The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, October 18, 1825, Image 2

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MMuT •. &m>9****** am m flOtffcTlT j pIUhiVU ».' ’ I ..ISHKD BY vV ’l,l AA vl J. HUNC K. J * 'oiuiitions, Ore. I' i •.?,., r? i V i APKH iwics a wmV, Ki»« DoHan ,"•■ " ~,n i, j »jaW* '« •*»»<:«• • . r . , pRy T'AV't:' a weak. flirts britUr* per Ain '/>. in I'ilvan * ... , ,liM .nlimi" 1 '.ill <1 "» In tli 1 -Ha. t s.fa given - - I’ 'll*- 1 fry T£H ‘ • Kiv JtMbrs ,• r Hnimm pay i.Llw in ndyam « Al , v y h■ rs ... ‘kV.H H*. Kt tho rnU*>i * • k , ~v #lJi .i ,j, , 1 , ■ p*r nqunre, for tb*t firm insertion ,’ ( iff 1 ■ I M*- U‘p >: rli continuance . •- ‘ :■] ■. „ i :>> •! •’». "»»**< !•' I’ •■' ~i- : ■ 1 ... rati. ••- y ... lidil .i-i tl*- PiV T"*-.* , . in 1 ii< •! ten in tljf nr';nuon*»nil .. I ■i.'.l-ii. >» .1 ;,n i'.„ . lUai".il 'l»M«nl<i" ! ni. ... - (>l 0'«n« i . )m 1,11.. . ,/, ui' ; 1 Xrv .lays prerim.i la the ilajr of | ml' ■ \ ~c (. „|.t.«.n l e .. ~.,«.alpr*p.rty givaa In lik. man- ( u.i,. POUT lay. pr*' . th- '»/ o> Niiiif to Iks Sell r«.n.l restore of an aetal-muel ba publiehaJ 1 I f FORTY dayv. |i jgip mh • mtmom Prom the Georgetown Metropolitan. The writers who have described the Scottish ( and Irish character#, have punted them to! the very life. We could not have a oner/ contrast than the story of Daniel O’-j lloiirke, with the following. L seems somewhat (range that people living under tlr same government and laws should he so diametrically opposite in their aiure. 1 In the two stories, the Irish and Scottish characters me* hit. off; with the same tot redness and more force, than that of the! Englishman and Irishman in John Dull, ' when’ we aie frequently at a loss whichj moM. to admire, the bold blindness ami honesty of old Job 1 liornbnry~or thej wit; and waggery of the kind nearted,j though mischievous Dennis ilulgrudd/ry.i KXTHACT t’NOM " THIS FOUESTF.HS,” j lUj the Author of Lights and Shu,lour, of Scottish life ;—and the Trials of Mar garet Lindsay. Aucy was only six years old, but hold as a fairy, she had gone by herself a thousand times about the V ies, and often upon er rands to h mses two „r tlirec miles distant. Wlud had het parents to fear? The foot paths were all firm a id led through a. p'a- : ces of danger, not arc infants "I themselves ■ incautious when alone in their pastim c —1 l.nev went siii/.-.i”, into the coppice-woods, and singing she re appeared on the open 1 hill side. With her ••nail white hand on 1 the rail, she glided .dong the wooden bridge, or lightly as tin. on/.nl tripped from stone to stone across the shallow streamlet. The creature would be away for hours, and no ' fears felt on her account by tiny one at home—whether she had g -ce with hot bas ket under h r arm to borrow some articles ot hounehold ; from «, nei', or mere ly lor her own solitary delight, wandered off iO the braes to play among the. liov 'rs, coming back laden with wreaths and gar lands. With a bonnet of her own to shade her pretty face from 'he sun, and acrosm her shoulder a plaid in which she r mid sit! duiiiig an hour ol the heaviest rain beneath the on ,11 ’St bield. Lucv pit if. >nv tony hours in the day light and tho. knew, vith thinking of it, all tlv topography of lhai p *•«>!■,d s'.litudc, and even som.idling d the ch erfu! appearances in the air and sky, file hrppk :,iuU! had bmin • tvited to pass a whole day from morning to night, at 1 ‘dy- Slde (a farm li ' Isr : n ) ini c i'cs off,) w \ 1 r play males, the rlaynes, and she left Imme alv an hour after sunrise She was dressed fora holiday, and tat ‘-r and mother, and \ir t Isabel, all three kissed ii .i sparkling face before she sat oft’ »y he> • ■ self and stood listening to her singing, till her small voice vas lost in the murmur of the, rivulet. During her absence tie- house was -.dent, but happy;--sod th evening hi* ing now far advanced, Lui \ v.. teil home every mimi'e, an<; Mich" l, Vgoes, and Isabel, went to meet her on e way— They .valkeil on and on, wando-iing a lit j tie, but in no degree alarm".,i td! i'l»ey| reached Ladvside, and heat.i die . hvertnlj din of the imps within still rioting ' the; close of the holiday Jacob Mayne tame toj the door—hut on their kiodD asking why Lacy had not been st v home, before day-) light was over, he *'■ painfully narpris 1 ed. and s.'iil that s'ue had net been at Lady »ule. Agnes suddenly sat down, without speadc ing one word .>.y A.> ■ none seat beside tlre ( door, and Michael uppo -ting her, >ud—l ** Jacob, our child lei us this morning at G o’clock am! it is now near ten at night.- tiud is merciful, but, perhaps, Lucy is dead.” Jacob Mayne was an ordin. ry "i-.i ruon-place, and rather an ignorant nao, hut Ins heart leapt witoiu him at tli -s.’ word*. .* this tim his own children were standing about the \- w, “ Yes—Mr. F n restcr—G id is merciful—and y ur daughter let us t'ni- iis not di ad. Let ns trust that she yet liveth— and wi hout delay let u> go to «e«a Uie. child.' 1 .Viic ml tie .bled trom Ii nltofmt, and his v< ce was gp>mv; he lifted up hm eyes to limm. •, but it seemed not as it he siw either me moon or uars. 1 Run over toßaeshaw—some of -ou.”-Br.i l Jit ib, * and tell what has happened. 1) • you, Isaac, n. good b >v, cross ovei 1 llu towns on the Invert.eifhenside. ana—oh! Mr. Forrester—Mr. Forrester, dinna let t iis ’.rial overcme you Bie sairlv'—for Mi chae! was 1 aning against the wall of the !• »use, and file strong loan was helpless as child.—- Keep up your heart, my dcares sou/ said Isabel, with a voice all uidike hei usual, ‘ keep up your heart, ' . the blessed a bairn is beyond rioubl some where ir. the t keeping of the great God, yea, without a 1 hair of her head being hurt. A hundred t things may have happened to Iwr, and death < not among the number. —Oh ! no—no — i surely not death —that would indeed be too I dreadful a iifdginent!” and Aunt Isabel, op- f pi seed by the power of that word, new 1 needed the very comfort that she had in vain > tried to bestow. I \\ ithin two hours a hundred people were i traversing the hills in all directions, even to a distance which it - "med most unlikely i that poor Lucy could have reached. The i slrepherds and their dogs a U night through < s'-afehed every nook —eveiy stony and rocky I place—every little shaw—every piece of I taller heather—every crevice that could < conceal any thing live or dead, —butnoLu i cy was there. Her mother, who for a while seemed in- < spired with supernatural strength, had join ed in toe search, and with a quaking heart j; looked into every brake, or stopped and | j listened to each shout, and halloo revebera : jting among the hills, if she could seize on 11 Uoine tone of recognition or discovery. But the moon sank, and then all the stars, whose!! !increased brightness hat! fur a short time!] supplied her place, all faded away, and the'ijl came the gray dawn of morning, ami then; the clear/rightness of day, and still Vli-i jthtel ami Agnes were childless, “ She has; stink into some mossy or inny place, 5 said Michael to ama ear him. [ At last u man who had left ti e search and gone in a direction towards the high road, i came running with something in his arms, [towards the place where Michael and others ‘ l i were standing beside Agnes, who lay appa 1 jrently exhausted almost to dying on the.) [Award. lie approached hesitating, and ♦li- ! 1 jcha>.i saw that lie carried Lucy's bonnet,j> clothes and plaid, *lt is murdered*—'was; 1 [the one word whispered or ejaculated all a-'] round, but Agnes lieard it not ; for worn 1 out by that long night of i e and despair, she had fallen, was impon-djle not to tec 1 some spots of blood upon the frill that the! 1 child had worn around he: neck. " Mur-j tiered—asleep, and was, pc haps, seeking' her lost • yin her dreams. Isabel took the clothes, and narrowly in- 1 ' specting tiie.m with e ve,-; and hand, said with I u fervent voice, that was lieard even in Mi- i 1 chael’s dt pair; ’No Lucy is yet amongj the living. There are no marks of violence on the garments of the innocent; no mur- 1 derur’s hand has been here. These blood ! spots have been put there to dectMvt- Be-j sides w '(I not tiie murderer have carried oflf these tilings? For what else would hr,|< have murdered her? But oh' mulish dts ! pair! For wicked as this world is, aye des-j ; perately wicked ; there is not, on all thej sjrfa e if she wi !,> earth, a hand that would!! murder our child 1 Is it nut plain as thatr sun in Heaven, th t Lucy has been stolen! by some wretched gipsy beggar, and that/ before that "in lias set, she *1 be. saying' her prayers n her Cither’s In-n.., with allot., jus upon our knees beside her, or with oar', (laces prostrate upon th floor? i Vgnes opened her cyei and beheld Lucv’sj hound and plan! lying close beside her, and! then a silent i ■ vd, h senses alt it. once returned to her, and she tuse up—• Aye,! ' tee (•!■ ■■. ; 'i drowned—drowned—drowneu but. win re have you laid her 1 let me se our Lucy. Michael, for in my sleep i hiiwc air-ady seen her iiiij nut for burial 5 Th-; crowd ijuietli dispersed, ami / > ■ .nil r It gail lo sc >ur (he coun'rv, . no 'ook (.) ~> high roads, oihers al! the. bvpa h . >d mm iy trackless hills Now that they were , snoe ueasure relieved Irons the hwerible be-' L'd that the child was dead, the worst n'.-het Calamity seemed nothing, ter hope hr or. ■. her hack to tiie’n arms.— Vgnes had been able to walk, liracke.n-Braca and Michael and Isibei sat by her b-d-ide In j>.‘ tv httie crib was , is; U s the . ‘■'•Ll n \i ; r, ‘p tho ,fvi>r*m'‘v kwinroi *t > i * « own hands aml hr si. ill red Bibl. -'as!,.l ling on f'.e pillow. j ** Oh my In. -band ; thi - b- ■ • imiei : : kind i your Agnes, for n. neh it. n.i ;v/« to itay hero, but . j«f< me, m» 11 -ill y heart had ceased u> \ altogctlier, fori jit wdi not lie still ever/ ,v, i.i \ aJn w , tj, inigh icsigneit to the .1 ms . Michaeli [put his hand on his wi s bosom, and teitl lierheait healing a* > f it were a knell. I’liotV ever and am* ■ he rs came t %;shiri{ ,| . ftn all her strengti i w„s gone, amt stu- . the mercy of the t ea (e if. oi aih i. .jdow across the wi nilnw And tho i ijterhour past on *>dl i w.i,- igsin twilight. -j “ I hear f.i'-iod.epM coming np the braes/ *: said \gne*., oe n,. for some time 'ppeai ! hm! to K-c staitatsaciog, ami in / lew . iiienls , voire r't J 'rob VI ' ne was neurd ai (ae out *, er door. If vi> no time for rere.mon), «od lie idvanoeu fii.a the ro«m where t o family • jiiatl been iluring aii that tr - end endless ! day. Jacob wore a sdem e*p< fusion e,‘ 1 cea lOi'.ioce, ami he seemed, ;n his look .j "to bring them no comfort ?.* ! chaet oup bet wee i him and his wde, a I looked! e into his he i; t. Something there seemed t«( djbe in his t »ce, that was n't ini erable. li, '• he has heard nothing of my child, thought; Michael, this nun imi-t care but. little fori ■ his own iireside. • O speak, speak 1 - said; ■ Agnes, • yet why need vou spe .k - t'u»j ’• has been bn- a vain belief, ami Lit* - is in! ’ H iv-en.’— Someth'; g like a trace of . er lias been discovered-—., woman with a chiUt e that did not look like a child of het-, was ♦st night at Clove?,ford am' left it by the A v*. ig.’ * !>• ,ou Imar that, my beloved 1 A,ntt*t’ said isaltel, 1 she’ll have tramped sway with Lucj »pinto Ettrick or Yarrow, but hundreds A eyes will have been upon her, for those areq Bel but not solitary glens and the hunt vjrill be over long before she has eroded down upon Hawick. I knew that country in my young days. What say ye, Mr. Mayne? there’s tin-light o'oopc on youi face.’—• There’s nae reason to doubt, Ma , that it Was Lory.—Every body is iureo’t. ffitwa oyain Rachel, 1 should ha’ne na fear V seeing her this blessed night.’ Jacob Mayne now took a chair, and sal down, with even a smile upon his counten ance. *1 may tell you, noo, that Watty Oliver kens it was your bairn, for ha saw hei limpi ig after the limmer at Gala Brigg, but ha’eing nae suspicion, he did nae i.ak’ r second leuk o’her—but a leuk is sufficient and he swears it was bonny Lucy Forrester. Aunt Isabel, by this tune, had bread and cheese, and a bottle of her own elder dower wine on the table. ‘You Ivave had a long [and hard journey, wherever you have been |Mt Msyne-r-tak’some refreshment,’ —and ! Michael asked a blessing. Jacob saw tha' |he might now venture to reveal the whoh ■truth. ‘No—no; Mrs, Irvine, I am owei !happy to eat or to drink—-You are a’ pre pared for the blessing that awaits you—youi 1 bairn is no far aft —and i niysel,* for it wn 1 my el’ that found her, wifi bring her by i the han,’and restore f»>-r to her parents, jAg e. ha I raised herself ip in her bed at these words, but unk gently bark on hei pillow. Aunt Isabel was rooted to her chair and MichaM, as he rose tip, fell «.-» if the ground were staking under fiis feet, There was a drad silence all round the house for a short space, and then the sound of many joyful voices, which again, by de grees subsided. Tlie eyes of all then looked, and yet feared to look towards the door, Jacob Mayne was nut aa good b* his word, tor he did not Wring Lui i by * ■. band to re store her to her parents ; but, dressed again in her own gown, anti her own plaid, in rushed ihe.r child, by hei self, w-G (ear- v.tu; sobs of joy, and her father laid her within ncr mother’s bosom. Nkw Yount, October 4. The engagements of the President arc such that he must be in Washing’;" again by the 20th of this ir.on'h, ■ vill thee fore leave U item a&OUt the l-tth VV lea> .by the brig fl sper, from ‘Ha vana, tin ! the Convoy with tnio- 4c for tin Castb- of Si, Juan de Uiloa, sailed on 'he i 9 K iltiino. We learn by the ship Lucy Ann, fropi Vein Cruz, that he b.nges fr nil tlie Mexi can brig Victoria tank two launches full id men the Casb’e the day before - ■ sailed. ~lbi,i The U died ,•dates’ ship Cy , m., v-at Santa Cruz Tenvrii*;. Aug";,. 15, destine toon luAivwn.— fbhi. Hat | v.—According to previous notice there were three match races yesterday, m the Union Coarse, L. 1 Tm- first, at nine o’cdock, be .veen a B issurah, of three years, at,. 1 » « y, nil- heats, was w> ■ ny the latter 1 vvitn ease, in two hea - ! 'he great ch between the Smith anc ;’.South, in which Mr Lynch’s tillr Ariel, years old, and Or. VVv.-mc's colt Lh- Mvettc, of five same age, were comnetitors, ■>« k place at If, ‘he heats, ns in the first match, being ona mile. This match excited V -at interest; betting very 10-%vy ; long *dds on the sou I item ho: se ’ a layette. Thev • .rt i ofi i l l t ipof the " nin. Lalayeite , itnT 0: < and taking :h lead far a s': "' distance. But Wei soon convinced in knowing ties that they had made a great l" mistake,’' by 'uniting ahead and winning tie hea 1 with but little diflicoltv. This exci ted a revolution!; all Isn ■ ■ io bet on ' filly, is it '-V'S unii'.-rso!:v com -d.ed (hat ’* thi grey >m 'etvus ifw. UetUi' hors* ” The >,•;> (.ad heat uiisiemu -need with spirit, !>al a-, in the fist hp.-t, ■' rcsullr.d ... Lvoro) A r»‘ 4> i 1 Ido third match at two ■. clock, bes-men ‘ ; -mole, a colt (if In,roc’s, a..-■.! Lance, > ed |by Hr, 1 ipse, li-un mile heals, was ,» very • bea. ulul nu. , me „ se? miming so closr together ti e ■'ln. e,; .i freeu. v-d v have be n .covered i>«- a shoet. 7V«'ton die two ■ l.c-aiH. be: .--eg e-»(sh y < m d If a length Mr. Samuel Lain!, the r ie.r » lie winning (horse, was univprsalty applauded for the 1 great skill he exhibited : indeed if was be ! ihfvcd that the. acu < oi t! t race was. in a gi tat measure -itti u tab!- to his superior i ruling ■l'ois dav the regular races of the Jockey Club wi.i c omisef)ce. Purse 8500, and your mile lu U- Gn at sport is anticipated lw tin; lottos mg horses have entered ;—The , Southern i*--.*i ■ WmV l-lirtilla, Moon siiiiW, o sl -nr, uni Count Piper.— Ibid, f- xriosifii ■ v apt. Davis, who arrived las ,i ■ eim.g, Vi ks ~,, b liin | ;l fine Chert met, fron ; me interior oi S uili Vmerica, ptoli.dtly tlu tli’At ever to this country, Th m arry ‘ ibious animal r«% t(l »W t >«i our n tiiijit iti j about 4 l«ct mug, and weiglvs abr t fori' I pound*, -t/jirf. • fWwd LtU, itiinn. — Pile v itii-ns of thi: j s ate on all the and all ;he village pi.-ntering on Canal, arc making grea 1 j and appropriate kt.umenti to celebrati l wi’h ''iiit.-iidc demons.rations of joy, the d:r .j v. liich mil conth-i t tin- inland and Atlantn seas, and we ave no d >ubt that their niea ■ sums will be met -.vit 1 . - . a r.n reapondnigspir i in tins city. The arrangements made b’ it" joint committee at Albany are app' opri ■ ue and judicmus, and we are particuiaib i gr-adfied with that put ofit wiiich content plate-s a grami salute from '34 and S I pound r, ers, along the whole line ol the canal, from n Buffalo to Albany, and back fiom Albany to s, Butiaio—a distance of more than TdO miles ; ,s the cannon are to be stationed at regular dis it tances in conformity with a contract made by tbe Committee.— . Her. Adv, ir Phe police of the province of Andalusia, t, in Spain, have ordered that a strict account is shall be kept of all the inhabitants, and re d quire that every master of a private house, d as well as every keeper of a hotel, shall im mediatoiy report any change wiiich takes it place in his family. Th.- object of this i- measure is stated to be, that the govern y mem may be the better able to secure to ■r good citizens that protection which toey de itiserve, and to frustrate the evil designs of a I those who would disturb the public peace. t.jAfineuf ten ducats is to ho imposed on those who shall refuse to comply wiih this d;requisition, besides the liability to account -■for all disturbances that may occur in their gl precincts, i.j Such a regulation as this affords little in d 'dicatum of public security. It is one of it j those measures which the sternness of the lejgovernOient suggests to control the impati (renceand discontent o f the people, and can •-j he supported only by other measures of a ir'simdariy oppressive and irritating nature is j W hen lire whole country shall have beer y(thus placed in the hands of the police, the •’!government will be managed through the it medium of spies, under that dominion ;r which the French Ministry should blush at r, having restored, with such fair promises to ie Spain and the world.— Daily Advertiser. One our Spanish papers mentions that e jMr. Che tnjidlion was occupied at Rome in d'liecy pliering and translating the hiemgly [>! ics on the antiept Egyptian obelisks -.vith I. wh'di that city abounds. A Irner or. th:: *-js< reinarks, that by mean-; of o truly niatfio'rabie discovery, he will be able to rJ- 1 ■ move the veil with’which those monuments, 11 (it iuiv ity have r> eovel >p«tl for- > ma ■’’uy ages which have sroml so lor i Home ami unintelligible she Hi'e :■ jmi . and many diplmuativ jv-.m .ages, al-j .tend toe lectures which Mr Champollion: (delivers ,f t the bouse of the Portuguese am • jbassudor, Count, Funchal ; and at the lair! ole nertainment given icy the French ambas-! r 'lsa dor, the discoverer fufiu-hcd hierogiyphicj jiu- ;ri(-tionsfor two obelisks which weiea-i jin n§ the ornamems Ibid U SV Xi *’iU\ VV’AVVtpt.. i . Fi-sm- ihs IScw-York Co<n. Aiv. 0:1. 8 b- the arrival at Boston, of the brig Jones, j ' >..'aptaui Richardson, tnc editors • T he Com ’jiWMvi -’ial Advertiser are received files ofva-! no;. ! ion ilon j? ip** > b So she evening of the! ’’*■< '' August, inclusive They are also! ■ imjeb" d t.. thmr several Boston cuirespon-l -•ient.-s i r -.M's, a variety of foreign ( articles. The jmi,; of the London ma -kefs will be found in our columns. 1 n The I’aris dates are brought down iu th°d 0 23d of August, Inclusive i, Lord Cochrane Iv a lel’r Londc-n j tha! r;purpose of making the mnummary arrange-! jinents for his ex,id iti,m agairnt the Turks.! (■■ The Sv ighsh (Turkey) merchants affect m bej 1. 1 ah. nned for lie fate ot their property in j every part of the Gr and Seignior’s Jomin-j i,iio:.- The Traveller of the 24th, which isj u rathe 1 furkbli in its feelings, (being pro d baedy retained to injure the Greek Snap,j giholds the following language up at this, sub ylje-Ct : ei “ Poe Divan has endured, -1.-. ugh with ai-uatiilesf impatience, the as'- sian l v aftnrded; djto the Greeks by British capital, bir it: ■t l would be impossible to persuade that gravel gr* asiuunbly, <4 the neutrality 0? i Government! -jwlucl 'd per •■•ot *ll otfi.-ei once bearing; nd .e uigh rank of Admiral in the British if:Havy, i-- equip a "aval maincnt vith the! e.oaten ru ■ and avowed purpose ot d str. y ng itjihe Turkish fleet. Alt!; nigh most of the 1 djCabinet Minister? are at a .iUt.»nce from 1 Jo. on, iiin TiuKlsb iriv-rcliant-: have made j n{ application fur an immediaw audience,, for djthe purpose ol explaining the critical pos-.- yition ui which British property of every deg . . pfnni wid be placed through.ait the Turk n hsli !'.i. , ■ unless some.- :ap be taken by his 0; Majesty's Guvcrnmeat. to counteract -'he consequences apprehended, when the,inteili g gence off," id Cochrane’s medjtate4 expedi •■jtiini'h- become known in Consvamuiople. ']t will be impossible .that the fact .can be a, iimg concealed from die population of mat ’ilcapit ’.—the Greeks will naturally he (he I channel of instant communication. Lord v, ''Uangford. whose experience of the feeling dlboth oi tiie Turkish Government and people, l.jqualibes him, perhaps, better than any man, e to advise in such emergency, will it is said, required to give his counsel. It may be, ■ fast ihe. British .Government is desirous of stlb.-inging the dispute between the Turks and in G eek» to a conclusion, which shall deliver ie i 1 e Greeks from the rigorous despotism un- I- der which they have so long been oppressed; is but the moment may nut have yet ; which Great Britain can art ow- vbis critical question, independently ol Russia. Rumors isjarc indeed afloat, that Greece is about to gs* niak** a final appeal to England, accompanied at| nevertheless, with a candid avowal, that in tv i die event of a refusal, resort will then be had. 1 v to the interference of a power, vhose d-*t re ic to obtain a footing in the Muditerr*<|Mn, is II- not greater than the anxiety of and r- Franco to frustrate anv stub, etterrpt.” >y We have long know,i that the avarice ot ■j j mdivnlibils has induced them, to the ills ly' 1 grace of Cbristeudom, to engage in various n-{ ways, in the -ervice ot th; Turks and E ;l-'gypuaus. And 01 late, iu most instances, \ where they have h’en successful, they ha* ij b«f n led on by iigyptiaa officers Hul id ; though some ol the Holy Alla n have been - suspected of indirectly favoring the caus*- e of the tyrannical toll-*we's of the Pro; hd. yet we have seen nothing before so oi-jav. upprincipled, <ad inhuman, the . .oduct tof the A,unu;ians as slates! belovi. We hope - the story is not true. But if if is, the c-m --inality of the act cries to Heaven ••n oji - geance. s If it he true, adds the Lend. i , let ? and we are m.uch inclined lib ai ' ro jail that has previously pcblnrcii, that the > I Austrians sheltered thr Turks,! thai crit’ -joal moment, the pretended inaction of trie fjGreek fleet, its retreat to Hydra, and th* . [unimpeded lauding of <he Egyptian rem t forcemcnts in the Viorea, are at once ,u s counted for. Against such- an unprincipled t interference nothing but a miracle from « ... r providence of God you'd enable the Greek l to contend ; but of .-ucli a miracle we wot-1;., - not despair. For die sake of elmsi.snity f we hope that the Austrians have not carried t;80 far their unchrisna . a’;.! inexplicit tdo r [tiality for the Turks, '"hmjgh \y fc I accn,. i,see by these papers, tha they arc not ilonlj power whose crxi- • have .jt-..;. 'neutrality and became, the •* i gents of the Osu.utrans. The whole /■' j > 3 1 con - spur, lence between, G-o Him. !, t n<* i Prince Mavrocnrdato, with respect to i'conduct of the Trend) rural brig L’ \i .- - ran the is given in the f.'nontiUMiontod ... 'Gen. Roche, it wil( be recoil*,* ;.i, ; ded that the charge made a de tain of that vessel should m. jmo a or that he should he supplied <•- id) v e*n c , ’ complaint to finv .r, 1 ; p.., swer, Prince says, • formation received ' \h>x „ >--. 4 , ( sn-f several other points, proves t . ; . [degree, of probability, tlval tiie French JuVVmaranthe, and perhaps, a! ino- r vessel of var, have off. -i» cf v •ter ices to (he Pach • or Kgyp? -moneyand * : i‘k, 1 . nec.*»is.v jsent expedition of th ; , .Satrap. Tha . made sever , v wages ..dvanKgei-!- io L - ; , enemies of Gree ••• as well to Rhodes, > I the Egyptian i*eK -.. U)-r*-,a* to the I ' iCandia.” I Frame.-- Five. London Times of tiv- did iof August, siarea that the Frenc.- paper* jto the S9d. are chiefly filled with ing. f tcuesio.i on the strange declamation id ~r |He'»■, agnin-i the Cvn* Tuionel „ Courier Francois The article ; I from e o<>i*«titutionel as libels again*■ jestablished hurch amount to 34 Ti...> ... Mowing i« or.c of them, and is said C {fair s?.mple of the whole--- ‘ But vhiit schools of the Prrr-r. ignoyautiKt am os-, jlished, an-' supported by means -if t.&. ■p.-HV allow the Lancasterir.n to subs'-; 'voluntary contributions.” The lime* ; , ! marks, M Irreligmn must disguise itse>; moat successful ingenuity ii.- France, i • jean exist in the above onot»l;on were with, out the keen s ;*nt of & crown lawyer, t •would be as difficult so detect it. as ■ (the doublings «t game- ••• thout a point* ! * —lntediitj-.'ii •• from Stock! c ru, dated the 3th August, am tea, that th - tensive manufactories established v rrir>r holm together wit' a royal nr. ag-. >«-*-, her jOeen totally destroyed by ft e Tim ce!a jbraied Piofessor, Berzelius, joe ut th first ichymists of the day, had placed n grea pa of his property in the menu fa Uiries. LONDON MARKETS. A- .. j Cotton There ru a fait demand o ex port in our Cotton market last week, inking 'off about 1500 hales, viz; Pdnums, 1 ir* 500 Surats 7 i 4 ! n 3 I|d, and 1000 iifaig, 5} to 6fd, all in nc.nd ; 12 id was of “•feued ano refused for 600 Egyptians. Ihere ia*e no sales of Cotton -tbis tbeennon, ami on jiy GO bags Bengal vere vesterduy disco**- —£t Is now i. a ted the 50 Egyotiai for ce-! ol iast v-ce privately were spiu a' -rd. _ ,j —There were extensive public I Tales ot CoflFet brought forward last week tue consequence was a heavy martlet, rod i great proportion of the quantity brought for* | ward was t ken in ; St. Domingo, 62s T«.-- ; übln sales were brought forward this fore noon ; 1,12 s bags St. Domingo were allu.a iken at is. below the market prices, ordinaly good ordinary, at 6ls. Sis. bd. The mar ket for Foreign Coffee continues heavy, the , prices of St. Domingo lower. ,1 Cotton IfaJfr —lt gives ns much pleasure [jto state, that in consequence of the tail iu the r j price of cotton, the cotton w.» ks am! power bloom factories around Glasgow are now work ’jing lull time. The new workman are become ' quite expert in all the various manufacturing Tdepartments. In Messrs. Dunlop's mill the [•'new Sj.i*u| t rs earn every fortnight 4>- 4s jlOutof this is deducted 11. 9s. paid «> three ‘ piecers ; leaving a clear surplu* of 21. 'ss. tcc twelve *i.iys labour. I'he stimulate them to be industrious, a small fine is levied if they ’ do not reach that sum- M*st of these hands j-were formerly wev® r * -- : 'd the contrast with their former ci-cumsu.iees is sufficiently ob “ vious, [ Glasgow Journal. [jj R-r'~hy public sale on Friday, 265 bags i, E** l Uice, Patna 235, taken in ; the Rice sold at 13s. - Qannibalhm . —One of the Methodist mis- J sinnaiies, just returned from the South Sea . Islands, testified at a late public meeting in t England, that he had seen cannibalism *u i<s - worst, f-rm, in New Zealand On one oc casion thirty prisoners were roasted, and -f« astevl upon, before the missionaries could >,’Withdraw.