The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, September 16, 1825, Image 1

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• ts V r ? *** r •■Msnvuf. h . H *™>«Yi which everyT'uuulrj' in tile \Torld~iahourg7ar.* Mot owmg to any want nfiove foronTcountry. but to an of its re;! 1 cjnsti ~ " - ' ‘ NEWSERIES . Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1825~ ~ -- ■ ■ .- I>lo, Wk €aiitf£itu£(o!ialj<ft 18 PU f USHED E ™ TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. BY W. J. BUNCE. _____ AUGUSTA, QA. t , *** ire requested to state ‘eat in iuJ! T"™*' Ef F is * C*"- T M.te fov a Sal!r ,en, " ,IVe , n - " f «•« State laliir at s he ensuing* < I clion t e are au thorized to say, that of “™ a T T "’ Rs 4 » « Uand.d.U- for tior. “* l<elurns * at 'l'e ensuing B». c August 5 12 *** VV e are authorised to sav, rpnrpse'i ri>)NT°OMKRv, is a candidate to Aup-nsf 2(j' CoaMt - V ° f IliolimH,ld . in the ■Senate. .. 18 & We are authorised to an nounce Suiußt Tarver, Esq. as a Candidate to represent the County of Richmond in the next Lepula'nre, July 19 7 the subscribers during their u m ...vary absence In m Augusta, are requested to call upon VVn,. i.iax T. Gooui, Esq. Crawford & Gumming. August S 3 j 7 ' *** Dabney He buy, Ksq. is a Candidate <o represent th : c mnty of Richmond, in the ’i uise ot lleiressnta'ivts, at the next Ses fior. of Ihe General Assembly. A"g"-' 13 td U to rk~ t. ~~ THE Store next door but one imWL belt;iv ihe Bridge Bank Buildings !gi|K| bt ly occupied by Mr. Washrcrn, snd (iie Store and 1 >welling - a few tbuirs above .lie I’lanters’ Hotel, lately occupied h) Mr. llsnrt Campbell. If not Rented before she first October, they will on (hat day be Rented at Auction. Notes with approved security for the rent, payable! quarter)', will be requir'd. F<‘" terms hi ply to! K. 11. Wilde or | Fraser & Howdre, September 9. 8< 2 i TO BE RENTED On a ini I ding I,ease, JaTHREE Lots, fronting Walk j|f||aL er and Watk>n« Streets, eppeaiti. to l&luHi the Catholic Par (image House. The ■aMHHh Lots adjoin each other and will be Id separately or ail together, as may be desired. W. W. Holt. September 9. 2,1 T ) DWNT. JBbjA And immediate possession giv |jlK en, i n large and com ..odious St res, tjjiaaHß adjounng the subscribers, on the up mtSSKKm | er ; art south side us Broad street. These'stands are inferior to none in thfe city for the country trade. William H. Egan. August 19 16 ’ TO HK\ T, JSL From the first day of October next, lor one year, tbs House and Lot on M‘ln tosh-Sireet, where Mr. Patrick Kelly ; nv lives.- Apply lo Ro iert 1). Ware or to Win. W. Dolt. , Susan B. Ware. August 2 11 TT TO UK NT. islaasM ‘Flic Dwelling next helow the tiioiersigned, at present occupied by Cupt. Cor mick. —aes The Dwelling at present occupied by Mr. John Burton, on Campbell street. A ESC— The Store and Dwelling on Broad street, next above the Bridire Bank " And four Offices on Campbell street. For terms, apply to M‘Kenzie & Bennoch. July 19 7 ’ ToIIENT. " ■ijlijiß A House and Lot on Green Street, in a pleasa-- situ <inn, near th * Mansion House, rffording all the comfortable accommoda tions for & antall family. Enquire of R. H. Wilde, or J. W Wilde. August 30 6 19 iSO ilGii. THE undersigp; d has appointed Jons H Mann Esq. ld.i agent during bis absenct from Augusta. a •d'nd has also to lient, A Commodious Dwellins House, with a g-.,,.! Garden. Carriage-House Mlo her needful out houses, situated near th Kagl.v tavern, on Ueynold-Street. Pussesaioi to be given on the first of October n-x». Asaph VV aterman. June 28 , AOTIGJi. A o P I’ onß . tlavi,l K demands against the es'a' , i K,,b *' tt La "h r . deceased, are hereby notifie to make tw.r «»«,„ agreeable to law , those in Le " e " o ’ ,fied lo make ,nimt Wm. Brux, ExW, ,u, y l «h » s S PLEJVDID SCHEME, I OF THF, Augusta Masonic JJall Lottery. j SitatM a HIGHEST PRIZE. ", Now drawing in the City of Augusta, un der the superintendance of tS. Half., fA; Slaughter, r R. R. Rf.ID, k > Commi..ioner.J |* OLT « .T.,. w„,.j >| TVifc SeCiomV Drawing j Will take place on the 12ih of October next. All the Capital Prizes arc still undrawn, con - sequentiv lue Wheel is very rich, SCHEME 1 Prize of gSU.OOO is gSO.OOO 1 Prize of £O,OOO is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of lo is 50,000 ,( ’ 5175 Prizes, ? ‘j 12825 Blanks, $ * 180,000 18,000 TICKETS at TEN HOLLARS, Less than two and an half Clanks to a Prize. ' The Prizes only to be Drawn. Ad the Prizes to befoatinct from the commencement, ’ ea cefti the following. which will be deposited in II the wheel at definite periods, viz ; ON THE FIRST i)RAWING ’I 1 pme of 10 000 & lof 500 i.3d. 1 prize of 5,000 U 1 of 1,000 & lof 500 •]xl. 1 prize of 10000 & I of 500 4th. 1 prize of 5,000 & 1 of 1.000 & lof 500 j s| h. 1 prize ot 10 000 &1 of 500 j6lb. I prize of 5.000 k 1 of 1 000 & 1 of 500 Tih 1 prize of 10,000 h 1 ,>f 5,000 & lof 500 |Blh. 1 prize of 20,000 t* 1 of 1,000 & 2 of 500 ■ 9th, 1 prize of 30,000 & 1 of 1,000 & 1 of 500 AH Prizes payable thirty days after the com ipktion ot the drawing subject to a deduction of queen percent it not applied tor widiin twelve I months, to be considered a donation to the Binds ?ul the Vias'».iie (1 11). • riCFEIS and SHARES may be yet bad, in a great variety of mi mix rs at the original price at BEERS’ LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 241. UIUMD 9 PREEr, .AfTGUsU.A. Whole Tickets, 810 00 Halves, 5 00 Quarters, 3 50 Dari m i money w.ll be received for Tickets. ■ Jj’ Orders fop Pickets and Shares from any part of the, United Stales, enclosing the Cash, post pa: l, will meet the same prompt attention, is on persona! application, if addressed to J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners, August 23 9 PIECES prime 42 inch Hemp Bag 'iff. 100 Barrels best PhMadelphia Whiskey, sou saek nr Thomas iVHGran. September 6 3i 2i V laVUU’v aud iA.ME. BARRELS Fresh North '■ I p rn Flour, 250 Casks Fresh Stone Lime, of a superior quality, just received and for sale al I i No. 308, flroad-Street, by Thomas 8. Metcalf. ' May 2 7 96 Corn for tfale. iFrom 1000 to 2000 Bushels Prime! .1 "1 For Sale by the Subscriber, at No. 341, BKOJU-STHEET, AUGUSTA. John Dillon. July 5. 3 . vn ® Atpua At W\e P\avvteYs’ Motet. i, ls rom 1 * )IS , ' me ' n readiness lo aconm » ? modtt'e those who may call, from Saturday Morning until Sunday at 12 o’clock in eacli week, and only on those days. Angus 30 3t 19 ? LMALBUM VAGTV)U*iGE ie and J " Commission Business. At bis old stand in Savannah, Fort, ami ,a prepared to make suitable advances upon al _ produce placed i;> bis hands for sa'e. John Everinsrhara, ir. ♦ e April 12 p ' d Mr. Henry 11. r iehi, is au ie thoiizedto act as A gem tor us "uv ao sencc from Augusta. Bidvvell & Casey. July 15 6 Xtitjuata Jllasnmc dial! LOTTERY, THF, FIRST DR AIVI VO IS XiVt.R. And a'l the Capital Frizes are still ith v\ ] The Second Drawing will take place on Wednesday, 13th of Octolier next. i- The unprecedsrite I Kichnes* of tlic Wi, ifter Ihe drawing of a large pro port inn of the ■'.umbers, offer* every possible inducement ft ad b venturers. This 1-'evidently the ricliesi Lottery 'I <he Union, in GRAND CAPITAL FRIZES, ■insides » very large proportion of the i uuor v Frizes. 1 ICivLTF aud SHARES, ’varraoted undrown, may s'ill he had at Iht original Scheme t'r.,' BEEBS* LOTTERY OFFICE, No, 241, Broad-Street, Augusta, PRIZE TICKETS received in payment, dj” Orders foi' Tickets post ..pad, enclosing the Cash or Fiize Tickets, will be promptly at tended lo as usud, 8. Beers, Secvehe Commissioners. Aufcint 19 SW |6 No. 164 Broad Street, Have U\ls WaceVveA A LARGE ASSO’ I ENT OP SUMMER t .OTHING, which will be disposed of low, for cash. May 20 04 LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE - The Subscriber 0 opening in ttroad street, one door below Mr. Al ten's Hat Store, A HUGE AND GKVBHAL ASSORTS!KNT OF , AND CLOTHING, 1 Consisting of RESS COATS, Frock Coats Drah box (joats Double U single null’d Cassirnere V’antalonn ! Broad Cloth, Sntinett and Corduroy do < 1 Toilinet', Valentin, Swanadown £t black aiik Vests 1 Blue and black Cloth and Caaciniere do 1 Superfine Li'. ;n and CpUon, frilled and plain Shirts j Knitted, Cotton, Worsted ami Lo mbs wool i Shirts und Drawers ! Flannel do do , Tartan and Cambist Cloaks , Ladies do Boy’s Dresses \ Youth’s close body Costs , Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide i brims i Immitation beaver do u f.ft Payette, boys ami me is seal skin Cap* ! ( Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks i, Silk Umbrellas h Hosiery Gloves, &c. I—ALSO* Negro Jackets and Trowsere House servants Costers and Pantaloons Fearnought great Coat* Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts Striped and Check do Common do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles' in his line. The above GOODS are New-Vork made, and! *nll be disposed of wholesale ami retail, at New- York prices. J. P. Seize, i [■ OercmH r S 4.6 , M ■■■■■—■ ——— i i' j Stephen D. Oeane, CON TINUES the practice of the Law at Monti cello, Jasper Count)', where he will punctual . ly attend I i any buaireas confided 10 his care, lie -also practices in all the other courts of the Oak i mulgee circuit, and in several courts ot (he Flint) ami Northern circuits.— During his absence an; 'agent will he lef. to attend to the business of hit , office. Mbnticel'o, July 27 mtf 10 F|N;iE si;b>ciiber, aduiiit- d to practice in the 1. several Con is of Law and Kqnily in this Slate, offrrs lo the public bis prolesaional ser vices in the Courts of Ribb, jlh nry, j Jones, j Crawford, Monroe, | Jasper, | Twiwt-s ( Pike. VVashington Poe. Macon, Uibb County, i,(jii.j j . inu- 28. 1825 5 1 Aoiica. MR. Henry H. Fiei.u, h authorized by the Farmer’s Fire 1 .onnee and Loan Com- -w Y irk, to sign Foliciei ot Insurance li-r us and 10 attend to ail other matters in winch this Company may be interested, during our absence rom this place. Bid well ill Casey, Agents. July 15 U ‘ 6 ji - - ' ■ ■ '— it A utice. ' LL persons to whom ihe estate of Joh* M XJk l.Auam, deceased, is indebted, are requestc i . present their accounts within Ihe lime pro ’ -cribed by law, and those who are indebted to .aid estate, are requested to make immediate pay uent to Peter Bennoch, Adni’r. July 23. » 8 | THOMAS G. HALL, Carriage JWakrr. HAS received a i.,rt n hi * Spring Supply c CARRIAGES and GIGS, which makes hi ] | aseprto enl ot Gigs complete—-consisting of firM (second and tbirJ rate Leather und Suiu'op Gig •me Onachee and one Chsriotee. Being regular |lv supplied with an extensive assortment, direr. I iCriiiY. the varioutt mannl'iictones of Newark and it • vicinity, he is disposed to sell on a good terms a (- tbejarticles can be obtained in Augusta, (Lv Orders tor any kind of Carriages will b( v orwatded and executed in the bed rnanner, » • he manufacturing prices. Gigs urn) Carnage hmh \o order. Repairing in all branches, al shor tnotice, on the most reasonable terms. '• Metcli 22 ((• 77 TV\a \Y an JtmruaV. riNllh publishing Committee annonoces the JL postponement of the publication of the , Wesleyan Journal, until the first of October next, s Ibe Committee does this reluctantly, and with regret, but It it deemed betta p, to delay the pub lication of the Journal, Wailing the return u l the Rev. Mr. Otis, who is now absent tor his health, thin to issue it under the Editorship of another I person. Was Mr Oiin present, the Jou nal ■ should appear fo-thwilh. The Committee de to acknowledg- ImW fully llieir expccta tinns have been realized by subscriptions tor the Wcsbyan Journal. I'hcy regard it no longer problematical whether a nligious paper, such at is contemplated, might receive adi quale support in the South ; and they are anxious only to have the paper edited by one whose ample endow - menis should render it worthy of the extensive patronage it is likely to ..b'ain. J. O. Andrew, Chairman. F. 9—Editors in t, uti and North Csr una and Georgia will conler a favor by inserting the above, , J. O- A. Charleston,- July 2 1825 AND STEAM BATHS. HOUEL, a Franc.i Fhyaician, res/ ectfull) ( M.W informs the public, that he has established S FEAM and MEDICAL MATHS in Augusta, the very high repute these Maths Have acquired in Europe, where (although a late discovery) they are to be found in every hospital, and the . great cures they have performed in Host m, Phi , lad. Iphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt ol their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the most powerful medicines are administered by that ■nrans, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the patient. they are p. never sassing remedy in all rnniic ; ous aflectinns; from Psora, Ringworms, ike. to. SraMhead and Leprosy. They also have never < laded of success in either acute or chronic rheu I mutism. | In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anassreous I (Welbngs, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic oi nervous affections; . in ah bilious disorders, dyspepsia, liypooondriasis epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser viceaf le, and have otten succeeded even in here flitary noniplainU. In fine, this manner of admin- ■ istering almost "very remedy belonging lo the healing art, mu, be rendered applicable to almost * every case, and (it in repea'e.d) without any pain, n trouble, or disgor to the patient. » i As these baths are not yet generally known * |Dr. itouKL will be happy to give the most res " . pectable referr.nces to persons who have beet 0 1 cured by taking them. T\v«i 6tean\ <Sf Magical Bath EatabUalwuent, Is in Ellis-Stree;, opposite Mr. H. Healing's Brick House, a cl has an entrance in Broad-slreei t imm°diaiely opposite the city 7/otel, « .Uiiifirv II ’ 57 f 1 11 !s Police. r A IMIK subscribers Imve connected lliemselves b |wA in the practice of the LAW—they will uni- e | tormly attend all Hie counties of the Northern Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the Wem tern Circuit, one of them will be generally found jit their office in Elbe Mon, where they will take!’ I jileasure in transacting the business of those who (may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the La w • John A. Heard, t Thomas J. Heard. J January I, 1825 5 7 I Notice. JA LL persons to whom th- late Francis llnuyei sSAa iif the city of Augusta, deceased, is indeht.j, ul, are requested lo present their demands with-L m the time prescribed by law ; and those indebt- ( ed, are requested to make immediate psymeut. t B. Boujier, ( Fr > r „ t Paul 8 • NOTICE. | r fltHß Public are cautioned sgainst trespassing , *. <m the Houses ami Lots of the subscriber upper end of town —especially against hauling rand or earth fr-mn the river hank or contiguous thereto. Each and every person offending shall have the iaw rigorously enforced against him of them. Hush Nesbitt. 4 January 21 60 ( Notice T j i ALL persons having demands against the Es (ate of Jon* lo»f.s, late of Columbia C«un-j c ty deceased, are requested to hr.nd them in pro l' Iperly attraieit agree-Jdy to inw, und those indebt.| (ed to sant hastate, are requested to make imme-i diate payment to the Executors, , Isaac Willingham, } ( oroehus Jones, > ] Tht.mas W illingham, j 2 h, Scptemh rd, 18J5 St t 21 * p tootik. amV JuL Printing, i ! Neatly Executed at this Office. AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL ftottirg* ' nnifE second drawing of the alive Lottery will '(. 1 take place on WEDNESDAY the 12ih day ’*• of October next. An earlier day would have r been appointed, but for the ii activity of the pre rl sent season, and die absence of a large portion of» l!> our'population.— The subt equent drawings will si he much more frequent. ’ K t J. 8. Beers, jji Secretary to the Commissioners. ?l August 19 16 r< * “ THE FOLLOWING OF THE MOST APPROVED FORMS, e May be had at this Office, , —to wit : ‘ TV/fAKRI AGE Licences, do. Bonds, Admlnis • ItJL trillion do. I.etters Tetfamentary, do. of Guardianship, do. of Administralion, do. of Ap . praiaement, do. Dismiasory, Recognizances, Sub (' pumas, Bills of Sale, F iwers of Attorney, IBank I Deeds of Conveyance, Sheriff’s Titles, Retail Li. pence Fatroun’s Receipts, Mortgages, Arpren ■ ticks' Indentures, kc. Bic. ■ September 9 r 1 — ' N otice. 1 \JINE months after date, application will be i-N made (n the Honorable the Inferior Court of • Richmond comity, while witting for Ordinary pur- J poses, for leave to sell a Lot in tne City of Angus. la, bounded by E lis and Houston-slreels belong ing to the estate of Michael Silvert, deceased, for 1 the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate, Andrew J. Dill, adtn’r. Nathan Leeds, adin’r. in light of bis wife Mary Leeds, adm’rx. Avgusta. February 11, 1825 l;n9m I N otice. NINE months after date, application will be made lo the Justices of the Interior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real Estate of Da vid Clark, deceased, for the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Thus. Mays, ex’r. April 12, 1825 lm9m 87 N otice. NlNIt months after dale, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Ilurke County, when witling for Ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the real estate of Wriley Hanberry, (Minor,) deceased, for the benefit of the lleira and creditors nf deceased. Jona. Lewis, adm’r. Jtvrke rovnty, Miuch 7, 1825 lm9n 57 NOTICE. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Columbia county, (or leave lo pell (wo tracts of Land in said county, lying on Greenbrier Creek, one containing 318 acres joining Foflard, Puflin and others, the other containing 172 acres joining Luk» and others, it being a part of the real estate of Thomas Jones, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased, William Bookor, Adm’r. In right of hit wife, January 25, 1825. Im9m 61 Notice. VWINF. months after date, application will br> liSI made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Burke County, when sitting for Ordinary purpo ses, for leave to sell the undivided part of the real Estate of Lewis Emanuel, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Jona. Lewis, Surviving Administrator de bonis non, Ilurke county, March 7, 18 ir Im9 ; 7 N otice. NINE months after date, application will be made to (he Inferior Court of Franklin coun ly, wh'.-M sitting for ordinary purposes for leave lo sell the Real Estate of Jacob Strickland, deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs of said deceased. Hardy Strickland, Ex’r, July 1, 1825 lm9m 5 Notice. VSfINK months after date, application will be wM made to the Honorable die Justices of the Inferior Court of Scriven tTlfunty, when sitting fur Ordinary purposes, for lAave to sell a certain tract or parcel of Land containing two hundred two and an half acres, situated lying and being in Uie thirteenth District of Henry County, G*. and known ami distinguished in the plan of said District by the number eighty, (80) the whole of the real Estate of Sarah Callaway, deceased, late ot said County, for the benefit of the Heirs and siedilors of sai l deceased. Samuel Doughty, adm’r. Striven County, I'eb. 25, 1825 lm9 72 N otice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the (inferior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to aell the real Estate of John Gettings, lats of aaid county, de ceased, for the heirs and creditors of said de (cease 1. John Gettings, adm’r. April 12p 1895. Imni9 87 IN otice. |KJ INE months after date, application will be i,*l made to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Franklin County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate ol Star ling Proctor, a Minor. James R. Haley, Guardian. April 13, 1825 l.n9m 87