The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 08, 1825, Image 1
___ * _ Stye “ Many of the political evils, under wbi'-h every Country inthe world labours, are not owing to any want of love for our Country, but to un ignorance ©fits real constitution and interests.’ - —pHILSTf.Y NEW SERIES, Yol. 111. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1825. No . 39 Cfje Caitjtftitutionaliitft 18 ÜBLISHKD EVERT TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA. GA. Sana « b iLp~of FfclT. By Authority of the State of New-York. SPLENDID LOTTERY, £To be Drawn in the City of New-York, on the Ath of January, 182&. 1 AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. 45 NUMBERS-~(j BALLOTS TO BE DR OVN. Each Ticket having 3 Numbers in Combination. 3. U. \aie» & A. MANAGERS. SCHEME OF THE ftt\ta Literature a*©lPlP^-ita class 3, tor 1825. \ HIGH ESP PRIZE S 100,000 1 prize of 850,000 is 850,000 1 do “ 20,000 is 20,000 1 do “ CO 500 is 10,500 2 do “ 5,000 i? 10,000 4 do “ 2,500 is 10,000 10 do <« 2000 m 20.000 39 do “ 1,000 is 39.000 78 do “ 500 is 39,000 ! 4GB do " 100 is 46,800 4,446 do “ 50 is 222,300 * 5,051 Prizes, 8567,600 9,139 Blanks, Lests than tiro blanks in a Prizz. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole - 850 I Quarter 812 50 Half - - 25 J Bighth 625 1 his L the most m , i he ni .scheme. that h«sj. ever been jff red for the patronage of th ■ lr *>■ Lottery aH- iiure in America- The small! 1 lumber »f Ticker, and the unexampled demoi'l: lor hem, ia a sufficient warrsn , ilia’ there will! not be it chance left, fop week befor 'h day ftx-j ed for tlr-drawing, an ' h.u the p ice of T.di ets will sh n t y rise to g6O, (O’ Gentlemen are , ,■ re fore requested, to he early in their application, as ad Orders ac uahy mailed before the rise will be entitled to be sup plied at the prestnt rates. *»* Notes of the Hunk of the U. Slates and its Fra.idles, and, genrra'ly, the Nutts of all Banks that nay specie, received at par. # Al«>, Mercantile Drafts at sight, on any of the large Cities, and Prize I'ichcts received free y in payment. ■ All Letters to be post paid. The Mails may be relied on as being perfectly safe for all remitta-ces. Yates & MMnityra, Washington City. October 11 I2t t THE ~~~ iemwkkl,, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T. ■ • . th tins Establishment in that comm '’ions' Budding form cry called the BRIDGE HANK, the sub-crib, r respectfully solicits the attention and patronage nf his friends in the conn'ry ami in the city ; and of all others elsewhere, whose! support is worthy to be desired. He tenders assurances that its accommoda<ionai are agreeably calciilsted to be a romfo-tsbl rest 1 ing place for single 'ravellers, and for families ■,I and for constant hoarders a quiet and a pleasant home. Charges will be »s reasonable as those nf any house of similar cooveniencies, and of equal res pectability, John M’Bryde. Noverrh r 4 4i 3d ______ - THE Copartnership of I). I’aiiish & Cm was dissolved by mutual consent ou the Ist d v of July last The business nf said concern vi'l be closed by Parish, Corning Ik Co. to whom all indebted are requested to m»k.’ nayment. Daniel Parish, Jasper Corning, Parish, Holbrook & Co. Charleston . Get 18 w?m 34 ~CO PARTN Elis HIP. THE Subscribers have formed a Copartner ship under the firm of PARISH, CORNING Ik CO. and will transact business at the old stand of I). Parish & Co. where they have now open 500 Packages Staple and Fancy Comprising a complete assortment, wh.cli will We sold on favorable terms. Daniel Parish, Jasper Corning, Joseph Kernochan, Thomas Parish. * Charleston, Oct. 18 lw2m 34 —— —1 ( Umbrella’s and Parasols, •NEATLY MADE AND MENDED BY I * Joseph Roderick, u September 16 24 AND COM MISSION s TORE, No. 325, BROAD-STREET. rHE Subscriber con'd U“s to transact the AUC TION ami COM MISSION HU SINESS. And will make liberal advances on Cons'gnmeots. A. Bugg. October 21 34 JS* ©Vice. (Q* Tbe Public arc res pectfully info med tliat the undersigned have this d>y comm-need transacting the R&OROlBiKKB AND Commission Business, TJVd' U TUB firm of STOFA L L & FORD. ■it the Nlw -Vaiikii usk, on Jackson street, oppo site Messrs Wm Sims, Williams £/ Co. I heir op'>n and close Stares are now in good order for the reception of Cotton and Goods. I hey wit he grateful for so much of public p itrmiage, as a faithful attention to business may deserve. Pleasant Stovall, William P. Ford. Oc’ober I 4.- T 29 STORAGE AND CI)MM I SSI ON B USINESS. THE under-igi.rd begs leave to tender hia ser vices to the pubic generally, in the above lined business-be pledges himself to use all d.l tgence, give personal attention, ami to exert him self to the best of his abilities to give general sat infaction and to proin re the interest of all iliose lha' may think roper to fav r h-m with their cus tom. Liberal advances wik be made on all pro duce committ d to his charge, either lor sale, ex jnor' ilion, or oth-rwisc, ami facilities in all ca-es ICsohen required J will be afforded; that but fi w -ithi-rs in lus line 'an equal, and none surpass, Afi •rders will be thankfully received and promptly .Uendc i to. le has tak- n Mr. B. H. Warren’s Warehouse jit the foot of the bndg.!, (better known by the mame of “ L igh’a Warehouse ,”) its situation be ong immediately upon the new wharf it thereby affords pecu iar advantages to shippers, Bcc. I the who! - establishment having lately und-r --jgone a complete and thorough repair,' is now in |Complete ordnr fir the reception of all kinds of produce, merchan lize, &c. Hia close stores are cleanly, secure, and perfectly safe. Wm. B. Bhdton. N. B. The only Tobacco I spection in the ci y, is also kern at the above Warehouse; and (or a’l I i bacco of tin first quality, inape ted here during the ensuing seas m, 1 will give sis dollars per hun dred, and in the same ratio fir the more inferior qualities. \V B. S. September 20 2d -N K W LLO n-UNU. £ IP IS OPENING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING, It hic/t is made up in a soorkman-like manner, and oj the best materials : |J5'-UE and Black supe-fine Drsss Coats, o do. 2d duality. Blue, Clare' l Olive and Parson’s gray mixed Frock Coats, Blue-and Drab B tx Coats, ; Coatees of different qua idea, Youths’ blue and black Coals, Cassimere and (Jl >th Pantaloons, of almost any j colour and prices, i Sa’tineit, Corderoy Ik nrime-bang up do. Blue and black cloth Ve ts, French, India 8t English silk V'rsts, Silk Velvet . . . do. Great viriiuy nf Fancy do. Linen, Co-ton, Frilled and Plain Shirts, (some very fine,) Knitted, Cot on and Worsted Drawers, Worsted and Lamb’s wool knitted Shirts, Tine flmnel Shirts and Drawers, Ladies’ Cloaks, Tartan and Cantblet do. Fearnought great Coats, Silk Umbrellas, Hoys’ and Mens seal skin Caps, Gentlemen and Youth’s Hals, Hosiery, Gloves, &c JiLS O, Douse servants Coatees and Pantaloons, Negro Jackets and Trowsers, Check’d, strip’d, and coa-se linen Shirts, Guernsey Frocks, Red flannel Shirts. THE ABOVE GOODS Will be disposed of wholesale ami retail, at New-York prices. No. 234. ano AD* street, Three doois above the Post-Office. October 21 34 THE FOLLOWING island, OF THE MOST APPROVED FORMS May be had at thin Office, -—to wit : MARRIAGE Licences, do. nom's. Adminis tration do. L-Hers TesUmenturv, d . of Guardianship, do. of Administration, do. of Ai , raisement, do. Dismissory, Recognisances, Sub pcenus, Hills of «a'e, P-.wer« of Attorney Had Deeds of Conveya me. Sheriff’': T ties. Retail I i cence , Patroon’s U. r .p< s , Mortga n es, Aj.pren tires’ Indentures, &c. tec. September 9 SPLENDID SCHEME. OF THE AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL LOTTERY. HKiHEST PRIZE. Now Drawing in the City of Augusta, un der the superintendance of S. Hale. 1 f A - Slaughter, R. R. R.'.id, J ' v -W-Hoit. T. 1. W.«. j ] J- J L“-D. Ihompson The Third Drawing Will take place on the Qih November utxt. (fj* Two drawings out of Nine are over, and . there remsin still undrawn, the truly splendid Capital Prizes of 1 % 30,000 Sf % ; BESIDES ’ ft eve, Thousand Dollars \ in 810.0U0--85000--81000. & 8500 PRIZES. And a large proportion of g 100 and 8 50 Pri ■ zes—This is an almost unprecedented r.cti slat of the wheel, after the drawing of nearly one fourth of the whole Lottery. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of ’OO is 5,000 : 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 , 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, } 12825 Blanks, $ * ,8( J.000 I 18,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS, Less than two and an half Blanks to a Prize, r The Prizes only to be Brawn. i -it! the Prizes to be floating from the cotnmejicerfunt, F except the following which will be deposited in , the wheel at definite periods, viz ; ON THE FIRST DRAWING 1 prize of 10,000 & lof 500 , *“• 1 P nze 5,000 Ik 1 of 1,000 & lof 500 1 od. 1 priz ■of 10 000 Ik I of 500 , 4'b. 1 prize of 5,00" & 1 of 1.000 St lof 500 . s'h. I prize ot 10.000 & lof 500 r 6'h. I prize of 5,000 & 1 of 1 000 &. lof 500 Tih. 1 prize of 10.000 £4 1 of 5,000 & 1 ot 500 Blli. 1 prize of 20,000 & I of 1,000 8c -2 of 50u! :9th. I prize of 30,000 8c 1 of l,ouo 8c lof 500 j All Prizes payable thirty days after the com • pl -tion of the drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteen per cent—if not applied for within twelve months, to be considered a donation to the funds ot the Masonic Hall. TICKETS and SHARES may be yet had, in great variety of numbers at the original nice nt i BEERS’ LOTTERY OFFICE, ''if ) ID S 1 REEL AUGUSTA. Whole Tickets, SlO 00 Halves, 5 00 Quarters, a 50 Darien ni ,n* y will be received for Tickets. 0 1 Orders 'or Tickets and Shares from any part of the United Slates, enclosing the Gash, postpaid wiil men the same prompt attention, as on personal application, if addressed to J. B. Beers, _ , Secretary to the Commissioners. October 18 33 fele\iV\eu I). Lranfc, ji~yWTINUES the practice of the Law at Monti cello, Jasper Couniy, where he will punctual ly attend to any business confided to his care. He also practices in all the other courts of the Oak mulgee circuit, and in several couns of the Flint 1 and Northern circuits.—During his absence an agent will be left to attend to the business of bis mce. Monticello. July 27 mtf 10 JVoVlcfc. A pUL subscribers have connected themselves m the practice of the LAW—they will uni (.irmly attend all the counties of the Northen Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the We. 'em Circuit, one of them will be generally found at their office in Elberlon, where tney will take deasurr; in transacting the business of those win 1 ”“7 8e unfortunate enough to be involved in the Law* John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January t, 1825 57 NOTICE. 4 SITUATION wanted in some respec'abh a*. Dry Good Store or Counting House—by a y mng man tliat has an accurate knowledge o lie business. Unquestionable reference as to re . ■ ulalion and sobriety can be give".—A line ad 1 dressed to A, It. and left at this office, will be : punctually attended to. * Septemb'T23 26 «** W e arc authorized to an | munce Anselm Uuoo, Esq. a Candidate loij She IT' ot Richmond County, at the election In Jan uary next. October 18 12t x 33 DIMOCK & MARSH, jßercijant CsiUturtf, / AT THE AUGUSTA ® 3lt © 31. No. 164, Broad-street. 4 4VE THIS nil RECBIVEI), PEII PIB LAST 4TBAW BOAT —.A large and fresh suppht of — READY MADE CLOTHING, —CONSIST!NO OF— IJ'.UE and HN-’k Dress Coats, . ■* Coatees, different colors. Blue, Black and Fancy colored Pantaloons, Blue an l Black Cloth V?,«'s, , SDk and Fancy ditto, handsome patterns, « mg-up Pantaloons, Satinelt Coatees and Pantaloons, he.. All ot the ah ve Garments liav ■ been made of l the latest N:-w Yrk fssbiims. Persons wishing to purchase, will do themselves the pleasure to crll at the above store. October 7 3o , »X otlee. . 1 wiTjLiam kib be, TAKES this opportunity of informing his friends and the public, that he has entered into Co partnership with Mr. Jamks Wells, of Savannah, late of the House of Kiltarr., Hills & WUls, for the purpose of carrying on the business as DRAPERS AND TAILORS, In the City of Jiugusta, TWO nouns BKL"W TIIF. (11.0 UK TAVERN, Where they intend keeping a geuerd supply ; nf CLOTHS, CASSIMF.RBSand GOO .S, of all descriptions, usually kept by Houses of their pro fession—and at the -ame time assure the pub lic that no time nor pains shad be wanting to suit those who may call on the House Wells & Kibbc. October H removal. WAftftOX # XICWOLft, Have removed from No 259, to No 226, Broad, corner of Macintosh s reels Where they are opening an cx and ele gant a c sort m nt of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Which they offer to their friends and custom ers. on their usual liberal terms. October 13 fit 33 VlAMft Sr PRIME HAM'S and MIDLING3, Just received and for sale by " : i Thomas S. Metcaif. 150 Casks Stone LIME. Ortobc 14 32 s g mvs>a [mp ; lE ntbscriber will give 12 12 cents per lb. I ** lor five thousand pounds best q lal ty TAi | LOW to b. d livercd by the last day of January, jar his Manu'actory, five doors be'ow the market, li. Payne. September 30 B*t 28 liY.MULA YAUTOttsAiiE AND Commission Business. At his old stand in Savannah, near the port, and s prepared to make suitable advances upon ali produce placed in hia hands lor sale, John Everinarbam, ir. April 12 U 3 DANCING ACADEMY. T . \\ FaijoWe’s ftclvool ■' OPENS THIS DAY. MR. F willing to devote his whole time to • ■his llraixh of Education, n quest those Parents who wish to confide their children to his 1 care, to make immediate application, having ( many new and elegant Dances that he wishes to i teacn his Pupils Mr. F. will a'tend as usual .in private Families and Seminaries when culled fur. For further particulars, apply at Mr. J 11. La - fittf.’s next dnor to Ur. Turpin’s Store, Uroad MUSIC LESSONS. MRS. T. B. FAVOLLB, thankful for the cn- , conragement heretofore received, informs'! her mends and the community, that she continues t g v rig lessons on the PI ANO FOR TE and SPAN ISH GUI IAR. Mrs. F. teaches her pupils the \ >rt of singing in the newest style. Ap.-ly »s in t the above advertisement. ( October 18 8t 33 M ItsTw AL i iIALL, RESPECTFULLY informs her Inends and the young Ladies of Augusta that she will com mence giving lessons on the PIANO FOR IE •.nd in bINGING, at her residence—or in pnvste families as may best anil the convenience of the ■ pupils that may be entrusted to hr r care. dj” Terms moderate, and made known on ap- 1 plication at her residence, Reynnld-street, firs-t ’ In use below the Eagle Tavern- Oct (.her 21 34 N olice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Cotton Merritt, deceased, are requested to render 1 beir accounts in properly attested, within the , time prescribed by law, and those indebted to n said estate will make immediate payment to b Comfort Merrit, Admr'x. ' Burke Counts M'V H- T 91 Blank Deeds of Conveyance, NLATLT PiIIIKTFI) OS VKLI.I'M PAPEK, For sate sit ibis Office. I- *'gvicuVt\U’aV 'fhe Subscriber His coustnn'iy on h ind a targe assortment of j Wood’s Patent, Freeborn, & Law reiices, he li.;h< Scvmb and other PLOUGHS —AL-.0-. A general aswAiunt of YMIUiFisME.VTA, All mail ' uniLr his own direction of ihe b j.t materials, and most approved patterns. Hubert Philip One door abov: the Plante;s’ Hold i November 1. T 37 I North American Review, NO. Xt.lX. contjs,a\ rs. I Cl, AIMS of the United States on Naples and • Holland 1. Message of the President of the Unitrd 1 Stales to the Hous ; os It 'praseutativea il la tive to tbe claim on Naples. 2 Message of the President of the Uni ; ted Slates, transmitting rue c.irrespoude ca relul iig to the Claims of the cit Zei.s o'' Uni ted S ales upon tbe Govei nmem of the Ne therlands. 11. Lord Hymn’s 01 aracter and Writings. 1. R collections ot the hte ol Hymn. Hv the lair R. C. Dallas, Esq ■ , 2 - Correspondence yi Lord Hymn with a Friend ; including his Letters to his Mother ; in 1810, ami 1811. 3. Journal ot tha Conversalion ol Lord Byron, Hy Ch 'inas Medwin, Esq. HI. Wayianti’s Discourses 011 the Duties of an American Citizen. , The Duties •( an American Citizen ; two Discourses delivered in ibe F.r.-t Baptist Meeting House in Boston. By Fiat cis VI uy lantl, j nr. IV. Pinkney’s Poems, Poems. By Edward O. Pinkney. V. Luglisti Coiiiinun L»w Reports, Report* of Cases argued and determined . in the Engl sh Courts of Common Law. Ed iled by Thomas Sergeant and Jjim C. Low oer, F>qs. VI. Orpine Poetry, Orpheus Poeiiirnm Grtecorum Anliquissi mus. Auctore (reaigio Henrico Bod- . Vll. Columbus. Codice diplomatico Colombo Americano, Os-wa Raccolta di Donlmenti orignudn e ine di'l, s, Uaiiiia Cnsluforo Culomiio, ike. G- n iva, 1823 VIH. Gold and Silver in M'x'co, A report Ofi the Expediency of Angm'-n --ting the Diit e* on the Exportation of I. Id ami Silver, pr Rented to the General Coua'i tuem Congress of Mexico, by the C nimittce ot fima cr- and Mines '.ugus, 9, 18k4 ■•X Cniical Notices 1- Palfrey’s Historical Disconrse, 444 2. Harkins’s History of Ihe fine War, 441 d. Wnflo.d’s Mercantile Penmanship, 451 4. Summary view of America, 45J 5, Addresser before the New-York Ac ademy of Fine Arls, 459 6. Hacon’s Plea for Africa, 4 fij 7. Barnard’s Polyglot Clrarnmar, 474 8. t.ralts’ Addres before the Palmetto Societt, 9 Blanco White’s Soauiah Virieties, 467 H. isrteply List of New Publications, 479 Index, JUST RECEIVED BY Horace Ely. November 1 ■- To uent7 ~~ And immediate possession given, M llie WAREHOUSE & LOT re cently 1-ccup cl by Mr. J hnGaunkh. upper en", north rule of Broad-street, Two main roads from the interior leading directly by this Warehouse, gives it gr at "dv . tsge in tbe Cotton business. Two other Dwelling Houses in the same neighborhood, are aim to Rjnt, For terms, which will be moderate, apply to Dr. Watkins and John Moohx, E q . Renting Committee for tbe Bank—or to Vlr. Jso. Gaiinbb, near the premises. ugustiis Moore, Cash’r. N"V"n her 1 4. , p )7 TO ilkTt; ’ Ml HE Stoie next door but one Mow (he Bridge Bank Bmidingi lately occupied hy Mr Washkkuv, and the Store and Dwelling a few doors -drive the Planters’ Hotel, lately occupied b, Mr. HsNKt Campbell. II not Rented before the first October, they wil on that day be H nted ai Auction. Nines wnh ipprove(l security fi, r the rent, payable quarterly, will be required. For terms apply to R. H. Wilde or . Fraser & Howdre. B<-">ember 9 a > iw„A TO II h N L'. [SiSMtifl Two convenient Dwelling Mouses and Lots, siluaied on Reyno'd-streei, near the residence of Ans-Jm Bugg, Esq. Pon session given on the first day of October next. APPLY TO G. Dillon. September 27 27 TT TO kKN T, [fiilf From tbe iirst day of October next, lor one year, the House ami Lot oil Mdn t'lsh-Streel, where Mr. Patrick Kefiy now lives. Apply to Robert D. War- or to Wm. W. Holt. Susan B. Ware. \ll mist 2 11 liuVeiAuveft Fur sale at this Office.