Newspaper Page Text
•■ Many of th« politii’ul eviis, under wliimi every Uoaiifrv :,: n.e aor Id labour., are not to an, wo „| ••( love for our Country. but to nn i-jimnior* nfjls real conetitutinn and iuleresls." pRIESTI.Y
r nc Xatmitutiaualigt t
SYViAvV DU> SollL.>lL
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery. I
i The Drawing; to commence positively on the 1
r and to be completed in Nine Drawings, |
I S. Half,, 1 f A. Slaughter,
E' ii U.F.ID, L-Commissioner J'' ! ' OLT »
T. 1. Whay j j J - vv ; WlI ‘ D ».
’J Lli. 1). Thompson
B9JUilfllX a
I Prize of §3.) 000 is 5530.000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4Piz M of 10,000 is 40,000
k 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
1 sp/, Sof 1,000 is 5,000
I 10 I 1 izes of 500 is 5,000
Mj 50 V izos of 100 is 5,000
t 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
■ 5000 P.zes of 10 is 50,000
B 5175 Prizes, ) „
I 123-25 Blanks. 8 180,000
I 18,000 '« 1C ICE I\S at TEN DOLLARS,
■ Less ini a / ,uu ii .// i n iimf lit auks to a Prize.
I The Frizes only to be Drawn.
I Jill the Pi z hr- fnntinp from the commencement,
B except it-. Ji ,oi i /uch null be deposited in
f/i. v, ■,- I o- tip rite periods, vis:—
on ‘in: tits drawing
1 pr'v/e I. 1 {).. •silos SUO
r -'!• I P™ 'll > i & lof I.OOJ &1 of 500
y 3d. 1 pi z ■ 0 '■)■, & lof 500
4th. 1 i.r.z o' <;ji> h 1 of 1000 & I of 500
si)». i nz- i 10 tj x lof 500
6lb 1 ui.z-ol 5.-00 & 1 of 1000 k lof 500
7Hi 1 piszß o' 1 > ijoo Sc I of S.OoO & 1 ofioo
St'.. prize of 2 ’ 000 & lof I.OJO &‘2 of 500
9th. 1 ,r z of 50 odd & 1 of 1,000 & I oi 500
All Pnzee ; a -hie thirty dajs after the com
pi timi .tui. .". av ng 'ct to » deduction of
fv »;,i t-room -if i.o sopited for within twelve
n:o. h . 'a I*, c.); idvretl a d mation to the funds
Ol the Mia ic Hull.
IKKF. ‘t a (1 S'IMIB’S o.ay b- ye* had, in
a gre. t r.-f oi u ti r »t die original nii ioat
No. 24j ■ njKß’i, \f gu- a.
V. ole Tickets, IS 10 00
I; ive.s, 5 00
Qu riers, 3 30
ivii'iitns, i&5 j
Da- -I- •i! hi received for li-kets. j
• oO* •• I ' " c'.-N and '-ti in- f-nn any '
p.'-ri. -i -ii. Un'e ' si . .1, e- <••• .inp the Cash,
po.-it pai h wi'l - ’t 1 s,me " mpi attention,
as on personal appfcj;- idr. ssr-i In
.1 S, Beers,
Sene' nj lu he Commissioners,
,T-!r 15 6
ii y & 7 r£ ~\
T4*B 8 >ard onn • -ion- rah-ave the pleasure
fa iin ' tali'll; niblic. ’hnl from the
lays-.; sties ■ -f‘ti . ■up to this lime, a->-l tne In
creas n ; denni .1 t-r h 1 n, llioy am enabled de
finiliv -lv to fiv i •' ■ for the co nmenceme,;t of tile
Lottery—and t ■ (vivo tin* mos- p.-s live assuranees
of its b—njt •■*.•»• 1 r„Pv m o-li' -:. The first
drawing -'0 i‘ > • IVKI V ak :, 1 -n the
IMu ni’ siugusi nexV,
Persons r ' -ir . .-dve- -i e . ai ; s-I to pur l
chase •"■ .Bout >(• .•■ "i adva-ic-.; in tne price of
tickets ’h; ,(.]■ ■)!» i> ■ . Dealers in i. ittefi
tic. ns m-h 3a -1 ... r h'a.ns .Ii ijt; sunp*.
on n I anUifeiHis ~-r-n -v ni 1- applicatio •.
th,. llj.-rd of tin ti -.i'l'isr ihr i»h ilielr - c i
J **i Beers, j
Secratar to the. line ;t of Vo . ners.
June I’’ iJ 1 .
A zjJJ*
fS 1 ! ’B mbs ! ; ■»d e prac‘-ce in t ■
X rn! ' .;* <>: w and I'.q ii y n this
S ii ''s 1-is prjitssional str*.
vice 1 . in' C • 1 ■ 1
• liibb, I / j. ( ’ones I Crin'forcl ,
Monroe, | tor, I •.ice ,? | /‘the.
vv as Ii? svgiou I'oe.
M-"on ' nty / ,
Ji i- ■ V 1
ff.'t ■ ... - has uk -1 -I I'.iI.NGS for
H ••■■■ dbyC 1.1 Kalhhi ist, back
o’ P.ant. *■’ o el, and 'iitends keeping all
so r p ‘ . t . 1.1 n, vv I j - ni a c * ii l ' n
Daniel Clements.
J- 10 !"J
- .
La ik v tii Jwh YriuViug,
Neatly Executed at this f '(flee.
wnoiiHwi.zill ■Miwi—l Ml UU .HM
I ®aan®«x a atA®3a*
No. 164 Broad Street,
j Haw e U\ia HecelyevY
which will be disposed of low, for cash.
May 20 94
The Subscriber
's opening in Broad street, one door brlosu Mr. M
lea's Hat Store,
Consisting of
Dress coats,
Frock Coats
Drab box Coats
Double & single mill’d Casaimere Pantaloon!
Itroad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do 1
Toilinett, Valentia, Swansdown k idack silk
Blue and block Cloth and Cassimere do
Superfine Linen and Colton, trilled and plain
United, Cotton, Worsted and l.atnhswool
Sho ts and Drawers
Flannel do do
I’artan and Camhlet Cloaks
Ladies do
Boy’s Dresses
W-utl-’n close body Coats
Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, gome very wide’
immilatiun beaver do
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps
Washington, Jackson and La fayetlc Stocks
Silk Umbrellas
Gloves, &c.
Negro Jackets and I'rowsers
House servants Goalees and Pantaloons
Fearnought great Coa s
Guernsey Frocks, red Hamiel Shirts
Striped and Check do
Common Linen do
Woollen Gloves, and many other articles
in bis line.
The above GOODS are New York made, and
, . ill ha disposed of wholesale and retail, U New*
York prices.
J. P. Seize.
rieccniKer 3 46
FVAUUi and Ta*AL.
[T-m ’ ARRELS Fresh North
v- ern
iiL-.,ifißi oL 250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of
a superior quality, just received and for sale at
No. 308, Broad-Street, bv
Thomas S. Metcalf.
! Vlav 27
! Corn for Na !e.
From 1000 to 3000 B isliels Prime
For Sale by the Subscriber, at JVo 341,
John Dillon.
July 5. j
Commission Business.
At his md stand -n Savannah, near the Fort, and
-s prepared t - mske suitable a-lvaucts upon ah
produce placed in bis bands for sa'e,
John Everingham, jr.
April 12 p 3
A A/ F. will attend at - lie Market House, in the
* » c.ty ut Augusta, on Tuesday the 2d clay of
'August next, at 12 o’clock, to let the Building of
a > ridge «ver Butler’s Creek, on the Louisville.
. road beiow Mr Walker’s Mill. A plan nf the
Br.dge with particulars will be made known on
jibe day.
D. Berry, j. i. c. r. c.
II- VlcTyre, j. i c. u. c.
V. Walker, j. i. c. u. c.
fS. Hale, j, i. c. h. c.
J. S. Dolt, j. i. c. R- c.
July 19 /
! Receiver's Nulice.
11V1LL attend at me Office of (he Clerk ot
'he Mayor’s Court in lb- C-ty Hall, every
Monday cornu enc-ug on the 6ih day of June
in si, nnt i tli - first day of Angu,t, lo receive
th*“ returns of the taxable property of such per
sons as h.-vt* n t had an opportunity to make
liereli'fore- And all persons who do not make
• . heir return previous to the first of August will
be subj •’( lo 1 radon as a de'aulter.
M, K. Boisclair, u. t. r. r c.
1 M-iv 31 97
To aU vwj UtcAUots.
\ r, )U ,-re h reb notified, tbs- I -hall appear
before the Honorable ihe Inferior Court, to
be h. Id in and f.-r the Cuinly of Richmond, o
he 4; Ii Monday of December next, to take (h<
benefit ol 'he act ol the General Assembly of
Ibe Slate --I G-orga, “entitled an act for ihe re
lief of lione t Debtors.”
Hiram Mann, j
July 20th 1825, 3t 8
■■HBUiiaruc VI -.1 > - - —I !■■■■■■ ■ ——
Carriage iuokwr.
HAS recolv d a .«r ii ! ni Spring Supply o
CARUrAGES»nd GIGS, which manes lii
a sort cm of Gigs complete—consisting of first
second and third rate Lea’her and Sin t ip Gig.
, om; Coacbee and one Chariotee. Reins regular
Iv supplied with an extensive assoitm t, direct
from die various maun’ ictories nt N■« ik and in
vicinity, lie is dispose 1 to sell on as go >d terms a>
the articles can b j obtained in Augusta .
I iCT’Orders for any kind of Carriages will be
forwaided and ex. rated in the best manner, at
the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriage
built to order. Repairing in all branches, at short
notice, on the most reasonable terms.
March ’2 ts • 77
JUA THREE Teuertients in the
Ijfisjfc Iludoing Ice die property of tlu
i||BH| estate ni M. C Lcavenswortli, front-
JmHL ingtbe Planters’ Hotel, on Broad
s'reel. Toe Stores are welt situated for business,
and the dwelling apartments comfortable. Pos
session to be bad the first October.
The Brick House on Broad-street,
I second door belo* Mr. W. 11. Turpin's, immedi
ale possession will be given.
! Four Tenements in Bridge* How,
jlwn of which are wed finished for families.
Samuel Hale. *.
! July 22 8t 8
i“ TO l.Kl", |
JlliS- Drick Store next to the
j corner on Broad and M’lmosli-Streets, at present
jocoupied by Mr. S ,itb Three or four Count
'ing Houses or Offices on Mdiitosh-Slreel. Two
;or three Stores near Mr. Malones’ Ware Mouse
iup town. —Possession can be had first October
| next.
Hugh Nesbitt.
j .Tidy 8 4
To Kent.
• FROM the first of October,
i« xl. dial comm us tuo-soury
J!||UH V)WEI.LING HOUriE, on Edis -street
MMBi immediately in the rear of the brick
M-.-.e, i ned by Messrs. Wilson k Cochrane. —
Kor i.ifTi r ariicnlars, enquire of Mr. Ii bert F.
i Poe, or to the subscriber.
M. A. B. White.
July 1 2
T« iieui,
From Hi- first of October rte-i,
J IHE two tire-proof STORES,
; ■ Kt nex ilinve Mr. Kneetand. met art
j fitted up In the best ntanticr, tor any
aeNBeBWBh dry Good business, with cellars and
back n to - attached.
Tiie Store with the cellar tinder it. next to tlie
t Post-Office, now occupied by ’-'riser Buwdre,
tas an Auction room—it is rendered very conven
ient fm tbai business by the covered way, in front.
The two apartments with cellars, next south, in
be same range, and one or two Law-offices, on
the second floor. Also, a convenient Dwelling on
U ynold street, now rented to Col. M’Kinnie.—
Apply in the absence of the subscriber to bis at
tornies, A. Moore, tv. Gumming and II H, Gum
ming, or either of them.
Thos Gumming.
Jn'y 1 4 f 2
jML The Dwelling next below the
undersigned, at present occupied by Gapt. Cor
•nick. —aish—
I be Dwelling st present occupied by Mr. John
Button, on Campbell street.
—also —
The Store and Dwelling on Broad street, next
above the Bridge Bank,
And four Offices on Campbell street. For
terms, apply to
McKenzie & Bcnnoch.
July 19 7
~~ TO~UE\ T. ~~
■ijssipi rnm ie f °f October next,
THE STORE in the brick tenement, at
presi P ccup.ed by Mr. Uobert II Musgiovt.
Robert F. Foe,
July 8. 4
undersigned bss appointed .lons H
1 *- Manx. Esq, his agent during his absence
from Augusta.
' a And has also to Kent,
, LaJL A Commodious Dwelling
Mouse, with a good Garden, Carriage-House,
at other needful on* bouses, ni mated near the
Rag ; e Tavern, on Meynoki-Street. Possession
: to be given on the firs* of October m-xt.
Asaph *v aterman.
June 28 1
N otice.
ALL persons having 1 demands against th<* Er.
of Reube i ’Tipton, deceased, are her"-
Hy notified * . male* their return agreeable t
law, those indebted, are n Rifled to make imme
diate payment.
j Ezekiel Lester, Adm’r. j
June 7, 1825 5- t 101
TWO Gold Seal- a i| a g. v, wlrch the owiitri
<" n have bv paying (or In advertisement. —j
| Apply at No. 183, Broad-street.
' July 22 2t 8
masonic hall lottery.
Relays are Dangerous.
' the FIFTEENTH of NEX I MONTH, will
■ ’ v" comnience the drawing of the RICHES I
LOTTERY to be drawn in the United Suites. —
ls By a reference to the scheme it will appear that
the sum of
One Hundred and ten thousand Dollars,
-■ is divided into tei p izes, which is a larger amou -t
rt ot capful prizes over one thousand dollars, tba
is Contained in any Lottery proposed in tins conn
• ry, ami the whole of this enormous amount may
probably be obtained for one hundred doll rs
besidis this, tickets can be had in this Lottery »t
the scheme price, without paying an advance of
e from ten to twenty-five per cent which is general
e ly charged for the Northern Lottery tickets sold
here, and which materially diminishes the chanc
•’ °t gain. With such inducements ofl'ered and 'a
•» king into view the certainty of the drawing it is
hoped that no individual will lose the opportunity
now ofl'ered of assisting in the erection of an ed
iflce which will be highly useful and ornamental
, to this city—ami at the same time of lining his
purse very handsomely, but that all disposed to
<Io either will apph without delay at
’ No. Broad-Street.
wltere may still be had a great variety of Tickets
" and Shares at the original price
| J. S. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
| July 26 ' 9
i 7
. | Further to regulate amt establish llhurvcs in the
, city of Augusta,
i lITHEUEASavery heavy expense has been in
r I* curred in building an extensive range of
wharves, which were designed for the public con
venience i and whereas other improvements on
the river bank have become oeces-ary, it is deem
Jed proper to collect such wharfages on produce
|anti merchandize received in the city and ship-
Iped from it, as to refund to the City Council the
, money already expended for the purposes afore
( said, with the accruing interest, and to cotnpleu
t the work still to be done.
i Sec. 1. He it ordained hy the City Council of
. Avgusta, That from and after the first of August 1
. next, alt merchandize and produce shipped (rom,
jor landed, at anyplace within the limits of the
city jurisdiction, whether at the wharves in wliicli
the city is interested or not, shall be subject to
-such rates of wharfage as are now, or may here
after be established, for merchandize and pro
duce landed at the wharves, '
i 2d, It shall he (lie duty of all owners, agent, or j
canstgueea ol buals, L>admj» or unloading;, eillypr
, wholly or in part, within the aforesaid firm a. ml
.twenty-four hours after arrival of the boat, and in
I’ltbe same time aher the loading is complete, to
Ijfurr.ish the City Wharfinger with a copy, or the
(original of the Bill of la li g, or a fair iist of th
B cargo, ami the names of the owners, shippers or
,(consignees, in order that the wharfage accounts
. against the shippers and receivers of goods, may
Jbe made out therefrom, and any agent, owner 01
'{(consignee, refusing or neglecting to furnish the
,{{wharfinger with such bills of lading, or lists of the
n cargo so loaded or unloaded, shad be subject to a
_ penalty in every instance, no exceeding one hun
dred dollars.
3d. All wharfages charged under this ordi
nance, for cargoes loaded or unloaded at othei
places I ban at Oik wharves now built, shall be col
lected by Hie wharfi ger, and paid over quarter
,iy to the collector and treasurer of the ci y.
Done in Council, this 15lh av of lul 1d25.
VV. W. Holt,
* Mayor of the city of Augusta.
By the Mayor.
Geo. M Walked, Cl’h,
Julv 22 3
i -
•V otice.
t[ IV/TU. llenut 11. Field, is authorized by the
ivJL Farmer’s Fire Insurance and Loan Gom
. pany New York, to sign Policies of Insurance for
us, and to attend to all other rna'ters in which this
Company may be interested, during our absence
from this place.
Bidwell & Casey, Agents.
July 15 f 6
tN* oVice.
i> jpHB subscribers have connected themKcives
t i.» in the practice of the LAW—they will uni
hirmly attend all tne counties of the Northern
Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the Wes
tern Circuit, one of them will be generally found
at their office in Rlberton, where they will take
Measure in transacting the business of those who
nay he unfortunate enough to he involved in the
La vv
John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard.
January I, 1825 5 7
N otice.
; i LL persons having demands against the es
JL\. ta'.e of Eliza A. Levelt, late oi Burke Conn
' ly, deceased, are requeste 1 to present them le
gaily attested, and those indebted, to make imme
' jdiate payment to
Jonathan Lewis, ) Mn ’ r
■ / and
7 Admr’x, dc
- Rosina Morrison, ) bonis non
j May 2 182* 7\ t 91
J Notice.
A I.L persons indebted to he estate of Cottoi
Merritt, deceased, are requested to render)
| In ir accounts in properly attested, within the
time prescribed by law, and those indebted to
paid estate will make immediate payment to
Comfort Merrit, Admr’x.
Burke Countu 1-? S 1
liarge Assortment of i
For Sale at this Office.
DR HOUEL, a French Physician, respectfully
informs the public, that he lias established
8 TEAM n' J MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta.
the very high repute these Balhs have acquired
1 m Europe, where (although a late discovery)
they are lo be found in every hospital, and the
- great cures they have performed in Boston, Phi.
i I dolphin and Charleston, can leave no doubt of
■heir efficacy. The most gentle as well as the
powerful medicines are administered by ihat
noans, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the
1 patient.
They are a never failing remedy in all cutane*
uis a flections j from Psora, Ringworms, &c. to
) icaldhead and Leprosy, They also have never
uled of success in either acute or chronic rheu
-1 natism.
• In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous
wellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases oflhe
' joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill
.•ured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections;
hi all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasis,
pilepsy—these baths hate been found most ser
iceable,and have often succeeded even in here
ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin
ilermg almost every remedy belonging to the
nealilig art, may be rendered applicable to almost
every case, and (it is repealed) without any pain,
-rouble, or disgust lo the patient.
As these baths are not yet generally known.
Dr. HouKi, will be happy to give the most res
.metafile references to persons who have been
cured by taking them.
T\\fc Steam Sy .MfcWicaV ftat\\
Is in Ellis-Street, opposite Mr. 11. Mealing’s
Brick House, a d has an entrance in Broad street
immediately opposite the city Zfotel.
January 11 57
Samuel Rockwell. 1 Judgment, in Put
vs 5 nam Superior
Robert Malone & John lieilly )' L'ourt.
ALL persons are cautioned against trading for,
or receiving an assignment nf die judgment
in the above case, us it can have no binding - fifed
nr lien on myself or my property. An anange
ment having been made between (he plaint iff and
j myself in October 1823, which fully and complete
ly exonerated me fr m nil liability on said judg
ment, lam tberefoie determined never again to
pay any part of it.
John Reilly,
Os the late firm of Malice N Ueiu.t.
July l«di, 1825. ‘ ' It 9
O fT TI)* 1 editors of the Constitutionalist, Angus
ta Chronicle and Savannah R publican, will please
give the above advertisement one insei ion in
their respective papers, and forward their ac
,oounis o P-hn Re !'./ , XnaMia'a; for i.hi ircnt,
\LL persons indebted to tne estaie of John Ca
hothgus, deceased, are r quested to make
immediate payment to the aubscriher, and those
having claims against the said estate, are
lo present them duly attested m the for u and
vilhin the (nn- orc-cib. d bv l«w
Richard H. Wilde, Jldm’r.
June 17 12' 102
•\ ofvee.
LL persons to whom the late Francis Bouyer
wl of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebt
-i. are requested to present their demands with
in the time prescribed by law ; and those indebt
ed, are requested to make immediate payment.
B. Bouver, ) ,
Paul jX rs ‘
December 21 5t
njMIE subscriber wni Oisp > I his MILLS in
JL Montgomery r miity, liavi ,ga (irist ano four
•Saws running, which la; t are calculated to turn
out from 4 to 50UO feet ol lutnHer p. r day, which
can be raf ed immediately into the O iiulgee riv
er, widi 600 acres ot the best timbered pine land
in that section of the state. As tn lerms ot sale,
they will be made easy. The above property was
formerly that nf E. W Barker. M\ residence is
near Mdledgeville. JAMES BOYKIN.
Jon-' 14 w3m 191
N otice.
INF. months alter late, application ill be
ill made to the Honorable the Interior Court
ot Burke County, when sitting tor Ordinary pur
poses, lor leave to seli the real estate oi Wnley
Hanberry, (Minor,) deceased, for the benefit of
the heirs and or- ditors of said deceased.
Jona. Lewis, adm’r.
Burke county, March 7 1825 1 0.9 57
N otice
NINE months after date, application will be
made to the Justices of Hie Inferior Court
a Franklin County, when silting fur Ordinary
purposes, for leave to sell Hie real Estate ol Da
vid Clark, deceased, for the heirs and creditors
of s a id deceased.
Thos Mays, ex’r.
April 12, 1825 lm9m 87
N otice.
VINE months after na:e, apphcaiion will be
made to Hie Justices of the Interior Court
■ I Franklin County, when silting for Ordinary
imposes, for leav" to sell Hie, real estate ol Star
ting PrnCOP, a Minor.
James R. Haley, Guardian.
April 12, 1825 1 9m 87
N otice,
XTINE months after dan, application wnl be
Lsj made to tlie Interior Court of Franklin coun
! ~ Winn silting for or nary purposes for leave to
sell the Real Estate of ■'> - titkla d, deceased,
for the bvue6 (i n i.- d deceased.
Hardy tstricklaud, Ex’r.
July 1, 1825 lra9m 5