The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, September 27, 1825, Image 4

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* ■' • »»**•*•»******* "■»»»' 1 |vtf* *« A* JSfflßV* .m£y K '4iAlw«fc W. »saHP^' Agriculture. (tfi-rURH OF S.KKK3. JJfr V.;i;t,,ci As tin sea -hi t-.: p m‘ : ag. fruit, and ornamental trees .tni,l shini' ,w --',<sl • (.proilC.hlliy,, 1 Wish h il! -■• tlo-JHlhhc, attention t<> th* best B<n ce in the United States, from whence a certain 'Upplj in* • | be obtained Mr. William !*>in- . of Fluttiiin;;., Long- Island, state «;f NcW-York, is tin owner and t;uina;."'r of th‘. most extcoHtve garden onj Hum continent, aid wliici' unde the tat v tdj I and hi, father, lias been in operatu is j mure than sixty years. Km In ' :,! thirty yeais. I beye *»<••■. sc-, ~, . and • it. Mr. rrinct: and m* f£iH' ! “o,j in v, ill:li I sj. . a fe’.V llOli-l the I**l Htla- , ~ . and lor the last twenty-seven jwh, Ij I ive !‘e,e« annually jn« •■ring *njm i n ''taj hoicest fruits and the most, beautiful trt. and shrubs. ! Hi» indogn not eon hue*! ■ Imme.iy ■u tales, I ■ lan tin sale, anio« splendid col-| lection ofj.reeu and hoi bouse , ante I most s.uccidv recommend vU, Finite to you it , * ■e,as u gentleman very • ay wjray oil p, ic mtn uagt ; who ' .. • upon, HI ft ”■' '' ■ whuh he spare?. i.eii mr time, laboi, o money it) mi i His fill|en 1 atioils dus yea 1 ’ "( in; van ties ib' fra it trees, shrubs, tsc. Iron, the, vari ous nursea it s, of han>iie, have cost him mm than three diousand dollars, tout in lln • no; ■ led ion, he has received . re than '*()(, in varieties ol fruit, eimbUiiv, aim U) acnoinmo date the > liniate ml sod of evei y - > *-•'»* d out •Hiioi! In tin single article o( ruses In* I '■ tram dla 400 vanaiie . I Mi 1 b collect 'MI tS HI Ml t! I•- >' • ’ i «/l Iru mtv i.hirig Ini'in ! fi gaoe n ■dm hei let me observe that line oid gmu- <•> v <*o not always insure ;,»*»•• i fruits, ■ ■ note and soli may rhu'i, *, tin •jualilt r* '* th( a ii the 1 tile fruit. i.el .11 old • ill 11 h' ’ ■ oir* jjjteat crria unions a-■ thousund wme i ah ill be uaineles;. i began in the ye n 1783, t«. propagate fruit, by grading and Urn'ding, there. vv,.s but Irtllft good fui r in our .mutiny, ft '■ohm' j> ■.t ; m- apple was thought good, beca'-' the.a was (.many butter. 1 U o 'M< ■ "• < nir.oy years of my 'if«* by mi j. sc b ait, which | :.iurr better cxp< vie'ice, IWn«w' ■'• worthies- , slid have d. ; ,ip, ... beaded d ova me i if them. My great error was, in not pn.M uring at any price from a nurse.’ ■ highest reputation, a tew dollars worih •>! , t ,.,des, pears, cherries, p 1 ■’ m ■ From a oolleetioii ill Mm ujuj, i wK.ivaa ivin.M were excellent **u my farm, .me u hie. 1 could have pr.ipig.Urd, and. 1 h.ouUl have een in almost the inunedisi': ■ oioyinetn ni delicious fruit. The best peach which I own, is a line heali.iv tie*, pro. ired • nm Mr. ihiiue in March 17t)B. All Jefi Imoii* trees s' ould in Aiaryiau l, he planted no! ter i poSHib 1 .; ban •b> • of October, ol course ,•• *.p an not be toe soon sent on. Mr Prince, h. •• a..',**nlii in al most *\c?v sea pi i' f i( VVU o' our c . , bai he will i u'Cct an order, lobe cons. , ed *0 miv n spect. hie nie.tcHant. Kverp' as, ■ ' wib'di {V-fPrince has a ,-pt ■'-.lni . olli’e.' mn, should be planted in March, ■ 'he hist .3 Api 11. Direct to Mi • William I'rinci, t lusii ing, Long L: .nil, N *vv-\ork. Your chad in nt servant. F> August 23, 1823. Horticulture. —We have . m it s ated, tde. propagation >f * ! ms and tm is carried to c.msidct ao'e exn . ir> \ i**hir-e . Con , it, who:; a nurs *rv nusii • *d hoi c viribt as w> 'ias a ■id Irian, ho ». it ’ a Setter to Or. Mst hi 1 .in vhu h lie state • ' -• from Vmen au s. od* an ■ >s in ;is nursery not less than a million coming fi mi ’ln* • .me smite'/. ViXC. utau v,, a\e, .no I'; .il. y ,U‘i :i »>{ eg S/s/ Hi the I>. r r.. ’ e p, I amir, d a . . pursu#' '• •>( ,a .. poi Uu- c, . ••• ~>l (1 ■ I on.H’l -"Til art s>i •if rn» ", Ittv (,, idvr u sat.. 1 !•. k il an tec w ' *.p i . ■ .'UOs J... Hi 1 , r. .. Ml, ' -I I’J Vi . ■ : 1 (,:'V\V i lliv! Il" ali« i Jl.ii Crtcheti it-r ■ ai-e ;aid yafil utoivs'ls- Oi-io K . li ■ • . • ■. 11 i•! e Hub . 1 c as.'.;. Kami t air vie el <’*fr. '-ue aial sc, Coi,bit..n* i> idekimiMi a C ... Win iy. li .v, -V *f\ trmh' r m' t ... -V —-' • —-I- • ! > f. v ' li T l !.';, f * tmy. V■ ;• s.i.l 'AST I,a • , , . b‘ fR ' lo divide twenty < > ' ft p opt'r / o Jam*. |f.f A » iif ty . r;!iip'* : U.-r- . .4,0 which.he 1, r> |,> , u (1... ,■ SI •ea . , spplicanV •, v Cm. ,• 182 V Holyert .Vtartin. Jiiiin v, . y y f I XJ* -v* . (UtP f ui’jitiiuiU ili act a, tny .Utor ~ ~ , | J. ! SELECTED . < 11 “ ! bough* t had <* friend ! I Hut when winter d«>s came on, 1 j 1 lound ;ny»elf forsaken, For my v.rrrn;T Iriend was gone | lived b<jt in the joyous tun : When ■ t. ,'W spread her shade He led ara; , hut left a thorn , , i iitfi i unds - 'ood- ' iiiy mtde. “ i ce iond ci.nritlimg—- Aad ;md ihouglits—. ouid i ~v- kept 1 h ' ' us’v i 11 - ! train lading lints, j j ills h a i ind not wept. i j. . .. thin; . winch oft we l ax, ' ( Ai... m 'o dm ureast i Thu*. ■ 'v break ou l- liappaie - 1, Ai.d slat; away our rest. “ i lb Je decTi-i',—while brightly grew ii. >er a I buds ol Mope, : A. a !.I’-’- ■-a-a pa ; i> ••V.’iind id— g (irigni. ii o : M.nny slope— That in who do : comiianion’d me, And haiiTi.y ; applied. Wool; not ei-Ut*.-. a 1 h i.ker day- Apa S.I g ill. . li".'., , « Well '■■■'>, it, s',mil not ,vuke A not he : I ar or -igb i My • ighs i ,ckc.d up in ri om. And my I - ’.it ! ’hey arc dry. ’Hough, a tin us-ind brilliant sun* should rise; 1 T i light iny fumr; taL", Thou . vtr move a l *! mine, fvcmi. riusimi I I kimv t bee- hie ■ o» a j THK GOD OF NA l i UK. ,j Lift youi vie. s• to ‘ii ; inv.i H anil .A ■ h< uvuii- winch uncoinpasse., ~u ii.-nvc. lie hobi tin sun in all Is lulling ove. yoM.’heud by day ; and .. n is v r.iglr, •’in mild ami ‘-ereiicin»}■ • ly, stirr ••• . led v.ith. ■■ liiat. liusl, of stars wliicli prose .v to M e im.igi ' ia ian innumerable muliitiolv of w. 'i 1 -. • Lisiet 1 ' ' * awl id v.. v.* d lound--r- --li? v* M :<• he.' ■ of th tempf.Ht .id the oco.h;--| I■. ’■ v v.oii(i" •hr f.M i‘ne eai hwh ih •' v 1 ii I ' ■ ■ 1 'em. mplati' a s'eady ami' pn ■ : .*■ hand, l>ringit;o round Spring and t.Suminei 'V'Uieiia ami Wintei in rcgulai 1 ««• iso dvon.’t'v bi» earth . nJnnnume. . i h i.-h’d’-ii viiU, fearing forth comfort on ' .;*■!* . hva . a . tribe sann' ‘iuui ovtiavv* 'ti. ‘ Kins with the vosltf < >( ele '' no me ■; pi s'*s ■ ■ v.'reator ! -let • ■ forth. you have -weti yourself ■s ■ rounded wil i .saw) u .scene of voders alt. i* e '..ini bi'w'i' 1 ii every hand,su Ji I' au Hitei - ng svplayol majesty united witli t j wUdoin and goodoesi—are you not seize ,1 ... ill l. n a ! am i"M* r 1..: thei . otne 1 m:v that -n ■ pc.- *vith.n, thal to ihit 1.1 1 vat ( valor hoi1i;!,o .; dft C.•■!;..»• ;;t ‘ . by ali ti.e rational is m,/-. ■ hum he u.u! : • j Admitted to b** spectiuot'S of his ■> As, i jpi.ii fd in the mu'-u ~j so many gveat and, t;int«rcnling idtjeMs, can you b ’love that yi*’x> •flwere brought here fin . osp but to irh tiers .f I -in bi atal, or at b«6t, in trif , pit i.-u., . ; Lob i k. ul. sens •of the won sl.l—>t v " ;r„ ; lust f< ’all reve; ;acv*, I.w hitl» it (ioil vvi i” ve you bt-i -t;, and »sUo ha.-. I —c led tliis u.i- ■■■.uig iabr'n o! natui , on i iivli you 1 only with tupid and un • iiCtUim- eytifi A'o !nt the scenes .vhi.’h • you belndij a« ‘’espondent feeiings. iimin uwaken you from ht degrad’ in ;bis 'catmu ii *i ■. ■■ mu -news, into nob! ei ( or, v 'os. Kvr •• object v-hiv.h ,un view in n.i t lure, whether great or small, serve! . Ojstruvt you 'liic stars , il ts.- ins :t, the ■jh'-rv nieteo sod tlowing spring, i.hc v-.-rdant Ij'ieo. 4 ly am.i.u .••*, u!i . v'iilnt a 0 Supnuin Powet, before which you to M* * mb!i* and adore ; ail preach th.- ocirine • |al! irisinii* toe -pirit o{ devotion at 1 reves . Ijenve. f’< .m nU . then, t/o work'J ‘J<> \ ■j Loul svt eiiitiiioim of awe m.i : I . 1 ■ .-a!: forth from yon ■ son's >,u-h scuti-j iw. ...s as tlioHc —fiord, wii-ruv- >•! am, and! j v.’hctt vc l on joy, may I .. n turret t.hee,| is ihc autln i I Ti.. t■ * . j never turgeti . ioal lam thy .■*• a lure nil thy subjtc.t ' Inj ■ tins n igii'.hi cut temple ot th * uriverse, 1 - where thou Im-.i yhiced me, may I ever bel ; thy h.iihfui wursliippi r ; and may tliercvci er. • and fear o' <ml .-c the first Hcutimen'' - ;ot my lie h t.”—ivrsiu. - tiAiAG* i vi , r . . ■• i* ii ■ ire .. very Mir m-,<iu ; , .. ie.! *■’ *• ' a "ms ip- -tioiv .ii* - ~ .(icd üb'-'i ’o-; ant! ca-ne 1 a great lou<**.li. 1-• o gent'vmen 'il! .t -jretlic , ooii tea-! vidlers on horseback, and stra.igers to i • h I hi r wihe 7 o''-- ng , - ■ ■ i . w i place ;—'• Raw evening, si,-, rathe..ob-j ■ »ed aw one, with ar Aberdeen accent j i‘ Yes, rathnr,” replied the other. ‘ Yon. .vM likeh he a !run;,:,T ii; dn sp par •; * hFitmipil iho A'icideenidu : “if j ■ ''J' otne -!\ replied the other, lool.h r-:i ■| >' the hard nn (<> t;.o ' iVfhap-, nke up -w!f ou may I*.- g.-i.ig! ■ " Baud ’ ■ “ Kcriiaps.” responded the .r, yaw ti • in I■ ;>> ■.• use, pe.baos,. » ' vlU ni* * Fiuliv" ?” •> \ say. or l| ’ <»y .• > •■»ni bis t m.pnnioa, •* F . j ion "" hie -o it die t ueat;i»a, ir, mav; ■;f i»sir 1» you are lacheio- ‘ No." ‘Ohij | ‘ir'.Tici! i 1 No, a,i. " Sir, Ih ■■ (>uvl oaniu.i, ■ H ,v ft. ' ' uaiote Jh ‘uucii.'vij. ‘‘F” * ■I S' h;• ■■ ;y ir black d. ssj oh a ti -i •; nvqa. ies jI h yotl: Mr. ,i- ■ i ;.i ... ' S, , ; io. • N. iiiier.» bavlodMi ihm io io c.d mao, am .viduMcr ;in Heaven ■ e. sip. t: pa,' 1 what can you Ik t" •• \ Jim, ced in, „ ai! [■! ii—f 5 . ro since yun must si n ,i ei-\ u vxmAl - ;! > »e, I'uS iiasbii— out «•' -■ ht t; ■■ ■ i : , {JjOHilOfl ( OLU’ItT ! SberHTs Sale. Mill lie id on ~e- 'I ■ " October - DeiA at the Cum :■ House > r in Waynesbor oi.>sM. !‘-irkt County, within hours t Acres M La? tK adjoining J Lands Os L 1) K. .lot, ;."fi others, levied or. .» f '■he proj; yof M ch» Wiggins, o ceased, 1; satisfy Sundry fi fax. from a Justice* Court, in , ' > r o! v. Lane- -8. t. uioiiMi-ali /;ol j .v.. ru'd yv gij'm*, deceased, point'd out by Jc-t n t '.'-.iK-rti atwi levied on by A U»ro, Constable. —IXHO—- • 'Wf) Negroeai } viz: Liu and her! ohiifl, let V; f, M ittl wig go. : -n, i vuisfv rii.) i sc. ~iriono iron ne Court ad i <•) ■ .inly, if! far 1 ■ ' " iilli i; ’i U-. ’ ardciHi.-v and | ; «:id I'oJWB, I of f*. .ton, *ec <Bjd, I'. aiii.vt Hie Adr iutstt-vtor*of Michael Wiggins, d sed, • ’ —also— * Three Horses, on the property of re M'K- ”, to •ali'-l vtc ■ ion from tli. tun ■' or ‘ ■■ vt oi IhtfK- • ■ en.y, ; i favour of Augustus S .tot:'.*. p noted out bv ( defendant, —— -100 Acres of Lam), more .>1 It*- “djniii ’ , Lands of Th i. . . i nu cr -uni »t iti l-v ■■■.! as ■ prope-iv > ■ ’,!rx ■ .d< * C 'niur, •re-ir» ii, i i ■ ; ‘i aiindr* ••- ■ • cui "a iu favour ill i "■ei u C . ;.UM>— !00 \cr< sos Hiue l aud, adjoin ;ing l.sml* of i i-i H .os ii and others, levied •;«{ jas ill- j;’-'-;j< !■: ■/ of dtiiing TV f!*ce, Usccas; . 11 j san . .in Cx-cution in IV. up ,r Wm. West : Guardi* i of Sapp. va, Administrator o | ‘5. Un.isn,'., used. .(ISO— J | Cue Negro Alan named Nelson, [lbv >id fih it-i ti c-i op. i;y of i, r» 1' Ilf, ■ jto gat'vfy • . dry fi fun ;rum a -lusHi;- s Conn j Hurt. ('icinv- in favour 1 i»« *•» A .derson, ■ m. ate: W. Blount «nd Hubert E Brcdnax. ■ «i., n * _ | One toi.r wheel Carriage, levied! V i ll.■ pro, C. S , 8,011 tv Blount, ■i ; Vi* I ft HU -I 1, , far i ;l i)iV 1 Tv,’lor, juor ainst Andrew B. Stu :•? and Si;-,then TV. ; jljunf, .Ino. T. Forth, s b. c ! Ai Pint 27, 18-’ .if ,j Sheriff’s Sale. ,tV ' -i P d ■ • Tueni'.y in Nov.nd-' 11 At. 'dal Ki- icioi',, it. .1 ill. o' /'■ . ■ ■. •,.•( (he u-tu I !louro oi ■ ' I iowi'.j’ Nporoes, to US' ; (OherUis Cilberf.) a;. r», N i win « ... bi nI, ,Vil i«m t hoy • .hm-v,v, in:- : 1 j ~k tie •1: It 1 ' Ten B 'A. A Iff* b, Sji'..o j ! tod ton ••i'iza. if-vi'd on «s Hie property <■■( i,| ■ |ilh id< f, to satisfy »y. fa on me fcreciosurc I jof a iP‘ gage in latror of Alt' (•I vs. ran! "h b 3, ■VerF. Loi- lair, | ; Si. iji u. c; Seotoriber So biK id oi Octobc:”t ■' I*oo ■ d 0... ( in V\ ; .( sb OUiCI, ■ , ■>. on Oy, within « . ,„ur» j N'.:,i?;i'ueß, aata-bij, Ovh, i’icu j diy, jt'OT. A,ill; !A i.ii-, iAviiH i' uia, I lobaei, Jank, Venn • !-.v ■ a , , is),.; <m s.» the ,i iy 1 .Snnoo A c ‘j to salisty :n. ; '' fijiirr oi ii • iM-rtg’-g oi ravo, of .Robert i ■ .••• :<a j li'ttvell I). Burke i> >s, u. c. «| Jll’j )ti;c, a AH’uunistfatot , ,| Aid be -<d.i , aatuM ~ ,i ; . i ~ , Uv „ Octo ,i ber n- a' b i! e ,< He, Wade, >•■. 1 i 1 •1 ' ■ no■-, iv* ;i.n bom o' ten .o:0 i ! j lout o’- ok..- ’ j r*ue cottoa »iu, two road j 1 , his ' >■ t icourliclor ;.>totimsui ei •. j : incrate, ho. - me : > e{;io;- ’ ,f if cj. • I i, .sfia.ii oi. ,-flj ' !on;oi|g i. ;,}(■ •o( Ji.linj t i'd, rt-.-, -a, li'.r of S-'i von county. 1 r< vui i; -0,, on ti,o .. : ~ai I tNj ii.-c L Waile, Jidm'-*. hi t iifht us hie Wife. i iff i i.oi ay Aug, 1 7 . lubb 12 •, jy N UTILK j : VV iil i -old on Uie li.'at (‘ttvsdtty in October J 1 noMacA--‘■•House, in ~»e Oity of Au j ! f ■ Ul s 1 SO li sin h 'll."' : j ’he hn!l - r> and three quav-f I -O' :i CH o: L,.( ; id, .-.'ijoinill); Wan iiu j hi'.i, m . tor die bei .rftt of Scnl.-or.i >kito v | j ruinor. j Llviuggton Skinner, i Gua> him j i ••igustl 3;i- U I j bidmiuistrator’s ba!.e. >o the i at it'sduy in OoV.bor next, will in. : ; .4 “i the i luiit-House in v t ■ ft.. Honorable too Inferior Oon ~ Mijrb ■ nunty : - rix of land known as No.I i'■ iI. ..' let Monrue coutvt, .>,.i,' to tli* e•- o. of * mis 1 Saxon, dece .._d, 1 i tin- ( I benefit of lie heirs niid creditors WilUarfl *'axon, and • liu ba> ,m, (dm^TS I Hu-he. county. Jit’v. IrttSJ, ,i Notice. iI.L p.-'Sim* indebted to the estate 0 - Cufm * fieri wC deei,a.-ed, are reqtti-i-teii t< reiui.-. i ;‘i; if accounts in pn-perly attest’d, with . i;,.. | t if prescribed bv law, and those indebted tel* | s-iiii estate vill mike »»••.ivdiate payment u, ( onifori Mrrrit, ddmr’.v lit. rke County, May 1825 , < . i, via.., n.,„, >i _ •, ■ lUn H. 1 attVlV O' CSV ‘t J Tb' AM A (r in if vi .riher, on the 2lai| E.t' i us!. a :• . t’.ifU F>it iiv the name- oft Y, <■•!' 1 1'\UUS i I -.nut t. or i" yesrs of age. He is i ■ | -tom wolf u,» - buy, I;v complexion ve vdark, > ; ""tuotn ,t : .. pieaaing counten II .( -■ ; :t ••> is. ,on who : e wont il l I ' i'* '* ’* W'" : atir, -d Nos; tu-in homespun! ; l>s.ltaU» MS : IV d tic S 3 - t .i w , h * ||'T .It r.d pair oi si s r above • -v, : . t fi '< t' tai- .to IH-J- |,er .1,1 , ,1J ; • ; »uy wfe Jail, sr Hia. Ig-t h. n ... ,i, :> -f uj j i' siing him ..> the «u!<sc ■u. .t.iguds.. Geo. 1 1 Ldd.lcN-iry B;<sh. I July 59, iffi l 0 ■ h VW-'k and ; »’i l'7v,\Ur <- V<n tiy i. fevtti J. (jffyr ' • Monthly Advertisements . N oiice. NIKP r.-. Ait tbs after date, application will be 1,- in the Honorable' be Inferior Court of •Vi, '.in ov! ce-mlv, while s.' .ing for Ordinary pur pose:-. for leave ell Lot in the City of Augtts •a, b'-anded by t iiis and Uouston-stree s belong. t,> die estate of Michael fvlven, dexuased, tor tlv’ benefit of the heirs and crediti ra of said estate. Andrew if. Dill, adm’r. Nathan l.eeds, udiv’r. iii right *>f ‘.is tnijn Mary Leeds, adm’rx, Ji.yu t, February Hi 1825 intern N otice. months after dal-*, appi.cation will be. aN| made to the Juaiice# oi the loferinr • Couf »f ScriVKit Count'. when sitting for Ordinaly of Soses, tor leave to soil a ceri-in tract of l.and .• r;lining two hundred acres being in the cotta ct. i resaid, belong' • the Estate of Caleb ty afnll, dec ..- d, f die hc.oftt of the iki.s tiuvereditors in - dec .h i'd. *»'• c Mau; - llmvf-11, Mm?x. 13. 1825. 1 rr.9m fOd JN otice. pjJ'INE .onths a.UT <latv, application will be i 3 insue to the Kono.-übtc the Inferior Court of Columbia county, for leave to sell a tract of , id in said county of 105 1-2 acres, joining j.l array. It <y and oi.v.cs, it being pa.- • the real •state of William ftinion, deceased. Peggy, Binion, adm’rx. . March iW, 1825 Tm9*m 75 jSotl ;ti. jA|s.v. •■!•'* after dtie, application w :, J !>>. •«* inaiie to the Honorable w • Jtrd'.ce.a of the j<Ur! '■■■!• '■ f saiii count), ivi.e: yiui.-g fbt i 0,- 11 vi) <;u.‘ puses, for leave to s-'i! th- whole of .err i . ii'-- : Irvin Hovel, deceased, late of , .aiu cun ;v, 1 u ihe nei ulit of the heirs , -,d ere j 'liters of deceased. >iame<!i Lambert, ) „ , , ii.lwarSß.iyet. V ra - e l '.v.v.V, far ' ; ]B2.i lm9m 63 N otice. ■‘ill 1 f • 1 .'i h-'-i dale, application will b>. 51 i. .t; C un of Ordinary of Ensi.khn County, sot '-. ve to sell one hundred Acres of I. !, County, as the rrapmy of tdarn f decease i. .•><■ the bcueilt' of the .firs and i Cved'i'irs of i'd deceased. John iV v'avaou, adm’r. | Jana > 18,1825 lutbm OS N otice. j 'v'ilN.. ■. afu-r nav .ppiication ill bt ! i.N in. othe ilononble Inferioi Court o) 'ole b - iouniy, when -citing as a Court of O. ! ii!-:. . . t we to sell 20:' I i acres of Land 1 i nr :i the 2d District of Monroe County, Lot No | 2<>B. it being the r-al cst-ue of V. if-um i■ ,i. dto bu su-d tor the lit ot thi beira and C' i oi - n.t deceased. L.v >- :m?! n oy. tdru’r. .- Im9m . : 1 jjj'-jif'.B monte. . u -ic, '.pplictitioi/ will !>< : ■> S. itade to me lufi rior Court n! i vnuin .d ' „nty, for -ave to sell tho uudividi-,<;| of •. • ■ iii iV. 7, !i. lu>w—also, swi.i I ■> m roved lota Cornel ot Ei’.ien. av,-fa,-y■ ..,i,j; 1 .- . - is, for the j-.iu .fit ot ii- t r . Hone.', fJ Minor. ‘ \ •John Kon'-’s, Guardian. October ?;», 18 t Im9m ( j'a otice. j I VTJNE months after date, appiicaijion will b* ; i-M ui.ilic; to the .lustices of tiie lufer’u. Co«v |ol Fmoklhi Ci.uuty, when si ting f , frdinar) oi.* j.; ic...v< '• o-► d t re- iWu:. i>a | v>d '...'. >v, <iecea»< ■>. the Iteira t d creditor | .1 said ih eeai.'d. ibon Mr.js, ex’r. At)!‘t 12, 1825 VniQni S/ N otice. A] !NE nuintbs alter date, applicatiot. . ill t-„ JJa made to the Honorable the Interior Court i Mnrke Ci "VV. when s.v.iug , • » r .. ~A r> (iUi . :> , for cave :•-( iie csv-uo V—i!,- berry, dinor,) deceas d ekfu ol > tv s -..lid creditor.! of n; ;l d - v- Or t ? m\. ts, a ir”\ | Burkefouniy, March 7, 182.5 in>y,^ / 57 Nonc¥r i ■ 1 vi- , w. Li m.idi: to Ui< aounrabi ; - ••ifOnjinsi ■ 1,1 ■- i‘' l .am , , for leave. . | Land in said court,, lyit g on Greenbrier Creek.!,.'; - !■) at ; in :y I 1 :u.rrl, p. tod others, the nher contain!) 172 i.<ikv itn.i < !J,v ..t being a •iliX*’ >■-ai«,>c«t■ -! of iicifi.s -’ <Seceasr;l, sold r'-v'Tr.e btuicW ! of the heirs of .'.aid d, ceased. > ’<■ I 'ip -1 ?' .oke ■ Jidiidn, ! >.i , of la* vfA ' » 1 6i N otice. months alter dale, application will'n —'A : i;.‘. ilon 'fable* . Sal .- Court, .j ,JUI " ' -' ■ :; en - Uirig j , ft, mry p .-py, i,,r w '-ell he uediv’.di 1 part of (he h< ' Ul ■ '' s «•! *lj f .-x U. ot ’ :he heir* and creditors of said deceas cdi Joua. Lew it, j " Idn misiralar de bonis non, j 1 1 v A. * >L» V'L•n‘K;i aiw r , uppht ation will S j’ he I f Frank lin cou ' f to,an purpuai v leav, ■,! :; eH the Beal Estate of Jacob Strickland, deceased, ’ to. 1 v bei' Wit of 1 u tH‘ll -i said deceased. Bai'f! Mricksdud, K v%.. •, J !i ■l‘ in n . N otice. \i 1 '••••'• •' Hb , plicatinc will be a f n»»8..! ■■!> tiit nunorable the .lustir. ao‘ he 1 c " u " - ■ -•" u.ty, v.-h • siu.H - ? ■ owe; -v-'es, i w , ee i| j ■ . U si John C-er.-mgs. late of said county, tie- „ - e for the li> -r and creditor? cf s d i c John Gettings, aAm’r. I . ; 1 • • ■ ,■* ' liiQ fr X‘< otice. I«X|iNE muntl-stter date application will L !&Nl made to 'lie Honorable the inferior Cour, .luike County, whi'n hitting lor Ordinary purpo sea, for leave to sei the real estate of 'William Knight, late o( as d County, deceased. W. 1). Harrison, Jldm’r. i:irke county, Sept. 10, lb/5 lm9m .Notice. tg«INE months after «rc, application *: t j •iSSI made to .'he Honorable the Just,*.-. . a. Inferior Court of Striven Count .vie for Ordinary pu poses, for leave to ir: rs: tract or parcel of Land sonta.i ; ug 1, v- > .’.n t no and an half acres, situated lying ,i the thirteenth District of Henry County, and known and distinguished in the plan ,-f said District I y tfe numb-r eighty, (bO) he whole ul tisc veil Karate of Sarah Calls way, ifcdea:, 1.-c of said County, for the bene ': ; th drs -,nd creditors of ssid deceased. Samuel Doughty, ud.,i > ,\ Sciven County, keb, 25, iil'2s lm9 /•? Notice. TVTINK months after date, application w-it b i.* made to lie Ju tices of tb- inten->t Com f Franklin County, when sitting foi Ord-nary purposes,for h ave to sell the. a-1 estate, -,-■ : tar hog Proctor, » , ; mor. .lamps it, Haley, Gu.irdian. April 12, 1825 lm 9m dp N elite. hkNiINK months afterdate, application wiil be |iaM made to the Honorabl 'he Cot.rl ot Ordin ary ot Burke county, tor leave to -ell Uic rcsii j tale oi Ciioch Farmer, deceased. John Farmer, adm’r, Rnrkr. County, Feb. i, I.' 1; 5 SI'PEKIOU CU Uti , .t/uy ,'t. i¥ ,i Ham Ho worn. Mo;t : uge, “t Cuiu r . i.i ■ A i closure. Wilpanr. Fuli* , odr oi ’rater ’ •*t Charles Ucn ir, deceased, ( ■ ... and John V, teai:e ■~( Lt ' Sl | Heatkiah H* -.! and p : | hers ot the ,sa u chat lev 1 j I a trae* of Land. J PON- the IV iition of .’'ays ilordr.-, pr.iv , Uie foreclosure of the Equity of iU-< mpC and tv ft Certs; t Tram « r pai cL u s I.mul, situate. 1 “if- be- g in tin ly u | UicSiii.on.i an . ; Sta,ft '■> CeorgtH, on brill sides of Hul's Creek, j containing eeven hand-, 1 acres, .nor:-; or less. ( known a- Beall-.. rmU naci Hounded die i eBS * uy 'And belonging to s»'J H’vwdre and orhera, southwardly by Ligou'a land, ar.U nnit : ..or-; . by lands Belonging to Uob.,t Cr .-.vfor.i -i nisi:' > which ;f;:d hm.l mas mor'g gee uy stnd Chen, i in ; is it- tiDH to the said Hays Uowdre, '■ - hf- tu day ■:.» A| -it, mti e year oi our I m. ■: secure die payment of a (iron isso. \y Non- signed by said Charles, for the mini of '.'.red and seventy-seven do! i-, H nd due 'hi first dry ot January last, and the u. nest that ""'-h' accrue thereon: and toe sum ot mue lum rh t tL-ind .seventy■ sevv:;-. dtiliur:;, Hrn> nili. r,;gt from hfst it ay o' Js'inary Isst, .; o , do- mi f d Mortgage. N.-w to wit, a ,v: y Term, i • > inaiwn, ol John P. King, s 'r'uvj ; vt. tu'"-,;r, it a, ordeied by :he Coin-', that the prim '.iide-, intere..-: and enst.s, due oti sa.d mortg-iitr ■ !-in into Court witiun twelve mouths iv o i tt . .ne iVdt* hereof, .>■ from he„ci t' "h >e Kq ,ity ul ivd.v. , i svdihc forever barred »;-,d tort e! wed, ami ti.- nu-rlgagcd premisi ss. •: ;i nn j f the law. i Jl it in ft,: i her irUn ,i. Tint a cow of this ‘.Huh- bo publiahe:! in om. »f the public Cazet'cs I V. D.e City of Augusts, >: leu-, once a h mi j 'c tinio appointed tor payment, or e-rved upon the i■. •prosen atives and Heirs tl tin. Charier, at least sis months previous to the time •he money is directed to be paid. Tim f ■"rnc! /. otn the minutes. James M‘Lawh, Gletl . June 7, 1325 lint2m 99 O EOKHI Hai‘ke County. Hy the Hon. the Court',/ Culinary,,/ n.t , I (burnt,. TO A.'.i. WHOM T MAY eoSCBHM \ V'fiP*'! KHfcA .'.hi ( i .'.ndei >. u, Kxftcu 'y of the Estate of KUsha Anderson, deceased, ns I estanientiuy Guardian of Virginia <J. .\i .p. s' ii. ..»» applied to said Court for letters Uismis sory. Now thetelore, these are to cite, and dß.riOiush all ann singular the k'u dreti ond creditors of o, smd deceased, to file their obK *r ns yif any h»y have) in the office of tiie ,t , k >f this i‘oui- ~ ' ' before the firs' Moiulav i- J., o'srynext, oiDet-* * i.*e letters hismissor v. id be granted. . he Honorable James Torrance, ope of | the Justices of mil I mrl, thi- 3d Ma«, tK2.“ iGm Samuel Sturges, Clerk t.Ltini.Lv, licrivt i County rgc Pollock. •uimr.ifiraU' '* * Wi, h he will . nexed, of th Estate .. i ' ’* • Hoi-bi.'. dec-S'. I -nd al.-o ad../ r. *. i >f 1 te Estate of Mtirr Boothe, deceaaet -’ V tjii ,r- H. tVt,...,. ..dmi.iLtiittor U.b na nor II <: Hsta'e ot 1. . M f b-mlers. n, dot ,»wd j '.piles for leu ~ r Dismissoiv. S 'I V-co are there!ore > c.l'c and .dmonisb di ' p'.fptla! ;!ie kindred ard rro.-,;,, r9 die ,s.,ui Icceased’s, to F.le ti. t obji-’.v.iona in thi- of “ c ®« on or be for-' the first Monday in i '<■'£f. e»"uing, to shew cause (if ahi tliey ■ I'' " Uis y ghoul . . grant, t v nplicfm's. Civ- i under my hand <* /Hice in Ja- ;- c-\- .'bin vUy <:■ i*y f !Biis. Inn Seaborn GoodalU cVk. CKOft'/dA, c'rtj >i,\ /• / .7 ntv. AS James H, L ttie and Samuel sban /-c-11..* ’.'ismissory on the jet'xrc o. B ilhani I fmckiog, deceased. i hejse are therefore to /■-*,.} i.dmonisb s)l ' in, r. c.. (*a:v:. , to tile tiiei, Oicos in m- of- Wittmi die timt prescribed by h. .v, m ,W» :,i!Sa 0 “"J have) why said leUer- Oia ’ “htiuid not he granted to them. -■ i under my f.a <1 at uffice in FraiiKh'. ■ •'" 1 ■ay oi March, 1825 Frederick, Beall, CPI * 'IKORt.t Coitc.nbisCi—ify. -’ration, has applied ‘or ! " uis u ,ji .he .-st ie o' ' ■eo.-g.; h. !a■ . . i-bh , , ( L ! „ oi county. ■ d'i.'c ~ are therefore to cite and admonish k« am* SHif. i ar the ..u-urr, aid creditors of he said deceased, to be and appear at my office, wit! ti. e time pr-ftcrih. Iby law to 'in ie : obu-uio- (if any !»ey have) to shew- can- • .. .i..l_,euvrs of D s nissory should not bn...- ■' it df. n. } ba.'d ,t .ffiev . •■ i - , this lat ty o ' .\ •,•',! i<-.-. H. Jones, Jl CVk\