The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, September 23, 1825, Image 1

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.' . V, • ./ •* r v < '• r ©it ®nkttsetrtftottoiwlf»t* • : ■ ■s*- '“ \ * • • “ Many of the pol'tical evils, under which every Country in trie world labours, are uot owing to-any vrarvi * f ievc tor*our Coiuiti *, hist io an ignorance of its »eat“roußlitutlon and interests.”—-PIUKSTLY .' ' r ~ ~ " ""'- 1 ~ ‘^^^ ±== V ~" " —rt^z^^T-—: -., r NEW SERIES Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23. 1825. fjo 26 _ £ Clje iContftitutignali.ttt j »9 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY,' BY W. J. BUNCE, i AUGUSTA, OA. \ maijiitfta B ionic $ all LOTTE BY. THE FIRST It RAW I.YG IS OVER, And a 1 ! the Pan'.' 4 Pr /.pi are still in the Wheel. The Second Drawing will take 'place on Wednesday, 12th of October next. The unprecedented Richness of the Wheel, after the drawing of a large proportion of the numbers, offer, every possible inducement to ad venturers. Phis is eviden'ly the richest Lottery in the Union, in GUANO CAPITAL PRIZES, besides a very large proportion of the .minor Prizes. TICKETS and SHARES, warranted undrawn, niHv s' : !l he had at 'h-- -original Scheme price at BEERS’ LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 241, Broad-Street, Augusta. PRIZE IICKEFS received in payment. (O’ Orders for Ticketa post paid, enclosing; the Cash or P ize Tickets, will be promptly at tended to as usual. J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. August 19 16 TO RKVr. TWO comfortable Dwellings ISjVTfiL in the rear of the Branch Bank. irlilS —also— tflallML One Tenement on Broad.street nest door to Uuctor M'Whorter. Apply at the Branch Bank. September 16 4t 24 TO LET, From the first oj October next. M THE STORE in the Fire Proof House on the corner of Broad and M Intosh Streets at present oc cupied by Mr. Win. Smith. ALSO — Tli6 Dwelling part of the Woo den Bui'din£ next be.ow.— Four Offices on M‘- Intosh Street, and Four Grocery Stores up town, eitua'ed between Messrs. R. Malone & Co. and .Aiisley & Snead’s Ware-Houses. # For terms a.'nlv (during the subscribers ab sence) to Mr. Rcbsht F. L'-fto • •-bifc August 26, 1825. TO \il l\ MAnd imm ion f en, two large adjoining the . <n. per part south V. art These stands are inferior t the country trade. wr : ( August 19 ~T TO Ri fiSSI From the fii next, tor one year, the tosh-Street, where Mr. 1 Apply to Robert D. Wai V- H - are. Au/'iis 1 2 i; AsiA TO "I Itiill The Dwell! «»«.- allfc.n»i undersigned, at present mick. —a The Dwe’ ,: ng at prose fiunuii, on Campbell str AL- The Store and Dwell! above the Bridge Bank. And four Offices on terms, apply to M‘Ke & Bear ,L July 19 7 iso Jr THE undersigned has appointed Johjs H. Mas*. Esq. his during bis absence) from Augusia. j . And has also to Rent, 1 Pi'Ji A Commodious Dwelling I House, with » good Garden, Carriage-House, all other needful out houses, situated near the Eagle Tavern, on R-ynold-Street. Possession to be given on the first of October next. Asaph vv aterman. June 28 1 HAVING declined budding, I eft’er on reason, abie terms 50 to 60 i housaud feet of gea aoned LUVlßEß—various descriptions, among which are W 'aider Boarding, Flooring and Inch Boards, Scantling, Sic, All orders left at my store, nr at my yard, low er end the city, will be attended to. John Guimarin. September 16 3t 24 LY.MLEVI FAiiTOiUUiE AND Commission Business. At his old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and ii prepared to mike sunable advances upon all produce placed in Ins hands} m sale, John Ever!ogham, ir. April 12 83 Wanted at tins office, a young lad from 15 to i 6 years or age, of industrious hab it* as an apprentice to the Printing Business.- x Offert for sale at reduced Prices. lbs - prime Bacon 15J Pieces lieavy hemp Bagging, 70 do Tow Bagging, lor square bales, 20 Coils Bale Rope, 20 Hogsheads prime retailing Molasses, 60 Barrels Gin and Whiskey, 10 do. Apple Brandy, \ 20 do, Malaga and Currant Wine!, 10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe Si Madeira d> 35 Bags prime Coffee, S Hhds. St. Croix Sugar, 50 Barrels Mackerel, No. 1, 2 & 3, 40 Kegs prime Richmond Tobacco, 50 Quarter boxes Spanish Segars, 5000 lbs Castings, assorted, 20,000 do. Swedes Iron, IS Boxes Cotton Car Is, No. 8, 9 & 10, 100 Casks patent cut Nails, 25 Kegs Dupunts Powder, 40 Dozen cannister Powder, 150 Roams Wrapping Paper, Writing and Letter do. Old Claret Wine in boxes and Dimijohns, Holland Gin, Cognise Brandy & Jamaica Rum, of good quality, gSSg §© BOXES Hyson, Im ■i |«tf ||ll perial um! Gunpowder IM TEA. ALSO, A.general assortment of Homespuns, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, #c. #c. AT HIS OLD STAND, No. 182, BBOAD-ST. July 26 I6t 9 I SACKS Liverpool ground Salt, 10 Hhds. Sugar, 10 Bags Coffee, 100 Hhds. Molasses, , I Bale Oznahurgs, I 100 Barrels N Gin, 15 do N. B. Rum, 40 Boxes Window Glass, 5 Kegs Pearl Barley, 2 Hhds. Jamaica Rum, 10 Boxes Loaf Sugar, 2 Ton English Castings, 5 Quarter Casks Port Wine, I 5 Casks London Porter, 20 Barrels Philadelphia Whiskey, 4 Hhds. do 6 years old LATELY he. AT, Isl. '■ h i \t *» ■’ f - il;; Hu vo Wire. -■ irt. ii v ■.• V, n c h «a C-.’ok ?.'*<. Wa •.her, ireiTiain «u tDWD. v' 1 ■ \ A l \ \\"U n • I I .W.'sViii and f ■ 'J, ! BARRELS !•'*!. K*,M). ] | J ' 'J? ,-t' er. i Flour, •;» Mipe >r qua!* v, just received :ii.<) for sale at No. jJB, IV.-Hil-Stroei. hv Thomas S. Metcalf. ; , Alay '27 l \ I No. ■), 2 &. 3, lull Ha mu d in nhok end IhJi' Barroh by 'Unnl.iiLr r„ yv » • oju uc-iner * ■otv j c. : j Corn for -Vak. j from tOOU to -3000 Bushc*- Prime! /j't - } .;\ ■ ■, i• or Sale by a-.* ■ • ; , BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA* ] John Dillon. | fuly 5. 3 ( smSsT - 1 THF Subscriber begs leave to inform his cus tomers and the public in general, that he in jtends baking Wheat and Indian meal Bread which) )csnbe eons'antly had of him or at Ids residence Rey nold street, three door* west of Bridge-Row. I Lewis Leon, j September 16 3t 24 Stephen IL Lrane, CONTINUES the practice of the Law at Monti ■ cello, Jasper County, where he will punctual ly attend to any business confided to his care. H< also practices in all the other courts of the Oak mulgee circuit, and in several conns of the Fii.ui and Northern circuits.—During his absence an agent will be left to attend to the business of hi- , office. / MonticeVn. July 27 mtf 10 THE subscriber, admitted !o practice in the several Gou ts of Law and Equity in this State, offers to the public his professional set vices in the Courts of PM, I IL,try, j Jones, I Crawford, \ Monroe, | Jasper, | | Pike. Washington Poe. Macon, Bibb Count v . j June 28, 1885 ' \ 1 & Mr. iieury H. Fieltj, is au ihor.zed to act as Ago no dlinng our ah. scncc from Augusta, Bidwell & Casey. July 15 6 J No. 164 Hri\ ' Street, Have U\\a RfeceivcA A LAHOK ASSOMOMENT OK SUMMER CLOTHING, ) 7 which wifi be disposed of low, for cash. May 20 , 04 LA FA YETTETHAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber h opening in Hroud street, one door beloiu J\fr. Al ten's Hut Store, A lAnOK ANII OBNKHAL ASSORTS!IfWT 0» AND CLOTHING, Consisting of Dress coats, Frock Coats Drab bos coats s Double k single mill’d Caasimere Pantaloon Broad Cloth, Sutinett and Corduroy, do Toilinett, Vafenlia, Swansdown k black silk Vests Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do Sdperfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain Shin* Knitted, Cotton, Worsted arid Lambs wool Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Caniblct Cloaks Ladies do Boy’s Dresses Youth’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wide brims 1 Inundation beaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, kc. —ALSO— Negro Jackets and Tpowsers Hauae scr ants Goalees and I’antalojns Fearnought great Coats Guerr -y Frocks,ged flannel Shirts . Stripe*, and Cheek do Common Linen do 1 Woollen Gloves, aw t many other articles 1 in his line. ■> ' I , M s-v ■'*>.- d.i ! .lot wh-lestdfi and :• u i,‘, •Ne ' '■ ni I'l'icr-. _ J. i * tieize . v '! rV^jJsGTl^' *ll’A?.' -eived part ot hirspmig Supply oft! " ' i' ■ f first t ;<?c«nd md Mr > ■ ‘*'hi * i Ouur.m Gii&J i. ” ’ tone Co. ' (n’l; ;j.'i l s vn. f.; -y . i.'m e ■ j’V auppfiul -viu; ’.miat-e i ’sm t jfton i ihevamu >■ uti ■ ' < ■ jQB ■ t , I on as go jlhe or' -cSefl cs**> i hi.;-.ln *h\ Atj.cju.v* , ; oCJ‘Orders tor jn Vr i '„•[ * » Tinges will he' j Orw»i >1 Rrt/| - ; t i. -M ur.' ■ , * I Ilf n >i I • . it* ’. •*] . •• . ’.-ref•• -p ■ a v’ <.l rit i ■ t-t. . i ■ ‘ re | March 22 ts 77 !' ■ 11' 01 ) 1 %> ■ X iV T ■ .;■> ,p Man w .‘mi at thh O/Hrr ' 11 .• / 4 ' J \ UUI , A.CCi' • - ' do. Lei do. i.l praiaerm .. , do. Dismissory, Kecogiiiaance.% P«nas, Rids of Sa e. Powers et Attorney, Blank Deeds of Conveyance, Sheriff's Titles, Retail Li- j cei.ce-, I’atroon’s It ceints, Mortgages, Appren tices’ Indentures, kc kc. ( September 9 J Notice. ! MR. Hexrt 11. Fislv, i:< authorized by the < Farmer’s Fire I. -ur.nce anrl Loan Com- t pany New York, to sign Policies ol Insurance for « us, and to attend to all other matters in which this c Company may be interested, during our absence * from this place, i Bitlwell & Casey, Agents. ' July 15 ts a 6 ‘ i\ otice. a\ LI, persons to whom the estate of Jonw M l.Aiini!!. deceased, is indebted, are requeste •’> present their adtounts within the lime pre 1 scribed by law, and those who are indebted to sa.d estate, are requested to make immediate pay- 1 merit to t Peter Bennoch, AdmW. ! Jnlv 23.- r , K N otice. VLL per ons having dtmands against the Es ■ ate of Jonv li.aes, late of Columbia Coun ty dr ceased, are requested to h.rn l lliem in pro perly attested agreeably to law, and those indrbt cd to su'd Estate, are requested to make imme- ■ diate ptyment to the Executors. < Isaac Willingham, j Cornelius Jones, > H. Thomas Willingham, j 2 S''ntcmb> i-6, p Bfl’A aud 3ub Printing, Neatly Executed at this Ojice, AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE undersigned begs leave to tender his ser vices to the public generally, in the above lined business—he pledges to use all d.l igence, give personal attention, and to exert him . to the best of his abilities to give general sat isfaction and. to promote the interest of all those that msy think proper to favor him with their cu<i. tom. Liberal advances will be made on all pro duce committed to his charge, tither tor sale, ex ortalion, or otherwise, and facilities in all cases c ™hen requiredJ will be afforded; that but few. others in jus line can equal, and none surpass. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly i attended to. 3 , He has taken Mr. B. H. Warren’s Warehouse, at the foot of the bridge, (better known by the. name ol “ Leigh’s Warehouse , rt ) its situation be- j mg-immediately upon the tuna wharf it thereby < affords peculiar advantages to shippers, kc. i The whole establishment having lately under- i gone a complete and thorough repair, is now in \ complete order for the reception of all kinds of ( produce, merchandize, kc. His close stores are i cleanly, Secure, and perfectly safe. | Wm. B. Shelton. « N. 1). The only Tobacco Inspection in the city, * is also kepi at ihe above Warehouse: and for all Tobacco ot the Jirif quality, inspected here during the ensuing season, I will give six dollars per hun- 1 ortd, and in the same ratio for the more inferior ( qualities. yy B s „ Pent ember 20 25 AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL flLottcr#* THE second drawing of the above Lottery will take place on WEDNESDAY the 12th day ’ of October next. An earlier day would have been appointed, but for the inactivity of the pre- 1 sent season, and the absence of a large portion of our population,—The subsequent drawings will \ be much more frequent. J. S. Beers, t Secretary to the Com r.issioners. ! August 19 j 6 1 Notice. r SEALED PROPOSALS i! WILL be r ccived at the Office of the Clerk *' of Council, until the first of November next, for convoying Water from the Spring known P an Turknett’s Spri ig, io the Markot-House, in the !' |City of Augusta, in Pine Logs, the diameter of 11 i winch shall be at least fifteen inches, and the a.- m >■ .-•..Ml id down to be a I -i, .Hr-, x f 1 "r i i-( ni -tl ■ n I.i <■ tl. • , . a,t ,1 f I yanct 4 irom the sprint. In hf* 1 *■ ■• ' . aii '.‘j’tff t Brosifl-su ,r it, between Mnr-!, ' sv.rtMM ari• > Hawk-; Gulley.. : Prop-...ah msy embrace tho wb. ie work, or! t ■ to pr 'ioauls wi ■ !).■ rcceiv, n I'urniah-i ■ lU Ifi" ! iiMiliipg 'I place wli-Tt tl v; will of .i'e.ivw«-l, or any other part * , l‘ hB , - i ■ dan' 1 1 ale. i u -. H. TKtHiiv?, ) Committee. 1 N. D’tlittcie. \ Septemh.-,- id 24 % I . NOTH. E % **• 5 ' . A i>, .' (' prt R. ;;t L■. -f the* Cil/,! ■ i er, ionLi, Off . . ■1 • act Hit it ■ 'ncil will' ><i( j' in &. v proofr.i the e..- . a succ* ~v ri ■I ■'• ' 'b ’.Cy ; I, 111. i 'I., ■ a 1 ■ I, 1 ~ • l'», v h.i anmial ■: 1 ■ . r,l '..J J 'i. 1. r d.l,t ,Oll d ' . t ..I if' i : f:i i Dollars pe. n, '■ .H be nnt. ■ C in ■ i-Ling to . i-taio of tl,.- a-.- •• " , ' • i■-'i *h/ . K i ( n roii.,; ! ■ ,;lu I ■ -pit .. slock d.i tVatfßy ■ 1); I r, f. , ■ r t ;i,.... /■’/* f. JO-MKje O i S j STOLEN from the subscriber on the 17lh inst.| ,k ailed Morocco POCKET BOOK, containing** one 20 and one 5 Dollar Rill, ol <Jie Bank of the United States, and a small amount in North Caro lina and Darien money—also a Note drawn, by J. G. Polhill, in favour of the subscriber for j§2ll 50, dated June 1824 j a Due Bill of J. M. Hand’s in favour of the subscriber for $24 50, and a Note. 1 drawn by Robert Myrick, in favor of David Hale, * and by him endorsed to the subscriber for g 20 ,1 dated 23d June, 1825. All persons are cautioned against trading for the above Notes, us Hie pay ment of them has been stopped. A liberal re- * ward will be given to any person who may re- p turn the above with its contents. ™ Horace Ely. L September 20 ; it 25 NOTICE. THE Public are cautioned against trespassing ~ on the Houses and Lots of the subscriber ® upper end of town—especially against hauling sand or earth from the river bank nr contiguous f thereto. Each tnd every person offending shall have the law rigorously enforced against him of H them. Hugh Ncshitt. cl January 21 60 l ' N otice. ALL persons having claims against the f-lstale of William Knight, late of Burke County, deceased, are requested to exhibit them proper- * ly authenticated within the time prescribed by law. ' ( W. D. Harrison, Jldm’r. 1 Burke county , Sept. 10, lOi f 24 Blank Deeds of Conveyance, \ ■ KITLT FRIWTKI) 0!T VELLUM I*APJIU, For tale at this Office. mi&pidfeufa AN U STEAM iUTHS. n« a French Physician, respectfully rr., ' n .. orm! . tlle public, that he ha* established :> ie,AM a-id MEDICAL BA .US in Auguata, 1 he very high repute these Baths have acquired m Europe, v* here (although a late discovery) they are lo be found in every hospital, and the (Treat cures they have performed in Boston, Phi- Is .phi* * nc l Charleston, can leave no doubt of their efltcaoy. The most gentle as well as the most powerful medicines are administered by that means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to ike patient. They are a never failing remedy in all cutane ous affections; from Psora, Ringworms, &o. to ncaldhead arid Leprosy. They also have never tailed of success in either acute or chronic rheu matism. In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous swellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseasea of the joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill cut sd syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections j tn ail bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriasis, epilepsy—these baths have be;.n found most ser viceable, and have often succeeded even in here ditary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin istering almoot every remedy belonging to the healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost ?. nd (* l '* repeated) without any pain, trouble, or disgust to the patient. As these baths are not yet generally known, 'locai-wiII he happy to give the moat res pectablc references to persons who have been cured by taking them. Tlift Steam $ .Medical RaV\\ E»atabV\aYvment, Is in Bllis-Street. opposite Mr. H. Healing’s House, and has an entnnce in Broad-street immediately opposite the citv JSfotd. January 11 gj The Wesleyan Journal. fIIHE publishing Comuuttee announces the X postponement of the publication of the •Tu ey J? rl J01 ! r,,,,, • until the first of October next. Ihe Committee does this reluctantly, and with fegret, hut -t ii deemed better, to delay the pub. ucation or the Journal, waiting the return of the Kev. Mr. Otrsr, who is now absent lur his hciilth, than to issue it under the Editorship of another person. Was Mr. Olin present, the Journal should appear forthwith. The Committee de hght to acknowledge how fully their expects lions have been realized by subscriptions for the Wesleyan Journal. They regard it no longer P r ‘ m e, n*bcal whether a religious paper, such as is contemplated, might receive adequate support in the South ; and they are noxious only t,» Stave the paper edited by one whose ample endow mem* should render it worthy of the extensive . ' I I• j, i fry ) Chairman. forth Carotin* and iserting the above. J. o. a; ? !«'■ Hu ,< ii>er, vits H" '■{. sale, d m Hr .ad-street, City The Lot is the City—the inri- • welling Mouse, ami For terms which ’’ the subscriber in J. • id, of thi- city. I Vollettou. r 24i A A. ■ft . late Francis Donyer leceased, ia indebt, heir demands with i and those indebt nediste payment. wo\\ Ex ’ n 51 ie estate of Cotton quested to render . , - j --tested, within the ime prescribed by law, and those indebted lo aid estate will make immediate payment to Comfort Merrit, Mmr’ae, Burke County, May 1825 Lit t 91 Notice. iTpHR subscribers have connected themselves wi in the practice of the LAW—(hey will uni ormly attend all the counties of the Norther* Jircuil; amt the county of Franklin, of the Wes ern Circuit, one of them will be generally found it their office in Elbeiton, w -,re they will take pleasure in transacting the bt ainess of those who nay be unfortunate enough be involved in the Law, \ ' / John i >. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January 1, 1825 57 GEOliOl \, J la tub Sortßion Count, Co umbia County. S September Term, 1825. 18KE Clerk having received instructions from . the Judge to adjourn the Court until the 2d Monday in January next, (1826.) THE Superior Court for this County, ia accor dingly adjourned to that day, when all Jurors, Sui torn, i:c. are required to attend. 8. Crawford, Clk. September Id 3i v 24 ________ - • r ftMIREB months after date, application will be ft. made to the Inferior Court of Columbia County, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to divide twenty Negroes, the property of James Martin, late of sa d county deceased, of which the heirs living out of the county and Stale of Georgia, are respectfully notified of »uch application. This 29 h clay of August, 1825. Robert Martin, Adm’r. August 20 2oidm 19