The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 11, 1825, Image 1

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- ' “1 * —n i«T>Ln—t-1-wyt.iMiim. ■■ 11 am ■mil i—■ «■ nr..-s>r> NEW SERIES Vol. 111. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1-25. No. 40. &fje ‘lairstitiitifluali^t jS PUHIAiIED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BY W. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA. SPLENDID SCHEME.' OF THE AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL LOTTERY, 1 HIGHEST PRIZE. Now Drawing in the City of Augusta, un der the superintendance of S. Hale, ] Slaughter R. R. Reid, J>CommisßioDe ri ,.J ■ , ■ OLr * T. I. Wray, j an 'V E> J 1_15.U. 1 HOMPSOM The Third Drawing Will luhe place on the 9th November next. C£y fwo drawings out ot Nine are over, and there rt rn ■ n still undrawn, the ir.ily splendid Capita! Prize 1 - ol $ Sr % B IDES Seventy Thousand Dollars \ IN 810,000—85000—si000, & 8500 PRIZES. And n large proportion ol g 100 and 8 50 Pri zes— Phis san ilminl unpr ■ undented tch s 1 ate of the wheel, after die drawing of nearly one fourth of the who'e Lottery. SCHEME. I Prize of 830,000 is 830,000 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20.000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000 10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes. } « 130 000 12c?25 Blanks, $ K 180,000 18,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS, Less than two and an half Clunks to a Prize. The Prizes only to be Drawn. Jill the Prizes to be floating from the commencement, except the following which will be deposited in the whet I at definite periods, viz oN-rnr, must drawing 1 prize n( & lof SUO 2d, 1 prize ol 5,000 k 1 of 1.000 & lof 500 3d. 1 prize of 10. MOO fk. 1 of 5,00 4th. I prize of 5,00'> h lof 1,000 k ' r sth. I prize ot 10,000 k lof SOU 6th. 1 prize of 5,000 & 1 of 1 000 & I Os a,., 7'h 1 pnze of 10.000 & 1 of 5,000 & 1 ot 500 Bth. 1 priiieot 20,000 k 1 of 1.000 k 2of 500 9tii. 1 priz- of 30,000 & 1 of 1,000 k 1 of 500 All Prizes p&vnble thirty days after the com pletion of the drawing subject to a deduction ol ii*teen per rent—if not applied for within twelve months, to be ennddered a donation to thp funds of the M usonlvi HaJl. TICKETS SHARES mny be yes hud, in great v<*piiq or <u nr:ht,rs at the original price at BEERS’ LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 241 BROAD-S f RRET, AUGUSTA. j Whole Tickets, SlO 00 Halves, 500 j Quarters, a go Dai i•1 in ,:iry wPI he received for I ir.kefs, I Os / Orders f or I ickcts and Share j from any | jiart <d the Dnitei 1 States, enclosing the Cash, j postpaid v/iil roe *t the same prompt attention, as on personal application, if addressed to J. S. Peers, Secretary to the Commissioners, October 18 33 j ft. I'rawii, CS ON TINGES 1 ■ practice of die Law at Monti cello, Jasper County, where he will punctual attend 10 any business confided to his cars. He to practices in all the other courts of the Oak tnulgee circuit, ami in several courts of the Flint and Northern circuits,— During his absence an, agent will be ,etl to attend to the business of bis office. Monticsllo, .1 nlv 27 mtf 10 olice. STIIIE subscribers have connected themselves 4A in the -ractice of the LAW—fhey will uni formly attend all the counties of the Northern Circuit; and the county of Franklin, of the Wes tern Circuit, one of them will he generally found at their office in Elberton, where they will take - pleasure in transacting the business of those who may he unfortunate enough to be involved in the Law* Jo bn A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. January 1, 1825 57 NOTICE. ACTUATION wanted in some respecable Dry (iond Store or Counting House—by a young man that has an accurate knowledge of the business.—Unquestionable reference as to re filiation and sobriety can be given,—A line ad dressed to A. 11. and left at this office, will be punctually attended to. September 23 26 DI MOCK & MARSH, ißcrcljant Cailoi*#, AT THE AUGUSTA No. 104, Broad-street. lIAVK r '«S RECEIVED, run THE EAST STEAM* BOAT —.l large and fresh supply of— READY MADE CLOTHING, —CONSISTING OK I-J f-1-E and Black Dress Coats, M 9 Coatees, different colors. Blue, Black and Fancy colored Pantaloons, Blue and Black Cloth Vests, Silk and Fancy ditto, handsome patterns, j Bang-up Pantaloons, Salinett Goatees and Pantaloons, &c. All ol the ab ve Garments have been made of . the latest New York fashions. Persons wishing to purchase, will do themselves the pleasure to orII at the above store, • October 7 30 X otice. WI.L LI JIM KIBE E , TUvF.S this opportunity of informing his friends and the public, that he has entered into Co partnership with Mr. James W'p.lls. of Savannah, I late of the House of Killair., Hills £5) IVells, for the j purpose of carrying on the business as DRAPERS AND TAILORS, In the City of Jngusta, TWO BOOKS BELOW THE OLOIIE TAVEIIN. Where they intend keeping a general -apply of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES and GOO S, of all descriptions, usually kept by Houses of their pro fession—and at the same time assure the pub lie that no time no.' pains shall be wanting to . suit those who may call on the House. Wells & Kibbe. : 31 NEW CLOTHING. it- f- IS OPENING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING, Which is made up in a -workman-Hke manner, and of the best mateiials .- Bi.UF and Black superfine Dress Coats, Du. do. 2d Quality, Blue, Claret, Olive and Parson’s gray mixed Frock Coats, lie and Drab Box Coats, oatees of different qualities, Vouths’blue and black Coats, assimere and Cloth Pantaloons, of almost any colour »jd prices, Sattiueil, Co-deroy & pri me-bang up do. Blue and blaifc cloth Vests, French, Indian English silk Vests, • Slk Velvet . . . do. Great variety ot Fancy do. Linen, Cotton, trilled and Plain Shirts, (sortie very fine,) Knitted, Cotton Wotted r 'awers, ) Worsted and L imb’s wol ,r ted Shirts, Fine flannel Shirts and I. tv '■ idles’ .Cloak-, tan and Camblet do. nought great Coats, Jl Umbrellas, If and Mens seal-skin laps, I emen and Youth’s . osiery, Gloves, kc, ALSq I ouse servants’ Coulees ind Pantaloons, f .egro Jackets and Trousers, 1 Check’d, strip’d, and coatse linen Shirts, Guernsey Frocks, 1 Red flannel Shirts, THE ABOVE GOODS Will he disposed of wholesale and retail, at; |New York prices. No. 231, 11 no AO* STREET, 'l'hree doors above the Post- Office. 1 October 21 34 STORAGE AND COMMISSION BUS LYES S. lAHE undersigned begs leave to tender his ser . vices to the public generally, in the above jline of business —he pledges himself to use all dil igence, give personal attention, and to exert him self to tiie best of his abilities to give general sat isfaction and to promote the interest of all those that may think proper to favor him with their cus tom. Liberal advances will be made on all pro ; duce committed to his charge, either for sale, ex ■ portation, or otherwise, and facilities in all cases t Cwhen requiredJ will be afforded; that but few 1. others in his line can equal, and none surpass. AH s orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. He lias taken Mr. B. 11. Warren’s Warehouse at the fool of the bridge, (better known by the name of “ Leigh’s Warehouse ”) its situation be , ng immediately upon the new wharf it thereby affords peculiar advantages to shippers, kc. The whole establishment having lately under gone a complete and thorough repair, is now in j tomplete order for the reception of all kinds ot , produce, merchandize, kc. His close stores are ' tleaniy, secure, and perfectly safe. Wm. B. Shelton. N. . Theonly Tobacco Inspection in the city, 's also kept at the above Warehouse : and for all Tobacco of the,/irj( quality, inspected here during 1 lie ensuing season, I will give six dollars per bun jdred, and in the same ratio for the more inferior - qual lies. W It. S. ; SALT, BUSHEL g , or t H | e in lots to suit e |puiclia.-ers—Apply to L j Ralph Kctchum. 1 November 1 ot 37 MANAGERS’ OFFICE. I By Authority of the Slate of Not? York- SPLENDID LOTTERY, To he Drawn in the City of New-York, on the 4lh of January, 1826. AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. 45 NUMBERS—& BALLOTS TO BE BRAWN Each ticket having; U Numbers in Combination. .1. \». \aies &A. iMTiilApee, MANAGERS. r ‘ SCHEME OF THE Xew-\oi!k fetalto \Ateratwcc. class 3, for 1826. HIGHEST PHIZE S 100,000 ! 1 pftizE of 850,000 is 850,(X)0 I do “ 20,000 is 20,000 1 do “ 10,500 is 10,500 2 do " 5,000 is 10,000 4 do “ 2,500 is 10,000 10 do " 2,000 m 20,000 l 39 do " 1,000 is 39,000 7 8 do “ 500 is 39,000 468 do “ 100 is 46,800 4,446 do “ 50 is 222,300 5,051 Prizes, 8367,600 9,139 Blanks, Less than tiro blanks to a Prize. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole - 850 I Quarter 812 50 Half - - 25 I Eighth 625 J'fiisis the most magnificent, Scheme that liasj ever been offered for the patronage of (he friends of Lottery adventure hi America- The small number of Ticket, and the unexampled demand for them, is a sufficient warrant, that there will; not be a chance left, fop weeks-before the day fix ed for the drawing, and that the price of Tick ets will shortly rise to g6O. (O' Gentlemen are therefore requested, to he early in their application, as all Orders actually mailed before the rise will be entitled to be sup plied at the present rales. *«* Notes of the Bank of the 'J. State*^au'•**.. , Branches, and, gone rally, the Notes of all tv -i that pay specie, received as par. Also, Mercantile Grafts at sight, on any of the large Cities, and Prize Tickets received freely in payment All Letters to he past paid. The Mails may be telied on as being perfectly safe for all remittances. Yates & MTntyre, IVashinglo n *City, October II 12t r 31 THE I wia©Tf ■ AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. * f T \ ■ A- G *6i* Establishment in that commodious 'Budding formerly called the BRIDGE BANK the subscriber respectfully solicits the attention | and patronage of his friends in the country and m the city ; and of all others elsewhere, whose .support is worthy to be desired. He tenders assurances that its accommodations ' are agreeably calculated to be a comfortable rest mg place lor single travellers, and foe families; constant boarders, a q , liet alld a peasant Charges will be as reasonable as those of any housei of similar conveniences, and of equal res pectubility, n ! r John M’Brydo. I - govern!, r 4 4t J, ! f P H . E Copartnership „f I) i ,X dissolved by muiu-d r ‘ ln,su & Co. was [of July last The busiiiess°of eit I 0" ,he lst day -be closed by P Alllsu Cou»iK«*r COncern »ill{ M indebted are requested ton ‘ Who,n 1,11 n J . malcepayment. i iYiniel Pars!,, :j Jasper Coning, h r , , Parish, Ho.brook &Co 1 , Chart rston. Oct IK , ( _ .. ° w2m 34 I, CO PA RTN KR4 HIP. Subscribers have forned a Copartner- ! fl * r P r 1 f. r,h ‘ :fir "> of CAiISU, COIIMNO 8c CO. and wdl transact businer at the old stand e of I), i ahisii h Co. whore the have n-w open e 500 Packages Slagle and Fancy ’ SOT ®©®SDSp i Comprising a complete assortment, which will : II be sold on favorable term*. ' ])auiel Parish, Jasper Coining, Joseph ieniochan, ,\ Thomas Parish. gj Charleston, Oct. 18 lw2m 34 jTrimka, Cots, .MaUi-tiSses, J \] mbTeWa’s Sf Tavasols. MADE AND REPAIRED. I OLD Trunks taken in exclsnge if desired. China and Glass neatly meulcd on reasons . hie terms. N. B. Horse Hides, Deer an Calf Skins, and i Moss, bought by Joseph Koderide. i Opposite the Richmond Host, Broad- street. October 14 In "2 ———hiiiw——i —wim ■«! «ftinwM.iwirniwxfi jwm—— wswtm-gt ■ com ttinstii.y stork, No. 325, iiUOAD-STRERX. I'! IK Subscriber r-n.i-uies to Iran-act the AUU . TION and COMMISSION BUSINESS. And will make liberal advances on Cons'jpi.oeni-. A. Hogg, i ' October 21 34 j ■ North American Review, - VO. xux. CONTENTS. (CLAIMS of the United Stubs on Naples ami • Holland I. Message of the President of the Hnit-d Slates to the House of Representatives rela-t five to the claim on Naples. 1 2. Message of the President of (he Uni. ted States, transmitting (he correspondence relating to the claims of the citizens of Uni ted Slates upon the Government of the Ne therlands. 11. Lord Byron’s Character and Writings, 1. 111-collections of the life of Byron. By the late It. C. Dallas, Etq 2. Correspondence of Lord Byron with « Friend ; including his Letters to his Mother ; in 1810, and 1811. 3. Journal of the Conversation of Lord Byron. By Thomas Medwin, Esq. HI. Wayland’s Discourses on the Duties of an American Citizen. . ’l'he Duties of an American Citizen ; two Discourses delivered in the First Baptist Meeting House in Boston. By Francis Way land, junr. IV. Pinkney’s Poems, Poems. By Edward C. Pinkney. V. English Common Law Reports, . Reports of Cases argued and determined in the English Courts of Common Law, Ed- ' ited by Tliomas Sergeant and John C. Low lier, Esqs. VI. Orphic Poetry. Orpheus Poetarum Graccorum Antiquissi mus. Auctore Oeoigio Henrico Unde. VH. Columbus. Codice diplomntico Colombo Americano, O.ssia liaccolta di Document! originality me diti, spettantia Chstoforo Colombo. Sic. Gtnova, 1823. VIII. Gobi and Silver in Mexico, * A report on the Expediency of Augmen ting the Duties on the Exportation of Gold and Silver, presented to the General Const i- - luent Congress of Mexico, by the Committee of Finance and Mines August 9, 1824 IX Critical Notices }• Palfrey’s Historical Discourse, 444 2. Perkins’s History of (be late War, 443 s. Wnflord'a Mercantile rcnuM.?»Kip, tsi 4, Summary view of America, 463', 5. Ad.cesses before the New-York Ac- |, ademy of Pine Arts, • 459 „ 6. 'lacon’s Plea far Africa, 462 7 uirnard’s Polyglot Grammar, 474 8. Crafts’ Address before the Palmetto 1 Society, 464 9 Blanco White’s Spanish Varieties, 469 ! Quarterly List of New Publications, 473 ' Index, 487 r JUST RECEIVED BY Horace Ely. November I 37 \IA,MA Sf MlDIANtta. PRIME HAMS*and MIDLINGS, r Just received and for mite hy s Thomas S. Metcalf. —’ALSO I — Casks Stone LIME. October 14 30 LUMBER YACTOU.ALE AND Com mission Business. < At his ok- ,n Savannah, near the Fort, and t s prepart se suitable advances upon all produce ptaceu *■ andsfor sale. .lon., Everinghara, jr. April 12 _ «3 DANCING ACADEMY. , Mi*. T. I\. Y'ttTjoWc’s fte,\\oo\ i OPENS THIS DAY. Aif R. P. wishing to detole his whole time to |ivJL this Branch of Edication, rtquest those!" (Parents who wish to cotifii’*, their children to bis Tare, to make immediate application, having I many new and elegant Dances that he wishes to ; ; I each his Pupils Mr. F. will attend as usual in ' (private Families and Seminaries when called for. 1 For further particulars, apply at Mr. J. 11. La- 1 fittz’s next door to Ur. Turpin’s Store. Broad- * Street. MUSIC LESSONS. MRS. T. B. FAYOLLM, thank.ill for the en couragement heretofore received, informs her friends and the community, that she continues giving lessons on the PIANO FORTE and SPAN- ' ISH GUITAR. Mrs. F. tenches her pupils the ’ art of singing in the newest style. Apply as in ‘ the above advertisement. -October 18 8t 33 MRS. WALTHALL,” RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the young Ladies of Augusta that she will com mence giving lessons on the PIANO FORTE mdin HINGING, at her residence—or in private Camilles as may best suit the convenience of the pupils that may be entrusted to her care. 1 iff Terms moderate, and made known on »p --’ plication at her residence, Reynold-street, first home below the Eagle Tavern- October 21 34 \ We are authorized to an ! mm nee Anski.w Brno, Esq. a Candidate for) Hhe rilf of Richmond County, wt the election iu Jan uary next. October 18 T2t t 33 ——mm—i TMR NEW LINE OF i Betir-wn Augusta and Charleston , l l * X )\V IN COWI'LBTK OIIUKII. UnitsKs an- H ie, and ilia Drivers care proprietors pledge themselves Hut timln -g slo,II he wanting that will render con yenience to the passengers. I lie Stages will . K«v Atijr.i la. every Sunday. Wednesday and I !• ,y ai 4 o’clock, A. M j and arrive in Charles ,U»n in levs than two r viiK through, sl2 JO cents. For seats, an. ply at the CITY.HO i’EL. Edward Byrd, John Randolph. November 4 g, charleston iMAIL STAtiE, I K A . S Cl)mn ieiiced running on the first Octo. vr. f v er r P !-^ fop s, ' Hls at the GL( >TBI3 TA VERN— Fare litteen Dollars October 4 261 29 TO BE RENTED On a liuiiding Lease , M THREE Lots, fronting Walk er and Watkins Streets, t posh,- t„ 'he Catholic Parsonage House. The Lots adjoin each other and will he et separately or all together, as may he desired w. W. Holt: September For Sale or to Kent. I B. B. HOPKINS offers to sell IHIBi hIH l * H ",' ie “"'I Cot in Town, and it' I iltHg ""Isold by the first of Celt her the premises may then be rented K„. IWr W ( w lbWril, L er ° ntbe Sand Hills, or of George W. Warner, Esq in Augusta. _ H. li. Hopkins. September 23 1 TO K ILN T, And immediate possession given, M Tho warehouse & lot re tilfK Cenl, y " p ';"t""d by Mr. Jnu* Ua UWKH . JtUtM "PP.«; em'. north side of RroaiL. . , 1 iw" mam roads from die intent,r leading dtreclly by this Warehouse, giv-s it treat advantage in the Cotton business. B B C Iwo other Dwelling Houses in the sirar neighborhood, are a |s () Kent Wh ' C . h be "’"'lcate, apply to r. Wa i kins and Jons Moohh, E cis. Renting Committee (or the Rank— or to Mr. Uaushu. near the premises. Augustus Moore, Cash’r. November I 4- t hy TO RENT. Two convenient Dwelling Houses and Lots, situated on Reynold-sir ee i! near the residence of Anselm llugg, Esq —Fos session given on the first day of October next. Afl’Llf TO O. Diihm. September ‘27 27 Mto rent, From the first day of October next, tor one year, the House ami Lot on M in tosh-Street, where Mr. Patrick Kelly now lives. Apply to Robert I). W are or to Wm. VV. Holt. Susan B. W are. August 2 ji .. TO RENT, ML A commodious Dwelling liovftk on Houston-street, between Green and El lis streets, containing four Rooms and in each Room a lire plucc—Enquire the premises or of R. R. Reid. November 4 38 To Toaclwra. A SET of excellent School Furniture for sale, such as Tables, (tenches, large Maps, &c. md a good STOVE suitable for a School-Room or a Store Enquire of 0. W. Warner, Esq, Au gusta, or the subscriber a 1 the Sand Hills. D. JB. Hopkins. September 27 ... 27 Notic“. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Cotton Merritt, deceased, are requested to render their accounts in properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to Comfort Mcrrit, ildmr’x. Burke County May 1825 I3t t 91 I , 1 THE FOLLOWING liLtllictSt, OF THE MOST APPROVED FORMS May be hud at this Office, —to wit : MARRIAGE Licences, do, Ronds, Adminis tration do. Letters Teitamentary, do. of Guardianship, do. of Administration, do. of Ap. rraisement, do. Ditmissory, Recognisances, Snb pumas, Rills of Sa’e, Powers of Attorney, Deeds ol Conveyance. She riff’s Titles, Retail Li. cerces, I’atrocn’s Receipts, Mortgages. Acnrcn. pices’ Indentures, &c. he, 5 1 September 9