The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, August 02, 1825, Image 1

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« \ f m ml niCTK-mia It—a——M.miaja i 1 mui-'Anr.-uvi 1 - j.'nniAi——l———S^ligjy—— “ Many ot the political evils, under which every Country in the world labours, are not owing to any want of love lordpr Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests-” PRIESTLY NEW SERIES Yol. 111. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1825. ! Eo. 11. i ■ * • ■■ ■■« unim—iM—— _____ -—~— ——l ' - ■■ . Cf*e Cane’titutioualisft IS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. WSHE ysj SnTiiL Offers for sale at reduced J J riccs. f.ns. prime Baron 15J Bieres heavy hemp Bagging, 70 do Tow Bagging, H r square bales, 20 Coils Bale Hone, 20 Hogsheads prime retailing Molasses, 60 Ban els Gin and Whiskey, 10 do. Apple Bi anfly, | 20 do, Malaga and Currant Wine, 10 Q.miner Casks leneVlffe & Madeira do 35 Bags prime Coffee, 5 Hlids, St. Croix Sugar. 50 Barrels Markerel, No, 1, 2 & 3, 40 K gs prime Richmond Tobacco, 50 Quarter boxes Spanish Segura, 5000 do. Cast mgs, assorted, 20,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, 15 Box' s Cotton Car s. No. 8,9 & 10, 100 Casks natent cot N uls, 25 K gs Duponts P wder, 40 Dozen caimister Powder, 150 Kearns Wrapping Paper, Writing and Letter do. Old Claret Wins in boxes and Dimijohns, Holland Gin, Cogn ac Brandy Ik Jamaica Kunri, of good quality, as© BOXES Hyson, Im perial a d Gonpov.der TLA. ALSO, A general assortment of Homespuns,' DRY GOODS, HAIUtWAUK, ,Vc. tfc. se. AT Ills OLD STAND, No. 182, BROAD ST, Jnlv 26 I6i 9 The subscribers, havf. just übckivkd, and offer for salf,, QU aRTER and half quarter Kegs FF and FFF Dupont’s Gunpowder, 5 Casks Medoc Claret, 50 Cases Chateau and Medoc Claret, A lew Demijohns of fi st quality C gnac Bran dy, seventeen v -ars ->l . JPillot & Le Barbier. At Air. J, It. hafilte’s, Hroad Street. Jiffy 26 4t 9 YLOUVV. and LVAVL. liIXP DARRELS Fresh North- KMmm erti Flour, iS3S3w 250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of a superior quality, just received and for sale at No, 31/„, Broad-Sir- i • hv Thomas S. Metcalf. May 2 7 9v Corn for Sale. From 1000 to 3000 Bushels Prime Vor Sale by the Subscriber , ut J\ r o. 341, BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA. John Dillon. July 5, 3 I Prime Corn. To close a Vjonsignmcnt, ■QfdDJl} BUSHELS PRIME CORN—will be solo as «9 cents per Bushel, it apppli d fur this week. 15. M'Kinnc. | July 26 3t 9 LUTTiiLVi. FACTV>iwU>L^| AND Commission Business. At his old stand in Savannah, neartiie Fort, and' is prepared to make suitable advances upon alii produce placed in his hands for sa'e, John Everingliam, jr. April 12 g'i NOTICE. TO-B will attend at he Maiket House, in the ?v city of Augusta, on Tuesday the 2d day «t Angus, next, at J 2 o'clock, to let me Building of a Bridge over Butler’s Creek, on the Louisville road below Mr Walker's Mill. A plan of the Bridge with particulars will be made known on the day. I). Berry, j. i. c. r. c. H. iVlcTyre, j. i. c. it. c. V. Walker, j. i. c. it. c. S. Hale, j. i. c. it. c. ,J. S. Holt, j, i. c, it. c. July 19 7 Receiver’s Notice. I WILE attend at the Office of the Clerk of ihe Mayor’s Court in the City Hall, every Monday commencing on the 6lh day ut June! nexi. until the first day of August, to receive’ the returns of the taxable property of aucli per sous as have nut had an opportunity to make! heretofore. And all persons who do not make their return the first of August will be suhj-'Ct to taxation as a defaulter. M. F. Boisclair, r. t. r. r. c. May 31 97 gy* Wanted ut this oflice, a young lad from 15 to 16 years of age, ot industrious hah-i its as an apprentice to the Printing Busmees. July 5 m m r——TTnn~iiia~ii in i mhi miiiipi august a V; : ’ ’ MASONIC H4LL jJ)TTKUY. THE DRAWING .J Relays are Danghrijps, ON the FIFTEENTH of NEX f MONTH, will' commence the drawing of the, RICHES-l’s ! LOTTERY to be drawn in tiie U/iiie<t Slates. —j !By a reference to the scheme it will appear that the sum of • ’ One Hundred and ten thousand Dollars, ■ is divided into ten piizes, which is a larger amount 4 capi al prizes over one thousand dollars, than is fcontained in any Lottery proposed in (Ins coun try, and the whole of this enormous amount may' 1 probably he obtained for one hundred dollars,i besides this, tickets can be had in (his Lottery atj •he scheme price, without paying an advance of from leu to twenty-five per cent which isg-neral-j ly charged tor the North rn Lottery tick.-ls soldi here, and which materially diminishes the chance of gain. With such inducements offered and >a kiug into view the certainty of the drawing it is hoped that no individual will lose the opportunity now offered of assisting in the erection ol an ed ifice which wi'l be highlv useful and ornamental 1 to this city—and at the same time of lining his Purse very handsomely, but that al! disposed to do either will apply without delay ut ; BEERS’ LOTTERY OFFICE, -No Broad-Street. where may still oe had a greai variety of Tickets and Shares at the original p ice, J. S Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. July 26 9 MASONIC HALL LOTTERY THE Board of Commissioners have the pleasure if announcing to the public, that from the large sales of tickets up to this time, and the in creasing demand for them, they are enabled de jfinitivejy to fix a day for the commencement of the Lottery- vd to give the most positive assurances ■.of its being carried fully into eff ct. The first drawing will POSIIIVELY lake nn the ioU\ ol August next, ) Persons wishing to adventure are auv s-0 to pur chase without delay as an advance in the price of tickets is highly probable. Dealers in Lottery tickets in this and other States will be supplied on advantageous terms by making application to (he Board of Commissioners through their Sec retary. J. H. Beers, -Secretary to the Hoard of Commissioners, June 17 102 TO RENT. f THREE Tenements in the Builuing Lie the property o( the estate of M. C Leavensworlh, front ing the Planter*’ Hotel, on Broad s'rett Poe Stores are well ‘Boated for business, and the dwelling apartments comfortable. Pus session to be bad the first October. also ') The Brick House on Broad-street, second door below Mr. W. 11. Turpin's, immedi ate possession will be given. also — Four Tenements in Bridge. Row, ’two of whicli are well finished f.r families. 8 rnnel Hale. j Jnlv 22 8’ 8 I To Rent. FROM the first of October, n ' x f- that c-’minouious lwo-s.oiy ■ DWELLING HOUSE, on Ellis-sireet immediately in the rear of the brick' store, occupied by Messrs. Wilson k Cochrane.— j | For further particulars, enquire of Mr. R ibert F. -Poe, or to the subscriber, M. A. B. White. I July 1 2 TT TO RE s V. liJISL ’l'l l ® I)welling next below the I (undersigned, at present occupied by Capt, Cor I 'Dick ALSO— ; Ihe Dwelling at present occupied by Mr. John) : Bui ton, on Campbell street. ALSO 1 be Store and Dwelling on Broad street, next above the Bridve Bunk. And fi ur Offices on Campbell street. F> r [ terms, appl) to j McKenzie & Bennoch. j , July 19 7 'TT TO RE\ r. JsFgßj|_ From the first of October next, IHE SI ORE in the brick tenement, at (present occupied by Mr. Kobcn H. Musgrovt. I ■ APfLY TO Robert F. Foe, July 8. 4 NOTICE 7|JIHR undersigned has appointed John H i i. Mann Esq. his agent during his absence irutn Augusta. 'I a And has also to Rent, 1 JjlMfl- A Commodious Dwelling House, with a good Garden, Carriage-House, si. other needful out houses, situated near the Eagle-Tavern, on Reynold-Street. Possession; to be given on the first of October next. Asaph iV aterman. I June 28 j j I —l Louß. and Printing, Henlly Executed at this Office ' ( MCttMfcfttMf-'Mron™.wr ■■jwwpia I & mmm* Ao. 164 Broad Street', j Have t\us (Vav HefceiyeCL •" ..* A LARGE ASSORTMENT 8F SUMMER CLOTHING, L . which will he disposed of lew, for cash. May 20 • ( t ••• 94 . LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber j opening in Jiroatl street, one door belosu Mr. AI ten's Hat Store, 4 &4nOK A Nil GENERAL ASSORTMENT 0» Whnts AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Ohess COATS, 1 Frock Coals Drab box qoats i Double & single mill'd Cassimere Pantaloon Broad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do Foilinett, Valentin, Swansdown 5i black silk Vests Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do 1 Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain ' Shirts Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lnmbswool Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Camblet Cloaks \ Ladies do I I Hoy’s Dresses . Youth’s close body Goats ' Gentlemen’s superfine Mas, some very wide brims Imputation beaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson ami La Fayette Stocks ! Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, Etc. ALSB Negro Jackets and 'browsers House servants Coalers and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coats Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Stripeu and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in his line. The above GOODS are New-York made, andn will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at Nesv- York prices. - J. P. Setze. December 3 46 THOMAS G. HALL, i Uasrriage jHakfct. HAS received a ' art o h < Spring Supply of CARRIAGES and GIGS, which muses his , assortment of Gigs complete—consisting of first, second and third rate Lea her and Suntop Cigst one Coachee and one Chariotee. Being regular v supplied with an extensive assoitment, direct from I lie various manufactories ot Newark and its vicinity, he is disposed to sell on as good terms as the articles can b-* obtained in Augusta, r QC/'Orrlers for any kind of Carriages will be 'orwaided and esi-cnted in the best manner, at { the manufacturing prices. Gigs ami Carriages t built to order. Repairing in all branches, at short i notice, m> the most reasonable terms. March 22 If 7g AN OltlihAME, further to regulate and. establish II Iturves in the . city of Augusta. r Wl I F.IiEAi a very heavy expense has been in currerl in b hiding an extensive range ol i (wharves, which were designed for the pubhc con-ln venience ; and wOfre as oili' r improvements onln the river bank li v»_ Ijccome necessary, it is deem- s ed proper to collect such wharfages on produce ( and merchandise receiver) in the city and ship- r ,P t- d from it, as to refund to the City Council the money already expended for the purposes afore- n sanj, with the accruing interest, and to complete ~ ; the work sti I to be done, 4 Sec. 1. lie it ordained by the City Council of p Augusta, I hat tr in aim atier I lie first of August v ) next, all merchandize ai d , r ;duce shipped from, „ or landed, at any place wuhin the limits ot the (city jurisdiction, whether at the wharves in which j, the ciiy is interested or not, shall he subject to S1 I such rates of wharfage as are now, nr may here- ,| alter be established, for merchandize and pro-f jduce landed at the wharves. j ( ' I 2d. It shall be the duly of all ownen, agents or| c [con-ignees of b iais, loading or unloading, eiliier| jvvliohy nr in part, within the limi s, i ll j a twenty,lour hours alter arrival of the boat, and inL th’‘ same tint ■ alter the loading is complete, to furnish the City Wharfinger w ith a copy, oglheL original ot tile Hill ot lading, or a fair list of tii L. cargo, and the names of the owners, shippers or!' consignees, in order that the wharfage accounts against the shippeis and receivers of goods, may be made out therefrom, and any agent, owner o. consignee, refusing nr neglecting to furnnfi Hie 11 wharfinger with such bills of lading, or lists ol the 1 cuigo so loaded nr unloaded, stiail he subject tin 1 penalty in every instance, i.o exceeding one bun 1 nlred dollars. t‘ j od. All wharfages charged under this ordi p j nance, (or Cargoes loaded or Unloaded al other ( j places than at the wharves now built, shall he col- c lecled by the wharfi 'ger, and paid over quarter- 11 ly to the collector and treasurer of the coy. Done in Council, this ISih dav of Inly, 1J25. W. W. Holt, Mayor of the city of Augusta. By the Mayor. <r , Gko, M Walker, Cl’k. j™ 8 u W Mr. Henry ii. Meld, is au-| thorized to act as Agent tor us during our ah , i from Augusta. hj Bidwell k Casey. I July 1.5 TO THE fIIHEUE is perhaps no medical observation bet » ter established, none more generally confirmee by tue experience of the best physicians ot all g ei md countries and none of mope importance to tin practitioner,than Use fact,that many of the most dill! cult and incurable complaints originate in neglect ed colds. In a climate as variable as ours,where the changes ot the weather arc frequently sudden ant unexpected, it requires more csre and attention guard against this subtle and dangerous enemy oi life, than most people imagine, or are able am willing to bestow. Hence the vast number of pm cents, afflicted with coughs, calarrns, asthma consumptions, and other affections, and hence tin tarrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried hi by the learned and illiserate. The many cases ol .he kind, (eil under my observation; the preposi erous compositions of inflaming drugs, whicl I* I’® 1 ’® V() £ ue ! tf ie disappointment I experienced ii (practice from remedies highly recommended ; sue (my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints, were strong inducements for me to consider whether a compound consisting of mild vegetable substances could not he invented, more free from the well founded objections of practitioners, and better calculated to avert the threatening d< struction of the lungs. PULMONIC Spray* ot Vegetables, , 01 cou Khs, colds, asthmas and consumptions I his remedy is superior to any medicine which has been oflered to the public, as it is prepared rom the most valuable herbs of our vegetal)!., kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de pendence may be placed in its virtues for tin cure of the above diseases. From the knowledge the proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues ol' the syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending h to those who labour under those distressing com hunts as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav ing admilnstered it to thousands in New-York and 1 hiladelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering it to the public, and after trial, those persona who purchase the genuine syrup, will have their mo. "ey refunded by returning the bottle, if (bey do not (eel satisfied that they have reaped benefi from the use of it. directions for Use. 1 ake a tea spoon full three times a day, say norn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re lievea. OTjf Eaoh bottle will have the signature of the proprietor. CT Prepared only and sold by E- Audler, sign the Golden Lagle, Augusta, | October 21 33 New and Invaluable sajiiM^aais a rATENTKED BT THE CNITEII STATES OF AMEOICA AUDLER’S Asiatic Lenitive tor Pain. this Medi- cineisanev e,r failin S remedy lot the lootli- Ache. Head Ache, and other dis eases. ■ rjAins remedy is good against the tooth-ache of j X pain in the teeth and jaws when duly applied jam]employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy in delieving swellings of Hie gums, face ami adjacent parts, arising from or connected with tootli-achi- It relieves bead-ache or pains in the head ii the most easy and agreeable manner; for this Ire quent and distressing complaint, this, his new * medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re 1 stores both the organs of sense and the nerves or ‘ their healthy condition at a quick and admirable rate. This new and useful preparation produces, by mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation _ upon the spirits—it quickens the sensations, sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates the functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and J vapours it acta truly like a nervous and cepbaln medicine of the first order. I Nor is its effect less beneficial when considered * in relation to the stomach, man to the mouth, the 1 head and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upon " the sight and immediate organs of digestion us ad carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing torpor, correcting acidity, and creating a most 1 comfortable warmth. The operation of this invention gnd improve ment is quite as favorable to diseases of the ear, more especially it acts to great advantage in dul ■tess and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi ent deafness, restcing the failing organ to the exercise of its true and healthy functions of hear "’lf- t Certificate from Dr. Samuel f. Mitchell. 1 Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York. t! tins day submitted to me his letters patent Iron 1 he United Slates, for compounding and vending •> remedy which he calls Hie Asiatic Lenitive, and isked rny opinion upon the same, whereupon, at ter examining the receipt contained in the specifl nation, I find it conlaint. a mixture of such aromai c, anodyne, and anti-acid articles, as are well cai- ~ ciliated to produce a composing eflect on the tin man body. Samuel L. Mitchell. i vVc7u. York, November 2 d, 1818. j 5 "notice! “ ‘ 'IMIE Public are cautioned against trespassing i on the Houses and Lots of the subscriber upper end of town—especially against hauling and or earth from the river bank or contiguous hereto. Each and every person offending shall c nive the law rigorously enforced against him of e them. \ Hugh Nesbitt. January 21 60 t E. AI UjLER, SURD i .UiS DEMIST, RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen tlemen of Augui.ta, tint he will be ready to ‘d serve them at all times, at his or their houses, in k (he line of his profession, and hopes he will meet i share of the public patronage, as lie will extract 1 teeth and stumps, and in the easiest manner if ever i so difficult, and to all its other branches. e Vaste, of Cordon, ' A superior dentifrice to any ever offered for 1 cleaning' beautifying' and whitening the teeth and ! "taking the breath sweet and agreeable. SCORBUTIC ESSENCE. Os Hoses, Which removes all acorbutic humour in tho gums and teeth, and make* them firm at the same time. Prepared and sold by B. Andler. At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cotton Range. Sign of the Ctlden Eagle, August,i. July 4 ~Audtat’a -MAVk of Uuactt. A N elegant cosmetic for whitening, softening tk. and beautifying the skin, and removing pinit Ties, freckles and chops from the face, neck, Sic. nhe Milk of Roses possesses imply qualities, for is tot only serves for the above purposes, but it put ehe bloom qf youth on age, which valuable property every lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose wosmnetic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article inh ch can be used with safety, as it contains noth big that will injtt/e the skin, and it is an indispensa the article to every lady, and should be found on their toilets, Dirkotioss.—After being washed and d -J then take a small quantity on a piece of white flan nnduel then wash face, neck, hands, &c. Each hot lie will be signed by the proprietor. Price gl. Prepared only and sold by E. Audlcr, sign of the Golden Eagle, Augusta. July 4 2 ~ 0 5P iSi a £1 (8 sic THE Subscriber has taken the SPRINGS for merly occupied by Col. J. llaphhtoh, back ■>f the Planters’ lip el, and intends keeping all kinds of UEBUEfcIUNUWrS, for gentlemen, who may call ou him! Daniel Clements. June 10 100 & tgjUilD* ■ subscriber, admitted to practice in the M. several Cou ts of Law and Equity in this State, offers to the public his professional ser vices In the Courts of JJibb, I Henry, I Jones, I Cnnvford, Jlfonroe, j Jasper, ( 'J'roiir/rs. ( / J ike Washington Poe. Uibb County, tGa.) j Jim- 28 1825 ? 1 .V nlice,. MR. Haifur H. Field, is authorized by the Farmer's Fire I i-ursnce and Loan Com pany Nrw York, to sign Policies of Insurance (or ns, and to a'leml to all other matters in which this Company may he interested, during our absence from tills plice. Bidwell & Casey, Agents. July 15 •(' fi •N* t)Uce,. LL persons to whom tin- late Francis Uouyer ioh of the city of Augusta, dec ased, is indebt ed, ar- requested to present their demands tvah m tlie time prescribed by law , and those indebt ed, are requested to make immediate payment. B. Bonier, ? . Paul IbMuignol,y Esrrs, Her<*iTil)pr %1 4 k)HE subscribers have connected t'liemseives in the practice of the LAW they will uni formly attend all the counties of the Northern Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the Wes tern Circuit, one of them wili he generally round at their office in Elberton, where they vviil take pleasure in transacting the business of tr.ose who nay be unfortunate enough to he involved m the Law. John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January I, 1825 57 N otice. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of Eliza A. Lovett, la'e of Uurke Coun ty, deceased, are reqneste I to prc enl them le gally attested, and those indebted, to make imme diate payment to Jonathan Lewis, ) Mm’r. , ’ f and arid > de Rosina Morrison, ) bon ‘ a nun - Miv 2 1825 7. 91 JN otice. ALL persons having demands against the Es tate of Reuben Tipton, deceased, are here by notified to tnak; their return agreeable to sw, those indebted, are notified to make imme liate payment. Ezekiel Lester, Adm’r. June 7, 182.5 5 r 101 During the absence of the sub criber from the Sta'e, R-hkht 11. Mu-on vi, isq. ami Mr. Jamks M. Ulster, will act ras hjs Vttorneys. S. Kneeland. July 15, 1825 3t 1 9