Newspaper Page Text
11111 - I H«aU,.mpr- TV « n m|WM| , ,mhi mi II p .1 ,IM<M„IIIW,HI,IIII|||I - ■■ HIII.IMIII
.zr=~= s =u “ Vl ‘“- 1)1 ll ‘ 1 ’ ilui ' ucia " n ‘ ll ' r w ‘“ " e '-*ry roooWy m the world labours, a.-, not to miy want of love lorour t-omitry, but to an ignoranca of it. runl uon.tilulioD .nd intere.u." PRIESTLY 1 " *''"" Tr rT ~' l -
■**BMPtaafc— itfiimri-Bißin i—w ■ i min n,m.. >.tiriif ' inriiMMH^iirw■»'— ' - ' ~ ~ • • , „. .. - .
Cftc Con£tiCutionaltst
On next Monday Week \\ \
the first drawing of the
If ill certainly take place ,
A LL those disposed to adventure shoti'd pur
chase previous to that day, that they may
have a chance for all the Capital Prizes.—Tht
prizes only being drawn, your number, if it
comes out, must be at leasts Ten Dollar P,ize
and ny renewing it, you may continue to have a
chance thr ughout the drawings for the-
Grand Capital V viz.vs
Os 830,000, I 820.000, I 810,000,
810.000, I 810,000, I 810,000.
8 ia s- e 2T ber SSJOO', g 1000’s and
s. Ilus Scheme is allowed on all hands
to he the best now before the public, and PICK
KIS wdl nn doubt advance in price, such an
opportunity may never again occur for making
a fortune by a smt.ll investment. Call witbcu.
1 dtlay at
Xo, s4*l, Broad-atrevt,
Where tickets and shares tnay still be lad a
the original Sch in pr ce.
Orders h r Tickets will be received and alien
tl< d to, ad wdl liave the chance of the fi st draw
ing, if received at ary time previous the day
J. 8. Beers,
Secelay to the Com wstonrs.
i.elays are Dangerous.
commence the drawing of (he RICHES i
1,0 r I EllY to be drawn in the United States.—
Uy a rest fence to the scheme it wdl appear that
the snm of
One Hundred and ten thousand Dollars,
is divided into ten prizes, which is a larger amount
ol capi al prizes over one thousand ddlara, than!
is contained in any Lottery proposed in 'lvs coun-j
if) , i id Hie whole of this enormous amount may
pi'obr.b.y be obtained for one hundred dull rs,l
besides this, tmkets c<uj be bad in ibis Lottery at j
the sch me puce, without paying an advance of
from o a twenty five percent witch is general
ly c, <-,rged (o- the S' rth rn Lottery tickt ts sold
be e. and which inttcrialiy diminishes the chance
of gain. Wi n ueb inducements offered and ta
king into view the certainty of lii • drawing it is
hoped hat no individual will lose the opportunity
now ller-d of assistug- in the erection o) an ed
ific-> which wi I be highly useful and ornamental
to ( h. ■ ci'y —and at the same time of lining Ids
purs- very ha .dsomely, but that all disposed to
do tot ,er wi I analv without delay at
No Broad-Street.
where may sidl ,e '.tad a great variety of Tickets
amt Shares at the original price.
J. S. Beers,
Secretary to the Commiss oners.
July 26 9
~ A ]
mi IE Board of Commissioners have the pleasure
J. t announcing to the public, that from the
large sales of tickets up to this time, and the in
creasing derna nl fir them, they are enabled de-!
finitively to fix a day for the commencement of the'
Lottery—and to give the most positive assurances|
of its being carried fully into effect. I’he first i
drawing will POSI i IVE'.Y take [d ice on llte
15t\i of August vvext,
Per* ms wishing to adventure are advised to pur-1
chase without delay as an advance in Me price of
tickets is highly probable Dealers in Lottery
tickets in this and other States will be supplied
on advantageous terms by making application to \
the Hoard of Commissioners through their See-!
J. 8. Beers,
Secretary to the Board of Commissioners.
A i
INME subscriber, admitted to practice in the i
. several Courts of haw and Equity in tbisi
Slat'', offers to the public bis professional ser
vices in the Courts of
Jtihb, I thnry, I hues. I Crawford ,
Monroe, j Jasper, ( 'Twtrrrt | Hike.
Washington Poe.
Macon, Bihb County, (.Ga.J j .
June 21 1*25 >
X oviee.
Mlt. Iliiwnr 11, Ftbi.u, is authorized by the
Farmer’s Fire M-ntr nee and Loan Com
pany NrW- Y irk. to sign P liries of Insurance im
us, and to a'tend to all other matters in which 'bis
Company may be interested, during our absence
from this nlaee
Bid well & Casey, Agents.
Julv 15 O’ 6
£>• During tne absence of the sub ji
scriber from the Sla’e, Ribeiii- If Muon vs, j
Esq. and Mr. Jambs M. Hestek wd' act as bis'
Attorneys. j
8. Kneeland. j
July 15, 1825 3i r g
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery.
d i®*®®®
The Drawing to commence positively on the
and to be completed in Nine Drawings.
S. Hale *1 f"A. Slaughter,
R. R. Reid, Uon.nm.ione J ) V ' W „ Holt -
T. I. Wray. J- W.,
1 Prize of S3",000 is 830,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5.000 is 20,000
5 Prizes qf 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
5000 Prizes of IQ ig 50,000
5175 Prizes, }
1282 3 Blanks,. $ * 180,000
Tens than two and an half Blanks lo a Brize.
The Prizes only to he Brawn.
• i/f the Brizes ti he floating' from the commencement,
except th following which will'he deposited in
the whet I at definite periods , viz :
1 piize of JO 000 &t of 500
2d. 1 prize of 5.000 & I of 1,000 & 1 of 500
3d. 1 pr ze of 10 000 & 1 of 500
4\h. 1 prize of 5,00'' k 1 of I 000 & 1 ufsoo
s'b. I prize of 10,000 & lof 500
1 6lb 1 prize of 5 000 8c 1 of 1 000 8c lof 500
7 b 1 prize of 10,000 8c 1 of 5,000 8c 1 of 500
Bi!i. t prize o' 20.000 8c 1 of 1.000 8c 2 of 500
9th. 1 prize of 30,000 Sc I of 1,000 8c 1 of 500
All Prizes payable thirty days after the com
pi lion of the drawing subject to a deduction of
fifteen percent—if not applied for within twelve
I months, to be considered u d malion to the funds
jot lhe M is'ioic Hall.
PICKETS and SHAKES may be yet had. in
a groat variety of numb, ra at the. original piice at
Whole Tickets, 810 00
Halves, 5 00
Quarters, 2 50
Eighths, i zo
lUi-ieii money wdl be received for Ticket*.
(Hz’ Orders for Pickets and Shares from any
p-'ft of the United Stales, enclosing the Cash,
post paid, will meet the same pr unpt attention,
as on personal application, if addressed to
J. 8. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners .
Jnlv 15 5
T\\fc ftubsvvvbvTs,
QU A ItTEK and half quarter Kegs FF
and FFF Dupont’s Gunpowder,
5 Casks Medoc Claret,
50 Cases Chateau Margaux and Medoc Cl met,
A few Demijohns of fi -st quality Cognac Bran
dy, seventeen \ -ars nl '.
Billot & Le liarbier.
At Mr. J. li. Lafilie’s, Uraad Street. I
! July 26 4t 9
»a®d) PARKELS Fresh North-j
250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, ofj
a superior quality, just received and lor sale at
No. 308, Broad-Str*-"!. by
Thomas 8. Metcalf.
j Mav 27 go
Coni for Sale.
From 1000 to 3000 Bushels Prime!
For Sale by the Subscriber, at J\'o 341,
John Billon.
July 5. 3
Prime Corn.
To c\o»e a Lonsigiuneut,
' . ' a. 00 ce.its per Bushel, it appplbd for tbw
B. M'Kinne.
July 26 3t 9
©jpilia !
j'pifE S'lhacriber has taken the SPRINGS for
1. merly occupied by 0.1. J. Hauohtoi., back !
!. ', ,le f, iantera’ Hotel, and intends keeping u]
jkinds of h i
for gentlemen, who may call on him,
Baniel Clements. ;
I June 10 100
■ —M—WWMM—■■■■—
Offeri Jor sale at reduced Prices.
LBS. prime Bacon
150 Pieces heavy hemp Bagging,
70 do Tow Bagging, tor square bain,
20 Colls Bale Hope,
20 Hogsheads prime retailing Molasses,
60 Banels Gin and Whiskey,
10 do. Apple Brandy,
20 do. Malaga and Currant Wine,
> 10 Quarter Casks Tenerifl'e U Madeira do
35 Hags prime Coffee,
S Hhds. St. Croix Sugar,
50 Barrels Mackerel, No. 1, 2 £t 3,
40 K“gs prime Richmond Tobacco,,
50 Quarter boxes Spanish Segars,
5000 lbs Castings, assorted,
20,000 do. Swedes Iron,
f 15 Boxn Cotton Car Is, No. 8, 9 & 10,
100 Casks patent cut Nads,
25 K gs Duponts Powder,
40 Dozen cannigter Powder,
150 U:ams Wrapping Paper,
Writing and Letter do.
Old Clat ■et Wine in boxes and Dimijohns,
Holland Gin, Cogniac Brandy k Jamaica
Hum, of good quality,
'fpaa m HOXIJS Hyson, In..
perial ....I Gunpowder
Liiiimi!||lm» T
\Ageneral assortment of Homespuns,
HAHD n.IHE, §•«. £c.
AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 182. IllioAll ST.
July 26 16’ 9
*1 AND
The Subscriber
| ft opening in Urond street, one door helots JUr, .1 1
ten's Ifw Store,
> Consisting of
Frock Coats
Drab box coats
’ Double k single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloon
! Broad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do
! 1 Toilinetl, Valentis, Swansdown & black silk
l ! Vests
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do
* Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain
Knitted, Colton, Worsted and Lambswool
Shu ts and Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Cumbiet Cloaks
Ladies do
Boy’s Dresses
Youth’s close body Coats
. Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide
, ] brims
| Immitatioii beaver do
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps I
Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks !
Silk Umbrellas
Gloves, &c.
—also —
Negro Jackets and Trowsers
House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
Fearnought great Corns
Guernsey FYocks, red liannel Shirts
Striped and Check do
Common Linen do
, W oollen Gloves, and many other articles
in his line.
The above GOODS are New-York made, and
j vill be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New
( York prices.
J. P. Seize.
December 3 46
,j AND
Commission Business.
fj At his old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and l
ijia prepared to make suit able advances upon all|
loroduce placed in his hands! r side.
Julia Everiijgham, jr.
April 12 83
i M)Ti(JE. j
WE will attend at he Market House, in the
c ty el Augusta, on Tuesday the 2d day ol
'j Angus next, at 12 o’cl ck, to let the flu ilding of
|a Bridge over Butler’s Creek, outlie Louisville
;road below Mr Walker’s Mill. A plan of the
Bridge with particulars will be made knoaii on
the day,
D. Berry, j. i. c , r. c.
H. j, i. c. u c.
V. Walker, j, j. c. k. c.
H. Hale, j. i. c . u. c.
J. S. iiolt, j. i, c. h c.
.Inly 19 ?
Receiver’s Notice.
IWILI. attend at the Office of the Clerk ot
the Mayor’s Court in the City Hall, every
| Monday commencing on the j6lh day ot June
iiiexl, until the first day of August, to receive
| he returns ot the taxable properly of such per-
I .oils as have not had an opportunity to make i
heretofore. And all persons who do not make
heir return previous to the first of August will
;he su 1 jrt to laxaiion as a defaulter.
M. F. Boisclair, u. t. r, r. c.
I May 31 97
i W anted at this oflic c, a young j
;lad (rom 15 to 16 years ol age, ot industrious hah-!
fits as an apprentice to the Printing Business.
Julv 5
mmm —— 1 ——mtwsnwi-i
& ajixiaa'jatj
iVo. 164 Broqcf Street,
Have ibis iUcd\ed
, A LARGE assortment of
which will be disposed of low, for cash.
May 20 94
Carriage M.akeic.
HAS received a part of his Spring Supply o
C.4 RliLdGKS and GIGS, which maizes hi
assortment of Giga complete—consisting of first
second and third rate Leather apd Suntop Gigs
one Coachee and one Charjotee. Ifeing regular
ly supplied with an extensive assortment, direc
trom Ihe various manufactories of Newark and it
vicinity, he is disposed to sell on as good terms a
itlie article*; can bi obtained in Augusta
(o'Orders for any kind of Carriages will be
>, uorwaided and executed in the best manner, at
tt lhe manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages
built to order. Repairing in all branches, at short
notice, on the most reasonable terms.
March 22 ts 77
TO rent! ~
J&sjL THREE Tenements in the
1 ITiTTBL Building hie the property of the
Ukfelßß estate of M. C. Leavensworth, front
ing the planters’ Hotel, on Bioad
sireet. The Stores are well situated for business,
and the dwelling apartments comfortable, pus
session to be had tjie first October.
. The Brick Hpuseon Broad-street,
second door below Mr. W. 11. Turpin’s, immedi
ate possession will be given.
also —
Four T neraents in Bridge-How,!
two of winch are well finished for families.
fcLmuel Hale, i
July 23 8t 8 1
To Kent.
JfgA. FROM the first of October,
next, that commodious Iwo-stoiyi
ImH DWELLING HOUSE, on Ellis street 1
immediately in the rear oft be brick'
store, occupied by Messrs. Wilson & Cochrane
For further particulars, enquire of Mr. Robert P.!
Poe, or to the subscriber.
M. A. B. White. |
1 July 1 2
JailUL Brick Store next to the
1 corner on Broad and M’lnlosh-St reels, at present
occupied by Mr. S nith. Three or four Count
ing Houses or Offices on M'lntosh-S'rect. Two
or three Stores near Mr. Malones' Ware House
(Up town.—Possession can be bad first October
next, 1
Hugh Nesbitt. 1
July 8 4 1
,7 TO KENT. ;
■ Jill. The Dwelling next below the (
I undersigned, at present occupied bv Gain. Cor
I mick. —also — ’ (
Ihe Dwelling at present occupied by Mr. Join .
Button, on Campbell street.
—also — (
fbe Store rod Dwelling on Broad street, next ,
above the Bridge Bank. (
Ami four Offices ou Gampbell street, pop ,
terms, apply to (
M‘Kenzie & Bennoch.
July J 9 7
7 ~ TO RENT.
1 : - ft
• JJtfl. From the first of October next,
THE STORE in the brick tenement, at
present ccupied by Mr. Robert 11. Musgruve. |
j Arnr tu
Robert F. Poe. 1
July 8. 4
'IP he undersigned has appointed John H.j
li J. Mann, E-q. Ida agent during his absence
ifrom Augusta,
| a And. has also to Rent,
■ j . _ , I
iJELjL A Liommodious Dwelling
: House, with a good Garden, Carriage-House,
all other needful out houses, situated near the
Lag e-1 avern, on Reyiiold-Slreet. Possession
. tu be given on the first of October next.
Asaph W aternian.
1 June 28 j
I). Crane,
CION lINUES the practice of the Law at Monhis
’ cello. Jasper County, wi ere he wi I puncmal
ly attend to any business confided to h s cure He
also practices in all the other courts ol the Oak.
mnlgee circuit, and in severs! courts of the Flint
and Northern circuits.—During his absence an :
• agent will-be let. to attend to the business of hi* i
MonticeVo, -Tills 27 mtf 10
JS* otice.
JALL persons to whom the late Francis Bouyer
“A °1 the city of Augusta, deci used, is indeht "
ed, are requested to present their demands with
in tne time prescribed by law ; and those indeht- ,
jed, are requested to make immediate payment.
B. Bouver, } , 5
Paul ■
December 21
>ai'gc Assortment of ;[
For Sale at this Office.
MIM-.IMIW I HHITTITTnirI W HIIMII mm\ mt mmatmmm.
EL, « French Physician, respectfully
** informs ihp public, that be 1.,s established
I he very high repute these Baths have acquired
mi Europe, where (.although a late discovery)
iiliey are tu to: fomul in every hospital, and the
ih' real ® l . llß ’ Ill ‘ , y have performed in Boston, Phi
■ j ladolpliia and Charleston, can leave no tloalji of
j their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the
, ii)ost powerlul medicines are administered byihat
i moans, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the
! rlt W Rlv a never failing remedy in all cutane-
J oi|s atli ctions; Irom iVora, Uir.gfworins, &c. iq
■ Scaldheud and Leprosy, I’liey also have never
.failed cl success in either acute or chronic rheu
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anusarcous
t wettings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the
joints, gouty affections dispersion of ttimnrs, ill
cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous e (lections s
in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasia,
, epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser
viceable, and have often succeeded even in here
ciitary complaints. In fine, this frontier of admin
tillering almost every remedy belonging to the
healing art, may be tendered applicable to almost
every case, and (it is repealed) without any pain,
trouble, or disgust to the patient.
! As these baths are not yet generally known.
Os. Hock,. will be happy to give the must res
. peclable references to persons who have been
. cured by taking them.
’ fcteam fy .\UAica\ \Vai\i
Is in Bljis-Strret, opposite Mr. H. Mealing'a
Brick Mouse, a d has an eiilrunce in Broad-street
• immediately opposite !lie city //ot. l
January 1 1 57-
List oV iibUei's,
j Remaining in the POS I’-OPHCE, at Waynesbo
rough, ti co. Ist July, 18z5.
Allmii,ed John, J Hill Elijah,
Andrews John 2, | li I Ben j inline I).
At-away Harley, J Matcher Edward
Ballard Riddick, j Hill Jam. 1).
'Bowers Joint U. j Johnson Hannibal 2,
flowers Joan Ur. i Kimball Joseph 2,
'Bush Joseph | Kidd Edward,
Ballard loiin, . Kinsey Absolem,
| Buxton William 2, } Lambeit J ,Im,
i Uurgenean Elisha, } Murpnev John W.
1 Belcher or Hines, ! Milton Peter 2,
iflr wo Fielding J. 1 Vluore lohn U.
Bush Samuel. I Myers David,
, Belcher Abner, ( McKay George,
ißyue Lewis, I Megser Siepbeu,
ißell, the family of Jes | Marmi Rachel,
se & Eliza, | Murray Join.,
Catlett Mary, | Nichols Heusof,
Collins Jos, B, or §arah, | Neruin IBram,
Co * Sgral), \ Overstreet Moses,
Chew Henry, It) e™ John,
Clark Charles, : Elizabeth M. Hainillon,
Carney Bud. Philips J .geph 1,
Champion Elisha, ,'ow. ll Lieu R.
Cutteau Peter J. Pe,ge I h. m s
Cleaveland Ma,lin, Perry jo. ep .2,
Carter William P, | Pans Henry A.
Cox John, | Ponder R chard,
Cook Elizabeth, j Dials Arthur,
I ickson John, \ Kee-e William,
Dickson R bert, < Koval Stephen 2,
1. 1- gory Coarles, Spain Leweiliug,
Grtsham Job,-, S Jam, s,
tiodbee Samuel, rimia e Jam. - Seur.
tiodbee, Jane, sor Sand. Wmb riy E mund,
t.odbee William, I Walker Mrs Martha,
Wamble Roger L. | Wdiam- J nir,
Ha d Henry 11. | W Ich lames,
Harwell Absolem, | ■’aid <'ant J hn,
Holliday A. E. \ Ward Na ,cy 2
K. article, I*. M.
July 19 ,»i 7
NOTU ti. r
‘'H’HIE Public are caution -d against tre.-pusv-ng
j 8l on the Houses and Lots of the nhenber
upper end ol town—especially againv ha ding
sand or earth from the river bank r lontigu ius
thereto, Bach and every person olf-nding shall
have the law rigorously enforced against him of
11 null \t*shitt.
January 21
iV oliee.
subscribers have connected themselves
| w m the practice of the LAW—they wi.l uni
fonnly ailend all the counties of the Noplo-ru
Circuit, and the county of Franklin, oft hi Wes
tern Circuit, one of them will bo generally found
[ at their office in Klberton, where they will tsge
pleasure in transacting the business of those who
may he unfortunate enough to be involved in the
John A. Heard.
Thomas J. Heard.
Jstnisrv 1, 1825 57
I Notice.
ALL persons having demands against the es
tate ol Eliza A. Levelt, laie of Burke Coun
ty, deceased, a*«» requeue I to present them Je-
] gaily attested, and .hose indebted, to make inline
;diate payment to
Jonathan Lewis, )
.“i . [mA *
Rosnia Morrison, \ bo mo non,
Mav 2 1825 7, T y j
.\ uVice.
rill IF. subscriber will dispose of bis MU,I,Sin
1 Montgomery county, having a Crist and four
Saws running, which la t are calculated to (Urn
out (mm 4 to 5090 feet ol lumber per day, which
can be raf k1 immediately into the Ocmulgee riv
er, with 600 acres ol the best timbered pine land
in that section of the slate. As to terms of sale,
they will be made easy. The above property was
formerly that of E, VV. Barker. M-. residence is
near Milledgeville. JAMES BOYKIN,
June 14 w3iu ji»j