The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, October 14, 1825, Image 3

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COMMUNICATE D. The following effusion was induced by hearinf a gentleman read the D ike of Y irk’s 3PEEGH on the Irish Catholic Emancipation Hill in tlu ' British douse of Lords-1325. 1 t ” The blast F irturian spreads its note around." ” The House astonished, trembles at the sound.’ 1 — Yirg. . the long expected hour is come, That will dispose ot Erin’s doom, j And give (or years to obloquy * ■ Her children, or, declare them free. An hour that's fraught with expectation— for hearts thro’out that injured nation, Throb ardently with raptures high, That Erin’s Jubilee is nigh. c And generous sentiments have scope, And eyes, are radient with hope j I That this will prove the. final year, t For Ireland penal bonds to wear. Already have the Commons cast ( Their vole for her just rights—tis past! And now the Lords, their portals wide Unclose, while guards on either side, And Clarions breath an 1 martial drum, ' Tell that the Duke of York is come ! Now, he ascends the cushioned chair, And sycophancy gre ts him there. , The Peers are ranged in solemn state, I And very anxiously await To hear him speak, wtio ne’er before Attracted notice, on the floor Os that August and crowded hall, Where noble Chatham, did enthral Delighted thousand. ! pleading laws, In Freedom's and great Natures’ cause ! No, Chatham he who occupies This moment all the ears and eyes, Os that vast silent multitude. But he’s a Duke of /loyal blood ! Protector tow of Mu. C ke ! ! Stern Justice bids us here remark. Tbit with ills Hghn'ss’s permission At some few pounds for each commission She retailed forty-three one day ! And his Grace smiled, to hear her say. She’d buy new trinkets for the pay J / Degraded Britain ! that could stand, • An 1 tamely see thy martial band C Thus tr.iffick’d, ai a Ciprians hand j W iut millions o thy myr ad woes ; Were thine thro’ officers like those ! ! A Mi red. Bishop ! tooj is he, And foe ,o Catholicity. O.i rose with studieil dignity, T hat pious Duke, so all might see. An 1 placing that best limb before, On which the mottled band he bore, lie thus began to vend h . spl -cn, Ag mist thy rights, my Eiin G een Whose gallant son opposed the blade, That should have cloven his vile head, Mhen at the races of Dunkirk .He lost his honour bouts and dirk ! ! ! He qualified Ins words a little, But li re’s their import to a tittle. ’* So h ip me God” (ins Grace exclaims) If ever I admit these churns, F t CstUo.ic E.n .ncipatton— ") Miy I ne’er have a cronalio C .N >, perish fi st the rebel nation, j Tho’ mtberto with stud ous care I’ve b;d my feelings; /declare My fixed belief ; let Ireland be T What they have dare ! to misname Free C Slic’d u iset Cluircn and Dynasty. j Tho’ Norwich, tell bo’s fibtral. By spouting in this Lordly hall, Tho’ Brownlow new ennviodons feels, And Cobbeit scribbles ’til lie peels, Atlci jirou.j ham’s eloquent as Hales, In arguing loose li nnisli claims, Still will I frustrate all their aims. YvS, heir presumptive to the crown , /am resolved to tread them down ! F t, grant their suit and then goodbye,T To protestsnt ascendancy, C In onr now glorious monarchy, 3 No, never may this head be set, In mitre cap, or coronet, No, never may this arm wield. 'I ho Cruzier, or the Sceptered shield, if / permit an / ish clod ! Emancipate, “ So help me (ion !” Ungrateful wretch ! MoKunua foul ! Thou fiend beneath a Prelates cowl. Oil! what a faux pas you’d have made At Clarendon, or Kunnymead ! Who, wrested from toe tyrant John Tiie Charier Britan rests upon? Whose gloriMis pendant was unfurled To find for man a pnrei world, When tyrant’s deeds had curs’d the old. Where Crowns and Slates were bought and fold Like cattle on a market day, Thine sm of Uoman Genoa, Ami who, upon the trackless main Humbled the crest of haughty Spain ? Who, on Saiammen’s height Turned the hot torrent of the fight ? Who, on Vittoria’s wai s did fix Brittania’s banner ? Catholics! ! Who, at the seigo of Bajados Preserved your Albions crimson cross, Was it your Hanoverian lon ns. Or Erin’s chivalr c dragoons ? Ami oh ! who on famed Waterloo Did each high deed of warrior true ? W..s Erin seen the craven there Wileu fled the steel clad cairrasdeur ? “ When pealed tho shot and rang the steel” Did then Hibernia’s phalanx reel ? No, Little York they saved that throne. Wh en you now prut to call your own ; F iraid it Heaven ! that such a thing Should ever reign my Eiiins King. Proud Duke, an hour will come when you, You v famous speech to day may rue, W mu “ the wronged ip rit of the Land,” At Liiieutv’s sublime m mmand, Shad hurl mi h Nobles It m the height, O' misused power, to endless night; W .er ■ writhing ’neaih the just ones rod They’ll cry in vain for heip to God !” The Volcano may sleep an bile, And Ita dread visage seem to smile, And Pigmy men with feeble strides, Kaise Towns and Vineyards on its sides. And dreaming of security, Invite tjieir own sad destiny. Bui when the awful mountain wakes And belches forth its torrid Lues, When lava currents rushing down, O’erwheim each vineyard, man, and town. 1 hen all too late, the intruders see, The fruit-* of their temerity. Even llm*, tho’ now so patiently,") H berina bears contumely, C From Bntains heard .nt ministry. S H -r spirits retributive day, ) Will lawn—upon her sabres sway, C Shed hug amnement for delay. \ Then dastard chir# will goad the J 1 i vain, tYho made her heart strings bleed, > Site’ll uav with interest for (be deed. ’ \ Nor, lb nk, that aid will be withheld,' From her just cause, on sea or field. There is beyond the Atlantic flood, \ Heroic Land which we I withstood foe giant might of Britains arm, \td from 'lif contest without harm dore oft' that splendid, beauteous prize, *•' >r which the Patriot smiling dies. Whose starry burner woas the breeze, from Indus to the Cyclades. I'he menace of whose victor’ prows, Strikes terror thro’fair Freedoms foes. >‘hat Land w is once upon the list. Os Bnglan is grand monopolist— N iw nobly soaring, see on high Ter Eagle cleaves yon sun lit sky. Vnd heavens light beams sweetly on, i'he calm repose of Freeilom’s son ■, The stainless Patriot Washington. I'bink not when Erin in her might 3hail rise to vindicate her right, Chat Freedoms val’rous sons could see Her chained anew by fiends like thee , Or that Columb a’s eaglet sons, Will quail before your myrmidons. No, York ! you’ve heard the tale before They tittle fear your Lions roar. And Duke when you are dead, and gone. Without one grateful tear g -.m on, Your blazon’ t urn, or ’soutcheon’d stone I Whe.e tributes wont avail, And the vile courtiers smile will fail, My Erins emerald fas' will float, In triu nph o’er eac.i castled moat. Her shamror wreath, will fondly twine Bound her own darling Emmet’s shrine, And laurel’d Harp to yonder sky. Will pour the hymns of Victory, Vnd gratitude to Deitt. T. D. tt. Augusta, Georgia, August 12,1825. Newdern, N, C. October 1. FATAL OCCURRENCE. It were well indeed, if the catalogue of blood could be hidden from the public eye; but it is a painful duty due to the living, that we should register the fate of those who are numbered with the dead by of passion or designing violence. On Saturday evening last, Mr. William Johnson, of this town, met his death from the hands of Manuel Antoine, a Portuguese, whose character has long had the stamp of outrage and cruelty attached to it. Some of the facts as we have heard them from an eye-witness of the affair are as follows : On the afternoon of the fatal day, a par ty, among whom was the deceased, met on the edge ot the town, at a house belonging to the above Manuel Antoine, tor the pur pose of shooting for beef. After the contest was decided, a dispute arose about the di vision of the prizes, in the course of which Antoine declared he could whip any man on the ground. Johnson declared he could not, and that he would not be cheated out of his prize. Manuel retreated towards his house, which he entered, and almost imme diately retained, rushed, towards Johnson and struck him with his left hand. A scuf fle ensued, and Johnson immediately re ceived seven wounds in the body, apparent ly from a knife, which had not been perceiv ed in the hands of Antoine. The assassin tt,“.d, during the horror and amazement of eluded the pursuit of justice. Manuel is a man about five feet five inches in height, well built anil of a light complexion, and it is hoped that he may yet be brought to an swer for so foul a deed. In lile, the deceased, maintained in his station, a character ot perfect respectability, and lias left a family to lament his untime ly fate, anti mourn for the outrage which has robbedthem of a father and a friend. While we record the above atrocious act with feelings of the greatest indignation, we cannot retrain from tillering our veto against all meetings of the kind above mentioned. I bey are too apt to become the rendezvous for inebriety ami infamy, and too often end, as in the present case, in some castrophe fa tal to individual security, and outrageous to the public peace, ] I'he deceased languished in extreme ago ny for three days and expired. A melancholy occurrence is stated to have happened in the town of Providence last week. I hree lads had trespassed on the garden of Mr. John Field for the pur pose ot taking peaches, and while standing under the tree one ot them received several wounds from (lie discharge of a musket loaded with duck shot,and tired by the son of the owner of the garden. The youth was mortally woundetl and expired in a bnut live hours. Young Field was arrested on the following day, and has since been indicted for murder by a grand jury. The Lakes. —A gentleman who has re cently returned from a residence at Michi gan Territory, has informed the editored (he Salem Observer, that the British Board of Surveyors have been engaged, for the last two years, in making a survey of the British Territory in the vicinity of the Lakes. The same gentleman was informed, by one of the surveyors, that they had found upwards of twenty two thousand islands in Lake Huron ! --T-~ r. - Augusta fc'vett tacUool. AS the cv.rcisi * f tins institution wul be re ’timed no MONDAY next, it is expected flat Iho Pupils will be punctual in their attend ■oce on ih t day. !■ is open for the reception of H who may wiso t i avail the selves of its be s; and as there are doubtless many children i i up city who (lave never yet enjoyed the faiis of mstr ciion, the parents ot such, are aded o-i bj every consideration of duty and o •ilerest to urge their children (without delay) (i attend upon the instiuctions of this school— *() opportunity so important ought not to be per ni'leil to pass without suitable improvement, ami parents must be insensible to the best and high *t mleres sot their oftipring, who deny them ihat improvement w'nch will q la lify them for •iselulness in the w-rld, and which can be pro. cur d w.thout money, and without price. October i 4, ib2s. fit 32 XVj Tasl Xig\\Vs Mail. Milledgeville papers up to the 11th of October were received at this office as our paper was going to press. The Journal Bays“ we have yet to learn from the coun ties of Camden, Glynn, Wayne, Irwin, Ware, Decatur, Early and Telfair.” A re port has reached US of the majorities in Glynn and Wayne, but we defer a publi cation of the same, until an authentic ac count of the election can be had from Mil ledgeville, which we apprehend will be for warded by the next mail. The present ma jority as given by the above papers in fa vour of Troup, is 1,375. Second Drawing Over AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL ALL THE GRAND CAPITAL PHIZES S'Ul remain to be drawn for—except one of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS !! ! Never was there such a chance fur making a ; FORTUNE. The Third Drawing i Will tak“ place on WEDNESDAY the tVo NEXT MONTH. Call without delay and renew your Ti The future price will be fix. d by the L >mmis sioners at their next meeting—for the present, 1 they may be had at the original price— a' \ —TaqUotj Office, No. 241. Uroad-SUeet. I WHOLE TICKETS, glO 00 HALVES, 5 00 QUARTERS, 2 50 i J. 8. Beers, . Secretary to the Commissionert, [ October 14 33 | Ttuaks, Viols, .Mvvtlvesses, UmbxeWa’s # l?araso\s. i MADE AND REPAIRED. , f"kLD Trunks taken in exchange if desired, f U China and Glass ne?:ly mended on reasons , ble terms. N. B. Horse Htd>s, Deer and Calf Skins, and Moss, bought by Joseph Roderick. * Opposite the Jtichm'nd Jfotrl, Broad street October 14 1m 33 ; \\A*NiiTfSiAXhiT , PRIME liN**S ,d MU "S' f Just received and for su hy « ■ rnomas 8. Metcalf. / l —auto— , 150 Casks Stone LIMB. t October 14 32 SUuuUou W anleA, i tt Y . a y° un K mm in a Couming Room, where , JU bis time can be devoted exclusively to the . i.joxs. Satisfactory references will be given. , te would lake charge of a set of Books on Ben nett's plan if required. A line addressed to G U. and left at this Office, wdl meet with alien t lion. ; October 14 32 t : A iAist ot Letter a 3 Remaining in the POST-OFFICE at Columbia , C. H. (Ga.) 10 1 h October, 1825. A I Isaac N. Mallet B tester Andrew ‘lessee Maddox Peter Armstrong 1 Lemuel Martin _ Barrel Archers j James S. Maccannau R X Nathaniel Malone James Blanchard, 2 1 Martin Mellown Gen. Bell, | Mrs. Martha Magruder n Susan Bafy \ 14 Priscilla Butt I Mr. E. W. Napier C X O * Peter Crawtbrd, 2 | John Olive Tims. D. Carr, 3 J Mrs. Prudence Olive rr Z .chin as Culley > p 1 D | Elijah Parham . William Drane, jr. ‘ Jas. G. Perryman 1 Gszaway Davia J Pierson Pettit [* E J Marshall Pittman It Charles Evans t It F | Burwell Richards j A, Foster, 2 ‘ Elizabeth Russell Miss Mary A. Flemming f Mary Reynolds 1 Jas. Francis J S Chas. Fiizsimond { Martha C. Shackelford G | William Smith, 2 . Jeremiah G-ilßn | N. B. Sims _ Susanna Gntfin | lohn Swmk r Uez. Grubbs > Jessee Steed . H | Daniel Stanford J Francis Hammill 1 David Stanford t Wm. W, Hardwick | Joshua Stanford t, Mary Ham ion | T g Ann Eliza Hamilton f Henry Thompson f J | Miss M. F. Thompson 1 W. Jones » U s Johnston . Wm. Underwood e K | W Peter Knox, 2 j Thomas Watson, 2 - ■ | oh" Kendrick, 2 i Bynaum 8k Wilkins Marshall Keith < Mary Watkins, 2 E I Worshipful Master oi Reuben G. Luke } Harmony Lodge No lb r) Allen Lovelace } David Walker M lWm. Willingham f Thoa. W. Murrell, 2 Jesse S. Watson, 2 Wm Merriweallter, 2 f Y it Robert Martin, 2 I John S. Y ung. e Thomas O. Marlin, 2 j Wm. F. Wilkins, p. m. ) oc> >b,,r 14 3t F 32 ftVj bail and COkTfcE. HOGSHEAD Muscovado SUGAR, ’ 22d Bags COFFEE, FOH SALE UI ilubl. Malone & Co. October 4 3t 29 a©, aaaj as© —QO®“ THIS ESTABLISHMENT is opened in a handsome Brick B idding, erected during th« past summer, at the corner of Broad and M Intosh Streets. It is recommended to Plan ters and Merchants, by its situation, in the centre of the town and of busbies, and within a convenient distance of the Banks Warehouses, and Public Offices. Stage Passengers will find it convenient from its being opposite the Post-Office, c t place of art-vat and departure of the Stages. There is connected with the HALL, an adja nt Uri k Tenement, with suites >f Private Apartments, and a separate Entrance Irom Broad Street, which will be appropriated exclusively to the accommodation bf Families ; and Ladies will find themselves as q>i ’t and retired as in any private house, with the additional advantage of bung in the immediate neighborhood of the principtl Fancy Stores. The WASHINGTON HALL is rttpe rintended » by W. J. Dudley, whose study it will be to please and render comfortable, those who may favour the House with their patronage. htgustn, (Ga.) September 30, 1825 °8 ~ ' 1 ________ M’BOWAIiL* & < v E removed into the Bri. Building >n Cain,, bell-'dreet, (up stairs,) imr.,...handy in the ro of M.Kenzik & Hennoch's Brick Building, i ’ Broad-street, end otter their remaining STOCK GOODS, By Wholesale, at exlremt >y low (r ices, for Cas * or Town acceptances only. Country Merchants and others will find it muc to their interest to call, ns h is intended to do the concern as early as possible. The following comprises the assortment in purl : BALES extra super heavy London UnfH , Point and Kose Blankets, 2 Bales (Kay & Sons) super White Plains. 7-8 wide 22 Pieces red, white and yellow Flannels, 40 Pieces plain and figured black Bomb zetts, Black, blue, drab and olive, double and sin gle mill'd Clothe* and Cassimeres. ) Blue, crimson and beet root Police Cloth?, Men’s, women’s and buy’s white, black am mixed lambs wool, worsted and cotto a Hosiery. The above Woollens were imported last N ■ vember, and are of superior quality, and muc lower charged than those imported this Full. •—also— r>"* 44,54,6 4,7 4 and 8 4 black, plaid am 1 white Merino Shawls, which will be sol ,J by the single, at first cost. 100 Pieces fresh imported 4 4, i-4 and 6 4 Cam hi ■>,*, Leno and Mull Muslins, T . Jsta WITH A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Coltou liooAa, #c.. #c. October 11 3 1 JN’uUiiis. QJ* T\\p TubUc axe Tfcs • yectfully informed that the u , tflersign._d hav tiiis duv commenced transacting the AND “ Commission liusiness, 1)Ml l. II THE F*l It H OF STOF s/IJLf; & FORD, .11 the New Warehouse, on Jackson street, ojipo site Messrs. Wm, Sims, Williams if Co. Their open and close Stores are now in goo vrdcr for the reception of Cotton ami Goods. , They will be grateful for so much of public patronage, as a attention to business • deserve. Pleasant Stovall, William JP. Ford. October I 4t t 29 *** The subscriber, has removed to that Commodious Dwelling, in Ellis Street, di rectly opposite Mr. Mealing’s new brick Building, where several young gen'lemen can be accommo dated with BOAKO, anil LODGING (if required.) There is an Ally runs from the house into Bros Street, directly opposite the City Hotel. A. Stoy. October 11 3' >r 31 For Salp or to Hunt. MB. B. HOPKINS oilers to sel his (House and Lot in Town, and i outsold by the first of Oct her, th premises may then be rented. En quire of the subscriber outlie Sand Hills, or ut George W. Warner, Esq. in Augusta. H. H. Hopkins. September 23 26 TO RENT. And immediate possession giv ■* en ! two large and commodious Stort adjoining the subscribers, on the up' per part south side of Broad strec hese stu.ids are inferior to none in the city foi ■ he country trade. William H. Egan. August 19 yl TT TO RE.NT, imihl The Richmond Hotel; also, ' two Tenements adjoi. i g ; one Bnil ling well c.l culated for a tip icery Store, on Broad and Marbur streets, opposite tlie Uichinond Hotel. I Apply to ►Samuel Hale, > Administrator estate oj M. C. Leavenworth. October 4 6t 29 THIS MORNING B. WILL UK SOI D WITHOUT RESERVE, At 10 o'clock: PIECES B.gglng, 10 do Sacking, 1 Pipe Gin, 1 Puncheon Jamaica Itum, 8 Cask* Nails, 10 Casks Cheese, 20 lloxi s do 4 Itbls. Apple Brandy, 5 Kegs Saltpetre, 5 do Tobacco, Al,»l>, at 12 o’clock, I Y STD UK, Sundry a licks of very Fresh DRY GOODS, Consisting of — Cloths, Cassimer.-s, Flannels, Prints, Vestings, and Blankets. And to close a Consignment, an assortment of MEDICINES, DRUBS, &c. genuine. October 14 It . 32 Notice. WILBU3M KIBBE* tins opp ir unity ol informing his friends . and the public, that If hat entered into Co. lartnership with Mr James Wrli.h. of Savannah, ; e of the House oi KiUutr,, Hills il ll' Us, tor the n ose of car vmg on the business as • lIAPERS AND TAILORS, In the City of Jlngusta, TWO 1)0 IRS HP-LOW TIIK OIOIIK TAVEIIST; Where they intend keepings general supply f CLOTHS, CASsniKIIBS and GOOi,S, of al loscriptions, usually kept by Houses ol their pro ession—and at the atne lime assure the f eb« -r. that no time nor pains shad be wauling to til those who may call on the Mouse Wells & Kihbe. October 11 31 JJIMOGK & MjZRSJI, l&erdjaat Caitor£, AT THE AUGUSTA OiiSTHiCf a 91MKB1B* No. 164, Broad-street. UIVK THIS DAT DECEIVED, PEII THE I.A'iT STEAM BOAT, —JI large and fresh sufifly of — READY MADE CLOT til .G, —CoNSISTIKO OF— BLUE and Black I), ess Coals, Coatees, (l iferent colors, Blue, Biiick and Fancy colored Pantaloons, Bine and Black (Moth V'es's, Silk and Fancy ditto, handsome patterns, Bang-up Pantaloons, - Sail nett Coatees and Pantaloons, kc. All of the ab >ve Garments have been made of he latest N: w York fashions. Persons wish! g o purchase, will do themselves the pLasure to all at the above siore. ( > h -7 .10 IS otice. subscriber (1 te of Savannah) has establish* . ed himself in this City, tor the transaction of Commission Business, A id begs leave to tender his services to his riends ami the public in Georgia. W. D. Gwalhmey, New York. REFERENCES. Thomas Cummixo, K.q. Mr. U. H. Miwirvn, Messrs; A, Slaiidhteu & C. Labczim. October 11 fit 31 K. Jl. \V leu k, requests those vho may have professional businean with him, do ring a short absence from Augusta, to call on J. W. Wilde, who will be assisted by General W*. vV. Holt, September 27 8t 27 Administrator’s Sale. Will be sold at Columbia Court-House, on the firsl Tuesday in December next : Two hundred and thirty Acres of Land, belonging to the Ksla e of William l{, rabh, deceased, sold for the benefit of 'he heirs -I sa d deceased. Sold no a credit of 14 mumhs. John Kennon, Ad in'r. October 5, 1825 9t t 32