The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, October 25, 1825, Image 3

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CONSTITUTIONALIST. I a AUGUSTA, 1 __ i FRIDAY, OCTOBER 281.'1825. 1— ... i The latest Liverpool quotations of Cot- ! ton to 10th September range from 6Jd to | lid per lb. for uplands—the transactions of the week previous, were extensive, sales excoeding 14,000 packages, a fact which should be regarded as favorable to cotton 1 holders although prices are declining in that i market, particularly on the inferior des- 1 •• * | cnptions. Onr market has assumed re cently a more animated appearance ; and the quantity of Cotton arriving is conside rable, though very little, we hear, is otfer- ' ed for sale, and sales are difficult to effect at any thing over 12 a 12£ cts. Our mar 1, ket is well supplied with Groceries and Dry Goods, which no doubt, will be sold on reasonable terms. Salt 87|, Bagging 25 a cts. Iron 6 cts. Sugar 12£ a 15 cts. Cof lee 20 a22 cts. Whiskey cts. &c. &c. In a well written communication to M. Noah’s Advocate, of October 14th, sum * n ed “ Montgomery,” we lind “ the rejection of the appointment of Mr. Ring, by the Senate of the United States,” strenuously insisted upon, as a measure which would tend greatly to conciliate the well ground ed apprehensions of the South, and at the Same time screen Mr. Adams from the re proach of ingratitude to that minister and family ; the President having done his in the appointment, Mr. Ring we ap \ prehend will be quite content to withdraw from the embassy with his pockets lined with 18,000 dollars of the public money ; 9000 of which we apprehend he will im . mediately appropriate to the emm.ripation of Southern Slaves. Os Mr. Adams’ ad ministration we are disposed to judg" as favourably as the circumstances of it .vill admit; and we look with great anxiety to during the next winter, for he will then have an ample opportunity to con vince the South that he is, as a President of the United States should be, disposed to do strict justice to all parties, having laid aside, since hi* election, all /oca/partiali ties, and is ready to afford to Georgia the same measure and same.justice, so far as he is able, tirat he would extend to Massa chusetts or Maine. Should he act thus, Iris administration will meet with at least res pect, if not cordiality, from every consis tent and considerate republican. ROM MUNI GATED. v IT is with pride and pleasure that we congratulate the Democratic Republicans anil the friends of tiieir country at the re sult of the election. Fi n every quarter the most favorable tidings are received, and the same spirit which animated our citizens at home, appears to have pervaded the state, and given an earnest of a successful and glorious issue. It is not with the intention of exulting over a vanquish y 1 opponent, that we now remark upon tin*'* abject: far be it from us to feel so ungenerous a d illi beral a sentiment: but it is with tin ipt ation o/.displaying that principle which formed ujvhn a pure and patriotic basis, will Livr ;;- ventually triumph over the delusions and errors of prejudice, ami rise superior to all the arts and machinations which may be exerted to maintain them. The success of Republican Democracy in this state, is to be attributed to various active causes, ope rating to one er I. That we have gained converts to principle, and patriotism is evi dent, by the increase of Republican voters throughout the state : and it is with more pleasure that we hail this return of nation al sentiment, in bosoms that were lately hostile, than even the result of the election as regards the candidates for popular ap probation. This unity of republican feel ing, this increasing sympathy as regards ‘ general principle, will prove stronger to the world than any language, and particularly 1 to states that may have viewed us with jea- j lou'.y and hostility—that we are no longer , a divided people, but that we pull together in one common cause—and feel our reso lutions strengthened to support the inde pendence, honor and interest of our virtu ous and happy republic. We wish not to revert with reproach upon conduct that is passed ; or to brand with disgrace the arts and tricks which were made use of to de lude and impose on the understanding of 1 men who do not give themselves time to look beyond the surface. But it becomes our duty explicitly to declare—while treat- , ing on this subject, that we are impressed , with the belief, almost amounting to cer- : tainty, that the very measures used by the adversaries of democracy to injure its cause, and to cast odium on its candidate—have recoiled upon themselves and their party. The attack upon Governor Troup for an act of patriotism which reflected honor upon him, in the bosoms of virtuous men, and tin abortive attempt to impress on the public belief, that he wished to separate the slate from the union, created a sentiment of ab horrence, which induced men who saw thro’ the meanness o( the action, to secede from a party who could resort to acts of decep tion so little and illiberal. There remains no doubt but that democracy triumphs ) let us however show humility in our victory, and let us so use power as to prove to our enemies that it is placed in a hand that knoyvs how (o wield it, but who, at the same time, shrinks with honest pride from the temptation to abuse it. The Milledgfn ill# .pen contain returns from all the coun ties in the Sta»“ but ui , and a letter from Messrs. CamakA. Ragland, editors of th« Journal, to the editors of lh*s paper, gives the founder of the counties with (fee exception of Ware. I * statement, the majority in Decitiir is given txoo for Fro i ice 1?6 for (-lark, which with other variations from our estimate, m?k-8 the majority for Troup, excluding Ware, 8-16—and allowing a majority of 92 for Clark in that county, leaves a majority of 734.— Sav. Georgian. -600— The town -oi < .reensborougb (capital of Greene county) was illuminated on the receipt of the intelligence of the re-election ol George M. Troup whilst the street? were promenaded by the inhabitants of the place, male ami female, and the scene was rendered more impressive by music from a band, and dis charges of cannon. In this city, on Saturday afternoon, a *a lute, of twenty-four guns was fired Dy the Chatham Light Artil lery, of which corps Governor Troup is an honorary member, in celebration of the same event, which was followed by another trom the citizens.— lbid. CHARLESTON, October 24. New-York papers to the 20th inst. were yesterday received by the schr. Constellation. The Foreign Intelligence they con tain we received hy this’morning’s mail. A paper of the I9lh inst. says the of propeily is very great by the tires which rage in t. woods in the Eastern States. On the 7th inst an extensive fire occurred in Erederickstown, (New Bruns wick) by which 41 dwelling houses and 41 shops and Barns, ■ 'rf™ together with the King’s stores and Euel Yard. 1 he looses of individuals are estimated at 32,5 111. The Haily Advertiserof the 18th gives a summary from Car racas pipers to the 2lst inst.—-Mr. Joseph Lancaster had recei . ved a second donation from Bolivar of $20,000. There is a despatch from Sucre, announcing that the residue of the Column of Col. Valdez had come in; thus leaving Peru without a single hostile Spaniard, excepting in the fortress of t-Hlloa. “ from the 9th l»ec. to »he 9lh Apnl," says the des patch, •• we have dispatched more than eighteen thousand of the soldiers of despotism from Ayacucho to Potosi.” [Patriots Them was a slight full of mow .1 Raleigh, N. C. on the 18th inst. Its appearance so early in the season has rarely been witnessed at that place. The last Mail from New Orleans (says the National Intelli gencer) brought information of the death of Mrs. Duralde. ladv of Martin Duralde, Esq. and daughter of Mr. Secretary Clay'. 1 u- 1 u m an ° l * ier d® e P domestic affliction been added to those which Mr. C. and his family have recently sustained. The London Courier States that the whole of the Italian company in London, tempted by the munificent offer of Mr. I nee, the proprietor of the New-York Theatre, are to cron the Atlantic. The recoinpcnce guaranteed is immense. A meeting of the Israelites in the city of New-York was held at Washington Hall on the Ist inst. when it was resolved that a new Synagogue be erected in the upper part of 1 the city. The sum of J 52648 was subscribed, ■ 81000 loaned, without interest, to car ry the same into effect. Fin Money. —Formerly a ladv’" — ’ ' allowance was deno>~ : 1 but modern . into pin mon , certainly, as t ' signed to the s i ______ ISIV 2SonR Savai THE Board of declared a D Anmm), or g 3 pei . JlOo k ot this Bank, for tl s, the same , will he paid to the Stockholders there of, or to them order, on and after Tuesday next. Hy oi\ of the Hoard, A. Porter, Cashier. October 28 3t 36 IRISH VOLIWTEEUS!.’ A1 I END a Meeting of the Company, on bn Hiiees of importance, on SATURDAY E VENING, the 29th inst. at the City-Hail, precise 'y ai 7 o’clock. Hy order of Cnpt. CoimtcK, Jlayfi id, o. s. October 28 it 36 GEORGIA EE nGIRIE i ] \ TOU are hereby ordered to appear on your Parade Ground in front of the City-Hall, on TUESDAY the Ist November next, at 9 o’, clock, A. M. armed and equipped as the bye laws of the Company direct, prepared to fire for the Medal. Hy order of Capt N. E. Spurges, George W. McCoy, o. s. October 25 2t 35 HAMILTON RIFLEMEN ! ! AI’PKAH cm Parole, in front of the Ui'y Hal , < n SATURDAY, the 291 h inst. at precisely 3 o’clock, P, M. armed aid equipped accordinf; to the bye laws of the corps. Hy order of J.ieut. Could, Grant, o. s. N. P. —At the last Company Meeting, plain hite cloth pantdoor.o were adopted as (he winter uniform. The 'Members will appear accordingly, at this parade. October 25 2t 35 Wanted immediate employ HP I in a Commitsion Ware H use, a man wn will perform its dirties on moderate teims for hort time—Enquire at this office • ’« It 36 tiotik. ami 3oh VriuUng, Neatly F.xtcuted at this Cffice, FI U K THE MECHANIC'S FIRE Insurance Company, NEWARK, NEW-JERSEY, HAVE appointed the Subscriber their Agent ■ wl.ii will receive proposals for INSUK.ii.NUr. HgSlllsl FI UR, Si d tin Jinks of inland Xwvigal'um, ion (he most liberal ft e,ns. at No. £69, Broad 1 Street, Augusta. .Fames Harrison, Agent. 1 October 23 is 36 ; MHOS. Prime New-Orleans Sugar, 2000 Bushels Salt. for sale av Thomas M’Gran. , October 28 it jfi : Masonic llalV LOTTERY. r TWO DRAWINGS OYER ! ! ! And all the CAPITAL PRIZES still undrawn except one g 1000 pnze. Never was there such a chance for making a ; FORTUNE!! ! JS’tfx.t Wednesday Week, The 9(h November, The Third Drawing WILL LAKE PLACE, Some of the valuable Prizes then to be placed in the wheel may be los by delay. | to* TICKETS may be had for the present at the original price at BfiTillfe I —Lottery Office, No. 241, Broad-Slrcct. WHOLE TICKETS, g!0 00 HALVES 5 00 ' QUARTERS, 2 50 ’ J. 8. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. October 25 3 V NEW CLOTHING. a- ip- siatiaia IS OPENING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OE ■ ■ T f, ~r f - - r-’-' ffj >.J i ‘t. ae- » It, ch is tnr- -I- ~ ut-- • ■ nmer, a-.,, . oj ihi Hsj tiiitrch -UB and Black auperfine Drwi Cotta, bo. do. i-.vli"/, lus, Claret, Olivt ami l'„ , -ib. . ijt.-.lj Frock Coats, . Blue at d Drab Box Coats, ‘ | '■ OoiA .1 of different qua itiov, , Youths’ blue and black Coats ’ Cassimere and Cloth Pant.,l ions, of almost any colour and prices, .Sattinctl, Cnrderoy & prime bang-up do. Blue and black cloth Vests, French, India & English sdk Vests, Silk Velvet - . - do. Great variety of Fancy do. Linen, Cotton, Frilled and Plain Shirts, (some very fine,) Knitted, Cotton and Worsted Drawers, Worsted and Lamb’s wool knitted Shirts, Fine flannel Shirts and Drawers, I Ladies’ Cloaks, 1 Tartan and Gamble! do. Fearnought great Coats, I Sdk Umbrellas, Hoys’ and Mens sea 1 skin Cap?, ! Gentlemen and Youth’s Hals, t Hosiery, Gloves, &c. ALSO, House servants Coatees and Pantaloons, Negro Jackets and Trowsers, . Check’d, strip'd, and coa-sc linen Shirts, Guernsey Frocks, Red flannel Shirts. THE ABOVE GOODS Will be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New-York prices. No. 234. niioAn stbet.t, • Three doors above the Pott- Office. October 21 34 I ftwgar, Coffee, &c. It | 50 Bi gs 1’ iiirie Green I 200 Barrels do. do. 100 Pieces Hemp Bagging, 50 do. Tow do. 3000 Knshels Liverpool ground Sait, WITH A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OS Par Sale by Win. Bostwick, * October 18 3t 33 STOLEN, FROM (he Subscriber’s Plantation, on the night 1 of the 14th October, a bright s->rrel MARE leven yetrs <■ d next soring —l3 hands three and a halt inches h gh, with a star in her forehead, snip on her lip, and left hind foot white. Any ‘ person delivering said M re to me in Burke c- uu * , (Bri<r Creek, Geo.) shall be lib rally reward d—iml if stolen, a suitable c impensa’lun for the detection and conviction, of the perpetra'or. N. B.—There was left in her place, a chesnut s'-rn l Horse, bet ween fifteen sm’ twenty year 1 dtl, It ft bind foot white, which I have in my po«- session. James Holley. October 88 3*t 36 \ WASH^^NISir si ®o ssa» • -K2o 1 THIS ESTABLISHMF.NT is opened iu a Tiandsome Brick pullding, erected during tha past summer, at the eerier of Broad amt Mdnlosh-Streels. It is recommended to Plan ters and Merchants, by its situation, in the centre of ; i-« town and of business, and within a convenient distance of the Banks, Warehouses, ami Public Offices. Stage Passengers will find it convenient from its being opposite the Post-Office, the place of arrival and departing of the Stages. There is connected with the HALL, an adjacent Brick Tenement, with suites if Private Apartments, and a separate ’ Entrance from Broad Street, which will be appropriated exclusively to the accommodation of Families j and Ladies will find themselves as quiet and r"tired as in any private house, with the additional advantage of being in the immediate neighborhood of the principal PmirV Stores. The WASHINGTON HALT is superintended bv W. J. OtiDiRT, whose am fv it will be to please and render comfortable, those who may favour the House with their patronage. Augusta, (Ga.) Sep'ember 30, 1325 ■ ■" "" 1 r YiAgeffelA a\u\ YeivAVeton, ARE now in complete order, nod will run regularly the ensuing seaaon between this place and . Charleston, inland, via. Savannah and Beaufort. , These Boats ate under the care of experien ced officers, and have handsome accommodations for passengers. Good Lighters are provided to forward freight during a low river with the greatest safely and dispatch, and no exertion will be spared to merit public patronage. B. F. Wliitncr & Co. (CT* B. F. W. & Co. (through the politeness of the Wharf Company) occupy as a Steamboat Office, pan of the new building on the brick wharf, October 4 6t 29 aw®ia&Kr(j@js, THE HOWARD LVSUII.LVCK COMPJkWT, Dcto-iorlt I 11 r * ' ** 7, . n ■ '*■ i*» Vorto, fut - • •< * o ? 7' ~, ; ousl-S a o* -i-.x »i\uW\i'p, MU) 11 Cl! i>. i And othcc fcrsoual Property j MIAINST LOSS OH DAMAGE BY AND AI.SO, To filsure against the Hazard* of Inland Nnviga non nr Transportation Capital £>todt, - 8 300,000, Which has all been paid in CASH, and the pub lie may rely with confidence upon the whole sun being always available to meet its engagements. Phe subscriber having been appointed Agen for the above Company will, in its name, Insur against I+iss by fire and Hazard ol Inland Navi gallon, on as favourable terms as can be done ii this city. A. Camfield, .dirent for Howard Insurance Company. N. B. Persons living in the country can have Insurance effected by addressing the Agent, giv ing a description of the premises to be insured. Cost paid. Augusta. ()-t.’25, 182a 35 IH UUAVUUXU. " r |NIIE Subscriber has removed to town and tak- J. eu the House in Green Street, lately occn. pied ny Judge Walker, deceased. He will ac commodate a few Gentlemen as day boarder and a few with rooms it desired. He has for Rent a House, upper end of Broad Street, next to Malone & Co’». Ware-H-use, w. calculated fora Grocery Store, and as a to purchasing Colton—which may be had if apph ed lor immediately a great bargain. forTsale. Sills and Plates of best heart pine. Benjamin Sims. October 3.5 3t 35 Foe Sale. 4 LIKELY Negro WOVI\.V, only 26 years o' /i. age, raised in South Carolina, a first rat. Look, Washer and Ironer.—Apply to the editor. October 31 3t 34 £?* We are authorised to an nounce Hollavd M'Ttiik, Esq. a Candidate fin the Office of ShcrilT of Richmond County, at tin -nsuing election. October 25 35 TO ii RENTED i (hi a Building Lease, ' THREE Lots, frontina; Walk ‘jjflrgß ft sinJ WatKuis S'ree.a, .ppisite u ! l e Catholic Parsonage Home. Tin Aa9MRS> Lot« adjoin each other and will b t separately rMI'lier. ns mav be desired. W. W. Holt. September ft COMMISsJo." STORE, No. BBO4D-SXREF.T. rHK Subsciber contrues td transact the AUC TION and CO M MISSION HUMNKSS. And will make' ’ „. - , f } M «4 ■Tut \v^. I r C ' : uki*' avti xea * r ? "I) »*>*%. r. ■ . ! ~J, the undersigned have - 118 day commenced transacting the AND Commission Business, hndf.ii thb Filler op , STOVALL & FORD. it the New Wahehouse, on Jackson street', oppo site Messrs. Ism Sims, Williams & Co. I heir open ami close Store* are now in (-nod order for the reception of Cotton and Goods They will be grateful for so much of public mlronage, as a faithful attention to business may leserve. Pleasant Stovall, William P. Ford, 3iOclober t 4' t 29 Vit.WBEVL FA^TDWAiiEi AND Commission Business. At his old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and < prepared to make suitable atlvances upon all iroduce placed in his hands for aale, John Everinghara, jr. April 12 Ho To Teachers. 4 SET of excellent School Furniture for sale, 3- such ay Tables, Benches, large Maps. Sec. 00l a g"0<l S'I'OVE suitable for a School (loom ru Store Enquire of O. W. Warner, Eiq, Au gusta, or the subscriber a» the Sand fills. It. It. Hopkins. September 27 27 THE FOU.OWING OF THE MOST APPROVE!) FORMS May be had at this OJ/ice, —to wit ; MARRIAGE Licences, do. Ilonds, Adminis tration do. Letters Testamentary, do. of Guardianship, do. of Administration, do. of Ap rs!-e inept, do. Ilismissory, Recognifcsnces, Sub poenas, Bills of Sale, Fnwi rs of Attorney, Blank Teed- ct Conveyance, Sheriff's Titles, Retail Li ■ei.rr T .tro in’s Receipts, Mortgages, Appren ices’ Indentures, Ac. &o. September 9 GEORGIA, Columbia County WHEREAS Benjamin Taliaferro Rees, applies for Letters of Adminis ration 'on the E« ale of June » Kecs, la'c ot said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within die lime prescribed by law, to file their objec tinrs (if any they have) to shew cause v. liy said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand si office, in Columbia, this 24.1 i day of O inbcv, 1U25 •30 Gahrkl .loirs, I). ('lk. Blank I feeds of Conveyance, ■ E4TIT PUINTFD ON VELI-UM PiPkU, /•’•r tyU Ht thi c Office*