The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, October 11, 1825, Image 1

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WVf ' £ J l ''! l Ji l .iJ? l .i!“.!!L.? ,^!! llll ! l ’ ll *| |J *". ■L"-” 1111 j-Mrm"»'i' , Mi" | i , iin, ■i-.. _ , ,I,l,l—,^mmrnmbo—; 1 ’ 110I 10 ' 1 "' al under "lui-li every Uounlry in the worlrl labour., am nut owing to nnv v.imt of lore forqur Country, hut to an ignornuea of its real con.tituliou nod interest.,”-- PUIKSTI.V ~ 1 T— ~~ NEW SERIES. Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1835. No 3| Cfje iTamttitutiaualiSt as PUIIUSHRD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. (U* VUe. VubUc. ‘ave. vus pectbi y int rmed that i\ti u ! ■ is.jj-'iid h:4Vu* this tl iv c M in n * tc-*cl ths i'SHi .^DS AND , Commission Business, i uxniin the Font '>p STO VJi L L & FO RD, At the New Vahkhouse on tacksnn street, oppo. situ .Messrs, IVni, Situs, tVilii ims A Co. Their open and clo.-e Stores are now in good ■ •rder For til ; receptio i of Cotton and Goo Is They will be gratTul fir so much ot public, pafrarnge, as a iaitlifil attention to business may deserve. Pleasant Stovall, William P. Ford. Oc'ob-r I 41 t h> ”STORAGE AND C ) HMISSLtN BUSINESS. L’*E under-tgned begs leave to tender bis ser f vices to the pubic generally, n the shove hue •'! business —lie pledges hires. 1 to use all d 1- igeuce, personal attention, and to exert him .self to the beat of his abilities to gfie general sat I i faction and to promote the inter st of all those that may *liink prop r to fay ir him with their cua torn. Liberal advances will be made on all pro duce committed to his chaige, cither lor sale, ex porta ion, or otherwise, and facilities in ah cases| ,f token requir. dJ will he affirdedj that but f w oi iei in his line an equal. and none surpass. Ad orders nil] he thankfully received and promptly attended t'>. He las taken Mr H. IF. Warren’s Warehouse,, at the foot of the bridge, (better knnwp by theii name of “ Leigh’s Warehouse ”) its situation ing immediate y upon the new wharf it thereby, affords pecuhar advan ages to shippers, Bic. if The whole establishm tit having lately mid. r - gone a complete and thorough repair, is now io > complete order for the reception of all kinds ot produce, merchandize, &c. His close stores are) cleanly, secure, and perfectly safe. VV m. B, Shelton, it N. I!. The only Tub spection In the oi'y, is also kept at the above Warehouse: and for add T basco of the Jirsl quality, inspe ted here dui'ingl the ensuing seas « i, I will give six dollats per hun-l dr- d. and in die same ratio f.-r the more inferior qualities. W. n. S. September 20 2* i lIOMAS GiIALL, Carriage sNVakuv. HVS received . ■ -in oi Iv- Spring Supply of C.’Ui UhlGES and GIGS, which makes hi assortment of Gigs complete—consisting of fir.t j second and third rate Lea'her and Suntop Gig one C iachee and one Ohariote?. Being regular - Iv supplied with an extensive assortment, direct from the various manufactories ot Newark end its vicinity, be Is disposed to se. I on as good terms at the articles can bj obtained in Augusta. Q^/’Orders for any kind of Carriages will b orwatded and executed in the beat manner, a he manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriage bail’ to order. Repairing in all branches, at short knot ice, on the most reasonable terms. m o. c h 22 t<‘ 77 LVi«Mi» lb li V AVj TO VV E AND Commission Business. At his old stand in Sav. nnali, near the Fort, ap is prepared to make ao able advances upon all)' produce placed in his hands for sale. t John Everinghair, ir. i, April 12 _ ' S 3 j, Stephen D. Vivaue, i CtONTINUES die practice of ihe Law at Mi 1 > cello, Jasper Comity, where he will punctu , !y attend to any business confided to his c»re. IK also practices in all the other courts of the Oak I mnlgee circuit, and m several courts of the Flint j and Northern circuit#.—During his absence an}, agent will be left to attend to the business of hi aHi-e, JMunlicelio, ,Job 27 mtf 10 Tu V'tiatlvtra. such as I .bi.s Benches, large Maps &c and x good STOVE si it able for a Sclio I Room or a Store Enquire of (3. W, Warner, Eq Au, or the subscriber a the Sai d Hills 88. Hopkins. 1 r 27 & Lyeuiug ocVukiV. f«NHF, Sob criber w !. r.pume h,s EVENING I J! S 1100 L, fir the Tuition of the French nod I Spanish Languages, as soon as a sufficient btr >1 aptiticants will be obi lined, wbiefi is c ir temtdated to be about the lath October, lei 1 or twelve Scholars only will be admitted to each Class, at his School Room, an early application is • requested. He w.ii be happy to attend young . I aides tor the same purpose at their r\vi re si t dunce during day time. 1, J. B, Lafitte. S"pt«rnbrr 23 4. l.utlier C'.urnniiug, nil, set as my Attorney during my absence from die place,. J. M. Hand. May 13 tty 2 SPfj EJVJDf ID SCHEM E OF THE Augusta Masonic I fall Lottery. ** HIGHESf PRIZE Now Drawing in the. City of Augusta, u. der the superintendance of S* Hale, ] Cw R. R. Reid, lc ommiM ioneJ , ' > V ' ,OLI T. I. Wray ) 1 J- W. •J I_B.D. Thohpsc T\v« Second Draw Vug Will 'ak 1 (>'ac; in the 12di of O nob r next. All tile Cardial Fr zes are still undrawn, co Sfi(jMer»tlv tli * \V’»pf*l is very rich. SCHEME 1 Prize u( 530.000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 l 5175 Prizes, } n 12825 Blanks, { 8 18 0. (, <>0 18,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS, Less than two and an half lilanks to a Prize, The Prizes only to he Drawn. ill the Priz:s to be Jloalinv; from the commencnmen except the folio wintf I which :will he deposited in the whet I at definite periods, viz : ON IMF, FIRST DRAWING 1 prize of 10,000 St lof 500 2d. 1 prize of 5,000 & 1 of J.OOO Si 1 of 50 >d. 1 pr'-zc of 10 000 8t I of 500 4'h. 1 prize of 5,00'' & 1 of 1 000 & I of 50 sih, I prize of 10,000 8c lof 500 6dt. I prize 01 5 000 8c 1 of 1 000 8c lof 50 7’b. 1 prize of 10,uO0 8c 1 of 5,000 8c 1 of !0 Bth. 1 prize of 20,000 k 1 of 1,000 8c 2of 50 oth. 1 prizi of 30,000 & I of 1,000 8c 1 o: 50 1 All Prizes payable thirty days after the coir pletion of die drawing subject to a deduction 1 jfiPeen percent—if not applied for within Iweiv | month”, —lb” co i-ldered a donation to the IV of the Mas > ,1c Mali. j I ICKEI S and SH VRES m;.y oe yet ha I, i great variety of numbers at the original orice a BEE US’ L 0 TTE HV O h'EICE No. 241 MRO \ll STREET, \UGUS I’A. V iiolc rickets, 810 00 Helves, r> 00 (Quarters, S 30 Dari-, i money will be received for Tukets. CCj - Orders far Tickets ami Shares from art part of the United States, enclosing the Cast inst pal I, wi'l meet 'be same pr inapt attenlioi as on personal application, if addressed to J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners, August 23 9 &uOiMHa Hlx:*omc sall LOTTERY. the Fjfisr n/umvG is over, ;And a'l the <’ip 'al Prizes nr,, si 1! i . tit ■ Whee The Second Drawing will hike place on Wednesday, i2;h of October next, I The unpr -tedented RioMnesa of die Wm ifter the drawing of a large pro port) u of f l' uo'bers. ' H -rs even possible inducement t ai venturers. This is evidnn-Iy the riches’ Loitf i " ' be Union, in GRIND CAPITAL 1 HIZES I" ides a v-ry large proper:ion of tlie n.tnt [I r zcß 11 v.KK TS and SHARKS, war*anted undrawn ni <y s.ilJ be hud at dir. r r% Schet^e uricc* at BEERS’ LOTTERY OFFICE No. 241, Broad-Street, Augusta. PRI/.R f ICKEI'S received m payment. T 'J‘ Orders for Tickets post paid, er-clod |ihe K'iisli op Piize Tickets, will be promptly a ended to as usual. J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Com missioners. Angu t 19 16 N otice. S'AL' It PHOPOSJLS 11; lU< be r. ccived U the Olfice of die Clei TT of Coil iclt, until the first if Nn emhc n< xt, fur convi Yiiig Water from die Spro.g R,,, w a- I nrkn it’s Spri-g, to the Mn k t-Hi use, t |, C> > o| Augusta, in Pine Legs, the diameter i which shall be al least fifteen inches, and ih lore four inches. Ihe upper surface of th Logs when laid down to be at least three and half fee'.fallow die general surface ofdie grmi n 1 hr course of conveyance In m the spn -g, to b uc-i a to imersecl, Hroad-s reef, between’ Mai bury street and Hawks Gulley, Proposals may embrace die wh le work, c •ePurate proposals .will be received for lurmst g and bnung the Logs, na niog ihe place wiier they will be delivered, or any odier part i the work 1 Kami. Hale, } W. IL T'lmnias, } Committee. N. Debug.e, \ Septemb rib * 24 I*"'!k and Jt>U Vv itl Neatly Executed at this (jiee. ' kwwiiiwri— in mamy —— —— mimmmmm mmmm Ul . Et\gel\v’\t\ wvuV VfciuWetoD, A RE now in complete or'e , and w 11 run regularly the e Ruing season between this place am Tol ‘-barlesion, inland, via. Siivamnib and Heantort, These Uoats are under the care of experien '■ * « oncers and ha\m hmd-mr e accommodations for passengers. Go'-d Lighters are provided 1, r, forward freight,; a low iver Wifii the greatest safety and dispatch, and no exertion wdl b. i, spared to merit public patronage. B. F. Whitner & Co (FT n F. W &. Co. (through the politeness of the Wharf Cotrpan; ) occupy as a Steaoiboal Otnce, part of the new budding on the brick wharf. Octoh ■" 4 g. 29 1 . .. . .. '' ' ■ ■— l AUGUSTA MASONIC H ULL S.O tttvs* THE second '.levying of • !)■■ ah v; Lottery w’. l take place on WEDNESD AY the 12ili da} of Octoncr mr. An earlier day vvoii'd havt been apnninied but for the i.activity of (he pro sent seas i. and (lie absence of a large nnrti <, ' r ulst.ion.—The subsequent drawings w. ■ mure frequent. J. S. Peers, Secretary to th: Cam. i.sion* r v9. 15 j’AYETTE HAT | - AND . CLOTHING IVA RH- HO USE The Subscriber • f * opening in Broad street, one door be'otv Jfr, *4: ten's Hat inve nt. i HRflB «l .KM AT< A SFOR'FM B5fT Os D 0 Aty) CLOTHING, Consisti)'? of M l| ' 3 rtIESS COATS, 00 ••’rock 0 «t» bO Drab b x < ;o> bo Double (k , ,|e mill’d C.ssimera Panfalm bb ftro i ■ I h, Subnet! and Corduroy (In f ’ * f '-‘ < Vulcruia, Swanstlowr, k black si!. Tl Vests Uhie a.d black Cloth and ( a-slmcrc tic, v . e Superfine Linen ami Cotton, frilled an' l dai Shirt ■ Knit:£ •). Oottni', Worst'. J end Lambswoi *** 'fail (G and Drawers . nel do dn i' Tartan and Gamhlet Cloaks ° Ladies da Boy’s Dresses V..util’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wio brims {(limitation beaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Wasi.mgum, Jackson and La Fayette stocks ,|i Silk Umbrellas 1 ’, Hosiery Gloves, tic. —ALSO— Negro Jacktis and I nc'sers House set van a Coalers and Pantaloons F- arnouyht yreat Coals Gyci us' y Frocks, red flannel Shirts Sti ed and Check do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other article in his line. Fhe ftbov DS are Ncw-Ynrli made, ar ,| » !| 1 oe disposed ot wholesale and retail, at New (fork prices. J. I*. Hetze. , December 3 40 h!■' Va iViU' IT dAES, &C. >.) ' ACKs Liverpool ground ball, S. 10 li ii- Sugar, o. 10 ll .g ' C Ike, 100 I ?li< Ir. Molasses, ’n. X Or. abu.’gs, it 100 Barrel, N Gin, , 15 dn N E. lium, <■) 40 Boxes Window (l!a;s, 5 Kegs Pearl it r> . 2 llbds. Jamaica Uu .i, 10 lb sei Loaf Sugar, "g 2 Ton English Castings, at 5 Quarter Ca.-ks Port Wine, 5 Ca-ks L mdon Porter, 20 Barrels'pliia AV’■,isle l y, 4 llhds. d)6 years old 10 Butcls Cidi r, LATELY Jil.CEll’E:) UY S\ in. 11. Egan. lk Waulvd Vu VUva. ci A good N r '; r > vVeiicu as Cook and Washer, t v n remain in (own. lie Avgust 5 J 2 a. WiVtV ll aiut LV.ME. GAHHELS Fresh North j „ , i js uper r quality, just received and for sale a or No. 3Jd, Broad-Street, by h- Thomas S. Metcalf. r. Hay 27 9( ; ‘ orii for Nil le. Urom 1000 to 2000 Dushels Prim •awmHj, hor Sale by iAc Snhscthe ,at 5\V 341, HUOil) STSKtT, ALOL'STA. Jehu Uillou. ' July .5. . O TO HE REN PEI) On a Unit ding Tpiup, niRBB Lots, Walk *'** and Wft kins Sireeis, ,poaU. K U m ’he Catholic Par-uiiage House. Tin Lots adjoin each otiier and will h ; t separately . r all together, as mav bs d • ,ed. VV. W. Holt. September TO iiK ,T ~~ MAtul immediate possession »iv en, two *arg am' ci in nodioua s( res, id joining ihe subset ib. rs, on die up ier part souih side of Brosd-streoi <• .e ni-ii.ds ar. interior lb none in the city for cou i ry trade. i William 11. Egan. \ngUßt 19 ‘jfj For Side or to li nl B. B. HOPKINS offers to sd T?f>Sfc IIS '* o " e u,K f L-.l in 10w... and i; .Utilßß not sold by tite first of Oct ber, the -•‘MSiKBi premises may then bn rented. F.n 1 ‘ire of in subscribe’r on the Sand Hills, or of •eorge W. Warner, Esq in 'ugusta. ii. 11. 11 onU ins. September 23 26 TO ItEN r, 1 , For one or more //ears, 'll'niat well known stand for a loaid ng house, w lb a large Si b e at a-'udj '"d ,r > t!)c western part of the city, men i •cd for many vea.-i pa l for that porpo c by M •'* dec 'c c.l. P.jßScssion given on the 0 -.t ol •ctobc Apply to Alary R. Lunte, o. 1 K. A. St,mo. I TT Tl. hugnsta Conslitu ionulisl will publish ■ above o ice a week until the first October, d I'orw.rd their accounts to this Ullice for pay ! Ot. S’uvann , S pt. 8 (Or 13 r TJ rent. ■.tl. The Dwelling part of a t"U«.e, wit.i ;* Uo 1 K oh iu Pus* ssion tjiven D the 1l ’ f Octob r. A :Uy ♦<» lb- A tidier, Cat ton flange. Scptc i.her 30 04 t 10 It ENT, Aiil Eroni the first day of October i xi, lor one y\ r, the I louse and Luton 't In osh-Streel, .vh re Mr. Patrick Kelly now lives. Apply lo Hjbert I). Ware or to IVm, W. Holt. Hunan 15. Ware. Aicrnst 2 jj 71 toTient. • ‘Yhe Dwelling next below the imliTsigned, at present occupied by Capt. Cor icck. —also— Hie Dwelling at present occupied by Mr. John Union, on Campbell-street. —also— Fbe Slope and Dwelling on Broad street, next bove the Bridge Hank. j And four u.lices on Campbell street. For ‘i ins, apply to M‘Kcnzie & Uennoch. Inlv 19 7 I NimcE7 j lAHE undersigned has appointed John IT. I 1 Maxn. Esq. as agent during his abseTlcel ■:om Augusta. x And has ulao to Rent, .■JfJL A Ooiunißditms Dwelling ■ Urns'’, with a good Garden. Carriage-House, - oiln-r needful on houses, simai-q near tin •Hgle Tavern, on Keynold-Street Possession - be given on the first of October next. Asajih Vv aterman. June 28 ( ImhvtUu’s and ifaxaaolg, NEATLY MADE AND MENDED UY Joseph Koderick. ptenibcr 16 24 THE FOLLOWING lilanlto, OF THK MOST APPROVED FORMS May be had at thin Ojfke, TO WIT : Vs AimiAGE Licencts, do. Ilonds Admini iT X i ration do. Letters 1 estamenlary, do. ol • oar iiiDsliip, do. ».I Administration, <J«>. of Am “‘V Dismissory, Hecogniiances, Sub “■' a l s , ,51 , 1 s f)l s «c, P wers-d Attorney, Hank 'ds of L nveya xe, Sheriff’s T.lles, Uetai; Li e,x r,’ , atroo ' sl( ctl l ltß , Mortgages, Appreo I ices’ Indsiitures, &c. kc. 6 j September 9 ■■■ HUM m MMHMKaiIBMaiiiIHHtM i'll VULEBTON •iVUIiU n V , i vi B , i I A , S c,,n ' mt ’"ced runi'ng fin the first Octo i. \v»K v ‘' ! 'c! y M ‘ , S ‘ a ' s '•■* lhe Ul OliE IA. " \LRN-far; fifteen Hollars. Oi.tobp 4 o(j ,-, 0 i< . ' - y PAT EM T COT TOM PiTessT '• 'PHR Subscriber respectfully inform. frienda M. will'll pufcl cm general, that be has invented . A .Ve\Y Maclmie, S°i °S ' " Ul "' CoUo >‘ •quart Buies, by the power of a Lever, acting on “*" a ‘ m which 'rives lhe follower ' that presses ‘he Cotton into tut t.aie 1 . 0 P imtU o. t,..1i0n can lie rested in Uv „ 12 „cI, bagging with considers! , ■’ i * ml 111 u . v iy ■*!>' ft lime. the superior advantages of this machine are clearly m/ ; Ps t .hat i , udd.t.- n to the small ~i,amity of Ine„,„ I require fwb ch certainly is an o’jec. J two i.ands .can with fe , a ease. ~ac. f. o - Uvc te bales in one ikty, it the cotton is cooven i, lent, by having some a-sisi»nce in sewing which is by Ur the mils ■ edimr. ~ait. lhe, city ot this machine a nl ts superior power me g rP , t . .y admired by mechanic,| artis's, and i, (act all who have aeon it. Ilj a m. c snical demmstra tii.i. n is proven, that the p .wer of the kvtr and its co,icon Hauls are rq, m ! i, not s „ pprilir to - «»y. rve., to the v/etl ffe it properly applied. I' l , m t,le !‘fi h “"d freqient eiicainium.t past on the iny. ntioi, the atibaci iber is induced to of. er it to the Public as «ometbi-.g worthy o. their 1 "Otnediale notice. Any person that may want. . can appfy ,o ,1., sub ,-iber. The probable cost will be HU Y HO, .LA US, when all materials .remind, •nd KIGHIY, if not found. Talent Utters hav u K b,en obtained Crum Hie lleonrt inent state of the United S u es. all persons are .1 ihifed from making or using the same without hgalngly. All infringements will meet with tits igor of the law, m.,d - and provided in sue cases Any mechanic that may wish to he bentfU'H by the invention, may by paying a very moderate sum secure individual county or tile rights. The same is • (sered to farmers and ah others. lhe sze of the Machine is sixteen feet hng, \ l/ ‘ e, r l an <‘ can he used in a house of six l lernj-e p.lch, or brought so near the outside that toil" /'ness' C " hV '' ,Je ' 1 “ tuti ' : I™™ lhe Via 1 1 P-’.vi** l.nyuqnrd. lUa ifax 0. Sent 2d. i 8 'i \, „ y AND S I HAVI BATHS. Dlt IIOUEL, a '-Tench Physician, respectfully inform* the uhlir, that he h,s established IS I EAM and MEDICAL BATHS iu Augu-ta. The very high repute these Hadis have acquire,! 111I 11 , 1 Burope, where (although ,-i late discovery) 1 they nre to be found in every hospital, and the j-reat cures they have performed in Host-n, Phi. ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no douht of their efficacy. The most gentle as well ns the most powerful medicines arc administered by dint means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to ..e patient. ■ They are a never failing remedy in alt catane. our ejections; from Psora, Ringworms, &c. to Scald head ami Leprosy, they also have never failed of success iu either acute or chronic rheu matism. ' In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarca,is w. lliitgg, incipient dropsy; iu ail diseases of the ' joints, gouty a flections, dispersion of tumors, ill cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections; ,I‘n ull bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypneondrinsis, - epilepsy—these h«ihs have been found moat ser • viccable, and have often succeeded even iu here ■ lit-.ry complaints, lit line, this manner of admin, strring almost every remedy belonging to the healing aft, .nay be rendered applicable to almost every case, and (it is repealed) without any pain, trouble, or disgust to the patient. As these ba'Jha are not yet genera ly known, JJr. IfooEr. w II be happy to give the most res pectable references to persons who have beer, cured by laki, g them. The Steam 8f .Medical Balk ( EatabUaVvmcut s I Is iu Eilis-Strcet, opposite Mr. ff. Mailing's Hnck House, a.,d has an entrance in broad-street immediately opposite the city //ottl. January 11 ’ 57 subscriber, admitted to practice in the 1. several Cou, Is of l.sw and Equity in this s.ste, offers to the public IJ., prolessional ser vices in the Ch ..rts of Bibb, I Henry, I .Tones, I Crawford, Monroe, j Jasper, ) Twiggs, j Tike. W ashington Poe. Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.) i June 28. 1825 S 1 Notice. “ ,' n !l e practice of the LAW—they will uni tormiy at lend all the counties of the Northern hrcuit, and the county of Fr-inklin. of the \Ve«- ern Circuit, one of tiiem will be generally found it their office in Elbefton, where they will take pleasure in transacting the business of those who "aw ,C un *“ rtunat - e entJU gh to be involved in the John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January 1, 1825 57 j Biank I,‘eeds of Conveyance, BtUI'LV PHI STLD UN VELIDM PAPE “ # Bor salt ul ihtt OjJxe.