The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, November 15, 1825, Image 3

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Constitute n v list. AUGUSTA. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1825. WE have just rocciveil information that the will of General Clark has been done at Milledgeville, and that five new Judges have t been elected to-wit : Messrs. Schley, Fort, . Kenyon, Underwood and M* Donald. t Judge Dooly was permitted to remain in , office because of his politicks, ami Judge , Wayne was saved to the Bench by an influ ’ I v ential Clark friend. The same course we, c are told is to be adopted in filling the offices of Secretary of State, Treasurer, Surveyor- J General, Comptroller, Keeper of the Peni- s tentiary, &c. all are to be Clark men, and ( the Republicans are to go overboard. Georgia at this moment presents a curious j state of things—The Governor’s election is j just over, and George M. Troup, has j been elected by the majority of the people, but in the Legislature where that majority | should be fairly represented, our enemies ; prevail, and if the Governor were to be cho sen by the General Assembly, Clark would be elected by about twenty-five votes'. And yet these very men, who oppose openly the will of the majority, so clearly expressed in the late Governor’s election--these men de dare that they are not devoted to a man, but to principle—they are not parti/ans—no not they—they are the People’s men! I his language is so unblushing and so obviously intended to cajole and deceive, that the peo ple will soon perceive the hollowness and im pudence of those that use it. People’s men ! have they voted according to the will of the People ?—No!—Look to the returns of the Governor’s election and the question is so answered. Upon what principle then do they make their elections ? Undoubtedly up on the single consideration of Pari;/ ; yes— a parly hostile to the wishes of a majority of the people. We hazzanl nothing in saying that such a party cannot long exist, and we doubt not that the people bestowing due care upon the next election of Senators and Members, will set all to rights again. In the mean while not much harm can be done ---the People’s Governor is at his post aid will firmly exercise the powers given him by the Constitution. Some Republicans to be sure will be put out of office—-but this is of no consequence ; offices with us are not held for life—and when the people are truly represented in the Legislature, those who are deserving will be retained in office, a-.d those only who are not, will be turned out. ~OC® — The Murder.— The' body of Mr. John M’Kinnon, was yesterday morning found floating in the river at the Steam Boat Com pany’s Wharf, having apparently just risen ; with marks of violence on it—thus reali zing our worst fears respecting the cam e of his mysterious disappearance .A | Coroner’s Jury was immediately held, who ■ were arduously engaged during nearly 1 the whole of yesteiday, in examining tes timony and taking depositions. Some of our ablest surgeons and physicians minute ly examined the body and dissected those parts bearing marks of violence. There were two severe contusions on the head— one on the fore and one on the back part, which after an examination of the brain and adjacent parts, were decided to have been the primary cause of his death.—On the back, between the shoulders, was a serious wound, apparently inflicted by some heavy instrument or stone. The inquest and examination were held at Justice Mills’ office, during which, from depositions made, two suspected persons (we withhold their names) were brought up, examined ami committed. There appears now to he but one opinion on the subject, that Mr. M’E. has been most foully mur dered, by some miscreant as yet, unknown, and the greatest excitement exists among our citizens against the author of the hor rid deed. No reward would be two great ff»r him who will bring the guilty to justice. The funeral of Mr. M’Kinnon took place last evening, from his late residence on the Common, with Military honors by the corps of Chatham Artillery, of which he was one of the oldest members. ’The members of the Jury, deserve cred it for the patience with which they perform ed their painful duty. The following is their verdict: “That the deceased John M’Kinnon, came to Ids death by sundry blows, inflict ed upon his head and between his shoul ders, and by being thrown into the river Savannah, when in a state of insensibility, caused by such blows; or that he had been deprived of life by Violence, and his body thrown into the river.” Sau. Georgian, 12 th rust. The Banks were to ’be closed, and the publication of the newspapers suspended, at, New-York, on Friday, the .4th mst. on the occasion of the Grand Canal celebration. Vate from Trance. VIA CHARLESTON. Arrival of General Lafayette. The French brig- ha Dryad, Captain BOLT VIK’R, arrived him* last evening, in -6 days from Havre, brings the ‘newspapers of that city, and commercial ad the 12lh ult. It affords us great happiness to state the safe arrival, on the 4th ult. of General LAFAYETTE in the frigate Brandywine, at Havre, in a passage of little more than *2O (lays. The usual na tional salutes were exchanged between the American frigate and the forts at Havre, and (Jen. LAFAV KT J’K, accompanied by Luptaiii MORRIS, who remains for a time in Franck, proceeded for Par'ts. The frigate departed immediately for (Gibraltar, from which we may conclude the report, from whatever source or mo tive it originated, of her being in a leaky condition, is entirely without foundation.! Three French vessels arrived at ./Marseilles on the Ist and 2d October, from Alexandria, (Egypt.) with 2966balesof Cotton. | Sir vV alter Seett arrived in Paris on the sth of October. Trials Have made of the Pernambuco Colton, the last i season, in Upper Egypt, and they are said to have succeeded to I the satisfaction of the government. We do not find any thing of much importance in the papers ■ some few translations follow. We ha/e been fayored by the Consignees of ha Dry as, with 1 the following interesting Commercial hellers: •• //. iv/e, Oct. 12.-—Already a vessel has arrived from Liverpool with 352 bales of Cotton, and we have advices of 3000 shipped for different ports in France, and similar shipments from London. Our advices from Liverpool are of the morning of the Bth, the spies ofCot ten that week ending that day, amounted to 11,136 bales, which 1100 were at public auction. In the above quan tity about 47U0 Uplands ; prices, from 7d in 10 1-2 J, the greatest pari ranged from 7 3 -4d to 3d, the arrivals in that week were 14,457 —2178 ffojn K. Indies. The increase of die imports in England for this year were 2.’»0,000 bales. Under all these cir cumstances, and on the eve of new arrivals, it is impossible to cal culate upon high prices this year. Prices here, Georgia, 24 ft 29 sous; Louisiana,29 a 3k.” The following is an extract of another letter of the same date “ Since our lust advices, the discouraging news from Liver pool have made the prices of our Cotton decline a little, although the demand has been sufficiently active during the end of the last qionth.- -Some sales made in Liverpool, and the fear of see ing importations from them, can alone explain the eagerness of many holders to realize. Our slock on hand the 30th Sept, was 16600 bags. Since that time the market has languished, and it was only on the day before yesterday, that it was a little roused by the presence of some buyers. There were sales ’made during tne day, of 2200 bags, without any increase. Yesterday there were also sold from 6 to 700 bales. “ There have already arrived, 342 bags for Liverpool, part of a purchase made by a house of tins City. You may nevertheless calculate that good Cottons, which are extremely scarce will sustain their prices. I refer you to the subjoined price current: Sales of the Hbt.---27 Georgia Uplands, good 26s ; 32 Tennes see 26s ; 22 Louisiana, very good, 345; 31 do. ordinary 30s 3 ; 100 do. prime, 355; 63 ./Mobile, good ordinary, 265; 250 Small Louisiana, good, 295; 230 Georgia, prime, 275. 1 Translations from Havre Papers ] hundon, Oct. 5.-- Prince Esterhazy, ambassador from Austria, and the Count Villa Real, Portuguese ambassador, had a con ference on ./Monday with J)1 r. Canning. A Greek brig arrived this morning at Portsmouth, and is quar antined. JVlr. Stratford Canning embarks this day at the same port, on board the Thetis frigate, for Constantinople. The consolidated Funds for the liquidation of the current month opened at 83 1-4, and were at 2 o’clock, 88 1-3 L3B 3-3. ./Money is extremely scarce. South-American funds have still further , declined. Cotton improved a little in price at the commencement of the , last week, but the dnmand has since declined. The sales of the week were 4600 bales ; 2100 Bengals at 5 3-4 a 6 l-4d ; 1100 Su rats at 5 3-4 a 7 l-2d ; 750 Pernams 12 l-4d a 12 3 4 ; 280 Geor gia Upland 9 1-4 a 10 l-4d, the whole in bond. It was resolved in a Cabinet Council held at Windsor on Wed nesday, to pubjish a Proclamation, putting in execution the pro visions of the act concerning enrollments la foreign serv ice. This Proclamation, after recounting the happy state of peace and • friendship in which England stands with foreign powers, goes on ’ to declare that in the war which exists between the Ottoman : Porte and the Greek?, their adherents, are fitting out vessels ol war and privateers in the ports of England, commanded by offi ;• cers, and, manned by English sailors to cruize against Turkish vessels, makes itnecessary to put’in execution the provisions of the act which forbids his majesty’s subjects from enrolling them selves in foreign service, or of arming in his majesty’s dominions, vessels destined to the operations of war, without his permission. The King therefore recommends to all his subjects, to take no part in the aforesaid hostilities, notifying them that every infrac tion of the law will be considered as a criminal act, and in case of conviction, will subject the delinquents to fine and imprisonment. All vessels engaged in such operations of war wiU be coniiscated, and all the officers of his majesty's naval forces are charged to seize them wherever they may be /ound. Pans, Oct. B. Letters from Cofistantinople of the 3th Sept, state, that Capl. Washington and Gen. Roche haVe quitted Na poli de Romani, where discord deigns, and have relired'to Syra. It is staled from /.ante, of the 11th Sept, that Heschid Pacha has made a second attack upon JMisKolonghi, in which he had no belter success than in his first attempt —He has lost much of his army. ’* e M. LA FAYETTE quitted'Havre at 6 o’clock in the morning, with n numerous cavalcade, composed of young gentlemen of the first houses in the city, who accompanied him two leagues on us journey. Fount Lacepeele, Peer of France, and Memberof the Legion of Honor, has died of small pox, at the age of 70 years. Antwerp, Oct. 3.—200 barrels of Carolina Rice have been sold at 15 fl. ] l aris, Oct. 9. —The Baron Mackau and M. Saint Crieg, are appointed lo prepare, in concert with the, envoys of Hayli, the commercial arrangement# resulting from the ordinance relative to Hayti. The Swedish Government has resolved to send a C onsul to Hayti. Tho Canal de. Saint Manr will be opened on Monday next for navigation. By a decision of the King, this Canal will bear the name of Marla Theresa. The two sons.of the brave Canaris have arrived in France where they are lo be educated. Accounts from Corfu, of the loth Sept, states, that the insurrec tion of the Candiols is making rapid progress-- the Greeks of the Isles, the most active defenders of their cause, have sent lo the assistance of their countrymen a reinforcement of 2500 men, but they are without means or amnuilion. Letters from Catalonia confirm th * death of the Archbishop of Tarragona, and announce that the Bishop of Torlosa is danger ously ill. Foreign Intelligence. By the ./Mary Catharine at Charleston.—lt was reported that a ship of war, probably the Java, was to be fitted lo take out a new Governor-General to India ; and that his Grace the Luke of Buckingham had accepted of that appointment. Tho Dock and Basin at Portsmouth had both been drained, since the late unfortunate accident, but n-> more bodies were found. The whole number drowned was sixteen. At an aggregate meeting of the C’atholicks ol the county of Donegal, on the 15th September, resolutions were unanimously adopted, returning their most sincere anjl grateful thank:, to Earl Gray the Marquis of Lansdown, Karl Harroby. Si* Fran cis Burdetl, Right Hon. Geo Canning, Right Hon. \V.C. Plunkett, H. Brougham, Esq. and a l l the other members of Parliament, who advocated in either house the cause of reli gious liberty. Alderman Venables has been elected Lord Mayor of London for the year enduing. LIVERPOOL, October 1 There is not, in the foreign intelligence of tlie week, any cir cumstance of any peculiar interest or consequence. The Ottoman Porte is said to he much alarmed by t he news of the possible interference of England in the affair be tween her and her Greek subjects, or those who were till late ly her subjects. The newspapers would lead us to believe that more is thought of this by the British cabinet than we. judging not by fact, but probability, should have thought would be the case. We shall see . The accounts from the scene of warfare in Greece arc such as to give pleasure to those who feel interested for that strug gling people ; yet is nothing of that decidedly important char acter that may give hope of any greatly favourable turn ol affairs. Liverpool, October 1. Our Cotton market has been dull all the week, and prices have declined l-4d per lb. generally, with the • ception of good qualities of Upland and New Orleans, which remain without change, being scarce and much wauled by the consumers. The total salt of the week amount to 10 399 (of which 500 Ameri can, and 1000 Afarauharn were taken on speculation, and 300 Per nambuco ami 1700 American lor exportation ) vi/.. 3767 Upland, 886 at 71 1a 7 l-2d, 800 at 7 5-8 a77 Bd. 957 at 6a 7 l-2d. 80C at 758 a 7 7-Bd, 957 atß aBl-4d, 481 at 3 1-2 a 8 3 4d, 125 at 0 a 9 1-id 105 at 9 1-2 a 9 3-4 d, 264 at 10d, 33 at 10 1-4 a 10 l-2d 1 53. i VO. 41 at 3 1-2.1, 136 at 9 l’a 9*5-84, 88 at 9 3-4 a !• 7-Bd, 449 at !od, 214 at 10 1-4 a 10 l-2d, 235 at 11 a 11 J-4d, 20 ui 1 1 2d, 1735 Tennessee &c- 269 at 71- 2a7 J 4d, 999 at 7 7-8 a 3d 30 at 3 1-Bd, 387 at 8 3-4 a 9d, 100 at 9 3-4 a lOd, 216 Sea Island 13 at 15 l-2d, 108 at 7d. 20 at 18 3 4 a 19 I-2d, 35 at 20d, 35 at 2J 1-2 a 22d, 125 stained do 10 at Bd, 24 at 1-2 a 10d.76 at 11 j Hd, 15 at 1 id, 40 ' Permmbucco 253 at 12 1-4 a 12 1 2d. 150 a 1 2.5 84. 491 Bh| ia, 30 at 11 a 11 1 4xl. 302 at II 1-2 a 11 3- id 100 at 11 7-3 a l : 2d, 12 at 12 1-ld, 1635 jnaranham, 4o at lid, loot at 11 1 Id, 495 at !) 1-2 a 11 3-4 d, 5o at l id, 8 Para at lo 1 2d on Dcmerara at ll l-2d, lo Carthagcna at9d.B6 Egyptian, 4o a I I 1-2 all 3-Id, 2o at 12 al2 1-4, 26 at 12 1- Jd, 115'Sural lo a 1 6d, at 6 I id, 15 at 71- ld, 9o Bengal, 2o at 6 l-2d, and 7o a 6 a 6 1-ld per lb. There continues Tittle doing in Tobacco, in Carolina Rice nothing done Sales advertised. —monday, 3d October, 2130 bis. Turpentine VVedaesday, sth 250 bales repacked Cotton. (liY THE DRYAD AT CHARLESTON.) , Havre, Oct. 1/ 1 j JO— l Mur cotton rn.rket win h had been dul ' for some time, yesterday h-* J sonic briskness- the sales were abou \ ,JKoo bales of all kind®—prices werv low- i u.n at former sales »ri ■ pally for th I - 1 Rto I »1 em trange, oui * slock oviug only 14,000 oales. if we wer< remote from England which has already sent some carg < md is ready 10 supply ou \ jaily want! Wk know of . oales coming from Liverpool and several vos»» U arr loading at that port and London for I lav . re and other ports of France. Our :-dv:« «■$ from Liverpool art* I t j the Bth instant. The sales of Colton for tl.r week ending the i Hth amounted to 14.138 holes-—J 100 ol which at pnMir sale- -of j ! Uplands 4*ooball s sold at 7to lo l-’-d ; ah. Mil .uc half ol tin* Uplands'weoVofT ..t 734 to Bd. The arrivals dm nz the faitf ; we<k amounted to H,4s7bales, of which 2,178 were from Bombay. Under all those vircunislanres, and with the new crop coming to hand, high prim s are not lo be looked for this ye r. Georgia rules from .’I to O'J sows; Loiii.-itum and IVe\v -Orleans J 9 to 3>; Rice 35 to 3t>, very dull. Lonion, Oct, s.—Cotton was much sought form the he* inning olTm- list ween, but the demand afterwards slackened. Nalcs 're Woo hales—Bengal* at 5 3- 1 tfi 1-4 ; Murats 534 a 7 J-2 ; Per nnins 1-} Ha 3-4; Uplandsd 1-4 alo 1-4--all in tyoud, IDairiefc, 0 i the Olli Inti lb Hancock county, by the Rev. Mr. S K Hodges, Mr. .1. W . BAGHKLDKR. of this city, to MhsUAK OLf'N E M DAVIS, of the formerplaeg, *** In conformity to ike request of (lie Gouncil of mis uit\, the honr ini luvttu Service in the Roman Caltiolic Vner li. ,s anp'in. !ted a', halt slier 10 o'cljck, on TH (' K SDA V, N - ' vember irtb. ‘ ' ■j N ivember 15 It 41 J" A PUOULAMaTJOn!" ■’TlllE City Council of AugiHa, impressed wit I -1 ii sense of gratitude ttf Almighty Gudlor tin i Miiintpous blessings conferred upon our citiz ns dining the past season, and particu i.r'lv for th. i great and distinguished blessing of Wall I) will winch they have been so signally favored, h«v< ’ ipp inled THURSDAY, the 17th daV of the pi e. ct month, to be observed as A I)AY' OF VUH > I.W TUA.VKSGtVIYG Aj\D l‘/i IYE/t, a . l:u*y earnestly recommend to die Uevereud Clip gy of tins place, to assemble thejr respective con || rogations on that d iy, thatthey may unite in nt .Muring llieii tribute of praise In 111 VI. whom . every good and perfect gift proceeds ; —<aml j tli.n earnestly invite their !•’ llow-Gitizens gene .i rally to participate in the solemnities of the nc i ca-inn. O ven under mv band this lOtli November ~ id3s. Hamuel Hale, Chairman 11 ' . . i Os the City Council. November 15 4 1 j 23anft of‘Hiu^u^ta, J 14th November, 1825. i- \V die 17ih nisi, being appointed by i the city Council of Augusta, as a day of e 'Thanksgiwg and Prayer, no business will be, transacted at ibis Bank on that day. All persons concerned will please to avail them selves, ol this Notice. Augustus Moore, Cash'r. j November 15 D 41 Bank of the State of Georgia, BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, NoV. 14, 1825. ;; miiuusi). V next being set apart us a day ol d la. Thanksoivixo, this Bank will be closed. " 'Notes or Bibs intended for discount on Friday must be offered on Wednesday ptvc all g * 1. Henry, Caster. ,f November 15 1: 41 i; The Members of the Angus ° a Sunday . School Union,’ are requested to «■ ,j- tend a apicial. jnofiinjir of the SOCIK I \', at di i. Lect> re Room over the Free School, on Fill l . ') iVf evening neat, .(the. T’itb Inst ) on bnsi -0 ness of import mice—and all persons teelii.g an interest in the Sunday School and wlm are desir - nos nt' promoting its important-objects,rare invit rd also to attend. , Jiy u if- of ihe President, John H. Mann, Sec'ry. November 15 It 41 ’ Hamilton Rllieinen. TI'ENO a Company meeting, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening die 19di inst 1 at 7 o’clock, P. M. for the purpose of electing a Lieutenant, occasioned by (be resignation ot Lieut. Gould, and prepared to settle your r/uai icrly ■ | dues. !hj order of Cd\it. Cvmmino, Grant. 0. S. Nov-mber 15 2l 44 A CARD ~ V GENTLEMAN who lias filled some of the most respectable literary situations in til. Unite 1 States, (i.s his testimoni, Is w.ll amply at test,) would assume the mmagement of an Aca ieiny, where suoli a petsoti may be required, or would accept of a li nited number of private Tuitions. Ills instruction eiftbraces the full tjCnurse nt Collegiate Education, and Ids refer ,‘jencca will be found of the highest and most res pectable order, . ■ | Letters (post paid) addresae 1 In It, S. K. to ‘ the care nt Jamks Miiircn, Esq. or Ca|it. Jons f-tJoRMtcK, of this city, wdl meet with due aden ri: inn. 5 _ Auffvotu Ga. Nov. 18*25 9t 41 r DANC3INO HUtIOOL. AVVA. UAUiAVV'a^.XU, RESPECTFUI.Iv informs the Ladies and Gen tlemen of Augusta and its vicinity, that his ' ' Dancing Heboid is open, and y/ltl continue to b -1 open through tlje season.—Days of Tuition an .t on Tuesday evening, from 3 o’clock, until sun j. j setting, and Saturday morning, from 9to 12 o’clock. j There will be a practising Ball, for the Scholar - h on/y. every fortnight on Saturday evening, from candle, light until 10 o’clock, fj His night School will take place on Monday laid. Wednesday, (ram 7 o’clock, in the evening, iuntil 9 in Green-Street, usual Boom, s' Mr. G has opened a subscription list for Gntii cl! ion Parties, wlilch will be on Thursday every ‘ejfnr night, i- November 15 4t 41 o ***■ NOTICE —'Phe auhscriher lt r'saints the PUACTICE or 'run uw, and may t r .j ilie present be con-ulled at bis Dwelling, on Ellis .l street. J; Robert Raymond Reid. 11 November 15 (it 41 a 4 J. Al. Hand, has removed ,’j' bis office lo No. ,155, Broad- street, next door to >t I.W. Bridges. 11 November 15 3t is 41 it _ *** i.OVruK AILS LAI I), a . (•mall Cane, buck horn It ad Silver mounted --the tinder by leaving it at the bar of the Globe la vern, shall be rewarded. N v ruber 15 41 " Fur SiuVe. i*, i LIGH'I BAKOUGIIB, and match of genii' '•j ; 1i Horses —Enquire of the Printer. ’|i November 15 41 8 30,000. THE r\\\\\\> »FLAWING OF THE AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL LOTTERY, Toyh place'on Wednesday last t and. all thr Capital ' Prizes remain undrawn cacrfd one of Ten Thousand Hollars, AND ONE OF IMie Thousand DoWavs. The Fourth Drawing Will take place on WEDNESDAI, the 14th of December next, The Wheel is yet rich beyond all former examjile. THKRE ARK STILL UNDRAWN, 1 Prize of 30,000 Dollars, 1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars, 3 Prizes of 10,000 Dollars, 4 Prizes of 5,000 Dollars, 4 Prizes of 1,000 Dollars, 10 Prizes of 500 Dollars lie sides a very large amount of and < PurclirgiTA wlll'dn well to call'without deity ns Iqkels WILL KISE on the Ist DECEMHF.It NFXT, tn ELEVEN DOLi AHS. .. , Until then they can be hud, at the original price si b BEERS’—YuUtTy VDYu’ v, N .. 241, IIUOAO-S IKEET.- WHOLE TICKE I .S, g!0 00 HALVES, 5 00 I QUAHTKIfS, 3 50 03* All orders actually mailed before the firsi of December, will be filled it the original price. J. S. Boers, Secretary to the. Commissioners. November 15 41 Delays ai*fc Wangimms '•'. 1 ,No. 53 34, IN THE AUGUST 1 MASONIC HALL iLottCLw, Came out o\i the ( Jth inst. a Prize of 10,000 Dollars, And roiuaiiicd iu the Office unsold. This Sp’endid Sum n ierht have been had, a half an hour before the drawing, for the trifling sum of ten dollars. There are still Three mure Pr zes undrawn of the same amount, besides the other T , Tvw\n £y»\viu\uV Capitals, Which may probably be now for sale, and only await the call of some lucky adventurer, at No. 241, Broad-street, AUGUSTA. Novf mber 15 41 TICKETS RISING ITT ON the first day of December next, 't ickets in the Augusta Masonic Hall Lolleri/, will be advanced to ELEVEN DOLLARS—and SH ARES in proportion. Bring in your Prize Tickets while lbe,y can be renewed at the original price. Lose-not the present opportunity for purchaa ing, psi buhly another chance may never occur, to buy Ti diets in so desirable a Scheme, and with a wheel no rich at the jmesfent low place. , 'The demand for Tickets is great, and they will no doubt advance still more, after the next draw ing J. S. Beers, Secretary to the Commissioners. November 15 41 Prime N vi mbit 15 3t 41 TOKENI’. ONK Tenement, two story Jj?SCL Building, lately occupied by Mr. Ginisln(»her Low, on Broad street. JlflHioflfc immediately above the Planters’ Ho tel—also another Tenement next the Gully, a hove Mr. Florauce —also several one story Tene ments nn the opposite side m Broad-street, im- T.edialclv above “ Colton tlange ” —Pos ession given immediately. vt/pply to Mr. James Harper, or to E. F. Campbell. N'lVpn.l)' r 15 8t 41 ~ NOTICE. r * 1.1, those wlm are indebted to the subscriber, ■ l\. will call after the 20th inst. on Mr. William ymtiitb, jour, who is duly authorised to act as my attorney'., ,F. Huponfc. The store he notv occupies' might be had from I 2Cth until the ist October next, on moderate! Urns November 15 fit 41 WwnteA immediately. 1 A N industrious well conducted Negro Woman, r who is a good Washer and I raner and plain (Jo k, to do the work of a small family, where hue are no children, fur s ich a person fair wa yes w.ll be given.—Enquire at this Office. Nnv *ob/*r 15 2. 41 Blank Heeds of Conveyance, MtATLT Pill V r D OV VKLLUM P-iPiR, Tor tide at if tit Office. On SATURDAY Morning, at 11 o’clock, 19 tlirlnsl. will be, sold before the POS T OFFICE |V |U. HOPKIN’3 House and Lot, on the corner ITX «( MTntosfi and Walker-Streets. its*, The // use and Lot on the Sandhills. ALSO, Carriage and Horses, Gaft and Harness, a set of excellent (.lobes, Stove, School Benches and Ta bles, so ! sundry other articles of FUKNfTUUB. Penns, libeial, and made known at the sale. Fl aser & Bowdre, Auctioneer*. November 1.5 2t 41 On IVcilnesilaif Morning, 33 d inst. AT 10 O’CLOCK, Will be sold before oar Auction Store, A general assortment of Belonging to the estate of Mr, James Rus sel, deceased, CONSISTING IN PART OF MEN’S and Ladies’ Saddles, Saddle Trees, Bridles /lilts of various kinds /Fliips; Sti nt, Irons; /hidden; Moulding; //arness; Wets' bines; Collrrs &c Ike fee Terms— Under g 100 cash; over SIOO payable first of February next; for approved paper By onler the ailninistratoii. Fraser & Bowdre, Jluc'rs. November II id 40 "M-’DOWAiAi & VUtVO, HAVE removed into the Brick Building on Camp bell--t reel, (up stairs,) immediately in the re«- of MjKcvvik fk Übnnuoh’p Brick Building, on llroail-slrecl, and'offer tiiei- i;:' v .in’ ig STOCK GOOD S, fly Wholesale, nt extremely low prices, for Cush or 'l'own accept uni es only. Country Merchants and others will find it much ■o their interest to call, as it is intended to close die concern as esrly us possible. The folio-wing comprises the assortment in part. Os) C£/ BALES extra s«pr,r heavy London Unfflc, Point and Hose Blankets, 2 Bales (Kay h Sons) super White Plains, 7 8 wide ; ’ , 22 Pieces red, white and yellow Iflunnels 40 Pieces plain and figured black B'mib"zells, lilack, blue, drsfi and olive, double and sm gle mill’d Chillies and Cassimere?. Bine, crimson and beet root Police Cloths, Men’s, women’s ami boy’s white, black and ■ mixed lambs wool, worsted and cotton Hosiery. The above Woollens were imparled last No. vt tnber, and are of superior quality, and much lower charged than those imported this Pull. —also— -35 44, 54, 64, 7 4 and 8-4 black, plaid and white Merino Shawls, which will be sold by the single, at first cost. 100 Pieces fresh imported 4 4, 5-4 and G i Cant btics, Book, Leno and Mull Muslins, TOOET licit WITH A OKNKRAI, ASSORTMENT OV Cotton Vi nods, October It i“ St BLACKSMITHS ti- J. F. BEECHER. ( I. 11'/: OF JVKW- YORK, ) U ESPKCi f LILLY informs the -inhabitants of ibis and the surrounding coumry, .that he has taken the Blacksmith Shop, qn Bay-Street, opposite the steam-bnat office, paid shop was for merly occupied by J.Uanforth. This shop is now open for the accomrpodsljon of all those that are pleased to favor it with their custom. Horse shoe ing, will be done with the greatest dispatch.— Fully aware of the injuries done to horses by bad shoeing, I have determined to take that branch as much as possible, upon myself. Castte.el fools of all kinds, made and repaired in the neatest manner and warranted. City and Country work, executed according tu order. I lie subscriber has for the two lasi years, been employed in a steam boat factory, wlie;-c. all kinds of heavy machinery was Mantifac'tired, and can with confidence, offer himself to the public for ihe execution of different kinds of Machinery —mill work will receive every attention, Bely ing on Ihe experience I have had for the lual ten years, in first rate shops, 1 consider myself au jlhoriscd, to i.lfjr my services for any work that lean In; manufactured in any shape in this vicinity, I That share of patronage that shall he offered I hall be Heated with grateful respect. I November 8 3m t 39 Obi, \*auV’f4 LVuwcVi Augwsta, November 10 th, 1825. FB3ME Pews belonging to this Church, will fie I offered for rent on Wednesday next, Ifi .i inst. at 10, A. M Win, H. Jones, Sec’ry. November 11 2t 40 We are authorised to an nounce Houixn M’Tvrk, Esq. a Candidate sci the Office of Sheriff of Hichmond County, al the ensuing election. 1 October 25 35 We are authorized to an | m mice Anselm Boon, Esq. a Candidate for 58lit 1 j i-ilf of Hichmond County, at the election in Jan nary next, October 18 12tT notTiJk. APPf.IC ATION will be made to the //onorafi the Inferior Court of Columbia _ Count) ’ sitting us a Court of Ordinary, on the first Mon ! day in December next, for an order for a wri Inf distribution, to divide and lay off the legacy n j Lands bequeathed James S. Turner, by his fatlu jjohn Turner, deceased, in his last will and test meat. All parties concerned are hereby nut Isaac Bryan ■ November 10, 18J5 40