The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 11, 1825, Image 3

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"Mv name having been before the nation or t ie office nfChiel Vt igistrate (luring the time I served ns your Senator, placed me in a situation truly delicate; hut delicate as Vt was, my friends do not, and my enemies cannot, charge me with descending from the independent ground then occupied, with de grading the trust reposed in me, bv intrigu j mg for the Presidential chair. As, by a resolution of your body, you have thought proper again to present my name to the « American people, [ must entreat to be ex cused from any further service in the Senate; UJid to suggest, in conclusion, that it is due to mvselt to practice upon the maxims re commended to others ; and hence, feel con strained to retire from a situation where temptations may exist and suspicions arise of the exercise of an influence tending to my own aggrandizement.” [C/ias. Patriot. »• It is one sign.” say* the National In telligencer, “of she scarcity of current mo / ney caused by the want of confidence arris ing from the return of so many protested bills from England, that U- s - Bilnk Stock has within a few weeks ,k dined three or tour per cent in the market.” In the treaty recently concluded bJ* YV ’ een 1 the King of Portugal and the Empero." ' Brazil, under the auspices of Sir Chariot Stewart, and having for its object the re cognition by Portugal of the independence * , of Brazil, there is stated to be a singular reservation, contained in its first and se cond articles. While the King of Portu / ( gal establishes the independence of Brazil and allows his son Don Pedro to adopt the title of Emperor, he stipulates that he him self is also to enjoy the same title. Ano ther article stipulates that the King of Por tugal is to take every means of re-uniting I the Portugues colonies in South America with the Brazilian empire. The most im portant part of the document is the article which continues the establishment of the same commercial relations which have here tofore been observed between the two countries mentioning specifically that the duties shall be reciprocal and at 15 per cent. The treaty was signed by the following party: Charles Stewart, Louis Jose de Carvallhoe. M'dlo, Baras de Stanto Ainaro, Francis de Vidello Barbossa. [Halt. American. St. JVDUKiVS' NOTICE. 1/pMOSK who are disposed to join (he Anntver iA Bor\ <.f “ Si- Andrew” will ple«s- meet si Hie Eagle Tavern on Saturday the 12th 'mat. a; 7 o’clock, n tae evening, to adopt nvasirea fur | the celebration, which rakes place on the 30th inst. November II It 40 &t. I‘auV’is LVuwch »A\vg\i-Ati, | November 10th, 1825. THE Pews belonging to this Church, will be off-red toy rent on Wednesday next, 16th inst. at lU, \. M. Win H. Jones, Sec’ry. November 11 2f 40 a®i II (‘lt CKS firs< quality Thomastown Just received and for side l:y Dewar & Kolh ringliam, Upp-r end !h out! street. November 11 It 40 And Repairing. 1 T\\«maa U. VlaU. HAVING engage' first rate workmen in eve ry branch ot the above ban ness, is M ami* factoring light an I fashionable Gigs and Carri ages, and flatters himself that bis experience in (be business will enable bun (ogive satisfaction to such as may wish to favor him with their or ders. Repairing in all branches at short notice on the most reasonable terns On\wiu(V ioT SsaVft. Light Carriages, Gigs and fancy Wagons -U.SO, A superior Plantation Wagon, November 11 r 40 ” xNKW AKIiWGP:\IE For Dispatch. Augusta and Savannah Through in twenty-six Hours. £TpilE public are respectfully informed that the wA proprietors of the above line, feeling every ■disposition to render it the most desirable, have determined to nn through from b'avannah to Au gusta m twen'y-six hours, leaving S'vannalt at 5 o’clock, A. M. and Augusta at 8 o’clock A. M. They are provided with the most careful and ex perienced dr.ver-, the Stages corrporlable, and the horses superior, in short the whole arrangement js such, that they anticipate universal satisfaction. For sea's, apply at (he City //otel Savannah and »t th- Glob- Tavern Augusta. Hilbert Lonsrstreet, ) „ . 3 ’y.lurusta. Wm. Shannon, $ 3 George Millitn, Savannah. ■N. W- I'o meet the views ot the mercantile com: ' ,r > *l*e fulles’ extern, the time of arri • vil aitu' departure is such that letters can be an swered tiV- s * me November it 40 By A. Bugs, This Morning;, If th inst. »It II o’- clock:. In front of his Awe ion Store. No. ’>’s. It road Sir’el, for account f >,io t s nmj enc '.t. 1 /f ile homespuns, partially dimagtd —ALSO— -1 Patent Balance 1 tr.unight Iron cheat 1 Cooking stove 12 large Iron bound stat'd caik* A quantity of castings &c. —AISO— -19 casks Cheese and si quantity of Tobacco. Terms at Su/e. November 11 ft 40 On Wednesday Morning. 23d inst. AT 10 O’CLOCK, tVill be sold before our Auction Store, A general assortment of Belonging to the estate of Mr. James Rus sel, deceased, CONSISTING IN PART OK MEN’S and Lad es’ Saddles, Saddle Trees, Hridles Rifts of various kinds, IThips; Sti r;t,i Irons-, Buckles; Moulding; Birness; IF-jb bings; Coll; rs &c &c &c Term -Under SIOO cash; nv r SIOO payable fin. 1 ’ of February oext; for approved paper liy o) "der the ad ninistrntors. Ki'tspr & Bowdre, Jluc’rs. November 11 40 The Third Drawing OF THE AUGUSTA MASOJVa t C HALL LOTTERY. IS OVER. And the Whe«d is still overflowing with TtICH CAPITAL PHIZES THERE STILL REMAIN - TO BK DRAWN, 1 Prize of 830,000, 1 Prize of 20,000, 3 Prizes of 10,000, 4 Prizes of 5,000, 4 Prizes of 1,000, 10 Prizes of 500 /' * Besides SlOOO’s,* god’s in great abundance.* The TouttVv Drawing Will Ukr place on WEDNESDAY the 14 ti day of December next. Purchasers will do well to come forward with •iu< delay, as Tickets will soon Rise. Recollect that >hc Pi ze of $lO 000 drawn ye*, terday, might have been obtained half an hour before the Drawing tyr Ten Dollars. lO* TICKETS and SHARES may yet be had at the original price at —Lottery Office, No. 241, Hroad-Slreet. WHO’ E TICKETS, $lO 00 HALVES. .. . / 5 00 QUARTERS, ! 2 50 J. 8. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. November 11 40 r v,s® valuable lots, Ilf ILL he S'M at Public Auction, on Weu- T» nesdat, the seventeenth day of Oecembi" next, to the highest bidder in the (own of Ham rubo. South-Carolina. One half of the pnr clnse money cash—the other half to be on inter es at seven per cent per annum, payable annu ally. The Notes of the Hank of Hamhuru of (lie Specie paying banks of South-Carolina, and of the Hank of the United States, will be received in payment. The pit-chasers will br required to make improvements within two years. Indisputable titles will be made. Henry Shultz. Hamburg, S. C. Nov. 11 id 40 Land and Negroes. TH E Subscriber fTer-. for sale, that valuable PLANTATION within twelve mile« ot ibis city, containing 878 acres. 200 acres cleared and under a good fence—well adopted to the cul ture of corn and cotton, lately owned by Mr. Robert Malone of this place. The situation is surpassed by none in puiml of health. The im provement thereon, is a comfortable DIVEL LING HOUSE —good stables—corn house, tc. the plantation can he had 21 NEOHOES, consisting of Men, Women, and Children, ac cnßomed to work on a farm. Aho. a small s'oek of CATTLE and HOUSES —fs r ming nlen ails. Btc. The shove will be sold a bargain, for cash, and posseasnm may be had on the first day of Janu iry next, those who wish to purchase, can exam ine the Land 5c Negroes by calling at the planta tion, and for turther particulars apply to James Patterson. November 11 3t 40 mo tick! A PPLICATION will be made to the 7/bnorab'e nL the Inferior Court of Columbia Countv sitting as a Court of Ordinary, on the first Mon lay in December next, for an order for a writ I of distribution, to div'-tie and lav off the legacy of I.anJ' brq ieath“d lames S Turner, bv his fsaher John Turn ■, deceased, in his last will and tesii m >ny. .4:1 parties concerned, are hereby noli tied 8, Crawford. November tl It 41 Blank Deeds of Conveyance, NEAT LI PMNl'fn ON VEI.MM FSPCR, For sate at this OJ/ice. JAMES M'BOWALL. Has la'iim. U ■ *:.»r ■ •> •» . H Kkrzie fk HK.fv. tir. Sire; Hull '■ "g, CComer of Bru .il . ml C ISimfs ) W11..1., UK IS NOW It Ks KIVI Nil. —Ar Mteuiw and u'.-o ted tufihlg of— FAi.i, ami wivrmi (£1 IX£)3D3 a —AMUNO WHICH AUK — 10N0"N l):iffi and Ross Blankets R d A ivlii e, ami green Flannels, while Pi tins and henvy C.issinel- . lor n.gii clothing, super blue black did* Cloths mi.l C jssimeres black • 'i blut mi tin re Batineits, ;v’n 1 Sco'ch Plaids, blue Camblels, Hosiery naaorted, plain tnd figured Unmlm-its, Prin's as-orted. Li-;,..., tmi Lawns. bird eye and Prus-ia Diapers, 4 4 a ul 6 4 Cambrics assorted, plain and figured b-mli ind Swiss Muslins, , and Mull Hu. ricu figured black and colored Silks, super bh-ck Its ■inn Lu-lririg and Leventine Si'ks, green i In- Pence do. Canton and Nankeen Crapes, figured robe Drestes, Boegefor Ladies lire sses, (hand some patterns,) Peruvian Dresses, Gtcze Hand kerchiefs and Scarfs, Scarlet, black Merino and Gassimere Shawls, black B-nib.z ens. Ladies and GentVmens Gloves, Linen Cambrics and Linen Cambric Mandke chiefs, thread mid Hob inett Laces, Ilubineil Veils and Tippets, Claik’s spool Co'fon, domestic Goods Assorted, f£c. sfc. AND DULY EXPECT TO RECEIVE, Tortoise Shell, T .ok a;id side Combu i 'nock Sh' II do. Looking 1 (liases aborted silk, 1 Um irulUa and Parasols, &c. Which are offered at low prices, wholesale or retail tor CASH or approved Paper. October 21 4t „ 34 Received on GoiWigument, And fur sue at reduced p ices, and on accofnmo dating terms. TT' * r ' !ne ,l K ar 3 boxes and 1 Barr d Havana White ( j 0 2CI Barrels Mackeral 2CO Boxes first quality Soap, in small bote* to suit families 2d Transparent shaving do 3 Cases Letter ami Writing Paper, 200 Pieces Cotton Bagging 42 inch ,12 flaskets fresh Olive Oil JO Half casks best Teucriife Wine in 15 & fjilinn Casks 75 flag's Hffe 25 Pieces 50 Boxes i) v s' Cologne Water 50 11 x sexcel/- 1 1 1 VVine 2 Barrels Ornogf-s. A FRESH tiUPfLT OP .' SAOT) 3eS3i3» JUST RECEIVED. AFPtr TO B. Picquet. November 8 2t .19 THE HOWARD EYSUIU VC i\ I'o •ifPAJVYf fnco 'poratrd hy the L’g>filature of the Slate of *h*iu \ur!c. for the of Lieu iuif Rouses aiu\ other UuiiAuvgs, MKHOMANDIHH2 And other personal Property LOSS OR DAMAGE BY ' and Also, To Insure against the // g .,<-dt of Inland jXaviga ttou or /*• a>sporf(uion Capital u s>tocft, S 300,000, Which has all bee ' paid in C \SH, and the pub he may rely with confidence upon die whol* suni being 1 alwavs available to nv j el its eu^ogements. Ihe subscriber having been appointed Agent or the above Cmnoany will, in its name. Insure against Loss bv Fire and Hazard ot Inland Navi gation, on as favourable terms as can be done in this city. A. (’amfield, Agent for Howard Insurance Company. N. B. P— sons living in the country can have Insurance »ffected by addreasi gibe Agent, giv mg a d- scriptinn of the premises to be iniuted, /‘oil paid Amrnsta. Oct. 95 1895 35 , H FiltK THE MECHANIC'S FIRE Insurance Company, NEWARK, NEW-JERSEY, 1 H'VB appointed ttie Subacribei their Agent who will receive proposals fo- ISSUU ANCfc. against FIRE and ttie R ks of luVand Navigation, on the most liberal terms, at Ns. 269, Broad Street, Augusta. James Harrison, Agent. Oct' b»r 28 ih 34 H e are authorised to an nounce Holland M I yue, Esq. a Gandidate lor the Office ol Sherifi' ot UichmondCounty, at iht •ntuing e'ec'ion. October 25 35 Xolice to Cvfcd’toira. YOU will please to take notice l-al 1 shall ap- 1 ply to the Honorable the Infrior Court ol t Richmond county, at their next it -ir term in 1 December, for tiie benefit of the r.veral acti ol hr L-gi lature of the Stat . of Gergia “ for the - r lief of insolvent debtor-, and the? creditors." Chauncy Bradley. i November 1, 1825 lit r 38 * M’ROWMiL & K HAVE . moved into 'be Brick Budding 11 Cam bel l - trvei, (up Pjiw.) iminetiia-fly in the r. of M.Kknzik i. Bennoch's Brick Uullding, B:oad-sirtet, and -di'or thvir renimning 8 ) Oi CJ O O I) s, By H helesd'e. a! extremely low prices, for Cos or Town acceptances only. Country Merchants and others wid find it nutc 1 0 their interest to Call, as it is intended to cm 'hr concern as early as posable, : I he folio-suing comprises ttu assortment in pen t : - BALES extra super heavy London DufH. Point and Rose Blankets. 4 2 Bales (Kiy it. Son:.) sup.r VA'hite Plain. 17 8 wide . 22 Pieces ltd, white and yellow Fiamul”, 40 Pieces plain and figured black Bomb .zed*, Black, blue, drab ami olive, double ~,.d sin- I gle mill’d Clothes and Cassimeres, Blue, crimson and beet root Police Ll.illt.i, Men's, women’s and boy's white, black and 1 mixed lambs wool, worsted aoo cotton s Hosiery. I The above Woollens were imported last No v. tuber, and ate of superior quality, and much » lower charged than tltose imported this Fall. ALSO — 35 4-4, 54, 64, 7 4 and 8-4 black, plaid ant! • white Merino Shawls, which will be sold by the single, at first cost. „ 100 Pieces fresh imported 44, 5-4 and 6 4 Cam brics, Book, Leno «nd Mull Muslins, r TOO ETHER f A H A GENERAL ASSORTMENT CF Cotton Goods, 4*c. 4*c. October 11 j 9 gj iiVst ol Lettocs, Remaining in the POS I -OFFICR, Waynesboro’ Geo. lat October, 1825 Archer .las rr Alex’r | Hilburn Joseph Byne Richard | Holliday capt Abner • Elisha j Hampton Thomas B*.<t Samuel >,lunsion J.-rge BAicr Archibald } Lester 8 las M • Brown William U 3 i Lewis B II Green | Lambert John G L, | Martins John or Wm Collins Lewis F \ M’Kay Alexander Clements ff-tgli t Melton Peter Cross Stephen | Me Caw le y George 1 Crall Charles j Peterson Seaborn Hoyle William { Pe-kins D.iVid Drake Mi j R berts Simeon Osv.B William I Stallings John Farmer Isaac | Smith John Farrow Jtose | | s | e y Mary Fj-iyd Matthew j Spain Lewelling Finney Sarah \ Vickers Nathan Gough George I Wallace Slirittg Hurst Major | Welch James Hale William > Walker Nancy Hatcher Thomas j E. Garlick, p. m. November 11 3* r 40 Strdyed otp fttoVen. 4 Tor near tire plantation of Mr. .Ino, Marion seven miles from Augusts, on or about h 14 h u|t. three Cattle, one cathead Cow with red sides, white back and belly and red head-on bbxk Cow with horns* a white spot in her fore nead anu white spot* on her rump—o tie cathead yearling, with white and red spots, a!) marker ivith a swallow fork in each ear, and branded with an H or Y not known which, as there wert two brands among the stock. Any person sc curing said Cattle, or giving information ol them, shall receive a generous reward. Apply 10 Jno. S. and K. A. /lbit. (rid. Ha good. II ncock County. NoV“mber 11 10 Notice. * WILL be sold at the I oe residence of Sarah Cart ledge, of C dumb a comity, deceased, ■lll th - 24ih inst. the remaining part of the pr." perty belonging to the estate of ElLlia Walker, deceased, cousis ing of Land, Negroes, Household and Kitchen F mill!re, Horsts, Hog, and Cattir, 10. gether with a quantity of Corn, Fodeer and olh er articles too_ lediyius to enumerate. Terms of Sale, mie'e known on the d y. David Walker, Ex’r. November 11 3t 40 A Cook Wanted. lIBEIML wages will he paid for a stead' A Winch, of good character, to cook aim wa.»h for a small family. Enquire at this office. November 11 It 40 ssspjtbT JlftS. .MAWKS, RESPEC FPULLY inform he r friends and the public that her SCHOOL is now op- ned a' her residence on Ellis-stieet, for the reception of children. It will be her unremitting study to give satisfaction to those who may place their children under her care, November 8 2t 39 ' NOTILK. ~ '■pflE undersigned have been appointed a*- *■ signeea of Andhsw Low 81 Co. of nab, merchants, and ol Isaac Low & Co. of Li verpool, merchants, by deed of assignment bear mg date of (hr 11th of August 1825 :—AH per sens indebted to either of tlie said firms on tht day of the date of said assignment or subsequent ly, are hereby required lo settle the same with us or either of us, (or with Mr. James Taylor, , who is our au'homed attorney) as we »?e the ■inly persons authorized to receive, and receip- , ior the same. ■' Beni. Hurrough/O a . a William Gaston, J try The Editors of the Milletlgeville Recorder t sn-i Augusta Constitutionalist, will please publish 1 the shove one month and forward their bills to the Republican office for payment. Savannah, Nr v. 1, 1395 5t 39 Wanted at thig office, a young lad Irnm 15 to 16 years of ege, nt industrious bah ts as an apprentice to the Printing Business. Vvize Vist OF THE J UGUSrrjI M isoXL HALT, THIRD HAY’S DRAWING. Those number* lo which- no Frizes are- ailized are a PtN DOLL AH FKI/.KS. No. 1 87 616 717 34 96 694 742 115 190 817 127 342 9039 912 132 417 63 972 133 462 118 977 170 552 123-50 980 181 581 150 992 225 588 212 . 277 603 264 13009 340 640 983 20 353 678 372 34 386 754 459 73 39S 778 466 88 420 833 471 143 445 866 535 192 475 889 563 320 ! 306 897 • 620 324 I 619 940 658 359 683 69$ 444 717 5041 698 454 750 64 765 564 751 114 772 709 876 175 787 787 883 217 791 829 885 241 804 872 - 954 274 841 873 993 303 928 » 383 10019 977-100 1023 477 68 995 70 489-100 91 85 507 101 14180 95 516 118 210 152 A 580 177 271 174 637 iKO 282 216 672 193 297 225 783 225 457 346 804 249 518 397 B*s 267 528 430 870 3)7 661 471 883 318 674 479 887 357 678 501 980 430 702 503 442 739 552 6031 SJO 775 568 118 570 866-50 624 196 590 954 644 263 650 654 299 717 15048 665 354 719 64 7 57 433 721- 90-50 . 813 452 740 154 903 463 753 242 905 471 803 346 935 489 806-100 423 985-100 490 848 460 996 514 867 585 —- 546 891 717 2011 559 937 747 20 561-30 999 , 33 77 2 UO3B 107-50 832 88 16024 189 851-100 133 33 i 202 880 159 45 249 898 160 155 1 2fi 9 196 156 297 7000 241 166 324-10,000 HI 271 237 335 113 286 240 549 128 293 304 682 178 345-50 440 699 25 5 388 513 764 261 462 546 795 302 466-50 548 796 322 475 676 880 404 599 730 925 473-50 610 806 962 496 620-30 902 969-50 547 635 991 995 396 686 -* 653 700 17018 3002 657 723 98 18 664 730 122 67 689 766 209 104 714 924 245 168 743 937 352 2»2 856 366 556 902 12009 371 382 924 36 383 423 67 451 466 8008 85 462 6 11 34 91 493 394 88 168 502 619 217 170 593 626 257 176 627 697 266 401 659 73 9 280 544 675 776 325 550 687 785 355 552 706 919-100 380 579 756 ■ 383 632 764 4026 450-100 667 826 39 556 680 830 80 , 714 891 965 J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. November 10 GKOKCiI.V, Cohmhi.i Court y. WIIKUKAS Wilburn Whitaker, applies for Le’- (era of Adminiairation on the Bstafe of .loahua If bitaker, la'e of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the sa : d deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to file their objec tions (If any they have) In shew cause why'said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at offie-, in Columbia, this 7lh day of November, 1825. 40 H. Crawford, Clk. ViDuk and IVinUns, Really Executed at this Ofptt. . A ■v