The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 04, 1825, Image 2

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OOlfft v\ V V V i vV SA\A ” 1 ra!' i kd a‘i*p imnusifF.n nv Wl f.u \vi IMJNCE. (Jotuiitionf, iVr. 1 P y V .1, II« nr.t. Vi a.,wu:. ; I. •V,K.«1).11.r. r , , nnoum. | y »° ** •' H,< >:il vl-Krt, one* » ’•■*« rhi«« potior. a i . in ■■ ■■■ "■ _ . : ■ !!,),'• tb»l <•#'.*! »»« fl»*" norl JIVT-motf*. I’ *' if ... I'.vi. )i ■■ r ii'im |>»r»>> l ‘ Ju. A i>V) aTisicaka - • ■ w ' ' ■' ■ if J..T m.« r». forth' ;.r«l inirriion'is n rnti, for ’’inti . « - 1 " , i yy , v ION 1 ' ' « JIh.I, mutt'* r>"»- IKr •>,!«. ol on! >.-.1 o «r»«r. by A.l. Wolo.-. i '"V,!- ' ~■ l*w» to bn D* I** »« tl<*» I l ij V ' ’’l., th«> hnurn of t**n ii» th«* forenoon n.i'i j fb ... .n (W.oo . uiir M .... of ! ; ~ „ i l l ;.übhc gi./,*u« HIO’V a«v M-r-. *»« ’> ,u / of | cn In. No r A ufilf of 1-iT.onHl property likp mHn- f rt.«i■ KOK f’V d.iy* previom lolhH** y ot ••*»**»• jv 'hr lilori croditor. of «o «.'«'« ">"* l b ‘ P ,lh ' i, h*' 1 L fur KOUTV d»yl. I* ' | OCTOBER. jf •n,U lb the last month of the season in j ..tiich we fan expect to enjoy Tut. mre b balance of agreeable warmth ami bracing , coolness of autumn, which is so grateful *'»(, our feelings after the elleminaung influence h ol a schorching summer To invalids ami , Vulletndmai i ins who dress as (hough 'hey tiunk that clothes were made, tor screens rather than to k -cp 'hrir bodies warm we. have nothing to say until they entirely *<ty j. aside theii cobweb habits o! ,-uik and <r inx>.,;, and make use of something more anbstan-, tial to shield themselves against '!■ in clem nicy «f the approaching season. He-,, sides the s. anty, light, and ilimsy i'.l' ■: ol f fashionable females of the 11> .sent 1 1 -', t j greallv favoring (he class o' disea I which they mostly sudor. may pf- *'"• 1 i the warmth and coreness of lie apartments | which an occupied by the opulent, togeth-i y with (he great and sii Iden .manges ol 'oni-i pemture to the full ellect ! which. Iron the lightness of their dies-, the;- are im- | prudenilj and neetll--“iy '• j. ised hi die , winter, when persons leave sntli u'c , men Is t. j nto the open at the, •''hang; ~i -emp-iatme wld.h they -ypmie-.ce, oi j. ten anion ts to twenty five i r ttnr.y drgr *'«s. ( The |>;i - i g to the I'lous in cons fjij.-nce being ex ..need to mi. a . transitu n I on; hot to i old at*; lik'tv to tail into torp. i,,i from Hie stream of cold nir thai most pass , through 'he n for the purpose ' ■ .espii i ( tion , and when fhei n- onfec lln-.n apart -j. inenis, hoated to .’he r-niioian tc.nj aiuri ol the ion u: /.no (hi rnshin;; with!, violence jot ihe vev.s. Is or v ou-ly render p ed torpid '• tin- cold, and upon the. same . princple that one feels p. o in hi . hi*n.ds:| on coming to the lire, oiu" b'i r >., expos j| to the cold, they feel . .sensation «d unea '| sine-s ami heat about th • thruaf : this local i( inflamniation spread.- and they -nerien. eg all the symptoms u ! .iaU - i.'endant »a re . cent catarrh. It is not iim h.isiio to ilict'i'e ihe kind ; or f.i'hion of the •'■arm ' f 1 ' t .h''. , (j secure th" thou-;. ■ .' ll .:es of weak'i constitution against the attttfks ol di-.'Hf. but wi iroi glv lerom ui nd (o those whoan-i in good health, if ihev would ■ nain so ' anil to those who a ,- e idde,, 1 , ' - 'voith!' not aller t r the wi ise, to adopt their < »th i * » ine n.'rc to the scasor* ai ! the • own com ; fort, ami less to (he folly <d fs ihion. the[ i.iopagalion of Jib e, :>'id rum of their| consliiUtion, than is ganerally -usiomarv : with (In; fashionable p.u i m the community j Exeapt warm clothes .n-thirig s mori conducive to bodily !.(;id h M-nviry and, clioerfulness ol nuiul, tli:»>, u ,nlar and ; scasonubh exercise. lit-n in . suitable 1 degree a ltd at proper times it -.ncreases th. power of digestion, n ket s and renders clear the action ol mm I, ~nl jins ;ve, (Ini l just balance between the mental a d phy» ! ical powers which is n «e- u v to hoafth, 1 strength and While we thus! enjoin upon all to nh.vafe h hits of fre>-} and regula. . . . ,ve would caution|< those of trap impure c>.nstitiiliunsj against using it ‘ as io occasion a great do-j gree of heat ai d fatigue. I’o do good it) must be regular, duly, and [ireservinglyi made u . iso u;> to keep up inscnsibh perspira on. It .is to the into.'."option oil this procc s rendered certain bv '’’ellemsv! wardrobo in which Fashion i"q 'ires those' who are devoted m |,,*r serv'd; always to. appear, that we tr,u o the ui.ginol tliosej fatal <li3. ises viiu ii arc i instantly mukio<>l such cruel lavages among those who coin j t> ibulo most to tho Ido, and urn iment of so ; ui f em»u: m*. Il(>\y lonp. » vofarit'A 'if tins j* ilth (i< k sft*ovi(iu'i system i. main pensive umlcr the absurd and j *i laws of la alt ion ? Must the deli rate fabric of the fema'e .vhimitiuimi be * nicely sacrificed upon tins altar r f «'"! ti Tint cn ? It.nh hviMiin.‘v and; a dei: to' dr.lar.'s soi. ... vivit I ’’ <- -'I : ready too :t at. rout if those' ' "if" I dleii vr. ' ims to I-"- v •uous '■ ( ; < , r ' v '"li the O ulisp,.-ina. vnrati ,ip 1 "" ’ - i ■ - nat'.o.•’» W (*l k . . r. - aOVC - 1 'tees Imi Lishoo of \ r, : st 13. re"re sent th" c unnu r, ~f .j,, )t f a , ;l!i j„ d dc.doi.' I- state, and the p„ u j situation * lO ' in worst c 'lition iola ginable.. \ - . , , i king , ‘ ice d dly t . ... m. ~| dF ... i ‘”° ‘ V ;<>l say*, “a >tvy storm is n,w » dot iig which ".-i- . a burst forth.' V M ’.V" .Wo. The, H ■’/•?;/ Pauline Ponaparle, i Pci'Hce* liorghtyp, rhe r<MTov ii g is an ai curate statement full the 'provisions o.’ the la j t will and I msiimo'iv of In i- late Migmess Pauline! 15. n ■ ;... >• Prince.- )F>rghese, Whatever ray !■ ' , been the, vror» tw failing' ofllm laiiy, this- document redeems much, and etlecls ii..oot- upon her heail and heart. The ■ ill is dated at the Villa Stroz.7/.i,j 9th Jur e, I‘62j We translate all its be-j quests. Tho. -.vholr, of her properly of e-ieiy kind,! is to he ennelly shared rtin<»rtg her ippoin ted hers he residuary legitces. Tho (annte de St Ijcu Louis 15oi,apartej the prince de Vlonflnrt (Jen-me and the Countess Lissonia (Caroline Bonaparte) subject, liowcvcr, to 'he discharge, of th j following legacies; To each of the, three children ofth-i Prince de Mnntfort, 30,000 francs: to be I paid, with iirciimut ;ted interest, upon the r. coming of age respectively. Co tier neph-w mid niece. Nepolcon,! 0 ii of her brother 1 mis llonaparte, and' [Charlotte, daughter d Joseph Bmaparte,' jand to their heirs, the Villa Paulina iul | Home. This property is not to be alienated, under penalty ol b i.ig added to the endow ments of the Great llospital of St. Spirito or hut city. To her nephew Napoleon, son ol her ''brother Emperor,” the villa and possess- ; tons of St. Martino, on the Isi ml .1 Elba;, (he lavuho of jiorcelain used at die corona tion, “us it will remind him of one ol die most glorious epochs in the life ot to line, father also the box •» perl ones ami the lift Ip. hlj 1 ,i.x ts gold »I>.vised ‘o be* \>j (lie K i j..,. , " Ihe whole a ■ 'okens ■i u r *en de aff’Ction foi him. F » her "'jeluved uncle” Cardinal Fesch, her English lierim ‘•/Vltbi.igh (fi- Will j»t■ L l - say) she, has cause to complain ol . erbro hei Cmcii i iiml his firi-dy, she ne\* iheirs* for-j . v ir n : and. a p 1- ® • 4 .er , btMjuea'hx (■, hoi.i-rd-. sile is* it it beneiu of hi- son Pill, a sum ot; e.’O ofhl (rain : to e paid, |>- • > ci |>o mil interest, ! u him op., . disc -cnog >t age.” f’.» her husb.-nd, Prince li.>rglie»e, e .. , ...(. i • his liletunc ul th Villa Pao ■ t at l.'iaa, "ns a small acknowledg men: of thege< air .; and sincere -.-'licitt! ie levl.-.-ced bv inn. bir'ng her ‘ ill. • • - jS'ie 'i- full'. a\ r.- mat nothing sh irt of ijiarticular circumstances, ami manv sue-, renting event; .aI lln e • if: e'ed the ■ !’ ati; tr mporary s paiii iuii, mid declares' |ll-a. the cornluct ol ~ie Prince toward si •(,.>, broid-r the Emperor hail ever ) en (loyal and faithful.” Fr’rie also leaves to him! 'her *‘haritlamne’ s travelling rarri ge Vl ■ter his demise the Villa is to dev-dv.- to the j Prim es '/••■istde, > laughter of Co- Com t jilc Hlurvillii’''* (J.weph lie>exp. rte) wife of 'Mne.ien’s eldest son, f.- p.-iiicc F ■ -im is Aldoln-audini, bet ,•-•• •in law, a marl. 1 ' -st .if hr' '' , 'id, .!.' die line t < . trait of him painted div Gerard To the Duke of Hun cn, Marfpii-. of (Douglas, her nrcessair? ol gilt silve , at, a Ji.okeii ot his friendship tuv .-Is he „ To her bro s her Joseph h • liretds no 1 legacy, he ’lot being in want therm' as he OJ 9 . t-: bei te. provi ieil vi d; the .. >■ .* s ul fortune I'hin his brothers are >hi requests hmi 'however:on the presentnrcasion, oaccept |the since).>st " isurancr- -.<f all her attoo jtioiiiite rega'd,” , To JarointN - in, born in America, v 1 , Miss Patterson, - lime marriage waa an !nulled,” 20,000 francs Vo her niece, the Princes I. misa .laugh ter of Caroline 15 the sum of 50,000 franc a , and io’>e- brothers, -Vchelit -• and f.ucien, '30,000 francs each, \ fine, dre»> and 'cachelunir shawl are to be s ducted Ir mi the 1 wardrobe, and t--< be g ..-u to flit 'I-n ,• j iiess Veiiii', Pcdoh oiother nt Candinc/s i-daughters. Vlso ' above Pnuces ' Ijonin, In; .-.-old medal lion, coiKainiig jilie Empetei’ hair, and itj bronzed I chain. i To Print Felix Bacincchi, a lim Ver : meil candlestick, as a token of her friend - I I To her niece, 'he Countess de Posse, i .’.vfOO do irs ; and a fine .cacheniir -huvvl : to iimihe: niece, the Princess Gubrielli. To M dame d’T!!otiao»ni , u lady wlm (lias const,nitty resided with her during six I .-t-'i.s, and has invariably testified the great jest aiVection Cor her, a sum of 86000, a j proportion of her linen, and of her gold & (silver (riming* ; a hn. mchcmlr shawl, her bracelets adorned with nearls and turquoi- Ises, and her little • n.;vmdei-ed bed. In the! hevalier d’Hautniesnil, husband lof the above, SSOOO. .: puir of horses, and 1 her handsome Vie.m i calt-cdie. ! o the Countc-» «i iiiaecorsi, ,i cacheniii sho vv I. Fi igo «Ir. i. ,i daughter of the Conn i'.'css Nog - hi. ; veil of fine lace. To another god child. • daughter of -he ,iC-'un: ■■ t art: I.epri -j it joux, and mlu-r shawl ot gold or silver triming' for a dress, ias hi m. v prefer. V simi! ,e hecjiiest to flu child Cafferelli I Negroni, i'u Cardin-il Rivarola, her service ol i grecu hoi-c.-lain rt Sevres, as a token ofhei . f. iemlship. I a (.ardiiK'.i P.i-ue, a- a memorial ot'hei ■ trumiUhip, two <I - h labe ls, to , im--, .(by himself, and a clock, i Po l a dinal Zurlft;, a basin and ewer ol gilt silver. 1 Fu Cardinal Spime, her landaulet. I To her brother, tire Count de Sut viliierfc,! j(Ji .. i. ij > y,, ._ ft tit porcelain. I To her , vtcr law. *h*t Countes- dc St. Lo, lu- nwfsmrf u* me of s'eel. | To Prince > ■ gi,her service of nut gii'H is a memorial of hrr friendship md .*<• j i teem. I’|> the Princes of Piombino, one of !ier cartH'imr cvucrepied ; and to the Countess 'M;isHrolti another, or any article from her (toilet that she may prefer, ( id Count Paniiio Ite, M Rome. : small east-pin and a ring, as memorials of friend ;ship. i o Signora Rosa M lima, a shawl and hi | L'o Prince Louis, son of t!ie Count dr St. Cue, the portrait in miniature of the 1 KrnpCror, wiih its chain. lo each of three domestics, a pension of iST per mouth, and « sum of gtOO. Alike j-um to her senior servant, and a pension of ; S ■ per month to a. woman employed in her I wardrobe. | lo Sophia, her tili de -„ha.nbre, who| 1 has served V.r with s > much fidelity, gIOOO | and her gonj repealer. J.'o another female (servant, 300 dollm , j I’ l ' lain ■- Bfilcomioi, for his daughter, '(her god child; 3LM dollars, and ner'auull oaleche. Po Signor P Ilioi, auditor at V areggio, a ring, a j in. ami a small cluck, as tokens of) ' j friendship. lo Frances I.unmini, one ofherbest ■’ wliite tress-s and six others, at her own! select) hi. V Hk tin iber of drcssi-s to! M ngaret Beiluomini, and a ~-n-k »o J orp;0 j Uelluumini. ; 1 > a person of the name of Sisco, from! l'o m Fer-cj a lm j lo the if i ■ j l las at * uae, g ) i.-r the ' dtid Futucr .)•/! ! Po/.zo, % • i , < tins lilt, piit o.ise. * • a di- i of i i.( unco, aom. 1 1- ll ; article oc!<>'g o* ic. her t alette, and ai trimming id gold, silver, m i i ■(■ London Paper. From the M noun ite, Si-pt. jr ] • ' v * prrcs.i sby(h • d „ , • published ' ••• Georgi. tied ; „ has mim riu u , • -1 iini" <g rhi '■ •;s, in po-dog that the! government of the iJmc •! S hail no land. : VVest of tin Mi- u:- i;>i u.d w uld he m ; , capable of . oi. j.. •, u ..,, rv hy! ! -giving to eol g ,t, . p ar ty ait equal f} s.ium vV. ,i vv f •. i, din . • s!i 1 * I 'i * it. ico- , i j ic re us ■* i\ lie va' ■o-'ei mi <h .1 jat th mi (hat the ircaL 'v,b i'Cii . . i we . • mw. iio> - l‘.c« l ! been since Jure la In ,i. -i to * treaty! - Oil made in buivta ; Generali 1 >n the p o ted - ■ the O age •! K t „ f„ r . t „„ e j ;; I.unmed milling it < extending tliei ■ whole len.odi .;f ih» M iri <J a , kmsss: f- w. srerti • .indacy lines .hoc , liw mi-.bei;’ jndle.i, -V ruMitno i>a-j; upwards . : i-. • i •jha.idi'tH.. I. fc-l. . • i os,uved •> fiUH.i nil ■ ii;ty mil - arid the Km z s ~( thirty, our „(1 I this ■•■ ion, , •■■! soire other small tribes i liave be-’o located in ii ,• but there ■>tlii ie ■ f mains evonty or mgl tv millions of acres.l i embramig ea cy v. t , lety of -c.i and . limatei between he latitudes 3 1 and in which j > the emig-ating Creeks can ;caddy ~!i„use! tjfhi four null ms to which hey are entit I I !■ ts p 1 rcha vas ifttended for all the |n-j .jdians 'isr.ot the MBsivHpjji, and doubtless 1 t 1 • ;ey w"uhi .id mi.hi g » t> it .( tt •ir ignor i ' ' ‘ealoiis minds were not a!armed I -ai.ii pois -ned ir iutsrepiesentationg, !/ e! d third of th Chemkces, one halt of die C no. ■ o'* and ■ i uuiber of small tnlr nsvc removd sevc: I yea's t are perfectly! -;pler-e-l with tin irnew liouiCi, and could noti ,! possibly be pi . ‘ailed ti, move h ick. .I A very tiigl: ob gation - imposed c ; n tied - Federal Government to relieve the Southernj • 'dates I !’■ on tin n imli * , ijnitalion. fnthr ; respect die vim- I Sooth are noun S’ VCP Mm iUI - ! !if» N firtjw-! SsfH’Md ij removed or exterhimatt i their (mliai be tore they became parties r- dm luderal Coo-' I, stitution, and > fuie tiic v bad parted with tbit aUribute ol S' veresgoty which enabled - them to do as pleased withir» the. limits! .of their u hi siates. Not so In* th ■ South. There, a a real part of th staf ,of Georgia,' Alabama, Mississippi, and iana-, ire I covered by an didian popo .uim, which con tribute nothing to the wealth of the States,! Hi and so Tract trom tin r strength hv the a I necessity of watching them. Che Federal . Governn -nt alone can put these Stale., ur.- aI on ;iu tap d (o 'dni with those in the Nor! i, it’ 1 •tud it is me duty of that Govcr .ment to do r( so.— Mr. Mouri/c’s »dmiiMsiration uudiu ■ - j took tins duty. > 1 ai mnenceil a svst ,,, ii ctl measures which promisi d romplete suect »t I but wheil r • i system is to be continued il remains tto be. see.. We perceive m the j Northern pape, s loud outcries igainst the , (cruelty nt removing the Greeks fiom the 'tombs, ot heir ..ncestors to the Western wile. r' ■ , ; .it we would inquire if gentlemen I' d forgotten the manner in i- i w id i i.n 'vere <■(> »■ ■<{ ~f nt th. N.. •U - , ecu >laVs ;■ Jil t : ,ey liave '.’ r won .1 beg sjthniu t. iMresh ;ne.nei d h !iy nenli , [such i xti acts as the following from the most own historians, Hutcldn l son ; d, " ' ■ Gov 'rnmerit >ncren*'d the premium tor Indians tcnlp.'i and cpti n s to one hun ’ ids, I I • ■■ .1 I H LoV( . will to raise a company id volunteei.-, to n, mi ut'o ,an India t i unfitly. .lamiarv sth, he lir..u_i to Bos ":, a captive and a »calp d both wbicb he met with abn-e forty mile h viiM.i \\ mkee lake. Going out ,• ! second time, he dscovercii ten Indians (round a fire, all asleep, fie ordered flart oi jh• s company tt lire, who lulled seven—the J other three, as they were raising up, were • sent to rest agmn by the other part of the .c inpany rest, vedlor that purpose. I’bese (ten scalps were b ought to Boston on the 9th of Match. Emboldened with epeahd "litres be made a third attempt, and went out with thirty three men. Upon the Bfh ot May, they discovered an Indian upt i a point ol .and which joined to a great pond or lake. I [Pigwacket.j They bail some »usp cion that be was sent there to draw them into a snare, and that there muse be many Indians near and therefore laid down their packs that they might be ready for action, and then marcher! near two miles round the pond ■to come, at the Indian they had seen, The fellow remained there, although it was cer • lain death to him am! when the English i came within gunshot discharged his piece, ’ which was loaded with beaver shot, and wounded Love we 11 nd one of ids men and then immediately fell hiinse f, and was pcalpt. “ f'he Indians who lay concealed, seized all the E giish packs, and then waited their return at a place convenient for thei r * ,VViI purpose. One of the Indians being di c l [ ver " ed, the rest being about eighty rose, vt-ded, , a- d fired,anil then ran on with their hi 'd* 1 n r wv.u great fury. The English retreat <’ ‘(to die pond, to secure their rear, r-< . »■' jtb iugl- so ui equal m numbers, continued five or six hours fii mglit cocae on. Captain ivrvevvci., his Lieulein’.ir Far well, and IT 1 3l “d’ KobUioe, were soon mortally we ;ruled, ml, with I. V e , ft „re, were left dea' upon the jfpc, esenped, and retu.ned un ■ |h i t, but wet e obliged ti- leave eight at thru /oumfed c«ir.h aWjoH , lhe .roods, uldion’ I provisions 5 thm. chap i^ n ,Vs. d-y.n.M ‘‘” J '■ wts °' te * \he hoi b -Aired -nh •: r, ■ ■ t 4 • ,l t f t t[ one J> d\ •' m the - of iti‘ union. ■. ' pe.,. (U „ P ,* for jof i eli •f. ,> ‘ ■ j After reading this, au ; o p r r si lo fike j• ■ ~ •g- ■>, we woo!..I a-ik. n-esv. .... i »).-. ) tti- hunne-—io.c’i- , iVi , Misrini. jG b neat' y< i c Hiru',of the ■ 1 >•, qipi, and •■ m >■ - nunnred (uiousanit ■ ■ <i)- toe.' innate^ i'• ■ i nder ala. ■■ orhga.a sacha tenor-; to ms price for their scalps, that even parsons] .quit theirlbn ks and their blot took ■ ■;> ihei , and ihe goo • ic >l thro th« woods in see, t ill- I lid; ii « . *. i . eat til Idi can do p,’,ir ■>; a, bio ■ d scalp. - . I I W® have seen a great deaf of sentimental i 1 h i going the rounds about them- flreelc representing them as saving that *ney wor. i pi r lift a hand t whiles, t’/.R they| J would (j:,. amoM; ~■ ;r.-.n! s i tiieir Mthers,! (tli'ii they vi o'd p,. down at the corners M .I- r-snare P" round >■■■•th tlierr Indies I . 1 - v>. if dta,n ,-r ;a.igc. ’ • fo' i i i! i'.m s" ■ 1 i;• ar ■o' ■ n (net:;. It is m-. no factored for them ; \t in--. M way a , - with a ii " ; ■ jiig..tiug to die :ast iiiot’.ieut, dcivifi® i.iSi jrUwiliV ■., nlc O' cl' gilt HIS te I - 'tWll. ,||lg j hint wlril. be an utter ad, anti exulting, jin his own doi,i!> he car » e Ins enec* die! j llrs , Vet <!ii» sent in ■ T irash about mm-i is t ej m uife* (.be mouths d ihe' ih' 1'0,,s fp, Mip.ri, the ass >s I tS eroj.;- •. 1 d by * buthnot, • inbrister, and Nich I ols- Ittlercvsting trom Xf.'v Vonii, Octobei i' e are. ’u deb ted to Capt. Forbes, of th • j'dnp F .buis t jin Cadiz, fore subjo aed i'9. ies-g intelligence respecting that ill( iL.ed country. Genera. Beseives who bail' jm.i'b,' an attempt tirdethrone Fcrdit'and, in l'vh,i ,i be failed, was shot on the 1 ' nl Sep .teiabcr, A gr- .' aber of th.' principal 1 imei in Spain had been at. ■ ai on t *.‘ha r g' • d co ispiracy -gaiT-.t ifisig, amun s, «born '.ere Oi.v,; i ■<- ■. ar ,; rfiun i.l loled-t . > all ; . ’•*. lor ot ait' Poor Hospital ; the Fu-e Groom of the Bed Chamber; Solera, Canon id I jeon, and I Chaplain of the order of St. Jago; the I Marquis ofr’ardena Mr; Inez Bishop o:’ 'Malaga; General of th Merced; Pedro . Corfnie/ Uear. of .Mem > : A nare.3 Min inter; Viliela, Govern •• of the Councd, Rufi'io Gomez: Furiao, Phymciao of il.c .Council; Oorainguez, Commander of Artil lery : G nstii'z, Bravo and Mino, Colonel of the La re’ s, ; 1 hat par. of Spain unoccupied by French troop- was in a dreadful state, personal , safeiy be eg very unct tain The Royalists i were tolerated in every specrcs of brutality tow rds the Liberals. C.’d t 'as as tranquil as a city without trade ci be. The Colombians had taken 1 ■ many in sight, i .and, and ihe’coast* ogturde is destroyed. \ essels from the United States woie not allowed to enter :,Cadiz during the opeeHtom ol the Qoaran• i i tine Law. •; The brig Merced, Arno tills port, arrived i '.ill' the harbor on the 4th. a; I was ordered to ■|G bra lar by the. French ' 511 Spanish ves ; ■- K from Cuba o Porto Rico were sopt to IV : i M.ll mu, there to peifono forty days -&Q&- Fmm Key f t e\(. — I lie U. S. revenue ' cutter Florida, John Brown, Esq. comman der, arrived here yes erday m iming, from [Key West, whence Tie sailed on the 4th uist. We are indebted to Captain Brown ’ lor a copious and interesting shipping list, &e. Flip brig Hercules, Seaman, which w ishore on one of she Keys, as before i o • iishetl, had been got off after being lighten feci, ntl csiried n-w> Key Wes', by Ch )j --e:,i, .'.es am! John John ■' ,<»( ■ horn; eirlorhla, ami sloop Snip Her ir.< eiv'.iii --rnoati'd (WO the sm\ ejawanic <i ther.vb'<•<’>■ v. is- .• • 1 per is , j'p ir ~ . ,ji(. catgo v ;rt to h sold on t| ■ ji j4ti. fTbe pi ot boat Gazette sail tjfrom thh- port o.i • i<; ifith :n«t. tor K , f)M csf. She was ■•• altered hv the. ucdcr liw;’te s ‘«1 I■< .■'■• ■»: 1 ■■■•••nt '-'it ■ tin .'purpose o‘‘ fakir.u of the above prop* ..erty.J i; The schooner Ba; aco-vp, Ree< from Nor ?;folk for Mobile wns taken off Ree : '. si much injured, by the schooner endeavor, 1 Capt, Barker, earned into Key West - and I vessel and cargo sold The unoum' -d •!- 'vage allowed (he wreckers wa* nua jB4OOO. i The light vessel destined for Carvs'cr! t ;Reef, which got on shore nee Cape Flo.' I]da, had been s.-id <a hey for £.j 00 ) |j Doctor Piddle of the IS vy, requested , Capta.i! Brown to n . nt -iiat three wa ; - { not a single case of malignant fe-ret at I j Key West, on the third last. Tht-e were, *ihowever a few cases oi reaiiriem inter i mitte it, and bilious fevers, bat none . fth it*, dangerods. Mr. Stineseck, a native Hamburg ' I the fii m of Stiuer* ;k and Roberts, Ji Key West on the -2d hist alter a. long and •painful illness. 1 Mr, Solatium .Sevier, ot * ■ u 3c,.-.. ,i *h Vice V.-jAsul at Florida ■■ d u sr. jh. v iriv : September. A Mr. Vt„.,<•( ■{ 1,; Nralso riled at, . V. ,v ot el Fee/. '*• he contracted at Key W-i M , - i} - >h/non'- . Kru<f f (u, . a '■>' Madam J ... vd, , ; ., ~ 1 ' subject of |> ic exp«e. .tion, . r,t "Riy ii.ernoon * cons; iu. nce i of E f,continued gale the voyage has been |pu*r*" 1 R* - •>' ■ day ? -tire v. rid had i IV ;i'ei. bly aha* i bet ' blew fres! f V f* e for< •• being well inflated, the ■g 'id'd.s WHS attached . I iKronant made her appearance. Sin .id age, .i:i ■ was dressed it, aw, . »u* • igowa with a red Spence .■ An- took her s. .1 | arli» a.. iiiged -he vur.j: .I* ,gs of ftc. ;' ■ ■ s or. p .e, and .. ■ ... ♦o be with til iiie, at range neats. • ftn.e g« 'the wo ,ii nitgo, bade bet trieuds 1 arewi .t, waved her flags and rose with (great rapidity amidst the siiouts of i ,* I'ogiuiiV.ituile. The bail. • a rest jo.L pat •ml almost instantly over the B.iPerv* i over par «! the city, crossing llir East (Rive; litooklyii. Por about live muiu'c’. jits' corns-, was due east, d o which i cur ■ rent t: a; • sou it 8. K. T. ,■■intino *d to ris.s for about a qcarter Os an aorir, and muii it. tppeaie;! alma*;.? speck ■ nid die c uu«is.. U was lor ab-—t ?>; minutes, a;.;I .when {■'• u seen was descending oxer Eon is. .wot., a i.mtli-easteriy r.irei tion from tliw , -it,. a . -i»fj - .*• :>i4 In. ' n the 'bird; n as not so numc- ,;us akwhe - vlr. Is 1 risen toailr ios .isC''.isii‘u, I.k ,jb«lIm»o, however the sam ih d Mr. R.used» ,| o»ewith great rapidity, and cleared this .b.;'iidip)< vithcuu tiic least dilhculiy. and i»hat a; cornu, ihe - ..." , |. es3e Ibyl he spectators wu ;-re- r ,a; v. h'-n.Vn jll- cm..vied from the same p! ; The weather was bleak am cold, which. | entered the .■xhihition !. pleasatii to the. |.spectoto.'s, art'l excited some apprchf ask r s'for the result of u ! We lieu:; from Mr. V-bl. of the Pan; |; Coffee House, who was near ,i.< -mt ■ iMadaroe Johnson descended, i' at she a lighted in sal-ny u- marsh i; ■. re,., id lum Church ft PI ‘land? E-.iig ..... |i seven miles from iv eiklyn !•• ry, .. tiimr ■ inj ■■ ry it gel ■ ■ • mardli. svqs co vgy6(l ; gig in fine spirits Jhe tin eor ■ •-...anst nto tbat ol rea; 1 I mg ■'.« ut ,i? staled to hav.sbe--n from 2i -1 ' iiiiiHitr . in five mini.,:uoue . would have been catiieu t. I [sV. F. Daily Jldv ” ■»«#•«.■■ .j TRit Qre*' Trott-'r* betwr. d . . : ; Bakei and I'opggHant, for 82000, took .ip*•■■■«' yesterday, tercK-iting in | iV m of I former, who won the i iiea-. j»,ov. . jto starting, betting was u, v.,r . „p« » ,il»nt, but I lie baker prov dR c» self <oo r< ■ ,tyto be (ruled witj? fde .. w 8 ,-u- . s by Mr Clintock, ami the house Vh , i Fur iy, and .’hat the former • 1 1 hp’.: great: • skill end judgment in riding was .-.j. tjby al l The tunc of the first heat was five , minutes 59 seconds—of the second 5 58. _ I nis is the third match that has tek" place between these horses * three m .-Inch wei i won by the mare, J The purse on Wednesday t was taxcu • the horse Jessey. j] For this day’s po-se of <?500, 5 r fill,, i u repeat, the following Lor .. her ■: ■• ■" .Screws, Screwdriv-T Betsey 0 ; Foie Maid and Proof Glass. ( 0 .; A very large sale of Package Goods, eluding Broad Cloths, Gassiiaeres, e tons, Sheetings, &c. took place .t ( o oc on Thursday last. Saxony Road n brought ?,-! 50 per yaid by t , two pie e hor pai kages; and the lowr qaolat nif n dollars per yard for ip* crab T iien ppt jus to have been a g <t variety ol dc neslic cottons, ticklings, she- dngs, print*, j&c. and the sale was amerou-ly attended. -1 the articles bringing n general good price . National Journal