall, of Abbeville Dial. “ Sophionia C. Conner, do. “ Mary Jinn .lonian, do. do, “ Eliza Anderson, do. •* // rnilon, of Newberry Distlirt. “ May Ann Conner of Abbeville District. “ Mary Inn E I'ravin, do. Mr. Wiliam I, Hairy, ol Alabama Slate. “ Jacob C/eck'ey. o Orangeburg)! His'. S. C. •* Daniel. I I'arranl, of 1 unwell Oiatuct. <• 11 ilium C (harry, of Sumpter District. “ Hiclind.l Winn, of Walton County. Ga. “ Win. Jl It Hun d Columbia County, Ga. “ Urban C. O, Tarrant of I him we I, S. O. The greater part of these exhibited compost tions which were much approved, not only by theexainnii'g Committee, bn> also by the Spec tutor at large. In Geography they done very well, and with great promptitude and accuracy performed several priihh ms on tin; Globe, not on ly the most famd'jr, such as the Latitude and Long,Hide ol placesand I lie itk asuring ol distanci s by the Uuadrant ol ul'itud- ; but with equal lea din' ss 'o \ gave ns the .laloeci, the Terioeci ; the Antipodes, Ktr of places. I n .- e in the languages stood a very correct and good xa nii'C on. In Arilhma'ic they general’! done well. There were 15 or lb who rb liv red speech k, the greater part ol ibtained much euUgy iroin tin Spectator.. Tli Academy tints far lias exceeded our 111 . sanguine aeons, bnth In the respect nf mem hers lid p igfe sin I aiming. And we won ■ h r., corr el an err r which seem* to have gnn abroad, that our nil nber is completed, and that we cio tsk ■ i n more S'.udon's. ami again, lb. th. re re already mo many or one man to do jijsi 1 hi. w itiei'elore i-loroi (be public, tha' vv 1 proru: '■ an assistant b.r the It v. .losliioi 'I niviK A. M and oe wit on he shall approve of, w r tli " number nf slu lints slut! l exceed forty //oe. tew more nr yel wanted to call foi an is t oil,.soil we mv had demonstrative pr ice at (i ■ 1.. examin item that the SHidenls have not negicted. t;• nvenii nt and good boarding can be t, I ( (or g7 pee 'looth, I’ll vN I it) V:\tm, vi, 11. /’ 1 rniti I! of hoard of Trusters J amt's L. Glenn, Sec’y. dj’ The Kd.'.ifs f the Mum niary, an teques ted toinserl lint li .v three lihi w and 1 rourd cm the r account 1- 11 1 i 3 ofli :r, or to the Kv v, J is. KGi 1. Uthevi’lr . ibhrvd ” v C |.n:e 24 1825. 3t 2 Vu-.w ; ; \'• fi X u : • 1. •) T ,1, to I»Ih« ' US ' \i y o- is ced an a' h on me, 111 'lent 1 ■ ’’ ■'* •''l l l l Or ■ n •! im. ■ ■in 1; el ne a led ),y 1 ! 1 .vusend, ao l ta! 1 mi’ •• bis posse ■ 1 oc 11 ■ oh .g li ee n; , ,:t 17:1, o Illicit let, was coir J off til 11 n'O 1 J-.s , 'll (!f '•» W g in th. et a pedl . Said Baggy •• « in 'll hr a . 01 ; lie >.i a ut i f,. •.1 r 5 inches 1 hum ait <> vet) 11 'hid le v; "i, ' b eli, Is mi I v rv |r I spok'-n She . • ■ e lines call* (b g gy {igin id ■ ii ol i nelcnd : v that she tree 0:0 n. ' 1 gy "' ' b * *ny o,e 1 no noii v her . •• T,« hss rat dhe 1 her le her child be bin!, -i ise name is !■', 1 za, I supposed mat she s so I. or C' ceal-d part of the c.iuo.ry. Any person limit be is, an g ,Ig lol'oi Ilaii 111 b\ le tei 1 10 the so’ s; iiber, living in Barnwell or to Mr Ism ■ B. nmer, in Columbia, S. G. .1, : receive . reward twenty live dollars! and f the sui t Or i 11 and T ggj 1) ■ f tin I i"gelher, and appi' be.lll 1, till tha 1 tie Villa 11s run be brmtgh t justice, mi/poison or per-ona, so apprehending tin ni, shall receive a reward ol li. 1 v dollars. 8. \V. Kearst'y. (Tj' Ivieh publish.-t "I a news, apet in tin s 1 m i n; North ni' 1 bnuth.Caroiiiiii am! Georgia is 1 qu led ',O insert the above advertisement in their rest r' - Hve papers, once a we a for three v els a f r ind their accounts ithcr lo M 1 ~ e Tr. /i r. in Columbia, or lo the subscriber in Harm- e‘l D s id, H G. S. W. K .lit 17, Id IV. 3t r 104 VVv I*. D;il\avs VWvs 1 VIA* l\. a RANAWAV from the sub ffsLj ctib-T, on \ 1 71 1 via; Lsi, aue gro nun I" I" me of £IL tom, v ..’Tom Lamar, about mx leel big' , 1. 01. v eiy dark ronml die ci.s and deep int . bead, rather down look ; lie is wel knovvi in tiiis tilace and Savannah, lie has been a boat j.. ' |,,r a numb r of van. Any intormation will b' thankfully receiv ,1 John t'oonihs. .1 me 10 F 100 X oUce. fsx IT, subscriber 111 1 itt'p rof bis MILLS 11 R vti'nlgo eery county, having a Grist and finp S ,ivs nning which la t ire calculated to luin epi ,•. 4 0 AouO feet nl ktm'ier per day. vvb cb (mii I).. •,1 d i inncdintely into die Oe.iiuilgee riv er, in b 600 acres o' the best limbered pine lan in that section "f the s ate. As to terms ot sale, tl.i 1 will 1’ mad ■ eusv. The above prooerly wa formciy I bat oi K. IV. Barker Mi reaidenc. 1 near <7 .ledgeville, J ' MT,S BOYKIN 7Vi ■ , 7 gmla Con»:ituliomMtt ami Suv-.niuih (; ■ mu, / /lub'is/i t/.e at re a3m nut fv 'He 11 (1 tin . . .. 0 tin ffire yf the Oa. Journal. .lit ’ 101 V. 1 v uvaV v»u vs W uuie.d, -T. 1 li.fl in nmu Lakk, or a v 01 he i) 7 I.von are 11 -w 1 vmg. • I.akk, I t New J , lut 1 i-y years ag 1, and iv m to N >rdi Car il.oa 1 ived there a low yt sis, and thei Cjnir into tne S'aeot ti-orgiu. If be or a y his rit nds -i d! e.d 0.1 ■ ; Hrlil r 1! the Smi kwh riTueia, the. niri receive informa l - ntercsting hi Ih. 11. y . I nor- .. pipers in Georgia are request eO oubiish the above two or three times. April 23 91 An Ordinance Hiynlaling the Mooting of Jloatn at the Sac. 1. He it n> daineil by the City Counci.' • Augusta, that from and alter the publishing c this Ordinance, no empty boat having less lbs ' e bree able and competent men on board at r s " imes, shad be permitted to fasten to, or ancho 1 at, any place opposite the city above the Bridg •■or more than four days unless when securely fa; 1 envd with a aliong cltain or cable at leas*, felt; lr feel in length to a growing tree, not lens t.bai 1 welve incites in diameter, and that in the ivv ) of a considerable rise in the liiver, such envptj 'j ml, not laalent d as aforesaid, shall b 6 init.iadr 1 sti-ly removed below the Bridge. H Bach bout engaged in lading or unLdsfu 1 1 nog a high river, shall have at least four abb. nen constantly on board, and shall be secur .li tautened or anchored, in such a manner as to pr< vent her swinging or drifting on the Whr,:f. 3. The City Marshal, or any other ofi .»"oi Council shall have, and they are heteby vr ,iei. with power, and are required, to remove or can t • hi hi removed, at the risk and expense of tie Metier, to tune piace bJow the Bridge, any or boaiv, which may be neglected by the owue ■ or agent , ami for each boat so removed tile odi cor shad be entitled to ten dollars, to be receiv •nl from the boat owner, in the same manner a dher expenses incurred in the removal. 4. The owner or owners of any and every bote 'ball be liable lo a fine, at the discretion of C mu cd, not exceeding two hundred dollars, for ea'l. .rid eve, y violation of ibis Ordinance, and shall moreover repair all damages done to the Wharve )(■ Bridge in cooseque -ce of such violation. Done in Council, the 3th .lanunrv, 1H25 H Jt. Keid, Mayor of the city oj Augusta By the Mayor Gko M. VValkbii, Clerk. A oi’ Ti 86 Seventy Second Section (ienerul ORsiIJSANCK. IT shall he the duly of all and tv -ry person 01 persons occupying a Lot or part of a Lot in us City, to remove from his, her or their Preml ,cs, at the limes herein pr :»cr.bed, all decayed <ud decaying vegetable and animal substance 1 id in general every th ig tending to corrupt lie sir, aul place the same i 1 the street oppo > te to his, her -r their Lot, twenty feel be m nd its b 'U' dary line. Th above mentioned 1 be; 10 be nv formed before Nine o’clock in the Morning : District No. 1, on Mondays and Th irsdays. District No. 2, on 'Tuesdays md Fridsv*. District No. 3, on Weiltteulavs and Saturdays. It is particularly requested that filth shall not ie tl row mi at any o her time. Jin order of the Street Committee. A* iv 20 ’ 94 I Sul’, .odowing me tit.. Siat.n.aiy C miniiue ot Cotiiici for the year ending the secon M .iday in April, 1826 : On City Halt.— Messrs. Thomas, Warren, Hale. On ) > olice. Hale, Dillon, I hotnas. On Hospital. -.1 Mo >1 e, 110 l inshead, Howdre. O Hu nil. —Uowdre, Dillon, Gale. On Accounts. —Male, A. Moore, J, Moore. On Hirer Hank ami Wharf —A. Moore, ,1. do. re, Danforlh, Dowdre. On Streets Bow.lre, Dillon, Warren. On Jail. -Warren, Danforlh, T, otnaa. On Drains —D i ifonh Hale, J. Moore, On Damps —Warren, Danforth, A. Miiore. On Magazine. — Dillon, Hollinshcad. I'llblished hi/ order of Council. Geo. M. Walker, VVIc. May 20 94 Receiver’s Notice. SWILL alte'e.) «l Hit ttllice of th C.etk ot . the Mayor’s Court in llu City Hall, every Monday comnieoc ng on the 6lh day ol ,lu- e next, until the lir't day of August, to receivi -he returns of the taxable property of such per sons ns have nut had an oppotlunily to main ueretofore. And all persons who do not maki It ir r turn previous In the first of August wd I pe sit 1■ j IHi taxation as a defaulter. M. F. Boisclair, u, r. n, »■ c. May 31 97 Ad ini 1 tislratoT' s ft ale. Will be sold on tin fits . ues lay in August next, at the Court.lL ntse, in Way nesborough, by or der of the Honorable the Court of Ordinary : Seven Negroes, viz: Monday, lien, lurad Pegg, .!■ nry, Jon and Arcl) bel . g mg lo the estate of Gotten Merritt, deceased, ind to be s "Id lor the benefit of the heirs and irtdilors nf said 'creased. Comfort Merritt, Jldtnrx. Unrke County. 'J »y 3. 1H .> 13 i 91 Adininistrittor's Sale. . Will he soli on In ti. I toe lay in \ugost next a It" C ntrt House in l.'runkliit county, at the usu il hours : One Negro, named Kandal, oi ■ i ■ K up of William Kdwards, deceas d, -ol I n rder to make s division among the heirs <«f :au ' deceased.— Terms made known on the dsy o • sale. ’ George Stovall, Adm , r. ' M.v 74 1825 Ln r 97 A olicc. LL persons to whom the estate of John N I.auhin, deceased, is indebted, are request! ; present their accounts within the time pr. set died by law, and those who are indebted h ~ .od estate, are requested to make immediate pay ~ oent to Peter Hennocli, Adnt’r. .f nlv 23. F 8 N utice. 4LL persons having demands against the c« late o' K'izi A. Levett, late of Burke Corn, iv. deceased, are request* i to present them L vally a tested, and th ise indebted, to make itnme 11 bate pay ment to Jonathan Lewis, ) Adm'r. I f and a,,<l > Admr’x. d Rosina Morrison,) /><»«<» non. Miv 1 18° £ 7t T 91 1 j Notice. A t.L persons indebted to the estate of Cultoi | Merritt, deceased, are requested to rende 1 i. ,r ao u ts in properly attested, within tin me prescribe ' I) law, and those indebted t. said estate wilt o-ike iinied a e payment In Comfort Merritt, Jidiur'x. Hurke County, M*y 3, 1825 13t t 91 Monthly Advertisements. N dice. ° I''E* months after dale, application will b ( i.s made to tlie Justices o I tlie Interior Cour ! of Scriven for Ordinal; purposes, for certain tract of Lam * contain,off two hundred acres being in the conn ty aforesaid, belonging to the Estate of Calel ‘towel/, deceased, fur the bench l of the Heir: l J a| id creditors of the said deceased. Mabala Howell, Adm’x. ;y June 13. 1825 1 y,,, iu3 1 " iN otice. VTINE months after dale, application will bt i.s made to the Court of Ordinary of Franklin ' unly, (or leave. t 0 sell one hundred Acres o Can I, in said C unity, as tlie property of Adatr Cinn, deceased, tor the benefit of the Heirs anc " Creditors of -a ; 1 deceased John E, Carson, adm’r. January 18, 1825 lm6n 63 N olice. VTINE months after cute application will bt i.v made to the Honorable Inferior Court of olumbia County, when setting as a Court of Or linary for leave to sell 2t)2 1-2 acres of Land 1\ ■ ng in (be 2d District of Monroe C unly, Lot N 208, it being the real estate of William Simile'. 1; deceased, and to be sold tor the benefit of tht || icirs and creditors of said deceased. James Smaliey, Adm’r. January 4 1825 Im9n 57 .Notice. 1 V INB rnont^3 After dme, application will bi i ' made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, srtting for ordinary purposes, foi _ 'be county of Burke, fur leave to seii all tlie real slate of Stephen Chance, late ot Hurke county deceased, for tlie benefit of the heirs and cred tors of said deceased. i Mary Chance, Adrn’x, Joseph Chance, Adm’r. Burke county. Sept. 6 1824 1 9m 22 N otice. TNJINE months after elite, npplieati «>» will in •*» made to the Honorable Court d Ordinal’' j it C lumbia County, fop leave to sell ad (he . etd 'state belonging to the orpit ns of Samuel •t'llivin, deceased, a d si o, an undivided Da if Land, lying in Columbia County, belonging 0 said orphans, and t > Meii’di Jones, a Minor. John Cartlidge, ’ Gu rth mi of naif/ Orphans, Polly Jones, Gun .lain of Melinda -lanes. Msv 25 i- 9 95 i\ otice. .PWINE months alter date, application will b, •H made to tlie lionurab- I fonor Cou t •> It.cbm m I County, for le ve to sell the undivided half of Tenement No 7. lir ; 'ge Ilow--a' tw nnlmprov (I lots Corner Elbert and Reynold streets, for the benefit of Marga-et 15.I 5 . Hones, f •■lmor. John Bones, Guardian. October 25, 1821 m9tn a**v olif:e. ■ I|INE months alter d application will b. «i I made to tlie Honorable the Justices of (I derior Court of said c in ly, when si"ing f Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ,h ■ whole lie real Estate of Irvin I! n et, decease. 1, late us said county, for ihe benefit of tlie heirs and ere litors of said deceased. , Jam's Lambert. I Edward Boyet, y Striven f'aunty J» 28 I ln-9m 68 NUTiCE. VTINE months after dale, application will b 1 v made to tlie Honorable Court of Ordinary Columbia county, for leave to sell two tracts o- Lund in said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek mi" containing 318 acres joining Foi lard, Pulin' ami others, the other containing 172 acres jomiin I.tike and others, it being a part if the real esla' if Thomas Jones, deceased, sold for the benufi , if the heirs of said d cease 1. William Booker, Adm’r. In right of his tvift , January 25, 1825 I 9m 61 , otice. 1 .'NJINE months after date, application will |j■ JM mad to the Com ruble the Court of Oidi” ry ot Columbia County, t ir leave to sell 222 a res of I .ami. lying in C lumbia County, on tlie waters of the big Ktok >e Creek, adj lining Lands >1 Hamilton, Graves and others, to be sold for tin benefit of the heirs of J ames Marlin, deceased. Kobcrt Martin, adm’r. November 8 182*1 1 -‘bn 49 N OIiCC. 1 \T' l* months after date, application will bi 1 i.v made to the Honorable the Justices of tin 1 I derior Court of Franklin County, when sitting or O'diuary purposes, for leave to sell the real Slate ol J dm Gettings, late of said county, de ceased, fur the beira and creditors of said de — ceased. John (Settings, adm’r. M April 12, 1825 I 9m 87 le ———— N olice. ' v>j|lNE months alter date, application will bi Jt J made to die Honorable the Interior Court, i Uitrke County, when sitting for Ordinary purpo ev, I r leave to sell Hie undivided part ol th* r al I stale oi Lewis Emanuel, deceased, for thi - benefit of the heitj and crevlitors of said dicess ed. " Jona. Lewis, Surviving’ Administrator de hums non, . Btf he county, March 7 1b25 lin 9 n 75 N otice. 'VINK months after date, application will be I JNI to the Honorable the Justices of tin Interior Court of Scriven County, when sitting nir Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a certain tract or parcel of Land containing two hundred ~~ wo and an half acres, situated lying and being in the thirteenth District of Henry County , CL in and know n and distinguished in the plan of said n District bt the number elgh'y, (SO) the whole of it he real Estate of Sarah Callaway, deceased, lau to -h said County, fur the benefit of the Heirs ami creditors of said deceased. Samuel Doughty, adm’r. Striven County, Feb. 25, 1825 lm9m 72 I Notice. - vXIINF, months after date, application will bt L. I made to the Inferior Court of Columbia JL County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, foi r t eave to sell 235 acres of Land, (in said County j i-y neloiiging to the estate of William It. Crabb, de id ceased. n- John Kennon, adm’r. tb November 6, 1824 lm9rn 4U rs N otice. TVTINE months alter date, application will be i.v made to the Honorable the Interior Court - 1. 1 Burke County, when silling lor Ordinary put poses tor leave to sell the real estate or Wnley Hanberry, ( Minor,) deceased, for the benefit oi r he heirs and creditors of said deceased. a I Jona. Lewis, adm’r. m Burke county 9 March 7, 1825 Imym 57 id N otice. NINE months after date, application will bi made to the Justices of the Inferior Cour -of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinal' • urposes, for leave to sell the real Estate of Da , vd Clark, deceased, for the heirs and creditor ,( of .aid deceased. r Thos. May s, ex’r. April 12, 1825 In 9m 87 ' ' ' N olice. TVTINE months after date, application will b , -L v made to tlie Justices of the Interior Court ■r Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Star . hug Proctor, a M.nor. James R, Haley, Guardian. , April 12. 1825 1 9m • 87 . N otice. 1 OStINK months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordin ry of Hip ke county, tor leave to sell the real Es tate ot Enoch Fa-mer. deceased. Jolm Fanner, adm’r. Burke County, i- >. 1 1825 1 m9m 65 r j : • • ■ I*’ <'li! .1 A. Hurke County 4 - By the Hon tin. Cun i of Ordinary of said County TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CO\CEUK. IM7HEKBAS E"jah Byne, and Enoch Bvoe. (* adminislrators on the estate of Wiliam • I ty e, late ol Burke, deceased, havo applied l< I ‘ ltd Court for Letters Di missory. Now therefore, these are to cite and admonish I and singular the kindred and creditors of the (1 d-cea*ed, to file their objections (if any they nave) in the office of the Ch t k of this Court, on ir before the first M nday in January next, other wise Letters 1) missory will b granted. Witness the Honorable Alexander J. Lawson, one of lb • just ces of sa d Court, this 2d May, 1825. td Samuel -it urges, Cl k. Os 'U C- of Orilinmy. UK it v, Hurke t - tuy. By Ih Honorable the (•«”( of Ordinary ts Burke County. To all whom it may concern. \\l DEUE ’S W Sapp a.<d Flienicy Sapp, M administrator and administratrix, on tin. state of P.dlip Sapp, Lite of said county, de eased, have applied to this Court for letters Db s»ory. i be e are therefore to cite and admonish all ■id singular the kindred and creditors of the said "Coa'ed, to file their objections (if any they ive) in the ..ffio*-- of the Clark ot said Court, o r before the firs. Monday in January next, other vise letters Disinissory will bn granted to them. Witness the H morab e Att n Pemb- rton, tint of the Justices of said Court, this 7lh March 1825. t j Samuel Hturges, Cl’lc. Os th- Cou t of Or 'i GEORGIA, Burke County. By the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of said County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCEHN. '\f\T HEK EA 8 Abraham Danforth in righto v »v his wife, and Augustus H. Anderson, uinistrators on the estate of Elisha Andersoi ■deceased, have applied to said Court for le’.tet lUsnissory. Now therefore, these are to cite and admoi all all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to fit- their objectlofis (if any 'ey have) in the ' (Ik of the clerk >f this Cour' >o or before the fi -t M mday in January next mherwise letters chsmissory will be granted. Witness th*- Heinorable James Torrance, one of the Hist ices of said Court, this 7th dry of March, 1825. tN Samuel Sturges, Clerk o] inr ( our oj th dinary GEORGIA, Burke County. j By the Hon, the Court of O dinary of .laid Casagjy. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT C.'XCtllN W'H-'.iiEAS James Anderson, Executor of lie Estate ol Elisha Anderson, deceased, ar a 11 s ameiitary Guardian of Virginia C. Ande s-n, has applied to said Court for letters Diamis ■ sory. Now theiefore, ihese are lo cite and admonisl ; -11 and singular the kindred ai d creditors of .In ■ d deceased, to file 'heir 'hjections (if any they ; v<?) i i the office ol the cieik of this Court, i I , b tore the first Monday in J moiry next, olht r . vise letters dismissory wi ! l be granted. Witness the Uonoraidf, James Torrance, one *■( the Juslic of -h iIC /ii t, thi 2d Mir , 1825 Gm Samuel Murges, Clerk of the Court of O-tlin nyt t.,-')KtilA Scriven County. VVf/DE«KAB Thos. VV. d.iver, Administratm 1 'Jy/ of the estate and effects, and James u V. r, deceased late of said County, applies foi 'otters Disinissory. I bese are therefore lo cite and admonish al ' anil singular the kindred and creditors of tl said deceased, to file their objections 'if any tlie have) in the office of tlie Clerk of said Court, o r before the first Monday in November nexi otherwise letters Dismissory will be granted t him. Given under my hand at office in Jacksonian rough, this 25 b day ot A id, 1825 6m beaborn Goodall, Cl’k. ' j N otice. A LL persons having d mauds against the Le :! j a tate of Keuben'Tipton, deceased, are here )I by notified to makj their return agreeable to j law, th-'se iivleb'ed, are notified to make imine ijdiate payment. f Ezekiel Lester. Adm’r. June 7. 182» 5 t 101 ,1 j —-■ —— ! 0'- W anted at this office, a youth. 'from 15 lo 16 years ot g , of inti is;ri.iu-s habits Jsa an apprentice to the Printing Busmens, GEORGIA, Richmond County. SUPERIOR COURT, May Term, 1825- e Hais Uoivduk, .Mortgage, Petition for Fore -111 YS, I closure. '* W ill'am Fullsr, administrator 1 > l Cb « n^'''iSr.nd Hezekiah Bealleand oiheis, heirs of the sa d Charles, k a tract of Land. Upon the Petition of Hays Bowdre, praying tic of the Equity of Redemption in uid to a certain Tract or parcel of Land, situate, lying and being in the county.of Richmond, ami •State of Georgia, on both sides o( Butler’s Creek, ' ( containing seven hundred acres, more or less, known as Beall’s mill tract. Bounded on the easi by land belonging to ssid Bowdre and others, southwardly by Lig n’s land, and northwardly by lands belonging to Robert Crawfotd or his heirs, - which “aid land was mortgaged by said Charles Bealle in his life time to the said Hays Bowdre, i on the fit eenth day of April, in the year ol our Cord 1821, to secure the payment of « pronusso , ry Note signed by said Charles, for the sum of nine hundred and seventy-seven dollars, and due the first day of January last, and the interest that might accrue the sum of nine hun dred and seventy seven dollars, and interest from the first day ol January last, being now due on said mortgage. Now to wit, at May Term, 1825. On motion, of John P, King, attorney for Peti tioner, it ,s ordered by the Court, that the prin ciple, interest and costs, due on saul morlgige, i be paid into Court within twelve months from the date hereof, or from henceforth the Equity d rede in. tioa will ne forever barred and fore dosed, and the mortgaged premises stld in terms of the law. And it is further ordered, That a copy < f this . Rule be published in one of the public Gazettes f tlie City of Augusta, at least once a month un til the time appointed for payment, or served u ion the R epresentatives and Heirs of the sild Charles, a' least six months previous to the time the money is directed to be paid. True extract from the minutes. James .Vl’Laws, Clerk. June 7, 1825 lml2n 99 GEORGIA, Richmond County, J Uy the Honorable the Cowl of Ordinary of the ' t County of Richmond To all whom it may concern. W 'EREAS Nattia i 11- Leal, administrator, de bonis non, on the estate of lliztkiah Gi'ai, deceased, lute of said county, has applied ’o this Court (or Letters Uismis.oiy These are therefore to cite and admonish all :i|| d singular the kindred and creditors of tire mid deceased, to file their objections (if ave) in the ■ Rice of the Clerk of said Court on nr before the first Monday in November next, therwise Letters Uismissory will be granted to him. Witness ’he Honorable Samuel Halo, one of the Judges of said Court, this 12th day of April, 1825. Isaac Herbert, CVk. Os lh" Con . of Ordinary GEORGIA. Richmond Loamy. Ry the Court of Ordinary for said County, TO ALL WUOM IT MAt COMCEIIS. » VB/'ll ERE AS R. John f,5, iga mid Robert Di- a TT mon. Administrator*, de bonis von, on the ■■■state of Jesse IVimun, deceased, late of said County, have applied to this Court for letters Uismissory, These are therefore to cite and.. a Jrpymyb- *ll oul singular the kindred and creditors of (fesaid deceased, to file their objections fit any they have) n the cilice of the Clerk of said Court on or be ore the first Monday in June next, otherwise let ers Uismissory wiH be granted to them, Witness the Honorable Samuel Hale, one of lire Judges of said Court, this 26th day of No vember, 1824. *>m Isaac Herbert, clerk, - + Os the Coa t of Ordinary Georgia, hwthe ( uuniy. j. Court of Ordinary, March Term, i.- s 4JHHJEHEU, Ibalaii applications hereafeor to ” for Letters of Guardiamain, of '•mors under the age of fourteen years, b i ■',! re i 1 fi'-d to the Clerk at least twenty days before llte term of the (Aiurf u which Mich application is to be aoted o ■ Tfy the Court. And that the so dicantur applicants shall obtain from fhu GLt'k writing, which shall be postal at the : un jjjsnis. door, at I -j-t twenty days b; h-.s the -rm at w hich the application is to be asted on, ignitying bis or their intention to make e ich ap. ilication.—OmiEHKii, I hat in case the eight of Guardianship occur within twenty days before oe meeting < f the Court as above CTbrssstW, me Court w 11 exercise its discretiot as to the . course to bt pursued. A true extract from the Minutes. Attest, Samuel Slurgcs, CVk . A !’ r 'l 12 lm4m b ; (jEOIUiIA, Sc riven County. \\ Pol ock. Administrator ”, W 'V‘ l|ie Y' 1 ' i,,,n . e,ed . ot ll,e Estate of Wdbam, deceased, and al o administrator f tlie Estate ol Mary Boothe, deceased. And vvil'nim H. Wade, administrator de bonis non of "" Es!a, f. O, ,°V r »' re M-. Henderson, deceased, applies for letters Dismissory, These are ther dore to cite and admonish all , and singmar the kudred and creditors of the , * au deceased s, to file their objections in this of hce, on or b-lorr the first Monday in August next, ensuing, to shew cause (if any they have) why letters Uismissory should not be granted to tile applicant*. ** Given under my hand at office in Jacksonbo -1 In 28th day ot January, 1825. , 6Seaborn Goodall, cVk. I GEORGIA, Columbia County, h |/UKUEA.S Uenu-t Crafton, has applied for * » letters of Uismissory on the estate of George G. I'ankersley, deceased, fate of said county. 1 hese are therefore to cite and admonish all a ‘ singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time preset ib d by law, to fife their objections (if any they havuj to shew cause why nl letters of Uismissory should not be granted Given under my hand at office, in Columbia, this Ist day of Ap d, 1825. ( i ,u Cr. Jones, ]). CVk. A olite. rllE public are cautioned against trading for » Note of the subscriber, made payable to J '■ Thompson, sixty days in m .he 28 b of May . last, for Five Hundred Dollars—as 1 have offsets ip nearly, or quite to the amount , Gilbert Lousstreet. June 13 6tw ltn