The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, July 15, 1825, Image 3

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CONSTITUTIONALIST. ,. : v -- z . — ~ ( AUGUSTA. FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1825. PARTY. Many conjectures are afloat as to the course parties will now take in these Uni ted States. The Republicans are anxious to maintain their principles, while their op ponents wish to give full effect to the amal gamation, commenced by the late Presi dent Monroe, under the delusive expecta- ' tion that the National Happiness is to be i best advanced by the destruction of sys tem and the abandonment of principles. The result of the late Presidential election ' has given fresh impulse to this wayward doctrine, and although Mr. Adam’s admin istration has as yet afforded no decisive evi-1 deuce of what its general tenor will be, the strain of the inaugural speech, and the appointment of Mr. Ring, have awakened both the hopes and the industry of the Anti- Democrats. If the rights of the States on the one hand, and those of the general Go vernment on the other—a power resting on the people, and a cheap administration on the one side, and a strong Federal Govern ment with an extensive army and navy, a rich treasury, and a widespread patronage on the other—if, to enumerate no farther— the landmarks of parties, founded in dif ferent views of national prosperity, shall be obliterated, and men of all principles “ Black spirits and White lied Spirits an<l Grey” are brought to mingle in the administra tion, it is clear that no set of political ax ioms will be esteemed orthodox in the man agement of public affairs. To this point we fear we are (ending, and the conse quence will be, that instead of fixing upon principles and measures, the American peo ple will be called upon to follow men and their fortunes. The compass being thrown overboard, the vessel must be bewildered in her course by jarring and conflicting o pinions, and although she may sometimes move securely under a clear sky and over a smooth sea—stormy days will come, when her dangers shall be imminent, and the ab sence of her best guide prove her greatest misfortune. There arc persons who condemn parties for their violence, because they would ever have matters conducted in a gentl and smiling way. it is true that kindness, friendship and benevolence give high charms to life, and it is an error to believe that these arc incompatible with the existence of parties. Men who hold different opinions upon a much more important subject, are in their conduct towards eacli other, gov erned by the best charities. Violence and Party are no more synonomous terms than are Bigotry and Religion. Besides those who fly from what they call the harshness and fury of parties, make but a sorry ex change. They cease to defend their prin ciples, and hasten to bow before this or that great luminary which may glitter in the po litical firmament. It is ain to say that an American citizen will wash his hands of politics. He cannot. He is by education and from duty a politician, and he must serve one or other alternative ; —if he is not the man of a party —he must become some man's man. It is easy to see where his choice should lij. He would not submit his morals to the direction of any man, no matter how pure or excellent. I’he governor of his actions is within his own breast. It is so with his political opinions—they are sought by pat riotism, approved by judgment, and he co-operates with those whose creed is like his own. How much better is this than for getful of the constitution, or careless of its construction and application, to run madly to the support «1 some aspiring favorite whose popularity is built, as the Houses of Lawyers are said to be by the Spanish Pro verb, “ upon the heads of the ernbeeile and unwise.” The friends of Mr. Crawford were fortunate in the late Presidential con test in this -that they supported their prin ciples in the person of their favorite candi date. They are at present entirely unfetter ed and unembarrassed. They will support the administration with cheerfulness when ! they approve its measures according with the magnanimous sentiment uttered at the Lexington Dinner—they will judge it by , Us acts. We shall express ourselves fur ther upon this subject. i We are induced to believe from recent ! information, that generally, the crops throughout (he state afford the prospect of an abundant Harvest. In some places in deed, drought has been severely felt, and in others the too great quantity of rain has been prejudicial. To those however who delight in the prosperity of Agriculture —a , journey in this country at this season would t prove a real treat. We hope and expect - that corn will be next year very cheap, and * that cotton will afford a handsome profit \ both to the planter and the merchant. , We have seen a calculation of the result < of (he coming election of Governor, which, 1 after giving to Gen, Clark the largest and to Governor Troup the smallest probable s number of votes, leaves a balance in favor ( of the last of Three Thousand Five Hun- ' dred Votes. - I I Darien Bank. —We understand (says the Savannah Georgian) that a Committee of Directors of the Darien Bank has been ap pointed, who may be expected in this city immediately, having for their object the for mation of an arrangement, by which its pa- I per may be received by our city Banks, as formerly. The community, we are sure, I will look with much anxiety to the result of this mission. I Pirates. —ln addition to the circumstan ces published, showing the probability that there are pirates on our coast, the Alexan- 1 dria Herald gives the following statement: j “ Captain Parsons, of the schr. Sarah, ar rived at Alexandria on Friday, from York River, informs us that Captain Anthony of, the sloop Justinia, while in the river, stated to him that in the latitude of the Capes of the' Chesapeake, he was chased for several hours! by a low black schooner, and fired upon, with as he believed, a six pounder; the pi ratical looking vessel finding that his shot fell short, and that he could not gain on the' Justinia, gave up the chase and bore away and boarded a schooner which Capt. Antho-1 , ny thought belonged to Fredericksburgh. The armed vessel showed no colors.” ( 7 he Small Pox. —We are sorry to per* ceive by the following communication in the Charleston City Gazette, that this dreadful ■ disease still prevails in that city ; t Communication. —lt is a lamentable fact • that the Small Pox and Varioloid, are very ! prevalent in our city, and ii is the impression of many, that Vaccine is not a preventive against the infection of those horrid diseases. 1 Would not the Medical Society confer an obligation on the community, by affording i some information and advice upon a subject , by which the comfort and the lives of our I fellow-citizens are threatened ! The Corporation of New-York, have pla ced the portrait of Bolivar between those t of Gen. Washington and Gov. Clinton, ' in the large room of the City-Hall, in which j the entertainment to General Lafayette , was to be given, on the anniversary of inde pendence. Gen. Lafayette arrived at Albany on the 1 Ist inst. and was to proceed to New-York on the day following in the Kent Stearn , Boat. The Louisiana Advertiser of the 15th ult. says—“ Our port is continually altering. The steam boat Helen M'Gregor, in com ing in last evening, run hard and fasta ground on sand bar opposite Common-street, were a few months since there was twenty feet deep of water. She was got oft" a few t hours after.” FROM RW JANEIRO. The ship Phcebe Ann, Capt. Gardner, has ’ arrived at New Bedford from Rio Janeiro, ' in 35 days passage. Capt. G. states, that * six days previous to his sailing, a Govern- 1 ment brig in 6 days from Montevid . , had 1 arrived with despatches for the B izdian 1 government, the purport of wh : . i was, ’ that a revolt had taken place in that pro- 1 vince. The General who had assumed the 1 command of the revolutionists, is the same 1 that formerly commanded under Artcgas— “he had planted his standard around Mon tevideo.” The General commanding in the city, states that lie has not one thousand men on whom he can depend. In conse quence of the above intelligence, the Em peror had laid an embargo at Rio, prohibit ing the departure of all vessels bound to the South, and was embarking sixteen hun dred troops for Montevideo. Freeman's Journal. Shipwreck. —The schooner Herald, Capt. Gheaton, from this port for Boston, has been lostatsea.—She had a number of pas- 1 sengers on board, (Carpenters) belonging to 1 Massachusetts. The following is a list of j some of their names, with which we have been furnished, and which we publish for the information of (heir friends abroad. It is feared that they have all perished- ] David Robinson, Calvin Robinson, At- \ hert I). Robinson, Jesse Gifford, Ezra i Bourne, Franklin Bourne, Frederick Par-\ j her, Alias H. lish, Pnomas N. Freeman, i Charles Bassett. John I). Hawker, and about r nine more, whose names are not recollected. ( The crew consisted of five souls. ( Southern Patriot. |j FOR THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. 1 Mr. Editor, [ have noticed a piece in your paper, under date of June 28th, called 1 “Hamburg Reminiscences, No. 1,” sign- - ed “ Croaker,” in which the writer says a ' good deal about “ Hamburg Ornette wri ters”—“ Yazoo speculation*’’—“ Darien Hunk, &c.” He further says, “ It is but fair that all kinds of favours should be recip rocated ; therefore as I am well acquainted ' with the history of Hamburg, and the Bank of Hamburg, so named, known, called and s denominated ; and as I am likewise ac- ‘ quainted with many interesting anecdotes ! relative thereto, and expect important com- : munications, containing authentic duct)- . ments, from gentlemen ot high standing, 1 and persons well acquaint#*! with the facts, 1 (I do like to quote, that’s the truth of it.) 1 shall weekly as I compile them, furnish you with such a history that it will astonish them, and confound creation.” And he further says, J I My Poems are Epic and is meant to be “ Divided in twelve Books, each book containing” * Os “ lied and Black Marks,” a full history” I •• Hamburg, and Bank of Hamburg.” In your paper of July Bth, you make (he following note. «C7* The writer of “ The;* Hamburg Reminiscences,” having become 1 personal in his is proper that his name should be lodged with (be publisher, before the second number is inserted.” As “ Croaker,” has twelve Epistles, or perhaps more to communicate, out of which considerable advantages may be derived, I viz. First you will get pay for publish ing them - ; Secondly, the people’s curiosi ity may be gratified, and Thirdly, as “ Croa ker,** has neither wealth nor reputation,! and as the subject is important enough to display his talents, should he have any, he imay gain both. I shall not answer nor contradict “ Croa keh;” and should he at any time be at a loss to make up a good story, if be will call upon me personally, I will assist him. Therefore you are hereby authorized (should the personality relate to myself, Hamburg, I the Bank of Hamburg, Red marks, and | Black marks) to publish as many Epistles or Books as be may think proper to write, and you to print. Yours respectfully, HENRY’ SHULTZ. Hamburg, 8 C. July 11, 1825. From the National Intelligencer. A PRESENT FOR BOLIVAR. We understand that a present is prepar ing in this city, intended for the Liberator Bolivar, and that an opportunity will be sought of confiding it to the care of the Colombian Minister, through the honored medium of our Nation’s Guest, during his now shortly expected and last visit to the Seat of Government, This compliment to worth, whicU> though so distant from us, is not the less' revered, will consist of two articles—A Medal, which was given by the city of Williams burg, the ancient capital of Virginia, to the ancestor of the present donor, the lady of Washington, in commemoration of the vir tues and services of her illustrious husband, in the war of independence. The medal is of the purest gold, weighing upwards of an ounce, and has engraved, on one side, the Genius of American Liberty, represented by Wisdom and Valor; legend, “ Virtute et Lahore Respublicß.** City of Williamsburg. On the reverse is seen an armed Warrior, who has thrown aside his shield, and is in the act of piercing with a lance a crowned Lion, which rushes to de stroy him. Above the Warrior appears the American Constellation of Thirteen Stars, with (lie legend “ In hoc signo vinces ” — Inscription on the reverse, “En dal Fir ginia primum .” There is added to this interesting memo rial, a portrait of the great Chief, largest size miniature, executed by the celebrated Field, i in his best style, from a painting by Stuart. 1 In the back of the picture is enclosed a lock ! of the Patriarch’s hair, of the same descrip tion as that now worn in the ring of the es timable Lafayette, and encircled by a wreath of the Roman laurel, the legend simply— “ Jiuctoris Libertalis Jlmericunce in Septcn trione hanc imaginem dut Filins ejus adopta tus, HU qui glorian similem in Jl astro adop tus est.** The following letter will be sent to the Hero of the South : “Liiikuatok—An American, of the family ol Mount Vernon, presents to you, by the honored lisnd.sol the last ot the Generals of the Army ol North American Independence, the venerable, the good Lafayette, a Medal commemorative ot lb. worth and tame of the most truly gieut and glon nusof men, the gift of die ancient Capital ot his f native State, and preserved in tiis family -ince the War of the Revolution. Acoomp toying this memo rial, is a Portrait of the great Chief, enclosing a lock of his hair. Accept, Liberator, these offering', made to your virtues, and to the illustrious services you have rendered to your country and the cause ot man kind. Let them be preserved among Hie aichivi s of South American Liberty, that they may com mand the veneration of ages yet to come, and w h die interesting relcs ot their chiefs, receive he ( homage of all the Americans, wh > with pure an riu nphant acclaim hail you as B divar, Uie Ue. iiverer, the Washingto i of the South ’’ On tire application of the legends on the Medals to the South American Republics, we would observe, that wisdom and valor must always be grand essentials with every t people who struggle to throw off the yoke ol oppression, to obtain the natural rights of s mankind. The Constellation of American 1 Glory will appear to the oppressed like the , Cross of Constantine in the Heavens, for bidding despair, and inspiring the hope and belief that 'tn hoc signo vinces .’ And where, is with our South American brethren, the struggle is over, the boon obtained, and a. regenerate people are about to enter on the grand experiment of self-government, we may truly and feelingly say to them, Mint, ‘by Virtue and Industry will Republics flourish.’ GEORGE W. P. CUSTIS. Lafayelte*s Land. —Col.. McKee, who was deputised to select a township of land j lur Gen. Lafayette, has fixed upon town-i ship N i. 1 North, in range No. 1 East: which adjoins Tallahassee. This township is con-l. sidered to be one of the best in the Terri-1 tory, and its worth is estimated at from 150 to 200,000 dollars. We understand that it is probable that the General will dispose of one half, say every other section. [Pensacola Qaz. Middletown, (Conn.) June 29. Another Marriage of an Indian with a White Girl contemplated. —Our readers will recollect, that about a year ago, a mar riage took place bet ween an Indian Chief, who had attended the Foreign Missionary School at Cornwall, and a white girl. Most of the papers spoke of it in terms of decided disapprobation. The Agents of the School, at the head of whom is the Rev. £)r. Beecher, of Litchfield, published a report, under date of the ITth inst. in which they state, that a negotia tion for a marriage has been carried on for some time past between Elias Boudinot, a young Cherokee, and Harriet 11. Gold of the village of Cornwall, and that there is now a settled engagement between the par ties. The object of the publication is, to j declare their “ unqualified disapprobation of such connexipn.** And they regard the conduct of those who aided or assisted in this negociatiou as highly “ criminal.” They say that additional restrictions have been adopted, to protect the interests of the School, and of the community as connected , with it. [ In Beaufort, South-Daroliua, on the ‘J.Jd of May last, affe-a lon-* and painful indisposition. the Rev. MASON L WEEMS, » of Dumfries, Va well known as the author of the Life of Washington, and various other popular works, which have pass 1 ed through numerous editions, and have had a most extensive circulation.—He was a man of very considerable attainments, both as a scholar, a physician and divine. His philanthropy and benevolence were unbounded. Early in life he liberated b:s patrimonial slaves, from conscientious motives, and volunta rily commenced a career of incessant bodily toil, to dissemin ate moral and religious books in various remote ami destitute portions of the country. From Pennsylvania to the frontiers of Georgia was the principal theatre of his indefatigable labors, and it is supposed on good authority, that in the course of his life he has been instrumental in circulating nearly a million of copies of the scriptures and other valuable works.—That in this labori ous calling be was principally actuated by an expanded philan thropy, is proved by his entire mglectof the means of accumu lating a large fortune and dying in comparative poverty. His very eccentricities, for tailings they could not be called, were the eccentricities of genius and benevolence. He finally fell a martyr to bis arduous exertions to do good, and died in the full enjoyment of faith, and a blessed hope of immortality, leaving behind him a numerous and afflicted family. Mr. Henry H. Field, is au horized to act as Agent for us during our ah •iCt'Ce from Augusta. Bidwell & Casey. Jolv 15 g iSugav, VutWc. .N\vtVn-He-, d!l® lUUS. prime Molasses I 26 11 lids. do and Middling Sugars, 10 Bags prime Coffee, 5 Pipes pure Midland Gin, 8 Hhds. 4th proof Jamaica Rum, 50 Bushels prime Matanzas Sugar, 150 Barrels N. B Gin, 40 do Philadelphia Whiskey, 6 do Sweet Cider. Just received by VV illiani 11. Egan. On Viand. Ase w thousand rcai ( Se^ars. Wauled to Wive, Two smart lauhlui NEGROES. ■tul.V 1-5 2t 6 N otice. IVJ Ut-Nitr M. Fikui, is authorized by the Farmer's Fire Insurance and Loan Com pany N-w V o k. to s gn Policies of Insurance (nr os tind to attend to ajt other matters in which tills t.ion i i .o ll y may be interested, during our absence from this place Bidwell & Casey, Agents. July 15 'I 6 Mxvviman & VWwland, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, HULS. real Canal Flour, nflHißi '2 Hhds. Superior old Jam- Rum 2 Pipes nf old Brandy 6 Cask of London Porter, in fine order a 20 Qr. Chests fresh imported VIT6OX TEA. Which they offer for sale on reason ah e terms for Cash or good paper. Jhtqtuta, July 12, 1825 2t 5 IP;i&rfvfi) w&i&'irss Tuned and Vlcymivvd. The Subscriber, Respectfully informs the citizens of An ,;u-ta lliat he intends staying here a few Uys, and would he happy of attending to all or ders lie might be favoured In the above hianch. Oj* Alt orders left at the resilience of Mr Ue a<B in Green street.w ll be punctually attended to Samuel L. Speissegger. July 12 5 (fj* 'Fhe Justices of the Inferior t Court, will, on Monday the 18th inst. proem t to ppoint two persons to receive the names of per t sons, entitled to draws in the contemplated Land s I.ottery—one for the city, and one for the coun-lt y. Persons wohiog the appointment will make f ipplication to th" undersigned. tl James M‘Ulaws, Clerk:. July 8 4 SPIiEXmD SCHEME u OF THF. Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery. 3 W,M HIGHEST PRIZE. The Drawing to commence, positively on the FIFTEENTH AUGUST NEXT, | and to be completed in Nine Drawings. e ii.,., "11 A. Slaughter, Half., .. r w „ 'n u L- VV . W. Holt, IV. IV. IVI'.ID, >LommiMionero >. ... -« T 1.1. W uay,J J u. Di Thompson ©©smasßo 1 Prise of 830,000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20.000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of |,OOO is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, ) _ „ 12825 Blanks, $ * 180,000 18,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS, Less than two stud tin hcilj /thinks to a Pvizs. The Prizes only to he Drawn. ill the Prizes to befioatintr from the commencement, except the fallowing, -which -will be deposited in the ifhetl at definite periods, viz : ON THE FIRST UHAWING 1 prize of 10 000 & 1 of 500 Nl. 1 prize of 5,000 8c 1 of 1,000 8c 1 of 500 Id. 1 priz.r of 10 000 8c 1 of 5.00 iUih. 1 prize of 5,000 8c 1 of 1.000 8c 1 of 500 ’ sth, 1 prize nt 10 000 8c 1 of 500 , 6th, 1 prize of 5 000 8c 1 of 1,000 8c lof 500 , 7th 1 prize of 10,000 8c 1 of 5,000 Sc 1 of SQD . Btii. i prized' 20,000 8t 1 of 1,000 8c 2 ofsoo 1 oth. 1 pn2e of .10,000 8c I of I,OUO 8c lof 500 All Prizes payable thirty days after the corn, pi tion of the drawing., subject to a deduction of , fiheen per cent—if not applied for within twelve , months, to be considered a donation to the funds f of the Masonic Hall. TICKETS and SHARES muy be yet had, in a great variety of numbers at the original price at ; BEERS ’ LOTTERY OFFICE , No. 241, BHOAD-S ' ItKEf, ATGUs I A. • Whole T'ickets, 810 00 Halves, 9 00 i Quarters, 2 £SO Eighths, 1 29 i Darien money will be received for Tickets. (XT Orders for rickets and .Shares from any | part of the United States, enclosing the flash, : oost paid, will meet the same prompt attention, as on personal application, if addressed to J. 8. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. July 15 6 lAat ol GeAAtivs. Remaining in the POSTOFFI R at Columbia C. H. Geo. July Ist 1825. A 1 Jno S. Kelley, Elijali Anderson, | M B | Thomas C. Martin, 2 fhos. E. Burnside, 2 | Mrs. Agness Morfett, •lat? rs Blanchard, i Mrs. Ann Y. Marshall, Thomas Bowdre, I Mr. S, A. Mullen, Wm, Barrett, Jr. | Mr. Charles Mnrrak, Jno. Bradley, J Jabcz P Marshall, Jn . Y. B .yless, j John C. Morgan, Thomas J. Bowdre, j Thomas Malone, C \ N B. \V. Calliham, 3 } Peter L. Neal, P. Crawford, 2 5 0 B. L. Car lidge, $ Wm, H. Oakmsn, David Cooper, \ p D i Nicholas W. Pitts, John Day, J ft Miss Uebecca Day, i Elizabeth Ray Mr. Deal-man, 5 R. U, Randolph, E | T James Eshain, \ V. B. Thompson. Jno. Eubanks, J J. C. Tolbert, 2 F I James Taylor, 2 Wm. A. Fuller, j A. Tierney, Miss C. S. Few, 1 V G i Daniel Vaughn, Jno. Griffin, 2 ? W H | Wm. A. Walsh, Francis Uainmil, J John Wilkins, J 1 Wm, Wright, Esq. Walter Jone«, | David Walker, K *. John Willingham, Miss E. Knlingsworth, | Miss Maria Wilbnrn, Sarah Keating, j Worshipful Master I far Miss Adeline S. Ken- j mony Lodge No. 16. drick, 1 W. F. Wilkins, P. M. July 13 3l r 6 — —~t To Reut. a FROM the first of October, next, thai c mnunliiius two-story DWELLING HOUSE, on Ellis street immediately in the rear of the brick store, occupied by Messrs. Wilson 8c Cochrane. — For further r articular*, enquire of Mr. Robert F. Poe, or to the subscriber, M. A. B. White. July 1 2 & .Vlr. Luther Gumming, will act as my Attorney during my absence from the place. J. M. Hand. Mny 13 '■ 03 & During my absence from the State, Jontf W Usiniiliis, E-q, will act as my Attorney. A. Pemberton. Hnrke Countp, .Ihmp 24 1R25 4 3 Sot u; e. r|AUE Public are cautioned against trespassing B. on the Jlouses and Lots of the subscriber upper end of town—especially against hauling sand or earth from the river bank or contiguous thereto. Each and every person offending shall have the law rigorously enforced against him of them. Hugh Nesbit. January 91 (SR